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Contents of Part 2

2 The ECSS standardization

documentation model
a. Type of ECSS standardization documents
b. ECSS documentation structure
(branches & disciplines)
c. Denomination of ECSS documents
d. ECSS documents available
e. The set of ECSS standards as a system
f. Characteristics of individual ECSS
standards and requirements
g. Anatomy of an ECSS standard
© 2015 by European Space Agency
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ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For official use Introduction into the ECSS standardization system Slide 1

By using the ECSS Training material, developed by ESA, you agree to the following
1. The training shall take place at your premises and shall be addressed to your staff
(internal participants);
2. In case of a training to be given to external participants, the prior ESA written
authorization shall be requested;
3. The ESA Copyright shall always be mentioned on all Training Material used for the
purpose of the training and participants shall acknowledge the ESA ownership on
such a Copyright;
4. The Training material shall not be used to generate any revenues (i.e. the training and
Training Material shall be "free of charge" excl. any expenses for the training
5. Only non-editable PDF files of the Training Material can be distributed to the
participants (nor power point presentations);
6. Any deficiency identified in the Training Material shall be reported to the ECSS
7. If the Training Material is modified or translated, the ESA Copyright on such edited
Training Material shall be clearly mentioned. A copy of the edited Training Material
shall be delivered to ESA for information.
8. You shall always hold harmless, indemnify and keep ESA indemnified against any and

all costs, damages and expenses incurred by ESA or for which ESA may become
liable, with respect to any claim by third parties related to the use of the Training

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ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For official use Introduction into the ECSS standardization system Slide 2
1. Understanding of the ECSS standardization system
a. Needs of Space standards
b. ECSS and the commitment of its members
c. ECSS organization
d. Production & approval of standardization docs under ECSS
e. ECSS general policies
2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
a. Type of ECSS standardization documents
b. ECSS documentation structure (branches & disciplines)
c. Denomination of ECSS documents
d. ECSS documents available
e. The set of ECSS standards as a system
f. Characteristics of individual ECSS standards and requirements
g. Anatomy of an ECSS standard
3. Application of ECSS standards in Space programs
a. Tailoring
b. Pre-tailoring
c. Requirement management tools: DOORs
d. Feedback
e. ECSS Training programme
f. ECSS information availability and accessibility
ESA Standards Division – August 2014
ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For official use Introduction into the ECSS standardization system Slide 3
2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.a – ECSS type of documents (1/2)

ECSS types of documents

for direct use in invitation to tender

standards which are documents for direct use in invitation to tender and business
and business
agreements agreements
for implementing space related activities.
Their content is strictly limited to the statement of verifiable customer

handbooks non-normative
requirements, supported
which are non-normative documents
by the minimum providing guidelines
descriptive text necessary to
understand their context. documents providing background information,
and/or collection ofrelated
advice or recommendations datato a specific discipline or technique,
technology, process or activity.
technical non-normative
Two are non-normative
types of handbooks documents
are providing
considered useful info
useful information
in ECSS: to the
space community on a specific subject.
(1) Guidelines and good practices, and
memoranda or
Theydata not
Collection yet
of data.
are prepared mature
to record for a data
and present standard
which areor nothandbook
relevant for a
standard or handbook, or not yet mature to be published as standard or

ESA Standards Division – August 2014

ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For official use Introduction into the ECSS standardization system Slide 4
2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.a – ECSS type of documents (2/2)

ECSS standards are characterized by:

They express what to do, not how

Therefore, the procedural part is not normally covered.
Handbooks are the appropriate documents for it.

They express this in term of regulatory provisions, i.e. Customer

- Requirements
provisions to be met by an actor (customer or supplier)
- Recommendations (the preferred approach)
to be promoted to requirement or deleted during tailoring
- Permissions Customer
alleviations to existing requirements or recommendations

NOTE: Explanatory text, to be included only if necessary to support these provisions

These provisions are focused on a contractual relationship

The contractual model used in ECSS is defined in ECSS-S-ST-00

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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.a – ECSS type of documents (2/2)

Focus on a contractual relationship

Concepts related to ECSS actors (customer – supplier)

 Customer = organization or person that receives a product as part of a business agreement
 Supplier = organization or person that provides a product as part of a business agreement
Note - the term product covers: hardware, software, documentation,
services, and processed materials
 All space project actors are either a customer or a supplier, or both. Customer

Concepts related to business agreements
 Business agreement = legally binding agreement, for the supply of products,
between two or more actors in the customer–supplier chain
 Business agreements are recorded in a variety of forms, such as:
• Contracts, Customer
• Memoranda of understanding,
• Inter-governmental agreements,

• Inter-agency agreements,
• Partnerships,
• Bartering agreements, and Supplier
• Purchase orders.

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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.b – ECSS documentation structure (1/2)

S - system Define the system of standardization

documents, and specifies how to use it in
Space projects

M - management
The project manager is responsible for the achievement
of the totality of the project objectives and specifically for
quality organization and its timely and cost effective

Q - product Product assurance is responsible for the implementation

of the quality assurance elements of the project and
other activities like dependability, safety, parts, material
assurance and processes, software, and audits

Engineering is responsible for the definition of the end

E - engineering product, verification that customer’s technical

requirements are achieved and in conformance with the
regulation and company constraints

U - sustainability
The U branch is providing requirements and principles
for a continuous sustainability of the space environment
in order to ensure appropriate and safe present and
future of space activities.

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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.b – ECSS documentation structure (2/2)

Standardization system description

M-Branch Q-Branch E-Branch U-Branch

Space Project Space Product Assurance Space Engineering Space Sustainability
M-10 discipline
M-10 discipline Q-10 discipline
Q-10 discipline
E-10 discipline
E-10 discipline U-10 discipline
U-10 discipline
Project phases
Project phases Product assurance
Product assurance
System engineering
System engineering Space debris
Space debris mitigation
and implementation
and implementation management

M-40 discipline
M-40 discipline E-20 discipline
E-20 discipline
Q-20 discipline
Q-20 discipline U-20 discipline
U-20 discipline
Configuration and
Configuration and Electric, electronics
Electric, electronics
Quality assurance
Quality assurance Planetary protection
Planetary protection
information management
information management and optics
and optics

M-60 discipline
M-60 discipline
Q-30 discipline
Q-30 discipline E-30 discipline
E-30 discipline U-30 discipline
U-30 discipline
Cost and
Cost and schedule
Dependability Mechanical
Mechanical Space situation
Space situation
management awareness (SSA)
awareness (SSA)

M-70 discipline
M-70 discipline E-40 discipline
E-40 discipline
Q-40 discipline
Q-40 discipline
Integrated logistic
Integrated logistic Software engineering
Software engineering
support (ILS)
support (ILS)

M-80 discipline
M-80 discipline Q-60 discipline
discipline E-50 discipline
E-50 discipline
Risk EEE components
components Communications

Q-70 discipline
Q-70 discipline
E-60 discipline
E-60 discipline
Materials, mechanical
Materials, mechanical parts
Control engineering
Control engineering
and Processes
and Processes (MMP&P)

Q-80 discipline
Q-80 discipline E-70 discipline
E-70 discipline
Software Ground systems
Ground systems
Product Assurance
Product Assurance and operations
and operations (GSO)

ESA Standards Division – August 2014

ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For official use Introduction into the ECSS standardization system Slide 8
2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.c – Denomination of ECSS documents (1/1)
 ECSS documents are named as
ECSS -- Q -- HB - <number><version>
ECSS <number><version> ECSS system
E AH (standard)
 <S, M, Q, E or U> represents the branch
 S for ECSS system, the top level document that gives a general introduction into Communications
ECSS and the use of ECSS documents (standard)
 M for Management, Q for Product assurance, E for engineering, and
U for Sustainability

 <ST, AS, HB, AH or TM> is the type of document

 ST for standard, AS for adopted as standard, HB for handbook,
AH for adopted as handbook, and TM for technical memo
Radio frequency
 <Number> is one or two groups of two digits each and modulation
 one group of two digits to identify those documents with more generic requirements (standard)
 two groups of two digits to identify those with more specific requirements
 the difference is not to indicate higher relevance of some standards with respect to
 <version> is a letter from A onwards, representing the issue. Communications
It may include also a Rev index, from 1 onwards. (handbook)

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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.d – ECSS available documents at 25 August 2014 (1/9)

ST/AS HB/AH TMs Total per branch

S branch 2 0 0 2

M branch 6 0 0 6

Q branch 55 7 5 67

E branch 54 15 6 75

U branch 1 0 0 1

Total per type 118 22 11 151

ESA Standards Division – August 2014
ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For official use Introduction into the ECSS standardization system Slide 10
2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.d – ECSS available documents (2/9)
The M branch – Standards

NOTE: There are not HBs and TMs in the M branch

ESA Standards Division – August 2014
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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.d – ECSS available documents (3/9)

The Q branch – Standards (1/2: General)

ECSS-E-ST-20-07C and ECSS-E-ST-20-08C
are published from 3 October 2014

ESA Standards Division – August 2014

ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For official use Introduction into the ECSS standardization system Slide 12
2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.d – ECSS available documents (4/9)
The Q branch – Standards (2/2: The Q-70 discipline)

ECSS-E-ST-20-12C is published from 1 October 2014

ESA Standards Division – August 2014

ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For official use Introduction into the ECSS standardization system Slide 13
2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.d – ECSS available documents (5/9)

The Q branch – HBs & TMs

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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.d – ECSS available documents (6/9)
The E branch – Standards (1/2: General)
ECSS-E-AS-11C “TRL adoption notice”
is published from 6 October 2014


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ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For official use Introduction into the ECSS standardization system Slide 15
2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.d – ECSS available documents (7/9)
The E branch – Standards (2/2: The E-30 discipline)
E-31 E-32 E-33 E-34 E-35

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ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For official use Introduction into the ECSS standardization system Slide 16
2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.d – ECSS available documents (8/9)
The E branch – HBs & TMs

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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.d – ECSS available documents (9/9)

The U branch – Standards

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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.e – The set of ECSS standards as a system (1/2)
 ECSS was started with the aims to develop a single coherent set
of space standards, either adopted from other SDOs or
developed by ECSS itself, for the use of the entire Space community
 This implies that:
 All the intended scope is covered, without gaps
 Repetition and overlapping among standards should be avoided
If an existing part of a document needs to be addressed in a second one, it is
not repeated but a reference to the first one should be done
 Two types of references:
 Normative references, which are references from a normative statement
(e.g. a requirement), incorporating as part of such a requirement a part of other
They exist ONLY in standards, and are listed in “Normative references”
 Informative references, which are references from a non-normative (i.e.
informative) statement.
They may exist in standards, handbooks and TMs.
In standards, they are listed in “Bibliography”
In HBs & TMs, are listed in “References”.

 ECSS is a consistent and coherent set of standards

 ECSS Standards shall NOT be used in isolation
ESA Standards Division – August 2014
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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.e – The set of ECSS standards as a system (2/2)

Example: Software

 Software is specifically covered by the following ECSS standards:

ECSS-E-ST-40 (SW engineering) and ECSS-Q-ST-80 (SW PA).
 However, these two documents are not enough to run a Space contract, even if
the contract includes only SW.
 Examples of other ECSS standards which may need to be included are:
 ECSS-M-ST-10 “Project planning and implementation” for e.g. the definition of the
project phases.
 ECSS-M-ST-10-01 “Organization and conduct of reviews”
 ECSS-M-ST-40 “Configuration and information management” for e.g. SW
configuration control
 ECSS-E-ST-10 “System Engineering” for e.g. DDF, DJF, Technical Specification, …
 ECSS-E-ST-10-02 “Verification”
 ECSS-Q-ST-10-09 “Non-conformance control system”
 ECSS-Q-ST-30 “Dependability” and Q-ST-40 “Safety” for e.g. criticality definition

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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.e – The set of ECSS standards as a system (2/2)

Exercise: Subject of debate

 Objectives
 To become familiar with the tree of standards
 Understand the intellectual exercise behind the selection process
 Methodology:
 Every participant, with the tree of standards in front, to annotate his thoughts
on the questions below for 5 minutes.
 After this, an open debate between the participants (5-10 minutes) will take
 Question:
 Which standards will be very likely applicable to the procurement of a
star sensor,
 Which standards may be applicable
 Why?

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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.f – Characteristics of individual ECSS standards and requirements (1/3)

 ECSS standards are documents intended for direct use in ITTs and
business agreements (e.g. in contracts).
 What does it mean “suitability for direct application in ITTs and
 It does NOT mean that a specific legal language is used.
 It does mean that the content of the standards is improved to:
 Avoid possible different interpretations
 Clearly identify the obligations of each actor (customer and supplier)

In practical terms, this leads to the following 5 golden rules:

1. Clear identification of what is really part of the obligations of the contract (i.e the norma-
tive statements), and what is only guidance and therefore is not part of the contract
2. Clear physical separation between obligations and guidance material.
3. Clear identification (by an UNIQUE identifier) of individual normative provisions.
4. All the requirements are clear, unambiguous, feasible and VERIFIABLE.
5. All normative cross-references (internal or external) are to the appropriate paragraphs

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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.f – Characteristics of individual ECSS standards and requirements (2/3)

The 5 golden rules:

1. Clear identification of what is really part of the obligations of the contract (i.e
the normative statements), and what is only guidance and therefore IS NOT
In ECSS normative statements are identified as follows:
 Requirements, with SHALL / SHALL NOT
 Recommendations, with SHOULD / SHOULD NOT
 Permissions, with MAY / NEED NOT

2. Clear physical separation between obligations and guidance material.

In ECSS a combination of all the following approaches is used:
 Guidance material is covered in a specific clause(s). Normally Clause 4 is used
to explain the principles. It is also usual that the first sub-clause of each main
clause is used to introduce the subject.
 For a unit of guidance/informative material, informative annexes can also be
 For small pieces of information related to a specific requirement,
NOTES to such a requirement are used.
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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.f – Characteristics of individual ECSS standards and requirements (3/3)

The 5 golden rules (Continuation):

3. Clear identification (by an UNIQUE identifier) of individual normative
In ECSS, each requirement, recommendation and permission is
individually tagged with an identifier. This is fundamental for two
 For an easy and unambiguous tailoring
 For an efficient control of the verification process.

4. All the requirements are clear, unambiguous, feasible and

Writing verifiable requirements has proved to be sometimes a challenge at
the time of writing the standard. However, ECSS consider that this is a
MUST for any ECSS standard.

5. All normative cross-references (internal or external) are to the

appropriate paragraphs (i.e. they don’t make mandatory a complete
document, when only some paragraphs are applicable)

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2. The ECSS standardization documentation model
2.g – Anatomy of an ECSS standard (1/1)

 Change log, ToC & [Introduction ]

1. Scope Clause/section always present
Clearly and concise identification of the coverage [Optional clause/section ]
and the applicability of the standard
2. Normative references
Listing ONLY documents referenced from normative
statements (req’s, recomm’s, permissions & def’s). What are DRDs?
3. Terms, definitions and abbreviations (Document Requirement Definition)
4. [ Principles, rational or background ]
Containing ONLY informative/guidance material DRDs are Normative Annexes, i.e.
5. Requirements they are requirements
Containing the normative provisions.  They specify the content of a
It may contain some NOTES and sometimes some few
guidance sub-clauses. deliverable document.
They do not specify the format,
6. [More requirements… ] only the information to be
Last: Pre-tailoring (per product type & project phase) provided.
Only mandatory if standard is subject to pre-tailoring  They are always referenced from
A,B,[ Annexes ] a requirement specifying who,
First Normative annexes (DRDs), when, and how often the
and then Informative ones document shall be provided. The
 Bibliography DRD specifies ONLY the content.
Listing ONLY documents referenced from descriptive
text (guidance, informative annexes, NOTES, …)
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