Medical Terms Prefixes and Suffixes

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-cele pouching, hernia Hydrocele

MEDICAL TERMS PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES -centesis surgical puncture for aspiration Amniocentesis
A Of or pertaining to the head (as
cephal(o)- Cephalalgy
Prefix or suffix Meaning Example(s) a whole)

a-, an- not, without Apathy cerebr(o)- Of or pertaining to the brain Cerebrology
ab- away Abduction Of or pertaining to the neck,
cervic- Cervicodorsal
the cervix
abdomin(o)- Of or relating to the abdomen Abdomen
chem(o)- chemistry, drug Chemotherapy
acous(io)- Of or relating to hearing acoustician
-acusis hearing paracusis Of or pertaining to the hand Chiropractor
ad- at, increase, on, toward Adduction chlor(o)- Denoting a green color Chlorophyll
aden(o)-, chol(e)- Of or pertaining to bile Cholecystitis
Of or relating to a gland Adenocarcinoma
cholecyst(o)- pertaining to the gallbladder Cholecystectomy
adip(o)- relating to fat or fatty tissue Adipocyte
chondr(i)o- cartilage, Chondrocalcinosis
adren(o)- Of or relating to adrenal glands adrenal artery
chrom(ato)- color Hemochromatosis
aer(o)- air, gas Aerosinusitis
-cidal, -cide killing, destroying bacteriocidal
aesthesio sensation Anesthesia
cili- cilia, the eyelashes; eyelids Ciliary
alb- Denoting a white or pale color Albino
circum- something as 'around' another Circumcision
alge(si)- pain Analgesic
co- with, together, in association coenzymes
-algia,alg(i)o- pain Myalgia
col-, colo-,
amni- membranous fetal sac (amnion) Amniocentesis colon Colonoscopy
ana- back, again, up Anaplasia colp(o)- Of or pertaining to the vagina Colposcopy
an- anus anal contra against Contraindicate
andr(o)- pertaining to a man Android cor-, core-,
Of or pertaining to eye's pupil Corectomy
angi(o)- blood vessel Angiogram coro-

ankyl(o)- Denoting something as crooked cornu- likened or similar to horns Greater cornu
,ancyl(o)- or bent coron(o)- crown coronary
positioned in front of another cost(o)- Of or pertaining to the ribs Costochondral
ante- antepartum
cox- hip or hip-joint Coxopodite
anti- 'against' or 'opposed to' another Antibody
-crine, crin(o) to secrete Endocrine
apo- away, separated from, Apoptosis
cry(o)- cold Cryoablation
arteri(o)- Of or pertaining to an artery Arteriole, artery
cutane- skin Subcutaneous
arthr(o)- joints, limbs Arthritis
cyan(o)- Denotes a blue color Cyanopsia
articul(o)- Joint Articulation
cyst(o) urinary bladder Cystotomy
-ase enzyme Lactase
cyt(o)- cell Cytokine
-asthenia weakness Myasthenia gravis
-cyte cell Leukocyte
ather(o)- fatty deposit Atherosclerosis
atri(o)- an atrium (esp. heart atrium) atrioventricular dacryo- tear Dacryocystitis
aur(i)- Of or pertaining to the ear Aural -dactyl(o)- Of or pertaining to a finger, toe polydactyly
aut(o)- Self Autoimmune de- away from, cessation
dent- Of or pertaining to teeth Dentist
Of the glans penis or glans
balano- Balanitis dermat(o)-,
clitoridis Of or pertaining to the skin Dermatology
bi- twice, double Binary
-desis binding arthrodesis
bio- Life Biology
dextr(o)- right, on the right side Dextrocardia
blast(o)- germ or bud Blastomere
di- two Diplopia
blephar(o)- Of or pertaining to the eyelid Blepharoplast
dia- through, during, across dialysis
Brachium of
brachi(o)- Of or relating to the arm -dipsia (condition of) thirst polydipsia
inferior colliculus
brachy- Indicating 'short' or less, little' brachycephalic dis- separation, taking apart Dissection
brady- 'slow' Bradycardia duodenum, twelve: upper part
duodeno- Duodenal atresia
of the small intestine
bronch(i)- bronchus dys- bad, difficult Dysphagia
bucc(o)- Of or pertaining to the cheek Buccolabial
burs(o)- fluid sac between the bones Bursitis
carcin(o)- cancer Carcinoma Prefix/suffix Meaning Example(s)

cardi(o)- Of or pertaining to the heart Cardiology -emia blood condition Anemia

carp(o)- Of or pertaining to the wrist Carpopedal encephal(o)- Of or pertaining to the brain Encephalogram
eosin(o)- Red Eosinophil I
ileo- ileum Ileocecal valve
enter(o)- Of or pertaining to the intestine Gastroenterology
infra- below Infrahyoid muscles
epi- on, upon Epicardium
episi(o)- pubic region, the loins Episiotomy inter- between, among
erythr(o)- Denotes a red color Erythrocyte
intra- within intramural
eu- true, good, well, new Eukaryote
ipsi- same
ex- out of, away from Excision hemiparesis
exo- something as 'outside' another Exoskeleton irid(o)- iris Iridectomy
extra- Outside Extradural isch- restriction Ischemia
F ischio- ischium, the hip-joint Ischioanal fossa
faci(o)- Of or pertaining to the face Facioplegic
-ism condition, disease Dwarfism
fibr(o) Fiber Fibroblast
iso- 'equal' Isotonic
-form, -iform indicating 'having the form of' Cuneiform
-ist one who specializes in Pathologist
fore- before or ahead foreword
-ite the nature of, resembling Hermaphrodite
fossa A hollow or depressed area fossa ovalis
-itis inflammation Tonsillitis
front- pertaining to the forehead Frontonasal
-ium structure, tissue pericardium
galact(o)- Milk Galactorrhea
kal- potassium Hyperkalemia
gastr(o)- Of or pertaining to the stomach Gastric bypass karyo- nucleus Eukaryote
born in, from, sense 'of a certain (1) Endogen;
-gen kerat(o)- cornea (eye or skin) Keratoscope
kind' (2)Heterogenous
kin(e)-, kin(o),
Formative, pertaining to movement Kinesthesia
-genic Cardiogenic shock kinesi(o)-
koil(o)- hollow Koilocyte
genu- Of or pertaining to the knee Genu valgum
kyph(o)- humped Kyphoscoliosis
gingiv- Of or pertaining to the gums Gingivitis
glauc(o)- grey or bluish-grey colour Glaucoma
labi(o)- Of or pertaining to the lip Labiodental
Of or pertaining to the tongue Glossology lacrim(o)- tear Lacrimal canaliculi
lact(i)-, lact(o) milk Lactation
gluco- sweet Glucocorticoid
Of or pertaining to the
glyco- sugar Glycolysis lapar(o)- Laparotomy
abdomen-wall, flank
-gnosis knowledge diagnosis
Lateral pectoral
latero- lateral
gon(o)- seed, semen; reproductive Gonorrhea nerve
-gram, - lei(o)- smooth Leiomyoma
record or picture Angiogram
-lepsis, -lepsy attack, seizure
instrument used to record data narcolepsy
-graph Electrocardiograph
or picture
Denoting a white color Leukocyte
-graphy process of recording Angiography leuk(o)-
gyn(aec)o- lingu(a)-,
woman Gynecomastia Of or pertaining to the tongue Linguistics
gyn(ec)o lingu(o)-
H lip(o)- fat Liposuction
halluc- to wander in mind Hallucinosis
lith(o)- stone, calculus Lithotripsy
hemat Of or pertaining to blood Hematology
log(o)- speech
hemangi or
blood vessels Hemangioma studies a certain field: _____- Oncologist,patholo
hemangio- -logist
logy gist
hemi- one-half hemisphere
academic study or practice of a hematology,urolog
hepat- certain field y
Of or pertaining to the liver Hepatology
lymph(o)- lymph Lymphedema
'the other' (of two), as an
heter(o)- Heterogeneous lys(o)-, -lytic dissolution Lysosome
addition, or different
-lysis Destruction, separation Paralysis
hidr(o)- sweat Hyperhidrosis
hist(o)-, histio- tissue Histology
macr(o)- large, long Macrophage
home(o)- similar Homeopathy
-malacia softening Osteomalacia
'the same' as another or
hom(o)- Homosexuality mamm(o)- Of or pertaining to the breast Mammogram
mammill(o)- Of or pertaining to the nipple mammillaplasty
humer(o)- the shoulder, the upper arm) Humerus
mast(o)- Of or pertaining to the breast Mastectomy
hydr(o)- water Hydrophobe
hyper- 'extreme' or 'beyond normal' Hypertension
megal(o)-, enlargement, million Splenomegaly
hyp(o)- 'below normal' Hypovolemia, megaly
hyster(o)- womb, the uterus Hysterectomy melan(o)- black color Melanin
mening(o)- membrane Meningitis oxy- sharp, acid, acute, oxygen
mes(o)- middle Mesoderm P
Prefix/suffix Meaning Example(s)
-metry process of measuring Optometry
pachy- thick pachyderma
small, or relating to smallness,
micro- Microscope
millionth 'complete' or containing
pan-, pant(o)- pancytopenia
milli- thousandth milliliter
papill- nipple (of the chest/breast) Papillitis
mon(o)- single
mononucleosis a small elevation or swelling in
papul(o)- Papule
the skin, a pimple, swelling
morph(o)- form, shape Morphology
para- alongside of, abnormal
muscul(o)- muscle
system -paresis slight paralysis hemiparesis
my(o)- Of or relating to muscle Myoblast parvo- small Parvovirus
myc(o)- fungus Onychomycosis path(o)- disease Pathology
myel(o)- bone marrow or spinal cord Myeloblast (with a negative sense) a sociopathy,neuropat
disease, or disorder hy
myl(o)- molar teeth or lower jaw Mylohyoid
pauci- Few Pauci-immune
myri- ten thousand myriad
pector- breast pectoralgia
myring(o)- eardrum Myringotomy
ped-, -ped-, -
myx(o)- mucus Myxoma foot; -footed Pedoscope
narc(o)- numb, sleep narcolepsy hip bone Pelvis
nas(o)- Of or pertaining to the nose nasal
-penia deficiency osteopenia
necr(o)- death Necrosis
peo- Of or pertaining to the penis Peotomy
neo- new Neoplasm
-pepsia digestion, or the digestive tract. Dyspepsia
nephr(o)- Of or pertaining to the kidney Nephrology
-pexy fixation Nephropexy
nerves and the nervous system Neurofibromatosis phaco- lens-shaped phacoemulsification
-phage, -phagia eating or ingestion polyphagia
normo- normal Normocapnia
O -phago- eating, devouring phagocyte
ocul(o)- Of or pertaining to the eye Oculist phallo- phallus Aphallia
odont(o)- Of or pertaining to teeth orthodontist pharmaco- drug, medication pharmacology
odyn(o)- pain stomatodynia -phil(ia) attraction for Hemophilia
-oid resemblance to Sarcoidosis Phlebography,Phleb
phleb(o)- (blood) veins, a vein
ole small or little
-phobia exaggerated fear, sensitivity arachnophobia
olig(o)- 'having little, having few' Oligotrophy
- phon(o)- sound
tumor, mass, collection Sarcoma symphony
oma (singular),
phot(o)- Of or pertaining to light Photopathy
omphal(o)- navel, the umbilicus Omphalotomy
onco- tumor, bulk, volume Oncology Phrenic
phren(o)-, the mind
onych(o)- nail (of a finger or toe) Onychophagy phrenico
an egg, a woman's egg, the -plasia formation, development Achondroplasia
oo- Oogenesis
-plasty surgical repair, reconstruction rhinoplasty
oophor(o)- ovary Oophorectomy
-plegia paralysis paraplegia
ophthalm(o)- Of or pertaining to the eye Ophthalmology
pleio- more, excessive, multiple pleiomorphism
optic(o)- chemical properties of the eye Opticochemical
Of or pertaining to the ribs Pleurogenous
or(o)- Of or pertaining to the mouth Oral pleur(a)
orchi(o)-, -plexy stroke or seizure Cataplexy
orchid(o)-, testis
ectomy pneum(o)- Of or pertaining to the lungs Pneumonia
pneumat(o)- air, lung
orth(o)- straight or correct Orthodontist
pod-, -pod-, -
psychosis, osteopero foot, -footed Podiatry
-osis a condition, disease or increase pus
-poiesis production hematopoiesis
osseo- bony Osseous
polio- Denoting a grey color Poliomyelitis
ossi- bone ossifying fibroma
poly- 'plurality' of something Polymyositis
ost(e)-, oste(o)- bone Osteoporosis
por(o)- pore, porous
ot(o)- Of or pertaining to the ear Otology
porphyr(o)- Denotes a purple color Porphyroblast
ovari(o)- Of or pertaining to the ovaries Ovariectomy
post- 'after' or 'behind' another Postmortem
ovo-, ovi-, ov- eggs, the ovum Ovogenesis
'before' another position or
oxo- addition of oxygen pre- Prematurity
presby(o)- old age Presbyopia splen(o)- spleen Splenectomy
prim- 'first' or 'most-important' Primary spondyl(o)- spine, the vertebra Spondylitis
proct(o)- anus, rectum proctology squamos(o)- 'full of scales' or 'scaly' Squamous cell
prosop(o)- face Prosopagnosia -stalsis contraction Peristalsis
prot(o)- 'first' or 'most important' Protoneuron -stasis stopping, standing homeostasis
pseud(o)- false or fake Pseudoephedrine -stenosis abnormal narrowing stenosis
psych(e)-, stomat(o)- Of or pertaining to the mouth Stomatitis
Of or pertaining to the mind psychiatry
-stomy creation of an opening colostomy
psor- Itching Psoriasis
sub- beneath subcutaneous tissue
-ptosis falling, drooping, prolapse Apoptosis
super- in excess, above, superior superior vena cava
spitting of blood derived from
-ptysis hemoptysis supra- above, excessive supraorbital vein
the lungs or bronchial tubes
Of or relating to the lungs. pulmonary tachy- fast, irregularly fast Tachycardia
-tension, -
pyel(o)- pelvis Pyelonephritis pressure Hypertension
pyo- pus Pyouria
tetan- rigid, tense tetanus
pyro- fever Antipyretic
thec- case, sheath Intrathecal
therap(o)- treatment hydrotherapy
quadr(i)- four quadriceps
R therm(o)- heat
radio- radiation radiowave thorac(i)-, Of or pertaining to the upper
thorac(o) chest, chest
re- again, backward relapse
thromb(o)- blood clot, clotting of blood Thrombocytopenia
rect(o)- rectum
thyr(o)- thyroid
ren(o)- Of or pertaining to the kidney renal
thym(o)(ia)- emotions dysthymia
reticul(o)- net reticulocyte
-tomy act of cutting; incising, incision Gastrotomy
retro- backward, behind retroversion
top(o)- place, topical Topical anesthetic
rhabd(o)- rod shaped, striated rhabdomyolysis
tort(i)- twisted Torticollis
rhin(o)- Of or pertaining to the nose rhinoplasty
tox(i)-, tox(o)-,
rhod(o)- Denoting a rose-red color rhodophyte toxin, poison Toxoplasmosis
-rrhage burst forth Hemorrhage
trachel(o)- Of or pertaining to the neck tracheloplasty
-rrhagia rapid flow of blood menorrhagia
moving or situated 'across' or
trans- Transfusion
-rrhaphy surgical suturing 'through'
-rrhea(AmE) flowing, discharge Diarrhea trich(i)-,
Of or pertaining to hair, hair-
trichia, Trichocyst
-rrhexis rupture like structure
-rrhoea(BrE) flowing, discharge diarrhoea -tripsy crushing Lithotripsy
tympan(o)- eardrum Tympanocentesis
salping(o)- tubes e.g. fallopian tubes Salpingectomy
Of or pertaining to blood Sanguine umbilic- navel, the umbilicus Umbilical
Of or pertaining to urine, the
sarco- muscular, fleshlike sarcoma ur(o)- Urology
urinary system
schist(o)- split, cleft schistocyte V
schiz(o)- 'split' or 'double-sided' Schizophrenia vagin- Of or pertaining to the vagina Vagina
scler(o)- hard Scleroderma varic(o)- swollen or twisted vein varicose
-sclerosis hardening multiple sclerosis vas(o)- duct, blood vessel vasoconstriction
scoli(o)- twisted scoliosis vasculo- blood vessel
-scope instrument for viewing stethoscope ventricles; any hollow region Cardiac
inside an organ ventriculography
-scopy use of instrument for viewing endoscopy
-version turning anteversion
scoto- darkness scotopic vision
viscer(o)- internal organs Viscera
semi- one-half, partly semiconscious
sial(o)- saliva, salivary gland sialagogue
xen(o)- Foreign, different Xenograft
sigmoid(o)- sigmoid, S-shaped curvature sigmoid colon
xer(o)- dry, desert-like Xerostomia
sinistr(o)- left, left side
sinus- Of or pertaining to the sinus Sinusitis
sito- food, grain Sitophobia
body, bodily somatic
-spadias slit, fissure epispadias
Roots of body parts and components mouth stomat(o)- or-
(Internal anatomy, external anatomy, body fluids, body substances) muscle my(o)- -

Body part or nail onych(o)- ungui-

Greek root Latin root
component navel omphal(o)- umbilic-
abdomen lapar(o)- abdomin- neck trachel(o)- cervic-
aorta aort(o)- aort(o)- nerve; the nervous
neur(o)- nerv-
arm brachi(o)- - system

armpit - axill- nipple, teat thele- papill-, mammill-

artery arteri(o)- - nose rhin(o)- nas-

back - dors- ovary oophor(o)- ovari(o)-

big toe - allic- pelvis pyel(o)- pelv(i)-

bladder cyst(o)- vesic(o)- penis pe(o)- -

haemat-, hemat- pupil (of the eye) cor-, core-, coro- -

blood sangui-, sanguine-
(haem-, hem-) rib pleur(o)- cost(o)-
blood clot thromb(o)- - rib cage thorac(i)-, thorac(o)- -
blood vessel angi(o)- vascul-, vas- shoulder om(o)- humer(o)-
body somat-, som- corpor- sinus - sinus-
bone oste(o)- ossi- skin dermat(o)-, (derm-) cut-, cuticul-
bone marrow, skull crani(o)- -
myel(o)- medull-
stomach gastr(o)- ventr(o)-
brain encephal(o)- cerebr(o)-, pector-
testis orchi(o)-, orchid(o)- -
breast mast(o)- mamm(o)-
throat (upper
chest steth(o)- - pharyng(o)- -
throat cavity)
cheek -Zygomatic bucc- throat (lower
ear ot(o)- aur(i)- throat cavity/voice laryng(o)- -
eggs, ova oo- ov-
thumb - pollic-
eye ophthalm(o)- ocul(o)-
tooth odont(o)- dent(i)-
eyelid blephar(o)- cili-, palpebr-
tongue gloss-, glott- lingu(a)-
face prosop(o)- faci(o)-
toe dactyl(o)- digit-
fallopian tubes salping(o)- -
tumour cel-, onc(o)- tum-
fat, fatty tissue lip(o)- adip-
ureter ureter(o)- ureter(o)-
finger dactyl(o)- digit-
urethra urethr(o)-, urethr(a)- urethr(o)-, urethr(a)-
forehead - front(o)-
urine, urinary
gallbladder cholecyst(o)- fell- ur(o)- urin(o)-
genitals, sexually uterine tubes sarping(o)- sarping(o)-
gon(o)-, phall(o)- -
uterus hyster(o)-, metr(o)- uter(o)-
gland aden(o)- -
vagina colp(o)- vagin-
glans penis or clito
balan(o)- - vein phleb(o)- ven-
gums - gingiv- vulva episi(o)- vulv-

hair trich(o)- capill- womb hyster(o)-, metr(o)- uter(o)-

hand cheir(o)-, chir(o)- manu- wrist carp(o)- carp(o)-

head cephal(o)- capit(o)-

heart cardi(o)- cordi-
hip, hip-joint - cox-
horn cerat(o)- cornu-
intestine enter(o)- -
jaw gnath(o)- -
kidney nephr(o)- ren-
knee gon- genu-
lip cheil(o)-, chil(o)- labi(o)-
liver hepat(o)-, (hepatic-) jecor-
loins, pubic region episi(o)- pudend-
lungs pneumon- pulmon(i)-, (pulmo-)
marrow, bone
myel(o)- medull-
mind psych- ment-

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