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What are the 5 parts of Research

-Chapter 1 (The problem and its background) Introduction, Statement of the problem, Significance
of the study, Scope and Delimitation of the study
-Chapter 2 (Review of related literature) Related/Conceptual Literature, Research Literature,
Synthesis, Conceptual Framework, Hypothesis, Definition of terms
-Chapter 3 (Research Methodology) Research design, Respondents of the study, Research
Instrument, Research procedure, Statistical treatment
-Chapter 4 (Presentation, Analysis of interpretation of data)
-Chapter 5 (Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations) Summary of the findings, conclusions,
2. How to write an introduction?
-Introduce your topic, describe its background, establish your research problem, specify your
objectives and map out your paper.
3. What do you call the last paragraph of your introduction? Cite the last paragraph of your
-The last paragraph of our introduction is called Rationale. The rationale of the study is the reason
for why the study was conducted or should be conducted. That means the study rationale should
explain to the reader or examiner why the study is/was necessary. The rationale of our study is " The
researchers goal is to know and discover arrays of diverse challenges that ABM students face so that
solutions may be given to the students as an aid in facing the different challenges that ABM students
must encounter. The main reason for this study is to explore the common academic challenges
facing by ABM students. The researchers choose this as their topic in order to determine the
challenges brought by an insufficient number of books. Finding a way of how this problem to be
manage will be a big help for the students who encountered challenges.
4. What is the meaning of scope? What is the scope of your study?
-The scope of the study refers to the parameters under which the study will be operating. The
problem you seek to resolve will fit within certain parameters it refers to the boundaries within your
research project will be performed. This study focused on the challenges encountered by grade 12
students in their chosen strands. The scope of this research are the “Challenges encountered of
grade 12 students in taking Accountancy, Business and Management strand at Primitivo Kalaw
Senior High School. Furthermore, this study will serve as a help for every ABM student, to give a
solution on what to do with the challenges they will face in their chosen strand.
5. Define the concept of delimitation. What is the delimitation of your study?
-Delimitation are the characteristics that limit the scope and describe the boundaries of the study.
The delimitation of our study is “This study will focus on the challenges encountered by grade 12
students taking the ABM strand. The respondents of this study are 23 students from ABM12 who
experience challenges in their chosen strand. This study is delimited for those ABM students who
experiencing challenges.
5. Define the concept of limitation. What is the limitation of your study?
-Limitations are those characteristics of design or methodology that impacted or influenced the
interpretation of the findings from your research. It refers to the factors that may affect the validity
and reliability of the study. The limitations of our study is “The study will only focus on the
experiences of grade 12 ABM students at a specific school. This study may be limited by the
accuracy and truthfulness of the responses provided the participants. This study may not be able to
explore all possible factors or variables that could affect the experiences of ABM students.”
6. Cite the meaning of the significance of the study.
- A statements of why it is important to seek for the problem, and how the solution will improve the
human condition. It is something that is useful and will have an impact, and is therefore feasible to
7. How do you write the significance of the study?
-We wrote the significance of the study by answering the 3 questions: why the study is important,
how the study is important and for whom the study is important.
8. Cite the significance of the study of your research.
-This study significance to the SCHOOL because it is important that they will know the challenges of
ABM students. To the PARENTS they will know how to guide her child for their chosen track. To the
STUDENTS they will know what challenges they may face in choosing ABM as their strand in SHS.
And also to the FURURE RESEARCHERS because this will guide making their research if they
intended to conduct more investigation about the challenges encountered by grade 12 students in
taking their strand.
9. What content does the definition of terms have?
-This is an important part of research paper or report is that in which the key or important terms in
the study are clearly defined.
10. What are the 2 types of definition of terms? Define it.
-CONCEPTUAL is the universal meaning that is attributed to a word or group of words and which is
understood by many people.
-OPERATIONAL is the meaning of the concept or term as used in a particular study. It is stated in
concrete term in that allows measurement.
11. Cite at least two terms that you include in your study.
-CHALLENGES a new or difficult task that tests somebody’s ability and skill.
-ENCOUNTERED particular kind of meeting or experience with another person.
12. What is Review of Related Literature?
-The major process that leads you to past theory involves the systematic identification, location, and
analysis of documents containing information related to the research problem.
13. How do you differentiate the difference between Conceptual Literature and Research
-CONCEPTUAL LITERATURE pertains to articles or books written by authorities giving their opinions,
experiences, theories or ideas of what is good or bad. While RESEARCH LITERATURE refers to the
published or unpublished reports on actual research studies done previously.
14.What is synthesis?
-Is about concisely summarizing and linking different sources in order to review the literature on a
topic, make recommendations, and connect your practice to the research.
15. What are the 4 types of entry that you may employed in writing review of literature. Discuss
-Quotation the exact words of an author are reproduced and enclosed in quotation marks.
Paraphrase you restate the author’s thoughts in your own words. Summary you restate in
condensed form the contents of an article. Evaluation you record your reaction indicating
agreement or disagreement or interpreting the point of view of the writer.
16. What is Research Design
- Research design is the framework or guide used for planning, implementation, and analysis of the
study. It is a systematic of what is to be done, how will it be done, and how the data will be
analyzed. It provides an outline of how the research will be carried out and the methods that will be
17. Give element of research design and explain.
- The kinds of research design are; Experimental Research concerned primarily with cause and
effect relationship. Survey Research used to gather information from group of people by selecting
and studying samples chosen from population. Descriptive Research used for portraying a
population that has been chosen of some specific characteristics. Comparative Research used to
compare and contrast representatives samples from two or more groups of subjects. Correlational
Research used to investigate the direction and magnitude of relationship among variables in
particular population. Evaluative Research judgment of worth or value.
18. What research design did you use in your research?
-We used a DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN. We used descriptive research design because it allows
us to describe and analyze the challenges encountered by the grade 12 students in taking the
accountancy, business and management strand. This design involves collecting and analyzing data
through surveys, interviews, and observations to gain a better understanding of phenomenon being
studied. It is appropriate for our research because it enables us to provide a detailed description of
the challenges faced by the students, which can inform the development of inventions and solutions
to help them cope with their studies.
19. What is sampling? What are the types of sampling?
-Sampling is the selection of a subset of the population of interest in a research study. The
20. What sampling did you use in your study? Discuss it.
-We used PURPOSIVE SAMPLING in our research because we specifically targeted the grade 12
students who are taking the accountancy, business and management strand. Purposive sampling
allowed us to select participants who fit our criteria and had experience with the challenges we
wanted to investigate. This sampling method is commonly used in quantitative/qualitative research
when the researcher wants to gather in-depth information from a specific group of people.
21. Cite the subject of the study of your research.
-The subject of our study are the 23 students who took part in the research survey. Those are the
grade 12 ABM students who experienced challenges in their chosen strand from primitivo kalaw
senior high school.
22. What method of data collection/research instrument will you use in your research?
-We use survey questionnaire as data gathering tool. It allows us to gather information about the
challenges encountered by the grade 12 students in taking accountancy, business and management
strand. Survey questionnaire also provides us with quantitative data, which can be easily analyzed
using statistical tools to identify patterns and trends. Additionally, it allows us to gather data quickly
and efficiently, reducing the time and effort needed to collect data through other methods.
23. How did you write the gathering procedure of your research?
-In able to write the gathering procedure of our research, we narrates how we or the researchers
administered the questionnaire for survey.
24. What are the issues presented in your paper?
-The issues presented in this paper are the challenges encountered by grade 12 students taking the
ABM strand at primitivo kalaw senior high school , specifically in the areas of journalizing, writing
general ledger, answering worksheet and entrepreneurship.
25. Statement of the Problem.
-What are the challenges encountered by the accountancy, business and management
students in taking up their strand in terms of journalizing, writing general ledger, answering
worksheet and entrepreneurship.
-Based on the findings what action may be proposed to help the students to cope up in
taking ABM stands at primitivo kalaw senior high school?
26. How do you composed statement of the problem?
-We composed our statement of the problem by observing the challenges faced by grade 12
students taking accountancy, business and management strand. Our experience as an ABM
student also helped us answer what challenges ABM students face. Also, we searched for
articles on the internet about the challenges students face when it comes to the ABM strand
and we found that the challenges we experienced in our strand were also the same
challenges discussed in the articles we found.
27. What is conceptual framework?
-Refers to the visual representation of the research problem, variables, and relationships
among variables. It serves as a guide in the conduct of the study.
28. What is essence of having Conceptual framework?
- The essence of having a conceptual framework is to provide a clear and concise representation of
the research problem and guide the researcher in the conduct of the sudy.
29. What is IPO?
- INPUT the variables that causes the problem, phenomenon or transformation. PROCESS the
method by which the variables are collected and synthesized. OUTPUT the problem, phenomenon, or
transformation the outcome of the variables.
30. What to write and construct synthesis?
-To write and construct a synthesis, the researcher must review the literature, identify the main
themes and concepts, and integrate the findings to form a new perspective on the research problem.

INTRODUCTION: Our research title is focused on identifying the challenges encountered by grad 12
students who are taking the accountancy, business and management strand. Specifically, the study
aims to identify the difficulties that students face in relation to four key areas; journalizing, writing
general ledger, answering worksheet and entrepreneurship. The study aims to provide insights into
challenges faced by ABM students and to suggest ways can help these students overcome theses
challenges. Our research title provide a clear and specific focus for the study, which van help to
generate more targeted and relevant findings.

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