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GSMcodes, Useful Ones (aka *-Codes) (/GSMcod... https://rogerswatch.wordpress.


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GSMcodes, Useful Ones (aka *-Codes) (/GSMcodes)

In the landline world ‘star-codes’ like *67 are technically called VSC’s – Vertical Service Codes, or CLASS (Custom
Local Area Signalling Services). Wikipedia.

I don’t know what they’re called for GSM service (GSM feature codes?), but GSMcodes will suffice for now. has oodles more but most don’t work on Rogers.

Corrections & additions are most welcome.


If a code impacts “one outbound call” then the code should be entered right before the digits to dial, as a prefix to
the actual phone number.
*31#X - PERMIT CID presentation for one outbound call, affects this call only; X=ph # called
#31#X - PROHIBIT CID presentation for one outbound call, affects this call only; X=ph # called
--- Note this blocking of your CID is far from 100% effective

*43#X - PERMIT CW for one outbound call, affects this call only; X=ph # called
#43#X - PROHIBIT CW for one outbound call, affects this call only; X=ph # called

*#21# - Show Forward-ALWAYS info

*#61# - Show Forward-on-RNA info (if you have VM this will show the Rogers 'VM-answering' phone number)
*#63# - Show Forward-on-MiscFailure info (if you have VM this will show: same as above)
*#67# - Show Forward-on-Busy info (if you have VM this will show: same as above)

*21*X# - turn ON CF-for-ALL-calls, redirected to phone number 'X' (required?: include '1' prefix for LD call-fwd's)
#21# - turn OFF CF-for-ALL-calls

*61*X*11*Y# - turn ON CF-for-RNA-calls, redirected to phone number 'X' (required?: include '1' prefix for LD call-fwd's),
wait Y secs before forwarding though (Y is multiple of 5 ... max 30? BTW a single
ring+silence cycle is 6 secs)
#61# - turn OFF CF-for-RNA-calls

*63*X# - turn ON CF-for-RNA_and_PhoneNotInSignalRange; fwd to ph # 'X'; (FAILS?! if you have VM service)

#63# - turn OFF CF-for-RNA_and_PhoneNotInSignalRange
...might be '61' instead of '63' for above?!

*67*X# - turn ON CF-for-Busy; fwd to ph # 'X'; (FAILS?! if you have VM service)

#67# - turn OFF CF-for-Busy;

*99# - Used as the ph num to dial, when using a BlackBerry to tether (username & password are left blank)

"* Numbers" - 'Star Numbers' - (usually BUT NOT ALWAYS free)
**001 - 5Khz test tone
*#123# - Show Tariff (ROAMing) info
*16 - Canadian Coast Guard [Free]
*222 - CAA roadside assistance
*233 - ADD a new service or add-on by contacting Rogers
*28 - Fido: Hear account/minutes balance [Free]
*411 - 411 Directory Assistance, movies, weather, driving directions; cost per use is: $2.00 + airtime []
- Rate is rising to $2.50/call eff Mar 16, 2011, per
*4141 - Fido: Quebec Provincial Police [Free, for use in Quebec only]
*57 ?? - Trigger a CALL TRACE to happen on the most recent inbound call (answered, or unanswered). Used for
documenting instances of harassing/obscene/threatening calls (three traces needed to cause escalation?).
Records will be provided by Rogers only to police. Believed to be no-charge.
*611 - Rogers CxS Line - doesn't consume airtime, LD or ROAMing minutes; more info: /contact
*811 - PayGo Activations?
*CARD - (*2273) Pay your cellphone bill (with your credit card?!)
*HELP - IVR menu of helpful info re call forwarding, etc
*KINK - CBC traffic-problem reporting line (actually spells *LINK, too : )
*NET - Network/ROAMing info?

"# Numbers" - 'Pound Numbers' - ALWAYS (?) cost you $$$
#TAXI - aka #8294; cost per use is: $1.75 + airtime []
#AUTO - Roadside assistance [Airtime only]
'ROMANCE' - MANY; very expensive; more info: (click 'RomanceServicesAndMore' tab)

1 of 3 2020-07-30, 1:43 p.m.

GSMcodes, Useful Ones (aka *-Codes) (/GSMcod...

'PSYCHIC' - MANY; very, VERY expensive (who'd have predicted that?!); more info: (click 'RomanceServicesAndMore' tab)

Short Numbers
911 - Emergency Services

211 - community, social, health and government services [very limited coverage - AB only] [airtime only]
211 - United Way help line (home care, alcoholism, immigration, food banks, etc.) [ON only] [airtime only]
411 - same as *411
511 - Information on traffic conditions, incidents and driving times [airtime only] [NS, QC only]
711 - Message Relay Service for the hearing impaired [airtime only]
811 - Access to non-emergency health services [BC, QC only] [airtime only]

1 (area code) 555-1212 - Directory assistance for most of the Caribbean [$1.50 per call + airtime]

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Comments (2)


The 811 number also works in Quebec, it connect your call to Info-Santé, Quebec’s non-emergency health

Comment by Mike — 2010/08/10 @ 20:50 | Reply

Thanks Mike! I’ve updated the info.

Comment by RogersWatch — 2010/08/10 @ 21:08 | Reply

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