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CELTA Online Unit 17 Task 8: Coursebook Task

1. What is the real-life task?

2. Which activity gives the students an opportunity to listen to a model?

3. What language does the book think students will need to complete the task?

4. In which activity do the students perform the task?

Your Response

Suggested Response
1. The real-life task is to make a list of possible guests for a dinner party and draw up a seating plan for
the dinner party.

2. In Preparation: Listening 2 the students listen to six people making suggestions about guests they
would invite.

3. The book has a Useful Language Box which includes ways of explaining your list, agreeing and
discussing the seating plan which students will need to complete the task.

4. In Task: Speaking the students have time to prepare for the task in exercise 1. In exercise 2 they work
in groups to complete the first part of the task; choosing the guests. The next exercise where students
decide on the seating plan is the second part of the task. The final exercise 4 is where students report
back to other groups on their guest list and seating plan.

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