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Donna Beth Jamaca

BSTM 202
National Service Training Program

Leadership Learnings and Personal Leadership Style

Leadership is a crucial skill that plays a significant role in achieving collective goals and
fostering positive change within a group or organization. Throughout my journey, I have gained
valuable insights into the art of leadership, recognizing the importance of adapting leadership
styles to different contexts and individuals. In this essay, I will reflect upon my leadership
learnings and identify my preferred leadership style. Additionally, I will discuss how I would lead
my classmates in an outreach program and ensure their active participation.

Leadership Learnings:
1. Collaborative Decision-Making: Effective leaders understand the significance of involving
team members in the decision-making process. By actively seeking and valuing input
from others, a leader can leverage diverse perspectives, enhance collective ownership,
and foster a sense of shared responsibility.
2. Emotional Intelligence: The ability to empathize, understand, and connect with others on
an emotional level is a hallmark of effective leadership. Being aware of individual needs,
concerns, and aspirations helps in building strong relationships, resolving conflicts, and
motivating team members towards a common goal.
3. Adaptability and Flexibility: A leader must be adaptable and flexible to navigate through
changing circumstances. This includes being open to new ideas, considering alternative
approaches, and adjusting plans as required to meet the evolving needs of the group or

Personal Leadership Style:

If given the opportunity to lead a group, I would identify myself as a persuasive leader. A
persuasive leader combines elements of democratic leadership and transformational leadership.
This leadership style focuses on inspiring and motivating team members, empowering them to
reach their full potential while also considering their input and perspectives.

A persuasive leader emphasizes clear communication, actively listens to team members, and
encourages collaboration. This style allows me to build consensus, generate enthusiasm, and
facilitate the growth and development of team members. By fostering a positive and inclusive
environment, I believe this leadership approach can yield the best outcomes.

Leading the Outreach Program:

In leading my classmates during the outreach program, my primary goal would be to foster a
sense of purpose and collective responsibility. Here are some strategies I would employ to
ensure their active participation:
1. Establishing Clear Goals and Expectations: I would communicate the objectives of the
outreach program and clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each classmate. By
setting achievable targets and outlining expectations, I can provide a sense of direction
and purpose, ensuring everyone understands their contributions.

2. Encouraging Open Communication: I would create a supportive and inclusive

environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their ideas, concerns, and
suggestions. By promoting open communication, I can address potential issues and
facilitate effective problem-solving.

3. Leading by Example: I would demonstrate a strong work ethic, dedication, and a positive
attitude. By modeling the desired behavior, I can inspire my classmates and motivate
them to give their best.

4. Providing Support and Recognition: I would actively support my classmates by helping,

guidance, and resources whenever needed. Additionally, I would acknowledge and
appreciate their efforts and achievements, fostering a sense of pride and motivation.

5. Monitoring Progress and Accountability: Regular check-ins and progress updates would
be essential to ensure that everyone is on track and fulfilling their responsibilities. By
holding individuals accountable for their commitments, I can maintain the momentum
and drive towards the program's success.

Leadership is a dynamic and ever-evolving skill that requires adaptability, empathy, and effective
communication. Through my learnings, I have identified myself as a persuasive leader,
combining democratic and transformational approaches to inspire and motivate others. In
leading my classmates during the outreach program, I would focus on clear communication,
collaboration, and fostering a sense of purpose to ensure active participation and a successful
outcome. By embracing these principles, I aspire to make a positive impact and create an
environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute them.

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