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Sl. No Contingencies Threshold period Responsibility Action plan

• Switch on Generator
• Contact TNEB
1 Power Supply Failure 3 days Maintenance
• Use alternative Genset if the running Genset fails
• Rectify B/d , & Preventive maintenance of Gensets

• Own Vehicle Available

2 Interruption in Transportation of goods 1 day Admin
• Contract Transport available when transport interruption- Jeyam Transport

• Allot Over Time for existing employees

3 Labour Shortage 3 days HR • Keep buffer stock of regular moving items
• Arrange contract labour

R.M planning is done on monthly as well as weekly basis to ensure enough R.M stock available as
4 Single Source for R.M 5 Days Purchase per defined stock level to take care of material need in case of emmergency, Development of
second source for single source suppliers.

• AMC Contract-Microsys
5 Computer Failure / Cyber Attacks 1 day Admin • Standby PC Available
• Daily Back up available with HardDisk

6 Customer Emergency 1 Day Production Holidays also utilised

7 Major equipment failure 1 Day Production Maintain spares for Key equipments

8 Intruption in RM supplies 5 Days Purchase Identify alternate equivalent material in consulatation with R&D.This may require a Re-PPAP

• Rectify the machine B/d immediately

9 Machine break-downs 3 days Maintenance • Shift the load to alternative machine
• Regular preventive maint.

Have D.G set to meet 100% power requirement.Shut down non-urgent operations.Hire DG set,
10 Utility Intruption 2 Days Management
Rectify B/d , Preventive mainatanace, Eemployess skill upgradation

• All properties are insured against natural diaster,

11 Natural Diasters - Management • Follw insureance complainance effectively
• Find alternative method according to the situation,

Intruption of External Providers External Providers process to others.This will require prior permission from Customer and PPAP
12 2 Days Management
Process, Products and Servies Approval

• Emergency Exit
13 Fire Immediate Maintenance • Used Fire Extigusier
• Inform To Fire station

Review Period: Once In a Year / When ever new contigency identified

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