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You are working for a company.

You need to take some time off work and want to ask your
manager about this. Write a letter to your manager.
In your letter
 explain why you want to take time off work
 give details of the amount of time you need
 suggest how your work could be covered while you are away
Write at least 150 words.

model answer:
Dear Rose

I am writing to request some unpaid leave next month.

My parents’ 50th wedding anniversary is on April 21st, and they are planning to celebrate this
significant achievement with all their children and grandchildren. To do this, they have rented a
house big enough to accommodate the whole family.

To participate in this special occasion, I would need to be away from work for four days, from
Monday 19th to Thursday 23rd. My schedule for that week is relatively light, apart from two
meetings with clients. Helen would be able to attend these in my place, as she has had previous
dealings with both companies and knows the relevant staff there. I have no other urgent work
commitments at that time.

I would be very grateful if you could allow me this time. These few days are very important to my
parents and the whole family, and it would be a way to thank them for all the support they have
given me.

Best wishes

(167 words)
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You live in an area where the local council has made some changes to regulations. You believe these
changes are not good for residents.
Write a letter to a councillor. In your letter:
 Introduce yourself.
 Describe the problem.
 Say what you think the council should do about the situation.
You should write at least 150 words.

model answer:

Dear Sirs,

My name is Mrs Emily Chan. I have been a resident of Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, for
several years.

I am writing to you in reference to the changed parking conditions in North Vancouver that came
into effect from the first of February last year. I believe these are an inconvenience to residents,
and should be reconsidered.

In the past, I was always able to park my car on the street outside my house without any
problems. When metered parking was introduced to my suburb, particularly near the market,
some visitors started parking their vehicles further away from the market in order to avoid
payment. My street appear to be the perfect place for those people: it is not too far from
Lonsdale Quay Market, and the parking is still free. Between March and May, I occasionally
found it hard to park, but when summer finally arrived, there were two days a week when I was
forced to park hundreds of metres away from my home. On public holidays, I resorted to
metered parking myself.

I understand the local council hopes to benefit financially from metered parking, or perhaps to
encourage people to use public transport. Nevertheless, residents like myself are
inconvenienced by this system. I suggest either residents be allowed to park free in metered
zones which are extend a greater distance or metering cover a smaller area, and ticket prices
be raised. Additional bus services would also reduce congestion.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs Emily Chan

(255 words)
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter:
 introduce yourself
 explain what sort of job you would like
 say what experience and skills you have
You should write at least 150 words.

model answer:

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am a Dutch national from Amsterdam and at present, I am studying for a Master’s degree in
Information Technology here, at the Vrije University, where I have been for the last three
months. I am looking for a part-time job and I wonder if you can help me.

Probably, I would like an office job, perhaps working as a secretary, office administrator or
typist. I can only work during the afternoons and at weekends as my university studies occupy
most of the day. I would be ready to start immediately. As you can see from Curriculum Vitae, I
have a degree in IT from the University of Amsterdam.

I am a competent typist and I am computer-literate. In addition, I speak Dutch and German

fluently and I have been learning English for the past three years. While I studied for my degree,
I worked as a part-time office manager for an import-export firm in Amsterdam. In recent years, I
have also had temporary summer job as a hotel receptionist in Brussels, Belgium.

I am looking forward to hearing from you,

Your faithfully,

Bleecker Dijkstra

(187 words)
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You travelled by plane last week and your luggage was lost. You have still heard nothing from the
airline company.
Write to the airline explain what happened. Describe your luggage and tell them what was in it.
Find out what they are going to do about it.
You should write at least 150 words.

Begin your letter as follow;

Dear sir ….,

model answer:

Dear Sir / Madam,

I was one of the passengers who took the flight from Istanbul (Turkey) to Gatwick (London) on
2nd of July. Unfortunately, my luggage did not come out after the flight. Although I have
explained this to Mr. Timpson who was in charge at the Luggage Claim Office and I have not
heard from him as of now.

My luggage is Black whose size is 55 x 40 x 20 cm. There are two stickers on one side and one
yellow heart shape sticker on the other side.

There are a few books and a copy of my thesis in that luggage which I need for the conference
on 10th of July.

I would deeply appreciate if you could give me a prompt reply at your most convenient. My flight
number and luggage claim number are written below;

Flight No: EM1R7SL

Luggage Claim no.: 01538

Your faithfully,

Mehmet Osman

(150 words)
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Last year you attended a presentation skill course at the Sydney College of Australia. Your new
employer has asked you to provide copies of your reports and assignments as quickly as possible.
Write to the director of the school and request these documents.
You should write at least 150 words. You do not need to write any addresses.

model answer:

Dear Mrs. Morris

I am writing to request your help. I attended a presentation skill course at your college from 12
September, 2012. My full name is Maryam Anas and my student number was GP 6731. The
course I attended was Presentations skills training course, how to create and give successful
presentations. My class instructors were James White and Anna Davis.

I am about to start work at a very new agency and they have asked me to provide information
about the presentation skill and any assignments and reports. Unfortunately, I left all copies of
these documents at my friend’s house and cannot contact her at present. Therefore, I would be
very grateful if you could send me copies of the course outline, the two written assignments and
the end of course report as soon as possible.

I would be happy to re-fund any postal charges. Thank you so much for your help in this matter.I
look forward to receiving the copy outlines,

Yours sincerely,

(166 words)

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