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Q1: If you execute the command `umask 0002`, what will happen?

a None of the mentioned

The correct Answer is: None

c Next time when we create a file using the chmod command, the permissions of will
be 666

d Next time when we create a file using the chmod command, the permissions of will
be 664

e Next time when we create a file using the chmod command, the permissions of will
be 002

The correct Answer is: None

Q2: Which artisan command would you use to create a new Laravel Model??

a None

b None

c php artisan model create ModelName

d php artisan create:model ModelName

e php artisan make:model ModelName

f php artisan model:make ModelName

Q3: Which of the following are template tags in WordPress??

a wp_get_title()

b None

c post_sidebar()

d None

e plugin_description()

f wp_enqueue_script()
Q4: Block elements are normally displayed without starting a new line.?

a None

b True

c None

d False

e None

f None

Q5: Are strstr and strchr aliases??

a None

b None

c None

d True

e None

f False

Q6: Which of the mentioned are the neccessary/mandatory arguments of the mail function.?

a subject

b number of recepients

c headers

d to

e parameters

f message

Q7: Storing same data in many places is called.?

a None

b Redundancy

c None

d Concurrency

e Iteration

f Enumeration

Q8: Which command is used to create file archives in Linux??

a arc

b tar

c None

d None

e ps

f zip

Q9: Which argument will you use to specify a variable for your Ansible playbook??

a None

b -v

c None

d -a

e -c

f -e

Q10: Which of the queries below will return 0 (false)??

a All those will return 1 (true)

b None




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