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“Lily Lays a Dragon Egg”

Lily stirred during her nap after work as she dreamt the most bizarre scenario. It
happened so fast, she could only remember the bigger details, but it was disturbing
nonetheless. She was in a wooden cage, being carried above a misty earth. She was being
taken through a jungle crowned with the dripping, humid leaves. The men carrying her
cage had the elongated cranial structures of Aztecs, and they were dressed naked with the
exception of a loincloth. After a lengthy walk through the jungle, which had no
observable time length, as dreams do, she was taken into the city, which had the
landmark of a giant rock pyramid at the end of the street. Lily was taken through the
markets in front of the pyramid, where locals at their stalls gave her nasty looks and some
laughed at her. A good amount of the men eyed her up, obviously admiring her body. Her
face turned beat red at realizing she was naked, and tried to cover herself up as much as
possible by rolling into a ball at the corner of her cage. They finally reached the bottom
of the pyramid, where her cage was unceremoniously and rudely tilted and she fell out
onto the rough ground.
The men immediately lifted her up and tied her hands behind her back and led her
through a door at the bottom of the pyramid on the side of the staircase going up its side.
Torches the men held lit the way until they got to a room in the middle of the pyramid’s
center, which seemed to be the pyramid’s inner temple; a priest of Quetzalcoatl sat in a
feather headdress on a chair in front of a wall that had a small entrance covered by a
curtain. The priest stood up and chanted the creepiest song, in Classical Nahuatl. Lily was
scared out of her mind at what it could possibly mean, because she was at the will of
those who held her captive. The priest entered behind the curtain. After some minutes he
came out with an expression of fear and seriousness and said something to the priests
who threw Lily into the room. Nothing at all was in the room besides Aztecs glyphs on
the walls. Along side them were paintings of dragons, in the style Aztecs thought of
them, with feathers along their long bodies, committing various gruesome acts to people
that she tried not to remember.
All of a sudden a wind breezed through the room and tickled Lily’s skin and
whisked through her hair. She stood there naked, confused, and scared, as the wind
picked up and became a very strong torrent that got stronger to the point that she was
knocked on the floor. At this a smoke appeared swirling in the room that formed slowly
into the shape of a dragon floating in the air, filling the space of the back wall and height
of the room. The wind continued through this as the dragon roared, which made Lily cry.
She was afraid for her life as Quetzalcoatl, the feathered dragon god of the Aztecs
manifested himself before her. He said nothing at all, but he did give her a stare that
made her cry even more. She felt the wind pick up again. Quetzalcoatl slowly
disappeared back into the smoke and reentered whirlwind. It became stronger, threw her
against the ground, and after spreading her legs it entered her as she screamed in
Lily woke up at nine o’ clock next to Brian who smiled at seeing his girlfriend
awake. “Hey Lily,” he said happily, but tired himself. “Hey Brian,” she responded. “I just
had the worst dream.”
“What happened?”
“I was in ancient Mexico and Aztecs kidnapped me and took me to some temple
in a pyramid and I…think their dragon god raped me.”
“I know.”
“I know you like dragons, but shit.”
“I know.”
“You were tripping balls.”
Lily laughed at the idea. “I hope so, because I was really scared. It’d suck if that
was real.”
“Yeah, then you’d have to lay an egg.”
She laughed. “What, would I give birth to an egg?”
“Exactly,” Brian teased.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Too bad it was only a dream,” she teased back, as
she remembered her last experience with birth; she was sure Brian was remembering it
too. Brian served as a doctor for the birth of their daughter, who was currently at Lily’s
parents house currently being babysat by her parents. Due to them being in college, it was
difficult for both of them to raise their daughter, so they decided to raise her jointly with
her parents, giving them some help, and time off being parents to continue with college;
plus it gave Lily’s parents the joy of being grandparents. “I’m not doing that again for a
long time.”
After getting ready to go out, they got a nice dinner at their favorite restaurant.
After a meal of steaks and wine, they both were very full and decided to talk a walk in the
kind summer breeze that happens at sunset. They took it very slow due to all the food that
they ate, but Lily and Brian both liked it better that way. The blue sky was painted near
the horizon by pink, orange, and yellow. They both flirted with each other and shared
smiles in the paradise that is so rarely given by the Ohio weather. Brian was admiring
Lily in her clothing: a black bra with skulls on it that was long enough to wear outside as
a shirt, her black shorts, and her attractive pale legs in low top black converse. After a
while though, he noticed that her belly looked very bloated.
“What’s up with your belly?”
Lily looked down at her protruding stomach.
“I don’t know…guess I ate too much.”
“It looks cute on you,” Brian said with a smile, referencing his fetish for
pregnancies and bellies.
Lily smiled too, rubbing her belly. “I hope it stays this small though. Last time I
was bigger than this, I was pregnant.”
Lily stopped walking and her eyes got really big, as if she became scared all of a
sudden. In front of her eyes her stomach expanded a couple of more inches out, bulging
all the more over her shorts and chucks.
“What the hell?!”
“Lily, what’s going on?”
Lily’s knees buckled as she let out a whimper.
“I just had a reaaaaally bad cramp.”
Brian let her lean against him until the cramp subsided. “I think we should get
home if you’re not feeling well,” he said, worried about his girlfriend. Lily stood upright
again, agreeing with him.
“Yeah, I don’t feel so good. I feel like I’m having a terrible period…this feels
really bad.”
Brian supported her on his body as they walked back to the apartment, and when
they got there Lily plopped down on the edge of the bed, spreading her legs and rubbing
her belly, her feet in her converse planted apart from each other on the ground. She
sighed as she rubbed her new large belly, when Brian noticed it.
“This really reminds me of when you were pregnant.”
Lily looked at him curiously and then looked him in the eyes seriously, looked
down at her stomach, and looked back up at him. “You’re right. I don’t understand
what’s happening to me.”
“Does it hurt?”
“It’s uncomfortable, but it doesn’t hurt. It’s like I inflated. I wonder how one
steak did that.” Lily caught Brian eyeing up her belly and her legs, and even her breasts.
She sighed at Brian. “I know you like seeing me like this, but it really isn’t good
for me. I’d like to know what’s wrong—wait, my boobs!” She realized he was eyeing her
there too, and she saw how enlarged her breasts have gotten.
“Oh God…nooooo! This can’t be happening!” she whimpered, rubbing her thighs
with her hands and looking up at the ceiling, trying to fixate on anything to avoid
embarrassing eye contact with Brian.
Brian came over and rubbed her shoulders. “What did you realize?”
“I think that dream was real somehow. I might be pregnant. I used to be into the
occult and stuff before I got to college, and there was some sex magic. This is probably
me reaping what I sowed.”
“I didn’t know that stuff worked.”
As Brian said it, Lily’s eyes got big again and she screamed as her stomach
expanded more and almost burst the buttons off her shorts. What she now knew was a
serious contraction ripped through her abdomen and she curled up on her stomach as it
ravaged her body. When it was done she unbuttoned her shorts and turned to Brian.
Before she could say anything she screamed loudly, arching her back with the
contraction, and started crying.
“Brian, something’s coming out of me!!!!”
“Let’s get you to the birthing room.”
Brian let her lean on her once more as she waddled to the birth room in Brian and
her apartment that they never disassembled from the birth of their daughter. It was a
reminder of Brian’s fetish for what Lily did to make a family for them, and for Lily it was
a reminder of what her body could accomplish. But Lily was in no mood to view birth
happily. Her last birth ripped her vagina to the max and caused her pain that lasted two
months. She could barely walk and her clit throbbed with pain if aroused instead of the
normal good feeling because of it almost being ripped and also that Brian hit it with the
needle while sewing her torn hole up. She really didn’t want to experience it anymore,
and Brian was ok with that, having seen her give birth and seeing how bad it was for her.
However, she was now about to experience a pain from her past that she could not wish
to go away, being that it was already coming out of her womb.
Lily sat down on the edge of the birthing table. Brian walked over to Lily with a
different bra, one that she could get sweaty from the labor she was undergoing. He
unzipped her bra shirt and put the other one on her, and immediately they both noticed
milk stains on where her nipples would be under the bra. It was as sure sign of her body
going into pregnancy mode. He slid her shorts down her legs and took them off her. He
was surprised by an object coming out of her vagina that looked like an egg shcll instead
of a head of hair.
Lily moaned with pain. “Aaaaaggggghhhhhh! It’s coming out! It feels like a rock
is inside me uuuggghhhhhhhh…”
“It looks like an egg, Lily!”
“Just what I need…a dragon egg! I’m gonna lay an egg uuuugggghhhhhhh…”
Brian reached down and felt it, and it was his best guess that it was indeed an egg.
“Wow…a dragon egg…an egg is going to be tough, at its widest point you’re
going to feel something worse than what the ring of fire felt like last time.”
“You really love teasing me with what’s happening to me don’t you—
She bellowed as the egg came out a little bit more, parting her lips ever so slightly
from their previous state. Lily panted as Brian eyed her up again, loving her current
condition. She looked at him with a frown during the break from the contractions. Sweat
formed on her forehead, and her wide hips and thick thighs were spread open at the edge
of the table, her feet planted on the ground still in their shoes. Brian loved them on her,
and she agreed to wear them for him all the time, even labor and birth. It never really
annoyed her, but rather made her feel desired and loved, even though she knew it was
unorthodox. But for the moment she felt embarrassed at her current state, even as Brian
took in the sight of her.
She felt another contraction hit and screamed.
“Good girl, keep pushing,” Brian encouraged, as she labored.
“My legs need to be spread more, it’ll come out easier that way,” she said in a
whimper, like everything else she said since labor had started.
“Move back on the table, and you can hold your legs back with your hands as you
push, ok?”
Lily moved back on the table, her sex exposed to Brian up close, as she held her
legs with her hands, her chucks out to the side of her body now, ready to push out an egg.
She had a break from the contractions, though, so she let go of her legs for a second and
breathed deeply.
“Why do I have to push a dragon egg out of me…this suuuucks…Brian I hate
being a woman, I want to cut it and my uterus out of me.”
“But I love you, and I love you as a woman, and I love you as a woman because
of your girl parts, and even if it makes you go through birth, I’d like it you kept having
“That’s easy for you to say…OH MY GOD AAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!”
“Push through it girl, there it is…ok, stop pushing when you’re done with this
one, you’re going to tear if you keep going so fast.”
“I have to push! I can’t stop pushing, make it stoooooop!”
The egg crashed through her wide feminine hips, down through her vagina,
pushing out of her as hard as it could. Lily’s face was beat red and she strained and
pushed hard. Her lips parted and the egg was not even half way out when Brian noticed
she was stretched as far as she could go.
“Lily, please stop pushing, you’re going to tear—
“Am I gonna tear? Please make it stop!! Pleeeeease! OW! BRIAN! PLEASE!”
Brian held the egg with his hand, preventing it from going anywhere. Lily’s hips
buckled as she tried to expel the monstrous intruder, but it couldn’t go anywhere due to it
being held in place. Lily knew that Brian holding it there was necessary to prevent her
from tearing, but her body was trying to expel it against her will.
“Ok, so it looks halfway out, so I’m going to let it go now, and you’re already
pushing, so I don’t have to tell you to. You’ll going to feel the ring of fire now.”
Lily’s legs were spread, Brian looking at her vagina intently, as her body crashed
down on the egg and forced it out of her, her face red, shoving with all her might, her feet
in converse waving in the air, one more method she was using to cope with the pain of
having an egg crash through her vagina. Her vagina was stretched to its limit, her lips
white and bloodless, perfectly round, the mucus of the birth surrounding the egg so it
could have a clean exit, except that the egg kept coming despite her being stretched.
“I can’t stop it anymore, Lily! You have to stop pushing!!”
Lily was crying like a girl now, but every woman would if what was happening to
her was happening to them. Her hole was ripping, tears forming around the egg, one
going up one going down, as the egg crashed out of her. By the time the widest part of
the egg came out of her, the rip was all the way up to her clit and all the way down to her
“Wow, it’s good sized! You’re tearing badly. I have the sew kit, don’t worry, but
you were right when you said you never wanted to do this again.”
Finally, the tear reached her anus, only a small strip of skin preventing her anus
and vagina from becoming one body cavity. Even worse, the tear reached her clit and was
ripping her hood, but because the overall ordeal was making her scream so loud already,
she could scream no louder.
The egg reached its widest part, and the tear went right to her clit, splitting it in
two, as multiple other tears formed in front of Brian’s eyes, ready to pop out in any
moment. Lily was thrashing her legs in the air furiously, screaming and crying at the
same time as loud as she could, ready for one more heave by her to push it out.
The egg plopped out of her and a rush of birth fluid came from behind it. Brian
picked it up and put it too the sink of the delivery room. He immediately ran over to Lily,
who screamed all the more as he fixed her destroyed vagina up, taking care this time not
to hurt her even more. Her birth experience was over, not nearly as long as her first one,
but also worse by far, though she didn’t think a birth could have been worse.
Later that night Brian took the egg outside and obliterated it with a mallet. A
bloody and dead newborn dragon was then kicked into the Olentangy, leaving their lives
forever, and finally closing a chapter of Lily’s former life.
Brian came back into the apartment. Lily was still naked, except for her shoes,
lying on their bed, with her legs spread, as some show played mindlessly on the TV
screen. Lily wasn’t watching, but rather staring downward at nothing in particular.
“Hey…is it gone?”
He sat down next to her in the bed.
“I hope you’re feeling better.”
“Not really…it hurts really bad, and I can barely move without it hurting me
there. My clit is also completely destroyed…I’m just a giant…ball…of birth.” She laid
her hands on her still large belly, extended from her fast pregnancy; she frowned and kept
staring at the ground.
“You know I don’t think you’re a giant ball of birth. I think you’re a wonderful
lady who just happens to have bad experiences giving birth. If you can get over your last
one, you can get over this one.”
“But this one happened randomly, what’s stopping another one from happening
out of nowhere when I least expect it? Ugghhh…when I was a kid, and I did sex magic,
we did these fertility rite things, and we did it a lot, and I loved it. So something’s telling
me this kind of thing is going to happen for a while. All I ask is that you’re there for me
through it all. I know you will be since you like me doing it so much….” She turned to
look at him. “…I saw your pants earlier, I know you liked it.”
“Well…yeah I do, but I’m more concerned about you. Just know I’ll never not
help you through this.”
She moved her hips down on the bed more, so she was more flat on the bed.
“You’re the best Brian….”
Brian looked at her hole, since it was available for him to look at and because he
was interested to see how bad it was.
“It looks like you were split in half.”
“It felt like it.” She laid her hand on her belly, and Brian thought she looked so
cute in her vulnerable state. “It felt like someone was putting a cigarette out on my vag.
Like, a hundreds cigarettes.”
“Lily, I’m so sorry about your condition. I just sometimes wish I didn’t find it so
hot,” he said, kissing her.
She smiled softly. “I like that you find me and this hot…I just wish my vagina
wasn’t torn apart for it.”
“That’s the best part though,” Brian said blankly. “I can’t wait to see how big it
comes out next time.” He smiled at her. She kept rubbing her belly.
“I can….”

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