Module Exam 3

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Module Exam 3

TRUE -Aquinas was highly influenced by the philosophy of Aristotle that even in the theory of natural
law Aquinas included some of Aristotle’s ideals.

FALSE- The Divine law is considered as the blueprint of God for the reality of everything.

FALSE- Moral virtue is considered by Aristotle as innate or inborn to every human being that needs to be
flourished through practiced called Habit.

TRUE -Moral exemplars are those people that could be imitated by those people wanting to be virtuous.

TRUE -Natural law ethics is another example of universal ethics.

FALSE -Like moral virtues, intellectual virtues are also considered as innate or inborn to every human
according to Aristotle.

FALSE -Natural law ethics cannot incorporate to virtue ethics.

TRUE -Aristotle acknowledged that within the human nature there are feelings and emotions and letting
it controls our behavior is necessary particularly in developing virtue.

FALSE -Aquinas believed that man is both rational and social animal.

TRUE -Just like knowledge, virtue can also be learned through experienced according to Aristotle.

FALSE (NOT SURE)-For Aquinas, not all virtues can be acquired by human through their own effort just
like the cardinal virtues.

FALSE-The ethical standard for Aristotle is solely originated in the society wherein man practiced his
identity as social animal.

TRUE -In Pauline principle the means justify the ends.

TRUE -A trait can be considered virtuous if it brings us happiness, developed our well-being and it
flourished us according to Aristotle.

TRUE -The Divine law is helpful to man particularly in achieving his eternal salvation.

Pauline Principle -______________ is a principle that says it is not morally permissible to do evil so that
good may follow.

Natural inclination -The concept that human nature directs human beings toward certain fundamental
goods, which human beings then naturally value is refers to ______________. (2 words)

Happiness-______________ is the pinnacle of humanity according to Aristotle.

Role model- The concept of a person who possesses and thus displays developed character traits that
should be imitated according to Aristotle is called ______________. Also known as Moral Exemplar. (2

Eternal Law -______________ is God’s plan as God understand it. (2 words)

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HABIT -______________ is the concept that repeated actions eventually become second nature,
because over time repeated actions will require less effort.

Life (not sure) -According to Aquinas, human beings have natural inclinations towards fundamental
goods and the top of it is ______________.

Vice-______________ is a character that stands in the way of one’s flourishing.

Principle of Natural Law-The concept that we ought to perform those actions that promote the values
specified by the natural inclinations of human beings refers to ______________. (4 words)

Deficiency-The two extremes pointed by Aristotle are excess and ______________.

Intellectual virtues -For Aristotle, ______________ is acquired by teaching and requires foresight and
sophisticated intelligence. (2 words)

Theological (not sure)______________ virtues are considered gift from God according to Aquinas.

Proper functioning -For Aristotle, there is ______________, everything has a function. It is good when it
reaches potential and bad if it is not. (2 words)

Principle of Double Effect -The principle that says it is morally permissible to perform an action that has
two effects, one good and the other bad, if certain conditions are met is called ______________. (4

Character- ______________ is a concept that each person possesses a distinctive grouping of traits.

Natural Law Ethics-The theory and tradition that says there are universal ethical standards discoverable
through human reflection on human natural inclinations refers to ______________ . (3 words)

Virtue Theory -______________ is an ethical theory that emphasizes an individual’s character rather
than following a set of rules. (2 words)

God -For Aquinas, the one that is considered as the supreme law-giver is ______________.

Social Animal -According to Aristotle, man is basically a ______________ which means humans are
naturally incline to live and get along with others. (2 words)

Natural Law -______________ is the rational creature’s participation in and (limited) understanding of
the eternal law. (2 words)

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