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The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the acceptance and conduct of student on-the-job
training (OJT) within our organization. This policy aims to ensure a positive and productive learning
experience for students while maintaining a safe and professional work environment.

2. Eligibility and Selection

2.1. Eligibility: Students eligible for OJT must be enrolled in an accredited educational institution and
pursuing a relevant course of study.

2.2. Selection: The selection process will involve reviewing applications, conducting interviews, and
assessing the suitability of candidates based on their qualifications, skills, and availability.

3. Placement and Duration

3.1. Placement: Students will be assigned to departments or teams based on their field of study and the
availability of suitable OJT opportunities.

3.2. Duration: The duration of the OJT program will be determined in consultation with the educational
institution, taking into consideration the requirements of the curriculum and the needs of the

4. Responsibilities

4.1. Educational Institution: The educational institution will provide necessary documentation,
guidelines, and support to ensure the successful implementation of the OJT program.

4.2. Organization: The organization will assign a designated supervisor or mentor to oversee the OJT
program, provide guidance and feedback to students, and ensure compliance with organizational policies
and procedures.

5. Code of Conduct

5.1. Professionalism: Students must adhere to professional standards of behavior, including punctuality,
dress code, and respectful communication with colleagues and superiors.

5.2. Confidentiality: Students must maintain strict confidentiality regarding any sensitive or proprietary
information they may come across during their OJT.

5.3. Safety: Students must comply with all safety regulations and guidelines provided by the
organization, ensuring their own safety and the safety of others.
6. Performance Evaluation

6.1. Evaluation Criteria: Students will be evaluated based on their performance, attitude, willingness to
learn, and adherence to organizational policies and procedures.

6.2. Feedback and Guidance: Regular feedback sessions will be conducted to provide students with
constructive feedback, guidance, and opportunities for improvement.

7. Termination

7.1. Grounds for Termination: The organization reserves the right to terminate the OJT program for a
student if they fail to meet the required standards of conduct, performance, or if they violate any
organizational policies.

7.2. Notification: The educational institution will be promptly notified in case of termination, providing
reasons and any relevant documentation.

8. Grievance Procedure

A grievance procedure will be established to address any concerns or complaints raised by students
during their OJT. Students will be provided with a designated point of contact to report any issues, and
the organization will investigate and resolve grievances in a fair and timely manner.

9. Compliance

This policy is subject to compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and agreements governing
student OJT programs.

10. Review and Amendments

This policy will be periodically reviewed to ensure its effectiveness and may be amended as necessary to
reflect changes in organizational requirements or applicable regulations.

Please note that this policy and procedure is a general framework and may need to be customized to
align with the specific requirements and context of your organization.

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