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Hydraulic Tensioners

Because ensuring a leak-free solution is

critical. It has to be Hydratight.

For more than 100 years, Hydratight has provided world-class bolted joint
solutions, assessing and managing joints to ensure leak-free start-ups. Today,
we continue to set international standards in joint integrity—but we’re so much
more than just a bolting and on-site machining company.

Because even the tiniest leak can be costly and time consuming to repair, we
manage every joint on a project for leak-free start-ups and production, which
in turn removes the threat of environmental impact caused by unsafe joints.
Safety continues to be the most important aspect of our business. We are a
global organization making a real difference to the industries and communities
we work in, committed to improving safety, operational efficiency and uptime.

Because you require the support of an innovative partner committed

to your success, we not only offer unrivalled service on a global scale,
including customer training and software development; but also design and
manufacture quality tools and equipment for bolted joint solutions to the
highest standards. Our certified teams are dedicated to working closely with
you, assessing and managing every joint on your project to prevent leaks from
ever occurring, year in, year out.

Because you value safety and reliability, we work to ISO 9001, ISO 14001
and OHSAS 18001 standards in everything we produce, from manufacturing
torque and tension bolting equipment to mechanical connectors, from on-site
service to creating custom solutions in line with client specifications.

It means that whenever you need a complete joint integrity solution, whichever
industry sector you’re in, you can rely on us to get it 100% right first time,
every time. This is why it has to be Hydratight.

Engineering Driven Safety Focused Solutions

Tensioning Solutions
Hydratight’s extensive line of tensioners are suitable for either
topside or subsea applications. Our tools are available through
sales, rental, or with on-site technical support.

Safe, reliable, and repeatable, the use of hydraulic tensioners offers many
advantages over less accurate tightening methods:

• Direct: Tension is applied directly to stretch the bolt, so no need to fight

against friction or losses.
• Accurate: The applied load is controlled very accurately, because it is
directly proportional to the pressure applied to the tensioner.
• Calculated: The load transfer factor is calculable, helping to provide the
correct residual load.
• Fast: Operation of tooling and improved accuracy reduces time required to
retighten the bolt. HydraMax® tensioner
• Versatile: Tensioning allows for loading multiple fasteners in a joint at the
same time.
• Reliable: Uniform bolt loading ensures a high level of accuracy by applying
a consistent force.
• Stress-free: Purely axial, tensile loading ensures no torsional stresses
are introduced.

The accuracy and efficiency provided by a single Hydratight technician

and tensioner for bolting applications cannot be matched by any other
current technology.

Topside Tensioners HL tensioner

HydraMax® Tensioners – with their compact fit and high load generation, and
the flexibility to work with all standard flanges, the HydraMax® tools can be
used in almost every industry and in many different applications.

HL Tensioners – Hydratight’s HL Tensioners provide a simple, safe,

accurate, and time saving method for tightening topside bolts and studs,
maximizing economy and versatility by utilizing common hydraulic heads with
interchangeable bridges, sockets and pullers.

Subsea Tensioners
AquaMax® Tensioners – These subsea tensioners are tools specifically
AquaMax® tensioner
designed to tension compact flanges as well as all standard ANSI, API
and MSS* types.

Aquajack® Tensioners – These tensioners allow divers to perform the tensioning

process with tools designed specifically for their unique requirements.

Aquajack® tensioner

* MSS-SP44 now included in ASME B16.47 3

HydraMax® Tensioners
With its compact fit and high load generation, Hydratight’s
HydraMax® Topside Tensioner has been cleverly designed to fit
all standard flanges, including ANSI, API and compact flanges
based on Norsok L005.

HydraMax® tools have been designed to generate high bolt loads associated
with compact flanges, while providing versatility for maximum bolt coverage.
Incorporating the proven sealing technology used in Hydratight’s Aquajack®
Tensioner line, the HydraMax® series combines the reassurance of trusted
technology with the usability of simple service operations.

Although originally designed for customers in the Oil & Gas sector requiring
a tool for the compact flange, the opportunities for this tool reach into almost
any industry, with many different applications.

• Up to 30% more load capacity than HL Tensioners
• Maximum working pressure 21,750 psi (1,500 bar)
• Long stroke capability of 9/16" (15 mm) with over stroke elimination
• HM01-HM05 have a mechanical over stroke prevention and no spring return;
HM06-HM15 have a relief valve over stroke prevention and spring return
• Quick release bridge
• Stroke indicator
• Interchangeable adapter kits
• Quick, simple, hose connection
• Eccentric shape tool applies to HM01, HM02, and HM03
• Alternative size adaptor kits can be supplied upon request

HydraMax® Tensioners ØA G

nearest obstruction

dimension G is measured
B across tool centerline

Bolt Dia.
Tool Tool Unit of
Ref in mm Hyd Area Max Load Weight Measure A B C D E F G
in2 1.39 tonf 13.4 4.5 lb Std - in 2.40 0.59 3.79 1.08 0.79 8.20 1.90
HM01 3/4" M20 lbf 30124
mm2 894 kN 134.0 2.06 kg Metric - mm 61.0 15.0 96.3 27.5 20 208 48.0
5.6 lb Std - in 2.7 0.6 4.1 1.1 0.8 8.9 1.9
3/4" M20 tonf 18.7
in2 1.92 2.52 kg Metric - mm 69.0 15.0 103.3 27.5 20.0 227.0 48.0
HM02 lbf 41814
mm2 1240 5.5 lb Std - in 2.7 0.7 4.1 1.1 0.9 8.9 2.2
7/8" M22 kN 186.0
2.48 kg Metric - mm 69.0 18.4 103.3 27.5 22.0 225.0 55.0
6.9 lb Std - in 3 0.6 4.1 1.1 0.8 9.1 1.9
3/4" M20
3.12 kg Metric - mm 77 15 104.8 27.5 20 230 48
tonf 24.5
in2 2.52 6.8 lb Std - in 3 0.7 4.1 1.1 0.9 9 2.2
HM03 7/8" M22 lbf 54876
mm2 1628 3.07 kg Metric - mm 77 18.4 104.8 27.5 22 228 55
kN 244.1
7 lb Std - in 3 0.8 4.3 1.3 1 9.1 2.3
1" M24
3.16 kg Metric - mm 77 20 109.8 32.5 25 232 59.5
9 lb Std - in 3.5 0.7 4.4 1.1 0.9 9.8 2.2
7/8" M22
4.1 kg Metric - mm 89.5 18.4 112.3 27.5 22 250 55
9.1 lb Std - in 3.5 0.8 4.6 1.3 1 10 2.3
1" M24 tonf 32.5
in2 3.35 4.15 kg Metric - mm 89.5 20 117.3 32.5 25 255 59.5
HM04 lbf 72793
mm2 2159 9.1 lb Std - in 3.5 0.8 4.6 1.3 1 10.1 2.3
— M27 kN 323.8
4.15 kg Metric - mm 89.5 20 117.3 33.5 27 256 59.5
9.1 lb Std - in 3.5 0.9 4.7 1.4 1.2 10.1 2.7
1-1/8" M30
4.15 kg Metric - mm 89.5 23.4 120.3 35.5 30 257 67.2
11.5 lb Std - in 3.9 0.8 4.7 1.3 1 10.4 2.3
5.2 kg Metric - mm 99 20 119.2 32.5 25 263 59.5
11.4 lb Std - in 3.9 0.8 4.7 1.3 1.1 10.4 2.3
M27 tonf 41.4
in2 4.27 5.19 kg Metric - mm 99 20 119.2 33.5 27 263 59.5
HM05 lbf 92779
mm2 2752 11.4 lb Std - in 3.9 0.9 4.8 1.4 1.2 10.3 2.7
1-1/8" M30 kN 412.7
5.18 kg Metric - mm 99 23.4 122.2 35.5 30 261 67.2
11.6 lb Std - in 3.9 1.1 4.9 1.5 1.3 10.3 2.9
1-1/4" M33
5.24 kg Metric - mm 99 27.3 125.2 38.5 33 262 74
15.6 lb Std - in 4.6 0.9 4.9 1.4 1.2 10.5 2.7
1-1/8" M30
7.07 kg Metric - mm 117.5 23.4 125 35.5 30 266 67.2
15.7 lb Std - in 4.6 1.1 5 1.5 1.3 10.6 2.9
1-1/4" M33 tonf 62.6
in2 6.45 7.11 kg Metric - mm 117.5 27.3 128 38.5 33 269 74
HM06 lbf 140303
mm2 4162 16 lb Std - in 4.6 1.3 5.2 1.6 1.4 10.8 3.4
1-3/8" M36 kN 624.1
7.24 kg Metric - mm 117.5 31.8 131 41.5 36 273 86.4
16.2 lb Std - in 4.6 1.3 5.3 1.8 1.5 10.9 3.4
1-1/2" M39
7.35 kg Metric - mm 117.5 33.2 134 44.5 39 277 86.4
18.4 lb Std - in 5 1.1 5 1.5 1.3 10.9 2.9
1-1/4" M33
8.35 kg Metric - mm 127 27.3 128 38.5 33 278 74
18.7 lb Std - in 5 1.3 5.2 1.6 1.4 11 3.4
1-3/8" M36 tonf 74.9
in2 7.72 8.47 kg Metric - mm 127 31.8 131 41.5 36 279 86.4
HM07 lbf 167887
mm2 4980 18.9 lb Std - in 5 1.3 5.3 1.8 1.5 11 3.4
1-1/2" M39 kN 746.8
8.57 kg Metric - mm 127 33.2 134 44.5 39 280 86.4
19 lb Std - in 5 1.3 5.4 1.9 1.7 11 3.8
1-5/8" M42
8.64 kg Metric - mm 127 34 137 47.5 42 280 96
22 lb Std - in 5.4 1.3 5.2 1.6 1.4 11.1 3.4
1-3/8" M36
9.96 kg Metric - mm 136.5 31.8 132.5 41.5 36 283 86.4
22.2 lb Std - in 5.4 1.3 5.3 1.8 1.5 11.2 3.4
1-1/2" M39 tonf 88.3
in2 9.1 10.05 kg Metric - mm 136.5 33.2 135.5 44.5 39 284 86.4
HM08 lbf 197854
mm2 5869 22.3 lb Std - in 5.4 1.3 5.5 1.9 1.7 11.2 3.8
1-5/8" M42 kN 880.1
10.12 kg Metric - mm 136.5 34 138.5 47.5 42 284 96
23.1 lb Std - in 5.4 1.6 5.6 2 1.8 11.2 3.8
1-3/4" M45
10.47 kg Metric - mm 136.5 39.3 141.5 50.5 45 285 96.8 5
HydraMax® Tensioners ØA G

nearest obstruction

B dimension G is measured across

tool centerline

Tool Bolt Dia. Tool Unit of

Ref in mm Hyd Area Max Load Weight Measure A B C D E F G
25.1 lb Std - in 5.7 1.3 5.3 1.8 1.5 10.9 3.4
1-1/2" M39
11.38 kg Metric - mm 144.5 33.2 135.5 44.5 39 278 86.4
25.2 lb Std - in 5.7 1.3 5.5 1.9 1.7 11.1 3.8
1-5/8" M42 tonf 102.9
in2 10.59 11.41 kg Metric - mm 144.5 34 138.5 47.5 42 281 96
HM09 lbf 230407
mm2 6834 25.8 lb Std - in 5.7 1.6 5.6 2 1.8 11.2 3.8
1-3/4" M45 kN 1024.9
11.71 kg Metric - mm 144.5 39.3 141.5 50.5 45 285 96.8
25.9 lb Std - in 5.7 1.7 5.7 2.1 1.9 11.3 4.3
1-7/8" M48
11.73 kg Metric - mm 144.5 43 144.5 53.5 48 288 108.4
30.4 lb Std - in 6.1 1.3 5.6 1.9 1.7 11.4 3.8
1-5/8" M42
13.77 kg Metric - mm 156 34 142.5 47.5 42 289 96
30.1 lb Std - in 6.1 1.6 5.7 2 1.8 11.5 3.8
1-3/4" M45 tonf 118.4
in2 12.2 13.67 kg Metric - mm 156 39.3 145.5 50.5 45 293 96.8
HM10 lbf 265230
mm2 7868 31 lb Std - in 6.1 1.7 5.8 2.1 1.9 11.7 4.3
1-7/8" M48 kN 1179.8
14.07 kg Metric - mm 156 43 148.5 53.5 48 296 108.4
31.6 lb Std - in 6.1 1.7 6 2.3 2.1 11.6 4.6
2" M52
14.35 kg Metric - mm 156 44.1 152.5 57.5 52 301 116.6
38.8 lb Std - in 6.9 1.5 5.7 2 1.8 11.7 3.8
1-3/4" M45
17.59 kg Metric - mm 174.5 39.3 145.5 50.5 45 297 96.8
39.6 lb Std - in 6.9 1.7 5.8 2.1 1.9 11.9 4.3
1-7/8" M48
17.97 kg Metric - mm 174.5 43 148.5 53.5 48 301 108.4
tonf 152.8
in2 15.74 40.2 lb Std - in 6.9 1.7 6 2.3 2.1 12.1 4.6
HM11 2" M52 lbf 342272
mm2 10152 18.24 kg Metric - mm 174.5 44.1 152.5 57.5 52 306 116.6
kN 1522.5
41.8 lb Std - in 6.9 2 6.3 2.6 2.2 12.5 5.1
2-1/4" M56
18.94 kg Metric - mm 174.5 49.5 160.5 65.5 57 318 130.3
41.5 lb Std - in 6.9 2 6.3 2.6 2.4 12.7 5.1
18.82 kg Metric - mm 174.5 49.5 160.5 65.5 60 323 130.3
49.6 lb Std - in 7.6 1.7 5.9 2.1 1.9 11.9 4.3
1 7/8" M48
22.48 kg Metric - mm 193.5 43 148.5 53.5 48 301 108.4
50.1 lb Std - in 7.6 1.7 6 2.3 2.1 12.1 4.6
2" M52
22.71 kg Metric - mm 193.5 44.1 152.5 57.5 52 306 116.6
tonf 191.5
in2 19.72 51.4 lb Std - in 7.6 2 6.3 2.6 2.2 12.5 5.1
HM12 2-1/4" M56 lbf 428868
mm2 12722 23.3 kg Metric - mm 193.5 49.5 160.5 65.5 57 318 130.3
kN 1907.7
51.9 lb Std - in 7.6 2 6.3 2.6 2.4 12.7 5.1
— M60
23.54 kg Metric - mm 193.5 49.5 160.5 65.5 60 323 130.3
52.4 lb Std - in 7.6 2.2 6.5 2.7 2.5 12.6 5.7
2-1/2" M64
23.77 kg Metric - mm 193.5 56 164.5 69.5 64 320 143.5
71.4 lb Std - in 8.6 2.2 6.8 2.7 2.5 13.3 5.7
2-1/2" M64
32.39 kg Metric - mm 218.5 56 172.2 69.5 64 337 143.5
72.9 lb Std - in 8.6 2.5 7.1 3.1 2.8 13.8 6.3
2-3/4" M68 tonf 255.3
in2 26.29 33.05 kg Metric - mm 218.5 63 180.2 77.5 70 350 158.7
HM13 lbf 571914
mm2 16964 72.8 lb Std - in 8.6 2.7 7.3 3.2 2.8 13.7 6.9
— M72 kN 2544
33.03 kg Metric - mm 218.5 69 184.5 81.7 72 347 176
72.8 lb Std - in 8.6 2.7 7.3 3.2 3 13.9 6.9
3" M76
33.01 kg Metric - mm 218.5 69 184.5 81.7 76 352 176
101.6 lb Std - in 10.2 2.7 7.3 3.2 2.8 13.8 6.9
— M72
46.1 kg Metric - mm 259 69 184.5 81.7 72 351 176
103.1 lb Std - in 10.2 2.7 7.3 3.2 3 13.9 6.9
3" M76
tonf 352.9 46.75 kg Metric - mm 259 69 184.5 81.7 76 352 176
in2 36.35 104.7 lb Std - in 10.2 2.7 7.6 3.6 3.2 14.5 7.3
HM14 — M80 lbf 790586
mm2 23451 47.5 kg Metric - mm 259 69.6 193.2 90.5 80 367 186
kN 3516.7 106 lb Std - in 10.2 2.7 7.6 3.6 3.4 14.7 7.3
3-1/4" M85
48.07 kg Metric - mm 259 69.6 193.2 90.5 85 374 186
108.6 lb Std - in 10.2 3.1 7.8 3.6 3.5 15.3 7.9
3-1/2" M90
49.27 kg Metric - mm 259 78.6 198.2 95.5 90 389 200
139.6 lb Std - in 11.6 3.1 7.8 3.6 3.5 15.3 7.9
3-1/2" M90
tonf 466.7 63.3 kg Metric - mm 295.5 78.6 199.3 95.5 90 389 200
in2 48.06 150.4 lb Std - in 11.6 3.2 8.1 4 3.7 16 8.6
HM15 3-3/4" M95 lbf 1045362
mm2 31008 68.24 kg Metric - mm 295.5 80.7 204.6 100.8 95 405 217.4
kN 4650 145.5 lb Std - in 11.6 3.5 8.3 4.2 4 16.6 9.1
4" M100
65.98 kg Metric - mm 295.5 89.9 210.9 107.1 102 421 232
HL Tensioners
Hydratight’s HL Tensioners provide a simple, safe, accurate
and time saving method for tightening topside bolts and
studs, maximizing economy and versatility by utilizing
common hydraulic heads with interchangeable bridges,
sockets and pullers.

Common hydraulic heads of the HL Tensioners enable the maximum number

of bolt diameters to be covered with the minimum number of tools. Color
coding of the hydraulic heads ensures easy identification.

• Maximum working pressure 15,000 psi (1,034 bar)
• All tools have 0.59" (15 mm) stroke except HT02 stroke = 0.24" (6 mm)

1x bolt dia. extra

and HT01 stroke = 0.31" (8 mm)

stud length required

• Eccentric shaped tool applies to HT02
dimension G is measured
• Weight includes head, bridge, socket & puller ØA across tool centerline

nearest obstruction
• Alternative size adaptor kits can be supplied on request


Bolt Dia.
Tool Unit of
Tool Ref in mm Hyd Area Max Load Weight Measure A B C D F G
4.50 lb Std - in 2.9 0.93 3.03 0.98 4.76 2.17
— M16
2.04 kg Metric - mm 73.5 23.5 77 25 121 55
4.34 lb Std - in 2.9 0.93 3.03 0.98 4.72 2.17
3/4" M18 tonf 14.09
HT02 in2 2.10 1.97 kg Metric - mm 73.5 23.5 77 25 120 55
lbf 31554
Maroon mm2 1357 4.23 lb Std - in 2.9 1.04 3.03 0.98 4.76 2.4
— M20 kN 140.3
1.92 kg Metric - mm 73.5 26.5 77 25 121 61
4.23 lb Std - in 2.9 1.04 3.15 1.1 4.98 2.4
7/8" M22
1.92 kg Metric - mm 73.5 26.5 80 28 126 61
6.88 lb Std - in 3.4 1.16 3.66 1.34 5.78 2.52
1" M24 tonf 23.64
HT01 in2 3.53 3.12 kg Metric - mm 86 29.5 93 34 147 64
lbf 52956
Dk Green mm2 2278 6.77 lb Std - in 3.4 1.26 3.78 1.46 6.03 2.83
1-1/8" M27 kN 235.5
3.07 kg Metric - mm 86 32.0 96 37 153 72
11.8 lb Std - in 4.2 1.42 3.78 1.42 6.57 3.11
— M30
5.36 kg Metric - mm 107.0 36.0 96 36 167 79
tonf 36.17
HL01 in2 5.40 11.5 lb Std - in 4.2 1.42 3.78 1.42 6.69 3.11
1-1/4" M33 lbf 81022
Dk Blue mm2 3485 5.21 kg Metric - mm 107.0 36.0 96 36 170 79
kN 360.3
11.3 lb Std - in 4.2 1.54 3.9 1.54 6.93 3.23
1-3/8" M36
5.11 kg Metric - mm 107.0 39.0 99 39 176 82
14.1 lb Std - in 4.6 1.42 3.78 1.42 6.77 3.11
1-1/4" M33
6.40 kg Metric - mm 117.0 36.0 96 36 172 79
tonf 44.39
HL02 in2 6.63 13.9 lb Std - in 4.6 1.54 3.9 1.54 7.01 3.23
1-3/8" M36 lbf 99429
Orange mm2 4276 6.31 kg Metric - mm 117.0 39.0 99 39 178 82
kN 442.2
14.7 lb Std - in 4.6 1.65 4.13 1.77 7.36 3.39
1-1/2" M39
6.68 kg Metric - mm 117.0 42.0 105 45 187 86
20.6 lb Std - in 5.4 1.65 4.13 1.77 7.52 3.39
1-1/2" M39
9.35 kg Metric - mm 136.0 42.0 105 45 191 86
tonf 61.34
HL03 in2 9.16 20.6 lb Std - in 5.4 1.77 4.21 1.85 7.72 3.94
1-5/8" M42 lbf 137392
Black mm2 5909 9.35 kg Metric - mm 136.0 45.0 107 47 196 100
kN 611.0
20.7 lb Std - in 5.4 1.93 4.33 1.97 7.95 3.94
1-3/4" M45
9.38 kg Metric - mm 136.0 49.0 110 50 202 100 7
HL Tensioners

1x bolt dia. extra

stud length required
dimension G is measured
across tool centerline

nearest obstruction


Bolt Dia.
Tool Unit of
Tool Ref in mm Hyd Area Max Load Weight Measure A B C D F G
25.9 lb Std - in 5.9 1.77 4.21 1.85 7.8 3.94
1-5/8" M42
11.8 kg Metric - mm 150.0 45.0 107 47 198 100
25.9 lb Std - in 5.9 1.93 4.33 1.97 8.03 3.94
1-3/4" M45 tonf 81.81
HL04 in2 12.22 11.8 kg Metric - mm 150.0 49.0 110 50 204 100
lbf 183245
Red mm2 7881 26.4 lb Std - in 5.9 2.01 4.45 2.09 8.27 4.41
1-7/8" M48 kN 814.9
12.0 kg Metric - mm 150.0 51.0 113 53 210 112
26.6 lb Std - in 5.9 2.13 4.57 2.2 8.54 4.41
2" M52
12.1 kg Metric - mm 150.0 54.0 116 56 217 112
32.9 lb Std - in 6.7 2.01 4.45 2.09 8.27 4.41
1-7/8" M48
15.0 kg Metric - mm 169.0 51.0 113 53 210 112
tonf 102.7
HL05 in2 15.34 33.2 lb Std - in 6.7 2.13 4.57 2.2 8.54 4.41
2" M52 lbf 230028
Grey mm2 9894 15.1 kg Metric - mm 169.0 54.0 116 56 217 112
kN 1023
34.4 lb Std - in 6.7 2.32 4.8 2.44 8.94 5.04
2-1/4" M56
15.6 kg Metric - mm 169.0 59.0 122 62 227 128
45.4 lb Std - in 7.5 2.32 5 2.44 9.21 5.04
2-1/4" M56
20.6 kg Metric - mm 190.0 59.0 127 62 234 128
tonf 132.3
HL06 in2 19.75 47.4 lb Std - in 7.5 2.54 5.28 2.72 9.65 5.55
— M60 lbf 296277
White mm2 12743 21.5 kg Metric - mm 190.0 64.5 134 69 245 141
kN 1318
46.2 lb Std - in 7.5 2.54 5.28 2.72 9.8 5.55
2-1/2" M64
21.0 kg Metric - mm 190.0 64.5 134 69 249 141
57.7 lb Std - in 8.2 2.54 5.31 2.72 10.08 5.55
2-1/2" M64
26.2 kg Metric - mm 208.0 64.5 135 69 256 141
tonf 165.5
HL07 in2 24.71 59.7 lb Std - in 8.2 2.8 5.55 2.95 10.47 6.3
— M68 lbf 370707
Brown mm2 15944 27.1 kg Metric - mm 208.0 71.0 141 75 266 160
kN 1649
58.1 lb Std - in 8.2 2.8 5.55 2.95 10.63 6.3
2-3/4" M72
26.4 kg Metric - mm 208.0 71.0 141 75 270 160
66.1 lb Std - in 8.7 2.8 5.55 2.95 10.63 6.3
2-3/4" M72 tonf 190.2
HL08 in2 28.40 30.0 kg Metric - mm 222.0 71.0 141 75 270 160
lbf 425982
Lt Green mm2 18322 71.7 lb Std - in 8.7 3.03 5.83 3.23 11.06 6.77
3" M76 kN 1894
32.5 kg Metric - mm 222.0 77.0 148 82 281 172
82.6 lb Std - in 9.4 3.7 5.83 3.23 11.34 6.77
3" M76
37.5 kg Metric - mm 239.0 94.0 148 82 288 172
81.7 lb Std - in 9.4 3.43 6.1 3.5 11.77 7.87
— M80 tonf 226.0
HL85 in2 33.76 37.1 kg Metric - mm 239.0 87.0 155 89 299 200
lbf 506347
Lt Blue mm2 21778 79.8 lb Std - in 9.4 3.43 6.1 3.5 11.97 7.87
3-1/4" M85 kN 2252
36.2 kg Metric - mm 239.0 87.0 155 89 304 200
78.4 lb Std - in 9.4 3.66 6.38 3.78 12.44 7.48
3-1/2" M90
35.6 kg Metric - mm 239.0 93.0 162 96 316 190
120 lb Std - in 10.9 3.9 6.65 4.02 12.81 8.98
3-3/4" M95 tonf 271.4
HL10 in2 40.53 54.4 kg Metric - mm 276.0 99.0 169 102 326 228
lbf 607912
Gold mm2 26147 123 lb Std - in 10.9 4.13 6.89 4.25 13.31 9.45
4" M100 kN 2704
55.7 kg Metric - mm 276.0 105.0 175 108 338 240

AquaMax® Tensioners
Hydratight’s AquaMax® Subsea Tensioners are tools specifically
designed to tension compact flanges as well as all standard
ANSI, API and MSS* types. AquaMax® offers a high load
capacity on a wide variety of applications—up to 30% more
than traditional tensioners.

Comprising 19 bolt diameter specific tools, with eight tools forming the core
range, AquaMax® Tensioners feature Hydratight’s Aquajack® industry leading
quick fastening nut technology, guaranteed to save time and
increase efficiency.

Primarily for use on subsea applications, each tool within the core range
covers 100% of the standard flanges that utilize the bolt diameter it was
designed for, and approximately 80% of the flanges that utilize the next size
down. Plus, you’ll find all of the same user-friendly features and service
operations of the Aquajack® range, providing a comprehensive solution to
meet your load generation needs.

• Fits all standard flanges including ANSI, API, Taperlok and compact:
reducing your need for kit and total tool inventory costs
• Generates up to 30% more load than Aquajack® tensioners with a maximum
working pressure of 21,750 psi (1,500 bar)
• Quick fastening reaction nut: allows rapid tool application and removal
regardless of bolt length, corrosion, or thread damage
• Unique floating piston design: tilts in any direction without loss of load,
eliminating piston seizure and aiding tool retraction
• Eccentric shaped tool applies to AM01, AM02 and AM03
• Long stroke capability with over stroke elimination: all tools have
1.18" (30 mm) of stroke capability, except AM01 and AM02 = 0.79" (20 mm)
• Weight excludes reaction nut

* MSS-SP44 now included in ASME B16.47 9

AquaMax® Tensioners G

extra stud length required


nearest obstruction

dimension G is measured
across tool centerline

Bolt Dia. Bolt Dia.

Tool Tool Unit of
Ref in mm Hyd Area Tonf lbf kN Weight Measure A B C D E F G
1.39 in² 3.6 lb Std. - in. 2.52 0.61 3.78 1.38 3.97 8.82 1.89
AM01 3/4" M20 13.45 30128 134.0
894 mm² 1.65 kg Metric - mm 64.0 15.6 96.0 35.0 101.0 224.0 48.1
3/4" M20 1.92 in² 4.1 lb Std. - in. 2.72 0.74 3.68 1.38 3.97 8.82 2.18
AM02 18.67 41821 186.0
7/8" M22 1241 mm² 1.85 kg Metric - mm 69.0 18.8 93.5 35.0 101.0 224.0 55.5
M20* 2.52 in² 6.6 lb Std. - in. 3.19 0.78 4.82 1.81 5.04 11.61 2.34
AM03 M24* 24.48 54835 244.0
1" 1627 mm² 3.00 kg Metric - mm 81.0 19.9 122.5 46.0 128.0 295.0 59.4
M24 3.34 in² 7.9 lb Std. - in. 3.50 0.91 4.94 1.97 5.10 11.93 2.90
AM04 M27 32.42 72621 323.0
1-1/8" 2154 mm² 3.59 kg Metric - mm 89.0 23.2 125.5 50.0 129.0 303.0 73.8
1-1/8"* M30* 4.26 in² 9.8 lb Std. - in. 3.86 1.07 5.15 2.05 5.27 12.32 2.91
AM05 41.36 92646 412.1
1-1/4" M33 2748 mm² 4.45 kg Metric - mm 98.0 27.2 130.8 52.0 134.0 313.0 74.0
1-1/4" M33 5.29 in² 11.6 lb Std. - in. 4.21 1.24 5.20 2.17 5.04 12.17 3.40
AM06 51.38 115091 512.0
1-3/8" M36 3414 mm² 5.24 kg Metric - mm 107.0 31.6 132.0 55.0 128.0 309.0 86.4
1-3/8"* M36* 6.44 in² 14.4 lb Std. - in. 4.55 1.31 5.43 2.30 5.40 12.83 3.40
AM07 62.53 140067 623.0
1-1/2" M39 4155 mm² 6.52 kg Metric - mm 115.5 33.2 138.0 58.5 137.0 326.0 86.3
1-1/2" M39 7.70 in² 17.8 lb Std. - in. 4.92 1.34 5.69 2.42 5.66 13.35 3.78
AM08 74.78 167507 745.1
1-5/8" M42 4969 mm² 8.05 kg Metric - mm 125.0 34.0 144.5 61.5 144 339.0 96.0
1-5/8"* M42* 9.08 in² 21.5 lb Std. - in. 5.26 1.50 6.02 2.58 6.05 14.17 3.81
AM09 88.12 197389 878.1
1-3/4" M45 5855 mm² 9.76 kg Metric - mm 133.5 38.2 153.0 65.5 154 360.0 96.8
1-3/4" M45 10.57 in² 24.2 lb Std. - in. 5.61 1.69 6.06 2.66 5.87 14.17 4.27
AM10 102.59 229802 1022.2
1-7/8" M48 6817 mm² 10.99 kg Metric - mm 142.5 42.9 154.0 67.5 149.0 360.0 108.4
1-7/8" M48 12.17 in² 27.1 lb Std. - in. 5.98 1.94 6.10 2.76 5.79 14.29 4.59
AM11 118.13 264611 1177.1
2" M52 7849 mm² 12.27 kg Metric - mm 152.0 49.3 155.0 70.0 147.0 363.0 116.6
2"* M52* 15.70 in² 35.3 lb Std. - in. 6.71 1.94 6.46 2.99 6.16 15.04 5.13
AM12 152.46 341510 1519.1
2-1/4" M56 10130 mm² 16.03 kg Metric - mm 170.5 49.3 164.0 76.0 156 382.0 130.2
M56 19.68 in² 42.5 lb Std. - in. 7.30 2.32 6.61 3.23 6.05 15.35 5.65
AM13 M60 191.08 428019 1904.0
2-1/2" 12696 mm² 19.27 kg Metric - mm 185.5 58.9 168.0 82.0 154.0 390.0 143.4
2-1/2"* 21.82 in² 48.9 lb Std. - in. 7.80 2.48 6.99 3.43 6.47 15.43 6.25
AM14 211.88 474611 2111.2
2-3/4" 14078 mm² 22.19 kg Metric - mm 198.0 62.9 177.5 87.0 164.0 392.0 158.7
M68 26.25 in² 61.4 lb Std. - in. 8.44 2.70 7.40 3.74 6.80 17.24 6.93
AM15 M72 254.85 570864 2539.4
3" 16934 mm² 27.86 kg Metric - mm 214.5 68.6 188.0 95.0 173.0 438.0 176.0
M76* 31.07 in² 75.2 lb Std. - in. 9.17 2.73 7.68 4.06 7.22 18.11 7.33
AM16 M80 301.72 675853 3006.3
3-1/4" 20048 mm² 34.12 kg Metric - mm 233.0 69.4 195.0 103.0 184.0 460.0 186.1
M80 36.30 in² 87.2 lb Std. - in. 9.76 3.08 7.87 4.29 7.09 18.39 7.82
AM17 M85 352.48 789555 3512.1
3-1/2" 23421 mm² 39.55 kg Metric - mm 248.0 78.2 200.0 109.0 180.0 467.0 198.6
3-1/2" M90 41.95 in² 116.3 lb Std. - in. 10.63 3.17 8.76 4.51 8.54 20.47 8.56
AM18 407.29 912330 4058.2
3-3/4" M95 27062 mm² 52.77 kg Metric - mm 270.0 80.6 222.5 114.5 217.0 520.0 217.4
3-3/4" M95 47.99 in² 139. 7lb Std. - in. 11.34 3.53 9.22 4.76 8.78 21.42 9.13
AM19 466.02 1043885 4643.4
4" M100 30964 mm² 63.37 kg Metric - mm 288.0 89.7 234.3 121.0 223.0 544.0 232.0
* Requires reaction nut step-up washer.

Aquajack® Tensioners
Guaranteed to save time and increase efficiency, Aquajack®
tensioners improve diver safety, productivity and reduce
diver fatigue.

Hydratight’s Aquajack® subsea tensioners allow divers to perform the

tensioning process with tools designed specifically for their unique
requirements. Easily positioned in poor visibility conditions, Aquajack®
tensioners feature a compact design and long piston stroke. The unique Split
Nut® design of these tools allows rapid application to long bolts and damaged
threads, and rapid tool removal.


extra stud length required

• Maximum tool operating pressure 21,750 psi (1,500 bar)
• 1.18" (30 mm) maximum piston stroke for tools AJ2 to AJ8;

nearest obstruction
0.79" (20 mm) maximum for tools AJ0 and AJ1; all tools
incorporate visible piston stroke indicators
• Innovative tool design ensures maximum tool strokes E F
can be used without over stroking the piston or oil spillage C
• Misalignment compensation B D
• Quick, simple hose connection
dimension G is measured
across tool centerline

Bolt Dia. Tool Tool Unit of

Tool Ref Max Load A B C D E F G
in mm Hyd Area Weight Measure
0.75 lbs 16,269 3.3 lb Std - in 2.05 0.79 3.7 1.28 3.94 8.74 1.85
AJ0 3/4" M16
mm2 483 kN 72.4 1.5 kg Metric - mm 52 20 94 32.5 100 222 47
3/4" M20 in2 1.55 lbs 33,713 3.3 lb Std - in 2.6 0.75 3.58 1.38 3.78 8.54 2.07
7/8" M22 mm2 1,000 kN 150 1.5 kg Metric - mm 66 19 91 35 96 217 52.5
1" M24
in2 2.56 lbs 55,680 6.6 lb Std - in 3.23 0.98 4.72 1.97 4.92 11.38 2.54
AJ2 1-1/8" M27
mm2 1,652 kN 247.7 3.0 kg Metric - mm 82 25 120 50 125 289 64.4
— M30
1-1/4" M33 in2 3.9 lbs 84,825 9.2 lb Std - in 3.86 1.10 5.16 2.28 5.12 12.09 3.19
1-3/8" M36 mm2 2,516 kN 377.3 4.5 kg Metric - mm 98 28 131 58 130 307 81
1-1/2" M39 in2 5.69 lbs 123,758 13.2 lb Std - in 4.49 1.30 5.35 2.48 5.31 12.56 3.58
1-5/8" M42 mm2 3,671 kN 550.5 6.0 kg Metric - mm 114 33 136 63 135 319 91
1-3/4" M45
in2 9.13 lbs 198,578 19.8 lb Std - in 5.47 1.57 5.75 2.76 5.51 13.46 4.49
AJ5 1-7/8" M48
mm2 5,890 kN 883.3 9.0 kg Metric - mm 139 40 146 70 140 342 114
2" M52
2-1/4" M56
in2 12.86 lbs 279,705 28.7 lb Std - in 6.46 1.93 6.34 3.23 5.91 14.45 5.43
AJ6 — M60
mm2 8,297 kN 1,244.2 13.0 kg Metric - mm 164 49 161 82 150 367 138
2-1/2" M64
2-3/4" M68
in2 19.14 lbs 416,295 49.1 lb Std - in 7.56 2.95 7.01 3.74 6.50 15.75 6.18
AJ7 — M72
mm2 12,348 kN 1,851.8 19.0 kg Metric - mm 192 75 178 95 165 400 157
3" M76
3-1/4" M80
in2 23.94 lbs 520,695 54.0 lb Std - in 8.5 3.35 7.60 4.29 6.50 16.22 7.40
AJ8 — M85
mm2 15,445 kN 2,316.2 24.5 kg Metric - mm 216 85 193 109 165 412 188
3-1/2" M90 11
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