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The Century Series

The CenturySeries,which replacesour popularPSBSeries, is a complete re-dress
in physicalappearance,accompaniedby significantacoustic updatesthat in some
cases includenewdrivers. As you go up the linefrom the Century300ito the
Century1000i, you will experienceincrementalgains in lowest bass response,
maximumsoundoutput, and high-frequencypower-handling.All of the modelswith
the "i" suffix are updates,with improvementssuch as new radiusedgrilles (which
minimizediffraction effects at highfrequencies),newcabinetfinishes(in a choice of
black ash or dark cherry), new radiusedport tubes (for still lower turbulenceat high
sound levels),newgold-platedconnectors (includingdual sets of bindingposts on
the towers to allow bi-ampingand bi-wiring),andfinished backs. The newgrilles and
finishes makethe new Centuriessleekerand slimmer to fit more easilyinto living

Bookshelf Systems
The Century 300i
Thesoundof the 300i is very much like that of our amazingAlpha,but with deeper
bass responsefrom its larger cabinet(whichalso housesa new 6-lj2-inch woofer)
and with slightly more high-frequencypower-handlingfrom'its larger-dome(3/4-inch)
tweeter, which is also a bit smoother.Likethe more expensivesystems in the
series, it now has gold-platedbindingposts.

The Century 400i

The400i is specificallydesignedfor those who wantthe range usuallyassociated
with a big speakerin one that fits on a bookshelf.With an effective low-frequency
cut-off of 38 Hz, it competesnicely in low-endresponsewith manyfar larger
systems. (Thetrade-offis some efficiency;its sensitivityfor typical listeningrooms
is 89 dB, as opposedto 91 dB in the 300i and 92 dB in the far larger-and more
expensive-Century 1000i.) The system'shigh-frequencyresponsebenefitsfrom a
3/4-inch textile dome tweeter (alsoused in the 500i) with smooth responseand

The Century 500i

Thisis thelargestsingle-woofer
Century,andits simpletwo-waydesignusingan
8-inchwooferis a classicthatmanylistenersfavorin double-blind tests.Its larger
wooferandinternalvolumegiveit a low-frequency cut-offpointof 32 ~z, andits
power-handlingis enhancedbya newvoice-coilmaterialandhigher-temperature
adhesives.Aswiththe 400i a new 3/4-inch textile dome tweeter produces silky,
extended highs and fine dispersion,
n (25 HzintheSubSonicIIand21 HzintheSubsonicIII).The100Ciandthe

Tower Systems
SubsonicIIareanespeciallylogicalmatchwithanyof thebookshelf
The Century 600i Centurys,whilethe200CiandSubsonicIIIjoin particularlywellwiththe
Thesmallestandleastexpensiveof ourtwo-woofersystems,the600i, is alsothe Centurytowersystems.
first of thethreeCenturytowersystems.Itstwo 6-lj2-inchwoofers,withinjection
moldedcones,providethe same32 Hzbasscut-offasthe500i, butwithgreater The performanceof an all-CenturyHomeTheater systemis far beyondwhat
power-handling. Combinedwiththe high-frequencypowercapabilitiesof a new1- most people haveheard,or evensuspect is possible,in a home listening
inchtextiledometweeter,theyhelpthe 600isupplythegreatestdynamicrange room. All of our speakersare so close to each other in musical,timbral
percubicinchof allourspeakers.Anaddedmaximum-performance featureis the balancethat they mix and match perfectly for HomeTheater,with no source-
optionof bi-amping or bi-wiringviathedouble,gold-plated
terminalsontherear shift or other unwantedeffects. (Centurysystems up front also mix beautifully
panel. with our smallerAlphaor Ambientdipole surroundspeakersas surround
The Century 800i
With two new8-inchwoofers that employnewvoice coil materialsand higher-
temperatureadhesivesfor increasedpower-handling,the 800i can stir a lot of air
in motion at symphonicor rock listeninglevelsin big livingrooms-with a low-
frequencycut-off of 30 Hz. It usesthe same new I-inch textile dome tweeter as
the 600i and 1000i, and hasthe samewell-dispersedtop-endresponse.It is hard
to makethis also-biampablespeakersoundat all stressed in evena large living

The Century 1000i

Our newadditionto the top of the Centuryseries,this is a slim, elegantspeaker
with an appearancemuch like our Stratus Silver.It employstwo 6-lj2-inch
woofers in a "two-and-a-half-way"designthat essentiallyuses both of the woofers
in subwooferterritory while allowingone to operate at mid-rangefrequenciesas
well. The result, in combinationwith the system'ssilk-textiledome tweeter, is
extremelysmooth overall sound.(Ina recent reviewof the system in Stereo
Review,JulianHirschreported that its on-axisfrequencyresponsewas the
smoothest he has ever measured.)

Specialized Speakers for Home Theater

HEAR for YOURSELF: We urge you to listen to the Centurys to gauge
Allof theCenturyspeakersdescribedaboveareexcellentsystemsfor Home them by your most critical expectations and decide which ones are
Theateruseaswellas musiclistening.TocompletetheirHomeTheater right for your needs and taste. Bring musical material you know
theCenturylOOC; and well to a listening session, and judge performance both on complex
theCentury200C;,whichdeliveroutstandingclarityanddefinition,andtwo material and by the simple but demanding standard of the human
subwoofers, theSubsonicII andSubsonicIII, whichprovidegut-level voice. Whichever Centurys you choose, we think you will be
reproductionof thedeepestsubsonicfrequenciesfoundin HomeTheater enthusiastic not just with the way they sound and the amoun't of
materials.Thedifferencebetweenthe modelsineachof thetwo pairsis in performance they supply for your investment, but with the way they
power-handling, and,inthesubwoofers,inthelowestfrequencycovered fit into your life.


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