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In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, of the many reasons

I am absolutely infatuated with the Prophet Sallallahu Saddam. One of them that
sticks out in my mind is the way he dealt with people that were insulting and
demeaning towards him. One time he's sitting in the company of his best friend and
his most ardent believer, Abu Baker. They're sitting together, and some people came
and started heckling them, and they started doing so by cursing the Prophets. Like
I said, I actually know that, but not by cursing him, but cursing Abu Baker, his
friend, and cursing him his mother, his sister's family, his daughters, etcetera.
And the worker's sitting there patiently, knowing that that's what's demanded of
him. He needs to be able to take these insults and these horrendous words and
respond in a civilized, quiet fashion. But they realize they can't get anything out
of a worker. So they start turning to the Prophet and they start cursing him and
saying things about him. Which at that point, a worker couldn't take it because his
love of the Prophet was so intense that he just got up and he just started. You
know, trying to stop them from saying the words that they were saying. And the
moment he got up and tried to deal with them, the Prophet himself got up and
started walking away. So now Abu Bucker is in a in a mind, should he deal with
these fools that were making fun of the Prophet or should he go after his beloved
Prophet? So he decides to leave those guys, they're not worth it. He goes after the
Prophet himself. So I saw him and he says to him, why, why did you leave? And he
said while you were sitting there as they were cursing you, they were angels
surrounding us, all of them declaring that Abu Abu Baker is committed to the truth.
And as soon as you got up in anger, even to defend me, the angels flew away. And I
don't sit in the company where angels aren't there. Subhanallah, he's telling Abu
Baker to be what it means to be an angelic presence. Muslims, our love of the
Prophet, saw Islam is only increased because of the people who hated him, who said
the worst things about him. He was actually only able to respond to them at you
know, and the lowest, at the lowest level, with silence, with nothing, just walking
away. And otherwise he would even reciprocate with loving words, with kind words.
And that's something incredibly admirable to look up to and a goal and a standard
to aspire towards. And I hope that our knowledge Allah, lives up to that remarkable
prophetic standard.

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