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Chapter 1


1. What is the fundamental distinction between data and databases?

2. How would you define a database system, and what role does a Database Management
System (DBMS) play in it?
3. Explain the concepts of field, record, and object in the context of a database.
4. Differentiate between Primary Key, Alternate Key, and Candidate Key.
5. Define and distinguish between Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation
Language (DML). Provide examples of DDL and DML statements and their respective
6. Compare and contrast the Network Model, Hierarchical Model, and Relational Database
7. What are the key features that make the Relational Database Model widely adopted in
8. Explain the concept of normalization and why it is essential in database design.Illustrate
the steps involved in achieving First Normal Form (1NF) in database normalization.
9. Compare and contrast Centralized and Distributed Databases in terms of architecture and
10. What are the challenges associated with managing a distributed database system?
11. Who is DBA? What are the major responsibilities of DBA?
12. Define the following terms.
a) Data Dictionary
b) Primary Key
d) DML
e) SQL
f) Data Integrity
g) DDL
h) Data Security
i) Database System
13. Consider a company database with two tables: "Employees" and "Projects." The
"Employees" table includes columns such as EmployeeID (Primary Key), FirstName,
LastName, and DepartmentID (Foreign Key). The "Projects" table includes columns
ProjectID (Primary Key), ProjectName, and EmployeeID (Foreign Key).
a. Write a SQL query to retrieve the names of employees (FirstName, LastName) who are
assigned to projects.
b. Implement an UPDATE statement to change the DepartmentID of employees in the
"Employees" table who work on a project named "NewProductLaunch" (assume that project
name is unique).
c. Design a transaction to add a new project with ProjectName "Research2024" to the
"Projects" table and assign it to an existing employee with the EmployeeID of your choice.
d. Create a stored procedure named "GetProjectMembers" that takes a ProjectName as a
parameter and returns the list of employee names (FirstName, LastName) working on that

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