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Topic: Spectral Classes of Stars

This activity assesses students' mastery of learning objective #1
Compare and contrast the main properties of different spectral classes
of stars.

I will grade your answers and provide detailed feedback after the
discussion has closed.

PART 1 due Thursday at 9pm:

The Canvas Student Guide provides instructions for replying to a

discussion post. I can only grade a student's first post because all
other students' answers are visible after you post.

Use the following stars to answer the questions below. Look carefully
at each spectral type AND luminosity class!

Star-------Spectral Type & Luminosity Class

Aldebaran-------K5 III
Alpha Eridani--------B3 V
RW Cyg-------M4 I
BI 253-------O2 V
Psi3 Piscium-------F9 III
14 Herculis-------K0 V
Gaia BH1 is a binary system-------G V Star + black hole

a. Which star has the highest surface temperature?

b. Which star has the lowest surface temperature?
c. Which star is reddest?
d. Which main sequence star is brightest?
e. Which star has the longest life?
f. Which star in this list will explode first?
g. Which two stars might our Sun evolve into?
h. Which star would you most like to live near (on one of its planets)?
Give at least one scientific reason for your choice.

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