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Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion

4.1 Introduction

This chapter analyses and discusses the findings and data gathered based on the
researcher’s data. It specifies and focuses on data analysts from previous chapter and also
findings from 15 questionnaires which had been prepared by the researcher. The
questionnaires completed by the students of University Poly-Tech MARA Kuala Lumpur,
respectively. The objectives of the study is to identify the factors influencing students’
preferences in watching English movies and to analyze the students’ perception towards
watching English movies to improve speaking proficiency. Other than that, it also presents
the findings of the data collected from the questionnaires. The main source of the data is the
researcher need to observe the answers through questionnaires. The findings will be presented
through this chapter since it relates to the research objectives stated in this research.

4.2 Findings of The Research

4.2.1 Descriptive Frequency – Statistics

In this study, the researcher focused on findings part and section, which the researcher
aplply the descriptive frequency statistic method. Through performance analysis, the
researcher can find out how to make tests and instruction better through our reading on the
data calculation and findings. The researcher also can calculate test scores or grades, assess
how simple or difficult the test was, and assess how effective the instruction was. For
instance, a high percentage of low scores may indicate a student's effort and aptitude for
learning. As instance, by watching English movies, the students which that they can influence
by motivating themselves to be better. Based on the researcher observation, it helps to
organise and summarise many data types that we can access, such as from questionnaires and
standard tests in order to run tests of the information they contain. Data can be displayed
visually using graphs and charts like a histogram, frequency polygon, or scatter plot, or it can
be arranged using tables like a frequency distribution. The researcher also uses pie charts to
help gathering more specific data by number and percentage appearance through the charts’
calculation, which is percentage and numbers.

Based on the findings, results in findings section in demographic and all the sections
of Part B and Part C, it show relatively multiple and also various answers from students, that
they can watch or browse it easier whenever they want or during their free time by watching
English movies online using English subtitles. Audiences could therefore be said to select
media through to satisfy certain needs, such as the desire to escape from reality, to be
transported into another reality, and the need to be entertained or to relax (McQuail et al.,
2013). As all respondents are mostly a final year students, their schedule with assessments
were so pack and that is why they prefer to watch it online rather watching it through
televisions. Most of the people nowadays especially teenagers would have their own gadgets
at least their own hand phone with strong internet plans that allows them to browse anything
including watching English movies online.

According to Rahim (2010) he discovered that 100% of Malaysian youth watch

television programmed, 59% of youth watch satellite television, and 91% of them own a
personal computer with an internet connection. Due to technological advancement throughout
the years, most television drama series can be accessed through the internet and most of the
viewers especially youth tend to watch drama series online besides using television sets. They
also stated that, English subtitles are more logically than Malay subtitles and Malay subtitles
are not so tele and might give difference meaning from the original meaning.

This is another expectation that the researcher has gotten from those of the students
because most of the Malay subtitle is more likely sound like Indonesia subtitles whenever we
read it compare to English subtitle especially online. English subtitles it is more accurate and
easily to understand rather than others subtitles. Most of the respondents feel more
comfortable using English subtitles while watching English movies as they will found it
awkward if reading it using Malay subtitles. There were also incorrect spellings in the Malay
subtitles that can be found in televisions. Even though not all students will easily lost
interested to watch the English movies because of these problems, they all agreed that to
watch English movies using English subtitles online are more preferable than watching it on
television because the platform was really convenience for them as a student. They could
serve and watch it wherever and anytime that they prefer or during their leisure time.
In Table 4.3.2, most of the students usually go and serve the English movies using
English subtitles online at Kiss Asians websites followed by Netflix, Buzz and other websites
that provide it for free. As they are not working yet, they definitely go and serve websites that
provides them various type of movies with English subtitles in order for them to watch their
favorite drama. According to the survey of a digital media firm, Defy Media (Spangler, 2016)
audiences with the age range from 13 to 24 years who considered as a youth as suggested by
Arnett (2000), spend 12.1 hours per week on YouTube, social media, and other free online
sources as well as 8.8 hours on Netflix and other subscription video services available on the

Netflix is one of the whole wide world applications that allow us to watch various
types of drama, movies and more in it. Even though, there are students stated that they prefer
watch English movies for free, they were student who are also willing to pay at Netflix in
order for them to watch their preferable drama in it. This is because Netflix offer an
affordable price as low as rm17 per month to access the application. Students might share the
rm17 with their friends who love to watch movies, drama series and more to share monthly
with them in order to get an access to Netflix. There were lots of updated movies that can be
found in Netflix that Malaysia’s channel did not provide including English movies and drama
series. That is the reason why most of the students prefer to watch English movies using
English subtitles online.

Last but not least, results in data findings shown that most of the student response that
watching English movies using English subtitles is important rather than watching it on
television. It is true that online platform did not contain much advertisement, specific time
and day, compared to television. English movies in television channe will usually left watcher
hanging and curious.

Watchers became more suspicious and prefer to watch it online in order to save their
time especially people who are tired of working or busy with their works including students.
Watchers can have or known the ending of the story faster if watching it online. Whenever
they had finished with the whole drama series, they can go and watch another English movies
without wasting any time. This is because, viewers had the power to control whether to repeat
or skip the scene that they love or found it too long and unimportant to watch or reread
subtitles that they did not able to catch up with. Watchers who watching English movies
using television, they need to stick and stay at only one places according to the time and
specific date, such as at home. They would not be able to carry around their television
wherever they go or went in order to watch movies.

In facts, they do not need to choose the subtitles if they serve it online as the website
has automatically have chosen for them. They found that, it is much easier than watching it at
television as they need to choose the subtitle that they prefer before watching it. The reasons
why televisions in Malaysia already set or provide Malay subtitles in English movies channel
more than English subtitles is because of the majority of the people in Malaysia and also due
to the low proficiency in English language of some Malaysians. As stated by Zee et al.,
(2017) in all cases there are many non-native English speakers in English courses. Not all
people in Malaysia could understand and read English fluent and correctly as we know that
English language is not our mother tongue or native language.

4.3 Discussion of The Findings

This section specifically been focused in main contribution to respondents’ answer, which is
demographic question. This research is conducted by utilising the quantitative method
research methodology. Next, the instrument used for this method is the questionnaire.
Quantitative data most commonly expressed in numbers because it includes the number of
participants' information and data analysis. A set of questionnaires had been distributed to
collect data. Thus, this sections contains totally 5 question which has considering as the most
necessary parts of data findings. It contained 5 questions as per listed as per category listed
1. Questionnaire Form
2. Demographic data –
1) Gender, 2) Age, 3) Race, 4) Semester & 5) Speaking Proficiency Level

PART B : Factors Influencing Students’ Preference in Watching English Movies

This section contained 15 questions for find out some particular elements or factors that can
can be influenced as why students prefer to watch English movies, as the questions as per
listed below:-
1. I usually watch English movies during my leisure time.
2. I tend to watch English movies to relieve my stress.
3. My lecturer sometimes give tasks to watch and review a movie to me.
4. I watch English movies to get knowledge regarding the culture and history of the
5. I love watching English movies because I can learn to pronounce the word according
to the original accept.
6. I watch English movies to gain new vocabulary.
7. Watching English movies helps to improve my listening skill.
8. I watch English movies to improve my speaking skills.
9. I watch English movies to improve my reading skills.
10. Watching English movies is one of my way to improve my English skills.
11. I love watching English movies with my friends.
12. I watch English movies because I want to support my favourite actor/ actress.
13. I watch movies for entertainment purposes.
14. I watch English movies for educational purposes.
15. I watch English movies to learn unfamiliar idioms or proverbs better.
PART C : Students Perceptions towards Watching English Movies To Improve
Speaking Proficiency.
This section contained 15 questions for find out some particular elements or factors that can
can be influenced as why students prefer to watch English movies, as per listed below:

1. Watching English movies can be beneficial for English use in my daily life.
2. Watching English movies help to correct my pronunciations.
3. Watching English movies help me to understand unfamiliar accents and dialects
4. Watching English movies engage me with new vocabulary.
5. I can improve my listening skills by watching English movies.
6. I can improve my speaking skills by watching English movies.
7. I can improve my reading skills by watching English movies.
8. Watching English movies help to correct my pronunciation during conversation.
9. Watching English movies helps me to learn more about the culture and history of one
10. Watching English movies helps me to become more confident in being doing
11. Watching English movies helps me to understand unfamiliar idioms and proverbs.
12. Watching English movies helps me to apply more idioms and proverbs during
13. Motion pictures in English movies helps me to understand conversation better,
14. Watching English movies helps me to improve my concentration in class.
15. Watching English movies helps me to improve my speaking proficiency.


This section presents all the findings which according to the analysis and interpretation of
data gathered from the previous answers and data to all of the questionnaires that had been
distributed. As the data were presented in pie chart and bar charts, the results of findings need
to be listed as well. Hence, the questionnaire was distributed to the students which
specifically targeted to the BE201 students who are specifically in semester 5 and 6,
respectively.The main objective for descriptive analysis is to achieve understandings based
on respondents’ opinions and answers through their questionnaire.




18-20 21-23 24-26 27 and above


Based on pie chart above, it has shown the results indicate that 0 (0%) respondents in age
between 18-20 years old. Next, we have 36 (69.2%) people of ages between 21-23 years old,
meanwhile it is not bad that respondents of middle ages got 13 (25%) people, which ages
between 24 until 26 years old. Lastly, the second least people who had answered
questionnaire is (3) people who are in ages of between 27 years old and above. Pie Chart shown the respondent’s age distribution. Race

1.8 2.2


Malay Chinese Indian Others


Based on pie chart above, it has shown the results indicate that 47 (90.4%) Malay
respondents have answered the questionnaire. Next, we got no (1.8%) Chinese respondent
and also 1 (2.2%) Indian respondent. Lastly, in UPTM we got also students who studied
abroad so they got chance to answer the researcher’s questionnaire, which was answered by 4
(5.6%) respondents. As we can see from the chart,. Pie Chart shown the respondent’s
race distribution. Gender



Male Female


Based on pie chart above, it has shown the results indicate that 29 (55.8%) male respondents
have answered the questionnaire. As we can see from the chart, only 23 (44.2%) female
respondents have succesfully answered the questionnaire, and this shown that female
respondents got less 10 respondents from the male respondents. This study has shown that
male students tend to watch English movies as “watching movies” as one of their hobbies
during their leisure time. Pie Chart shown the respondent’s gender distribution. Semester

50 50

Male Female


Based on pie chart above, it has shown the results indicate that the section of ‘semester” got
fair number of respondents between male and female respondents. The chart has shown that
there are 26 (50%) male respondents and also another 26 (50%) respondents who give their
cooperations to answer the questionnaire. Pie Chart shown the respondent’s gender
distribution. Speaking Proficiency Level

Speaking Proficiency Level



Novice Intermediate Advance


Based on pie chart above, it has shown in the questionnaire of this title, the researcher puts
this topic in three categories which were noive, intermediate, and also advance. This question
has been conquered by “intermediate” score of 31 (59.6%) students who able to communicate
well after watching English movies. Next, we have as many as 14 (26.9%) advance students
and last the balance of 7 (13.5%) students who categorised as novice. Pie Chart shown
the respondent’s speaking proficiency level distribution.

4.3 Discussion of the Findings

As the researcher Rohmatillah (2014) stated most of the students had many problems
in vocabulary mastery. In the process of learning English, the students are weak in using the
vocabulary. Sometimes, students had limited vocabulary to comprehend the meaning of a text
which they also could not recognize the meaning of each word. Hence, it led to the
difficulties to understand and create some sentences in English. Those problems also led them
to face some difficulties when communicate English language, since it is not our mother
tongue language. Furthermore, Webb and Chang (2012) asserted that vocabulary is one of the
goals to English students which they should proritize second/foreign language learning. In
English learning, we can maximize our English language acquisition and skills by mastering
the four skills, but need to focus more on vocabularies.

Instead, an enhancement towards vocabulary is the key to master all the language
skills; especially these four main skills, which are speaking, reading, writing, and listening. A
person with a limited vocabulary will never be able to speak, write, read, or understand a
language effectively. As cited by Mart (2012) ”without vocabulary, nothing can be
conveyed". This specifically gives meaning that vocabulary is used productively through
speaking and writing skills, to ensure the learners will have enough vocabulary. According to
another researcher again, the advancement of technology was really helps, since movies
will help the teachers in teaching English at their classroom. This platform will help them and
their students to create more fun and interactive English learning.

As mentioned by Efrizal (2018), the majority of students were very eager to

learn more about English language if they can practice the above method very well which
precisely mentioned that vocabulary is very essential to comprehend the language in their
communication skills scoring. Thus, the advantages and rewards will be benefited to the
students so that they will able to speak, comprehend the language well, have a better
communication skill, or next they will compose good writing. It is expected that the students
have to increase their vocabulary of about 100 words a year, by watching English movies.
Similarly, in the Competence-Based Curriculum, the students are required to increase their
vocabulary 1000-1500 words every year so that it will resulted the three years students should
have capable to increase their vocabulary around 4000 words.

Regarding these matters, James (2018) believed watching Korean dramas can be a
good habit for educational purposes when the students watch and enjoys and at the same
time, the students are also involved in the English Language. According to (Ebrahimi, 2016)
drama, films and movie subtitles may offer new pathways for language learning and
understanding. The use of English subtitles proves to be more effective in improving overall
comprehension than non-subtitle. English subtitles can strengthen the understanding of
English context-bound expressions, and help students acquire new vocabulary and idioms.
Furthermore, English subtitles can motivate learners to study English outside the classroom
context by watching drama, films, movies, and more (Talaván Zanón, 2006). From Wei Ning
(1970) cited by Putra (2014) states that movies or media can be an effective tool for learning
new vocabulary “there is no doubt that video technology, especially English subtitled movies
or drama can be a powerful teaching tool to help students learn and acquire new vocabulary”

Research finding indicate that drama helps to improve student’s reading, speaking,
and listening abilities, as well as vocabulary acquisition (Güngör, 2008). Rohmatillah (2014)
stated that students learn vocabulary quickly by using media such as wall charts, real objects,
videos, movies, the internet, and more because media can give context to them. Moreover
creating activities using media can keep the meaning of the words in their mind and can stand
longer. In English learning, vocabulary learning is fundamental and crucial. When learners
learn English vocabulary, English subtitles are a very effective way to learn, to meet the
different needs of English learners (Khezrlou & Ellis, 2017). Thompson (2000), movie or
drama subtitle is some text read by viewers when they disengage to some degree from both
the visuals and audio of a movie.

4.4 Conclusion
In a nutshell, this study helps the researcher to find strong reasons on why the topic
should help students to practice English in their life. By watching English movies, it may
really enhance their speaking, reading, writing and listening abilities in English language
development. Movies are usually written for native English speakers, not for English
language learners. As a result, the language is spoken rapidly, with natural accents and
pronunciations, and rich in idioms and colloquial expressions, just as people would hear it in
everyday speech. Hence, studying at the university which can practice English language is far
more recommended than students who only able to speak English only through their
classroom learning, which it is solely develop English learning and its field of language. All
English language learners, though, should view English-language films in their free time for
extra practise that the UPTM students would not receive in the classroom.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

5.1 Introduction

This chapter of the research deals with the conclusion, discussion, and
recommendations based on the result and findings of the study. As from the previous chapter,
which is chapter 4, through findings and its discussions, we can analyze, interpret, study and
also The discussions are then divided into three parts, based on the three research questions
that were mentioned in chapter 1. Hence, as the researcher, next they will decide either the
findings are appropriate or not tally with the research objectives proposed by the researchers.
Furthermore, they will explore the causes, factors contributing and also why English movies
influence resulted in this research.This chapter's information includes a discussion of the
findings, recommendations, and proposals for more research, as well as a summary.

5.2 Summary of The Findings

5.3 Recommendation for Future Studies

5.4 Conclusion


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