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Early Life and Adult Socioeconomic Influences on Mortality Risk:

Preliminary Report of a ‘Pauper Rich’ Paradox in a Chilean Adult Cohort

PURPOSE: The inverse relationship between early life and adult socioeconomic measures and mortality
risk has been well established in developed countries, but remains practically unexplored in Latin American
societies. The setting was Chile; the study included 11,600 adults living in the urban center of San Francisco
de Mostazal. This was a prospective cohort study of a weighted random sample of 795 subjects followed up
during 8 years.
METHODS: Education (elementary, high school and college), height (percentiles 50 and 75), and
income (population quartiles) were assessed at baseline. Relative risks of all-cause mortality were computed
in Cox regression models adjusting for age, gender, body mass index, smoking status, and joint effects of the
socioeconomic measures.
RESULTS: A graded inverse relationship with all-cause mortality was observed for education (risk: 1.0,
0.67, and 0.30, p for trend ! 0.01) and height (risk: 1.0, 0.75, and 0.56, p for trend ! 0.01), but not for
income (p for trend Z 0.94).
CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest a ‘pauper rich’ paradox in transitioning Latin American
economies. Income level does not seem sufficient to improve survival in cohorts exposed to adverse early
life influences reflected by education and height.
Ann Epidemiol 2010;20:487–492. Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
KEY WORDS: Developing Country, Education, Income, Height, Mortality Risk, Socioeconomic Position,
Survival Analysis.

country in an advanced stage of economic and epidemiologic

transition in Latin America (29).
Occupation and income are important measures of adult life
socioeconomic position (SEP) (1) influencing health and
mortality (2–10). Educational level (5–7, 11–16) and adult METHODS
height (2, 17–24), both considered early life environmental
exposure measures (25, 26), have also been identified as The characteristics of the population included in the study
strong predictors for adult survival. However, these assertions have been described elsewhere (30). Briefly, this research
have been obtained mostly from studies conducted in specific was carried out in the city of San Francisco de Mostazal
gender or ethnic groups living in developed-industrialized (San Francisco Project), with a population of 21,896, and
countries characterized by wealthier and more egalitarian with demographic features similar to the national average
economies (27, 28). We present data from a prospective (31). There were 17,903 individuals identified as stable resi-
cohort study conducted in Chile, testing the hypothesis of dents in the urban sector of San Francisco de Mostazal. A
an inverse relationship between different SEP measures simple random sample of 518 neighborhoods was selected
and all-cause mortality risk in a middle-income developing and a population census was carried out from August to
December 1996, generating a simple random list of 1,980
eligible individuals for a general health survey conducted
From the Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine (E.K., C.
X.R., H.A.); Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Doctoral by the health primary care center of the district. Data
Program (E.K.), Faculty of Medicine; School of Medical Technology (E.K.), were collected through medical examinations, laboratory
Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile; University of California, School tests, and population surveys performed between January
of Medicine San Diego (T.R.); and the Health Center of Mostazal, San
Francisco de Mostazal (M.P., M.V., C.A.), Chile. 1997 and December 1999, with an overall response rate of
Address correspondence to: Elard Koch, MSc, PhD(s), Department of 73% (32). Thus the cross-sectional sample was initially
Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, 3100 Gran composed of 1,446 subjects 20 to 97 years of age. Excluded
Avenida, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 56-02-555-2716; Fax: 56-02-556-3211. E-
mail: elardkoch@gmail.com. were 423 individuals younger than 30 years and older than
Received September 3, 2009; accepted March 2, 2010. 79 years since they had the lowest and highest age-related

Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1047-2797/$–see front matter

360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010 doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2010.03.009
488 Koch et al. AEP Vol. 20, No. 6

mortality risk, respectively. These exclusions likely mini- relationship between baseline characteristics. Kaplan-Meier
mize the effect of recent secular trends observed in Chile, curves were used to describe survival trends for SEP categories.
with the younger generations presenting with a higher The relative risks of mortality were computed by increasing
education level and height than the older ones (30). Finally, categories of education (reference group, elementary school),
208 individuals with documented heart disease, cancer, categories of height based on sex-specific percentiles 50 and 75
chronic renal failure, chronic obstructive lung disease, and (reference group, !167 cm for men; !155 cm for women)
physical or mental incapacities were excluded at baseline, and income quartiles (reference group, Q1 ! $4,200) using
and another 20 individuals were excluded by incomplete age-adjusted (linear, quadratic, and age O65 years) Cox
data over the total follow-up period. After these exclusions, regression models. Since no difference in the association of
a sample of 795 subjects who were representative of an education, height, and income with mortality according to
apparently healthy population of 11,600 adults remained gender was found, mortality risk estimates for men and women
for the present study. were combined.
Demographic and socioeconomic information was ob-
tained through a questionnaire at the baseline of the study
during a home visit. The education level was assessed by
self-report and coded as elementary school (<8 years), high RESULTS
school (9–12 years), and college (>13 years). Annual house- The mean age of participants was 47.9 G 16.1 years (31 to
hold income was self reported in Chilean currency and 79 years). The median for education and annual household
converted to U.S. dollars and categorized in the following income was 8 years (interquartile range, 5 to 12 years) and
population quartiles (Q): Q1, !$4,200; Q2, $4,200– $6,000 (interquartile range, $4,200 to $10,800), respec-
$6,000; Q3, $6,000–$10,200; Q4, O$10,200. Correlations tively. From the total sample, 49.8% had elementary,
between self-reported education and income with official 38.1% high school, and 12.1% college education. The
SEP measures obtained in the Social Characterization Survey mean height was 167.3 G 6.9 cm for men and 154.7 G
by the municipal government of Mostazal showed Spearman- 6.0 cm for women.
rho coefficients of 0.91 and 0.77, respectively (32). An inverse correlation between education and age was
Weight and height were measured using a calibrated observed (r Z 0.46, p ! 0.001) and a very small correla-
physician scale to the nearest 0.1 kg and a height-rod to tion between income and age was also noted (r Z 0.03
the nearest 0.1 cm. Standard procedures to determine p ! 0.01). A moderate age-adjusted partial correlation
body mass index (BMI) and to establish smoking status between education years and income was observed
have been described elsewhere (33). (r Z 0.33, p ! 0.001). Height showed an inverse correlation
The participants were followed up by questionnaires, with age (r Z 0.21, p ! 0.001) and a positive correlation
telephone calls, home visits, reports from family members, with education (r Z 0.19, p ! 0.001) and income (r Z 0.14,
and review of medical records. Follow-up time for incident p ! 0.001).
mortality events was determined by the number of days Over a follow-up period of 8 years (average, 8.1 G 0.92
between the baseline survey and either death, last contact, years), 46 cases of death were observed. The causes of death
or Jan. 31, 2006, whichever came first. All-cause mortality in this cohortdaccording to the ICD-10 codesdwere
was ascertained by official death certificate from the similar to ones observed in the rest of the country. The three
National Office of Vital Records and National Health main causes were cardiovascular diseases (33%), cancer
Service in Chile, as described elsewhere (31). These govern- (24%), and respiratory diseases (17%). Kaplan-Meier log
mental institutions use the International Classification of survival curves showed stepped and graded survival trends
Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) to classify the causes of for education and height with the lower categories present-
death. Nowadays, the Chilean system of vital statistics, espe- ing premature mortality (Fig 1). However, survival trends
cially regarding the mortality registrydintegrity 100%, for income categories overlapped. Table 1 shows the
medical certification 99%, ill-defined causes of death 2.8% mortality risk for education, height, and income categories.
(34)dis similar to the ones in use in developed nations, In multivariate regression models, education and height
differentiating location versus residence in every case of showed an inverse dose-response gradient on risk of all-
death occurrence. cause mortality. The high school and college groups had
To correct prevalence estimates and especially to minimize 33% and 70% less risk of dying from any cause as compared
selection bias in statistical analyses, we computed individual to the elementary school group. The tallest groups had 25%
mixed sample weights (integer and proportional) based on and 44% less risk of dying from any cause as compared to the
sex- and age-specific census data from the population under shortest group. The observed effects were independent of
study. Continuous data were expressed as means G standard age, gender (model 1), BMI, smoking (model 2), and joint
deviations. Pearson correlations were used for exploring the effects of the other socioeconomic measures (model 3). In
AEP Vol. 20, No. 6 Koch et al. 489

contrast, income level did not show a protective influence

on survival in any of the multivariate regression models.

This preliminary analysis of an adult cohort followed for
8 years in a Latin American developing country showed
that increasing levels of education and height have an
inverse and graded relationship with mortality risk indepen-
dently of differences in age, gender, BMI, and smoking. In
contrast with other studies (3–5, 8, 10, 35–37), higher
income levels did not show a protective influence on
all-cause mortality risk after the adjustments for education
and height. We have described this group of individuals
exposed to socioeconomic disadvantages in early life who
are not able to improve these adverse influences with
increasing levels of income gained in adulthood with the
term ‘pauper rich’.
The inverse association between early SEP measures and
mortality (38) remains practically unexplored in Latin
American economically transitioning societies. Despite
a sustained development process and a formal economic
system with a per capita income over $5,000 (39), Chile still
struggles with significant inequalities regarding income
distribution (40)dGini coefficient of 0.57 (41)dand has
a recent past of malnutrition and poverty (42). Therefore
many in the study cohort born before 1970 were exposed
to adverse life circumstances during childhood––poverty,
high infant and maternal mortality, undernutrition, and
infectious disease epidemics (43–45).
The independent effect of education and height suggests
that these measures are not only simply interchangeable;
they also represent distinct early exposure patterns leading
to deleterious consequences for health in adult life. Educa-
tion would be a measure of both early life circumstances,
as the opportunities available to an individual are likely to
be patterned by parental social class, and future socioeco-
nomic trajectory (26). Therefore education may have an
‘‘antecedent’’ role to income and behavioral risk factors
(30). On the other hand, height is a biological marker influ-
enced by environmental exposures such as infectious
disease, malnutrition, poor socioeconomic circumstances,
and chronic psychological stress during sensitive growth
periods (25, 46). Furthermore, fetal programming related
FIGURE 1. Kaplan-Meier log survival curves for education (A), with an adverse maternal environment during gestational
height (B), and income categories (C). Education level was catego- period can simultaneously influence attained height and
rized as elementary school (!9 years), high school (9–12 years), health risk in adult lifetime (47). Finally, income represents
and college (>13 years). Height was categorized in centimeters ac- material resources and mirrors experiences in adult life influ-
cording to 50th and 75th percentiles by sex. Males: short, !67 cm; encing the mortality risk, likely via psychological factors
medium, 167–175 cm; and tall O175 cm. Females: short, !155 cm;
medium, 155–163 cm; and tall O163 cm. Income was categorized such as stress, frustration, or depression especially in people
according to population quartiles (Q) in U.S. dollars. Q1: relatively deprived (e.g., the ‘pauper rich’ groups) (27, 28,
!$4,200; Q2: $4,200– 6,000; Q3: $6,000–10,200; Q4: O $10,200. 30). Thus, from the life course perspective, education,
490 Koch et al. AEP Vol. 20, No. 6

TABLE 1. Relative risks with 95% confidence intervals for mortality events based on education, height and income categories
Category No.* Crude risk Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
!9 yr (elementary) 422 (6092) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
9–12 yr (high school) 270 (4003) 0.24 (0.19–0.30) 0.68 (0.54–0.86) 0.67 (0.53–0.85) 0.67 (0.53–0.85)
> 13 years (college) 103 (1505) 0.09 (0.05–0.15) 0.27 (0.16–0.49) 0.31 (0.18–0.55) 0.30 (0.17–0.53)
p for trend !0.001 !0.01 !0.01 !0.01

F: !155 cm; M: !167 cm 396 (5749) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
F: 155–163 cm; M: 167–175 cm 201 (2949) 0.53 (0.43–0.64) 0.77 (0.63–0.93) 0.73 (0.61–0.89) 0.75 (0.62–0.92)
F: O163 cm; M O175 cm. 198 (2905) 0.23 (0.17–0.30) 0.64 (0.49–0.85) 0.57 (0.43–0.75) 0.56 (0.42–0.74)
p for trend !0.001 !0.01 !0.01 !0.01

Annual income quartiles

Q1, !$4,200 181 (2498) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Q2, $4,200–$6,000 227 (3368) 0.37 (0.30–0.46) 0.91 (0.74–1,11) 0.81 (0.66–1.00) 0.86 (0.69–1.06)
Q3, $6,000–$10,200 188 (2810) 0.34 (0.27–0.42) 1.00 (0.79–1.25) 0.97 (0.78–1.23) 1.11 (0.88–1.40)
Q4, O$10,200 199 (2924) 0.38 (0.31–0.47) 0.97 (0.78–1.19) 0.88 (0.71–1.08) 1.05 (0.84–1.31)
p for trend 0.01 0.629 0.173 0.970
F/M Z female/male.
Relative risks refer to hazard ratios obtained from Cox proportional regression hazard models.
Model 1: Adjusted for age (linear, quadratic, and O65 years) and gender.
Model 2: Adjusted for age (linear, quadratic, and O65 years), gender, body mass index, and smoking status.
Model 3: Adjusted for age (linear, quadratic, and O65 years), gender, body mass index, smoking status, and joint effects for education, height, and income.
*In brackets weighted size by sex- and age-specific sample weights based on geographic distribution and census data.

height and income may plausibly influence mortality risk by based on census data to compensate for differences between
different and/or complementary causal pathways. the sample and the original population, allowing for scaling
The null effect of income has already been reported by of risk estimators to the population (48). In addition, although
others. Albert et al. (15) conducted a study among U.S. female we cannot rule out that the low number of deaths may be
health workers; after controlling for traditional chronic skewing results in a particular direction, we had no empty cells
disease risk factors, they found no independent effect of throughout all the categories. Moreover, we observe a clear
income on cardiovascular events including death. In contrast, inverse dose-response gradient for education and height that
education had a protective effect after controlling for tradi- is consistent with findings of most cohorts in developed coun-
tional and novel risk factors. In a recent complementary study tries (11–24). As it was discussed above, from the life-course
of the San Francisco Project cohort, we evaluated the effect of perspective it is unlikely that the statistical results for height,
different biological and behavioral chronic disease risk factors education, and income in the Chilean context appear to be
on the relationships among education, income, and mortality picking up the same SEP association; this is supported by
(30). Only 24% of the inverse relationship between education the absence of colinearity in joint-effect regression models.
and mortality was accounted for by combined effects of In addition, if height, education, or income were reflecting
chronic disease risk factors and income. Thus our preliminary the same phenomena, a non-significant beta coefficient for
results corroborate and extend these findings to all-cause height or education would have been observed in the joint-
mortality in a population with a much lower annual household effect models. Finally, because of the limited number of
income and education level. Furthermore, the present report deaths, it was not possible to assess interaction terms in alter-
adds evidence supporting height as biomarker of early expo- native explanatory models in this phase of the study.
sures and subsequent risk of adult mortality in developing
societies with a recent past of poverty and malnutrition.
These preliminary results provisionally support the hypothesis
LIMITATIONS that early life socioeconomic influences on mortality risk in
Several limitations in this study should be taken into account. societies undergoing rapid economic and epidemiologic tran-
The original sampling frame of 1,980 representative of the sition may be more important than adult life influences, such
general population studied was substantially reduced after as income level. Moreover, the null effect of income is unex-
the exclusion criteria. To address this problem of ‘‘representa- pected and counterintuitive, suggesting a ‘pauper rich’ paradox
tiveness’’ and selection bias, we used mixed sample weights in transitioning Latin American economies where increasing
AEP Vol. 20, No. 6 Koch et al. 491

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