Travel in Tourism Words

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Travel in tourism

1. Tourism Industry

Tourism purpose -Tourism involves traveling for the purpose of experiencing, relaxing, having fun,
and learning about new cultures and destinations. It is a large and diverse industry that encompasses
various services and activities, such as accommodation, transportation, dining, entertainment, and

Impact on many countries -Tourism has a huge economic impact on many countries around the
world, and has therefore become an important part of many national economies. Many countries are
trying to develop their tourism industry and create new attractions and experiences for visitors.

Types of travel -There are many types of travel, such as leisure travel, business travel, cultural travel,
ecotourism, adventure travel, and many others. Each type of travel has its own specific needs and
requirements, and it is therefore important to offer different types of services and attractions.

Modern technology - Tourism is also becoming increasingly digital, especially due to the internet and
mobile technologies. Visitors can now easily plan their trips online, book accommodations, purchase
tickets to events, and obtain information about travel destinations.

Negative impacts - However, tourism can also have negative impacts on local communities and the
environment, such as overcrowding, pollution, and overuse of local resources. It is therefore
important to create sustainable tourism that respects local culture and the environment, and
supports local economies and communities.

Overall- Overall, tourism is an important industry with tremendous potential for development and
growth, but it is also important to develop it sustainably and with respect for local culture and the
2. Mass Tourism

Vacation packages included combination of two or more travel services that were offered at a
package price. In this way a traveller might customize the package to his tastes, interests and
budget. In the 1960s, destinations such as the coastal areas of southern Spain, the Balearic Islands
and Greece were favourite locations for European travellers. With fast and convenient transport
and all-inclusive packages, the age of mass tourism had truly arrived.

There are 3 main types of impacts that leisure and tourism can have:

1. Economic: Tourism and leisure as services can make a contribution to a coutry’s

inflows and outlows of currency to and from a particular
country. They provide permanent jobs , and at the same time new jobs associated with
new travel trends can be created.
2. Environmetal: Too many people in the limited area may cause congestion, overcrowding and
3. Social and cultural: Overcrowding can reduce the quality of life of the host community. Local
languages or dialects may become extinct and traditional crafts may be lost in
favour of mass produced souvenirs.

We have to remember that the impacts are not only positive or negative, they are mixed.

Ice-cold and lifeless, it used to be the last place on Earth that anyone would go on holiday.
Antarctic tourism is no nevelty, it started in the late 1950s, when Chile and Argentina took
more than 500 fare-payin passengers to the South Shetland Islands. A package offers flights
to the South with skiing the last 70 miles. Mountaineering, camping in king penguin colonies,
scuba diving and parachuting.

Tour operators expect 26,000 adventurers by 2006, which is five times more compared with 4,800
in 1991.

In the Alps, the cable cars have climbed ever higher. Many great cities of Europe, such as Venice,
Prague Rome and London are finding that their historic centres
are fast becoming theme parks, or more tourist ghettos and it doesn’t feel like travelling anymore.

The future of Leisure and Tourism

10 trends are particularly important to the hospitality and travel industry:

1. Changing the age structure and demographic factors: People are living longer and start
travelling earlier, the numbers of young and elderly travellers are increasing.

2. Changing household structure: Later marriages, higher divorce rates, single people may
influence targets for the hospitality and travel industry.

3. Increasing role of migrating minorities: Will demand more attention to their travelling needs as
well as greater variety of ethnic food offerings.

4. Changing lifestyles: People now exercise and are nutrition-conscious

5. Leisure and vacation time is used for self education: Special packages are aimed at improving
PC skills, gourmet cooking, or language abilities.

6. Increasing demand for specific travel alternatives: Tourists will want challenge and some
degree of education from their travel.

7. Changing economic and economic factors: The demolition of the Berlin Wall was followed by
tourism boom in both directions. Easier board

control is the result of the Single European Market in 1993 and 1st May 2004 when 10 more
European countries joined the EU.

8. New cultural and enviromental fctors: Back-to nature experiences and lifestyles are more and
more popular. Health and green tourism will stay in the focus of travel in the 21st century.

9. Technological factors: Marketing will focus on executive and luxury travellers with more
efficient service provided with more pricing and rate alternatives.
10. Changing climate and global warming: Summer heats will lead to the high season being in
spring and autumn, the lack of snow will destroy the prosperity of some ski centers.

Areas of declining interest:

- Mass tourism

- Activities with health or enviromental hazards – adrenaline sports

- Young adult leisure – gambling

3. Transport at the airport

At the airport

The first step is booking a flight. You can find all the schedules and alternative routes on a computer
today. Every flight coupon must have the name of the passenger, which means you cannot trade it to
someone else. It also contains the date and time of the departure, the flight number, how much
baggage you’re allowed to have and check-in time that tells the latest time you can be accepted for a

Check-in is done at a reception desk, where you give them your flight coupon, your baggage will be
checked and you pay them airport taxes, if there are any.

At customs you will be asked what you’re carrying. You cannot have for example compressed gases,
acids, explosives, weapons, flammable liquids, radioactive material and such.

Then you will go through passport control, they will check your passport and the visa. Before you can
enter an aircraft, you have to go through metal detectors, your baggage will be scanned with X-ray

A commercial aircraft interior

A member of the cabin crew begins the passengers’ departure briefing, it can be pre recorded in
multiple languages. Flight Attendants will show you how to close and open seatbelts, how to use
oxygen masks and how to inflate life jackets.

The first class is in the front and the economy class is behind them. Each seat is provided with a
reading light, a call button and an air vent. The position of the seat can be changed with a button.

During take-off passengers should have their seatbelt on and their electronic devices should be turned
off or put on airplane mode.

Cabin crew can offer you light refreshments and newspapers or magazines. Air hostesses can help
mothers on plane with their babies

Meals, Drinks, Diet

Aircraft galleys are fitted with special ovens for heating meals that have been prepared on the ground
beforehand. The destination may affect the menu. If a passenger cannot eat certain type of food for
medical or religious reasons, They can warn them beforehand. They can also produce any individual
diet that a diabetic might ask for.

Alcohol is available to be bought. Beer can be served in cans or small bottles. Spirits can be served
anytime during a meal and are served in miniature bottles. Aperitifs are served before the meals. Red
wine is usually chosen for with red meat and white wine with white meat, rose wine can be with
either. Soft drinks can be served to children or to people who abstain from alcohol
First Aid

On flight, you can suffer from air-sickness, ear-ache, but also some regular illnesses like cold and flu.
A passenger who feels airsick is offered some medicine and a glass of water, the flight attendant then
opens his air vent or moves him to another seat. Passenger should avoid fried and fatty food, alcohol
and smoking.

The plane contains a first aid kit, which contains disinfectant, bandages, aspirin, indigestion tablets
and such.

Helpful information for transfer and arriving passengers

Before arriving, foreigners must fill out a landing card. On them, they must write their names, sex,
home address and temporary address in the country of destination and purpose for their visit.

To get to the main airport terminal after you arrive, you can follow the yellow exit sign. You will pass
through passport control and you will reclaim your baggage. If you have only hand luggage, go
through baggage reclaim area to Customs


Everyone has to go through customs. It can be very fast though, if you have nothing to declare.
Information about Duty free allowances can be found on special notice boards in the baggage reclaim
area. If you are traveling to the USA or New Zealand, you can be stopped for Agricultural Inspection.
Fruits, vegetables, meats, plants or animals without inspection cannot be brought into these countries.

After claiming your baggage and clearing your customs, you enter the public section of the Arrival
Hall. You can find shops, currency exchange desks, hotel reservation desks, car reservation desks, etc.
In the front of the Arrival Hall you can find a taxi rank, shuttle buses to nearby hotels and public

If you are continuing your journey, go to the nearest transfer desk and check your connection. You
will be given a boarding pass with information about your departure gate and the boarding time of
your flight. Your baggage will be transferred automatically.

4. Transport at the railway station

at the railway station

Railway station has many rooms that serve all different purposes such as buying tickets1, waiting for
connections, booking, leaving their luggag.

The main hall has huge boards that show departures and arrivals and also delays

Some stations even have snack bars, bookstalls, post offices or flower shops.

There are many common phrases used at the Inquiry office, for example:

What time does the train leave? - Kdy odjíždí (ten) vlak?

The train leaves at.... - Ten vlak odjíždí v....

The train is overdue/late/is delayed. - Vlak má zpoždění.

Is it a through train? - Je to přímý vlak?

The platform

It's a space where the train stops by and passengers get on and off the train, you may even see
people saying goodbyes to each other.

Common phrases at the platform:

Which platform does the train leave from? - Ze kterého nástupiště ten vlak odjíždí?

Which platform is for the train? - Na které nástupiště přijede vlak?

I've missed my train - Ujel mi vlak

How long does it stop here? - Jak dlouho to tady stojí?

On board

Passengers take their prepaid/booked seats. Thankfully new trains usually don't have manual door
opening. Abroad trains even have cars designed for sleeping but it as to be booked beforehand.
There's also a voice that announces next station in 3 different languages. Usually there are taxi
drivers waiting outside of train stations.

common phrases in the train:

Excuse me, is there a seat left? - Promiňte, je tady volné místo?

Is this seat taken? - Je tady obsazeno?

Will you please help me put my luggage on the rack? - Pomůžete mi s taškou na polici?

common phrases used with a conductor:

Tickets please - Jízdenky, prosím

When do we arrive in...? - Kdy přijedeme do...?

Will we make up for the delay? - Doženeme to zpoždění?

The orient express

Luxury travel started in 1870 by George Mortimer Pullman when he introduced sleeping a dining
cars. They started regular journeys from London and Brighton in 1881. the train was also the firt one
with lighting powered by electricity. Georges Nagelmackers stared Orient express. in 1921 it reached
Istanbul. Since 1883 passengers dcemanded more luxury service. Even famous people of all kinds
enjoyed Orient express and it's mentioned in mutliple movies and novels. the express is very
luxurious with personal stewards ready to satisfy you.
general information

Overnight passengers have their own cabins with beds for comfortable sleep.

There is also slight dresscode for dinners which consists of minimum jacket and tie.

There is place for two suitcases and two smaller bags. You keep your lighter and smaller bag with
neccesary things in you cabin and rest is separated ikn the luggage van.

Special diets can be provided if staff is informed beforehand.

5. Accommodation
A Hotel

A Hotel is temporary home for people who are travelling.

In hote the traveller can rest, order food or drink.


Commercial Hotels - Provide services for transient visitors, lot of them travelling on business with a
short-term stay (1-3 days).

Resort hotels – Are located in vacation areas. The typical clients are families with children stayng
from 1 ro 3 weeks.

Resident hotels – For people who do not wish to keep house themselfs. Other accommodation

A Motel – offering the services to motorists.

Camp sites, bungalows, tourist dormitories, hostels.

Accommodation units

Single room – which is room with one bed per person

Double rooms – has two beds

Twin-double room – is a room with two separate beds

Family room – is room with three or more beds

Accommodation facilites are ranked:

1. Luxury (5 stars)

2. First class (4 stars)

3. Standard (3 stars)

4. Economy (2 stars)

5. Tourist (1 star)

6. Hotel managment
Manager/hotelier - is someone who takes responsibility for everything that happends in the hotel

Coordinate the work of the department heads

Checks on bookings

Meets VIPs and must be aware of both etiquette and security of the guests

In small hotels he/she may be owner or co-owner (more personally involved in the day-to-day
running (discussing menus with the chef, etc..)

Assistant (duty) managers– usually works 8 hours per day

-often they have finished their collage and are learning the practical skills

- they hve to estimate bookings and risk overbooking

-deal with complaints, security and listen to stuff problems.

Night auditor – usually checks additional charges resulting from room servis, etc….

Promoter- make the public aware of the hotel and try to attract customers.

Cashiers – provide financial services to the customers at the font desk (receive payment bills, make
change, exchange foreign currency.

Bellman – gets the room key and escorts the guest to his room

Concierge – provide information about the hotel and local entertainment

Arranges for local transportation

Doorman – at the entrance and opening the doors for the guests

Posters – help the guests with their luggage

Management styles

Democratic manager allows the group as a whole to make decisions.

Autocratic manager might allow group any suggestions but makes the final decisions

Let it be manage - its unsuitable , bc the manager is avoiding the specific functions of controlling and

The Front desk (reception area)

Is the counter where the guests register, pick up their keys and mail, request information and pay
their bills.

The employee who checks in arriving guests and assigns them to their rooms is the room clerk. He
/she checks the guest s reservation or the availability of rooms

Check in

Check guests ID card

The guest fills out a registration card with name, home address, etc..

They get their keys

Check out

Guests settle their bill and turn in his keys.

7. Housekeeping
Housekeeping and maintenance

Housekeeping is a process in which some kind of individual cleans the house and keeps it in some
kind of good or livable condition.

its divided in two parts:

Private: Housekeepers that cleans private places such as bedrooms and other private stuff

Public: Cleans hotel hallways,lobbies,lounges…

larger hotels may have a housekeeping department. (sorted from most valuable post to least)

Head Housekeeper

assistant housekeeper

Rom maids

staff maids


a Line keeper

A cloakroom attendant

A house porter



Most Work is done by Chambermaids who basically put most effort and work. They are similar to
working ants/bees. They do all the work around. clean and change sheats, sweep the furniture,
vacuum the floor and stuff like this

Their daily cleaning routine is:

Open windows

strip and make bed

empty evry container

vacuum the floor

check and put fresh new towels

wipe dust from furniture

They also have to check for lost property of the guests, fill in minibars and stuff that has been used
such as soap, shampoo….

They also have to report any wear and tear damage that has been done to the hotel's property.

they shouldn't be in contact with guests, but guests may ask them to clean the floor, refill soap/
minibar, vacuum the floor and other stuff that guests may need.

Hotel laundry and valet service must provide quick and easy service to guests who need clothes

this is also the place where all the towels napkins etc are stored.

maintenance- includes painting, repairing stuff that is broken and fixing things up

engineering - is responsible for mechanical instruments











8. Travel Agency
Travel Organizers- The one of most important people in travel agency are travel organisers and the
main two types of them are travel agents and tour operators. Other organisations can be added in
these: School and other educational institutions, religious groups etc…

Travel organisers, also known as trip planners or coordinators, create custom travel itineraries for
individuals or groups. They work closely with clients to understand their preferences and design
plans that meet their specific needs, offering personalized attention and insider knowledge. They
bridge the gap between customers and travel service providers:

hotels and other accomodotation facilities, transport companies (coach operators, airlines, ferry
companies, railway companies), travel insurance companies, guiding organisations, entertainment
venues, and catering companies

Work of travel organizers- The work of travel organisers

Travel agents book travel arrangements and provide advice on destinations, customs, and insurance.
They work in various settings and can specialize in niche markets, offering customized itineraries.
Knowledge of geography and computer skills are important, as well as strong interpersonal skills,
such as politeness and remaining calm under pressure.

Tour operators create and organize travel packages for individuals or groups by working with travel
suppliers. They offer a range of packages and can specialize in sustainable tourism. Good
organizational skills are important. Tour operators provide hassle-free travel experiences, access to
exclusive destinations and experiences, save time and money, and handle all aspects of travel
planning and management, providing peace of mind to clients.

There are two general types of tours: Holiday package and Guided tour.

Holiday package = A holiday package is a pre-arranged travel deal that usually includes
transportation, lodging, and sometimes meals or activities. They're offered by travel agencies and can
be customized to fit the traveler's needs. They're a convenient and cost-effective way to plan a
vacation, as everything is taken care of in advance.

Guided tour = A guided tour is when a knowledgeable guide leads a group of people through a
location or attraction, providing information about its history and culture. Tours can last a few hours
to several days and are a popular way for travelers to learn about a destination in a structured way.

Tour guides lead visitors, provide info on history/culture/highlights of attractions. They work in
various types of tourism activities and are trained in history, art, culture, and local language/customs.
Important for successful travel.

Customer service staff assist customers and resolve issues to ensure satisfaction. They work in
different industries and handle inquiries, complaints, orders, and accounts. They require good
communication and problem-solving skills, patience, and a positive attitude. Goal is to create a
positive experience and build customer loyalty.

Principles of marketing in hospitality industry and tourism

The principles of marketing in hospitality and tourism involve understanding the target audience,
providing exceptional customer service, creating unique experiences, leveraging technology, effective
communication, and monitoring and measuring results to continuously improve marketing efforts.

Consumer motivation = Purchasing motives can be rational/conscious (we buy something because
we need it) or emotional /unconscious (we buy a product our parents used or something we like).
Here are few examples:

Rational reasons

Food (vegetable, fruit)

Liquids (water, limonade)

Healthcare products and services (medication, medical treatments, and insurance)

Transportation pruducts (cars, bicycles)

Educational products and services

Emotional reasons


High-end clothing, jewelry

Home decor

Travel and tourism products and experiences (vacations, tours)

Video games

Newspaper vs. Magazines

Newspapers provide daily or weekly up-to-date news and cover various topics, whereas magazines
focus on specific topics or themes and are published monthly or bi-monthly. Magazines have a longer
shelf life and a visually appealing design with glossy pages and high-quality photographs.

Broadcast media

Broadcast media is the electronic transmission of audio and/or video content to a large audience
through TV, radio, and podcasts. It provides information, news, and entertainment, and can be
accessed in real-time or on-demand. Broadcasting outlets create their own content and provide
advertising opportunities for businesses.

Radio time is divided into:

Drive time (6-10am and 3-6pm, Mon.-Fri.

Housewife time (10am-3pm, Mon.-Fri.)

Evening time (from 7pm to midnight)

Weekend time
Outdoor media

Outdoor media refers to out-of-home advertising that targets consumers outside their homes
through billboards, street furniture, transit advertising, and digital displays. It builds brand
awareness, drives sales, and influences consumer behavior. Placement is carefully selected to
maximize exposure to the desired target audience and can be used alone or with other media.

How to sell trips and how to get clients

There are many ways to sell trips and get clients in travel agency. Here are some tips:

Know your target market.

Develop a strong brand.

Build a strong online presence.

Use social media.

Offer personalized services.

Partner with other businesses.

Attend travel trade shows.

Offer referral incentives.

9. Spa
What is actuallly the spa? And what about the history of them?

Spa is place for treating illnesses, relaxing and for preventive regimes. These stuffs are in connection
with curative mineral waters. The mineral waters are really important in spa because, they can help
people with stresses of everyday life and advancing age - (this mainly applies to women). Tradition of
spa is dated back to ancient Greeks and Romans.

In Europe spas became famous in the 16th century. A lot of spring waters were founded and the new
types of special baths were created.

Quotation – The name “spa “ originates from the Belgian town which, in the 16th century, became
famous for its mineral springs and upper class life. The word was derived from Latin“Sanitas per
aquas” which means health throught water.

Spas can focus on wellness, exercise, yoga and meditation, sports, beauty treatment and healthier
lifestyle, it’s typical for U.S.A. and West European.

The important part of many spa is water. So next, we are going to look on some types of spa’s
therapies. Do you know them? Perhaps, yes....we will see.

Thalassotherapy – This therapy uses seawater for curing bodies. For her are also typical the
products which contain extracts from sea. Cures the organs of human body and it’s very healthy. It
can fix your immunity.

Hydrotherapy - Recommended by Priessnitz, when is for treatment used cold water for drinking as
well as wraps and baths.

Kneipp therapy – For this therapy is normal that people use some herbal bath oils and it’s combined
with physical exercise and with a diet of natural food. Your lifestyle here is standing on two sides,
some days you should do activities and other days you should be in relaxing mood. This progress is
part of the treatment.

Balneotherapy - It’s the spa where we using natural thermal and mineral to detoxify the body and to
improve immune system.

One more thing about bathing, there are some examples for how’s bathing can help you with your
lifestyles and medical problems.

Bathing : helps you sleep

: improves memory

: helps relieve aching muscles

: increases blood circulation

: lowers blood pressure

Next part is about Spa in the Czech Republic

The Czech republic has alange number of curative springs and waters. This and many other things like
therapeutic muds and peats are used in some 40 curative baths.
Czech balneotherapy has a long and successful history and the first curative springs were known
during the Celtic century in Teplice. A couple of centuries later the were discovered in Cheb and in
the area of Karlovy Vary. Over the centuries this number grown.

Spa are also the centers of social and culture life, where guests can at the same time relax, attend a
wide range of cultural events and do some sports.

The purpose of the spa is:

- actively create conditions and instruments for regeneration

- develop balneology and spas

- improve the infrastructure in spa cities and renovate spa sights

Spa in Britain:

In the U.K. want to introduce the spas history and everything connected with it to inform people
about benefits from spa-related treatments.

Now I’m going to introduce you some British spa:

Malvern cold water, wraps and hiking were the main remedies that cured personalities such as
Charles Darwin or Florence Nightingale. (for what it does, not contain)

Droitwich Spa water is more stronger than even sea water and only enemy is water from Dead sea. In
Europe is this only in U.K. and nothing is better or replaced than bathing in this.

Matlock Bath nicknamed ‘’Little Switzerland’’ is located in magical nature where you even can use
cabal car. People can here even still bathing in water from ornate Victorian pump or in pools in new

Royal Tunbridge Wells as the name says It was visiting by several members of the royal family. It is
famous and popular for charming colonnaded walks known as Pantiles with shops, restaurants and
outdoor entertainment. In the summer you will get glass of mineral water that can cure all ills.
10. Convention Tourism
- CONVENTION CENTRES = large meeting points for congresses, conferences and other formal events
- usually equipped with auditoriums, administrative offices, food facilities
- the union of international associations (U.I.A.) collects information about convention tourism


- you should look closely at the:
- number of delegates meeting
- time of the year
- approximate location
- registration and reservation
- size and layout of the rooms
- banqueting
- delegates’ needs: beverage and bathroom breaks,
- available budget

- convention centres
- universities or colleges
- theaters
- boats
- some hotels
- other public buildings (museums, galleries, sport centres)

- there should be two exits from the room with clearly marked and lit exit signs above the doors
- the delegates should be clearly informed about general safety protocols
- we have to consider not only fire, but also food poisoning, terrorist attacks, diabetic comas and
other health issues

- standard singles, executive singles, de luxe
- they should be equipped with a proper writing surface as well as adequate lightning
- hair dryers, irons and ironing boards, full length mirrors are also a must today

- food breaks help stimulate the brain while discussing different topics
- we must take into consideration that some people may be allergic to certain foods or that they may
need certain diets, religious beliefs should be respected as well
- alcohol is expensive and potentially dangerous

BREAKFAST – may reduce the need for a large lunch

BRUNCH – late breakfast or early lunch, suitable as a goodbye meal
TEA AND COFFEE BREAKS – usually mid-morning and mid-afternoon, offers the delegates a chance to
stretch, have a bathroom break or phone the office
LUNCHES – either served by sitting at tables or at a self-service buffet
DINNERS – may be informal and simple, or so-called gala dinners (last dinner of the event) or
banquets (elaborate formal dinner or lunch)
- both gala dinners and banquets will include more than 3 courses, a range of liqueurs,
entertainment and even award ceremonies

- banquets, conferences, wedding receptions and gala dinners
- from small private parties to large events

- demand for banqueting increases around the weekend, therefore the staff consists mostly of part-
time workers, who are familiar with the area and are paid only when they are required

- whether silver, family, plate or buffet, the service will depend on:
- the budget, skills of the staff, size of the rooms, number of guests and the menu.

- well planned and prepared in advance
- enables the organizers to fix the costs and purchase the food necessary for the event

- wide selection of dishes where customers help themselves
- usually salads, but also hot dishes as well
- reduces the number of staff required
- presents the food in an attractive way
- dishes must be replenished as soon as platters are empty

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