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Read the following descriptive paragraph:

The magnificent waterfall, with its cascading waters and lush green surroundings, offers a
breathtaking sight for visitors. The air is filled with the refreshing scent of water mist, and
the sound of rushing water creates a calming effect. It's a perfect spot to connect with
nature and experience tranquility.
What is the main subject of the descriptive paragraph?
a) The lush green surroundings
b) The refreshing scent of water mist
c) The sound of rushing water
d) The breathtaking waterfall
e) The calming effect
Jawaban: d) The breathtaking waterfall
2. The word "magnificent" in the paragraph mostly means:
a) dirty
b) small
c) old
d) beautiful
e) noisy
Jawaban: d) beautiful
3. What can you infer about the location of the waterfall based on the paragraph?
a) It is in a desert.
b) It is near a city.
c) It is in a tropical forest.
d) It is on a mountain top.
e) It is inside a cave.
Jawaban: c) It is in a tropical forest.
4. The purpose of this descriptive paragraph is to:
a) describe various types of waterfalls
b) persuade readers to visit the waterfall
c) provide historical information about waterfalls
d) compare different waterfalls around the world
e) evoke the beauty and tranquility of the waterfall
Jawaban: e) evoke the beauty and tranquility of the waterfall
5. Which of the following senses is NOT addressed in the paragraph?
a) Sight
b) Taste
c) Smell
d) Touch
e) Hearing
Jawaban: b) Taste
6. The primary emotion evoked by the descriptive paragraph is:
a) fear
b) happiness
c) sadness
d) awe
e) anger
Jawaban: d) awe
7. Which adjective best describes the surroundings in the paragraph?
a) Dry
b) Noisy
c) Busy
d) Barren
e) Lush
Jawaban: e) Lush
8. What type of visitors would likely appreciate the described waterfall the most?
a) Those who love the city life
b) Those who prefer a quiet and serene environment
c) Those who enjoy extreme sports
d) Those who dislike nature
e) Those who like crowded places
Jawaban: b) Those who prefer a quiet and serene environment
9. The description of "connecting with nature and experiencing tranquility" implies that the
waterfall area is a place for:
a) noisy gatherings
b) adventure activities
c) relaxation and peace
d) scientific research
e) fast-paced entertainment
Jawaban: c) relaxation and peace

10. _____ they watch movies every weekend?

a) Are
b) Do
c) Does
d) Is
e) Am
Jawaban: b) Do
11. She usually _____ breakfast at 7 AM.
a) eating
b) eats
c) eat
d) is eating
e) ate
Jawaban: b) eats
12. The kids _____ to school by bus.
a) goes
b) go
c) going
d) is going
e) went
Jawaban: b) go
13. My parents _____ a new car every year.
a) buy
b) buys
c) buying
d) is buying
e) bought
Jawaban: a) buy
14. _____ he like pizza?
a) Do
b) Is
c) Does
d) Are
e) Am
Jawaban: c) Does
15. They _____ a picnic in the park tomorrow.
a) having
b) have
c) has
d) had
e) are having
Jawaban: e) are having
16. The train _____ at 9 AM every day.
a) leave
b) leaves
c) left
d) leaving
e) is leaving
Jawaban: b) leaves
17. It _____ cold in winter.
a) is
b) are
c) am
d) be
e) were
Jawaban: a) is
18. They _____ tennis players.
a) are
b) is
c) am
d) be
e) were
Jawaban: a) are
19. _____ your sister speak French fluently?
a) Does
b) Do
c) Is
d) Are
e) Am
Jawaban: a) Does
20. Our school library _____ a wide selection of books.
a) have
b) has
c) having
d) had
e) is having
Jawaban: b) has

21. What is the cardinal number for "one thousand five hundred and sixty-two"?
a) One thousand five hundred and sixty-two
b) Fifteen hundred and sixty-two
c) One thousand six hundred and twenty
d) One thousand five hundred and twenty-six
e) One thousand five hundred sixty-two
Jawaban: e) One thousand five hundred sixty-two
22. Choose the correct ordinal number for "88th".
a) Eighty-eightth
b) Eighty-eighth
c) Eight-eight
d) Eightieth-eight
e) Eighteen-eight
Jawaban: b) Eighty-eighth
23. What is the cardinal number for "thirty-nine million four hundred and twenty-five
a) Thirty-nine million four hundred twenty-five thousand
b) Thirty-nine million and twenty-five thousand
c) Thirty-nine million four hundred and twenty-five thousand
d) Thirty-nine million five hundred and twenty-four thousand
e) Thirty-nine million four hundred twenty-five thousand
Jawaban: c) Thirty-nine million four hundred and twenty-five thousand
24. Identify the correct ordinal number for "100th".
a) Hundredth
b) One hundredth
c) Tenth
d) One hundred
e) Tenth one
Jawaban: a) Hundredth
25. Choose the cardinal number for "two hundred and seventy-five billion".
a) Two hundred seventy-five billion
b) Two hundred and seventy-five billionth
c) Two hundred seventy-five billionth
d) Two hundred and seventy-five billionths
e) Two hundred seventy-five billions
Jawaban: a) Two hundred seventy-five billion

26. ________ went to the store to buy some groceries.

a) He
b) She
c) They
d) It
e) We
Jawaban: a) He
27. Sarah is a talented musician. ________ can play the guitar and sing beautifully.
a) I
b) You
c) She
d) We
e) He
Jawaban: c) She
28. The children found a lost puppy and took ________ home.
a) he
b) it
c) them
d) she
e) we
Jawaban: b) it

29. The teacher asked Mark and ________ to stay after class.
a) him
b) he
c) she
d) they
e) we
Jawaban: a) him
30. My parents gave ________ a new laptop for my birthday.
a) her
b) him
c) us
d) they
e) me
Jawaban: e) me

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