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Rastafarians believe in the Judeo-Christian God and call him Jah.

They believe
Christ came to Earth as a divine manifestation of Jah. Some Rastafarians believe
that Christ was black, while many focus on Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia as
the black messiah and rebirth of Christ.

Customs and Traditions of Rastafarianism:

Rastafarian customs and traditions are deeply rooted in their spiritual beliefs
and practices. Here are a few:
1. Ital: Rastafarians follow a dietary practice called Ital, which promotes the
consumption of natural, unprocessed foods, primarily fruits, vegetables, and

2. Sabbath Observance: Rastafarians observe the Sabbath on Saturdays,

where they engage in prayer, meditation, and study of religious texts.

3. Nyabinghi Gatherings: These are special Rastafarian gatherings that

involve drumming, chanting, and dancing. They are held to celebrate and
honor their faith.

4. Dreadlocks: Many Rastafarians choose to wear their hair in dreadlocks as a

symbol of their spiritual journey and connection to their African roots.

5. Use of Marijuana: Rastafarians consider marijuana, or "ganja," as a

sacrament and use it for spiritual and meditative purposes.
These are just a few examples, but Rastafarian customs and traditions vary
among individuals and communities. It's a rich and diverse culture!

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