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Once upon a time, there was a kingdom called Pixiedon. And pixiedon was the
most wonderful place to build a home, as anyone regardless of species could
live in peace there.
Every few years, a new ruler is chosen to take care of the kingdom. This year,
the current ruler has set up a challenge for everyone. Should one manage to
travel through Pixiedon and collect many wisdom pearls, then they’ll become
the new ruler.

About the game

This game is aimed at 7+, with the theme about gender roles.
The game features a map board, a dice, four pawns and 15 cards related to gender stereotypes.

Cards List

1. Axes aren’t just for a man thing. It’s a survival skill.

Stereotype: Only Men can do these kind of labours.

2. There are dads who can cook too.

Stereotype: Only women should/could work at home, taking care of children and keep
the house safe.

3. Boys can skip rope too!

Stereotype: Some of the toys/activities are more aimed at girls than boys.

4. Boys can cry too!

Stereotype: It’s a popular belief that young boys and men shouldn’t express their
feelings by crying.

5. Wear what you want, nobody is stopping you!

Stereotype: You have to be a girl or a boy to wear specific clothes. But what if a boy
wants to wear a skirt? And a girl wants to wear men suits? Or a person wants to express
themselves through clothes from both categories?

6. Anyone can be elegant.

Stereotype: Certain activities that are considered “elegant” are more promoted to girls
than anyone else.

7. Boys can play with dolls too, who are you to say no?!
Stereotyps: Boys shouldn’t play with dolls because they were meant for girls.

8. Passion is not limited to gender.

Stereotype: Some hobbies are considered men only, but life isn’t like that.

9. Women can be strong!

Stereotypes: Only men can be strong.

10. Justice is equal and genderless.

Stereotype: It’s a popular belief that justice favours one gender over the other.

11. Make your own destiny!

Stereotype: Lots of men are featured as part of the “success” image. But it’s not true!
Anyone, and I repeat, anyone can be a legend.

12. No one is better than the other.

Stereotype: Short boys and tall girls are made fun of, but neither are superior nor
inferior. Learn to get along and use your strengths together.

13. Jobs are genderless!

14. Quiet is not a gender thing, it’s a trait.
Stereotype: It’s a popular belief to think that being quiet, gentle, soft spoken is a female
trait only. Well, no. It’s not related to gender. It’s a personality thing.

15. Snowy Whit

Stereotype: Short childish Snow White being taken care of by tall dwarfs.
1. To determine one’s turn for the whole game, each player needs to roll the die. The player with
the highest number goes first, then it’s followed by the player with the second highest number
and so on.
 In case two players get the same number, they both need to roll until one of them has a
different number.

2. Once it’s settled who goes first, the players must roll again to move across the map.

3. The game is set with 50 spaces, 10 spaces for rewards and 10 spaces for punishments.

4. Rewards are on 3, 8, 15, 18, 22, 28, 36, 40, 43 & 50. The player who lands on one of these
numbers, can draw out a card from the deck or roll again to determine how much they can

5. Punishments are on 6, 10, 13, 17, 19, 25, 29, 33, 41 & 46. The player who lands on one of
these numbers, will either have to give up on a card they collected along the way or roll to
determine how much they have to go back.
 If the player doesn’t have a card by the time they reach these numbers, then they will
need to go back instead. But next time they get a card, it will be taken away as a

6. Once a player reaches the end, then the game stops and the cards are counted. The winner is
the player who has the most cards.
 If two or more players have the same amount number of cards, they’re sent back at the
start to collect more cards. The winner is the player who gets two cards first.

7. Remember: This game is about learning things, it’s not a speed race.

8. Also another reminder: Have fun!

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