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COM212 Digital Humanities

Text Analysis Practical

Group members:

Name Enrollment no. Program

Dev Patel AU2040056 Btech - CSE

Maulik Ranadive AU2040117 Btech - CSE

Divyashree Jadeja AU2040261 Btech - CSE

Kunj Kabariya AU2040211 Btech - Chemical

Vivek Sojitra AU2040156 Btech - Chemical

Human rights
Our research topic is “Human Rights”. We analyzed the different graphs from the JSTOR
Constellate and Google Ngram. We came to know about some interesting observations regarding
the usage of the term human rights and how it is changed with time. We also studied the effect of
other factors such as globalization on human rights. We formed the questions based on these
findings and answered them to understand the relationship of human rights with the other factors.


1. Why is there more usage of "human rights" in 1850 to 1910 and then there is
sudden decrease till 1970 and there is rapid increase after then?
● Between 1850 and 1910, the rise of abolitionist movements, labor rights
advocacy, and ideas concerning individual freedoms bolstered the usage of
"human rights." This era grappled with issues like slavery, worker exploitation,
and colonialism, fostering recognition of these rights.

● From 1910 to 1970, global events such as World Wars and the Cold War diverted
focus from human rights. Geopolitical tensions overshadowed discussions,
suppressing the prominence of these concerns.

● Post-1970, a resurgence occurred due to decolonization efforts, civil rights

movements highlighting discrimination, and international agreements like the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Non-Governmental Organizations
(NGOs) like Amnesty International spotlighted violations, aided by
communication technology's advance. The fall of authoritarian regimes further
invigorated discussions about freedom.

● In sum, these factors explain the fluctuation in human rights usage: emergence in
the 1850-1910 period, decline amid global conflicts, and resurgence driven by
decolonization, civil rights, international accords, and technological advances.

2. Why do philosophy and arts have the highest usage of human rights in documents?
Ans: The assertion that philosophy and art have the highest usage of human rights in
documents might not be accurate in a broad sense. Human rights principles and language
are not inherently tied to specific fields of study. However, there are some reasons why
these areas might incorporate human rights concepts more frequently:

● Philosophy: Philosophy is concerned with exploring fundamental questions about

human existence, morality, ethics, and the nature of rights. Many human rights
principles are rooted in philosophical theories and debates, such as the concept of
inherent human dignity, social contract theories, and the idea of universal rights.
● Arts: Art can be a powerful medium for expressing and advocating for human
rights. Artistic creations, including literature, visual art, music, and film, often
explore themes of social justice, freedom, equality, and human dignity. Many
artists have used their work to shed light on human rights violations, challenge
oppressive systems, and inspire social change.

3. To what extent has globalization enabled individuals and organizations to raise

awareness and advocate for human rights on a global scale?
Globalization empowers individuals and organizations to advocate for human rights
globally. It facilitates rapid information dissemination through the internet, social media,
and digital platforms, reaching a wide audience instantly. Transnational networks and
collaborations between activists, NGOs, and advocacy groups transcend borders,
enhancing coordinated efforts against violations. Online activism, petitions, and digital
protests engage a broader audience, amplifying voices. Innovations like virtual reality
immerse individuals in impactful experiences, fostering empathy. Global partnerships
between human rights organizations, governments, and international bodies leverage
globalization's connectivity for resources and expertise. Thus, globalization catalyzes
awareness, amplification, collaboration, and immersive engagement, fundamentally
transforming the advocacy landscape for human rights on a global scale.

4. What role do international treaties and agreements play in promoting and

safeguarding human rights on a global scale?

International treaties and agreements serve as essential tools for promoting and
safeguarding human rights on a global scale. These agreements establish a framework of
universally recognized standards that nations commit to upholding. By becoming parties
to these treaties, countries assume legal obligations to protect and respect the human
rights enshrined within them. International treaties provide mechanisms for oversight,
reporting, and accountability, ensuring that states are held responsible for their

Additionally, these treaties facilitate cooperation among nations, enabling collective

efforts to address human rights challenges that cross borders. Through the establishment
of clear norms and legal obligations, international treaties contribute to the protection of
individuals' dignity, equality, and fundamental freedoms, while fostering a culture of
human rights that transcends national boundaries.


Our research on "Human Rights" analyzed term usage trends and their context using JSTOR
Constellate and Google Ngram. Noteworthy observations were drawn from the fluctuations in
usage over time. We formed questions to investigate human rights' interplay with various factors.
While philosophy and arts don't exclusively dominate human rights discussions, their exploration
of ethics and social justice contributes. Globalization amplifies human rights advocacy through
rapid information sharing and transnational collaborations. International treaties and agreements
play a pivotal role in promoting and protecting human rights worldwide, transcending borders
and establishing shared standards.

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