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What are miter


 What are miter elbows?

What are miter elbows?

Miter elbows are not standard fittings they are

fabricated from pipes. High skill pipe fitter is required to

fabricate this type of elbows and Usually, they are

preferred for size 10” & above because large size elbow

is expensive. Use of miter elbow is restricted to the

water line. Miter elbow can be fabricated in 2, 3, & 5

pieces. Generally, fire water line, cooling water in old

refinery & petrochemical plant you can see the use miter

elbow. Nowadays the use of miter elbow is limited.

Table of Contents hide

What are miter elbows?
AWWA Recomends:
Miter Elbow Weight
Steps to calculate miter elbow weight
Formula of Miter Elbow
Miter Elbow Input values:
Mitered Elbow Dimensions
90 Degree Mitered Elbow Dimensions
45 Degree Mitered Elbow Dimensions
Mitered Elbow Equivalent Length
What is a Mitre angle?
What is the standard of mitered elbow?
What is angle of miter elbow?
What is Miter bend in piping?
When setting out, first draw the theoretical cutting line,

then determine the position of the cutting line of the

highest and lowest point (after beveling) according to

the wall thickness, connect the two points, then

calculate the length of the prime line of each bisection

point, and then cut the line on the coil pipe, and then the

required angle can be guaranteed after the assembly.

The material is generally carbon steel, stainless steel

and alloy steel. In the daily construction, the miter elbow

is much less than the elbow welded by the original pipe

and the middle plate.

AWWA Recomends:

22.5< to ≤ 45, use 3 pieces

45 < to ≤ 67.5, use 4 pieces

67.5 < to ≤ 90, use 5 pieces

A) The larger the O.D. of the fitting, the more

competitive a mitered fitting will be. Because of the

ultimate use, most fittings 54″ and larger can be

fabricated and will provide that competitive edge.

B) AWWA C208-96 elbows are made from miter cut

pieces of pipe. The mitered pieces that make up the

elbow are called gores. In a 5-piece elbow, there are

two end gores and three middle gores. The

dimensions of the end and middle gores are

determined based upon formulas provided by AWWA

on page 7 of C208-96.

C) AWWA C208-96 recommends 2 and a half X

diameter as an optimum radius, (centerline radius),

for mitered elbows with 1 X diameter as the

minimum. Due to industry standards for elbows of

other specifications, (e.g. A234 WPB), we set the

normal radius at 1 and a half X diameter.

D) However, other standards set the “center-to-

face,” or the line originating 90 degrees from the

plane of the face of one end of the elbow to the

center line of the other end as equal to the center-

line radius. AWWA C208-96 DOES NOT FOLLOW

THIS PRACTICE! In the AWWA spec, the “radius” is

a calculation based upon the formulas mentioned

above. The AWWA spec states the radius of a 60″

elbow is 90″. The “center-to-face” is 92.065″.

Miter Elbow Weight

Weight = 2*R*n*tan(alfa/(2*n))*W, where

R = bend radius at end (=circumscribed)

n = number of miter joints

alfa = bend angle (total)

W = Unit weight of pipe (kg/m or lb/ft)

Steps to calculate miter elbow weight

Calculate the total length of the bend using the

formula, l=r x theta, where r=radius of the center line
of the bend and theta = bend angle in radians.
Unit weight of the pipe/ metre can be obtained from
the pipe manufacturer end or from the relevant codes
and standard governing the material and process of
manufature of the pipe piece used for fabricating the
pipe bend. for example: in case the pipe piece grade
is API 5L, then refer API 5L for unit weight per meter,
or you can refer ASTM A53 code for ASTM pipes
and so on.
And then multiply the unit weight per meter
calculated in step 2 to the length of the pipe piece
calculated in step 1.

Formula of Miter Elbow

In above pic, dotted lines shows where the pipe should

be cut. Each dotted cut line has a vertical reference line
marked at following distances from pipe end.

L2 : Distance of first and last reference line from pipe

L1 : Distance between reference lines.
Cut Back : Offset distance of cut lines from reference
lines at the top and bottom of pipe.

Given a formula to make 90 degree elbow of 10″ size

with elbow center radius same as standard elbow i.e.
381 mm.

Miter Elbow Input values:

D = 90 mm : Required Miter Elbow Degree

N = 4 : Number of cuts
E = 381 mm : Standard Miter Elbow Radius
POD = 273 mm : Pipe Outside Diameter

Mitered Elbow Dimensions

90 Degree Mitered Elbow Dimensions


NOM. A Min. R S M
DIA Radius Inches

30 42w” 45″ 17p”

32 44s” 48″ 18s”

34 47r” 51″ 19f”

36 49f” 54″ 21w”

38 52i” 57″ 22r”

40 55w” 60″ 23i”

42 57s” 63″ 24p” 8r”

44 60r” 66″ 25s”

46 62f” 69″ 27″

48 65i” 72″ 28i” 9p”

50 68w” 75″ 29r”

52 70s” 78″ 30i”

54 73r” 81″ 31p” 10f”

56 75f” 84″ 32f”

58 78i” 87″ 34″

60 81w” 90″ 35w”

62 83s” 93″ 36y”

64 86y” 96″ 37i”

66 88f” 99″ 38p”

68 91i” 102″ 39f”

70 94w” 105″ 41″

72 96s” 108″ 42r”

78 104i” 117″ 45s” 15r”

84 112y” 126″ 49i”

86 115″ 129″ 50y”


All Miter Pipe Bend dimensions are given in Inches.

Welding shall be in accordance with the job
These Miter Elbow Pipe are to be used when
authorized by the piping spec’s.
Use “A” dimension only where necessary to meet
close clearance requirements or when connecting to
flange or fitting.
Miter Pipe Elbow Material shall be as specified in the
job piping materials specification class.
“M” dimension does not include taper bore length.
The “M” dimension must be calculated for Miter
elbows other than 78″, 54″, 48″ and 42″.

45 Degree Mitered Elbow Dimensions


NOM (1) (1)
Min LR
(3) Ell

3 2 2 1s 1w t

4 2i 2i 2y 1t u

6 3s 3s 3i 2 p

8 5 5 4s 2p d

10 6r 6r 5f 3t 1q

12 7i 7i 7w 3g 1r

14 8s 8s 8r 4p 1y

16 10 10 9i 5r 1o

18 11r 11r 10s 5f 1s

20 11i 1– 11f 6o 2

22 1– 1– 1– 6g 2e
0r 1i 1w

24 1– 1– 1– 7f 2y
1r 3 2r

26 1– 1– 1– 8r 2o
1s 4 3i

28 1– 1– 1– 9q 2s
2s 5y 4q

30 1– 1– 1– 9o 2g
3i 6i 5f

32 1– 1– 1– 10y 3e
4i 7f 7

34 1– 1– 1– 11 3y
5i 9w 8r

36 1– 1– 1– 11i 3o
6r 10r 9i

38 1– 1– 1– 1– 3s
7 11i 10p 0e

40 1– 2– 1– 1– 3g
7s 0s 11f 0d

42 1– 2– 2– 1– 4w 8y
8i 2 1 1i

44 1– 2– 2– 1– 4y
9i 3r 2r 2w

46 1– 2– 2– 1– 4o
10i 4i 3y 2d

48 1– 2– 2– 1– 4s 9p
11r 5s 4p 3u

50 2– 2– 2– 1– 4g
0r 7 5s 4w

52 2– 2– 2– 1– 5w
1 8r 7 4s

54 2– 2– 2– 1– 5y 10f
1s 9i 8r 5y

56 2– 2– 2– 1– 5o
2s 10s 9y 6q

58 2– 3– 2– 1– 5s
3i 0 10i 6s

60 2– 3– 2– 1– 5g
4r 1r 11s 7y

62 2– 3– 3– 1– 6w
5r 2i 1 8

64 2– 3– 3– 1– 6t
6 3s 2w 8o

66 2– 3– 3– 1– 6o
7 5 3y 9t

68 2– 3– 3– 1– 6s
7s 6r 4i 10

70 2– 3– 3– 1– 6g
8i 7i 5s 10p

72 2– 3– 3– 1– 7w
9i 8s 6f 11t

74 2– 3– 3– 1– 7y
10r 10 8e 11f

76 2– 3– 3– 2– 7o
11 11r 9y 0o

78 3– 4– 3– 2– 7s 150
0 0u 10i 1e

80 3– 4– 3– 2– 7g
0s 1q 11s 1d

82 3– 4– 9– 2– 8e
1s 2g 0t 2i

84 3– 4– 4– 2– 8y
2i 4e 2w 3w

86 3– 4– 4– 2– 8o
3r 5u 3t 3s

88 3– 4– 4– 2– 8s
4r 6g 4i 4u

90 3– 4– 4– 2– 8g
5 7f 5o 5q

92 3– 4– 4– 2– 9w
6 9e 6f 5o

94 3– 4– 4– 2– 9y
7 10y 8w 5y

96 3– 4– 4– 2– 9o
4i 11p 9r 7

98 3– 5– 4– 2– 9s
8i 0f 10i 7p

100 3– 5– 4– 2– 9g
9 2w 11q 8t

102 3– 5– 5– 2– 10w
10 3f 0f 8q

104 3– 5– 5– 2– 10t
11 4p 2q 9o

106 3– 5– 5– 2– 10o
11s 5f 3r 10r

108 4– 5– 5– 2– 10s
0i 7w 4u 10f

110 4– 5– 5– 2– 10g
1i 8t 5o 11i

112 4– 5– 5– 3– 11w
2r 9o 6d 0e

114 4– 5– 5– 3– 11t
3 10d 8 0d

116 4– 6– 5– 3– 11i
4 0q 9e 1u

118 4– 6– 5– 3– 11s
5 1t 10y 2w

120 4– 6– 5– 3– 11g
5s 2o 11p 2s

122 4– 6– 6– 3– 12w
6i 3d 0d 3t

124 4– 6– 6– 3– 12y
7y 5q 2 4

126 4– 6– 6– 3– 12o
8r 6r 3e 4q

128 4– 6– 6– 3– 12s
9 7i 4y 5r

130 4– 6– 6– 3– 12g
10 8s 5o 6

132 4– 6– 6– 3– 13w
10s 10 6s 6o

134 4– 6– 6– 3– 13t
11i 11r 8 7r

136 5– 7– 6– 3– 13i
0i 0i 9w 7q

138 5– 7– 6– 3– 13s
1r 1s 10y 8o

140 5– 7– 6– 3– 13g
2r 3 11i 9r


All Pipe Miter elbow dimensions are given in Inches.

“C” and “D” dimensions are approximate. Do not use
for fabrication.
These Miter elbows are to be used when authorized
by the piping spec’s.
Use “A” minimum dimension only where necessary
to meet close clearance requirements.
Use butt-weld “A” only where necessary to connect
to flange or fitting. Use Miter weld for pipe
Miter elbow Material shall be as specified in the job
piping materials specification class.
Welding shall be in accordance with the job
“M” dimension does not include taper bore length.
The “M” dimension must be calculated for Miter
elbows other than 78″, 54″, 48″ and 42″.

Mitered Elbow Equivalent Length

Miter Fittings Steel Spiral Weld

e = 0.05 Steel
mm e = 0.1 mm

Threaded Miter

90° elbow, r/d=1 30 26

45° elbow, r/d=1 16 14

Welded Miter

90° elbow, sharp 55 49


90° elbow, r/d=1 19 16

90° elbow, r/d=1.5 13 12

90° elbow, r/d=2 11 10

45° elbow, sharp 18 16


45° elbow, r/d=1 14 12

45° elbow, r/d=1.5 9.4 8.3

Source: China Steel Elbows Manufacturer – Yaang Pipe

Industry Co., Limited (

(Yaang Pipe Industry is a leading manufacturer and

supplier of nickel alloy and stainless steel products,

including Super Duplex Stainless Steel Flanges,

Stainless Steel Flanges, Stainless Steel Pipe Fittings,

Stainless Steel Pipe. Yaang products are widely used in

Shipbuilding, Nuclear power, Marine engineering,

Petroleum, Chemical, Mining, Sewage treatment,

Natural gas and Pressure vessels and other industries.)

If you want to have more information about the article or

you want to share your opinion with us, contact us at

Please notice that you might be interested in the other

technical articles we’ve published:

Difference Between A Pipe Elbow And A

Pipe Bend
What is pipe elbow
How to get high quality pipe elbow
Use and maintenance of stainless steel
Seamless Steel Elbow VS Welded Steel
Knowledge of Long Radius Elbow
What are Stamping Elbows

What is a Mitre angle?

A mitre cut refers to an angled cut on the
face of two structures that will be joined to
create a corner, which would then be called
a mitre joint. A true mitre joint requires two
pieces to be cut at 45 degree angles, so
when they are joined the corner created will
be 90 degrees.

What is the standard of

mitered elbow?
ASME B31.3 – Process Piping
Process Piping is the piping that convey
fluids under pressure or vacuum within the
limits of a Petroleum refinery, Chemical
plant, Gas Processing plant,
Pharmaceutical, Textile, Paper,
Semiconductor and Cryogenic plants and
related processing plants and terminals.
This standard contains rules for piping
typically found in the above-mentioned
plants and it prescribes requirements for
materials and components, design,
fabrication, assembly, erection,
examination, inspection, and testing of

What is angle of miter

Miter pipe elbows bending angle (θ):
15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 135°, 180°

What is Miter bend in

Another type of bend is a Miter bend. A
Miter bend is a bend which is made by
cutting pipe ends at an angle and joining
the pipe ends. A true miter bend is a 90
degree bend made by cutting two pipes at
45 degrees and joining them by welding.



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