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Group 4- Shivi, Yuvaan, Tishya, Agastya, Priyanshi

Collaborating with intercultural peers has enriched our journey,

offering diverse perspectives that transcend geographical and
cultural boundaries.
We communicated with the Dutch students mainly through
WhatsApp. An interesting yet fascinating Video conference also
took place in school, wherein, we communicated with our
respective groups. We presented our introduction videos and
PowerPoint slides. So did the Dutch students. We discussed our
respective school lives, covering topics like subjects,
examinations, sports activities, food, timings, and curriculums.
We were all able to work together with our peers, making the
entire journey much more enriching and fulfilling.
Overall, the experience has expanded our cultural intelligence,
promoting open-mindedness and reinforcing the notion that a
collaborative, intercultural team can achieve remarkable
outcomes by leveraging its collective strengths.

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