Template Outline Speech Informative Speech

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Name: Rosidah Binti Zainal Ilmi

Type of Speech: Informative Speech

Topic: : Toxicity: Understanding, Recognizing, and Overcoming

Target Audience: My peers, lecturers and those who’re experiencing it.

Purpose of speech: To educate and raise awareness about the concept of toxicity in various

aspects of life.

TRANSITION: ( Have you ever found yourself in a situation that left you emotionally
drained or stressed? Today, let's talk about something we all face – toxic stuff. Imagine it like
bad vibes in the air – not great, right? )


• Toxicity is the presence of harmful and negative elements in a person, environment,

or situation.
• It can manifest in various forms, including toxic relationships, workplaces, and

TRANSITION: ( Picture a room where everyone's grumpy. Yikes, right? Recognizing

toxicity is like turning on a light in that gloomy room – suddenly, you see what's been
bugging you." )


Recognizing Toxicity:

1. Behavioral Signs:

• Constant negativity, criticism, and judgment.

• Manipulative or controlling behavior.

• Frequent gossip or spreading of rumors.

2. Emotional Impact:

• Feeling drained, anxious, or stressed after interacting with someone or in a

particular environment.

• A consistent feeling of being undermined or devalued.

3. Physical Symptoms:

• Chronic stress-related ailments, such as headaches or stomach issues.

• Sleep disturbances and changes in appetite

TRANSITION: ( Now, We're going on an adventure through three places – personal life,
work, and a secret place called self-toxicity. Think of it like reading different chapters in a
cool book. )

Types of Toxicity:

1. Personal Relationships:

• Identifying toxic traits in friends, family, or romantic partners.

• Establishing healthy boundaries and recognizing when a relationship turns


2. Workplace Toxicity:

• Recognizing toxic work environments, including bullying, micromanagement,

or a lack of support.

• Strategies for coping with workplace toxicity and seeking resolution.

3. Self-Toxicity:

• Understanding how negative self-talk and self-sabotage contribute to personal


• Cultivating self-awareness and self-compassion to overcome self-toxicity.

TRANSITION: ( Now that we see the types of it , let's grab some tools – setting boundaries
is like having a shield, positivity is our superpower, and asking for help is like sending out a
rescue signal. These tools will help us sail to a happier place. )

Overcoming Toxicity:

1. Setting Boundaries:

• Establishing and communicating clear boundaries in personal and professional


• Learning to say "no" when necessary.

2. Cultivating Positivity:

• Surrounding oneself with positive influences.

• Fostering a positive mindset through gratitude practices and mindfulness.

3. Seeking Support:

• The importance of seeking help from friends, family, or professionals.

• Building a support network and fostering open communication.

TRANSITION: ( So, we've taken a trip through the world of toxicity. Knowing about it and
using our tools can help turn bad vibes into good vibes. Let's unmask toxicity, understand it,
and make our world a better place.)

• Toxicity is a pervasive issue that can impact our mental, emotional, and physical well-

• Recognizing, addressing, and overcoming toxicity is crucial for personal growth and
maintaining a healthy and positive life.

• By fostering awareness and taking proactive steps, we can create environments that
nurture our well-being and the well-being of those around us. Thank you.

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