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Term 2 syllabus Class I

English – L- 6 to 9, Grammar and unseen passage (in book page no.66 and 67)
Blue Print Total – 40 marks
Q1. Unseen passage 7
Q2. composition/ Application 7
Q3.Do as directed grammar 8
Q4. Answer the following questions 8
Q5. Fill ups. 5
Q6. Rhyming words 5

Hindi- पाठ – 10 से 20, व्याकरण , अनुच्छे द लेखन, अपठठत गदयाांश।

Blue Print Total – 40 marks

1) प्रस्तुत गदयाांश को पढ़कर सही उत्तर चुननए। (5)

(2) खाली-स्थान भररए - (3)

(3)सही-जोड़ी मिलाइए-(4)

(4) प्रस्तुत शब्दों से चचत्र बनाइए। (2)

(5)कविता की पांक्ततयााँ पूरी कीक्जए- (2)

(6)व्याकरण प्रश्नों के उत्तर मलखखए- (9)

(7) एक शब्द िें उत्तर मलखखए - (4)

(8) प्रश्नों के उत्तर मलखखए (6)

(9) अनुच्छे द लेखन (5)

Maths – Chapter 8 to 14
Blue Print MM:40
1. Choose the correct answer. 5
2. Fill in the blanks. 5
3. Match the following . 5
4. Complete the tables. 5
5. Solve the following. 14
6. Solve the word problems. 6

EVS-Lesson 10 to 18
Blue Print Total – 40 marks
1. Choose the correct answer. 4
2. Fill in the blanks. 4
3. Answer in one word. 4
4. Name any two. 4
5. True or False. 5
6. Circle the odd one. 2
7. Answer the following. 4
8. Match the following. 5
9. Identify the pictures 4
10. Draw the diagram. 4

Gk- Syllabus L- 22 to 40
Blue Print M.M. - 20
Q.1 Choose the correct answer. 4
Q.2 Fill in the blanks. 4
Q.3 Write True or False. 3
Q.4 Match the following. 4
Q.5 Answer in one word. 3
Q.6. Spot the difference.2

M.Sc- Lesson 6 to 10
Blue Print MM:20
1)Choose the correct answer. (5)
2)Write true or false. (5)
3)Fill in the blanks. (5)
4)Answer in one word. (5)

Computer-Lesson 4 to 7
Blue Print MM:20
1) Choose the correct answer. (3)
2)Fill in the blanks (3)
3)Matching. (4)
4) True /False. (4)
5)Answer the following. (2)
6) Identify the pictures. (4)

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