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5 Roles & Responsibility

2.5.1 Introduction

A job's role has its own function. Thus, similar related to this section which it has to do with
the function and standing that every member of the team or employee has. A team member's
or employee's obligation is the expectation that is placed on them based on their job function
and sometimes their personality. These responsibilities may manifest as formal obligations
pertaining to a person's role in a group or organisation or as informal relationships with other
people. Every business has organisational charts or organisational structures. The job
functions within the organisation are simply grouped hierarchically. Among other things, it
helps to make clear who is in charge of what, who reports to whom, and who is in charge of
this or that. The same framework for job positions may be used by any team of the company,
not only those in enterprises. A company's or a team's established job hierarchy will have an
impact on leadership styles, team member autonomy, group dynamics, and timing

2.5.2 Organizational Roles and Responsibilities

General Manager job descriptions:-

a) Coordinate, plan, and oversee all business operations to achieve organisational goals.
b) Draft and carry out a successful business plan.

c) Help with spending management and budget planning.

d) Evaluate the marketing campaign's effectiveness and offer recommendations for


e) Develop strategies for raising general productivity and quality, and give management
access to personnel, cost, and business reports.

Finance Manager job descriptions:-

A finance manager distributes a company's financial resources and offers financial advice
and insights to the senior management team to help them make the best decisions for the
organisation. The following should be part of the job description:

a) collecting, evaluating, and analysing financial data forecasting future trends in finance

b) informing stakeholders and management about impending business decisions and their
possible impact on the company

c) generating financial reports for spending, accounts payable and receivable, and

d) construct long-term corporate strategies using the information from these reports;

e) evaluate, monitor, and manage finances.

Production Manager job descriptions:-

A production manager is an expert who oversees the manufacturing process and schedules
each step to ensure an adequate supply of resources. They are able to plan budgets, predict
costs, and organise staff schedules to ensure that the workflow is completed by the required
dates. A production manager's duties include like these, as per below:

a) working with other managers to clarify objectives and understand needs;

b) developing budgets and cost estimates.

Sales Manager job descriptions:-

b) Controlling workflow to follow specifications and deadlines their supervisor of sales. A
sales manager is accountable for the performance of the company's sales team. They
prepare for monthly forecasting reports to evaluate how well they're doing in reaching those
targets and budgets based on what's happening with income streams, and they usually will
set objectives for their staff to make sure everything runs smoothly from month to month.
One of a sales manager's responsibilities is to successfully manage the sales team in order
to generate growth and meet sales targets. These are some of their job descriptions
specifically mentioned:-

a) developing and carrying out a thorough sales strategy that expands the clientele of the
business and guarantees its existence

b) supervising the hiring, goal-setting, coaching, and performance review processes for
sales representatives

Human Resources job descriptions:-

Human resource managers are professionals who screen candidates, conduct interviews,
and select the best candidates to ensure a positive work environment for everybody. They
also advise CEOs on strategic matters impacting all levels of management in order to effect
long-lasting change inside a corporation or company. An HR manager's responsibilities

a) creating and implementing HR initiatives and strategies that align with the overall
business plan;

b) addressing requests, complaints, and other issues to enhance management-employee


c) overseeing the hiring and selection process.

Finance Deaprtment responsibilties:-

The accounting department keeps track of and reports on the inflows and outflows of funds
for the organisation. In the department, there are five main functions or positions:

a) Account payable: responsible for compensating suppliers for any expenses paid on behalf
of the business, including utilities and tax payments.
b) Account receivable: Acknowledging and recording cash payments for goods or services
rendered; also, make sure the client receives an invoice for the supplied goods or services.

c) Payroll: In charge of making sure workers receive their paychecks on schedule and on a
regular manner.

d) In charge of creating the financial policies and processes for the business Additionally, this
agency oversees and manages the distribution, allocation, and use of financial resources.

e) Financial Reporting: Put resposibilities for monitoring, assessing, and disclosing the
company's earnings. This includes need the report to reveal the cash flow, business
performance, and financial well-being of the organisation. Other than that, the production
department is in charge of creating goods for the firm organisation through manufacturing.
The division in charge of production is the production manager. This division also employs
technicians, engineers, designers, machine operators, etc. It compriss the majority of thw
hole department's duties. Here are some detailed job:-

a) The manufacturing division produces goods for the business that are then sold in order to
make money.

b) The production department is also in charge of designing the company's goods or

products that are sold to other companies or to the general public.

c) The production division is in charge of overseeing each and every aspect of production.
Through production management, the department efficiently utilises personnel, equipment,
and materials while reducing waste.

d) The department increases the products of the corporation through inventions and

e) The manufacturing department makes sure to produce goods or commodities at very low
costs in order to maximise profit.

Sales and Marketing Department responsibilities:-

It is your responsibility to meet marketing and sales human resource targets, design pricing
strategies, and produce compelling ads, emails, and promotional materials.

Human Resources Department responsibilities:-

The Human Resources Department is in charge of recruiting, screening, employing, and

onboarding new hires as well as employee benefit schemes. Pay and benefits, hiring, firing,
and staying up to date on regulations that may affect the business and its employees are just
a few of HR's responsibilities. An economic think tank has identified six (6) crucial persons
who play various functions and are essential for a firm to produce value. Their job
descriptions are including below:-

a) Effectively overseeing employees

b) Competency is a factor in both salary and performance evaluations.

c) Gaining abilities that enhance performance on both an individual and organisational level

d) Increasing innovation, creativity, and adaptability to boost competitiveness.

e) Overseeing the integration and deployment of technology by means of enhanced

employee communication, staffing, and training.

2.5.3 Programme for Security Structure of Organisations

Subject matter specialists are not equipped to handle technological problems with security,
privacy, and compliance. These are top-down efforts that are closely linked to generating
income, enhancing your company's reputation, and ensuring the long-term viability of your
business. The truth is that you will not be able to win or keep the trust of your current and
potential partners, clients, or stakeholders unless your company has an effective security
strategy in place and can successfully explain it to others. There aren't many other business
problems as significant. The organisational cornerstones of a security plan are as follows.
These are standard components of practically every security plan, regardless of the size or
overall maturity of the organisation. Some of criterias are as per below:-

Top-Level Leadership: Included are members of the executive team who possess the
knowledge and power to decide on company matters. In the end, they will set the tone for
strategy, mission, objectives, and culture by balancing security in line with other business
requirements. Budgetary approvals will fall under the purview of the executive sponsor as

• CISO (or equivalent): The person who is ultimately responsible for overseeing and
managing the security programme. This will typically be a person who chairs the security
committee or has security as a supplementary job; in some companies, it may be a
designated CISO. Under any circumstances, the official transfer of ownership of the security
programme should be left to one person.

Information Risk Council (IRC): The IRC is a cross-functional organisation that sets priorities,
develops security strategies, and influences security legislation. The primary goal of the IRC
is to frequently bring together all company stakeholders to discuss information security
decisions at one table. Because decisions of this kind should be closely tied to business
objectives and informed by activities taking place inside the organisation, it is imperative that
the IRC be cross-functional and have representation from many business divisions. •

Functional Area Leadership: In charge of overseeing the security programme are leaders
from functional areas like operations, engineering, and human resources. They will direct
business unit or functional strategy and decision-making in line with the organization's
overarching goals, culture, and policies.

Security Champions: Generally speaking, not all functional areas within an organisation will
have full-time security professionals. Because of this, the company ought to appoint
"security champions" in every area who will act as advocates for security while not being
formal security resources. These people will usually be specially trained, function as your
main contact and "influencer" to assist in incorporating security into regular corporate

2.5.4 Organisational Structure Profile for Security in Small-Medium Businesses


250 - 2500 workers need to be rised in an organisational structure complexity, possibly

employing a mix of contemporary technology stacks and legacy systems, the company is
large enough to cause communication challenges, certain pre-existing practices that will
need to be examined or modified. Common Difficulties: SMBs now need to define their
information security strategy due to their size and complexity growth. Problems arise with
stakeholder buy-in, cross-functional organisational communication, and consistent security
control implementation. In order to effectively implement and oversee security, middle
management throughout the company must support top-level management, as their
authority does not extend to all employees or managers. It is now inevitable that there will
be attempted security incidents because of the larger security attack surface.
Figure 2.5.4 Small-Medium Businesses (SMBs) Organisational Structure

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