Lesson - Plan Letters Sounds

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Subject: Reading

Grade Level: Kindergarten

: Identify and recognize the letter and sounds

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Counting and identifying the number of letters in a word.

2) Science - Exploring the sounds made by different objects and animals.

3) Music - Singing songs that incorporate letter sounds.


[Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming]

[Instructional Materials: None]

Anecdote 1 - Share a personal story about a favorite book or character and ask
students if they can identify any letters or sounds from the story.

Anecdote 2 - Share a popular Filipino nursery rhyme and ask students to identify any
letters or sounds they hear.


[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

[Instructional Materials: Alphabet flashcards]

1) Idea - Divide the students into small groups and give each group a set of alphabet
flashcards. Ask them to take turns being the teacher and calling out a letter and its
sound for the other group members to identify.

2) Idea - Create a large alphabet chart on the board and have the students take
turns being "Letter Detectives." They will use a pointer to find and identify letters
around the classroom, while their classmates guess the letter and sound.

Activity 1: Alphabet Hunt

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Materials: Alphabet flashcards, pictures of objects starting with different letters

Significance: This activity helps students recognize letters and associate them with


1) Scatter the alphabet flashcards and pictures of objects around the classroom.

2) Divide the students into pairs or small groups.

3) Instruct the students to find a flashcard, say the letter and sound, and match it to
the corresponding object picture.


-ly identifies letter and sound: 5 pts

- Correctly matches letter to object: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What letter did you find?

2) What sound does the letter make?

3) Can you match the letter to the object?

Activity 2: Letter Sound Bingo

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials: Letter sound bingo cards, counters

Significance: This activity reinforces letter recognition and sound association.


1) Give each student a letter sound bingo card and a handful of counters.

2) Call out a letter sound, and students will cover the corresponding letter on their
bingo card with a counter.

3) The first student to cover a row, column, or diagonal of letters shouts "Bingo!" and
wins the round.


- Correctly covers letter called out: 5 pts

- Shouts "Bingo!" when winning: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What letter did you cover?

2) What sound does the letter make?

3) How did you know you won?

Activity 3: Letter Sound Sorting

[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

Materials: Letter cards, pictures of objects starting with different letters

Significance: This activity helps students differentiate between different letter


1) Prepare a set of letter cards and pictures of objects starting with different letters.

2) Divide the students into small groups.

3) Each group will be given a letter card and a pile of object pictures.

4) Instruct the students to sort the object pictures into two groups: those that start
with the given letter sound and those that don't.


- Correctly sorts object pictures: 5 pts

- Explains their sorting choices: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What sound did you sort by?

2) Can you give an example of an object picture that starts with that letter sound?

3) Why did you choose to sort the object pictures that way?

Activity 7: Letter Sound Puzzles

Materials: Letter sound (available commercially or create your own), timer

Significance: This activity helps students practice letter recognition and sound
association in a fun and interactive way.


1) Provide each student with a letter sound puzzle.

2) Set a timer for a specific amount of time (e.g., 3 minutes).

3) Instruct the students to solve as many puzzles as they can within the given time,
saying the letter and sound for each completed puzzle.

- Completes puzzles correctly: 5 pts

- States the correct letter and sound for each puzzle: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How many puzzles did you solve?

2) Can you give an example of a letter and its sound that you completed?

3) How did you decide which puzzle piece goes where?

Activity 8: Alphabet Relay Race

Materials: Alphabet flashcards, cones or markers

Significance: This activity reinforces letter recognition sound association while

promoting teamwork and physical movement.


1) Divide the students into teams and set up a relay race course with cones or

2) Place a set of alphabet flashcards at the starting line for each team.

3) When the race starts, the first student from each team runs to the flashcards,
picks one, and runs back to their team, saying the letter and sound.

4) The next student in line repeats the process until all the flashcards are collected.


- Picks and states the correct letter and sound: 5 pts

- Completes the relay race successfully: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What letter did you pick during the relay race?

2) What sound does the letter make?

3) How did you feel during the race? Did your team work well together?

Activity 9: Letter Sound Charades

Materials: Letter sound cards or slips of paper

Significance: This activity encourages students to actively associate letters with

sounds through movement and gesture.


1) Prepare a set of letter sound cards or slips of paper with different letters written on

2) Divide the students into small groups.

3) One student from each group picks a letter sound card without showing it to the

4) Without speaking, the student acts out the sound associated with the letter while
their teammates guess the letter and sound.


- Successfully acts out the sound associated with the letter: 5 pts

- Teammates correctly guess the letter and sound: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What letter did you act out during the game?

2) What sound does the letter make?

3) How did you come up with your gestures to represent the letter sound?

Remember to provide support and scaffolding as needed for students who may
require additional assistance in identifying and recognizing letters and their sounds.

[Teaching Strategy: Direct Instruction]

Explain the concept of letters and their sounds using examples from the activities
and engage students in a discussion about the importance of letter recognition and
sound association in reading.


[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Ask students to create their own alphabet book using pictures and words
they find or draw. They should label each picture with the corresponding letter and its

Task 2 - Have students create a letter sound scavenger hunt where they hide objects
around the classroom that start with different letter sounds. They will then give clues
to their classmates to find the objects.


[Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification]

[Instructional Materials: None]

Question 1 - Show the students a picture and ask them to identify the letter sound it
starts with.

Question 2 - Call out a letter sound and ask the students to write down as many
words as they can think of that start with that sound.

Question 3 - Play a letter sound memory game where students have to match pairs
of cards with the same letter and sound.


[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

[Instructional Materials: NoneProvide real-life scenarios where students can
practice identifying and letters and their sounds. For example, during a trip to the
grocery store students can identify letters on food packaging or signs.


Assignment 1 Letter Sound Collage

[Teaching Strategy: Artistic Expression]

Overview Instruct students to create a collage using cut-out letters from magazines
or newspapers They should arrange the letters to spell out words that start with
different letter sounds.

Assessment Question: Take a photo of your letter sound collage and explain the
words you spelled out.

Assignment 2: Letter Sound Song

[Teaching Strategy: Music and Lyrics]

Overview: Ask students to write their own song or rap that incorporates different
letter sounds. They should perform their song and record it.

Assessment Question: Write down the lyrics of your letter sound song and
describe how you came up with the different letter sound combinations.

Remember to adapt the activities, strategies, and materials based on the resources
and context available

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