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My Monthly Budget

Monthly Net Income

 Income (1st Job): $3,500

 Income (2nd Job): $1,500
 Other Income: $500
Monthly Net Income Total: $5,500

Monthly Expenses

 Savings: $500
 Mortgage/Rent:$1,000
 Car Payment: $225
 Car/Home Insurance: $105
 Health Insurance: $240
 Heating: $125
 Cable/Phone: $150
 Electric: $150
 Other: $100
Monthly Expenses Total: $2,375
Monthly Spending Money: $3,125
Daily Spending Goal: $104.17

Creating a budget with my own information was a great way to take stock of where my money is
going and it will be helpful for me to keep track of my spending. Setting a spending goal for each
day is a great way to make sure I am staying on track, and I think the monthly spending goal
also helps me to plan ahead and save money for future expenses. I think budgeting is an
effective way to stay organized and make sure all my bills are paid and I have enough left over
for myself.

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