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Question 1 1pts

Q is pronounced as /kuh/ as in king.

O True

@ False

Question 2 1pts

Choose the correct English meaning of the expression in Mandarin.

Qing gén wo du.

(@ Please read after me.

(O Please answer.

Question 3 1pts

S is pronounced /zds/ as reads.

() True

@ False
Question 4 1 pts

Choose the correct answer.

n sounds like the vowel in

A. united B. food


Question 5 1 pts

Hanyu means the "language of the Han people”.

@ True

(O False

Question 6 1pts

Pinyin is a language.

(O True

@ False
Question 7 1pts

Initials are vowels.

O True

@ False

Question 8 1pts

Putonghua has 4 basic tones.

@ True

(O False

Question 9 1pts

Choose the correct English translation of the following Chinese


xie xie

(@ Thanks.

(O Bye.
Question 10 1pts

Write the English meaning of the Mandarin word.

da xué


Question 11 1pts

How is the following first syllable/word pronounced if we follow the rule

on change of tones? Choose second or half-third tone.

ya fa

(@ second

O half-third
Question 12 1 pts

How is the following first syllable/word pronounced if we follow the rule

on change of tones? Choose second or half-third tone.

() second

@ half-third

Question 13 1 pts

How should yi (one) be pronounced? Choose first, second, or fourth tone.

yi tian

@ fourth

(O second

O first
Question 14 1pts

The first tone is low and flat.

(O True

@ False

Question 15 1 pts

Choose the correct English translation of the following Chinese words.

Choose A or B.


A. older sister B. miss


Question 16 1pts

There are tone marks for each of the four major tones.

@ True

() False

Question 17 1pts

Where should the tone marks be placed? Choose the correct letter.




Question 18 1pts

The neutral tone does not have a tone mark.

@ True

(O False
Question 19 1 pts

How is the following first syllable/word pronounced if we follow the rule

on change of tones? Choose second or half-third tone.

(@ second

O half-third

Question 20 1pts

Where should the tone marks be placed? Choose the correct letter.



Question 21 1pts

When two thirds tones are put together, in pronunciation, the first syllable
becomes a half-third tone.

(O True

(@ False

Question 22 1pts

How should yi (one) be pronounced? Choose first, second, or fourth tone.


@ first

(O second

(O fourth
Question 23 1pts

How is the following first syllable/word pronounced if we follow the rule

on change of tones? Choose second or half-third tone.

Méi gué

() second

@ half-third

Question 24 1pts

Where should the tone marks be placed? Choose the correct letter.



Question 25 1pts

The neutral tone is light, vague, and short.

@ True

(O False

Question 26 1pts

Give the English meaning of the following essential pair.

pi jia

Question 27 1pts

Choose C if the sentence construction in Mandarin is correct and NC if not


Mike hén shuai.


Question 28 1pts

Choose C if the sentence construction in Mandarin is correct and NC if not


W6 bl shi Zhong guo rén.


Question 29 1pts

Give the English meaning of the following essential pair.

jin tian

(O Today

@ today

Question 30 1 pts

Give the English meaning of the following essential pair.

zheé li

Question 31 1pts

Give the English meaning of the following essential pair.



Question 32 1pts

Give the English meaning of the following essential pair.

wo de

Question 33 1pts

Which one is correctly spelled in Pinyin? Note that the number after each
syllable indicates the tone of the syllable. Choose A or B for the correct

fried rice

A. chao3fan4 B. chao4fan3



Question 34 1pts

Choose C if the sentence construction in Mandarin is correct and NC if not


Ni bu yé shi lao shi.

Question 35 1pts

Read the sentences/expressions carefully. Choose the correct response.

A: Ni baba hao ma?


(@ Ta hiao

(O Ta hén shuai.

Question 36 1 pts

Choose C if the sentence construction in Mandarin is correct and NC if not


Ta zhidao bu.

Question 37 1pts

Choose C if the sentence construction in Mandarin is correct and NC if not

Mali bu shi yishéng.


Question 38 1pts

Which one is correctly spelled in Pinyin? Note that the number after each
syllable indicates the tone of the syllable. Choose A or B for the correct

cold/iced water

A. bing1shui3 B. bing2shui2


Question 39 1 pts

Choose C if the sentence construction in Mandarin is correct and NC if not


W5 kaféi he.


Question 40 1pts

Which one is correctly spelled in Pinyin? Note that the number after each
syllable indicates the tone of the syllable. Choose A or B for the correct


A. xiedxied B. xiedxie5


Question 41 1 pts

Choose the correct numerical equivalent of the Pinyin.

ling jiti y7 ba jiti qi wii yiyi san lia


@ 09189751136

Question 42 1pts

Choose the correct numerical equivalent of the Pinyin.

san shi ba

Question 43 1pts

Translate the following phrase into English. Put “de” in the proper place to
show possession. No need for tone marks.

my friend

wo de peng you

Question 44 1pts

Read the dialogue carefully. Choose the correct responses.

A: Ni ydu méiyou wenti?

(@ Mei you.

(O You shen me wenti?

Question 45 1 pts

Rewrite the following sentence and add “ma” correctly to make the
statements into questions. No need for tone marks.

Ta men dou shi xuesheng.

Ta men dou shi xuesheng ma?

Question 46 1 pts

Choose the correct numerical equivalent of the Pinyin.

jiti shi si

Question 47 1 pts

Read the dialogue carefully. Choose the correct responses.

A: Na shi shénme?

(O Na shi shouji.

(® Zhe shi shou ji.

Question 48 1 pts

Choose C if the sentence has the correct word order. If not, choose NC.

Nimen shi dou laoshi ma?

Question 49 1pts

Rewrite the following sentence and add “ma” correctly to make the
statements into questions. No need for tone marks.

Ni jiao Xiu Wen.

Ni jiao Xiu Wen ma?

Question 50 1pts

Read the dialogue carefully. Choose the correct responses.

A: Zhén de ma?


(@ Zhen de.

(O Shi. Hao de.

Question 51 1pts

Choose the correct numerical equivalent of the Pinyin.

ling jit y1 li ba jit yi yi san qi wi


@ 09168911375

Question 52 1pts

Choose the correct numerical equivalent of the Pinyin.

ling jit y1 qi jit san w jit yi er si

(@ 09179359124

Question 53 1pts

Read the dialogue carefully. Choose the correct responses.

A: George Washington shi Féilibin rén ma?


O shi.
(@ Bu shi. Ta shi Meiguo ren.

Question 54 1pts

Read the dialogue carefully. Choose the correct responses.

A: Duibugi, wé lai wanle.

(@ Hai keyi.

(O Mei guan xi.

Question 55 1pts

Read the dialogue carefully. Choose the correct responses.

A: Xiéxié ni, péngyou.

(@ Meiguan xi.

() Buke qi.

Question 56 1pts

Read the sentence carefully. Choose the correct response.

A: Ni yao chi shen me?

(O Yao he na ge.

(@) You shen me chi de?

Question 57 1 pts

Fill in the correct word to complete the sentence in Mandarin. Choose the
best answer.

B: Wo shi Kyle.

(O shei

(@ shen me

Question 58 1 pts

Fill in the correct word to complete the sentence in Mandarin. Choose the
best answer.

A: Ni you meiyou yeye?

Question 59 1 pts

Read the sentence carefully. Choose the correct response.

A: Ni jia you ji ge ren?

(O Hai you nai nai.

(@ You baba, mama he wo.

Question 60 1pts

Give the correct English translation of the Chinese word.

jin nian

Question 61 1pts

Fill in the correct word to complete the sentence in Mandarin. Choose the
best answer.

A: Nixihuanchi _____?

B: Wo xihuan chi yu.

(O wei shen me

(@ shen me

Question 62 1 pts

Give the correct English translation of the Chinese word.


Question 63 1pts

Fill in the correct word to complete the sentence in Mandarin. Choose the
best answer.

A: Ni zhu zai ?

B: Wo zhu zai sushe.

@ nar


Question 64 1pts

Fill in the correct word to complete the sentence in Mandarin. Choose the
best answer.

A:Ni___ shen me ming zi?

B: Wo shi Andy.

@ shi

(O jiao
Question 65 1pts

Give the correct English translation of the Chinese word.

nai nai


Question 66 1pts

Give the correct English translation of the Chinese word.

Zhong wén


Question 67 1 pts

Give the correct English translation of the Chinese word.

wei shén me

Question 68 1 pts

Read the sentence carefully. Choose the correct response.

A: Ni de sheng ri shi ji yue ji hao?


(O Si yue shiyi.

(@ Jin tian shi san yue san hao.

Question 69 1 pts

Give the correct English translation of the Chinese word.

xi huan

to like

Question 70 1pts

Give the correct English translation of the Chinese word.



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