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Unit:1 INTRODUCTION 12 hours

Introduction to IoT: Evolution of IoT –Definition & Characteristics of IoT - Architecture of

IoT–Technologies for IoT –Developing IoT Applications –Applications of IoT –Industrial
IoT –Security in IoT

What is IoT (Internet of Things)?

Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects or people called
“things” that are embedded with software, electronics, network, and sensors that
allows these objects to collect and exchange data. The goal of IoT is to extend
to internet connectivity from standard devices like computer, mobile, tablet to
relatively dumb devices like a toaster.

IoT makes virtually everything “smart,” by improving aspects of our life with
the power of data collection, AI algorithm, and networks. The thing in IoT can
also be a person with a diabetes monitor implant, an animal with tracking
devices, etc. This IoT tutorial for beginners covers all the Basics of IoT.

What is

History of IoT
 1970- The actual idea of connected devices was proposed
 1990- John Romkey created a toaster which could be turned on/off over
the Internet
 1995- Siemens introduced the first cellular module built for M2M
 1999- The term “Internet of Things” was used by Kevin Ashton during
his work at P&G which became widely accepted
 2004 – The term was mentioned in famous publications like the
Guardian, Boston Globe, and Scientific American
 2005-UN’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) published its
first report on this topic.
 2008- The Internet of Things was born
 2011- Gartner, the market research company, include “The Internet of
Things” technology in their research

How IoT works?

How IoT Works

The entire IoT process starts with the devices themselves like smartphones,
smartwatches, electronic appliances like TV, Washing Machine which helps you
to communicate with the IoT platform.

Definition of IoT(Internet of Things):

The IoT can be defined in two ways based on • existing Technology •

Definition of IoT based on existing technology:

IoT is a new revolution to the internet due to the advancement in sensor

networks, mobile devices, wireless communication, networking and cloud

Definition of IoT based on infrastructure:

IoT is a dynamic global network infrastructure of physical and virtual objects

having unique identities, which are embedded with software, sensors, actuators,
electronic and network connectivity to facilitate intelligent applications by
collecting and exchanging data.

Characteristics of the Internet of Things :

There are the following characteristics of IoT as follows. Let’s discuss it one
by one.
1. Connectivity –
Connectivity is an important requirement of the IoT infrastructure. Things
of IoT should be connected to the IoT infrastructure. Anyone, anywhere,
anytime can connectivity should be guaranteed at all times Without
connection, nothing makes sense.

2. Intelligence and Identity –

The extraction of knowledge from the generated data is very important. For
example, a sensor generates data, but that data will only be useful if it is
interpreted properly. Each IoT device has a unique identity. This
identification is helpful in tracking the equipment and at times for querying
its status.

3. Scalability –
The number of elements connected to the IoT zone is increasing day by
day. Hence, an IoT setup should be capable of handling the massive
expansion. The data generated as an outcome is enormous, and it should be
handled appropriately.

4. Dynamic and Self-Adapting (Complexity) –

IoT devices should dynamically adapt themselves to the changing contexts
and scenarios. Assume a camera meant for the surveillance. It should be
adaptable to work in different conditions and different light situations
(morning, afternoon, night).

5. Architecture –
IoT architecture cannot be homogeneous in nature. It should be hybrid,
supporting different manufacturers ‘ products to function in the IoT
network. IoT is not owned by anyone engineering branch. IoT is a reality
when multiple domains come together.

6. Safety –
There is a danger of the sensitive personal details of the users getting
compromised when all his/her devices are connected to the internet. This
can cause a loss to the user. Hence, data security is the major challenge.
Besides, the equipment involved is huge. IoT networks may also be at the
risk. Therefore, equipment safety is also critical.

What is IoT architecture?

Even though it might seem simple enough, there are actually a lot of moving
parts that need to work together in order for the Internet of Things to function as
intended. It's vital for all of these different cogs in the machine to work together
if the IoT implementation is to function as desired.
In the context of the Internet of Things, the architecture is a framework that
defines the physical components, the functional organization and configuration
of the network, operational procedures and the data formats to be used.
However, there's no single standard reference architecture for IoT as it
encompasses a variety of technologies. This means that there's not one easy
blueprint that can be followed for all possible implementations.
IoT architecture can actually vary significantly depending on the
implementation; it needs to be open enough with open protocols so that it can
support multiple network applications.
A sustainable Internet of Things ecosystem has four building blocks:
functionality, scalability, availability, and maintainability.
Scalability is key as the system needs to be able to grow alongside the needs of
the organization or project.

The three layers of IoT architecture

Even though there's no single IoT architecture that's universally agreed upon, the most basic
and widely accepted format is a three-layer architecture. It was first introduced when the
earliest research into the Internet of Things was being carried out. It proposes three layers:
Perception, Network, and Application.
This is the physical layer of the architecture. This is where the sensors and connected devices
come into play as they gather various amounts of data as per the need of the project. These
can be the edge devices, sensors, and actuators that interact with their environment.
The data that's collected by all of these devices needs to be transmitted and processed. That's
the network layer's job. It connects these devices to other smart objects, servers, and network
devices. It also handles the transmission of all of the data.
The application layer is what the user interacts with. It's what is responsible for delivering
application specific services to the user. This can be a smart home implementation, for
example, where users tap a button in the app to turn on a coffee maker.
The 4 stages of IoT architecture, explained
Your infrastructure needs to be able to support the Internet of Things architecture. The four
primary stages as defined under are of crucial importance to the overall viability of an IoT
 Connected Objects

An Internet of Things implementation wouldn't exist without the presence of

connected or "smart" objects. These can be wireless sensors or actuators. They react
with the environment and make the data they collect available for analysis.

Actuators take this one step further since they are able to interact with the
environment in a significant way. For example, they can be used to shut off valves
when the water reaches a certain level or simply to switch off a light when the sun

 Internet Gateway

Once the sensors send in the data, it has to be aggregated and converted into digital
form so that it can be processed. The second stage of the IoT architecture is what
makes this happen. It essentially gets the data ready for processing.

The actual task of aggregating and converting the data is up to the data acquisition
system. It's what connects to the sensors and actuators, compiles all of their data and
then converts it into digital form so that it can be routed over the network by the
internet gateway.

 Edge IT Systems

Pre-processing and enhanced analytics of the data is performed in the third stage of an
IoT architecture. Edge IT systems are responsible for carrying out these tasks. Since
IoT systems collect a significant amount of data and consequently require a lot of
bandwidth, these Edge IT systems perform a vital task in reducing the load on the
core IT infrastructure.

Machine learning and visualization technologies are used by Edge IT systems to

generate results from the collected data. Insights are provided by machine learning
algorithms while the visualization technology presents the data in a way that's easy to
 Data Centers and Cloud Storage

The data needs to be stored for further in-depth analysis which is why data storage is
such an important stage of an IoT architecture. It helps with follow-up revision for
feedback as well. Cloud storage is the preferred storage method in IoT

That's also because more in-depth processing which doesn't require immediate
feedback can be carried out in the cloud or at physical data centers. There, more
capable IT systems can manage, analyze and more securely store the data. This is also
where sensor data can be combined with other data sources for more detailed insights.

IoT architecture in business

IoT use cases are varied and can take multiple shapes. In order to
understand the different layers, we can look at an example.
Commercial airlines have many planes, and each of the planes has a
plethora of sensors.

The Perception layer consists of all those sensors in the plane.

Those will indicate the current state of the aircraft, along with the
data about the current flight. The sensors will monitor things such
as the altitude, the position, the airspeed, and the vertical speed.
Other sensors are gathering data to ensure that the integrity of the
plane is good, monitoring feedback such as vibrations in the

This data, coming from multiple different sensors from different

manufacturers, will be sent to a central unit on the plane as part of
the Network layer. This data will be converted into a standard
format and will be pre-processed there. If something critical
happens, such as an engine failure, actuators will be immediately
triggered, rather than waiting for a full round trip to the cloud. Once
the plane has internet connectivity, the data will be sent to the
cloud and move to the Application layer.

Now that the data made its way to the cloud, the data can be
processed and analyzed in the Application layer. Here, dashboards
are produced to verify anomalies, flag issues for maintenance, and
provide business insights for the airline operator. With this data, the
operator can make better decisions and automate some tasks in
order to make the flights safer. Many industries benefit from IoT
solutions. For a more detailed use case, you can watch the
presentation Architecting IoT Solutions for Oil and Gas with

IoT architecture in MongoDB Atlas

The key to a successful IoT architecture is to find the right way to
handle this large amount of data produced by the Perception layer.
MongoDB Atlas, the Database-as-a-Service offering from MongoDB,
provides you with a collection of tools that can be used at the
various layers of your IoT solution.
At the Perception layer, you can use MongoDB Server and
MongoDB RealmSDK to store data and provide an interface for the
mobile devices of your users.

Once the data leaves the device and heads into the Network layer,
MongoDB Atlas can provide you with many ways to configure your
servers to achieve proximity with your devices. You can even
deploy MongoDB on the edge with MongoDB data
locality and workload isolation features enabled on your edge
cluster. You can use MongoDB 5.0 Time-Series native support to
store your data in collections that are perfectly suited for IoT
applications since they are optimized to gather measurements over
time from various sources. You might also need to plan for bad
network connectivity. MongoDB Realm can help you with this by
providing you with offline-first syncing capabilities.

For your Application layer, MongoDB also provides you with

connectors for platforms such as Spark for your machine learning
and data analysis needs. You can also connect to your BI tools with
the MongoDB Connector for BI, or use MongoDB Charts directly to
create dashboards and have a visual representation of your data.

Internet of Things - Technology and Protocols

IoT primarily exploits standard protocols and networking

technologies. However, the major enabling technologies and
protocols of IoT are RFID, NFC, low-energy Bluetooth, low-energy
wireless, low-energy radio protocols, LTE-A, and WiFi-Direct. These
technologies support the specific networking functionality needed
in an IoT system in contrast to a standard uniform network of
common systems.


RFID (radio-frequency identification) and NFC (near-field

communication) provide simple, lowenergy, and versatile options for
identity and access tokens, connection bootstrapping, and

 RFID technology employs 2-way radio transmitter-receivers to

identify and track tags associated with objects.
 NFC consists of communication protocols for electronic
devices, typically a mobile device and a standard device.

Low-Energy Bluetooth

This technology supports the low-power, long-use need of IoT

function while exploiting a standard technology with native support
across systems.

Low-Energy Wireless

This technology replaces the most power hungry aspect of an IoT

system. Though sensors and other elements can power down over
long periods, communication links (i.e., wireless) must remain in
listening mode. Low-energy wireless not only reduces consumption,
but also extends the life of the device through less use.

Radio Protocols

ZigBee, Z-Wave, and Thread are radio protocols for creating low-
rate private area networks. These technologies are low-power, but
offer high throughput unlike many similar options. This increases
the power of small local device networks without the typical costs.

LTE-A, or LTE Advanced, delivers an important upgrade to LTE
technology by increasing not only its coverage, but also reducing its
latency and raising its throughput. It gives IoT a tremendous power
through expanding its range, with its most significant applications
being vehicle, UAV, and similar communication.


WiFi-Direct eliminates the need for an access point. It allows P2P

(peer-to-peer) connections with the speed of WiFi, but with lower
latency. WiFi-Direct eliminates an element of a network that often
bogs it down, and it does not compromise on speed or throughput.

What is IoT technology? The IoT technology stack

The IoT technology stack is nothing else than a range of

technologies, standards and tools, which lead from the simple
connection of objects to the applications that use these connected
things, the data they gather and communicate and the different
steps needed to power them.

Sensors in one of many existing IoT technology stack views

– source and courtesy
Without that IoT technology stack there would be no possibility to
do something with IoT devices and no reason to connect things to
the Internet. So, simply said the IoT technology stack
encompasses all the needed technologies to move from IoT device
and data to an actual purpose and goal or so-called IoT use case.

Yet, although it looks simple, the different layers consist of several

technologies and options for an IoT project.

Moreover, it is not just a matter of combining the right technologies

across the IoT technology stack but also about doing so in an
accurate, secure and cost-effective way.

And in practice there are still quite some challenges on the level of
interoperability and all these technology elements being able to talk
with each other as there are different standards. Moreover, when
we bring in existing connected devices as they’ve existed for ages
in areas such as building management or manufacturing
technologies, that latter challenge becomes even bigger.

Let’s look at the first layer of the IoT technology stack: IoT devices
or IoT endpoints. Do note that there have been various attempts to
depict and construct the IoT technology stack (and within each of
the layers various protocols, vendors/players and sub-layers). When
Cisco still talked about the Internet of Everything (IoE) it also had
an IoE technology stack which was more built from that IoE
vision (you can see an example in this article on IoT in retail).

Others have focused a lot on the IoT technology stack by comparing

with many existing network models such as OSI and TCP/IP. That is
for a separate article.

IoT devices and connected physical things

So, the things, the devices, the sensors and so forth are the first IoT
technology stack layer. An IoT device can take many forms and

IoT devices include transducers such as sensors and actuators

and myriad objects which are often called ‘smart’, ‘intelligent’ or
plain old ‘connected’ (smart light bulbs, connected valves and
pumps, smart meters, connected cars, intelligent or smart
building components, smart home devices etc.).

When people speak about an IoT device they don’t think about
sensors nor actuators nor all the other stuff involved, such as
boards, processors/chips, transceivers, micro-electro-mechanical
systems or anything like that.

They do think about smart devices such as the ones mentioned or

about wearables, intelligent street lighting, activity trackers, smart
room controls, smart thermostats, irrigation controllers or maybe
about collaborative robots, smart manufacturing assets, health
monitoring devices (including in the body), pets or private assets
which are tagged with location detection technology and, yes, the
good old connected fridge. The list is endless once you start adding
agriculture and farming, ‘heavy’ industry, retail, ‘smart’ digital
signage and so on.

A connected object can have a few or many thousands of sensors

and transducers. A telematics box as is used in cars for car
insurance typically has a few sensors, an oil rig can have tens of
thousands. Let’s take a deeper look at sensors, actuators and IoT-
connected ‘things’.

Do note that, given the fact with IoT devices we are essentially
talking about capturing and communicating data, there is also a
communications component: that of device connectivity whereby
the physical things and controllers get connected through
communication and processing units.

Some add this as a separate layer to the IoT technology stack but it
does overlap – partially – with the layer of IoT gateways and the
layer of IoT connectivity and IoT communication networks which we
tackle as a separate IoT layer (not in this article though).

IoT devices: sensors

Sensors exist since long before the IoT in its current meaning and
are ubiquitous in, for example, smart buildings, factories, energy
and much more.
In all these cases sensors are part of the digital data backbone of
connected and intelligent solutions. Anything ‘smart’ and IoT-related
is built upon sensors and other types of transducers we’ll see next.

IoT devices – sensors and actuators examples – source: IoT

infographic Postscapes and Harbor Research – CC Attribution

A transducer converts a signal in a form of energy into a signal in

another form. In an IoT context, this means that “a sensor is a
device that detects, measures or indicates any specific physical
quantity such as light, heat, motion, moisture, pressure, or similar
entities, by converting them into any other form which is mostly,
electrical pulses.”

There are over 100 different types of sensors. They can be bought
separately or on so-called sensor boards which have been designed
to gather several sensors that are needed in the scope of an IoT use
case or project. There are sensor boards for applications such
as smart city air quality monitoring and smart traffic applications.
There are also sensor boards which you can use to customize to try
out IoT applications or to build the precise boards you need for any
given application, adding the sensors you want.

IoT devices: actuators

Just like sensors, actuators are transducers. And just like sensors
they have been used for quite some time now and certainly since
before IoT as a term was coined.

In a sense you could say that an actuator does the opposite of a

sensor and it’s at least as crucial, even if today what most
companies do is acquiring and analyzing data, far less using data as
triggers to make ‘something’ happen in the physical world where
quite some value resides and not just in the scope of automation
but also in consumer IoT applications.

Let’s make the usage of actuators more tangible from an IoT


An example was covered in an interview with Martin Feder

on building management evolutions and BMS systems in the age
of IoT and, simply put, goes like this: actuators sit on your radiator
or control airflow in a smart room in a smart home or smart building;
sensors detect there is no one in the room; actuators get triggered
to lower temperature (or stop HVAC or whatever); control system
reports back decision to management system (with energy savings
as a result) and everyone happy.
Air gripper, vacuum pad and electric actuator guide rod type on
rotary table in automatic robot chemical production line

You can imagine many other scenarios in that sense. Meeting room
lights, air conditioning and heating are turned off; worker
approaches ‘smart office’, looks for available meeting room on his
app and books it for meeting; actuators get signals to make sure
that the meeting room meets what one expects from a healthy
comfortable meeting room.

OK, we make it sound a bit easier than it is. Just as there are many
types of sensors there are many types of actuators and ways in
which they are used.

Electric actuators can turn their energy in mechanical torque, other

actuators can control valves (think combinations with sensors
regarding for instance water leaks), and so forth.

In the scope of IoT, actuators in most cases are about turning

something on or off by applying some force. However, there are also
plenty of applications in industrial applications or robotics such as
the usage of actuators for grippers.
IoT gateways: devices on the intersection of devices/data and IoT

In more than one sense IoT gateways can also be ranked under IoT
devices. An IoT gateway can be hardware but it can also be
software and often a combination of both and, given the increasing
functions of IoT gateways it’s best to see them as a separate layer,
not in the least because of these functions and the technology

IoT gateways come in many forms and shapes, precisely because

they (can) fulfil (an increasing number of) several tasks. In other
words: the usage of IoT gateways is changing, compared with the
earlier days of IoT. And that has everything to do with the original
scope of an IoT gateway and how the evolutions in IoT lead to more
bundling of functions in the gateway which is ideally placed to
perform these functions, given its essential function as a bridge,
well, gateway.

Essentially an IoT gateway plays a critical role on the intersection

of IoT devices in the strict sense (and thus the data from IoT
devices) and the network, cloud or data center as explained in our
in-depth article on IoT gateways where you can also see there are
gateways for the Industrial IoT, gateways for edge computing (also
see IoT and edge), gateways for home automation, where they
aggregate and orchestrate communications between home sensors
and cloud services and much more.

So, this is a broad layer with multiple devices, technologies,

solutions (software and hardware) and functions. IoT gateways de
facto are used for connectivity aggregation, encryption and
decryption of IoT data (security), the translation of the various
protocols that exist in the overall IoT technology landscape as
explained, the management and onboarding of IoT devices, the
mentioned IoT edge computing, remote control and management,
pre-processing and aggregation of data and so forth.

Simply said: they play a critical role on multiple levels but as the
name suggests IoT gateways essentially are just that: they are a
gateway between the IoT device level and the technologies and
environments where the data from IoT devices really get leveraged.

As there are more IoT devices and thus more IoT data, it’s easy to
understand why more functions and goals are packed in IoT
gateways. Many sensors with often really many data points mean
that pre-processing can be done in the gateway and that gateways
and the analysis of data overall is increasingly moving to the edge
and edge gateways.

IoT gateways can sit everywhere – the Intel IoT Retail Gateway
Reference Design for Intelligent Vending with a dedicated IoT
gateway – source Intel press release

However, as you can read in our article on the impact of IoT data
on IT infrastructure most analysis of IoT data still happens in a
data center. Hence the broad variety of IoT gateways, from the edge
to the network or cloud, whatever people want. In the context of
this layer we also must emphasize IoT device management which
is key in IoT platforms on the level of M2M features.

IoT technology beyond the gateway: IoT platforms

The third layer of the IoT technology stack consists of IoT
platforms. It’s again a broad category of applications with multiple
potential features.

With IoT platforms we are in software and, more specifically, a

middleware between the more hardware-related layers of IoT
devices and IoT gateways on one hand and the business and
application layers on the others. However, it isn’t that
simple (anymore).

The term IoT platform is widely used but not everyone means the
same thing when talking about it. To make things even worse, there
are several types of IoT platforms and, of course, given the
evolutions we touched upon regarding IoT gateways, you guessed
it, here as well additional features are being added. Moreover, in the
current IoT platform wars and with over 400 different IoT platforms
around there is an ongoing move to specialization and
differentiation. And, indeed, no IoT platform is the same.

As we mentioned in an article on the IoT platform market strictly

speaking an IoT platform is an IoT Application Enablement Platform.
That name pretty much covers what it does. On top of that there
are IoT device management platforms (DMPs) whereby IoT device
management is virtually always present in IoT platforms overall,
analytics platforms and IoT orchestration platforms, to name a few
more as you can read in this article on IoT platform testing.

As Nicolas Windpassinger, author of the IoT book Digitize or Die,

who also tackles the IoT technology stack, puts it in his book “The
different types of IoT platforms have become essential enablers, a
means of gathering and making sense of data and delivering the
right kinds of services at the right time”.

Exactly: it’s about the business outcomes and services. As Nicolas,

who sees IoT platforms as delivering services such as connectivity
support, service enablement, device management application
support and solution provider services, quoted from an interview he
had with Josef Brunner, CEO at relayr, “the big challenge is that IoT
platforms are not about technology but are about use cases and
user benefits.”
The IoT stack, web stack and TCP/IP – standards, protocols and
technologies – source Digitize or Die

What are the Major Applications of IoT?

To know what are the applications of IoT, you don’t have to go too far.

Just look around, and you will find many applications in your daily life.

Wondering what I am talking about?

Fitness trackers, smart coffee brewer, Amazon Alexa, smart thermostat- all
are examples of IoT.
1. Smart Homes

Today, smart homes have become very common in developed countries.

It is a great application of IoT where all the appliances in a home can

communicate with each other without human intervention.

It helps in controlling things at home remotely, like opening doors,

managing security, maintaining temperature, etc. In a busy life schedule, it
helps in saving time, effort and also helps in saving energy and thus
2. Healthcare

The relationship between IoT and healthcare is somewhat old.

In the form of sensors, monitors, and trackers, IoT has been present in the
medical field for some time.

With time, its role has extended into more and more areas.
Today it plays a significant role in the remote monitoring of patients with the
aid of wearable technology.

It also finds application in hospital management carrying out tasks like

contacting medical staff in an emergency, analyzing environmental
conditions for safety, etc.
3. Manufacturing Industries

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), a subset of IoT, has revolutionized

the manufacturing industry.

Through smart robots, safety sensors, predictive algorithms, etc. IoT has
enhanced several production tasks, improved the control system, and led
to better equipment management.

It has made manufacturing processes precise and performant.

4. Logistics

The integration of IoT in logistics has helped to improve transparency in


With RFID tags and GPS trackers, logistics companies can keep track of
their supply chain activities.

Logistics is one of the most useful areas where IoT finds application.
In tracking the location of transported goods, minimizing cost, keeping track
of schedules and routes, maintaining the fleet, and providing a timely
response, IoT plays a vital role.
5. Agriculture

The increasing demand for food is driving the agricultural industries to

implement technologies to enhance their productivity.

Real-Time monitoring of livestock and crops, managing environmental

conditions like temperature, humidity, checking soil conditions, enhancing
irrigation systems, etc., are some of the ways in which farmers are relying
on IoT technology to practice better farming.

IoT helps in reducing manual labor and labor costs and optimizing energy
and production.
6. Smart Cities

Cities like Barcelona, Los Angeles, etc., have implemented IoT

technologies to build them as smart cities. It finds application in traffic
control, waste management, energy management, etc.

In LA, by implementing magnetic road sensors and cameras, officials could

reduce traffic by 16%.

In Barcelona, by implementing smart lighting systems in cities, they were

able to achieve a 30% reduction in energy consumption.
By implementing IoT, it is possible to maintain a city infrastructure perfectly
while ensuring fewer operational expenses.

Why Create a Custom IoT Application?

With the rising popularity of IoT technologies, everyone wants to develop

IoT apps.

It has already made its presence known in several industries, as we saw


But being a versatile technology, it has a lot to offer to other markets as


For each sector, the requirements of IoT application development could be

For example, IoT devices in agriculture may not need a mobile interface,
but if we take the fitness sector, it might be required.

Thus we see how the needs for IoT based apps vary from one to another.

Depending on your mobile app ideas and considering your target market,
how you want your IoT app to be developed will also change.

The market for IoT app development will be saturated in a matter of years.

Right now, it is yet to explode. So this is the best time to find good IoT app
developers and create a mobile app for your IoT system.

How to Create an IoT Application?

An IoT application involves several components, as we saw earlier in this

blog. So creating an IoT application requires developers to follow specific
1. Choose the Hardware

Hardware is an essential component of an IoT system, so it is necessary

that you choose reliable hardware that will give you accurate data.

Hardware comes at the first layer of the hierarchy, so if it’s not chosen
wisely, it will affect the success of the entire IoT application.

To make sure that the hardware is reliable, you have to carefully choose
the device maker. Choose someone who guarantees quality, accuracy, and
has a good reputation.
2. Choose the Industry

It is possible that your IoT application could come of service in multiple

industries, but ideally, it is good to target a single industry.

By doing so, you will be able to add more customization to your IoT app

This will help in making it more efficient and providing a unique and quality

Another factor for choosing an industry is it will also help in marketing your

When you have a specific target audience to appeal to, the probability of
your app becoming a success is more.
3. Choose the Platform

Choosing the right platform is a crucial step in creating an IoT application.

There are several trustworthy platforms that support IoT app development.

HomeKit, Android Things, Azure IoT Suite, IBM Watson, and Oracle IoT
are some of the proven IoT app development platforms.

It is essential to choose a reliable platform, as an IoT system might have

multiple devices from multiple vendors, which could lead to technical

Platforms like the one mentioned above can unify these multiple devices
and create a consistent connection.
4. Define Scalability and Performance

If the IoT application you are creating does not support high-speed
performance, then it can’t succeed.

Since most IoT systems involve continuous and real-time sharing of data,
even a little lag could very much affect their working.

For example, if you are developing a connected car, it can’t afford even a
second’s lag as the consequences could be drastic.
If your IoT system is related to body vitals measurement, then small lags
won’t cause many problems. So depending on your need, you need to
define the speed.

It’s also important to think about scalability in advance. Consider if, in the
future, you plan to add more devices or deal with more data, would the
system be good enough?

Will your app still work if you increase the number of users?

Keeping in mind the growth of IoT across industries, scalability is the factor
that will ensure whether your app can remain relevant for a long time.
5. Think about User Experience

Since IoT applications are very closely connected to users, user experience
is key in their development.

Your users might be using the app on an everyday basis, so their comfort
and satisfaction define the rate at which they will embrace the app.

If your app has a very complicated UX and leaves users confused, it will
make them stop using it.

It doesn’t matter if you have state of the art hardware and excellent
software, if the app’s user interface fails to engage users, the whole system
will break apart.
Study your target audience, research about the other applications in the
market, find out their pros and cons, and then design your app accordingly.
6. Ensure Application Security

Since an IoT system involves a number of devices connected to the

internet, it is highly vulnerable to threats.

Hence it is crucial to strictly define and implement the security policies

involved with IoT app development.

You have to ensure the devices’ firmware security as well as the data

Often the data involved in IoT systems will be sensitive, hence any threat
could lead to harmful consequences.

Since there are multiple entry points in an IoT system, ensuring security is
somewhat more complicated than for regular applications.

What is the industrial internet of things?

The industrial internet of things (IIoT) is the use of smart sensors

and actuators to enhance manufacturing and industrial processes.
Also known as the industrial internet or Industry 4.0, IIoT uses the
power of smart machines and real-time analytics to take
advantage of the data that "dumb machines" have produced in
industrial settings for years. The driving philosophy behind IIoT is
that smart machines are not only better than humans at capturing
and analyzing data in real time, but they're also better at
communicating important information that can be used to drive
business decisions faster and more accurately.
Connected sensors and actuators enable companies to pick up on
inefficiencies and problems sooner and save time and money, while
supporting business intelligence efforts. In manufacturing,
specifically, IIoT holds great potential for quality control,
sustainable and green practices, supply chain traceability, and
overall supply chain efficiency. In an industrial setting, IIoT is key to
processes such as predictive maintenance (PdM), enhanced field
service, energy management and asset tracking.

How does IIoT work?

IIoT is a network of intelligent devices connected to form systems

that monitor, collect, exchange and analyze data. Each
industrial IoT ecosystem consists of:

 connected devices that can sense, communicate and store

information about themselves;
 public and/or private data communications infrastructure;
 analytics and applications that generate business information
from raw data;
 storage for the data that is generated by the IIoT devices; and
 people.

These edge devices and intelligent assets transmit information

directly to the data communications infrastructure, where it's
converted into actionable information on how a certain piece of
machinery is operating. This information can be used for predictive
maintenance, as well as to optimize business processes.


Ultimate IoT implementation guide for businesses

 Which also includes:

 Top 8 IoT applications and examples in business

 Create the right approach to IoT adoption and scalability

 5 IoT security threats to prioritize

infrastructure components include the IoT or edge gateway,
sensors, actuators and edge nodes.

Which industries are using IIoT?

There are countless industries that make use of IIoT. One example
is the automotive industry, which uses IIoT devices in the
manufacturing process. The automotive industry extensively uses
industrial robots, and IIoT can help proactively maintain these
systems and spot potential problems before they can disrupt

The agriculture industry makes extensive use of IIoT devices, too.

Industrial sensors collect data about soil nutrients, moisture and
more, enabling farmers to produce an optimal crop.

The oil and gas industry also uses industrial IoT devices. Some oil
companies maintain a fleet of autonomous aircraft that can use
visual and thermal imaging to detect potential problems in
pipelines. This information is combined with data from other types
of sensors to ensure safe operations.

What are the benefits of IIoT?

One of the top touted benefits of IIoT devices used in the

manufacturing industry is that they enable predictive maintenance.
Organizations can use real-time data generated from IIoT systems
to predict when a machine will need to be serviced. That way, the
necessary maintenance can be performed before a failure occurs.
This can be especially beneficial on a production line, where the
failure of a machine might result in a work stoppage and huge
costs. By proactively addressing maintenance issues, an
organization can achieve better operational efficiency.

Another benefit is more efficient field service. IIoT technologies

help field service technicians identify potential issues in customer
equipment before they become major issues, enabling techs to fix
the problems before they inconvenience customers. These
technologies might also provide field service technicians with
information about which parts they need to make a repair. That
way, the technician has the necessary parts with them when
making a service call.

Asset tracking is another IIoT perk. Suppliers, manufacturers and

customers can use asset management systems to track the
location, status and condition of products throughout the supply
chain. The system sends instant alerts to stakeholders if the goods
are damaged or at risk of being damaged, giving them the chance to
take immediate or preventive action to remedy the situation.

IIoT also allows for enhanced customer satisfaction. When products

are connected to the internet of things, the manufacturer can
capture and analyze data about how customers use their products,
enabling manufacturers and product designers to build more
customer-centric product roadmaps.

IIoT also improves facility management. Manufacturing equipment

is susceptible to wear and tear, which can be exacerbated by
certain conditions in a factory. Sensors can monitor vibrations,
temperature and other factors that might lead to suboptimal
operating conditions.

Is IIoT secure?

Early on, manufacturers created IoT devices with little regard for
security, resulting in a perception that IoT devices are inherently
insecure. Given the similarities between IoT and IIoT devices, it's
worth considering whether it's safe to use IIoT devices.

As with any other connected device, IIoT devices must be evaluated

on a device-by-device basis. It's entirely possible that one
manufacturer's device is secure while another isn't. Even so,
security is a bigger priority among device manufacturers than ever

In 2014, several technology companies including AT&T, Cisco,

General Electric, IBM and Intel came together to form the Industrial
Internet Consortium (IIC). Although this group's primary objective is
to accelerate the adoption of IIoT and related technologies, it's
making security a priority, even going so far as to form a security
working group. The IIC's other working groups include Technology,
Liaison, Marketing, Industry and Digital Transformation.

What are the risks and challenges of IIoT?

The biggest risks associated with IIoT use pertain to security. It's
relatively common for IIoT devices to continue using default
passwords, even after they have been placed into production.
Similarly, many IIoT devices transmit data as clear text. These
conditions would make it relatively easy for an attacker to intercept
the data coming from an IIoT device. Similarly, an attacker could
take over an insecure IIoT device and use it as a platform for
launching an attack against other network resources.

Security is a big challenge for those who are responsible for an

organization's IIoT devices, but so, too, is device management. As
an organization adopts more and more IIoT devices, it will become
increasingly important to adopt an effective device management
strategy. More specifically, organizations must be able to positively
identify IIoT devices to prevent the use of rogue devices.
Establishing a means of identifying each individual device is also
crucial for tasks such as replacing a failed device or performing a
device refresh.

Patch management presents another big challenge regarding IIoT

devices. It's becoming increasingly common for device
manufacturers to issue periodic firmware updates. Organizations
must have an efficient means of checking devices to see if they
have the latest firmware installed and deploying new firmware if
necessary. Additionally, such a tool must adhere to the
organization's established maintenance schedule so as to not
disrupt operations.

What is the difference between IoT and IIoT?

Although IoT and IIoT have many technologies in common, including

cloud platforms, sensors, connectivity, machine-to-machine
communications and data analytics, they are used for different

IoT applications connect devices across multiple verticals,

including agriculture, healthcare, enterprise, consumer and utilities,
as well as government and cities. IoT devices include smart
appliances, fitness bands and other applications that generally don't
create emergency situations if something goes amiss.

IIoT applications, on the other hand, connect machines and devices

in such industries as oil and gas, utilities and manufacturing.
System failures and downtime in IIoT deployments can result in
high-risk situations, or even life-threatening ones. IIoT applications
are also more concerned with improving efficiency and improving
health or safety, versus the user-centric nature of IoT applications.

What are IIoT applications and examples?

In a real-world IIoT deployment of smart robotics, ABB, a power and

robotics firm, uses connected sensors to monitor the maintenance
needs of its robots to prompt repairs before parts break.

Likewise, commercial jetliner maker Airbus has launched what it

calls the factory of the future, a digital manufacturing initiative to
streamline operations and boost production. Airbus has integrated
sensors into machines and tools on the shop floor and outfitted
employees with wearable tech -- e.g., industrial smart glasses --
aimed at cutting down on errors and enhancing workplace safety.

IIoT is
used in many industries and sectors, including robotics,
manufacturing and smart cities.

Another robotics manufacturer, Fanuc, is using sensors in its

robotics, along with cloud-based data analytics, to predict the
imminent failure of components in its robots. Doing so enables the
plant manager to schedule maintenance at convenient times,
reducing costs and averting potential downtime.

Magna Steyr, an Austrian automotive manufacturer, is taking

advantage of IIoT to track its assets, including tools and vehicle
parts, as well as to automatically order more stock when necessary.
The company is also testing "smart packaging" that is enhanced
with Bluetooth to track components in its warehouses.
Who are IIoT vendors?

There are several vendors with IIoT platforms, including:

 ABB Ability. An IIoT company specializing in connectivity,

software and machine intelligence.
 Aveva Wonderware. A company that develops human-machine
interface (HMI) and IoT edge platforms for OEMs (original
equipment manufacturers) and end users.
 Axzon. An IIoT company focusing on smart automotive
manufacturing, predictive maintenance and cold chain.
 Cisco IoT. A networking company offering platforms for
network connectivity, connectivity management, data control
and exchange, and edge computing.
 Fanuc Field System. A company that has developed a platform
for connecting various generations, makes and models of
industrial IoT equipment.
 Linx Global Manufacturing. A product development and
manufacturing company offering custom IIoT, application and
data management platforms.
 MindSphere by Siemens. An industrial IoT solution based
around artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics.
 Plataine. An IIoT company specializing in using AI to generate
actionable insights in manufacturing.
 Predix by GE. A platform for connecting, optimizing and
scaling digital industrial applications.

IIoT and 5G

5G is the emerging standard for mobile networks. It has been

specifically designed to deliver fast data throughput speeds with
low latency. 5G will support download speeds of up to 20 Gbps
(gigabits per second) with sub-millisecond latency.

The emergence of 5G will likely affect the use of IIoT devices in two
main ways. First, 5G's high throughput and low latency will make it
possible for devices to share data in real time. Previously, this was
only possible when the devices were located on private networks
with high-speed connectivity. This real-time connectivity will
support use cases such as driverless cars and smart cities.
The other way 5G will affect IIoT adoption is that it will likely result
in device proliferation. Industrial operations might use thousands of
5G connected devices. 5G's high speed and low latency also means
we'll likely see IIoT devices used in remote sites whose lack of
high-speed connectivity previously made IIoT use impractical.

What is the future of IIoT?

The future of IIoT is tightly coupled with a trend known as Industry

4.0. Industry 4.0 is, essentially, the fourth Industrial Revolution.

Industry 1.0 was the first Industrial Revolution and occurred in the
late 1700s as companies began to use water-powered or steam-
powered machines in manufacturing. Industry 2.0 started at the
beginning of the 20th century and was brought about by the
introduction of electricity and assembly lines. Industry 3.0 occurred
in the latter part of the 20th century and was tied to the use of
computers in the manufacturing process.

Industry 4.0 is where we are today. Industry 4.0 is based on the use
of connected electronic devices -- particularly, IIoT devices.

Going forward, IIoT devices will play a major role in digital

transformations, especially as organizations attempt to digitize
their production lines and supply chains. Additionally, big data
analytics will evolve to incorporate IIoT data. This will make it
possible for organizations to detect changing conditions in real time
and respond accordingly.


Basic Electronics for IoT: Electric Charge, Resistance, Current and Voltage –Binary
Calculations –Logic Chips –Microcontrollers –Multipurpose Computers –Electronic Signals
–A/D and D/A Conversion –Pulse Width Modulation.
Programming Fundamentals with C using Arduino IDE: Installing and Setting up the Arduino
IDE –Basic Syntax –Data Types/ Variables/ Constant –Operators –Conditional Statements
andLoops –Using Arduino C Library Functions for Serial, delay and other invoking
Functions –
Strings and Mathematics Library Functions.
Sensors and Actuators: Analog and Digital Sensors –Interfacing temperature sensor,
ultrasoundsensor and infrared (IR) sensor with Arduino –Interfacing LED and Buzzer with
Sending Sensor Data Over Internet: Introduction to ESP8266 NODEMCU WiFi Module –
Programming NODEMCU using Arduino IDE –Using WiFi and NODEMCU to transmit
datafrom temperature sensor to Open Source IoT cloud platform (ThingSpeak).

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