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Commonly known as “Bobby” Mañosa, he was born and raised in the Philippines and studied

Architecture at the University of Santo Tomas. Inspired by Japanese architecture and the organic
architecture design philosophy of Frank Lloyd Wright, he wanted to bring those ideas here in the
Philippines. Bobby Mañosa was eventually credited with pioneering what’s called “Philippine
neo-vernacular architecture,” wherein he incorporated Filipino design motifs & building materials,
such as coconut and local hardwoods, together with modern designs & building materials.

I consider him to have inspired a “scientific revolution” because up until today, Filipino architects
are constantly trying to create designs that are undoubtedly Filipino in identity, while also trying
to meet the needs of their clients. Although Ar. Francisco Mañosa didn’t exactly cause a global
scientific revolution, his ideas and methods towards design have inspired dozens of Filipino
architects & architecture students, including myself, to create buildings that also preserve our local
Filipino heritage. Bobby Mañosa believed that by incorporating Filipino designs & building
materials into structures, these would best address the challenges posed by the tropical climate of
the Philippines.

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