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summary for the first lesson.

In the first part of the educational research. David C. Berliner gave an issue that
there is a misleading point between the distinction of the methods of science with
the process of science. However, the main issue here is the evaluation between
educational science with other sciences. In many official reports and researches,
the role of educationl science with the other is the same.
The author believes that there is a distincion between them when ecudactional
sience is called as hard science – based on its difficulty to make and the other
physical sciences is soft science based on these reason:
1. The power of context.
2. The ubiquity of interactions
3. The problem of “decade by findings” interaction.
The educational science was underestimated. In fact, it create theory for
other science and the most difficult sience to carry on.

The first difficulty: the power of context.

When making the educational research, it’s hard to have a consistent
results due to the different area context lead to the different way of teaching,
budgets, etc. So, the researcher need to have the perticular understanding of
each area before making research.
=> The importance of qualitative inquiry in educationl research.
It is also hard when the human element is not constant and affected
heavily by the social interaction.
It affect the generalizability of educational research findings.
The second difficulty: The ubiquity of interactons.
In educational research, the interaction between student and student,
teacher and students, class and class is a lot and have a back and forth
interaction. Sometimes, we cannot know where to put a start for the educational
research, and which variant have a back and forth affection to other variant.
These interaction make the educators find it’s hard to find the research
In physical research, this seems to be easier for researcher as the
elements do not have much interation like in the social elements.
The third difficulty: Decade by Finding Interactions:
Social researches or educational reseaches is affected heavily due to the
history. The results of the 60s’ research can be eliminated totally in the 70s’ due
to the historical context or the changing in the social, intellectual, cultural
When physical research can based on the previous research no matter the
time of these researches as physical research is consistent with time and history,
not be affected by the social element.
Not have irrelevant research, just have research which is no longer
suitable with the new age.
The government has an underestimated judgment on the educational
research. Lots of researches do not have enough awereness when eudcational
research require educators to know many factors, hard to do, and affected
directly to the education of the country.
Give solutions for the government:
+, promote debate on a variety of educational issues among researchers to raise
the awereness of society.
+, Sponsor for the educational researches.

 The differences between the method and the process of
 How to raise the awareness of the importance of
educational research in remoted areas in Vietnam?
 Reasons why other physical researches seem to be
easier when compare the ubiquity of interaction with
educational research

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