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Name: ______________________________________________Grade &

Secton:___________ Score:_______I. Directons: Deermine wheher he
following verbs are in he
simple present

simple past
or in he
. Wrie your answer on he blank aer he verb.Example: needed – simple
pas1 . g i v e s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 . c o o k e d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2.drink ____________ 7. shall aend __________ ____________ 8. will love
____________4.will make ____________ 9. applie
s ____________5.smiled ____________ 10.developed
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ III. Directons: Underline he coordinatng conjunctons used
in each senence.Example: Neiher Jake nor Joe did no survive
he challenge.2 1 . R a q u e l ’ s g r a n d f a  h e r a n d u n c l e a r e
coming.22.The eacher will give a es or
assignmen.23.She was very happy for he surprise
p a r  y . 24.My bes friend is good in Mahematcs bu poor in
E n g l i s h . 25.Calbayog Ciy is dubbed as Ciy of Waerfalls for i
h a s p l e n  y o f w a  e r f a l l s a n d b e a c h e s . IV.
: Mach he word in column A ha gives a descripton of column B. Wrie he leer
of youranswer in he blank provided before each number.
26. acress a. holy ______ 27. pries b. responsible ______ 28. policewoman c. car
ing ______ 29. moher d. beautful ______ 30. faher e. braveII. Directons: Draw
a sar (

) if he senence is in Presen Progressive form, hear ( ) for

Pas Progressiveform, and circle ( ) if he senence is in Fuure Progressive form.
Wrie your answers on he blank before henumber.
1.The girls will be joining us nex week for he making of he projec. 11. Carla is c
urrenly making her shoes shiny. 12. They will be singing “Buwan” in he program o
morrow nigh. 13. We will be ravelling o Calbayog Ciy his aernoon o buy some
snacks. 14. The dog was barking when he ca showed up. 15. I am always looking fo
r you every tme we ea lunch. 16. The girls were caugh hrowing garbage a while ag

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