Bloating, Acidity & Constipation - Dearist

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The Dearist is
a love letter to the
world of wellness
& beyond

Digestive Health: Bloating, Acidity

& Constipation



​ foods that cause bloating

​ remedies for bloating
​ herbal teas


​ foods that cause acidity

​ remedies for acidity
​ herbal teas


​ different types of constipation

​ remedies for constipation
​ foods that cause and aggravate constipation

Basics of eating well

​ when to have your meals?

​ what to eat after meals?
​ how to drink water?
​ when to consume dessert?
​ multi-grain? how to navigate new grains?

What does ‘heating foods’ vs ‘cooling

foods’ mean?
Foods which warm your body internally & externally are heating. The opposite applies for

It is important not to overheat or overcool as this creates an imbalance

Examples Heating Cooling

Ailments rashes, loose motions, hairfall, always cold, maybe a little pale,
acne, inflammation, migraine low metabolism, cold and
phlegm, body heaviness,

Foods (in excess) carom seeds (ajwain), eggs, chia seeds/sabja seeds,
chilli, garlic, night shades, refrigerated water, cold raw
yogurt, cinnamon, chicken salads, excess dairy
consumption, sugarcane

Gut Inflammation
What is Gut?
Though the term “gut” literally means the intestines, it can alternately also mean the entire
digestive tract.

● Gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
● Alimentary canal

Structure of the gut:

Let us understand what all constitutes the gut-
The gut is made up of the organs like:
● Mouth
● Pharynx (a portion of the throat)
● Oesophagus (food pipe)
● Stomach
● Small intestine
● Large intestine

These are the principal organs of digestion. They are called so because they come in
direct contact with the food particles and participate in the digestion process.
There are secondary or accessory digestive organs like:
● Teeth
● Tongue
● Salivary glands
● Liver
● Gallbladder
● Pancreas

They do not directly take part in the digestion process, but they produce or store secretions
that aid the process.

Brief note on the Gut-Brain Axis

Have you ever wondered why, sometimes you tend to overeat when you are upset or do not
realise what you eat when you are under extremes of emotions like
anger/anxious/feared/saddened and later you don’t seem to digest well and thus end up
with lots of digestive disturbances?


That is because there exists a connection between the brain or the central nervous system
and the enteric system (nerve supply to the gut) along with the gut microbiota
(normal friendly colony of gut bacteria). Thus, the gut can also be called the second brain in
our body!

Whenever there is damage to this enteric system from causes like gut inflammation and
other diseases, there is a hampering to the exchange of messages between the brain and
the enteric system leading to many digestive errors. Hence, emotions play a major role in
digestion, and so does the condition of the structure and function of the normal gut. Some
of the consequences of the disruption of this are:

● Bulimia
● Anorexia nervosa
● Irritable bowel syndrome
● Obesity
● Schizophrenia
● Stress and anxiety related disorders
● Depression

Gut Issues

What is Bloating and Gas?
● Bloating: air is trapped in your stomach
● Gas (Flatus) is letting out of air!

Foods that cause bloating?

Foods How can you consume them?

All beans (legumes) Eat legumes cooked the indian way, with
lots of water, well cooked and with spices -
and usually with short grain white rice to
make it more digestible

Avoid chickpea hummus

Lentils Except green or yellow moong dal (whole

or split) - that is fine to consume!

Raw sprouts Have them cooked and spiced with indian
spices or other herbs

Raw cruciferous vegetables Have them boiled and then

cooked/sauteed, with a healthy fat, and
spiced (especially saunf (fennel), ajwain
(carom seeds), jeera (cumin seeds)

Raw salads Have them cooked, with a healthy fat (ex:

extra virgin cold pressed olive oil), herbs

Raw juices Make your green juice into a warm soup!

Peas Is your protein powder pea protein? That

might bloat you!

Peas in rice, or cooked in a vegetable

(sabzi) is better. Avoid frozen peas or dry
peas. Have fresh peas!

Raw cold milk and yogurt Instead have warm milk or buttermilk

Chana sattu powder (veg protein) ideal to consume it in the form of sattu
laddu, sattu drink with buttermilk, ajwain,
black salt.
Soaking and drying the roasted chickpeas
to make sattu powder also prevents
bloating (commercially available sattu
powders don't follow these)

Dry snacks: crackers, mamra/murmura, Have them with avo dip, cheese, butter,
popcorn in excess good fat

Popcorn With a good fat, but this one is hard to


Sodas, carbonated drinks, beer, These will cause temporary bloating

champagne because of the air property in them

Watermelon Sprinkle a pinch of black pepper/chaat

masala on it, if you still get bloated, have
muskmelon instead

Lifestyle issues:

Intermittent fasting Don’t fast for more than 10-12 hours max -
reduce this further if you get gassy

Standing and consuming liquids Sit and sip on liquids, do not gulp them

Not keeping gaps after meals Keep at least 3-4 hours gap between
meals, 1-2 after fruit

Over-eating always eat till you are 3/4 full

Mixing raw & cooked veggies Eat more cooked, raw foods (except fruits)
will make you more bloated

Mixing proteins, eg: fish and milk Proteins are hard to digest by themselves,
better to eat them with cooked (not raw)
fibre, and not another protein source

Other reasons:
● Consuming intolerant/ allergic foods
● Gut is in a state of inflammation

REMEDIES for when you are already bloated:

● Consume more warm soups/broths/porridges

● Have sonamasuri rice tempered with ghee/unrefined cold pressed oil & curry leaves
& jeera, himalayan salt, black pepper
● Massage your body with unrefined cold pressed sesame oil( avoid after consuming
food, avoid late night massaged and avoid whole body massages when on periods)
● Have a warm breakfast
● Avoid fermented foods - kombucha, yogurt, wine etc when bloated

Herbal teas post meals - if you have eaten one of the “avoid/limit” foods

With no heat issues With heat issues

Ingredients & measurements: Ingredients & measurements:

Fresh mint Fresh mint
½ tsp fennel seeds (Saunf) 1tsp fennel seeds (Saunf)
½ tsp carom seeds (Ajwain) 1 tbsp coriander seeds (Dhaniya seeds)

When to take? When to take?

First thing in the morning, and/or 20 mins First thing in the morning, and/or after
before/after lunch/dinner lunch/dinner

Can be taken 2-3 times a day for intense

gassiness, but stop this frequency after 2-3
days to avoid overheating the body


What is acidity?
Acidity means an increase in the acid levels released in the stomach or the entire gut, due
to an irritated or inflamed mucus membrane. It can also lead to GERD (Gastroesophageal
reflux disease or acid reflux, characterised by heartburn).

It can cause a variety of symptoms like:

● Nausea
● Vomiting
● Headache
● Back pain
● Acne
● Fatigue
● Hairfall
● Burning sensation and pain in the abdomen

Foods that cause more acidity are:

● Processed meat, especially red meats. Fried Chicken preparations can also cause a
lot of acidity - chicken soups are better!
● Spicy food, junk/fried food, sour food (tomato, lemon, tamarind) and spicy
condiments like jalapeno, paprika, wasabi etc.
● Food with yeast/ fermented food in excess: pickles, bread, vinegar, alcohol, caffeine,
vinegar, sauce, ketchup, sauces etc.
● High protein diet for a long time
● Incompatible food - yogurt/milk+ fruits, milkshakes, fish and milk
● Nightshades
● Alcohol also increases acidity

Lifestyle that causes more acidity:

● Anger and stress
● Sleeping late at night
● Skipping meals and untimely eating
● Excess fasting, without breaking the fast properly

Lukewarm Infusions:
● Fresh mint tea: 3-4 mint leaves with 100ml water, boil, sisve, and drink lukewarm
● Boil 1 tsp Coriander seeds + 1 tsp fennel seeds, sieve and drink lukewarm. Add ons:
fresh mint, vetiver roots

● Vetiver and coriander seed infusion: 4-5 vetiver roots + 1 tbsp of coriander seed,
sieve and drink when lukewarm/room temperature. Add ons: 10 ml of rose water to
lukewarm water

Room Temperature Infusions

● Raisin infusion: Rinse & soak 10 Munakka raisins overnight at room temperature
with a lid on it. Drink this water, as well as eat the raisins.
● Coriander seed cold infusion: Rinse & soak 1 tbsp of crushed coriander seeds in
25-50ml water overnight. Strain and drink in the morning, do not eat the coriander
● 20 ml of rose water in a glass of water. Add ons: 1 tsp soaked chia seeds/sabja
seeds, coconut water.
○ Another variation: 100 ml of water + 1 tsp soaked chia seeds

What to do after a night of drinking when you are acidic?

● Coconut water, add ons: 1 tsp soaked chia or basil (sabja) seeds, 10-20 ml rose
● Raisin or coriander seed water
● Jaggery water
● No caffeine
● Ash Gourd, Cilandro, Fresh Mint (pudina), Celery juice
● Coconut milk based curries, and no spicey spices
● Avocados, pomegranates, berries, figs,
● Short grain sona masuri rice with ghee jeera tempering (tadka) - can mix coconut
milk into this as well
● Ragi or amaranth porridge
● Neer dosa - rice dosa

There are 2 types of constipation:
● Dryness led constipation (Vata) - if you notice dryness in the body (hair frizziness,
dry skin etc), petite frame, anxious mind
● Mucus led constipation (Kapha) - a lot of fat deposits around your body. This slows
down bowel movements

Bowel Movement:

Petite body, dryness Heat issues, anger Tends to have lots of

issues fat deposits

Frequency Irregular and Good digestion, so Regular, once a day,
constipated, might even usually
may pass stools once in pass stools twice a day no constipation
two days

Notes Dry stools, triphala is not Might experience heat With too much fat or
recommended while mucus,
passing stools can experience

Shape Small poop shape Soft moist bowel Long banana shape
(sometimes loose) and

Remedies 1 glass Milk/alternate Use vetiver/ 1 tsp Triphala in a glass

Milk internally for heaty of warm water, 2 hours
+ 1 tsp warm ghee stools after dinner

Soaked Anjeer Soaked basil seeds

Soaked basil seeds

Foods that aggravate constipation:

Common Dryness led constipation Mucus led constipation

● Low fibre, high ● Raw salads ● Moist foods

protein and bad ● Dry snacks ● Lack of exercise
carbs diet (red meat, (popcorn, crackers) ● Fat deposits
white flours (maida), ● Unsoaked nuts ● Too much oily foods
white bread, pasta, ● Large beans - ● Lethargy
pizza etc Rajma, Chickpeas ● Depression
● Caffeine- coffee, ● Raw sprouts ● Bad eating habits
green tea ● Indian lilva beans or ● Overweight
● Potatoes, sweet Hyacinth beans
● Green peas
● Alcohol
● Spicy food
● Fried food, fast food
and junk food

Basics of eating well

HURRY - relish your food, do not eat it fast

WORRY - leave your worries/phone/TV aside, just focus on your food!

CURRY - avoid eating a lot of heating spices in your food, eat warm and nourishing meals!

When to have your meals?

● Mornings:
○ After overnight fasting, it is recommended to ignite your digestive fire
gradually in the morning with a glass of lukewarm water
○ Following this you should have your most nutritional meal, this includes
soaked nuts & seasonal fruits - have breakfast like a king ( nutritionally!)
○ Your biggest meal of the day is not your breakfast
○ Do not start your day with black coffee, or keep consuming that during your
intermittent fasting period
● Afternoon
○ Your digestive fire is at its peak between 12PM-2PM ( the sun is at its highest
too). This is when you should have your largest meal of the day (
● Evenings/Night:
○ Keep dinner light as your digestive system/fire starts slowing down. Eat by
○ Have dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed
○ Avoid raw foods at night

The right morning routine can boost your energy, minimise cravings and increase absorption of

What is a good breakfast?

● If you are not hungry in the morning, its fine
● If you suffer from bloating and acidity, it's important to have breakfast
● Having a protein + fibre rich breakfast that will help keep you satiated, but it's
important to add fibre into that as well

If you eat breakfast after 9:30 am:

● You can opt for a fruit first diet
● Have a cooked meal after 1-2 hours of eating a fruit

If you eat breakfast earlier than 9:30 am:

● It is recommended to have a warm/cooked meal to keep more satiated
● Have a fruit after 3 hours

What to eat after your meals?

Fennel seeds (saunf) & Carom seed (ajwain) mix
● Ways to use them?

○ Toast & mix them in equal quantity in an airtight container, have 1 tsp post
○ Make a herbal tea out of it
○ Chew only fennel seeds post meals (ajwain sometimes can cause acidity)
● Buttermilk can be consumed after 20 mins
● Avoid consuming water/soft drinks with your meal
● No fruits after meals as dessert
● Do not consume iced drinks with your meals

How to drink water?

● Avoid drinking large quantities of water first thing in the morning
● Have 1-2 glasses of lukewarm water as soon as you wake up
● After a meal if thirsty, water should be consumed 20 minutes later
● While eating, sips of water can be consumed, but should be avoided
● Do not stand and drink water
● Try and consume lukewarm water throughout the day

Pro tip: You can drink water stored overnight in pure copper or silver vessels for added
benefits (in room temperature conditions). This technique stimulates the immune system
and also balances the acidity in the body.
● Make sure to clean the copper bottles everyday
● Silver is particularly good for people suffering from acidity - can soak raisins or
coriander seeds overnight in it

During summers, water stored in silverware and earthen pots are more beneficial to beat the

Infused Water for Summer:

● In 1 litre of water, add in 20 ml of rose water
● Add 5-6 vetiver roots in 1 litre of water
● Cucumber, mint and lime in 1 litre of water

When to consume dessert?

● Avoid fruits after dinner - ferment faster and create bad gut microbiota
● Afternoon snack with your tea/coffee
● Did you know it's better to consume dessert before starting a meal?
● There are many alternatives to white sugar, replace it

Multigrain - Good or Bad?

If you have poor digestion, then avoid the combination of 5-6 multigrain breads/chapati
flour which is popular in the market!

It is not good to combine grains as it slows down your digestive system. You should try and
alternate between 2-3 grains during the course of your life. If you are adding new grains to
your diet, do this gradually and see how your body and digestion feels. You can start by

adding in a new grain once a week and gradually increase. For example, if you wish to, you
can switch out your regular rotis for barley rotis or ragi or any other millet or grain roti.

Watch out to see if you are getting bloated, or feeling heavier with a certain type of grain.

Stay away from refined flours - devoid of many nutrients and fibres.

Interesting Add-ons that make your roti more digestible:

Option 1: add vegetables (finely minced/chopped or pureed) to the roti/bread flours to

make them healthier.
Examples include:
○ Palak (spinach)
○ Methi (fenugreek)
○ Pudina (Mint leaves)
○ Curry leaves
○ Dill leaves
○ Beetroot
○ Carrot
○ Coriander/celery/cilantro
○ Amaranthus leaves
Option 2: spices, sattu
● Ajwain (avoid if you are always heated up) - acts as a digestive; prevents bloating
of abdomen and indigestion and also enhances the taste of your Rotis.
● Fennel Seeds - they are also digestive; helps to balance the spiciness of the
accompanying dish with the dish prepared out of the flour.
● Flaxseed- rich in Omega 3 fatty acids (which decreases the bad cholesterol and
protects the heart health), dietary fibres, Vit.B1, magnesium and phosphorus. Gives
a nutty, crunchy flavour!
● Sattu - 1 tsp only, can make you feel more full, and add some proteins into your diet

Note: Dry roast the above to remove excess moisture, which also gives a unique and tasty
flavour to the Rotis.

Raw v/s Cooked

Basic rule: Raw food is heavier for digestion; cooked food is lighter and easier
for digestion

Ayurvedic Rule: not mixing raw and cooked foods in your diet. When it comes to
vegetables, a combination of seasonal and fresh veggies is always the go-to choice. Avoid
mixing steamed/cooked veggies with the raw ones as this combination leads to faulty

Raw salads can be had 20-30 minutes prior to the meal

List of veggies which can be used raw before a cooked meal

● Capsicum
● Mint leaves
● Basil leaves
● Zucchini
● Cucumber
● Onion
● Carrot


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