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a. Describe one case from the Internasional Jurnal about Ethical Issues.

Breastfeeding is feeding the baby through its own mother's breast. methods to improve
exclusive breastfeeding and facilitate the transition to breastfeeding among mothers of
newborns with surgical congenital anomalies, taking into account the identified obstacles.One
vulnerable category of babies includes newborns who are hospitalized in the neonatal
intensive care unit (NICU) and undergo surgical operations for serious congenital
anomalies.In the case of infants like this, breastfeeding can reduce the risk of nosocomial
infections, necrotizing enterocolitis, gastrointestinal and lower respiratory tract infections,
and Pain. These clinical outcomes are influenced in part by breast milk's protective effects on
gut microbiome diversity and oxidative stress at the molecular level.Maternal breastfeeding
views and behaviors are influenced by uncertain prenatal plans to breastfeed or breastfeed,
limited prior exposure and knowledge of breastfeeding, and gaps in postnatal lactation
support by families (Demirci et al., 2018). How birth practices, including epidural anesthesia,
cesarean surgery, forceps, and vacuum extraction, can affect the newborn’s ability to feed, the
mother’s motivation and lactation capacity, and the mother–baby relationship. In newborns
with surgical anomalies, the mother faces many obstacles to breast milk formation that affect
the baby's medical recovery, preparation and recovery from surgery, and prematurity.

b. What are the Ethical Principles concerns in that case.

Ethical principles that are of concern in this case, among orthers :
a. Nonmaleficienci, which means not causing physical and psychological harm/injury to
b. Beneficience, means doing something good, the goodness intended is to prevent mistakes
or crimes, eliminate mistakes or crimes and increase goodness.
c. Confidentiality, means confidentiality. It is intended that information about the patient must
be kept confidential. Everything contained in the patient's health record document may only
be read in the context of the patient's treatment. No one can read the information unless
permitted by the patient with proof of consent.
d. Justice, meaning fairness. The principle of justice is required for equal and fair treatment of
others that upholds moral, legal and humanitarian principles. This value is reflected in
professional practice when health workers work for the right therapy according to the law,
standards of practice and correct beliefs to obtain quality health services. The principle of
justice states that everyone has the right to equal treatment in health care efforts regardless of
ethnicity, religion, race, class and socio-economic status.
e. Fidelity, means keeping promises. This principle is needed by an individual to honor his
promises and commitments to others. Obedience and loyalty are a person's obligation to
maintain the commitments they make. This illustrates health workers' compliance with the
code of ethics which states that the basic responsibility of health workers is to promote
health, prevent disease, restore health and minimize suffering.

c. Describe the resolutions of ethical problems to deal appropriate with that case
Human error is an integral feature of any profession, and midwifery is not an exception.
Quests to attenuate rate of human error in midwifery services entail with utilization a
systematic approach to survey and control effective factors on the incidents. thus, it is highly
recommended to hold training workshops to improve and develop the staff’s knowledge
about the legal issues. This results in both higher legal knowledge of the staff and higher
work hygiene. Moreover, knowledgeable and competent midwifery staff must be distributed
equally between the health care centers.It is hoped that increased awareness that cesarean
sections can harm the natural instincts of mothers and babies and requires strategies to
optimize skin-to-skin contact after cesarean delivery.

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