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Sustainable living is becoming increasingly important in our modern world.

As the
global population continues to grow, we are putting more strain on our planet's resources. It is
our responsibility to take action and make choices that promote sustainability. Here are some
steps we can take to live more sustainably:

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: One of the simplest ways to promote sustainability is by reducing
waste. We should strive to use fewer disposable products and instead choose reusable
alternatives. Additionally, recycling helps reduce the amount of waste that ends up in
2. Conserve Energy: Energy consumption is a major contributor to environmental problems.
We can conserve energy by using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights when not in
use, and reducing heating and cooling needs through proper insulation.
3. Use Public Transportation: If possible, opt for public transportation or carpooling instead
of driving alone. This reduces the number of vehicles on the road, lowering emissions and
4. Support Local and Sustainable Agriculture: Buying locally grown and organic produce
not only supports local farmers but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with
transporting food long distances.
5. Reduce Water Usage: Water is a precious resource, and we should use it wisely. Fix leaky
faucets, collect rainwater for gardening, and avoid excessive water use in daily activities.
6. Advocate for Sustainable Policies: Support policies and initiatives that promote
sustainability at the local, national, and global levels. Encourage your elected officials to
prioritize environmental protection.

1. What is the main idea of the text?

A. The benefits of using disposable products
B. The importance of sustainable living
C. The need for excessive energy consumption
D. The advantages of driving alone
E. The benefits of global population growth
Kunci Jawaban: B
2. According to the text, what is one way to reduce waste and promote sustainability?
A. Buying disposable products
B. Using energy-efficient appliances
C. Avoiding recycling
D. Supporting long-distance transportation of food
E. Increasing water usage
Kunci Jawaban: B
3. Which step in the hortatory text advises individuals to support local farmers and reduce
carbon footprints?
A. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
B. Conserve Energy
C. Use Public Transportation
D. Support Local and Sustainable Agriculture
E. Reduce Water Usage
Kunci Jawaban: D
4. According to the text, why should individuals advocate for sustainable policies?
A. To increase energy consumption
B. To discourage environmental protection
C. To support local farmers
D. To promote sustainability
E. To use disposable products
Kunci Jawaban: D
5. What is the overall tone of the text?
A. Negative and critical
B. Neutral and informative
C. Emotional and dramatic
D. Persuasive and encouraging
E. Humorous and light-hearted
Kunci Jawaban: D

The importance of a healthy diet cannot be overstated. In today's fast-paced world,

many people are prone to consuming processed and unhealthy foods, which can lead to
various health problems. It is crucial that we make a conscious effort to prioritize our health
through better dietary choices. Here are some steps you can take to maintain a healthy diet:

1. Choose Whole Foods: Opt for whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean
proteins. These foods are packed with nutrients and are better for your overall health.
2. Limit Sugary and Processed Foods: Reduce your intake of sugary snacks and processed
foods, which can lead to weight gain and other health issues.
3. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and
help with digestion.
4. Practice Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating. Eating smaller,
balanced meals can help maintain a healthy weight.
5. Cook at Home: Preparing meals at home allows you to have control over ingredients and
cooking methods, making it easier to choose healthier options.
6. Seek Professional Guidance: If you have specific dietary concerns or health conditions,
consider consulting a nutritionist or healthcare professional for personalized advice.

6. What is the topic sentence of the hortatory text?

A. The benefits of sugary and processed foods
B. The importance of fast food in a busy world
C. The need for a balanced and healthy diet
D. The advantages of overeating
E. The benefits of weight gain
Kunci Jawaban: C
7. According to the text, why should individuals choose whole foods?
A. Because they are more expensive
B. Because they contain more sugar
C. Because they are better for overall health
D. Because they are processed and convenient
E. Because they lead to weight gain
Kunci Jawaban: C
8. Which step in the hortatory text advises individuals to drink plenty of water?
A. Choose Whole Foods
B. Limit Sugary and Processed Foods
C. Stay Hydrated
D. Practice Portion Control
E. Cook at Home
Kunci Jawaban: C
9. According to the text, what is the benefit of preparing meals at home?
A. It allows you to overeat
B. It leads to weight gain
C. It provides control over ingredients and cooking methods
D. It is more convenient
E. It promotes the consumption of processed foods
Kunci Jawaban: C
10. What is the overall tone of the hortatory text?
A. Negative and critical
B. Neutral and informative
C. Emotional and dramatic
D. Persuasive and encouraging
E. Humorous and light-hearted
Kunci Jawaban: D

Read the following passage!

(1) The benefits of regular exercise are well-documented. (2) Physical activity not only helps
to maintain a healthy weight but also reduces the risk of chronic diseases. (3) Moreover,
exercise improves mental health by reducing stress and anxiety levels. (4) In addition, it
enhances overall energy levels and promotes better sleep. (5) To reap these rewards, it's
important to make exercise a regular part of your daily routine.

11. Which sentence serves as the topic sentence in the paragraph?

A. Sentence (1)
B. Sentence (2)
C. Sentence (3)
D. Sentence (4)
E. Sentence (5)
Kunci Jawaban: A (Sentence 1)
12. What is the main idea conveyed by the paragraph?
A. The benefits of maintaining a healthy weight
B. The importance of chronic diseases
C. The role of exercise in mental health
D. The advantages of regular exercise
E. The significance of daily routines
Kunci Jawaban: D (The advantages of regular exercise)
Read the passage below!
(1) Effective time management is crucial for success in both personal and professional life.
(2) One of the key strategies for managing time effectively is setting clear priorities. (3)
Prioritization allows individuals to focus on tasks that are most important and urgent. (4)
Moreover, it helps in avoiding procrastination and maintaining a sense of control over one's
schedule. (5) By mastering the skill of prioritization, individuals can achieve their goals more
13. Which sentence in the paragraph provides supporting details for the main idea?
A. Sentence (1)
B. Sentence (2)
C. Sentence (3)
D. Sentence (4)
E. Sentence (5)
Kunci Jawaban: D (Sentence 4)

(1) John decided to go for a run in the park. (2) The weather was perfect, with a clear blue
sky and a gentle breeze. (3) He put on his running shoes and headed out the door. (4) As he
ran through the park, he noticed the vibrant colors of the flowers in full bloom. (5) John
couldn't help but smile as he enjoyed the beauty of nature.
14. Which sentence in the paragraph helps establish cohesion between the idea of John going for
a run and his appreciation of nature?
A. Sentence (1)
B. Sentence (2)
C. Sentence (3)
D. Sentence (4)
E. Sentence (5)
Kunci Jawaban: D (Sentence 4)
15. What is the purpose of sentence (4) in the paragraph?
A. To introduce the character of John
B. To describe the weather
C. To provide information about John's running shoes
D. To create a sense of unity and coherence by connecting John's run to the beauty of nature
E. To conclude the paragraph
Kunci Jawaban: D (To create a sense of unity and coherence by connecting John's run to the
beauty of nature)

(1) Cycling is a popular outdoor activity enjoyed by people of all ages. (2) It provides
numerous benefits, both for physical health and the environment. (3) Riding a bike helps
improve cardiovascular fitness and builds leg muscles. (4) Furthermore, it reduces carbon
emissions and promotes a cleaner planet. (5) Whether you're cycling for exercise or
transportation, it's a sustainable and enjoyable way to stay active.

16. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

A. The popularity of cycling
B. The benefits of cycling for physical health
C. The environmental impact of cycling
D. The importance of cardiovascular fitness
E. The age range of people who enjoy cycling
Kunci Jawaban: B (The benefits of cycling for physical health)
17. Which sentence serves as a supporting sentence that provides additional information about
the main idea?
A. Sentence (1)
B. Sentence (2)
C. Sentence (3)
D. Sentence (4)
E. Sentence (5)
Kunci Jawaban: C (Sentence (3) - Riding a bike helps improve cardiovascular fitness and
builds leg muscles.)

(1) Writing is a valuable skill that is relevant in many aspects of life. (2) It is not limited to
academic or professional settings but also plays a crucial role in personal expression. (3)
Effective writing can help convey thoughts, emotions, and ideas more clearly. (4)
Additionally, it is a powerful tool for persuasion and communication. (5) By improving your
writing skills, you can enhance your ability to succeed in various endeavors.

18. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

A. The importance of personal expression
B. The relevance of writing in academic settings
C. The value of writing as a persuasive tool
D. The versatility and significance of writing as a skill
E. The clarity of thoughts and emotions in writing
Kunci Jawaban: D (The versatility and significance of writing as a skill)
19. Which sentence in the paragraph provides supporting details for the main idea?
A. Sentence (1)
B. Sentence (2)
C. Sentence (3)
D. Sentence (4)
E. Sentence (5)
Kunci Jawaban: C (Sentence (3) - Effective writing can help convey thoughts, emotions,
and ideas more clearly.)

(1) Healthy eating habits are essential for maintaining overall well-being. (2) A balanced diet
provides the body with essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and fiber. (3) It
supports healthy growth and development and helps prevent chronic diseases. (4)
Furthermore, eating mindfully can improve digestion and reduce overeating. (5) By making
conscious choices about your diet, you can enjoy a healthier and happier life.

20. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

A. The importance of vitamins and minerals in the diet
B. The significance of chronic diseases
C. The benefits of mindful eating
D. The relevance of well-being in maintaining a healthy life
E. The role of a balanced diet in healthy growth and development
Kunci Jawaban: D (The relevance of well-being in maintaining a healthy life)

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