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● Yuvaan and agastya (dutch Students)
● Shivi, Tishya and priyanshi (Indian students)

Scene 1-

*yuvaan enters the frame riding a bicycle*

Yuvaan- Did you know? Cycling is the second most popular method of transport in the
Netherlands. It is also the method of transport used by students to go to their schools. This
means that there must be a huge problem about the parking spaces in schools.

*Scene 2- a school in netherlands*

Yuvaan and agastya - Welkom op onze school

Shivi- Hain?! (Indian expression for “what?!”)
Tishya- We don’t understand Dutch yet.
Yuvaan- Oh, we meant “Welcome to our school”
Tishya, Shivi, priyanshi- Namaste! (Hello)
Priyanshi- We are exchange students from India. We have come to your school from Jamnabai
Narsee School
Shivi- *continues* and we have come here to learn about your culture.
Agastya- come! We will give you a tour of our school

*Agastya and Yuvaan show us their campus and enter into their library*

Scene 3- School library

Agastya- This is our school library. Now i will tell you something about the dutch education
system. Here, the grading goes from 1(very poor) to 10 (outstanding)
Yuvaan- Compulsory education of children begins at the age of 5 and ends at the age of 16,
after which the student must attend some form of education or compulsory education. The
student must attend the school twice a week.
Priyanshi- Wow, thats fascinating
Tishya- Back in India, we don't have grading systems. We are just given percentages based on
our examinations.
Shivi- And we even have the concept of entrance examinations!

Scene 4- Canteen

Yuvaan- let us enjoy a delicious dutch dish

Shivi- You know there is an old saying in hindi- “Pehele pet puja fir kaam dooja”
Priyanshi- It means food first and work later
Agastya- My favorite food item on the dutch menu is a stroopwaffle. I am ready to die for it any
Yuvaan- I agree

*They all enjoy the food off camera*

Tishya- Oh my god, that food was really delicious, right?

Shivi- Yeah! It was amazing!
Priyanshi- Yes, it was so tasty!

Scene 5- Play area

*Yuvaan and Agastya are enjoying monkey bars etc during their free time*

Agastya- This is our play area. We normally come here during the sports period or during the
breaks. We normally play horseriding or kickboxing.
*Agastya kicks Yuvaan*
Yuvaan- HEY!!!
*Yuvaan chases him*

Scene 6-

Yuvaan- The dutch school routine usually starts around 8:30 in the morning for the pupils. Their
lunch breaks lasts an hour during which they can go home and be with their family. However,
those who don't have to pay extra to be in the school during lunch hours and also have to bring
their own lunch along with them. Homework is usually given from the age of 9 during the 6th
grade or the 6th year. And the school ends around 3 in the afternoon.

*“Thanks for watching” is displayed on the screen*



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