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DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology

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pISSN: 0974-0643 eISSN: 0976-4658

Started in 1981, DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology (DJLIT) is a peer-reviewed, double-blind, open access, bi-
monthly journal that publishes original research and review papers related to library science and IT applied to library activities,
services, and products. Major subject fields covered include: Information systems, Knowledge management, Collection building &
management, Information behaviour & retrieval, Librarianship/library management, Library & information services, Records
management & preservation, etc.

It is meant for librarians, documentation and information professionals, researchers, students and others interested in the field.

Abstracting and Indexing Information

DJLIT is now indexed in Scopus, Web of Science (Emerging Source Citation Index), Dimensions, LISA, LISTA, EBSCO, J-Gate
Plus, Proquest, Library Literature and Information Science Index/Full-text, The Informed Librarian Online, Indian Science Abstracts,
Indian Citation Index, WorldCat, Google Scholar, etc.

Focus and Scope

DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology publishes original research and review papers related to library science and IT
applied to library activities, services, and products. Major subject fields covered include: Information systems, Knowledge
management, Collection building & management, Information behaviour & retrieval, Librarianship/library management, Library &
information services, Records management & preservation, etc.

Journal Impact

SJR-2021 (SCImago Journal Rank) :0.288

CiteScore: 2.3 (Scopus 2021)

Member of CrossRef and CrossCheck

Peer Review Process

DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology followed Double-blind peer-review process.
The primary aims of the peer review process are to: - maintain quality control - protect the reputation of the journal - 'ration'
space in as objective and transparent a manner as possible.
The Editors review all submitted manuscripts initially. Manuscripts with insufficient originality, serious scientific flaws, or
absence of importance of message are rejected. Manuscripts are sent to two experts/reviewers without revealing the identity
of the reviewers to the contributors.
Within a period of eight to ten weeks, the contributors will be informed about the reviewers' comments and
acceptance/rejection of the manuscript. Papers accepted would be edited for uniformity, consistency, style, grammar,
punctuation, and format.

Publication Frequency
DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology is a Bi-monthly publication.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public
supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

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For Readers

For Authors

For Librarians

© Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre, 2023

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