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I.Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is wrong.

_______1. Trees provide man fruits which are good sources of nutrients.
_______2. Materials like lumber can be supplied by tress.
_______3. Seeds are good sources of carbohydrates and fats which give us energy to perform are tasks.
_______4. Some trees are such an eye soar and not beneficial.
_______5. Trees help prevent soil erosion and flooding.
_______6. Trees and fruits trees are important to mankind.
_______7. Knowing successful growers will inspire young people to venture agricultural endeavors.
_______8. The bark of the trees can also be made into different things such as bags, wallets, and medicines which can be
_______9. People should not plant more trees because it is a waste of time.
_______10. It is necessary that we can provide what trees need in terms of right climate, water, and fertilizer.

II. Identify the elements to consider in selecting a site for planting and choose the correct answer inside the box.

11. Plants need plenty of air in order to live and grow well.
12. Fruit trees need sufficient sunlight for growth.
13. It refers to the physical features of the land.
14. It is important so that the produce harvested will still be fresh and crisp.
15. Plants get their nutrients from the soil to enable them to grow.

Topography Air drainage Water supply

Soil Sunlight Nearness to market and road

Multiple choice. Choose the correct answer and write the letter before each number.

_______16. It is an orchard where its facilities focus on growing fruit bearing trees.
A. Fruit orchard C. Seed orchard
B. Nut orchard D. Vegetable orchard
_______17. An orchard includes a large variety of facilities that produce nut- bearing trees.
A. Fruit orchard C. Seed orchard
B. Nut orchard D. Vegetable orchard
_______18. This orchard focus on growing trees that produce seeds rather than nuts or fruit.
A. Fruit orchard C. Seed orchard
B. Nut orchard D. Vegetable orchard
_______19. Suitable soil for orchard planting is _______.
A. clay C. clay loam
B. sandy D. sandy loam
_______20. Good plant materials come from trees that are _______.
A. old C. young
B. small D. mature
_______21. Provide water for your seedling by _______.
A. drying C. watering
B. feeding D. fertilizing
_______22. Orchards are usually situated _______.
A. in the malls C. in the forest
B. in the city D. near bodies of water
_______23. It is a way of plant propagation where the bark of the stem is removed and is wrapped with damp moss or
coconut husk with soil to encourage roots to perform.
A. grafting C. budding
B. marcotting D. cutting

_______24. It is a form of asexual reproduction in which a new organism develops from an outgrowth or bud due to cell
division at one particular site.
A. grafting C. budding
B. marcotting D. cutting
_______25. It is a horticultural technique used to join parts from two or more plants so that they appear to grow as a
single plant.
A. grafting C. budding
B. marcotting D. cutting
_______26. It is the conversion of the sun’s energy to food for the plants.
A. stomata C. photosynthesis
B. chlorophyll D. enzymes
_______27. It is the green coloring in the leaves of the plants.
A. stomata C. photosynthesis
B. chlorophyll D. enzymes
_______28. Which animals are raised for their meat and milk?
A. hog C. cow
B. fish D. dog
_______29. Which freshwater fish has an English name of Muriel or mudfish?
A. tilapia C. dalag
B. bangus D. hito
_______30. The noise created by animals in the farm may injure the eardrums and cause temporary deafness.|
A. true C. maybe
B. false D. impossible to happen
_______31. A dirty workplace may cause slipping or sliding that may physically cause injuries to people in the farm.
A. true C. maybe
B. false D. impossible to happen
_______32. Which of the following animals also serve as the farmer’s workers and helpers?
A. rooster C. carabao
B. ducks D. hog
_______33. Castration is done _______ to prevent bleeding.
A. in the afternoon C. late at night
B. in the afternoon D. early in the morning
_______34. It is capital investment which includes land and building crafting, ponds, water tanks, oxygen meters, etc.
A. operation cost C. capital cost
B. expenses D. none of the above
_______35. It is capital investment which includes purchasing eggs or flingerlings, fish feed, electricity, fuel, labor, etc.
A. operation cost C. capital cost
B. expenses D. none of the above

IV. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your answer on the blank before each number.

A. B.

_______36. Crowbar A. for digging when planting

_______37. Trowel B. used for shallow digging and planting small plant
_______38. Hoe C. for cutting wood, trees and grass
_______39. Shovel D. used as fences
_______40. Rake E. for digging soil
_______41. Pieces of bamboo F. for watering plants
_______42. Water sprinkler G. for hauling fertilizer
_______43. Bolo H. spreads soil easily
_______44. Wheel barrow I. used for crumbling soil around the plants
_______45. Gloves J. used for handling fertilizer
K. used to grow seedlings

Orchard Seed orchard Nut orchard Apple orchard

Rectangular method Square method Mrs. Caduyduy Contour
Diagonal method Hexagonal method Layout

_______46. This a type of orchard that focuses on producing seeds to be sold for commercial purposes.
_______47. This is a piece of land where trees are maintained for food or commercial purposes.
_______48. Cashew, pecan, walnut, almond and cacao are example of this type of orchards.
_______49. This is a method wherein planting of trees are similar to square method but the distance of the row of trees
is longer than the columns.
_______50. This is the simplest and the easiest method wherein trees are planted in four corner forming a square.
_______51. This refers to fixing the position of trees in an orchard.
_______52. She is an agri-entrepreneur who is into dragon fruit farming as a result of her search for a cure to her
daughter’s disease.
_______53. This is a method wherein the four corners of a square are planted with trees with the addition of a tree or
filler crop in the center of each square.
_______54. This is an imaginary line that connects all points with equal elevation across the slope.
_______55. This is a method where trees are planting forming hexagonal shape with a seventh trees in the center.

VI. Write FB if it is a fruit bearing tree and NFB if not.

_______56. Narra _______59. Madre cacao

_______57. Jackfruit _______60. Guava
_______58. Coconut

VII. Identify the way on how plants propagate.

61. _______ 62. _______ 63. _______

VIII. Label the illustration as to scion or rootstock

64. _______________

65. _______________

IV. Essay

“Without trees, the earth would be sterile and life would soon be extinct.”

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