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Text Dependent Questions:

1. What happens to dry sand on a beach when it is windy?

2. What kind of shelter can the sand collect behind?
3. What happens to the sand piles as more sand heaps up on them?
4. What type of grass may start to grow on the sand dunes?
5. What other plants will grow on the dunes over time?
6. How can sand dunes be pushed inland over hundreds of years?
7. What are some uses for sand dunes once they have stopped growing and spreading?
8. What can happen if people walk through or play in the sand dunes?
9. What is a blow-out in relation to sand dunes?
10. Why are sand dunes important to both plants and animals?

Answer Key:
1. It is blown along and collects behind shelter.
2. Stones, pieces of wood, and old shoes.
3. The sand piles up into small sand dunes.
4. Marram grass.
5. Shrubs and trees.
6. If the wind mainly blows in the same direction, it can push the dunes inland.
7. Grazing sheep or turning them into golf courses.
8. They damage the thin layer of plants that protect the sand dunes.
9. A blow-out is a large hole or hollow where sand has been blown away by the wind.
10. Sand dunes are important because they are homes for interesting and unusual plants and
animals, and they help to prevent sea flooding inland.

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