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UNICEF Global database on Infant and Young Child Feeding

Exclusive breastfeeding

Indicator Names: Exclusive Breastfeeding

Indicator Definitions Percentage of infants 0–5 months of age who are fed exclusively with breast milk

Numerator: Infants 0-5 months of age who received only breast milk1 during the previous day

Denominator: Infants 0-5 months

1. Exclusively breastfed infants have been fed only breastmilk, but the definition allows for medicines, vitamins and oral re-hydration solution to have been given. These infants would not have received water-based liquids, milk based-liquids or food.

Suggested Citation: United Nations Children’s Fund, Division of Data, Analysis, Planning and Monitoring (2023). Global UNICEF Global Databases: Infant and Young Child
Feeding: Exclusive breastfeeding, New York, October 2023.

Last update October 2023

Glossary - the database in two subsequent tabs contains the following

ISO Three-digit alphabetical codes International Standard ISO 3166-1 assigned by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The latest version
is available online at

Countries and areas The UNICEF Global databases contain a set of 202 countries as reported on through the State of the World's Children Statistical Annex 2017.

UNICEF Regions Represents UNICEF region of a country.

UN Regions Represents UN region of a country.

World Bank Income Group Represents World Back Income Group (FY24) of a country.

Data Source Years Represents the year(s) in which the data collection (e.g. survey interviews) took place.

Data Source Years* Represents a single year in which majority of fieldwork took place in case of surveys where data collection begins in one calendar year and continues to

Short Source Short source for major survey types.

DHS Demographic and Health Survey (from the official Demographic and Health Survey Programme available at
DHS-style or MICS-style survey Survey with MICS or DHS in the titled but which is not and official MICS or DHS (not available on the official MICS or DHS websites)
LSMS The Living Standards Measurement Study (from official World Bank Group supported surveys available at:
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (from official UNICEF-supported surveys available at
NNS/SMART National Nutrition Survey/Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions
Nutrition Surveillance Estimates originating from nutrition monitoring and surveillance systems which are nationally representative
ONS Other National Survey
PAPFAM Pan Arab Project for Family Health Survey

Full Source Full title of the data source report.

Latest Estimate

Estimate Type The source of the estimate, whether as reported, re-analyzed, etc.,
Reanalyzed Dataset has been obtained, standardized and reanalyzed to conform to the definition. Lower and Upper Confidence limits are based on a 95%
confidence level. Reanalyzed exclusive breastfeeding estimates may differ from reported as only children answering "no" to each liquid and food are
being considered as exclusively breastfed infants.

Reported Point Estimate, and when available, other information including sample size, lower and upper confidence limits, are based on results from the report.
DHS Stat Estimate was taken from DHS-Statcompiler(
Adjusted from reported values Estimate was adjusted from reported values (e.g. When age range needed was not tabulated but point estimates and weighted sampled sizes for sub-
age ranges were available, this information was used to adjust the reported values to be aligned with the indicator definition.

Point Estimate The prevalence of the practice in the population

Lower Limit 95% lower confidence interval of the point estimate

Upper Limit 95% upper confidence interval of the point estimate

Sample size The weighted sample size which the point estimate is based on

Additional parameters such as standard errors and unweighted sample sizes are available. Please contact

Footnote A variety of notes that relate to the point estimates as follows:

a Alternate definitions
e Adjusted reported values to adhere to indicator definition
y Unweighted sample size is less than 25, point estimate, lower limit and upper limit have been suppressed
z Unweighted sample size is between 25 and 49, interpret with caution
Numbered notes All numbered notes can be found in the "Notes" tab

Global & Regional Aggregates in third tab

Presents latest available estimate for each country in the database.
Countries with data between 2016 and 2022 are included in calculation of regional and global averages.
Regional averages with less than 50 per cent population coverage have been suppressed.

All reasonable precautions have been taken to verify the information in this database. In no event shall UNICEF be liable for damages arising from its use or interpretation.
Exclusive Breastfeeding Infants 0-5 months
Percentage of infants 0–5 months of age who are fed exclusively with breast milk

UNICEF World Bank Data Source

ISO Countries and areas Regions UN Regions Income Group Years
ISO3Code CountryName UNICEF_Reporting_Sub_Region
UNRegion WB_Latest aSourceYears
843 AFG Afghanistan SA Asia Low Income 2015-16
3076 AFG Afghanistan SA Asia Low Income 2018
9008 AFG Afghanistan SA Asia Low Income 2022-23
5 ALB Albania EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2000
6 ALB Albania EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2005
7 ALB Albania EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2008-09
2606 ALB Albania EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2017-18
11 DZA Algeria MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2000
13 DZA Algeria MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2006
14 DZA Algeria MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2012-13
2281 DZA Algeria MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2018-19
826 AGO Angola ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2015-16
844 ARG Argentina LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2011-12
21 ARM Armenia EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2000
22 ARM Armenia EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2005
23 ARM Armenia EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2010
792 ARM Armenia EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2015-16
27 AZE Azerbaijan EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2000
29 AZE Azerbaijan EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2006
30 AZE Azerbaijan EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2013
1337 BGD Bangladesh SA Asia Lower Middle In 1993-94
41 BGD Bangladesh SA Asia Lower Middle In 1996-97
48 BGD Bangladesh SA Asia Lower Middle In 2004
1574 BGD Bangladesh SA Asia Lower Middle In 2006
51 BGD Bangladesh SA Asia Lower Middle In 2007
52 BGD Bangladesh SA Asia Lower Middle In 2011
53 BGD Bangladesh SA Asia Lower Middle In 2012-13
55 BGD Bangladesh SA Asia Lower Middle In 2014
3740 BGD Bangladesh SA Asia Lower Middle In 2017-18
3578 BGD Bangladesh SA Asia Lower Middle In 2019
8987 BGD Bangladesh SA Asia Lower Middle In 2022
56 BRB Barbados LAC Latin America anHigh Income 2012
57 BLR Belarus EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2005
852 BLR Belarus EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2012
2237 BLR Belarus EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2019
59 BLZ Belize LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2006
60 BLZ Belize LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2011
794 BLZ Belize LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2015-16
61 BEN Benin WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1996
62 BEN Benin WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2001
63 BEN Benin WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2006
833 BEN Benin WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2011-12
64 BEN Benin WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2014
2406 BEN Benin WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2017-18
68 BTN Bhutan SA Asia Lower Middle In 2010
849 BTN Bhutan SA Asia Lower Middle In 2015
70 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 1989
74 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 1993-94
75 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 1998
1760 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2000
76 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2003-04
77 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2008
78 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2012
1635 BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of) LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2016
1782 BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina EECA Europe Upper Middle In 1999
80 BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2006
81 BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2011-12
84 BWA Botswana ESA Africa Upper Middle In 2007-08
2650 BWA Botswana ESA Africa Upper Middle In 2017
975 BRA Brazil LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1986
88 BRA Brazil LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2006-07
6258 BRA Brazil LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2019
91 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 1992-93
92 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 1998-99
93 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 2003
94 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 2006
95 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 2009
96 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 2010
98 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 2012
795 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 2013
796 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 2014
2401 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 2017
2608 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 2018
4161 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 2019
4280 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 2020
7136 BFA Burkina Faso WCA Africa Low Income 2021
99 BDI Burundi ESA Africa Low Income 1987
100 BDI Burundi ESA Africa Low Income 2000
102 BDI Burundi ESA Africa Low Income 2010-11
1351 BDI Burundi ESA Africa Low Income 2016-17
3551 BDI Burundi ESA Africa Low Income 2018-19
8935 BDI Burundi ESA Africa Low Income 2022
916 CPV Cabo Verde WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1998
1779 CPV Cabo Verde WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2005
3230 CPV Cabo Verde WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2018
984 KHM Cambodia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 1998
106 KHM Cambodia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2000
107 KHM Cambodia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2005-06
108 KHM Cambodia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2008
109 KHM Cambodia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2010-11
110 KHM Cambodia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2014
6914 KHM Cambodia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2021-22
111 CMR Cameroon WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1991
112 CMR Cameroon WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1998
113 CMR Cameroon WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2004
114 CMR Cameroon WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2006
115 CMR Cameroon WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2011
116 CMR Cameroon WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2014
3085 CMR Cameroon WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2018-19
118 CAF Central African Republic WCA Africa Low Income 1994-95
119 CAF Central African Republic WCA Africa Low Income 2000
120 CAF Central African Republic WCA Africa Low Income 2006
121 CAF Central African Republic WCA Africa Low Income 2010-11
797 CAF Central African Republic WCA Africa Low Income 2014
3167 CAF Central African Republic WCA Africa Low Income 2018
4428 CAF Central African Republic WCA Africa Low Income 2018-19
122 TCD Chad WCA Africa Low Income 1996-97
123 TCD Chad WCA Africa Low Income 2000
124 TCD Chad WCA Africa Low Income 2004
125 TCD Chad WCA Africa Low Income 2010
126 TCD Chad WCA Africa Low Income 2014-15
3831 TCD Chad WCA Africa Low Income 2019
1561 TCD Chad WCA Africa Low Income 2019
4576 TCD Chad WCA Africa Low Income 2020
8947 TCD Chad WCA Africa Low Income 2022
1792 CHN China EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2008
1397 CHN China EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2013
4553 CHN China EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2016-17
153 COL Colombia LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1986
994 COL Colombia LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1990
155 COL Colombia LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1995
156 COL Colombia LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2000
157 COL Colombia LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2004-05
158 COL Colombia LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2009-10
2155 COL Colombia LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2015-16
160 COM Comoros ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1996
161 COM Comoros ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2000
162 COM Comoros ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2012
164 COG Congo WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2005
165 COG Congo WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2011-12
166 COG Congo WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2014-15
1043 CRI Costa Rica LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2011
1681 CRI Costa Rica LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2018
1544 HRV Croatia EECA Europe High Income 1996
181 CUB Cuba LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2000
1333 CUB Cuba LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2006
1330 CUB Cuba LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2010-11
850 CUB Cuba LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2014
2455 CUB Cuba LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2019
176 CIV Cote d'Ivoire WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1994
177 CIV Cote d'Ivoire WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1998-99
876 CIV Cote d'Ivoire WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2000
1780 CIV Cote d'Ivoire WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2004
178 CIV Cote d'Ivoire WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2006
180 CIV Cote d'Ivoire WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2011-12
1700 CIV Cote d'Ivoire WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2016
7137 CIV Cote d'Ivoire WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2021
187 PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea EAP Asia Low Income 2004
189 PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea EAP Asia Low Income 2012
2177 PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea EAP Asia Low Income 2017
190 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo WCA Africa Low Income 1995
191 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo WCA Africa Low Income 2001
192 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo WCA Africa Low Income 2007
193 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo WCA Africa Low Income 2010
194 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo WCA Africa Low Income 2013-14
3707 COD Democratic Republic of the Congo WCA Africa Low Income 2017-18
199 DJI Djibouti ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2012
200 DOM Dominican Republic LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1986
201 DOM Dominican Republic LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1991
202 DOM Dominican Republic LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1996
1315 DOM Dominican Republic LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1999
203 DOM Dominican Republic LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2000
204 DOM Dominican Republic LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2002
205 DOM Dominican Republic LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2006
206 DOM Dominican Republic LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2007
1319 DOM Dominican Republic LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2009-10
207 DOM Dominican Republic LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2013
1323 DOM Dominican Republic LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2014
4245 DOM Dominican Republic LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2019
1783 ECU Ecuador LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1987
1301 ECU Ecuador LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1994
1407 ECU Ecuador LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1999
210 ECU Ecuador LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2004
214 EGY Egypt MENA Africa Lower Middle In 1992-93
215 EGY Egypt MENA Africa Lower Middle In 1995-96
218 EGY Egypt MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2000
219 EGY Egypt MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2003
220 EGY Egypt MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2005
221 EGY Egypt MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2008
222 EGY Egypt MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2014
8886 EGY Egypt MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2021
224 SLV El Salvador LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1993
225 SLV El Salvador LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1998
226 SLV El Salvador LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2002-03
227 SLV El Salvador LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2008
228 SLV El Salvador LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2014
8880 SLV El Salvador LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2021
230 GNQ Equatorial Guinea WCA Africa Upper Middle In 2000
232 GNQ Equatorial Guinea WCA Africa Upper Middle In 2011
234 ERI Eritrea ESA Africa Low Income 1995-96
235 ERI Eritrea ESA Africa Low Income 2002
236 ERI Eritrea ESA Africa Low Income 2010
634 SWZ Eswatini ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2000
635 SWZ Eswatini ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2006-07
636 SWZ Eswatini ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2008
637 SWZ Eswatini ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2010
638 SWZ Eswatini ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2014
238 ETH Ethiopia ESA Africa Low Income 2000
239 ETH Ethiopia ESA Africa Low Income 2005
240 ETH Ethiopia ESA Africa Low Income 2010-11
1303 ETH Ethiopia ESA Africa Low Income 2016
3507 ETH Ethiopia ESA Africa Low Income 2019
243 FJI Fiji EAP Oceania Upper Middle In 2004
2436 FJI Fiji EAP Oceania Upper Middle In 2021
244 GAB Gabon WCA Africa Upper Middle In 2000-01
245 GAB Gabon WCA Africa Upper Middle In 2012
8922 GAB Gabon WCA Africa Upper Middle In 2019-21
247 GMB Gambia WCA Africa Low Income 2000
248 GMB Gambia WCA Africa Low Income 2005-06
249 GMB Gambia WCA Africa Low Income 2010
250 GMB Gambia WCA Africa Low Income 2013
2609 GMB Gambia WCA Africa Low Income 2018
4267 GMB Gambia WCA Africa Low Income 2019-20
252 GEO Georgia EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2005
253 GEO Georgia EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2009
2186 GEO Georgia EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2018
255 GHA Ghana WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1988
256 GHA Ghana WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1993-94
257 GHA Ghana WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1998-99
258 GHA Ghana WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2003
259 GHA Ghana WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2006
260 GHA Ghana WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2008
261 GHA Ghana WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2011
262 GHA Ghana WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2014
2495 GHA Ghana WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2017-18
9007 GHA Ghana WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2022-23
264 GTM Guatemala LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1995
265 GTM Guatemala LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1998-99
267 GTM Guatemala LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2002
268 GTM Guatemala LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2008-09
269 GTM Guatemala LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2014-15
8926 GTM Guatemala LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2021-22
271 GIN Guinea WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1999
1775 GIN Guinea WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2003
273 GIN Guinea WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2005
856 GIN Guinea WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2012
1701 GIN Guinea WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2016
2672 GIN Guinea WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2018
277 GNB Guinea-Bissau WCA Africa Low Income 2000
278 GNB Guinea-Bissau WCA Africa Low Income 2006
280 GNB Guinea-Bissau WCA Africa Low Income 2010
281 GNB Guinea-Bissau WCA Africa Low Income 2014
4260 GNB Guinea-Bissau WCA Africa Low Income 2018-19
284 GUY Guyana LAC Latin America anHigh Income 2000
285 GUY Guyana LAC Latin America anHigh Income 2006-07
286 GUY Guyana LAC Latin America anHigh Income 2009
287 GUY Guyana LAC Latin America anHigh Income 2014
2600 GUY Guyana LAC Latin America anHigh Income 2019
289 HTI Haiti LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 1994-95
290 HTI Haiti LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2000
291 HTI Haiti LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2005-06
292 HTI Haiti LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2012
1525 HTI Haiti LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2016-17
297 HND Honduras LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2001
298 HND Honduras LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2005-06
299 HND Honduras LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2011-12
2550 HND Honduras LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2019
302 IND India SA Asia Lower Middle In 1992-93
304 IND India SA Asia Lower Middle In 1998-00
305 IND India SA Asia Lower Middle In 2005-06
874 IND India SA Asia Lower Middle In 2015-16
3650 IND India SA Asia Lower Middle In 2016-18
3810 IND India SA Asia Lower Middle In 2019-21
1266 IDN Indonesia EAP Asia Upper Middle In 1991
312 IDN Indonesia EAP Asia Upper Middle In 1994
1269 IDN Indonesia EAP Asia Upper Middle In 1997
1271 IDN Indonesia EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2002-03
1272 IDN Indonesia EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2007
1274 IDN Indonesia EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2012
1841 IDN Indonesia EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2017
1784 IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) MENA Asia Lower Middle In 2000
325 IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) MENA Asia Lower Middle In 2010-11
3366 IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) MENA Asia Lower Middle In 2017
327 IRQ Iraq MENA Asia Upper Middle In 2000
330 IRQ Iraq MENA Asia Upper Middle In 2006
331 IRQ Iraq MENA Asia Upper Middle In 2011
2516 IRQ Iraq MENA Asia Upper Middle In 2018
1255 JAM Jamaica LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2005
1256 JAM Jamaica LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2011
352 JOR Jordan MENA Asia Lower Middle In 1990
353 JOR Jordan MENA Asia Lower Middle In 1997
354 JOR Jordan MENA Asia Lower Middle In 2002
1251 JOR Jordan MENA Asia Lower Middle In 2007
356 JOR Jordan MENA Asia Lower Middle In 2012
2280 JOR Jordan MENA Asia Lower Middle In 2017-18
2932 JOR Jordan MENA Asia Lower Middle In 2019
357 KAZ Kazakhstan EECA Asia Upper Middle In 1995
358 KAZ Kazakhstan EECA Asia Upper Middle In 1999
359 KAZ Kazakhstan EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2006
360 KAZ Kazakhstan EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2010-11
361 KAZ Kazakhstan EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2015
1243 KEN Kenya ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1989
363 KEN Kenya ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1993
365 KEN Kenya ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1998
366 KEN Kenya ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2000
367 KEN Kenya ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2003
369 KEN Kenya ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2008-09
370 KEN Kenya ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2014
8917 KEN Kenya ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2022
372 KIR Kiribati EAP Oceania Lower Middle In 2009
2286 KIR Kiribati EAP Oceania Lower Middle In 2018-19
388 KGZ Kyrgyzstan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 1997
389 KGZ Kyrgyzstan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2005-06
391 KGZ Kyrgyzstan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2012
392 KGZ Kyrgyzstan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2014
2102 KGZ Kyrgyzstan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2018
1224 LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2000
396 LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2006
397 LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2011-12
2242 LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2017
8846 LBN Lebanon MENA Asia Lower Middle In 2021
1217 LSO Lesotho ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1996
402 LSO Lesotho ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2000
403 LSO Lesotho ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2004-05
404 LSO Lesotho ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2009-10
405 LSO Lesotho ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2014
3508 LSO Lesotho ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2018
1212 LBR Liberia WCA Africa Low Income 1986
406 LBR Liberia WCA Africa Low Income 1999-00
407 LBR Liberia WCA Africa Low Income 2006-07
409 LBR Liberia WCA Africa Low Income 2013
4192 LBR Liberia WCA Africa Low Income 2019-20
412 MDG Madagascar ESA Africa Low Income 1992
415 MDG Madagascar ESA Africa Low Income 1997
941 MDG Madagascar ESA Africa Low Income 2000
416 MDG Madagascar ESA Africa Low Income 2003-04
417 MDG Madagascar ESA Africa Low Income 2008-09
805 MDG Madagascar ESA Africa Low Income 2012-13
1750 MDG Madagascar ESA Africa Low Income 2018
5021 MDG Madagascar ESA Africa Low Income 2021
421 MWI Malawi ESA Africa Low Income 2000
422 MWI Malawi ESA Africa Low Income 2004-05
423 MWI Malawi ESA Africa Low Income 2006
425 MWI Malawi ESA Africa Low Income 2010
426 MWI Malawi ESA Africa Low Income 2013-14
889 MWI Malawi ESA Africa Low Income 2015-16
3547 MWI Malawi ESA Africa Low Income 2019-20
1797 MYS Malaysia EAP Asia Upper Middle In 1996
1183 MYS Malaysia EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2016
440 MDV Maldives SA Asia Upper Middle In 2009
2784 MDV Maldives SA Asia Upper Middle In 2016-17
441 MLI Mali WCA Africa Low Income 1987
442 MLI Mali WCA Africa Low Income 1995-96
443 MLI Mali WCA Africa Low Income 2001
444 MLI Mali WCA Africa Low Income 2006
857 MLI Mali WCA Africa Low Income 2009-10
1178 MLI Mali WCA Africa Low Income 2015
1811 MLI Mali WCA Africa Low Income 2017
2828 MLI Mali WCA Africa Low Income 2018
3622 MLI Mali WCA Africa Low Income 2019
4501 MLI Mali WCA Africa Low Income 2020
5032 MLI Mali WCA Africa Low Income 2021
8938 MLI Mali WCA Africa Low Income 2022
1197 MHL Marshall Islands EAP Oceania Upper Middle In 2007
2279 MHL Marshall Islands EAP Oceania Upper Middle In 2017
448 MRT Mauritania WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2000-01
449 MRT Mauritania WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2007
451 MRT Mauritania WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2011
806 MRT Mauritania WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2015
3115 MRT Mauritania WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2018
4572 MRT Mauritania WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2019-21
1173 MEX Mexico LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1987
458 MEX Mexico LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1998-99
460 MEX Mexico LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2011-12
809 MEX Mexico LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2015
3762 MEX Mexico LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2018-19
6883 MEX Mexico LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2021
463 MNG Mongolia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2000
465 MNG Mongolia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2005
966 MNG Mongolia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2010
467 MNG Mongolia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2013
2230 MNG Mongolia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2016
3262 MNG Mongolia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2018
4550 MNG Mongolia EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2020
468 MNE Montenegro EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2005-06
469 MNE Montenegro EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2013
3302 MNE Montenegro EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2018-19
470 MAR Morocco MENA Africa Lower Middle In 1987
471 MAR Morocco MENA Africa Lower Middle In 1992
1020 MAR Morocco MENA Africa Lower Middle In 1995
473 MAR Morocco MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2003-04
474 MAR Morocco MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2010-11
2228 MAR Morocco MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2017-18
476 MOZ Mozambique ESA Africa Low Income 1997
478 MOZ Mozambique ESA Africa Low Income 2003-04
479 MOZ Mozambique ESA Africa Low Income 2008
480 MOZ Mozambique ESA Africa Low Income 2011
810 MOZ Mozambique ESA Africa Low Income 2013-14
9069 MOZ Mozambique ESA Africa Low Income 2022-23
486 MMR Myanmar EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2000
488 MMR Myanmar EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2009-10
811 MMR Myanmar EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2015-16
489 NAM Namibia ESA Africa Upper Middle In 1992
490 NAM Namibia ESA Africa Upper Middle In 2000
491 NAM Namibia ESA Africa Upper Middle In 2006-07
492 NAM Namibia ESA Africa Upper Middle In 2013
493 NRU Nauru EAP Oceania High Income 2007
495 NPL Nepal SA Asia Lower Middle In 1996
497 NPL Nepal SA Asia Lower Middle In 2001
498 NPL Nepal SA Asia Lower Middle In 2006
499 NPL Nepal SA Asia Lower Middle In 2011
500 NPL Nepal SA Asia Lower Middle In 2014
1404 NPL Nepal SA Asia Lower Middle In 2016-17
2744 NPL Nepal SA Asia Lower Middle In 2019
8920 NPL Nepal SA Asia Lower Middle In 2022
502 NIC Nicaragua LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 1997-98
503 NIC Nicaragua LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2001
505 NIC Nicaragua LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2006-07
812 NIC Nicaragua LAC Latin America anLower Middle In 2011-12
507 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 1992
1159 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 1996
508 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 1998
509 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 2000
510 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 2006
884 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 2007
885 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 2008
815 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 2009
1796 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 2010
511 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 2012
3830 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 2019
4500 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 2020
5788 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 2021
8948 NER Niger WCA Africa Low Income 2022
512 NGA Nigeria WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1990
1764 NGA Nigeria WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1999
514 NGA Nigeria WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2003
515 NGA Nigeria WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2007
516 NGA Nigeria WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2008
517 NGA Nigeria WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2011
518 NGA Nigeria WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2013
1625 NGA Nigeria WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2016-17
2566 NGA Nigeria WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2018
3200 NGA Nigeria WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2018
4583 NGA Nigeria WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2021
660 MKD North Macedonia EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2005
661 MKD North Macedonia EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2011
2243 MKD North Macedonia EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2018-19
524 OMN Oman MENA Asia High Income 2014
2270 OMN Oman MENA Asia High Income 2016-17
526 PAK Pakistan SA Asia Lower Middle In 1990-91
1152 PAK Pakistan SA Asia Lower Middle In 2006-07
531 PAK Pakistan SA Asia Lower Middle In 2012-13
2405 PAK Pakistan SA Asia Lower Middle In 2017-18
2103 PAK Pakistan SA Asia Lower Middle In 2018-19
1800 PAN Panama LAC Latin America anHigh Income 1996
1677 PAN Panama LAC Latin America anHigh Income 2013
1527 PNG Papua New Guinea EAP Oceania Lower Middle In 1996-97
1526 PNG Papua New Guinea EAP Oceania Lower Middle In 2006-07
1890 PNG Papua New Guinea EAP Oceania Lower Middle In 2016-18
538 PRY Paraguay LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1990
899 PRY Paraguay LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2004
1149 PRY Paraguay LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2008
1630 PRY Paraguay LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2016
1145 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1986
541 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1991-92
542 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1996
543 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2000
544 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2003-06
545 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2007-08
546 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2009
547 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2010
548 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2011
549 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2012
550 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2013
551 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2014
880 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2015
1384 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2016
1986 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2017
2593 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2018
3625 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2019
4589 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2020-21
5148 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2021
9108 PER Peru LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2022
1136 PHL Philippines EAP Asia Lower Middle In 1993
1135 PHL Philippines EAP Asia Lower Middle In 1998
1134 PHL Philippines EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2003
1133 PHL Philippines EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2008
8967 PHL Philippines EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2022
1697 QAT Qatar MENA Asia High Income 2012
564 MDA Republic of Moldova EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2005
565 MDA Republic of Moldova EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2012
1785 ROU Romania EECA Europe High Income 2004
571 RWA Rwanda ESA Africa Low Income 1992
573 RWA Rwanda ESA Africa Low Income 2000
574 RWA Rwanda ESA Africa Low Income 2005
575 RWA Rwanda ESA Africa Low Income 2010-11
576 RWA Rwanda ESA Africa Low Income 2014-15
4251 RWA Rwanda ESA Africa Low Income 2018
4427 RWA Rwanda ESA Africa Low Income 2019-20
577 LCA Saint Lucia LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2012
1115 WSM Samoa EAP Oceania Lower Middle In 2009
819 WSM Samoa EAP Oceania Lower Middle In 2014
3201 WSM Samoa EAP Oceania Lower Middle In 2019-20
580 STP Sao Tome and Principe WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2000
581 STP Sao Tome and Principe WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2006
582 STP Sao Tome and Principe WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2008-09
583 STP Sao Tome and Principe WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2014
2629 STP Sao Tome and Principe WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2019
586 SEN Senegal WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1986
588 SEN Senegal WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1992-93
1113 SEN Senegal WCA Africa Lower Middle In 1997
591 SEN Senegal WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2005
592 SEN Senegal WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2010-11
594 SEN Senegal WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2012-13
595 SEN Senegal WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2014
823 SEN Senegal WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2015
1547 SEN Senegal WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2016
2240 SEN Senegal WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2017
3748 SEN Senegal WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2018
4404 SEN Senegal WCA Africa Lower Middle In 2019
596 SRB Serbia EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2005-06
597 SRB Serbia EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2010
598 SRB Serbia EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2014
2497 SRB Serbia EECA Europe Upper Middle In 2019
603 SLE Sierra Leone WCA Africa Low Income 2000
604 SLE Sierra Leone WCA Africa Low Income 2005
605 SLE Sierra Leone WCA Africa Low Income 2008
606 SLE Sierra Leone WCA Africa Low Income 2010
607 SLE Sierra Leone WCA Africa Low Income 2013
2136 SLE Sierra Leone WCA Africa Low Income 2017
3685 SLE Sierra Leone WCA Africa Low Income 2019
5039 SLE Sierra Leone WCA Africa Low Income 2021
610 SLB Solomon Islands EAP Oceania Lower Middle In 2006-07
1392 SLB Solomon Islands EAP Oceania Lower Middle In 2015
611 SOM Somalia ESA Africa Low Income 1999
612 SOM Somalia ESA Africa Low Income 2006
613 SOM Somalia ESA Africa Low Income 2009
3978 SOM Somalia ESA Africa Low Income 2018-19
1264 ZAF South Africa ESA Africa Upper Middle In 1998
617 ZAF South Africa ESA Africa Upper Middle In 2003-04
1352 ZAF South Africa ESA Africa Upper Middle In 2016
620 SSD South Sudan ESA Africa Low Income 2010
621 LKA Sri Lanka SA Asia Lower Middle In 1987
622 LKA Sri Lanka SA Asia Lower Middle In 1993
624 LKA Sri Lanka SA Asia Lower Middle In 2000
625 LKA Sri Lanka SA Asia Lower Middle In 2006-07
1727 LKA Sri Lanka SA Asia Lower Middle In 2016
768 PSE State of Palestine MENA Asia Upper Middle In 2006-07
769 PSE State of Palestine MENA Asia Upper Middle In 2010
770 PSE State of Palestine MENA Asia Upper Middle In 2014
3568 PSE State of Palestine MENA Asia Upper Middle In 2019-20
629 SDN Sudan ESA Africa Low Income 2010
630 SDN Sudan ESA Africa Low Income 2014
631 SUR Suriname LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 1999-00
632 SUR Suriname LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2006
633 SUR Suriname LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2010
1571 SUR Suriname LAC Latin America anUpper Middle In 2018
643 SYR Syrian Arab Republic MENA Asia Low Income 2006
644 SYR Syrian Arab Republic MENA Asia Low Income 2009-10
3938 SYR Syrian Arab Republic MENA Asia Low Income 2019
1575 TJK Tajikistan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2000
650 TJK Tajikistan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2005
653 TJK Tajikistan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2012
2025 TJK Tajikistan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2017
654 THA Thailand EAP Asia Upper Middle In 1987
1803 THA Thailand EAP Asia Upper Middle In 1995
657 THA Thailand EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2005-06
1063 THA Thailand EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2009
658 THA Thailand EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2012-13
1443 THA Thailand EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2015-16
2941 THA Thailand EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2019
9036 THA Thailand EAP Asia Upper Middle In 2022
663 TLS Timor-Leste EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2003
665 TLS Timor-Leste EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2009-10
666 TLS Timor-Leste EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2013
1560 TLS Timor-Leste EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2016
4424 TLS Timor-Leste EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2020
667 TGO Togo WCA Africa Low Income 1988
669 TGO Togo WCA Africa Low Income 1998
1049 TGO Togo WCA Africa Low Income 2000
670 TGO Togo WCA Africa Low Income 2006
671 TGO Togo WCA Africa Low Income 2008
672 TGO Togo WCA Africa Low Income 2010
673 TGO Togo WCA Africa Low Income 2013-14
2607 TGO Togo WCA Africa Low Income 2017
675 TON Tonga EAP Oceania Upper Middle In 2012
4244 TON Tonga EAP Oceania Upper Middle In 2019
677 TTO Trinidad and Tobago LAC Latin America anHigh Income 2000
860 TTO Trinidad and Tobago LAC Latin America anHigh Income 2006
1763 TTO Trinidad and Tobago LAC Latin America anHigh Income 2011
678 TUN Tunisia MENA Africa Lower Middle In 1988
681 TUN Tunisia MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2006
682 TUN Tunisia MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2011-12
2651 TUN Tunisia MENA Africa Lower Middle In 2018
689 TKM Turkmenistan EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2000
690 TKM Turkmenistan EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2006
820 TKM Turkmenistan EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2015-16
2611 TKM Turkmenistan EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2019
2601 TCA Turks and Caicos Islands LAC Latin America anHigh Income 2019-20
691 TUV Tuvalu EAP Oceania Upper Middle In 2007
3303 TUV Tuvalu EAP Oceania Upper Middle In 2019-20
683 TUR Türkiye EECA Asia Upper Middle In 1993
685 TUR Türkiye EECA Asia Upper Middle In 1998
686 TUR Türkiye EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2003-04
687 TUR Türkiye EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2008
688 TUR Türkiye EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2013-14
3744 TUR Türkiye EECA Asia Upper Middle In 2018-19
692 UGA Uganda ESA Africa Low Income 1988-89
693 UGA Uganda ESA Africa Low Income 1995
694 UGA Uganda ESA Africa Low Income 2000-01
695 UGA Uganda ESA Africa Low Income 2006
696 UGA Uganda ESA Africa Low Income 2011
1389 UGA Uganda ESA Africa Low Income 2016
862 UKR Ukraine EECA Europe Lower Middle In 2005
384 UKR Ukraine EECA Europe Lower Middle In 2007
861 UKR Ukraine EECA Europe Lower Middle In 2012
700 TZA United Republic of Tanzania ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1991-92
701 TZA United Republic of Tanzania ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1996
702 TZA United Republic of Tanzania ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1999
703 TZA United Republic of Tanzania ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2004-05
705 TZA United Republic of Tanzania ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2009-10
708 TZA United Republic of Tanzania ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2014
709 TZA United Republic of Tanzania ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2015-16
3581 TZA United Republic of Tanzania ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2018
8957 TZA United Republic of Tanzania ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2022
1341 USA United States NA Northern AmericHigh Income 2009-10
714 USA United States NA Northern AmericHigh Income 2011-12
1339 USA United States NA Northern AmericHigh Income 2013-14
1338 USA United States NA Northern AmericHigh Income 2015-16
1826 USA United States NA Northern AmericHigh Income 2017-18
3736 URY Uruguay LAC Latin America anHigh Income 2018
722 UZB Uzbekistan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 1996
1010 UZB Uzbekistan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2000
723 UZB Uzbekistan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2002
724 UZB Uzbekistan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2006
2271 UZB Uzbekistan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2017
4002 UZB Uzbekistan EECA Asia Lower Middle In 2021
726 VUT Vanuatu EAP Oceania Lower Middle In 2007-08
727 VUT Vanuatu EAP Oceania Lower Middle In 2013
3684 VEN Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) LAC Latin America anNot Classified 1998
1001 VNM Viet Nam EAP Asia Lower Middle In 1997
754 VNM Viet Nam EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2000
1000 VNM Viet Nam EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2002
999 VNM Viet Nam EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2006
763 VNM Viet Nam EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2010-11
997 VNM Viet Nam EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2013-14
4264 VNM Viet Nam EAP Asia Lower Middle In 2020-21
771 YEM Yemen MENA Asia Low Income 1991-92
773 YEM Yemen MENA Asia Low Income 1997
774 YEM Yemen MENA Asia Low Income 2003
776 YEM Yemen MENA Asia Low Income 2013
777 ZMB Zambia ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1992
779 ZMB Zambia ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1996-97
780 ZMB Zambia ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1999
781 ZMB Zambia ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2001-02
782 ZMB Zambia ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2007
783 ZMB Zambia ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2013-14
3300 ZMB Zambia ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2018-19
785 ZWE Zimbabwe ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1988-89
786 ZWE Zimbabwe ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1994
787 ZWE Zimbabwe ESA Africa Lower Middle In 1999
788 ZWE Zimbabwe ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2005-06
789 ZWE Zimbabwe ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2009
790 ZWE Zimbabwe ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2010-11
791 ZWE Zimbabwe ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2014
822 ZWE Zimbabwe ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2015
2445 ZWE Zimbabwe ESA Africa Lower Middle In 2019
Data Source
Year* Short Source Full Source Latest Source
CMRS_yearDataSourceTypeGlobal FullSourceTitle LatestSource
2015 DHS Afghanistan Demographic and Health Survey 2015 Historical Trend
2018 Other Afghanistan Health Survey 2018 Historical Trend
2022 MICS Afghanistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Latest Source
2000 MICS Multiple indicator cluster survey report Albani Historical Trend
2005 MICS Albania multiple indicator cluster survey 2005, fiHistorical Trend
2009 DHS Albania demographic and health survey 2008-09. Historical Trend
2017 DHS Albania Demographic and Health Survey 2017-18. Latest
Ti Source
2000 MICS Enquête nationale sur les objectives de la fin Historical Trend
2006 MICS Suivi de la situation des enfant et des femmes. Historical Trend
2012 MICS République Algérienne Démocratiqe et PopulaireHistorical Trend
2019 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples [M Latest Source
2015 DHS Inquérito de Indicadores Múltiplos e de Saúde Latest Source
2011 MICS Encuesta de Indicadores Múltiples por Conglome Latest Source
2000 DHS Armenia demographic and health survey 2000. De Historical Trend
2005 DHS Armenia demographic and health survey 2005. De Historical Trend
2010 DHS Armenia demographic and health survey 2010. Dem Historical Trend
2016 DHS Armenia Demographic and Health Survey 2015-16. Latest Source
2000 MICS Azerbaijan multiple indicator cluster survey 200 Historical Trend
2006 DHS Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey 2006. Historical Trend
2013 NNS Azerbaijan nutrition survey (AzNS), 2013. Baku,Latest Source
1994 DHS Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, 1993 Historical Trend
1997 DHS Bangladesh demographic and health survey 1996 Historical Trend
2004 DHS Bangladesh demographic and health survey 200Historical Trend
2006 MICS Monitoring the situation of children and women: Historical Trend
2007 DHS Bangladesh demographic and health survey 2007. Historical Trend
2011 DHS Bangladesh demographic and health survey 2011 Historical Trend
2013 MICS Bangladesh 2012-13 multiple indicator cluster Historical Trend
2014 DHS Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2014 Historical Trend
2018 DHS Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 201 Historical Trend
2019 MICS Bangladesh Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2 Historical Trend
2022 DHS Bangladesh Demographic Health Survey 2022 Latest Source
2012 MICS Barbados multiple indicator cluster survey 2012 Latest Source
2005 MICS Belarus multiple indicator cluster survey 2005, fiHistorical Trend
2012 MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey of the Situat Historical Trend
2019 MICS 2019 Belarus Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Latest Source
2006 MICS Multiple indicator cluster survey Belize, 2006. Historical Trend
2011 MICS Belize multiple indicator cluster survey 2011 (M Historical Trend
2015 MICS Belize Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2015-20Latest Source
1996 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé 1996. Demogr Historical Trend
2001 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé au Bénin 200 Historical Trend
2006 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé (EDSB-III) Historical
- Trend
2012 DHS Enquête Démographique et de Santé (EDSB-IVHistorical Trend
2014 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples 2014, Historical Trend
2018 DHS Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Bénin,Latest Source
2010 MICS Bhutan multiple indicator cluster survey (BMIS Historical Trend
2015 NNS National Nutrition Survey 2015, Nutrition Progr Latest Source
1989 DHS Encuesta nacional de demografia y salud 1989. Historical Trend
1994 DHS Encuesta nacional de demografia y salud 1994. Historical Trend
1998 DHS Encuesta nacional de demografia y salud 1998. Historical Trend
2000 MICS Bolivia Encuesta de Multiples Indicadores por Historical Trend
2003 DHS Encuesta nacional de demografia y salud (ENDSHistorical Trend
2008 DHS Encuesta nacional de demografía y salud ENDSA Historical Trend
2012 Other Encuesta de Evaluación de Salud y Nutrición 20Historical Trend
2016 DHS-Style Bolivia Encuesta de Demografia y Salud - EDSALatest Source
1999 Other Bosnia and Herzegovina Breastfeeding CoveragHistorical Trend
2006 MICS Bosnia and Herzegovina multiple indicator clus Historical Trend
2012 MICS Institute for Public Health [Federation of Bosn Latest Source
2007 Other 2007 Botswana family health survey IV report. Historical Trend
2017 Other Botswana 2017 Demographic Survey Latest Source
1986 DHS Pesquisa Nacional Sobre Saúde Materno-InfantiHistorical Trend
2007 Other Pesquisa nacional de demografia e saúde da crHistorical Trend
2019 NNS Estudo Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição Infan Latest Source
1993 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé, Burkina F Historical Trend
1999 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé, Burkina FaHistorical Trend
2003 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé du BurkinaHistorical Trend
2006 MICS Burkina Faso, suivi de la situation des enfants Historical Trend
2009 SMART Enquête nutritionnelle nationale 2009. Ouagadou Historical Trend
2010 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé et à indica Historical Trend
2012 SMART Enquête nutritionnelle nationale 2012. Rapport Historical Trend
2013 SMART Enquete Nutritionnelle Nationale, Burkina Faso Historical Trend
2014 SMART Enquete Nutritionnelle Nationale - Rapport fina Historical Trend
2017 SMART Enquête Nutritionnelle Nationale, Burkina Faso Historical Trend
2018 SMART Enquete Nutritionnelle Nationale, Burkina Faso Historical Trend
2019 SMART Enquete Nutritionnelle Nationale, Burkina Faso Historical Trend
2020 SMART Enquete Nutritionnelle Nationale, Burkina Faso Historical Trend
2021 DHS Enquête Démographique et de Santé du BurkinaLatest Source
1987 DHS Enquête démographique et de la santé au BurunHistorical Trend
2000 MICS Enquête nationale d'evaluation des conditions Historical Trend
2010 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé Burundi 201 Historical Trend
2016 DHS Troisième Enquête Démographique et de Santé.Historical Trend
2019 SMART Enquete Nationale sur la Situation Nutritionnel Historical Trend
1998 RHS Inquerito Demografico e De Saude Reprodutiva Historical Trend
2005 DHS Segundo Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde Repr Historical Trend
2018 DHS-Style Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde Reprodutiva,Latest Source
1998 SDHS Cambodia National Health Survey 1998. PhnomHistorical
P Trend
2000 DHS Cambodia demographic and health survey 2000.Historical Trend
2005 DHS Cambodia demographic and health survey 2005.Historical
D Trend
2008 Other Cambodia anthropometrics survey 2008. PhnomHistorical
P Trend
2010 DHS Cambodia demographic and health survey 2010.Historical
D Trend
2014 DHS Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey 2014. Historical
Ph Trend
2021 DHS Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey 202Latest Source
1991 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé Cameroun,Historical Trend
1998 DHS Enquete démographique et de santé, CamerounHistorical
1 Trend
2004 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé du Camerou Historical Trend
2006 MICS Cameroun: Suivi de la situation des enfants et Historical Trend
2011 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé et à indica Historical Trend
2014 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples (MIHistorical Trend
2018 DHS Enquête Démographique et de Santé du Camerou Latest Source
1994 DHS Enquête demographique et de santé RépubliqueHistorical
C Trend
2000 MICS Enquête à indicateurs mutliples - MICS 2000. RaHistorical Trend
2006 MICS Suivi de la situation des enfants et des femmes Historical Trend
2010 MICS Suivi de la situation des enfants, des femmes Historical Trend
2014 SMART Enquete Nationale sur la Situation NutritionnelleHistorical Trend
2018 SMART Enquete Nationale sur la Situation NutritionnelleHistorical Trend
2019 MICS MICS6-RCA Enquête par grappes à indicateurs Latest
m Source
1997 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé, Tschad 199 Historical Trend
2000 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples: Historical Trend
2004 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé Tchad 2004 Historical Trend
2010 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples (M Historical Trend
2015 DHS Enquête Démographique et de Santé et à IndicatHistorical Trend
2019 SMART Rapport de l’enquête nationale de nutrition 20 Historical Trend
2019 MICS MICS6-Tchad, 2019, Rapport final. N’Djamena, Historical Trend
2020 SMART Rapport final de l’enquête nationale de nutriti Historical Trend
2008 Other China National Health Services Survey 2008 Historical Trend
2013 Other China National Nutrition and Health Survey, 201Historical Trend
2017 Other China Nutrition and Health Surveillance of Ch Latest Source
1986 DHS Tercera encuesta nacional de prevalencia del u Historical Trend
1990 DHS Colombia Encuesta de Prevalencia, DemografíaHistorical Trend
1995 DHS Encuesta nacional de demografia y salud 1995. Historical Trend
2000 DHS Salud sexual y reproductiva en Colombia, encu Historical Trend
2005 DHS Resultados encuesta nacional de demografia y sHistorical Trend
2010 DHS Encuesta nacional de demografia y salud 2010. Historical Trend
2016 NNS Colombia National Survey of the Nutritional SituLatest Source
1996 DHS Enquête demographique et de santé, Comores 19 Historical Trend
2000 MICS Enquête a indicateurs multiples (MICS 2000): RaHistorical Trend
2012 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé et à indica Latest Source
2005 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé du Congo Historical Trend
2011 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé du Congo (E Historical Trend
2014 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples (MIC Latest Source
2011 MICS Encuesta de Indicadores Múltiples por ConglomHistorical Trend
2018 MICS Encuesta de Mujeres, Niñez y Adolescencia (EMLatest Source
1996 MICS Multi-Indicator Survey in Croatia - Research in Latest Source
2000 MICS Encuesta de agrupacion de indicadores multipleHistorical Trend
2006 MICS Cuba Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2006. NeHistorical Trend
2010 MICS Encuesta de Indicadores Múltiples por Conglo Historical Trend
2014 MICS Encuesta de Indicadores Múltiples por Conglo Historical Trend
2019 MICS Cuba Encuesta de Indicadores Múltiples por Con Latest Source
1994 DHS Enquête demographique et de santé, Côte d'IvoiHistorical Trend
1998 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé, Côte d'IvoiHistorical Trend
2000 MICS Enquête à Indicateurs Multiples MICS2000, CôteHistorical Trend
2004 NNS Enquête de Nutrition Mortalité en Côte d’Ivoire Historical Trend
2006 MICS Enquête à indicateurs multiples, Côte d'Ivoire 20Historical Trend
2012 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé et à indicatHistorical Trend
2016 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples - CHistorical Trend
2021 DHS Enquête Démographique et de Santé de Côte d’Iv Latest Source
2004 NNS DPRK 2004 nutrition assessment, report of surve Historical Trend
2012 NNS Final report of the national nutrition survey 2 Historical Trend
2017 MICS DPR Korea Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2 Latest Source
1995 MICS Enquête nationale sur la situation des enfants Historical Trend
2001 MICS Enquête nationale sur la situation des enfants Historical Trend
2007 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé, République Historical Trend
2010 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples e Historical Trend
2013 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé en RépubliHistorical Trend
2017 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples, 2 Latest Source
2012 PAPFAM Deuxieme Enquete Djiboutienne sur la Sante Latest Source
1986 DHS Encuesta demografica y de salud, 1986. DemogrHistorical Trend
1991 DHS Encuesta demografica y de salud 1991. DemogrHistorical Trend
1996 DHS Encuesta demografica y de salud 1996 (DHS). Ce Historical Trend
1999 DHS Republica Dominicana Encuesta Experimental dHistorical Trend
2000 MICS Encuesta por conglomerados de indicadores mult Historical Trend
2002 DHS Encuesta demografica y de salud, ENDESA 2002 Historical Trend
2006 MICS-Style Encuesta nacional de hogares de proposito mu Historical Trend
2007 DHS Encuesta demográfica y de salud 2007. DemogrHistorical Trend
2010 Other Dominican Republic National Multipurpose H Historical Trend
2013 DHS Encuesta demográfica y de salud 2013. DemogrHistorical Trend
2014 MICS Encuesta Nacional de Hogares de Propósitos MHistorical Trend
2019 MICS Encuesta Nacional de Hogares de Propósitos Latest Source
1987 DHS Ecuador Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Famil Historical Trend
1994 RHS Ecuador Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Mater Historical Trend
1999 RHS Ecuador Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud MateHistorical Trend
2004 RHS Encuesta demografía y de salud materna e infa Latest Source
1992 DHS Egypt demographic and health survey 1992. Dem Historical Trend
1995 DHS Egypt demographic and health survey 1995. Demo Historical Trend
2000 DHS Egypt demographic and health survey 2000. Demo Historical Trend
2003 IDHS 2003 Egypt interim demographic and health survHistorical Trend
2005 DHS Egypt demographic and health survey 2005. Demo Historical Trend
2008 DHS Egypt demographic and health survey 2008. Demo Historical Trend
2014 DHS Egypt demographic and health survey 2014. Demo Historical Trend
2021 DHS-Style Egypt Family Health Survey (EFHS) 2021 Latest Source
1993 RHS National family health survey 1993 (FESAL-93).Historical Trend
1998 RHS National family health survey 1998: final repor Historical Trend
2003 RHS Encuesta nacional de salud familiar (FESAL) 200 Historical Trend
2008 RHS Encuesta nacional de salud familiar, FESAL 200Historical Trend
2014 MICS Encuesta nacional de salud 2014 - Encuesta deHistorical
i Trend
2021 Other Encuesta Nacional de Salud (ENS), El SalvadorLatest Source
2000 MICS Encuesta de indicadores multiples (MICS 2000):Historical Trend
2011 DHS Encuesta demográfica y de salud en Guinea EcuLatest Source
1995 DHS Eritrea demographic and health survey 1995. Dem Historical Trend
2002 DHS Eritrea demographic and health survey 2002. D Historical Trend
2010 Other Eritrea population and health survey 2010. Asmara Latest Source
2000 MICS Multiple indicator cluster survey (MICS): Model fHistorical Trend
2006 DHS Swaziland demographic and health survey 2006-0 Historical Trend
2008 NNS Swaziland national nutrition survey report (Nov Historical Trend
2010 MICS Swaziland multiple indicator cluster survey 201 Historical Trend
2014 MICS Swaziland Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 201Latest Source
2000 DHS Ethiopia demographic and health survey 2000. DHistorical Trend
2005 DHS Ethiopia demographic and health survey 2005. Historical Trend
2011 DHS Ethiopia demographic and health survey 2011. DHistorical Trend
2016 DHS Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey 2016. Historical Trend
2019 IDHS Ethiopia Mini Demographic and Health Survey 2Latest Source
2004 NNS 2004 Fiji national nutrition survey: Main report. SHistorical Trend
2021 MICS Fiji Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2021, SurveLatest Source
2000 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé Gabon 2000. Historical Trend
2012 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé du Gabon 201 Historical Trend
2020 DHS Gabon Enquête Démographique et de Santé (ED Latest Source
2000 MICS The Gambia multiple indicator cluster survey re Historical Trend
2006 MICS The Gambia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Historical Trend
2010 MICS The Gambia multiple indicator cluster survey 2 Historical Trend
2013 DHS The Gambia Demographic and Health Survey 2013 Historical Trend
2018 MICS The Gambia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2 Historical Trend
2020 DHS The Gambia Demographic and Health Survey 201 Latest Source
2005 MICS Georgia monitoring the situation of children and Historical Trend
2009 NNS Report of the Georgia national nutrition surve Historical Trend
2018 MICS Georgia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2018, LSatest Source
1988 DHS Ghana demographic and health survey 1988. Dem Historical Trend
1993 DHS Ghana demographic and health survey 1993. DeHistorical Trend
1998 DHS Ghana demographic and health survey 1998. DeHistorical Trend
2003 DHS Ghana demographic and health survey 2003. D Historical Trend
2006 MICS Monitoring the situation of children, women and Historical Trend
2008 DHS Ghana demographic and health survey 2008. D Historical Trend
2011 MICS Ghana multiple indicator cluster survey (MICS) Historical Trend
2014 DHS Ghana Demographic and Health Survey 2014. Roc Historical Trend
2017 MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS2017/18Historical Trend
2022 DHS Ghana Demographic and Health Survey 2022: Ke Latest Source
1995 DHS Encuesta nacional de salud materno infantil 1 Historical Trend
1999 IDHS Encuesta nacional de salud materno infantil 1 Historical Trend
2002 RHS Guatemala encuesta nacional de salud maternoHistorical Trend
2009 RHS Encuesta nacional de salud materno infantil 2 Historical Trend
2015 DHS Encuesta Nacional de Salud Materno Infantil 2 Historical Trend
2021 NNS Informe de la Línea de Base de la Gran CruzadaLatest Source
1999 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé, Guinée 1999 Historical Trend
2003 MICS-Style Enquete a Indicateurs Multiples (MICS-2003), Historical Trend
2005 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé, Guinée 200 Historical Trend
2012 DHS L’Enquête Démographique et de Santé et à IndicHistorical Trend
2016 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples (MIHistorical Trend
2018 DHS Enquête Démographique et de Santé en GuinéeLatest 2 Source
2000 MICS Multiple indicator cluster survey Guinea-Bissau Historical Trend
2006 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples, GuiHistorical Trend
2010 MICS Inquérito aos indicadores múltiplos (MICS), inquHistorical Trend
2014 MICS Inquérito aos Indicadores Múltiplos (MICS5) 2014 Historical Trend
2019 MICS Inquérito aos Indicadores Múltiplos (MICS5) 2018 Latest Source
2000 MICS Guyana multiple indicator cluster survey (MICS Historical Trend
2006 MICS Guyana multiple indicator cluster survey 2006, Historical Trend
2009 DHS Guyana demographic and health survey 2009. Historical Trend
2014 MICS Guyana Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014, Historical Trend
2019 MICS Guyana Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019 Latest Source
1994 DHS Enquête mortalité, morbidité et utlisation des s Historical Trend
2000 DHS Enquête mortalité, morbidité et utilisation des Historical Trend
2006 DHS Enquête mortalité, morbidité et utilisation des s Historical Trend
2012 DHS Enquête mortalité, morbidité et utilisation des Historical Trend
2017 DHS Enquête Mortalité, Morbidité et Utilisation des Latest Source
2001 RHS Honduras encuesta nacional de epidemiologia yHistorical Trend
2006 DHS Encuesta nacional de salud y demografía 2005-Historical Trend
2012 DHS Encuesta nacional de salud y demografía 2011-Historical Trend
2019 MICS Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud/ EncuLatest Source
1992 DHS National family health survey, India 1992-93. Historical Trend
1999 DHS National family health survey (NFHS-2) 1998-9 Historical Trend
2006 DHS National family health survey (NFHS-3), 2005-0 Historical Trend
2015 DHS National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4), 2015-1Historical Trend
2017 NNS Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey (CNNS Historical Trend
2020 DHS National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5), 2019-2Latest Source
1991 DHS Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 1991. Historical Trend
1994 DHS Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 1994. Historical Trend
1997 DHS Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 1997. Historical Trend
2003 DHS Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 200 Historical Trend
2007 DHS Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2007. Historical Trend
2012 DHS Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2012. Historical Trend
2017 DHS Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2017Latest Source
2000 DHS-Style Iran Demographic and Health Survey 2000. Historical Trend
2010 DHS-Style Iran's Multiple Indicator Demographic and Healt Historical Trend
2017 NNS Children Anthropometry, Nutrition and DevelopmLatest Source
2000 MICS Multiple indicator cluster survey (MICS) for the Historical Trend
2006 MICS Iraq multiple indicator cluster survey 2006, FinalHistorical Trend
2011 MICS Iraq multiple indicator cluster survey (MICS) 201Historical Trend
2018 MICS Iraq Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2018, S Latest Source
2005 MICS Monitoring the situation of children and women: Historical Trend
2011 MICS Jamaica Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011 Latest Source
1990 DHS Jordan population and family health survey 199 Historical Trend
1997 DHS Jordan population and family health survey 19 Historical Trend
2002 DHS Jordan population and family health survey 20 Historical Trend
2007 DHS Jordan Population and Family Health Survey 200 Historical Trend
2012 DHS Jordan population and family health survey 201 Historical Trend
2017 DHS Jordan Population and Family and Health SurveHistorical Trend
2019 NNS Jordan National Micronutrient and Nutritional Latest Source
1995 DHS Kazakhstan demographic and health survey 199Historical Trend
1999 DHS Kazakhstan demographic and health survey 1999 Historical Trend
2006 MICS Kazakhstan multiple indicator cluster survey 20 Historical Trend
2010 MICS Multiple indicator cluster survey (MICS) in the Historical Trend
2015 MICS 2015 Kazakhstan Multiple Indicator Cluster SurvLatest Source
1989 DHS Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 1989. Co Historical Trend
1993 DHS Kenya demographic and health survey 1993. Demo Historical Trend
1998 DHS Kenya demographic and health survey 1998. Dem Historical Trend
2000 MICS Kenya multiple indicator cluster survey 2000 ( Historical Trend
2003 DHS Kenya demographic and health survey 2003. D Historical Trend
2008 DHS Kenya demographic and health survey 2008-09.Historical Trend
2014 DHS Kenya demographic and health Survey (2014 KD Historical Trend
2022 DHS Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2022 Latest Source
2009 DHS-Style Kiribati demographic and health survey. Noumea, Historical Trend
2018 MICS Kiribati 2018-2019 Social Development Indicato Latest Source
1997 DHS Kyrgyz Republic demographic and health surveyHistorical Trend
2006 MICS Multiple indicator cluster survey 2006, Kyrgyz R Historical Trend
2012 DHS Kyrgyz Republic demographic and health surveyHistorical Trend
2014 MICS Kyrgyzstan multiple indicator cluster survey 20 Historical Trend
2018 MICS Kyrgyzstan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 20 Latest Source
2000 MICS Laos Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2000. NeHistorical Trend
2006 MICS Lao PDR multiple indicator cluster survey 2006, Historical Trend
2011 MICS-DHS Lao social indicator survey LSIS (MICS/DHS). Historical Trend
2017 MICS-DHS Lao Social Indicator Survey II 2017, Survey Fi Latest Source
2021 SMART Lebanon National Nutrition SMART Survey Latest Source
1996 MICS Mid-Decade Goals: Progress Towards the Worl Historical Trend
2000 MICS Kingdom of Lesotho 2000 end decade multiple inHistorical Trend
2004 DHS Lesotho demographic and health survey 2004. Historical Trend
2009 DHS Lesotho demographic and health survey 2009. Historical Trend
2014 DHS Lesotho demographic and health survey (2014 LD Historical Trend
2018 MICS Lesotho Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2018, Latest Source
1986 DHS Liberia Demographic and Health Survey 1986. Mo Historical Trend
2000 NNS Liberia national nutrition survey 1999-2000. MonHistorical Trend
2007 DHS Liberia demographic and health survey 2007. Dem Historical Trend
2013 DHS Demographic and health survey 2013. Demographic Historical Trend
2019 DHS Liberia Demographic and Health Survey 2019-20. Latest
M Source
1992 DHS Enquête nationale démographique et sanitaire Historical Trend
1997 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé, Madagascar Historical Trend
2000 MICS Enquete a Indicateurs Multiples (MICS) 2000 M Historical Trend
2004 DHS Enquête Démographique et de Santé de Madaga Historical Trend
2009 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé de Madagas Historical Trend
2012 Other Enquête Nationale Sur le Suivi des Objectifs d Historical Trend
2018 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples-M Historical Trend
2021 DHS Enquête Démographique et de Santé à Madagasca Latest Source
2000 DHS Malawi demographic and health survey 2000. DeHistorical Trend
2004 DHS Malawi demographic and health survey 2004. DHistorical Trend
2006 MICS Malawi multiple indicator cluster survey 2006, F Historical Trend
2010 DHS Malawi demographic and health survey 2010. DHistorical Trend
2014 MICS Malawi MDG endline survey 2014. Final Report.Historical
Z Trend
2015 DHS Malawi Demographic and Health Survey 2015-16 Historical Trend
2020 MICS Malawi Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019-20 Latest Source
1996 Other Malaysia National Health and Morbidity Survey Historical Trend
2016 Other Malaysia National Health and Morbidity Survey Latest Source
2009 DHS Maldives demographic and health survey 2009. Historical Trend
2017 DHS Maldives Demographic and Health Survey 2016-Latest Source
1987 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé au Mali, 1 Historical Trend
1996 DHS Enquête demographique et de santé Mali 1995-19 Historical Trend
2001 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé au Mali 20 Historical Trend
2006 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé du Mali 200Historical Trend
2010 MICS Enquête par Grappes à Indicateurs Multiples 200 Historical Trend
2015 MICS Enquête par Grappes à Indicateurs Multiples auHistorical Trend
2017 SMART Enquête Nationale Nutritionnelle AnthropométriqHistorical Trend
2018 DHS Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Mali 20Historical Trend
2019 SMART Enquête Nationale Nutritionnelle AnthropométriqHistorical Trend
2020 SMART 10ème Enquête Nutritionnelle AnthropométriqueHistorical Trend
2021 SMART Rapport Finale de l'Enquete Nutritionnelle AnthrHistorical Trend
2007 DHS-Style Marshall Islands Demographic and Health Surv Historical Trend
2017 MICS-Style Republic of the Marshall Islands Integrated Chil Latest Source
2000 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé MauritanieHistorical Trend
2007 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples, Historical Trend
2011 MICS Suivi de la situation des femmes et des enfants Historical Trend
2015 MICS Mauritanie Enquête par Grappes à Indicateurs MHistorical Trend
2018 SMART Rapport de l’enquête nutritionnelle nationale Historical Trend
2020 DHS Enquête Démographique et de Santé en Maurita Latest Source
1987 DHS Mexico Encuesta Nacional Sobre Fecundidad YHistorical
S Trend
1998 NNS Encuesta nacional de nutricion 1999. Instituto Historical Trend
2012 Other Encuesta nacional de salud y nutrición 2012. ReHistorical Trend
2015 MICS Encuesta Nacional de Niños, Niñas y Mujeres eHistorical Trend
2019 Other Encuesta nacional de salud y nutrición 2018. CuHistorical Trend
2021 Other Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición Contin Latest Source
2000 MICS Mongolia child and development survey - 2000 (M Historical Trend
2005 MICS Mongolia Child and Development 2005 survey (MI Historical Trend
2010 MICS 2010 Child Development Survey MICS-4 Final RHistorical Trend
2013 MICS Social indicator sample survey 2013 (MICS). Fina Historical Trend
2016 NNS Nutrition Status of the Population of Mongolia: FHistorical Trend
2018 MICS Social Indicator Sample Survey-2018, Survey Fin Historical Trend
2020 MICS Plus Mongolia 2020 MICS Plus, Wave 2 Latest Source
2005 MICS Montenegro multiple indicator cluster survey Historical Trend
2013 MICS 2013 Montenegro multiple indicator cluster su Historical Trend
2018 MICS 2018 Montenegro multiple indicator cluster su Latest Source
1987 DHS Enquête national sur la planification familiale Historical Trend
1992 DHS Enquête nationale sur la population et la san Historical Trend
1995 SDHS Enquête de Panel sur la Population et la Santé Historical Trend
2003 DHS Enquête dur la population et la santé familial Historical Trend
2011 PAPFAM Enquête nationale sur la population et la sant Historical Trend
2017 PAPFAM Enquête Nationale sur la Population et la Sant Latest Source
1997 DHS Moçambique inquérito demográfico e de saude 1Historical Trend
2003 DHS Moçambique inquérito demográfico e de saúde 2Historical Trend
2008 MICS Mozambique multiple indicator cluster survey Historical Trend
2011 DHS Moçambique inquérito demográfico e de Saúde Historical Trend
2013 Other Relatório de Estudo de Base de Base de Segur Historical Trend
2022 DHS Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde 2022–23 ReLatest Source
2000 MICS Union of Myanmar monitoring national programme Historical Trend
2009 MICS Myanmar multiple indicator cluster survey 2009 Historical Trend
2016 DHS Myanmar Demographic and Health Survey 2015-1 Latest Source
1992 DHS Namibia demographic and health survey 1992. Historical Trend
2000 DHS Namibia demographic and health survey 2000 Historical Trend
2007 DHS Namibia demographic and health survey 2006-0Historical Trend
2013 DHS The Namibia demographic and health survey 201 Latest Source
2007 DHS-Style Nauru 2007 demographic and health survey. DeLatest Source
1996 DHS Nepal family health survey, 1996. Demographic Historical Trend
2001 DHS Nepal demographic and health survey 2001. Dem Historical Trend
2006 DHS Nepal demographic and health survey 2006. Dem Historical Trend
2011 DHS Nepal demographic and health survey 2011. Dem Historical Trend
2014 MICS Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014: FiHistorical Trend
2016 DHS Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2016. Kat Historical Trend
2019 MICS Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019, Historical Trend
2022 DHS Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2022 Latest Source
1998 DHS Encuesta nicaragüense de demografia y salud 1Historical Trend
2001 DHS Encuesta nicaragüense de demografia y salud Historical Trend
2007 RHS Encuesta nicaragüense de demografía y salud Historical Trend
2012 Other Encuesta Nicaragüense de Demografía y Salud Latest
2 Source
1992 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé, Niger 199 Historical Trend
1996 MICS Enquête sur les Indicateurs Multiples 1996 - Re Historical Trend
1998 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé, Niger 1998. Historical Trend
2000 MICS Enquete a indicateurs multiples 2000 (MICS2). Historical Trend
2006 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé et à indicatHistorical Trend
2007 SMART Rapport d’enquête nationale Nutrition et Survie dHistorical Trend
2008 SMART Rapport d’enquête nationale Nutrition et Survie de
Historical Trend
2009 SMART Rapport d’enquête nationale Nutrition et Survie dHistorical Trend
2010 Other Enquête Survie des Enfants des enfants de 0 à 59 Historical Trend
2012 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé et indicateuHistorical Trend
2019 SMART Enquête nationale de nutrition avec la méthodo Historical Trend
2020 SMART Enquête nationale de nutrition avec la méthod Historical Trend
2021 SMART Enquête Nutritionnelle et de Mortalite Retrospe Historical Trend
2022 SMART Enquete Nutritionnelle et de Mortalite RetrospecLatest Source
1990 DHS Nigerian demographic and health survey 1990. De Historical Trend
1999 DHS Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 1999. Historical Trend
2003 DHS Nigeria demographic and health survey 2003. Historical Trend
2007 MICS Nigeria multiple indicator cluster survey 2007: Historical Trend
2008 DHS Nigeria demographic and health survey 2008. DHistorical Trend
2011 MICS Nigeria multiple indicator cluster survey 2011 ( Historical Trend
2013 DHS Nigeria demographic and health survey 2013. De Historical Trend
2016 MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2016-17, Final Historical Trend
2018 SMART Nigeria National Nutrition and Health Survey 20 Historical Trend
2018 DHS Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2018. AHistorical Trend
2021 MICS Nigeria Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2021 Latest Source
2005 MICS Republic of North Macedonia - multiple indicatorHistorical Trend
2011 MICS Multiple indicator cluster survey 2011 (MICS). SHistorical Trend
2019 MICS 2018-2019 North Macedonia Multiple Indicator Cl Latest Source
2014 MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014, Final R Historical Trend
2017 NNS Oman National Nutrition Survey 2017. Muscat, Latest Source
1991 DHS Pakistan demographic and health survey 1990/91 Historical Trend
2006 DHS Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2006-0 Historical Trend
2013 DHS Pakistan demographic and health survey 2012-1Historical Trend
2018 DHS Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2017-1 Historical Trend
2018 NNS Pakistan 2018 National Nutrition Survey Latest Source
1996 MICS Panama Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 1996.Historical Trend
2013 MICS Panama Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2013.Latest Source
1997 DHS-Style Papua New Guinea Demographic and Health SuHistorical Trend
2006 DHS-Style Papua New Guinea Demographic and Health SuHistorical Trend
2017 DHS Papua New Guinea Demographic and Health Sur Latest Source
1990 DHS Encuesta nacional de demografia y salud 1990. Historical Trend
2004 RHS Paraguay 2004 Encuesta Nacional de DemografiHistorical Trend
2008 RHS Paraguay Encuesta Nacional de Demografia y Historical Trend
2016 MICS Encuesta de Indicadores Multiples por Conglo Latest Source
1986 DHS Perú Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud FamiliarHistorical Trend
1991 DHS Encuesta demografica y de salud familiar 1991 Historical Trend
1996 DHS Peru demographic and health survey 1996. Demog Historical Trend
2000 DHS Encuesta demografica y de salud familiar 2000. Historical Trend
2005 CDHS Peru, encuesta demografica y de salud familia Historical Trend
2007 CDHS Encuesta demografica y de salud familiar. Inf Historical Trend
2009 CDHS Encuesta demografica y de salud familiar - EN Historical Trend
2010 CDHS Encuesta demografica y de salud familiar - EN Historical Trend
2011 CDHS Encuesta demografica y de salud familiar - EN Historical Trend
2012 CDHS Encuesta demografica y de salud familiar - EN Historical Trend
2013 CDHS Encuesta demografica y de salud familiar - EN Historical Trend
2014 CDHS Perú Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud FamiliarHistorical Trend
2015 DHS-Style Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar-ENDHistorical Trend
2016 DHS-Style Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar-ENDHistorical Trend
2017 DHS-Style Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar-ENDHistorical Trend
2018 DHS-Style Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar-ENDHistorical Trend
2019 DHS-Style Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar-ENDHistorical Trend
2020 DHS-Style Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar-ENDHistorical Trend
2021 DHS-Style Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar-ENDHistorical Trend
2022 DHS-Style Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar-ENDLatest Source
1993 DHS National Demographic Survey 1993. Calverton, M Historical Trend
1998 DHS Philippines National Demographic and Health Surv Historical Trend
2003 DHS National Demographic and Health Survey 2003.Historical Trend
2008 DHS National Demographic and Health Survey 2008.Historical Trend
2022 DHS Philippine National Demographic and Health SuLatest Source
2012 MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) : 2012 Latest Source
2005 DHS Moldova demographic and health survey 2005. D Historical Trend
2012 MICS 2012 Republic of Moldova multiple indicator clusLatest Source
2004 RHS Romania Reproductive Health Survey 2004. Latest Source
1992 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé, Rwanda 19 Historical Trend
2000 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé, Rwanda 200 Historical Trend
2005 DHS Rwanda demographic and health survey 2005. DHistorical Trend
2010 DHS Rwanda demographic and health survey 2010. DHistorical Trend
2015 DHS Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey 2014-15. Historical Trend
2018 CFSVA Comprehensive Food Security and VulnerabilityHistorical Trend
2020 DHS Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey 2019-20 Latest Source
2012 MICS Saint Lucia multiple indicator cluster survey 201Latest Source
2009 DHS Samoa Demographic and Health Survey 2009. Ap Historical Trend
2014 DHS-Style Samoa Demographic and Health Survey 2014 Historical Trend
2019 MICS Samoa Demographic and Health Survey - MultiplLatest Source
2000 MICS Enquête de grappes à indicateurs multiples MICS Historical Trend
2006 MICS Democratic Republic of Sao Tome e Principe 200 Historical Trend
2008 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé à Sao Tomé Historical Trend
2014 MICS Sao Tome and Principe Multiple Indicator Clust Historical Trend
2019 MICS Inquérito de Indicadores Múltiplos 2019, Relató Latest Source
1986 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé au SénégalHistorical Trend
1993 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé au SénégalHistorical Trend
1997 DHS Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Sénégal Historical
( Trend
2005 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé au SénégalHistorical Trend
2011 MICS-DHS Enquête démographique et de santé à indicateuHistorical Trend
2013 CDHS Enquête démographique et de santé continue (EHistorical Trend
2014 CDHS Sénégal : Enquête Démographique et de Santé H Cistorical Trend
2015 CDHS Sénégal : Enquête Démographique et de Santé Historical Trend
2016 CDHS Senegal : Enquête Démographique et de Santé Historical Trend
2017 CDHS Enquête Continue du Sénégal, Cinquième Phase Historical Trend
2018 CDHS Sénégal : Enquête Démographique et de Santé H Cistorical Trend
2019 CDHS Sénégal : Enquête Démographique et de Santé Latest Source
2005 MICS Republic of Serbia multiple indicator cluster sur Historical Trend
2010 MICS Serbia multiple indicator cluster survey 2010 (MIHistorical Trend
2014 MICS 2014 Serbia multiple indicator cluster survey an Historical Trend
2019 MICS Serbia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019, SLatest Source
2000 MICS The status of women and children in Sierra Leo Historical Trend
2005 MICS Sierra Leone multiple indicator cluster survey Historical Trend
2008 DHS Sierra Leone demographic and health survey 20Historical Trend
2010 MICS Sierra Leone multiple indicator cluster survey Historical Trend
2013 DHS Sierra Leone demographic and health survey 20Historical Trend
2017 MICS Sierra Leone Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Historical Trend
2019 DHS Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Survey 20 Historical Trend
2021 SMART Sierra Leone 2021 National Nutrition Survey Latest Source
2007 DHS-Style Solomon Islands 2006-2007 demographic and he Historical Trend
2015 DHS-Style Solomon Islands Demographic and Health Survey Latest Source
1999 MICS Somalia end-decade multiple indicator cluster suHistorical Trend
2006 MICS Monitoring the situation of women and children. Historical Trend
2009 Other National Micronutrient and Anthropometric Sur Historical Trend
2018 DHS-Style The Somali Health and Demographic Survey 20Latest Source
1998 DHS South Africa Demographic and Health Survey 1998 Historical Trend
2004 DHS South Africa demographic and health survey 20 Historical Trend
2016 DHS South Africa Demographic and Health Survey 20Latest Source
2010 MICS South Sudan Household Survey 2010. Final RepLatest Source
1987 DHS Sri Lanka demographic and health survey 1987.Historical Trend
1993 DHS-Style Sri Lanka demographic and health survey 1993.Historical Trend
2000 DHS-Style Sri Lanka demographic and health survey 2000.Historical Trend
2007 DHS Sri Lanka Demographic and Health Survey 200 Historical Trend
2016 DHS-Style Sri Lanka Demographic and Health Survey 2016Latest Source
2006 PAPFAM Palestinian family health survey, 2006: Final repHistorical Trend
2010 MICS Final report of the Palestinian family survey 201 Historical Trend
2014 MICS Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 201Historical Trend
2020 MICS Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2 Latest Source
2010 MICS Sudan household health survey, second round Historical Trend
2014 MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 of Suda Latest Source
2000 MICS Suriname multiple indicator cluster survey (MI Historical Trend
2006 MICS Suriname multiple indicator cluster survey 200 Historical Trend
2010 MICS Suriname multiple indicator cluster survey 2010 Historical Trend
2018 MICS Suriname Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2018Latest Source
2006 MICS Syrian Arab Republic multiple indicator cluster Historical Trend
2010 PAPFAM Family health survey of the Arab Republic of Sy Historical Trend
2019 SMART Nutritional status survey according to SMART me Latest Source
2000 MICS Tajikistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 20 Historical Trend
2005 MICS Tajikistan multiple indicator cluster survey 2005 Historical Trend
2012 DHS Tajikistan demographic and health survey 2012.Historical Trend
2017 DHS Tajikistan Demographic and Health Survey 2017. Latest Source
1987 DHS Thailand demographic and health survey 1987. D Historical Trend
1995 Other Assessment of Feeding Patterns of Children 0-24 Historical Trend
2006 MICS Thailand multiple indicator cluster survey DecemHistorical Trend
2009 Other Thailand Reproductive Health Survey 2009. Historical Trend
2012 MICS Thailand multiple indicator cluster survey 20 Historical Trend
2016 MICS Thailand Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 201 Historical Trend
2019 MICS Thailand Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019,Historical Trend
2022 MICS Thailand Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2022 Latest Source
2003 Other Timor Leste 2003 demographic and health surveHistorical Trend
2009 DHS Timor-Leste demographic and health survey 200Historical Trend
2013 NNS Timor-Leste food and nutrition survey, Final repoHistorical Trend
2016 DHS Timor-Leste Demographic and Health Survey 201 Historical Trend
2020 NNS Timor-Leste Food and Nutrition Survey 2020 Latest Source
1988 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé au Togo 198 Historical Trend
1998 DHS Enquete démographique et de santé, Togo 1998. Historical Trend
2000 MICS Enquête à Indicateurs Multiples, Togo 2000 Historical Trend
2006 MICS Résultats de l'enquête nationale à indicateurs mHistorical Trend
2008 SMART Rapport d'enquête nationale nutrition et survie Historical Trend
2010 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples M Historical Trend
2014 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé au Togo 201 Historical Trend
2017 MICS MICS6 TOGO, 2017, Rapport final. Lomé, TogoLatest Source
2012 DHS-Style Tonga demographic and health survey 2012. Nou Historical Trend
2019 MICS Tonga Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019, SLatest Source
2000 MICS Trinidad and Tobago Multiple Indicator Cluster Historical Trend
2006 MICS Monitoring the situation of children and women Historical Trend
2011 MICS Trinidad and Tobago Multiple Indicator Cluster Latest Source
1988 DHS Enquête démographique et de santé en Tunisie Historical
19 Trend
2006 MICS Enquête sur la santé et le bien être de la mère eHistorical Trend
2012 MICS Suivi de la situation des enfants et des femmes Historical Trend
2018 MICS Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples (MILatest Source
2000 DHS Turkmenistan demographic and health survey Historical Trend
2006 MICS Turkmenistan multiple indicator cluster survey Historical Trend
2015 MICS Turkmenistan 2015-16 Multiple Indicator Cluste Historical Trend
2019 MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2019. Survey Latest Source
2020 MICS Turks & Caicos Islands Multiple Indicator Clust Latest Source
2007 DHS-Style Tuvalu demographic and health survey. DHS. NHistorical Trend
2019 MICS Tuvalu Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019-20Latest Source
1993 DHS Turkey demographic and health survey, 1993. DHistorical Trend
1998 DHS Turkish demographic and health survey 1998. De Historical Trend
2004 DHS Demographic and health survey, 2003. Ankara,Historical
T Trend
2008 DHS Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2008. Anka Historical Trend
2013 DHS 2013 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey Anka Historical Trend
2018 DHS-Style 2018 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey. Hac Latest Source
1988 DHS Uganda demographic and health survey 1988/89. Historical Trend
1995 DHS Uganda demographic and health survey 1995. Dem Historical Trend
2000 DHS Uganda demographic and health survey 2000-2Historical Trend
2006 DHS Uganda demographic and health survey 2006. De Historical Trend
2011 DHS Uganda demographic and health survey 2011. De Historical Trend
2016 DHS Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016. Latest Source
2005 MICS Ukraine Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2005 Historical Trend
2007 DHS Ukraine Demographic and Health Survey 2007. H Cistorical Trend
2012 MICS Ukraine Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2012,Latest Source
1991 DHS Tanzania demographic and health survey 1991/9Historical Trend
1996 DHS Tanzania demographic and health survey 1996. Historical
D Trend
1999 DHS Tanzania reproductive and child health survey 1Historical Trend
2004 DHS Tanzania demographic and health survey 2004-Historical Trend
2010 DHS Tanzania demographic and health survey 2010Historical Trend
2014 SMART Tanzania national nutrition survey 2014: Final Historical Trend
2015 DHS Tanzania demographic and health survey 2015-Historical Trend
2018 SMART Tanzania National Nutrition Survey using S Historical Trend
2022 DHS The 2022 Tanzania Demographic and Health Sur Latest Source
2010 NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Surv Historical Trend
2012 NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Surv Historical Trend
2014 NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Surv Historical Trend
2016 NHANES United States National Health and Nutrition Exa Historical Trend
2018 NHANES United States National Health and Nutrition Exa Latest Source
2018 Other Encuesta de Nutrición, Desarrollo Infantil y Sa Latest Source
1996 DHS Uzbekistan demographic and health survey 1996. Historical Trend
2000 MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Republic of U Historical Trend
2002 SDHS Uzbekistan health examination survey 2002. Dem Historical Trend
2006 MICS Uzbekistan multiple indicator cluster survey 20 Historical Trend
2017 NNS Uzbekistan 2017 Nutrition Survey, Tashkent, U Historical Trend
2021 MICS Uzbekistan multiple indicator cluster survey 202Latest Source
2008 MICS Vanuatu multiple indicator cluster survey 2007 ( Historical Trend
2013 DHS-Style Vanuatu demographic and health survey 2013. Po Latest Source
1998 Other Venezuela Encuesta Nacional de Poblacion y ViLatest Source
1997 DHS Viet Nam Demographic and Health Survey 1997.Historical Trend
2000 MICS Multiple indicator cluster survey Viet Nam, 200 Historical Trend
2002 DHS Vietnam Demographic and Health Survey 2002.Historical Trend
2006 MICS Monitoring the situation of women and children Historical Trend
2010 MICS Viet Nam multiple indicator cluster survey 2011 Historical Trend
2014 MICS Monitoring the situation of children and women: Historical Trend
2020 MICS Survey measuring Viet Nam Sustainable Develop Latest Source
1991 DHS Yemen maternal and child health survey (YDM Historical Trend
1997 DHS Yemen demographic and maternal and child heal Historical Trend
2003 PAPFAM The Yemen family health survey: Principal reportHistorical Trend
2013 DHS Yemen National Health and Demographic Survey Latest Source
1992 DHS Zambia demographic and health survey 1992. Dem Historical Trend
1996 DHS Zambia demographic and health survey 1996. Demo Historical Trend
1999 MICS Zambia 1999 multiple indicator cluster survey r Historical Trend
2002 DHS Zambia demographic and health survey 2001-2002 Historical Trend
2007 DHS Zambia demographic and health survey 2007. De Historical Trend
2013 DHS Zambia demographic and health Survey 2013-14. Historical
D Trend
2018 DHS Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2018. LatestLu Source
1988 DHS Zimbabwe demographic and health survey, 1988Historical Trend
1994 DHS Zimbabwe demographic and health survey 1994.Historical
D Trend
1999 DHS Zimbabwe demographic and health survey 1999.Historical
D Trend
2005 DHS Zimbabwe demographic and health survey 2005-0 Historical Trend
2009 MICS Zimbabwe multiple indicator monitoring survey Historical Trend
2010 DHS Zimbabwe demographic and health survey 2010-1 Historical Trend
2014 MICS Zimbabwe Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 201Historical Trend
2015 DHS Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey 2015: Historical Trend
2019 MICS Zimbabwe Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Latest Source
National Male
Estimate Type Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit
Estimate_Type National_r National_ll National_ul
National_Footnote male_r male_ll
Reanalyzed 43.1 40.1 46.2 3,071.3 43 38.7
Reported 57.5
Reanalyzed 63.3 60.7 65.8 3,445.3 64.4 61.2
Reanalyzed 6.3 3 12.7 118.0 8.1 3
Reanalyzed 3.4 1.1 10.1 96.8 4.2 1
Reanalyzed 37.1 27.1 48.5 151.3 36.2 22.8
Reanalyzed 36.5 29.8 43.9 283.7 34.7 26
External Reanalysis 12.6 1
Reported 6.9 1,329.0 7.2
Reanalyzed 25.4 22.5 28.5 1,714.8 24.4 20.7
Reanalyzed 28.6 25.4 32.1 1,412.7 28.1 23.8
Reanalyzed 37.4 33.8 41.1 1,486.2 34.5 29.8
Reanalyzed 32 26.3 38.1 278,199.0 32.7 25.6
Reanalyzed 29.5 22.2 38 147.4 26.8 19
Reanalyzed 32.5 23 43.6 157.0 27.3 16.7
Reanalyzed 34.1 25.8 43.6 135.8 35.3 23.7
Reanalyzed 44.5 36.6 52.7 172.0 44.4 34.6
Reanalyzed 6.5 3.4 12.1 154.0 2.5 0.6
Reanalyzed 10.8 6.5 17.4 241.0 8.3 4.2
Reported 12.1
External Reanalysis (DHS 46 613.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 45.2 609.0
Reanalyzed 38.9 35.1 42.9 679.6 35.3 30.1
Reanalyzed 37.2 34.8 39.7 2,301.9 35.8 32.6
Reanalyzed 42.9 38 48 482.9 36.6 30.1
Reanalyzed 64.1 59.9 68.1 809.8 63.5 57.9
Reanalyzed 55.9 53.1 58.7 1,980.7 55.4 51.4
Reanalyzed 55.3 48.8 61.6 650.6 55.1 47.5
Reanalyzed 65 61.5 68.3 953.5 63.5 58.6
Reanalyzed 62.6 60.3 64.8 2,413.9 62.6 59.4
Reported 54.8
Reanalyzed 19.7 9.3 37.1 34.7 z
Reanalyzed 10.3 5.5 18.4 320.2 9.4 3.8
Reanalyzed 19 12.7 27.4 286.7 18.2 10.2
Reanalyzed 21.7 14.9 30.4 277.0 20.5 11.7
Reanalyzed 9.3 4.5 18.2 88.7 2.6 0.4
Reanalyzed 14.7 9.7 21.5 148.1 10.5 5.8
Reanalyzed 33.2 24.5 43.1 188.9 29.1 18
External Reanalysis (DHS 10.1 505.0
Reanalyzed 37.8 33.4 42.3 527.0 37.6 32
Reanalyzed 42.3 39.3 45.2 1,519.3 42.2 38.2
Reanalyzed 32.5 29.7 35.4 1,154.7 31.1 27.3
Reanalyzed 41.4 37.9 44.9 1,312.1 40.2 35.2
Reanalyzed 41.4 38.6 44.2 1,386.6 39.1 35.2
Reanalyzed 48.7 43.4 54.1 602.7 47.3 40.4
Reanalyzed 53.2 38 67.8 115.5 34.8 18.3
External Reanalysis (DHS 50.6 526.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 43.3 557.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 50.6 600.0
Reanalyzed 38.6 32.6 45 347.7 37.6 30.1
Reanalyzed 53.5 49.2 57.9 909.4 53.2 47.7
Reanalyzed 56.8 52.8 60.7 799.1 55.8 50
Reported 64.3 1,009.0 64.8
Reanalyzed 55.7 50.3 60.9 479.9 52.8 45.4
Reported 5.5
Reanalyzed 17.6 10.5 28.1 269.0 17.8 8.6
Reanalyzed 18.2 9.9 31.1 235.7 17.4 8.2
Reported 20.3 17.4
Reanalyzed 30 25.3 35.2 28,872.7 31.9 25
External Reanalysis (DHS 2.6 305.0
External Reanalysis 38.6 3
Reported 45.8 40.9 50.7 41.5 35.1
External Reanalysis (DHS 9.2 678.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 5.5 639.0
Reanalyzed 18.3 15.2 21.8 1,114.8 19.2 15.3
Reanalyzed 5.9 3.7 9.3 531.4 6.9 4.2
Reported 16
Reanalyzed 24.8 22.1 27.8 1,505.5 25.7 22
Reported 38.2 34.9 41.5 2,096.0
Reported 47.2 43.7 50.8 2,147.0
Reported 50.1 47.4 52.7 2,018.0
Reported 47.8
Reported 55.8
Reanalyzed 57.9 54.3 61.4 2,031.8 58.1 53.8
Reanalyzed 58 53.8 62 1,930.1 55.5 49.5
Reanalyzed 51.3 47.4 55.1 1,248.7 50.3 45.2
External Reanalysis (DHS 77.4 399.0
Reanalyzed 59.2 53.4 64.8 358.0 61.5 53.5
Reanalyzed 69.3 64.5 73.7 716.8 70.3 64.8
Reanalyzed 82.3 79.9 84.5 1,246.9 81.8 78.1
Reanalyzed 67.7 64.6 70.7 1,090.7 70.4 66
Reported 85
Adjusted 38.9 e
Reported 59.6
Reported 41.8
External Reanalysis 11.1 1
Reanalyzed 10.8 8.4 13.9 799.9 10 7.1
Reanalyzed 60 55.7 64.2 739.5 60.5 54.6
Reported 65.9 929.0
Reanalyzed 72.8 68.5 76.7 704.0 73.3 67
Reanalyzed 65.2 60.5 69.6 716.5 60.7 53.6
Reanalyzed 50.3 46.2 54.4 809.0 50.5 44.5
External Reanalysis (DHS 8.4 315.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 12.2 422.0
Reanalyzed 21 17.6 24.8 788.2 20.9 16.7
Reanalyzed 21.1 17.2 25.7 652.9 19.5 14.6
Reanalyzed 19.9 17.4 22.8 1,138.3 20.7 17
Reanalyzed 28 24 32.4 713.7 30 24.4
Reanalyzed 39.4 35.8 43.2 1,030.2 39.8 35.1
External Reanalysis (DHS 3 456.0
Reanalyzed 16.5 13.8 19.6 1,823.9 15 12
Reanalyzed 22.8 18.8 27.2 1,215.9 22.4 17.4
Reanalyzed 33 29.3 36.9 1,214.9 34 29.3
Reported 28.8
Reanalyzed 38.8 35.8 41.9 1,922.0 38.4 34.4
Reanalyzed 36.2 32.3 40.2 947.2 36.5 31.6
External Reanalysis (DHS 1.9 808.0
Reanalyzed 10.1 7.1 14.2 614.4 10.4 6.5
Reanalyzed 2 1 4.2 632.9 1 0.3
Reanalyzed 3.2 2.3 4.4 1,882.7 2.8 1.8
Reanalyzed 0.1 0 0.4 1,804.3 0.2 0
Reanalyzed 9 7.2 11.2 1,184.7 8.5 6.2
Reanalyzed 16.2 14.2 18.4 2,348.2 16 13.4
Reanalyzed 15 12.6 17.6 1,426.5 15.5 12.4
Reanalyzed 7.4 5.2 10.2 1,356.3 9.3 6
Reported 27.6
Reported 20.8 20.4
External Reanalysis 35.1 30.4 39.8 32.5 27.5
External Reanalysis (DHS 15.6 223.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 13.4 339.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 11.5 435.0
Reanalyzed 25.1 21 29.8 427.5 25.9 20.3
External Reanalysis (DHS 46.8 1,299.0
Reanalyzed 42.9 39.7 46.2 1,329.2 40.7 36.1
Reanalyzed 36.7 32.7 40.9 332,642.6 33.1 28
External Reanalysis (DHS 3.2 186.0
Reanalyzed 10.2 7.2 14.2 474.1 11.3 7.5
Reanalyzed 11.4 7.7 16.7 344.9 10.7 6.4
Reported 19.1 545.0
Reanalyzed 20.2 16.7 24.2 826.0 19.7 14.7
Reanalyzed 32.9 27.5 38.7 867.9 35 26.9
Reanalyzed 32.5 22.9 43.9 249.9 31.3 17.8
Reanalyzed 25.3 17.5 35.1 31,665.6 25.2 14.9
Reported 23.5
External Reanalysis 41.2 1
Reanalyzed 26.4 21.9 31.4 784.7 27 20.7
Reanalyzed 48.6 39 58.3 770.6 47.1 33
Reanalyzed 32.8 20.5 48.2 540.1 30.7 16.5
Reanalyzed 40.6 29.5 52.6 412.6 44 29.7
External Reanalysis (DHS 3 663.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 3.5 174.0
Reanalyzed 8.5 6.2 11.6 1,110.6 8.6 5.8
Reported 5.4
Reanalyzed 4.2 2.5 6.9 955.4 3.6 1.8
Reanalyzed 11.8 9.3 14.9 731.7 11.4 8
Reanalyzed 23.1 19.9 26.7 980.4 24.1 19.3
Reanalyzed 34 29.6 38.6 971.4 35.9 30.3
Reported 65.1 324.0
Reported 68.9 65.1 72.8 647.0 66.1 60.4
Reported 71.4 170.0 62.8
External Reanalysis 23.8 1
Reanalyzed 23.8 20.1 28 1,006.8 23.8 19.5
Reanalyzed 35.8 30.8 41.1 927.0 37.7 31
Reanalyzed 36.4 32.9 40 1,288.4 34 29.3
Reanalyzed 47.3 43.9 50.8 1,934.8 47.7 42.9
Reanalyzed 53.6 49.3 57.9 1,998.4 53.5 48
Reported 12.4 12.4
External Reanalysis (DHS 11.1 404.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 11.2 323.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 18 384.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 15.1 52.0
Reanalyzed 11 6.9 17.1 202.4 12.2 6.2
Reanalyzed 9.9 7.5 13.1 954.9 9 6.2
Reported 4.1 296.0 5.5
Reanalyzed 7.1 5.2 9.7 858.7 6.9 4.6
Reported 8 322.0 8.4
Reanalyzed 6.7 3.9 11.4 283.5 9 4.3
Reanalyzed 4.6 3.3 6.4 1,741.1 5.1 3
Reanalyzed 15.8 11.9 20.9 813.5 19.6 14
External Reanalysis (DHS 25.9 301.0
Adjusted 28.6
Adjusted 34.8
Reported 39.6
External Reanalysis (DHS 61.4 745.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 56.3 1,092.0
Reanalyzed 56.1 53.1 59 1,191.1 56.8 52.5
External Reanalysis (DHS 30.4 603.0
Reanalyzed 41.1 38.1 44.3 1,221.1 42.1 37.9
Reanalyzed 52.8 49.5 56.1 1,090.1 53 48.2
Reanalyzed 39.5 36.6 42.5 1,460.1 38.9 34.8
Reported 40.2
Adjusted 14.9
Adjusted 15.6
Reported 24
Reported 31.4
Reanalyzed 46.7 40.8 52.8 675.6 41.8 33.7
Reported 45.3 44.3
Reanalyzed 20.3 15.7 25.9 336.7 23.3 17.7
Reported 7.4 292.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 58.9 448.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 52 651.0
Reported 68.7 577.0
Reanalyzed 22 17.7 27 342.1 27.9 21.3
Reanalyzed 31.9 25.8 38.6 260.4 29.7 22
Reported 32.7
Reanalyzed 43.8 37.9 49.9 273.2 43.7 34.8
Reanalyzed 63.8 55.2 71.6 249.9 64 51.7
Reanalyzed 54.1 49.5 58.7 1,067.0 51.1 45.1
Reanalyzed 48.8 44.9 52.6 1,141.8 49 43.4
Reanalyzed 52 47.2 56.6 1,247.7 48.2 42.1
Reanalyzed 56.5 51.8 61.1 1,184.9 55.6 48.5
Reanalyzed 58.8 52.5 64.8 549.7 57.2 46.5
External Reanalysis 39.8 1
Reanalyzed 42.9 35 51.1 176.1 39.7 29.5
External Reanalysis (DHS 5.4 401.0
Reanalyzed 5.1 2.9 8.6 531.2 6.8 3.4
Reanalyzed 19.4 15 24.7 563.4 22.6 16.3
Reanalyzed 24.6 18.7 31.5 390.5 21.8 15.8
Reanalyzed 39.7 36 43.5 852.5 38.8 33.9
Reanalyzed 33.2 29.8 36.7 1,467.6 31.8 27.4
Reanalyzed 46.8 41.8 51.8 912.9 44.3 38.4
Reanalyzed 53.3 48.7 57.8 940.4 54.9 48.8
Reanalyzed 53.6 49.7 57.6 896.6 51.9 46.5
Reanalyzed 11.8 7 19.3 185.1 9.8 4.5
Reported 54.8 48.5 61.2 161.0 57.5 48.8
Reanalyzed 20.4 14.9 27.3 239.0 17.5 10.8
External Reanalysis (DHS 2.2 360.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 7.4 379.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 31.5 291.0
Reanalyzed 53 46.5 59.3 307.6 56.3 48
Reanalyzed 54.9 48.5 61.2 383.4 53.8 45.9
Reanalyzed 62.1 56.3 67.6 307.5 63.6 55.5
Reanalyzed 45.7 40.4 51 817.9 46.2 39.2
Reanalyzed 52.1 47 57.1 561.3 53.4 46.4
Reanalyzed 42.9 38.1 47.8 830.4 41.4 34.5
Reported 53.1
External Reanalysis (DHS 46.4 902.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 39.2 462.0
Reported 50.6 49.5
Reported 49.6 968.0 50.3
Reanalyzed 53.2 49.7 56.7 1,176.4 51.7 46.9
Reported 58.5
External Reanalysis (DHS 11.2 662.0
External Reanalysis 22.8 1
External Reanalysis (DHS 27 751.0
Reanalyzed 20.4 16.3 25.2 728.2 19.5 14.7
Reanalyzed 34.2 29.5 39.2 690.4 35.7 30.1
Reanalyzed 33.4 29.8 37.3 912.5 32.1 27.1
Reanalyzed 27.5 24.4 30.9 739.6 24 19.9
Reanalyzed 15.5 12.3 19.2 651.3 15.3 10.9
Reported 38.3 1,492.0 34.4
Reanalyzed 52.5 48.2 56.8 832.9 51.3 45.5
Reanalyzed 59.3 54.8 63.7 706.4 61.3 55.5
Reanalyzed 10.4 6.2 16.7 210.7 10.2 5.6
Reanalyzed 21.4 15.7 28.6 209.3 20.5 13.3
Reanalyzed 31.3 23.9 39.8 216.8 28.3 19.5
Reanalyzed 21.1 16.2 27.1 325.6 24.2 16.8
Reanalyzed 28.5 20.2 38.7 237.9 29.5 18
External Reanalysis (DHS 2.5 326.0
Reanalyzed 23 16.6 31 531.4 21.9 14.3
Reanalyzed 40.5 35 46.3 564.6 36.4 30.6
Reanalyzed 39.3 34.8 44 695.6 38.7 32.3
Reanalyzed 39.9 35.1 44.9 660.3 40.4 33.2
Reported 34.9
Reanalyzed 28.7 25.5 32.1 893.4 27.8 23.4
Reanalyzed 30.7 27.9 33.8 1,016.2 27.1 23.3
Reanalyzed 30.2 26.6 34.1 754.2 28.9 24
External Reanalysis (DHS 46 6,199.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 46.8 5,555.0
Reanalyzed 46.4 44.3 48.4 5,081.0 46.9 44.1
Reanalyzed 54.9 53.9 55.8 21,151.5 56 54.7
Reported 58 57.7
Reanalyzed 63.7 62.8 64.6 22,404.4 63.2 61.9
External Reanalysis (DHS 46.8 1,277.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 37.3 1,530.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 43 1,540.0
Reanalyzed 38.7 34.8 42.8 1,547.3 36.3 30.4
Reanalyzed 31.2 27.7 35 1,663.9 30.7 26
Reanalyzed 40.9 37.5 44.5 1,592.9 40.5 35.7
Reanalyzed 50.7 47.6 53.7 1,541.9 48.9 44.6
Reported 44.1
Reported 53.1 50.6
Reported 47.4
Reanalyzed 11.6 9.5 14.3 1,378.6 12.4 9.6
Reanalyzed 25.4 22.7 28.2 1,628.2 23.2 19.8
Reanalyzed 19.4 17.5 21.5 3,750.6 20.5 17.9
Reanalyzed 25.8 23.2 28.6 1,509.3 26.5 22.8
Reanalyzed 15.2 9.6 23.1 137.6 10.3 4.5
Reanalyzed 23.8 17.6 31.3 168.3 23.3 15.2
External Reanalysis (DHS 38.6 726.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 11 490.0
Reanalyzed 26.7 22.4 31.5 483.0 23.2 17.3
Reanalyzed 21.8 18.2 25.8 1,046.0 23.2 18.3
Reanalyzed 22.7 18.2 27.9 830.8 20.1 15
Reanalyzed 25.4 21.8 29.3 1,059.4 28.7 23.6
Reanalyzed 17.8 9.3 31.4 85.8 2 9.9 2.5
External Reanalysis 9.6 1
External Reanalysis (DHS 35.8 113.0
Reanalyzed 16.3 12.7 20.7 381.8 15.3 10.8
Reanalyzed 31.8 27.5 36.5 532.4 32.4 25.7
Reanalyzed 37.8 31.9 44.1 531.3 38.9 29.9
External Reanalysis (DHS 23 672.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 17 514.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 12.6 517.0
Reanalyzed 13.8 10 18.6 767.5 14 8.7
Reanalyzed 12.2 9.4 15.7 607.1 12.5 9.1
Reanalyzed 31.9 26.6 37.6 527.4 27.1 20.6
Reanalyzed 61.4 57.2 65.4 794.2 62.2 56.4
Reanalyzed 59.7 55.6 63.7 887.6 58.7 53.3
Reanalyzed 66.4 56.3 75.2 107.7 63 49.4
Reanalyzed 63.6 56.3 70.3 246.2 56.7 46.6
Adjusted 24
Reanalyzed 35.6 27.3 44.9 325.7 32.9 22.8
Reanalyzed 56 50.4 61.4 417.1 54.8 46.3
Reanalyzed 40.9 35.1 47 454.6 40.1 32.5
Reanalyzed 45.6 39.2 52 382.3 42.4 33.6
Reanalyzed 18.8 14.5 24 568.9 18.9 13.7
Reanalyzed 26.7 21.5 32.6 450.8 26.9 20
Reanalyzed 39.7 36.1 43.4 1,182.1 38.2 33.5
Reanalyzed 44.4 40.8 48.1 1,128.7 42.8 38
Reanalyzed 22.1 15.7 30 188.0 18.1 11.8
External Reanalysis 16.3 1
Reanalyzed 14.2 10.7 18.6 374.0 19 14
External Reanalysis (DHS 36.4 382.0
Reanalyzed 52.9 47.6 58.2 406.3 52.8 45.1
Reanalyzed 66.9 60.5 72.6 315.4 65.6 56.6
Reanalyzed 59 50.5 67 205.6 66.3 55.2
External Reanalysis (DHS 12.6 576.0
Adjusted 35.4
Reanalyzed 27.8 23.6 32.4 485.6 27 21.1
Reanalyzed 54.6 48.9 60.1 590.2 51.9 43.9
Reanalyzed 55.2 48.8 61.5 554.8 50 41.9
External Reanalysis (DHS 49.4 588.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 47.9 663.0
Reanalyzed 40.7 36.4 45.1 688.1 41.4 35.2
Reanalyzed 67.2 62.1 71.8 611.0 68.1 61
Reanalyzed 50.1 45.9 54.3 1,209.9 47.6 42.6
Reported 41.9 1,015.0 40.8
Reanalyzed 50.6 47.1 54.1 1,427.6 49.3 44.5
Reanalyzed 54.4 50.9 57.8 1,260.6 57.6 52.9
Reanalyzed 44 40.8 47.3 1,257.2 43.4 39.4
Reanalyzed 52.3 48.8 55.8 1,092.4 47.9 43.3
Reanalyzed 56.7 53.4 60 2,352.7 58.3 53.6
Reanalyzed 70.8 67.4 74 1,655.6 70.4 66.1
Reanalyzed 69 65.1 72.7 1,779.6 66.3 61.4
Reanalyzed 59.4 56.3 62.5 1,627.4 56.6 51.9
Reanalyzed 64.1 60.5 67.5 1,562.9 65.5 60.5
Reported 29
Reported 40.3 36.1 44.7 1,633.0 42 36.2
Reanalyzed 45.3 39.5 51.2 401.0 43.7 35.8
Reanalyzed 63 54.8 70.6 280.8 54.4 41.5
External Reanalysis (DHS 7 396.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 8.4 1,039.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 25.1 1,458.0
Reanalyzed 33.4 30.2 36.8 1,457.7 34.3 30.2
Reanalyzed 20.2 18.5 21.9 2,966.8 18.9 16.7
Reanalyzed 31.5 28.7 34.4 1,733.0 30.6 27.1
Reported 37.3 33.8 40.6 947.0
Reanalyzed 40.2 36.5 44.1 1,087.0 41.3 36.2
Reanalyzed 40.5 36.5 44.6 1,435.3 43.7 38.8
Reanalyzed 52 45.9 58 983.8 53.8 46.7
Reanalyzed 47.7 41.8 53.7 867.1 42.8 36.6
Reported 49.8
Reported 27.3 122.0
Reanalyzed 43.1 29.9 57.4 67.2 41.4 28.5
External Reanalysis (DHS 20.2 493.0
Reanalyzed 11.2 8.9 13.9 902.2 8.8 6.4
Reanalyzed 26.7 23.2 30.4 1,032.5 25.3 20.9
Reanalyzed 41.1 37.1 45.3 907.9 39.6 34.2
Reported 40.3
Reanalyzed 40.9 37.3 44.6 1,250.0 38.8 34.2
External Reanalysis 27.9 1
External Reanalysis 20.3 1
Reported 14.4 11.5 17.3 1,069.5
Reanalyzed 30.1 22.9 38.5 646.2 29.9 22.3
Reanalyzed 27.1 21.1 34.2 0.9 27.2 19
Reported 35.9 24.9 48.6
Reanalyzed 47.8 43.3 52.4 657.0 48.3 42.3
Reanalyzed 56.7 51.2 62 400.0 57.4 50.2
Reanalyzed 65.7 59.8 71.1 400.1 65.8 57.4
Reanalyzed 46 41.7 50.3 658.2 43.5 37.8
Reanalyzed 59.2 48.4 69.1 220.5 61.4 46.5
Reanalyzed 50.2 43.8 56.6 614.7 45.7 37.5
Reported 58 53
Reanalyzed 19.3 11.7 30.1 74.1 22.2 10.9
Reanalyzed 16.8 10 26.9 121.0 17.5 8.8
Reanalyzed 19.5 12.3 29.5 98.9 18.6 8.7
External Reanalysis (DHS 36.7 610.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 54.5 437.0
Adjusted 24.8 e
Reanalyzed 31 27.2 35.1 540.2 28.1 23.2
Reported 27.8
Reported 35 33.7
External Reanalysis (DHS 30.3 757.0
Reanalyzed 28.7 25.3 32.4 1,065.4 29.8 25.5
Reanalyzed 36.7 33 40.6 1,216.8 37.6 32.6
Reanalyzed 40 36.4 43.8 1,156.3 38.6 33.5
Reported 41 43
Reported 55.5
Reanalyzed 10.5 8.5 12.8 1,547.3 8.5 6.2
Reported 23.6 1,546.0 23.5
Reanalyzed 51.2 45.7 56.8 399.0 41.6 34.5
External Reanalysis (DHS 17.1 414.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 16.6 408.0
Reanalyzed 22.1 17.9 27 474.7 21.7 16.4
Reanalyzed 48.3 43.5 53.2 486.6 46 39.1
Reported 67.2 27.0 z
External Reanalysis (DHS 74.8 678.0
Reanalyzed 68.3 63.9 72.5 647.7 67 60.3
Reanalyzed 53.2 46.9 59.5 478.1 56.5 48.8
Reanalyzed 69.6 63.6 75.1 529.8 67.5 59.7
Reanalyzed 56.7 50 63.1 454.9 63.8 55.4
Reanalyzed 65.2 59.7 70.2 443.2 66.3 58.8
Reanalyzed 62.1 56.5 67.5 584.8 63 56.2
Reanalyzed 56.4 51 61.6 526.5 53.7 46.4
External Reanalysis (DHS 21.9 716.0
Reanalyzed 30.9 27 35.2 540.0 31.9 26.5
Reported 30.6 885.0
Reported 31.7 684.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 2 768.0
External Reanalysis 1.2 1
External Reanalysis (DHS 0.8 856.0
Reanalyzed 1.1 0.5 2.5 606.4 1.2 0.4
Reanalyzed 8.5 6.6 10.9 1,032.1 9 6.1
Reported 9
Reported 4.4 2.3
Reported 9.9 10.2
Reported 26.9 26.7
Reanalyzed 23.3 19.8 27.1 1,479.9 22.5 18.1
Reanalyzed 21.6 16.6 27.7 434,370.8 24.4 17.2
Reanalyzed 21.2 17.2 25.9 520,453.0 21.8 16.8
Reanalyzed 25.6 20.5 31.5 2,343,542.0 28.6 22.4
Reanalyzed 24.5 19.3 30.5 3,044,765.0 27.6 20.7
External Reanalysis (DHS 1.7 811.0
Adjusted 15.4
Reanalyzed 15.6 11.7 20.5 658.9 15.1 9.8
Reanalyzed 11.5 9.6 13.7 1,732.8 10.7 8.5
Reanalyzed 12.5 11.1 14.2 2,834.6 11.8 9.9
Reanalyzed 14.7 12.7 16.8 2,659.4 15.4 12.7
Reanalyzed 16.9 15.1 18.9 2,930.1 15.2 13
Reanalyzed 23.3 20.9 26 2,723.0 23.1 20.4
Reanalyzed 25.2 22.5 28 1,725.4 25.5 22.1
Reanalyzed 28.7 26.8 30.6 3,218.7 29.1 26.6
Reanalyzed 34.4 31.6 37.2 2,588.3 35.9 32.1
Reanalyzed 16.2 6 36.7 325.6 15.8 3.5
Reanalyzed 23 15.2 33.3 114.3 31.1 19.4
Reanalyzed 27.5 17.3 40.8 118.8 28.4 15.7
Reported 32.8
Reported 23.2
External Reanalysis (DHS 33.2 752.0
Reanalyzed 37 33.4 40.8 955.0 38.9 34.1
Reanalyzed 37.7 33.7 42 1,151.2 38.8 34.1
Reanalyzed 47.5 43.3 51.6 1,138.9 43.7 38.4
Reanalyzed 47.8 46.2 49.5 2,226,962.5 47.4 45
Reported 25
Reanalyzed 21.5 15.5 28.9 36,486.9 21.1 13.3
Adjusted 58.8 e
External Reanalysis 56.1 1
Reanalyzed 59.7 54.3 64.8 903.0 57.5 50.4
External Reanalysis (DHS 8.7 393.0
Reported 21.9
Reported 24.4 22.1
Reanalyzed 29.6 23.4 36.6 423.0 32.4 23.8
External Reanalysis (DHS 28 286.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 48 805.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 53 1,367.0
Reanalyzed 66.6 62.9 70.1 1,024.5 67.8 63
External Reanalysis (DHS 63.3 606.0
Reanalyzed 66.5 60.7 71.8 726.9 63 55.2
Reanalyzed 68.3 64.1 72.2 802.6 67.5 61.4
Reanalyzed 68.3 64 72.3 702.9 64.6 57.9
Reanalyzed 70.1 65.1 74.6 722.0 70.5 63
Reanalyzed 67.4 62.7 71.8 739.7 71.5 65.1
Reported 72.3
Reanalyzed 66.6 62.6 70.5 923.9 66.6 61.1
Reanalyzed 62.7 59.8 65.5 1,119.1 61.3 57.1
Reanalyzed 66 62.8 68.9 914.6 63.1 58.8
Reanalyzed 64.1 61 67.1 879.6 60.2 55.8
Reanalyzed 66.5 63.5 69.3 818.3 65.6 61.3
Reanalyzed 67.2 64 70.3 705.9 65.4 60.6
Reanalyzed 69.2 65.5 72.7 685.7 69.8 64.6
Reanalyzed 64.6 61.3 67.7 633.5 65.9 61.3
Reanalyzed 66.9 63.9 69.8 616.0 64.1 59.8
External Reanalysis (DHS 28.9 799.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 37.5 722.0
Reanalyzed 34 30.2 38 601.6 32.9 27.7
Reanalyzed 33 29.1 37.1 568.7 30 24.7
Reanalyzed 40.9 35.6 46.4 669.9 36.9 29.5
Reanalyzed 29.3 20.7 39.7 162.9 23.8 14.7
Reanalyzed 43.6 34.8 52.8 156.9 39.2 27.5
Reanalyzed 36.4 28.9 44.5 178.5 32.9 23.4
Reported 15.8
External Reanalysis (DHS 85.3 547.0
Reanalyzed 83 79.9 85.8 775.0 83.3 78.9
External Reanalysis (DHS 88.4 885.0
Reanalyzed 83.8 80.7 86.6 717.8 81.6 76.8
Reanalyzed 86.9 84.1 89.3 713.5 88.6 84.8
Reanalyzed 85.3 80.2 89.2 136,899.9 84.7 77.7
Reanalyzed 80.9 77.5 83.9 781.5 81.3 76.8
Reanalyzed 3.5 0.7 15.1 26.3 z
Reported 51.3
Reported 70.3
Reanalyzed 51.7 45.3 58.1 247.8 48.5 38.3
Reanalyzed 53.1 45.8 60.3 282.8 50.6 40.7
Reported 60.4 363.0 63.9
Reanalyzed 50.3 42.4 58.2 187.1 39.1 29.5
Reanalyzed 71.7 63.8 78.5 178.2 77.6 66.9
Reanalyzed 63.1 53.5 71.7 179.2 69.7 57.3
External Reanalysis (DHS 4.6 368.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 5 616.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 10.7 771.0
Reanalyzed 30.9 27.2 34.8 1,278.9 27.9 23.5
Reanalyzed 39 35.7 42.3 1,181.4 38 33.7
Reanalyzed 37.5 33.2 41.9 634.5 37.5 32.2
Reanalyzed 32.4 27.2 38 566.6 32.3 24.6
Reanalyzed 33.3 27.9 39.2 589.8 32.3 25.5
Reanalyzed 36.4 31.1 42.2 545.3 37.7 31.6
Reanalyzed 42.1 38.6 45.7 1,039.1 42.7 38.1
Reanalyzed 45.8 39.5 52.3 533.7 43.9 36.1
Reanalyzed 40.8 35.5 46.4 597.8 42.2 35.8
Reanalyzed 14.5 10.5 19.7 310.1 11.7 7.1
Reanalyzed 13.4 8.6 20.4 271.2 13.5 6.4
Reanalyzed 12.8 5.8 26.2 321.1 22.2 9.2
Reanalyzed 23.6 11.9 41.6 148.7 9.6 2.7
Reanalyzed 2.8 1.3 5.8 263.1 3.1 1.2
Reanalyzed 8.4 6.2 11.3 511.0 8.2 5.4
Reanalyzed 10.4 7.9 13.6 642.4 10.7 7.2
Reanalyzed 31.2 27.4 35.2 848.4 30.9 25.9
Reanalyzed 31.4 27.4 35.7 1,209.8 32.5 27.3
Reanalyzed 47.2 43.8 50.5 1,293.0 45.9 41.1
Reanalyzed 54 50.1 57.8 968.7 52.7 47.6
Reanalyzed 50.9 48 53.8 1,409.7 51.1 46.9
Reported 73.7 262.0
Reported 76.2 380.0
External Reanalysis 9
Reanalyzed 9.1 6.3 12.8 680.7 7.8 4.9
Reported 5.3 3.1 9.2
Reported 33.7 1,523.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 6.9 499.0
Reported 8.3
Reanalyzed 31.6 25.6 38.3 345.3 27.7 20.1
Reanalyzed 44.5 40.7 48.4 866.0 44.5 38.9
External Reanalysis (DHS 10.2 380.0
Adjusted 17.1 e
Adjusted 52.6 e
Reported 75.8
Reanalyzed 80.9 77.7 83.8 724.8 79.8 75
Reported 24.8
Reanalyzed 28.7 25.8 31.8 933.6 26.1 22.2
Reanalyzed 38.1 34 42.4 668.1 38.4 32.8
Reanalyzed 38.9 34.4 43.6 677.2 36.5 30.9
Reanalyzed 41 37.8 44.2 1,555.7 40.3 35.8
Reanalyzed 54.6 50.5 58.6 1,515.9 55.4 50.9
Reanalyzed 4.7 2.4 9 231.7 5.6 2.6
Reanalyzed 1.7 0.5 5.3 183.1 0 0
Reanalyzed 2.8 1.4 5.6 286.0 1.6 0.6
Reanalyzed 8.9 5.7 13.7 392.6 10.5 5.6
Reanalyzed 28.5 25.6 31.5 1,163.0 26.9 23.2
Reported 42.6
Reported 28.5 25.3 31.6
Reanalyzed 14.2 10.7 18.6 374.0 14.6 9.7
Reanalyzed 24.9 19.2 31.7 393.4 27 18.5
Reanalyzed 32.6 27.7 37.9 439.9 31 24.2
Reanalyzed 35.8 30.9 41.1 587.8 36.4 29.5
External Reanalysis (DHS 5.3 296.0
Reported 3.6
Reanalyzed 5.4 3.5 8.1 452,889.1 5.4 2.9
Reported 15.1
Reanalyzed 12.3 9 16.4 906.3 9.6 6.2
Reanalyzed 23 16.8 30.7 1,138.0 20.5 13
Reanalyzed 14 10.2 18.8 1,254.5 15.5 10.1
Reanalyzed 28.6 20.4 38.5 620.3 30.9 19.8
Reported 30.7
Reanalyzed 50.8 47 54.5 972.7 48.9 43.4
Reported 62.3 59.5 65.2 1,112.0 a 4 60.1 56
Reanalyzed 50.2 45.3 55.1 728.0 51.1 44.4
Reanalyzed 65 61.3 68.5 1,099.1 62.8 58.3
External Reanalysis (DHS 13.2 311.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 10.5 657.0
Reanalyzed 17.4 13.1 22.8 362.1 15.5 10.4
Reanalyzed 28.6 23.1 34.8 462.9 28 20.6
Reported 48.1
Reanalyzed 62.1 56.9 67 568.8 62.1 55.4
Reanalyzed 57.2 52.4 61.8 566.8 54.6 48
Reanalyzed 64.3 58.4 69.8 492.8 60.6 52.2
Reported 52.2
Reanalyzed 39.6 30.3 49.6 112.4 41 26.8
Reanalyzed 2.3 0.6 8.4 87.0 2.4 0.4
Reanalyzed 11.7 6.8 19.4 102.3 14.6 7.1
Reanalyzed 21.5 13.4 32.5 103.0 24.6 13.2
External Reanalysis (DHS 18 422.0
Reported 6.2 6.7
Reanalyzed 8.5 5.5 13 295.7 7.1 3.8
Reanalyzed 13.5 9.9 18.2 298.8 15.2 10.1
External Reanalysis (DHS 12.1 352.0
Reanalyzed 10.9 7 16.4 241.9 10.2 5.2
Reanalyzed 58.3 52.7 63.6 343.2 60.7 53.6
Reanalyzed 56.5 49.2 63.5 273.5 53.6 44.4
Reanalyzed 31.4 y
Reported 34.7
Reanalyzed 43.8 30.4 58.2 52.5 44.4 27.7
External Reanalysis 10.7 1
External Reanalysis (DHS 7.1 357.0
Reported 20.8
Reported 41.6
Reported 30.1
Reported 40.7
External Reanalysis 67.6
External Reanalysis (DHS 57.4 672.0
Reanalyzed 62.5 57.5 67.1 705.5 66.3 59.2
Reanalyzed 59 55.2 62.7 788.8 56.7 51.2
Reanalyzed 62.2 58 66.1 784.1 65.8 60.3
Reanalyzed 65.5 62.3 68.5 1,443.3 63 58.6
Reanalyzed 6 3.3 10.6 218.5 3.5 1.3
Reanalyzed 16.1 9.6 25.7 85.3 11 4.6
Reanalyzed 19.7 13.8 27.4 358.1 19.4 11.2
External Reanalysis (DHS 25.5 826.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 29 666.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 31.8 326.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 41.3 837.0
Reanalyzed 48.7 44.5 53 836.6 48.5 43
Reported 41.1
Reanalyzed 59 55.5 62.5 998.5 58.9 53.9
Reported 57.8
Reported 64.3
External Reanalysis 23.3 15 34.2 1
External Reanalysis 25.5 16.6 37 1
External Reanalysis 26.4 18.9 35.7 1
External Reanalysis 34.7 18.8 55 1
External Reanalysis 25.8 18.6 34.7
Reanalyzed 57.7 52.8 62.6 19,640.7 52.5 45.8
External Reanalysis 2.5 1
Reanalyzed 13.4 9.8 17.9 314.0 13 8.6
Reported 18.9
Reanalyzed 23.8 19.1 29.1 434.7 23.5 17.7
Reanalyzed 49.6 41.9 57.3 237.0 50.7 41.4
Reanalyzed 25.2 20.2 31 258.8 24.5 17.3
Reanalyzed 39.5 30.1 49.6 161.3 36.7 22.8
Reported 72.6
Adjusted 7.1
External Reanalysis (DHS 15.7 236.0
Reanalyzed 22 14.8 31.4 238.4 23.4 14.6
Reanalyzed 15.5 10.1 23 193.7 12.7 7.4
Reanalyzed 16.1 11.9 21.5 230.3 18.7 12.3
Reanalyzed 17 12.3 23.1 327.2 15.1 9.7
Reanalyzed 24 19 29.8 350.4 23.8 17.7
Reanalyzed 45.4 38.3 52.8 357.0 40.8 31.1
External Reanalysis 13.1 1
External Reanalysis 17.8 1
Adjusted 11.5 e
Reanalyzed 9.7 7.8 12 1,643.1 9 6.8
External Reanalysis (DHS 10.2 652.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 18.8 655.0
Reanalyzed 18.5 15.4 22.2 176,345.0 18.4 14.1
Reanalyzed 39.7 35.4 44.2 627.2 39.1 33.3
Reanalyzed 59.9 55.7 63.9 632.5 59.5 53.6
Reanalyzed 72 69 74.9 1,185.0 73.6 69.5
Reanalyzed 69.9 66.6 72.9 1,019.7 72.8 67.9
External Reanalysis (DHS 8.9 292.0
External Reanalysis (DHS 11.3 380.0
Reanalyzed 31.7 26 38 342.5 29.7 22.9
Reanalyzed 21.7 18.1 25.7 512.6 20.7 15.9
Reanalyzed 25.9 22.1 30.2 677.3 28.9 23.4
Reanalyzed 31.3 27.3 35.6 678.2 32.6 27
Reanalyzed 40.3 36.4 44.3 878.7 40.5 35.7
Reanalyzed 47.1 42.6 51.7 612.1 48.9 42.4
Reanalyzed 41.9 37.5 46.4 608.4 42.1 36.5
Male Female Urba
Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate
male_ul male_weighted_N
male_Footnote female_r female_ll female_ulfemale_weighted_N
female_Footnote urban_r
47.5 1,637.1 43.2 38.6 48 1,434.2 40.9

67.5 1,795.7 62 58.6 65.3 1,649.6 59.7

20.3 54.6 4.7 1.5 14 63.4 7.7
15.5 52.7 2.4 0.3 15.5 44.0 z 2.9
52.1 83.2 38.3 23.9 55.1 68.1 37.2
44.5 141.3 38.4 28.2 49.6 142.4 42.3

665.0 6.7 663.0 6.7

28.7 877.0 26.4 22.4 30.8 837.8 25.2
32.8 750.0 29.2 24.6 34.3 662.7 29.2
39.6 727.2 40.1 35 45.4 759.0 36.8
40.7 133,078.0 31.3 23.5 40.3 145,121.0 32
36.2 85.7 33.3 22.3 46.6 61.7 32.4
41.3 77.7 37.5 22.7 55.1 79.3 34.4
48.9 76.9 32.6 21.6 45.8 59.0 30
54.6 96.6 44.6 31.7 58.3 75.4 39.6
9.5 81.0 11 5.3 21.5 73.0 1.5
15.7 140.0 14.3 6.5 28.7 101.0 11.8

41 346.3 42.7 36.9 48.6 333.3 31.6

39.1 1,191.6 38.8 35.3 42.5 1,110.3 35.1
43.6 245.1 49.5 42.7 56.3 237.9 39.4
68.8 420.1 64.7 58.5 70.5 389.7 64.2
59.4 973.9 56.4 52.4 60.3 1,006.8 52.4
62.5 364.8 55.5 47.1 63.6 285.8 54.1
68.2 499.6 66.5 61.9 70.8 453.9 59
65.8 1,256.9 62.6 59.4 65.7 1,157.0 58.8

17.8 y 16.9 y
21.6 168.7 11.2 4.8 24 151.5 11.4
30.4 163.5 20.1 11.7 32.2 123.2 18.7
33.4 125.9 22.7 13.9 34.8 151.1 27.4
15.5 49.1 z 17.6 8 34.4 39.6 z 13.2
18.3 89.9 21 12.5 33.1 58.2 10.9
43.4 99.8 37.7 26.1 50.9 89.1 24.4

43.6 256.8 37.9 32.2 44 270.2 34.3

46.2 748.7 42.3 38.6 46.1 770.7 38.8
35.1 599.9 34 29.7 38.5 554.8 32.4
45.4 616.2 42.4 38 47 695.9 40.8
43.2 668.4 43.5 39.6 47.5 718.2 36.7
54.3 297.0 50 42.6 57.4 305.6 57.4
55.9 50.4 65.5 43.5 82.3 60.4 53
45.8 176.5 39.6 31.8 48 171.2 26.8
58.6 419.2 53.8 47 60.6 490.2 45.4
61.5 405.4 57.8 51.9 63.5 393.7 51.8
476.0 63.9 533.0 57.5
60 241.8 58.6 50.9 65.9 238.1 49.8

33.4 132.8 17.4 8.4 32.5 136.2 16

33.2 109.7 18.9 8.1 38 125.9 5.7
39.7 14,313.8 28.1 22.3 34.8 14,558.9

48 50.4 45.1 55.6 46.1

23.8 581.9 17.3 13.7 21.6 533.0 18

11.3 278.3 4.7 2.5 8.6 252.3 0

29.7 764.1 23.9 20.5 27.7 741.4 24.1

62.2 1,018.4 57.7 52.6 62.6 1,013.5

61.3 955.2 60.4 55.4 65.2 974.9
55.3 615.0 52.2 47.4 57 633.8 41.8

68.8 192.0 56.6 49 64 166.0 30.8

75.3 382.4 68.1 60.8 74.5 334.4 58.9
85.1 624.0 82.8 79.4 85.8 622.9 70.8
74.4 527.7 65.2 60.8 69.4 563.0

13.8 398.1 11.7 8.6 15.6 401.8 6.2

66.1 361.5 59.5 53.1 65.7 377.9 48.7

78.7 340.4 72.4 65 78.7 363.6 61.4

67.4 343.8 69.3 63.5 74.6 372.8 38.9
56.4 420.9 50.1 44.1 56 388.1 35.1

25.7 378.4 21.1 16.8 26.1 409.8 23.3

25.5 321.6 22.7 17.6 28.8 331.3 24.1
24.8 571.9 19.2 15.9 23.1 566.4 22.3
36.2 351.3 26.1 21.3 31.7 362.4 32.7
44.8 553.1 38.9 34 44.1 477.0 42.4

18.7 913.3 18 13.9 22.8 910.6 16

28.3 593.3 23.1 18 29.2 622.6 22.3
39.1 635.2 31.8 27.4 36.6 579.7 36.4

42.5 951.0 39.2 35.8 42.8 971.0

41.7 478.9 35.8 30.3 41.7 468.3 33.5

16.3 322.2 9.8 6.5 14.5 292.2 7.9

3.1 326.0 3.1 1.3 7.4 306.9 1.6
4.4 919.0 3.6 2.3 5.6 963.7 7.1
0.8 924.7 0 0 0.1 879.6 0.3
11.4 594.5 9.5 7.1 12.5 590.2
19.1 1,167.8 16.4 13.8 19.3 1,180.5 20.2
19.2 717.8 14.4 11.6 17.8 708.7
14.1 670.9 5.5 3.7 8.2 685.4

21 19.6
37.4 38.2 33.1 43.3 35.8

32.3 231.4 24.2 18.5 31.1 196.1 23.6

45.4 699.9 45.4 40.5 50.3 629.3 43.8

38.8 173,759.1 40.5 34.3 47 158,883.5 35.7

16.7 259.0 8.8 5.2 14.5 215.1 6.9

17.4 168.2 12.1 6.9 20.2 176.7 12.2

25.9 404.6 20.6 15.9 26.2 421.3 17.8

44.1 425.5 30.8 24.2 38.2 442.4 39.1
48.9 136.1 34 20.4 50.8 113.8 34.3
39.4 18,650.7 25.4 16 37.7 13,014.9 22

34.2 400.8 25.7 19.8 32.7 384.0 21.5

61.7 358.3 49.8 36.4 63.3 412.3 50.8
49.8 243.1 34.6 17.6 56.8 297.0 29.2
59.5 229.2 36.2 23 51.9 183.5 38.1

12.6 566.8 8.5 5.9 12.1 543.9 10.6

7 479.4 4.8 2.9 8 476.0 3

15.9 367.7 12.2 8.8 16.8 364.1 13.7
29.7 472.2 22.3 18.5 26.5 508.1 19.3
41.9 467.7 32.2 26.7 38.2 503.7 35.6

71.7 329.0 71.7 66.1 77.4 318.0

85.0 80 86.0 70.8

28.6 481.1 23.9 19.4 29 525.7 23.9

44.8 436.8 34.1 27.8 41.1 490.2 37.7
39 676.1 39 34.1 44.1 612.3 36
52.4 969.2 47 42.7 51.4 965.6 44.6
58.9 904.7 53.7 48.1 59.2 1,093.7 53.1
12.3 11.6

22.6 97.9 9.9 5.3 18 104.5 10.9

12.9 468.8 10.8 7.2 15.9 486.1 9.3
173.0 2 122.0 3.3
10.4 451.9 7.4 4.6 11.5 406.8 6
146.0 7.8 176.0 5.6
17.7 146.2 4.4 2 9.4 137.3 6.3
8.6 886.2 4 2.7 5.8 854.9 4.8
26.8 412.7 12 7.5 18.5 400.9 17.1


61.1 601.2 55.3 50.9 59.6 589.8 46

46.3 655.1 40.1 35.4 44.9 566.0 38.3

57.7 558.4 52.6 48 57.2 531.7 45.1
43.1 793.1 40.3 36 44.8 667.0 34.9

50.3 337.6 51.7 43.4 60 338.0 37.2

46.6 45.8
29.9 185.3 16.7 11.2 24.3 151.4 6.2

35.6 169.8 16.3 11.3 22.9 172.3 22.9

38.8 137.8 34.3 25.5 44.4 122.6 27.2

53 120.7 43.9 35.8 52.3 152.6 35.5

74.7 139.7 63.7 53.6 72.7 110.2 60.3
57.1 551.8 57.3 51.6 62.9 515.1 45.2
54.7 618.4 48.5 43.7 53.2 523.4 42.5
54.3 668.8 56.3 50.1 62.4 578.9 43.8
62.5 579.8 57.4 51.3 63.2 605.1 57.8
67.2 260.9 60.3 52.2 67.8 288.8 53.6

50.9 98.0 46.8 35.7 58.3 78.1 36.8

13.2 270.9 3.2 1.3 7.8 260.3 5.1

30.3 288.8 16 11 22.7 274.6 18.9
29.3 184.9 27.1 18.7 37.5 205.6 23.6
43.9 409.6 40.5 35.7 45.5 442.9 43.5
36.4 736.9 34.6 29.9 39.7 730.7 28.8
50.4 417.7 48.8 41.4 56.3 495.2 41.2
60.8 473.6 51.7 45.4 57.9 466.7 50.9
57.4 453.9 55.4 49.6 61 442.6 47
20.2 89.6 13.7 6.7 26.2 95.5 10.1
66 87.0 52.2 42.7 61.7 74.0 51.1
26.9 132.3 24 15.5 35.3 106.7 19.4

64.3 169.7 48.8 40 57.7 137.9 71.7

61.4 201.9 56.2 47.3 64.8 181.5 60.4
70.9 163.2 60.5 51.8 68.5 144.4 70
53.3 417.9 45.1 37.8 52.7 400.0 48.9
60.3 287.7 50.7 43.8 57.5 273.6 49.7
48.7 402.9 44.3 38.2 50.6 427.5 38.7
51.7 34.7
490.0 48.8 479.0 32.5
56.6 609.1 54.8 49.8 59.7 567.3 37.6

25.5 355.1 21.2 16.1 27.3 373.1 24.5

41.8 331.9 32.8 26.8 39.3 358.5 41.7
37.6 461.4 34.8 29.7 40.3 451.1 36.9
28.6 380.5 31.3 26.7 36.4 359.0 23.3
21.1 327.9 15.6 11.7 20.5 323.5 20.2
725.0 42.1 768.0 38.3
57.2 437.0 53.9 48.2 59.4 395.9 50.9
66.8 366.2 57.3 50.6 63.6 340.2 56.5
17.8 129.4 10.6 5.1 20.8 81.3 12.5
30.4 122.5 22.7 14.4 33.9 86.7 20.9
39.1 114.0 34.6 23.4 47.9 102.8 36.6
33.5 156.1 18.3 12.1 26.6 169.4 13.7
44.3 144.6 27.1 16.6 40.8 93.3 21.6

32 302.7 24.6 17.1 34 228.7 18

42.7 300.6 45.2 37.7 52.9 264.1 35.1
45.4 348.9 39.8 33.9 46.1 346.7 36.7
47.9 320.0 39.4 33.6 45.6 340.3 40.7
32.7 476.5 29.6 24.9 34.8 416.9 18.7
31.3 524.3 34.6 30.3 39.2 491.9 18.8
34.3 400.0 31.8 26.4 37.7 354.2 18.7

49.6 2,529.4 45.9 43.2 48.6 2,551.6 40.4

57.3 10,951.9 53.6 52.3 55 10,199.6 52.1
58.4 59.8
64.4 11,501.1 64.2 63 65.5 10,903.3 59.6

42.6 804.0 41.3 35.3 47.7 743.4 38.3

35.8 913.9 31.9 27.3 36.9 750.1 26.6
45.5 803.5 41.4 36.1 46.9 789.4 40.2
53.1 775.5 52.5 48.2 56.8 766.4 45.7
56.4 47.8

16 661.5 10.9 8.3 14.3 717.1 8.5

27.1 808.4 27.5 23.7 31.6 819.9 24
23.4 1,889.0 18.3 15.7 21.3 1,861.6 18.2
30.5 758.2 25.2 21.1 29.7 751.1 24.8
21.9 64.5 19.5 11.6 31 73.1 14.5
33.9 87.4 24.3 14.5 37.9 80.9 24.3

30.3 234.7 30 24.1 36.8 248.2 25.5

29 556.2 20.1 14.6 27.1 489.8 23.1
26.4 454.4 25.8 19.2 33.7 376.3 22
34.3 517.6 22.3 17.7 27.6 541.7 26.2
31.6 36.6 z 2 23.7 11.2 43.3 49.2 2 19.9
21.1 205.9 17.5 12.1 24.7 175.9 16.2
39.8 264.1 31.2 25.5 37.6 268.3 34.4
48.8 264.5 36.6 28.9 45.1 266.8 33.7

21.8 411.6 13.5 9.1 19.4 356.0 19.1

17 293.5 11.9 8.1 17 313.6 12.5
34.7 281.8 37.4 29.9 45.6 245.6 24.3
67.6 410.2 60.5 54 66.7 384.1 70.9
63.9 436.0 60.7 54.3 66.8 451.5 59.3
74.8 50.9 69.4 55.8 80.3 56.8 59.6
66.3 120.6 70.2 59.1 79.3 125.6 55.1

44.9 153.3 38 26.3 51.3 172.5 22.7

63 220.6 57.3 50.1 64.2 196.5 56.6
48.1 244.7 41.8 33.6 50.6 209.9 39.1
51.6 184.6 48.5 40.7 56.5 197.7 50
25.7 274.4 18.6 13.7 24.9 294.5 11.8
35.1 221.7 26.4 20.3 33.6 229.0 21.4
43.1 573.7 41.1 36.2 46.1 608.4 37.3
47.7 569.3 46 41.3 50.8 559.3 41.7
26.7 109.9 27.7 17 41.7 78.1

25.4 184.0 9.5 6 14.8 189.0 13.3

60.4 203.2 53 45.5 60.3 203.1 46.2

73.6 160.8 68.1 58.5 76.4 154.6 52.8
75.9 96.1 52.6 41.3 63.6 109.5 57.3

33.8 263.6 28.7 22.9 35.4 222.0 24.9

59.8 310.7 57.6 50.3 64.6 279.5 47.8
58.1 286.3 60.8 52.6 68.5 268.5 49

47.8 366.4 39.9 34.1 46 321.7 34.5

74.4 304.1 66.3 59 72.8 307.0 70.2
52.7 628.0 52.8 47.1 58.4 581.9 53
489.0 42.9 527.0 47.9
54.2 717.3 51.9 47 56.8 710.3 51.8
62.1 645.7 51.1 46.6 55.6 614.9 60.1
47.6 628.7 44.6 39.8 49.6 628.5 54.1
52.6 546.2 56.7 51.7 61.5 546.2 61.5
62.9 1,113.8 55.3 51.3 59.2 1,238.9 68.2
74.4 806.9 71.2 66.6 75.4 848.7 69.8
70.9 957.6 72.1 66.9 76.8 822.0 70.1
61.2 800.4 62.1 58.1 66 827.0 69.1
70.2 768.0 62.6 57.6 67.4 794.8 58.4

48.1 880.0 38.5 32.5 44.8 753.0 39.8

52 191.9 46.7 38.6 55 209.1 41.3
66.7 117.7 69.3 60.4 77 163.1 69.7

38.6 725.9 32.6 27.6 38 731.8 29.7

21.3 1,472.4 21.4 19 24 1,494.4 22.5
34.3 864.7 32.4 28.6 36.4 868.3 31.2
46.7 556.6 39.1 34.5 44 530.4 23.3
48.6 754.2 36.9 32 42.1 681.1
60.7 512.4 50 42.7 57.2 471.4 39.2
49.3 457.4 53.2 45.7 60.5 409.7

55.6 40.0 z 45.6 22.8 70.5 27.2 z 39.6

12 448.1 13.5 10.4 17.3 454.2 9.2

30.3 521.2 28 23.7 32.8 511.3 26.6
45.2 457.5 42.8 37.3 48.5 450.3 28.1

43.6 626.3 43 37.9 48.2 623.6 27

38.9 303.2 30.3 19.3 44.2 343.0 29.7
37.4 0.5 27.1 18.9 37.1 0.4 23.5

54.4 331.0 47.4 41.2 53.7 325.0 41.5

64.3 209.2 55.9 48.4 63.1 190.8 54.2
73.3 200.6 65.5 57.5 72.8 199.4 62.5
49.4 322.7 48.3 42.3 54.3 335.4 44
74.4 103.5 57.2 43.5 69.8 117.1 58.1
54.1 327.0 55.3 46 64.3 287.6 43.9
z 62 55
39.7 35.6 z 16.7 7.9 31.8 38.5 z 23.5
31.7 66.4 16 7.3 31.5 54.6 z 13.9
35.2 47.3 z 20.4 11 34.8 51.5 18.1

33.5 279.4 34.1 28 40.8 260.7 24.7

36.4 35.3

34.5 516.8 27.7 22.9 33.1 548.6 24.2

43 649.0 35.6 30.7 40.8 567.7 33.9
43.9 630.8 41.7 36.4 47.2 525.5 46.1
38 31

11.4 752.5 12.4 9.6 15.9 794.8 9.1

785.0 23.8 761.0 20.8
49 213.6 62.3 53.7 70.3 185.4 51.8

28.1 240.8 22.5 16.7 29.6 234.0 18.5

53 234.2 50.5 43.5 57.6 252.4 44.1

73 317.0 69.7 63.6 75.1 330.7 22.6

64 259.1 49.3 40.8 57.9 219.0 47.4
74.5 279.2 72 64.3 78.6 250.6 59.9
71.3 250.7 48 38.7 57.4 204.2 52
73 234.1 63.9 56 71.1 209.1 62.2
69.4 294.1 61.2 52.1 69.7 290.6 58.8
60.9 264.6 59.1 50.8 66.9 261.9 56.8

37.8 278.4 30 24.2 36.4 261.6 21.8

3.5 313.5 1.1 0.3 3.6 290.9 2
13 534.4 7.9 5.7 11 497.7 10.2

27.8 760.5 24 20.1 28.4 719.3 23.3
33.4 213,125.3 18.9 14.1 24.9 221,245.4
27.7 259,702.4 20.6 15.8 26.4 260,750.6
35.8 1,182,909.0 22.6 16 30.9 1,160,633.0
35.8 1,561,905.0 21.2 15.2 28.9 1,482,860.0

22.5 345.3 16.2 12 21.5 313.6 21.2

13.4 841.0 12.2 9.6 15.5 891.8 14
14 1,441.2 13.3 11.4 15.5 1,393.4 18.2
18.5 1,376.5 13.9 11.6 16.5 1,282.9 20.6
17.7 1,446.4 18.6 16 21.5 1,483.7 27.1
26.1 1,354.5 23.6 19.8 27.7 1,368.5 30.8
29.2 864.0 24.9 21.5 28.6 861.4
31.8 1,631.2 28.2 25.6 31 1,587.6 35.8
40 1,275.2 32.8 29.1 36.8 1,313.1 40.6
49.2 217.2 16.8 9.5 28.1 108.3 20.1
45.8 52.6 16.1 8.4 28.8 61.7 21.1
45.8 72.8 26.1 13.5 44.4 45.9 z 29.9

44 502.4 34.9 29.8 40.4 452.6 35.5

43.8 593.0 36.6 30.7 42.9 558.2 35.5
49.3 523.3 50.6 45.3 55.9 615.5 43
49.7 1,106,293.9 48.3 46 50.7 1,120,668.6 48.1

31.9 17,337.3 21.8 14 32.2 19,149.6 16.6

64.3 485.1 62.2 54.6 69.2 417.9 52

27.1 29.4
42.4 224.8 26.4 18.6 36 198.2 25.4

72.2 518.9 65.4 60 70.4 505.6 58

70.1 381.2 70.4 62.5 77.1 345.8 59.2

73.2 419.5 69.1 63.1 74.4 383.1 60.3
70.8 354.1 72 66 77.3 348.8 59.9
77 370.3 69.6 63 75.5 351.7 63.6
77.2 372.7 63.2 56.1 69.8 367.0 61.8

71.7 472.8 66.7 60.5 72.3 451.1 61.2

65.4 564.0 64.1 60.1 67.9 555.1 57.2
67.3 465.2 68.9 64.5 73 449.3 59.2
64.4 454.0 68.3 63.9 72.4 425.6 58.5
69.6 426.3 67.5 63.3 71.4 392.0 61.3
69.9 372.8 69.2 64.9 73.3 333.1 61.9
74.4 347.9 68.7 63.3 73.5 337.8 64.5
70.2 321.8 63.2 58.4 67.8 311.7 58.8
68.2 327.2 70.1 65.5 74.4 288.8 63.1

38.5 314.7 35.3 30.1 40.9 286.9 28.5

35.8 303.4 36.4 30.5 42.7 265.3 26.4
44.9 334.6 44.9 37.6 52.5 335.3 37.2
36.2 82.0 34.9 22.2 50.2 80.9 29.3
52.2 74.6 47.6 36.3 59.2 82.3 31.7
44 83.2 39.4 28.8 51.2 95.4 30.4

87 397.0 82.7 78.5 86.2 378.0 72.6

85.6 349.2 86 82.1 89.2 368.6 69.5

91.5 362.5 85.2 80.9 88.7 351.0 82.9
89.8 71,182.3 86 77.9 91.4 65,717.6 78.7
85.2 393.8 80.4 75.5 84.6 387.7 74
16.7 y 9.5 y

58.9 127.4 55.1 45.3 64.5 120.5 45.5

60.4 116.5 54.9 45 64.5 144.6 56.4
169.0 57.3 194.0 61.7
49.7 97.1 62.3 48.9 74.1 90.0 54.5
85.5 89.7 65.8 53.5 76.3 88.5 72.9
79.8 87.9 56.7 43.9 68.6 91.3 57.4

32.7 603.2 33.5 28.9 38.4 675.7 39.3

42.5 593.8 39.9 35.8 44.3 587.5 35.6
43 310.6 37.5 32.3 43 323.9 38.4
41.1 262.3 32.5 25 41 304.3 31.6
40 272.0 34.2 27 42.2 317.7 27.1
44.2 282.5 35.1 26.6 44.6 262.8 36.2
47.4 530.1 41.4 36.4 46.7 509.0 45.2
52 263.9 47.7 38.8 56.8 269.8 52.8
48.9 296.0 39.4 31.8 47.7 301.7 43.2
18.6 165.2 17.6 11.6 26 144.9 18
26.2 121.0 13.4 7.9 21.9 150.2 15.7
44.6 157.2 3.9 1.8 8.2 163.9 18.3
29.2 57.3 z 32.4 15.2 56.3 91.5 31.1
7.8 143.2 2.5 0.8 7.7 120.0 1.2
12.3 251.7 8.6 5.7 12.7 259.3 6.3
15.7 309.3 10.1 7 14.4 333.1 7.8
36.4 440.2 31.5 26.2 37.4 407.1 26.9
38.3 611.5 30.2 25.4 35.6 598.3 23.6
50.7 660.6 48.5 44.2 52.8 632.4 41.4
57.7 506.0 55.4 50.1 60.6 462.7 47.5
55.3 711.0 50.6 46.7 54.6 698.7

12.1 366.1 10.5 6.8 16.1 314.5 6.8

36.9 177.1 35.7 27.3 45.1 168.3 31.6
50.3 431.8 44.5 39.6 49.6 434.2 43.2

83.9 352.0 82 77.4 85.8 372.7 76.2

30.4 476.2 31.4 27.3 35.9 457.4 28.8

44.4 370.4 37.8 32 43.9 297.7 37.7
42.6 360.4 41.6 35.2 48.2 316.8 37.2
45 775.3 41.6 37.3 46.1 780.4 40
59.8 735.2 53.9 47.8 59.8 780.7 51.4
11.7 123.9 3.7 1.5 9.1 107.7 4.5
0 91.5 3.5 1.1 10.2 91.6 2.7
4.3 149.7 4 1.6 9.8 136.3 1.3
19 182.5 7.5 4 13.8 210.1 9.7
30.9 621.0 30.3 26.4 34.5 542.0 27.3

21.3 185.0 13.8 9.3 19.9 189.0 15.3

37.5 192.2 23 16 31.9 201.1 23.8
38.7 219.5 34.2 28 41 220.4 28.3
43.9 288.3 35.3 28.9 42.2 299.5 32.9

9.9 233,837.6 5.3 3 9 219,051.5 3.5

14.5 532.6 16 10.4 23.9 373.7

30.8 604.9 25.9 16.8 37.6 533.1 18.6
23.1 642.3 12.4 8.1 18.6 612.2 15
44.7 391.2 24.7 14.9 38.1 229.0 17.3

54.3 511.4 52.9 47.8 58 461.3 43.1

64.2 555.0 a 4 64.3 60.3 68.3 557.0 a 4 47.1
57.8 371.3 49.2 42.3 56.1 356.7 43.2
67.1 552.1 67.1 60.9 72.8 547.1 52.7

22.3 170.9 19.1 13.4 26.6 191.2 17.8

36.7 244.9 29.3 22.7 36.8 218.0 41.1

68.5 292.9 62 55 68.6 275.9 66.4

61.1 284.2 59.8 53.2 66 282.6 60.9
68.5 266.7 68.7 61.2 75.3 226.1 62.3

56.9 62.0 37.8 22.8 55.5 50.4 43.9

13.4 41.0 z 2.2 0.3 14.9 46.0 z
27.6 46.9 z 9.2 3.8 20.5 55.4
41.2 48.7 18.6 8.9 34.8 54.3 26.8

5.4 6.7
12.6 160.0 10.2 5.4 18.4 135.7 8.4
22.1 169.0 11.5 7 18.2 129.8 12.1

19 109.4 11.4 6.5 19.4 132.5 9

67.5 190.2 55.2 46.8 63.3 153.0 54.7
62.6 147.3 59.8 49.9 68.9 126.2 55.5
6.4 y 24.9 y

62.4 28.9 z 23.7 y 41.2

72.7 347.2 58.8 52.8 64.5 358.3 48.8

61.9 407.1 61.5 56.1 66.7 381.7 52.8
70.9 402.6 58.3 52.2 64.2 381.5 60.2
67.1 732.3 68 63.8 72 711.0 65.4
9.2 102.6 8.2 3.9 16.3 115.9 7.6
24.2 43.1 21.3 11.4 36.3 42.2 z 13.5
31.5 182.5 20 12.1 31.2 175.5 16

54.1 429.2 49 42.8 55.2 407.5 39.1

63.7 518.7 59.2 54.1 64.1 479.8 51

59 10,955.4 64.4 57 71.2 8,685.3

19.2 161.0 13.7 9 20.4 153.0 7.9

30.4 229.1 24.1 18 31.5 205.6 20

59.9 132.8 48.2 37.1 59.5 104.2 50.2
33.5 131.5 25.9 18.1 35.6 127.3 23.6
53.2 73.7 41.8 30 54.6 87.6 38.5

35.2 113.7 20.7 12.5 32.4 124.7 16

21 96.9 18.3 10.5 30.1 96.8 16.2
27.2 111.0 13.8 8.2 22.2 119.3 7.7
22.8 160.2 18.8 12.3 27.8 167.0 12.8
31.1 191.1 24.3 17.6 32.4 159.3 20.8
51.3 195.2 51 41.1 60.8 161.8 44.1

11.8 817.3 10.4 7.9 13.6 825.8 8.2

23.6 91,772.8 18.7 14.4 24.1 84,572.2 22.5

45.3 305.3 40.3 34 46.9 321.9 49
65.2 320.8 60.3 53.7 66.4 311.7 66.2
77.4 612.9 70.3 65.8 74.4 572.1 71.1
77.2 509.6 66.9 61.7 71.7 510.1 68.6
37.7 184.1 34 25.2 43.9 158.4 39.5
26.5 264.4 22.8 17.6 29 248.2 23.5
35.3 362.6 22.5 17.7 28.1 314.7 29.3
38.7 342.7 30 25.1 35.4 335.5 38.4
45.5 434.3 40 34.8 45.5 444.4 44.9
55.5 294.8 45.5 39 52.1 317.2 41
47.8 309.2 41.7 35.3 48.4 299.2 39.6
Urban Rural
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote
urban_ll urban_ulurban_weighted_N
urban_Footnote rural_r rural_ll rural_ul rural_weighted_N
33.9 48.4 758.2 43.8 40.6 47.1 2,313.2

53.3 65.7 741.9 64.3 61.5 66.9 2,703.4

3.1 18 41.2 5.5 1.8 15.3 76.8
0.4 16.4 33.3 z 3.7 0.9 13.9 63.5
24.1 52.6 53.6 37.1 22.8 54.1 97.6
32 53.2 161.3 29 21.4 37.9 122.3

728.0 7.2 601.0

21.7 29.2 1,047.0 25.6 21 30.9 667.8
25.4 33.4 853.2 27.7 22.3 33.9 559.5
31.8 42.1 890.8 38.2 33.5 43.1 595.4
26.3 38.1 278,199.0
21.5 45.6 75.2 26.5 16.9 39.2 72.2
22.1 49.3 103.6 28.7 14.7 48.4 53.4 z
19.1 43.9 71.1 38.6 26.7 52.1 64.7
29.5 50.7 109.6 53.1 41.2 64.6 62.5
0.2 10.1 65.0 10.1 5.2 18.9 89.0
4.8 26.5 103.2 10 5.7 17.2 137.8

23.7 40.9 127.5 40.6 36.3 45.1 552.1

30.4 40.2 562.2 37.5 34.7 40.4 1,716.7
31.1 48.4 96.2 43.8 38 49.8 386.7
55.9 71.7 186.2 64.1 59.1 68.7 623.6
44.9 59.8 379.9 56.7 53.7 59.7 1,600.8
45.2 62.7 169.2 55.7 47.4 63.7 481.4
52.3 65.4 256.4 67.1 63 71 697.1
53.4 64 554.7 63.7 61.2 66.2 1,859.2

21.4 y 13.2 y
5.7 21.5 242.4 6.7 1.4 26.1 77.8 z
11.5 28.9 197.7 19.8 9.5 36.6 89.0
18.5 38.6 191.8 8.9 3.9 18.8 85.2
5.4 28.9 33.2 z 6.9 2.2 19.8 55.5
4.7 23.3 60.9 17.3 11 26 87.2
13.6 39.8 79.0 39.5 27.9 52.3 109.9

27.8 41.6 182.8 39.6 33.9 45.6 344.2

34.5 43.2 522.9 44.1 40.2 48 996.5
28 37.2 471.9 32.5 29 36.2 682.8
36.1 45.6 572.7 41.8 36.9 46.9 739.4
32.1 41.5 516.3 44.2 40.8 47.7 870.4
47.5 66.8 195.1 44.5 38.4 50.8 407.5
30.6 74.3 69.0 z 53.3 38.5 67.6 46.5
20.9 33.6 224.5 60.1 51 68.5 123.2
39.6 51.5 525.9 64.6 58.6 70.3 383.5
46.5 57 449.9 63.2 57 69.1 349.2
280.0 77.4 729.0
43.1 56.6 325.8 68 60.3 74.8 154.1

6.1 35.8 79.5 18.3 9.8 31.5 189.5

1.9 15.7 55.2 z 22 11.6 37.8 180.5

41.1 51 36.8 23.4 50.2

11.4 27.1 122.5 18.3 15 22.2 992.4

0 0 82.9 z 7 4.4 10.8 448.5

18.3 30.9 233.5 24.9 21.9 28.3 1,272.1

35.2 48.6 301.4 54.3 49.7 58.8 947.3

15.4 52 26.0 z 61.4 55.5 67 332.0

47.6 69.3 53.0 70.1 64.9 74.8 663.8
61.7 78.5 135.0 83.7 81.2 86 1,111.9

2.5 14.4 105.2 11.5 8.8 15 694.7

40.9 56.5 108.1 62 57.1 66.6 631.4

51.3 70.6 112.1 74.9 70.1 79.3 591.9

29.4 49.3 98.9 69.4 64.1 74.2 617.6
27.4 43.6 270.7 57.9 53.2 62.5 538.3

18 29.6 355.3 19.1 14.9 24.1 432.9

18.3 31.1 260.8 19.1 14.1 25.3 392.1
18 27.3 466.4 18.3 15.2 21.9 672.0
26.6 39.5 292.0 24.8 19.8 30.5 421.7
36.5 48.5 458.6 37 32.5 41.7 571.6

12.3 20.6 713.7 16.8 13.2 21 1,110.2

17.4 28.2 425.2 23 17.8 29.2 790.6
30.3 43 426.0 31.1 26.6 36 788.9

27.6 39.9 252.2 37.1 32.3 42.2 695.0

5.4 11.5 129.9 10.7 7.1 15.9 484.5

0.7 3.5 110.2 2.1 0.9 4.9 522.8
4.7 10.6 408.5 2.1 1.4 3.3 1,474.2
0 2 395.9 0.1 0 0.2 1,408.4

14.5 27.3 306.7 15.6 13.5 18 2,041.5

26.9 44.7 34.6 29.5 39.8

18.7 29.2 287.2 28.3 20.6 37.5 140.3

39.9 47.8 968.6 40.5 35.1 46.1 360.6

30.7 41.1 230,897.0 38.8 32.1 46.1 101,745.6

3.2 14.3 87.7 10.9 7.5 15.7 386.3

4.5 28.9 91.3 11.2 7.4 16.4 253.6

12.8 24.1 492.0 23.7 19.6 28.3 334.0

31.2 47.6 529.2 23.1 19 27.8 338.7
19.9 52.4 132.6 30.5 19.9 43.7 117.3
13.3 34.1 22,617.6 33.6 19.8 50.9 9,048.0

16.6 27.4 545.8 37.4 29.5 46 238.9

39.4 62.1 573.8 42.2 27.1 58.9 196.9
17.2 44.9 418.0 45.4 18.6 75.2 122.1
26.2 51.7 278.1 45.5 25.5 67.1 134.5

6.9 16.2 466.6 7 4.5 10.9 644.1

1.3 6.6 352.7 4.9 2.6 9 602.7

9.5 19.4 271.8 10.7 7.7 14.6 459.9
14.1 25.9 350.2 25.2 21.3 29.6 630.1
27.9 44.1 473.0 32.4 28.5 36.7 498.3

111.0 72.6 59.0

18.5 30.3 325.1 23.8 19 29.3 681.7

29.6 46.6 357.5 34.6 28.5 41.2 569.5
30 42.5 306.1 36.5 32.4 40.8 982.3
38.8 50.5 604.3 48.6 44.3 52.9 1,330.5
45.7 60.3 749.4 53.9 48.6 59.2 1,249.0

5.4 20.7 96.3 11.2 6 19.9 106.1

6.2 13.7 640.0 11.3 7.8 15.9 314.8
186.0 5.3 110.0
3.7 9.6 553.9 9.3 6.4 13.2 304.8
229.0 14.2 93.0
3.1 12.3 200.3 7.9 3.4 17.4 83.2
3.2 7.1 1,329.3 4 2.5 6.3 411.7
12.3 23.3 585.9 12.6 6.8 22.2 227.6


40.9 51.3 449.1 62.1 58.6 65.5 742.0

32.9 44 416.4 42.6 38.9 46.3 804.7

39.4 51 401.4 57.3 53.4 61.2 688.7
30.1 40.1 418.0 41.4 37.8 45.1 1,042.0

29.3 45.8 376.3 58.7 50.6 66.4 299.3

2.4 14.7 126.3 28.8 22.6 36 210.4

13.2 36.7 57.0 22 17.3 27.7 268.4

14.6 44.8 62.2 33.4 26.7 40.8 198.2

26.8 45.2 73.2 46.9 39.6 54.2 200.1

35.1 80.9 58.0 z 64.9 56.5 72.5 191.9
33.6 57.4 102.2 55.1 50.1 59.9 964.7
30.3 55.6 76.9 49.2 45.2 53.2 1,064.9
32.3 56 153.5 53.1 48 58.2 1,094.3
46.2 68.5 137.0 56.4 51.3 61.3 1,047.8
34.9 71.3 125.2 60.4 54.3 66.1 424.5

26.8 48.1 99.4 50.7 38.8 62.6 76.7

2.7 9.4 447.9 5.2 2.3 11.2 83.2

14.2 24.7 518.1 24.7 18 32.8 45.3
15.2 34.6 166.9 25.3 17.8 34.8 223.6
37.3 49.8 291.1 37.7 33.2 42.5 561.5
23.6 34.6 671.5 36.9 32.7 41.2 796.2
33.6 49.3 427.4 51.7 45.3 58.1 485.5
44.4 57.3 597.6 57.5 51.8 63 342.8
41.3 52.7 558.6 64.6 60.2 68.8 338.0
4.7 20.5 116.7 14.8 7.3 27.8 68.4
41.9 60.4 69.0 59.1 50.5 67.7 92.0
12.1 29.6 145.4 21.8 15 30.7 93.6

61 80.4 95.1 44.6 37.2 52.2 212.5

50.3 69.7 148.4 51.5 43.2 59.7 234.9
60.5 78 126.4 56.6 49.1 63.8 181.2
40.2 57.6 344.4 43.3 37 49.8 473.5
41.3 58.1 241.4 53.9 47.7 60 320.0
31.8 46.1 341.5 45.8 39.4 52.5 489.0
376.0 60.4 592.0
31.8 43.9 405.3 61.4 57.2 65.5 771.1

18.1 32.1 182.1 19 14.1 25.1 546.1

32.7 51.4 221.8 30.6 25.5 36.3 468.6
30.2 44.2 230.4 32.2 27.9 36.9 682.1
18.8 28.4 230.5 29.5 25.5 33.8 509.1
15.2 26.3 189.6 13.5 9.9 18.2 461.7
489.0 38.4 1,004.0
41.7 60.1 263.8 53.3 48.6 57.9 569.1
48.6 64 187.9 60.4 54.9 65.7 518.5
5.1 27.3 54.6 z 9.6 5.6 15.9 156.1
11.2 35.7 60.6 z 21.6 15 30.1 148.7
18.9 58.8 46.2 z 29.9 22 39.1 170.6
5.7 29.2 81.5 23.6 17.8 30.5 244.0
10.6 39.1 55.2 30.6 20.7 42.7 182.7

10.9 28.4 139.0 24.8 16.6 35.4 392.4

25.9 45.5 181.5 43.1 36.3 50.2 383.2
30 44 270.6 40.9 35 47 425.0
32.8 49.2 201.9 39.5 33.6 45.7 458.4
14.1 24.4 371.3 35.8 31.7 40 522.1
15 23.4 444.3 40 35.9 44.2 571.9
13.9 24.6 312.1 38.3 33.4 43.6 442.1

36.9 44 1,235.9 48.3 45.8 50.7 3,845.2

49.8 54.3 5,553.3 55.9 54.9 56.8 15,598.2
57.4 61.8 5,508.0 65 64.1 65.9 16,896.4

31.6 45.4 727.1 39.1 34.7 43.6 820.3

21.6 32.3 712.7 34.7 29.9 39.8 951.2
34.9 45.8 770.1 41.6 37.2 46.1 822.9
41.3 50.1 715.8 55 50.7 59.2 826.1

6.2 11.7 908.2 17.7 13.7 22.4 470.3

20.7 27.6 1,028.3 27.7 23.3 32.7 599.9
15.7 21 2,532.1 22 19 25.2 1,218.4
21.6 28.2 1,011.8 28 23.5 32.9 497.5
7.9 25.2 87.4 16.3 8.3 29.7 50.2
16.5 34.4 99.7 23 14.1 35.2 68.6

20.4 31.3 364.7 30.5 23 39.1 118.3

18.9 28 859.4 15.4 12.2 19.2 186.7
16.7 28.4 663.2 25.5 18.6 33.8 167.6
22.2 30.6 924.5 20.2 13.8 28.6 134.9
10.5 34.4 75.5 2 10.3 y 2
10.9 23.4 184.2 16.4 11.9 22.2 197.6
28.5 40.8 267.9 29.2 23.2 36 264.5
27.8 40 271.5 42.1 32.1 52.7 259.8

10 33.3 229.3 11.5 8.5 15.4 538.2

8 19.1 116.4 12.1 8.9 16.4 490.7
16.3 34.5 83.7 33.3 27.4 39.8 443.8
62.9 77.7 251.0 57 52.1 61.8 543.2
50.8 67.2 315.4 60 55.6 64.1 572.1
46.2 71.7 50.1 72.3 57.5 83.4 57.6
44.8 65 136.6 74.2 65 81.6 109.6

15.6 31.9 127.3 43.9 32 56.5 198.4

46.9 65.9 145.6 55.6 48.8 62.3 271.5
30.5 48.6 152.0 41.8 34.3 49.6 302.6
40.6 59.3 124.0 43.4 35.4 51.8 258.3
6.5 20.6 110.6 20.5 15.6 26.4 458.4
11.4 36.6 75.6 27.7 22 34.3 375.2
29.8 45.4 238.9 40.3 36.2 44.5 943.2
35.1 48.5 283.4 45.3 41 49.6 845.3

7.6 22.3 75.0 14.4 10.4 19.7 298.0

33.9 58.9 82.1 54.6 48.7 60.4 324.1

36 69 71.5 71 65.1 76.3 243.9
41.1 72.1 69.3 59.9 50.1 68.9 136.3

17.2 34.6 145.1 29 24.1 34.5 340.5

38.3 57.5 281.3 60.8 54.7 66.5 308.9
39.4 58.7 315.8 63.4 56.8 69.6 239.0

26.6 43.3 114.5 41.9 37.1 46.9 573.6

62.5 76.8 103.3 66.6 60.6 72.1 507.8
44 61.8 133.7 49.7 45.2 54.3 1,076.2
138.0 40.9 877.0
44.9 58.6 300.7 50.3 46.2 54.4 1,126.9
53.3 66.6 181.5 53.5 49.6 57.3 1,079.1
45.5 62.5 148.1 42.7 39.2 46.2 1,109.1
51.4 70.7 121.3 51.2 47.4 54.9 971.1
60.2 75.3 355.6 54.7 51.4 57.9 1,997.2
56.6 80.4 225.2 71 67.5 74.2 1,430.4
58.3 79.7 243.0 68.8 64.6 72.7 1,536.6
59.3 77.5 231.7 57.8 54.6 61 1,395.7
47.8 68.3 187.2 64.8 61 68.5 1,375.7

34.5 45.3 1,067.0 40.9 34.2 48 566.0

29.4 54.3 137.6 47.4 41.2 53.6 263.4
49.7 84.3 118.4 z 58.1 51.6 64.4 162.4

25.1 34.9 409.3 34.9 30.8 39.1 1,048.3

19.5 25.9 701.5 19.4 17.5 21.5 2,265.3
24.5 38.8 301.4 31.5 28.5 34.7 1,431.6
16.9 31.3 227.1 44.7 40.5 49 860.0

28.2 51.4 242.7 56.1 49.2 62.9 741.1

24 57.6 52.0 z 55 40.3 68.9 15.3 z

6.1 13.5 347.5 12.4 9.5 16.1 554.8

21.7 32.2 401.8 26.7 22.1 31.7 630.7
22.3 34.7 351.7 49.4 44.4 54.5 556.2

22.6 31.9 506.8 50.4 45.5 55.3 743.2

1 33.2 1
9.1 16.3 761.2 18.5 13.7 23.2 308.3
20.6 40.8 477.7 31.3 23 41 168.6
16.6 32.2 0.6 36.6 26 48.6 0.2

34.8 48.6 289.0 52.7 46.8 58.6 368.0

47.2 61 222.3 59.8 50.9 68 177.7
53.5 70.6 227.7 69.9 63 76.1 172.4
38.5 49.6 431.6 49.7 42.9 56.6 226.5
44.4 70.6 157.6 61.9 46.2 75.4 62.9
35.3 53 409.8 62.8 56.3 68.8 204.9
z 65 z
13.6 37.3 47.9 z 11.7 3.8 30.5 26.2 z
6.9 26 89.7 25.2 12.3 44.7 31.3 z
10 30.6 61.8 21.8 10.7 39.5 37.0 z

19.3 30.9 279.4 37.8 32.4 43.4 260.8


19.2 30.2 299.1 30.5 26.2 35.1 766.3

28.1 40.3 374.9 37.9 33.3 42.7 841.9
40.2 52 319.9 37.7 33.2 42.4 836.3

5.5 14.9 326.0 10.8 8.7 13.5 1,221.2

449.0 24.8 1,096.0
41.4 61.9 99.9 51.1 44.5 57.6 299.2

11.9 27.5 176.0 24.2 19 30.4 298.7

36.2 52.3 202.0 51.4 45.2 57.5 284.6

11.1 40.7 26.9 z 70.3 65.8 74.5 620.8

35.3 59.8 61.1 54.1 47 61 417.0
46.3 72.1 42.9 70.5 64 76.3 486.9
39.5 64.1 58.8 57.4 50 64.5 396.1
55.2 68.7 239.8 68.7 59.8 76.3 203.4
50.7 66.4 362.8 67.6 60.2 74.2 222.0
49.7 63.6 361.6 55.5 47.8 62.9 164.9

16.7 27.9 278.4 40.7 35.2 46.5 261.7

0.6 6.2 70.5 1 0.4 2.7 534.2
6.2 16.5 148.0 8.2 6.1 10.9 884.1

18.2 29.4 179.1 23.2 19.4 27.6 1,300.8

14.5 29.9 179.9 13.5 9 19.9 479.0

9.9 19.4 474.2 10.6 8.6 12.9 1,258.6
15.2 21.5 870.4 10.1 8.5 11.9 1,964.2
16.1 26 716.2 12.5 10.5 14.7 1,943.2
23.3 31.4 1,015.7 11.5 9.8 13.5 1,914.3
24.8 37.4 754.3 20.5 18.3 22.9 1,968.7

32.6 39.2 1,222.1 24.3 22.1 26.7 1,996.7

34.4 47.1 958.9 30.7 28.2 33.4 1,629.4
5.5 52.1 197.8 10 5.3 18.1 127.7
11.9 34.7 58.0 25 13.5 41.6 56.2
14.9 51.1 68.0 24.3 14.3 38.3 50.8

28.6 43.1 295.7 37.7 33.5 42.2 659.3

29.1 42.4 334.2 38.7 33.6 43.9 817.1
37.2 49 365.6 49.6 44.2 55 773.2
45 51.2 777,293.8 47.7 45.8 49.7 1,449,668.6

9.5 27.4 24,016.6 30.8 23.2 39.6 12,470.3

36.5 67.1 94.0 60.6 55 65.9 809.0

17.2 36 241.4 35.1 27.3 43.8 181.6

52.6 63.3 553.1 76.6 72 80.6 471.5

51.1 66.8 475.3 80.3 74.9 84.7 251.6

54.6 65.7 515.6 82.6 77 87 287.0
53.8 65.7 457.3 83.9 79.2 87.8 245.6
56.5 70.1 464.1 81.7 75.7 86.6 257.9
55.2 68 484.8 78.2 72.7 82.8 255.0

55.8 66.3 649.4 79.6 74.3 84 274.5

53.6 60.7 810.5 77.2 72.6 81.3 308.6
55.2 63.2 642.2 81.8 78.1 84.9 272.4
54.5 62.4 629.1 78.1 73.9 81.8 250.5
57.6 64.9 586.2 79.6 75.1 83.5 232.1
57.8 65.8 494.4 79.5 74.4 83.9 211.5
59.6 69.1 490.1 81.1 76.5 85 195.6
54.6 62.8 466.8 80.8 76.6 84.4 166.7
59.2 66.8 434.8 76.2 71.8 80.1 181.1

23.2 34.5 296.1 39.4 34.2 44.8 305.5

20.8 32.8 259.9 38.5 33.3 44 308.9
28.8 46.5 337.6 44.6 38.3 51.1 332.3
20.7 39.7 162.9
22.2 43 68.4 52.8 37.3 67.9 88.5
21.9 40.5 64.0 39.7 29.3 51.1 114.6

62.2 81.1 99.2 84.5 81.1 87.5 675.7

59.4 77.9 95.3 86 82.5 89 622.5

76.5 87.9 138.4 87.9 84.6 90.5 575.2
67.5 86.8 23,383.9 86.7 80.7 91 113,516.0
62.1 83.3 125.1 82.2 78.8 85.2 656.4
4.8 y 21.5 y

32.9 58.7 42.6 53 45.7 60.2 205.3

46.3 66 127.7 50.6 40.4 60.8 154.1
231.0 58 132.0
43.1 65.5 87.3 46.5 35.6 57.8 99.8
62.9 81 112.0 69.7 56.5 80.3 66.2
45.8 68.2 130.0 78.1 66.9 86.3 49.2

33 46 477.6 25.8 21.7 30.4 801.3

29.6 42.2 411.5 40.8 37 44.6 769.9
30.4 47.1 226.9 37 32.1 42.1 407.5
22.6 42.2 255.6 33 27.5 39.1 311.0
18.7 37.5 247.0 37.8 32 44.1 342.8
24.8 49.4 198.4 36.6 31.5 41.9 346.9
39.1 51.4 351.6 40.5 36.2 45 687.5
38.1 67 182.7 42.1 36.5 48 351.0
32.4 54.7 227.5 39.4 33.8 45.2 370.3
11.6 27 143.0 11.4 7.1 18 167.1
8.4 27.5 138.1 11.1 6 19.6 133.0
8 36.6 212.7 2.2 0.6 8.3 108.3
14.7 54.1 94.3 10.8 2.8 33.5 54.4 z
0.2 8.6 64.9 3.3 1.5 7.2 198.3
2.7 14.1 77.7 8.8 6.3 12 433.3
4.2 14.1 166.2 11.3 8.2 15.3 476.2
20.4 34.5 222.6 32.7 28.3 37.4 625.8
17.4 31.1 288.9 33.9 29.1 38.9 920.9
35 48 480.0 50.6 47 54.2 813.0
40.5 54.5 328.3 57.3 52.7 61.9 640.4

3 14.7 237.8 10.3 6.9 15 442.8

23.7 40.8 224.0 31.6 23.4 41 121.4
35.6 51.1 226.1 45 40.6 49.5 639.8

68.3 82.7 133.3 82.1 78.3 85.3 560.6

25.5 32.5 707.2 26.4 20.2 33.6 137.7

33 42.6 512.3 40.7 30.8 51.3 102.8
31.6 43.1 507.6 43.1 35.4 51.2 113.5
34 46.4 391.0 41.3 37.6 45.1 1,164.6
45.2 57.5 398.6 55.7 50.7 60.7 1,117.4
1.9 10.3 103.6 6.8 2.8 15.7 51.2
0.9 8.2 115.6 0 0 0 67.6
0.2 8.6 159.1 4.7 2.4 8.7 126.9
5.3 17 249.9 7.6 4.4 12.7 142.6
23.5 31.4 609.3 29.8 25.6 34.4 553.7

8.8 25.3 72.0 13.9 10 19 302.0

14.8 36.1 83.7 25.2 18.6 33.3 309.7
20.4 37.9 89.2 33.7 27.9 39.9 350.8
26.2 40.5 115.8 36.5 30.6 42.8 472.0

1.9 6.3 135,748.1 6.2 3.7 10 317,141.1

11.2 29.1 475.7 26.3 17.6 37.2 662.3

9.1 23.7 468.2 13.4 8.9 19.7 786.4
8.6 31.9 223.5 34.9 23.9 47.8 396.8

35 51.7 228.4 53.1 49 57.2 744.3

41.4 52.8 297.0 a 4 68.2 65 71.4 815.0 a 4
32.1 55.1 228.7 53.4 48.5 58.1 499.3
43.7 61.5 359.9 71 67.9 73.8 739.2

9.6 30.7 91.8 17.3 12.5 23.4 270.3

32.5 50.2 158.4 22.1 15.7 30.1 304.4

57.8 74 174.6 60.2 53.8 66.2 394.2

52.7 68.5 208.3 55 49.2 60.8 358.4
52.8 70.9 181.9 65.5 57.8 72.5 310.9

27.8 61.4 27.6 z 38.2 27.5 50.1 84.8

15.7 41.9 65.6 12 4.9 26.8 37.3

4.7 14.7 200.1 8.6 4.7 15.2 95.6
7.8 18.2 194.6 16.3 10.6 24.4 104.2

4.3 17.6 86.8 11.9 7 19.6 155.1

45.6 63.5 131.3 60.5 53.4 67.2 211.9
44.6 65.8 118.3 57.2 47.4 66.5 155.2
30.5 y 0.8 y

27 56.9 36.9 z 15.6 y

38.4 59.3 77.3 64.1 58.8 69.2 628.1

41.8 63.6 102.0 59.9 55.9 63.9 686.7
50.6 69.1 136.9 62.6 58 67 647.2
58.1 72.1 253.4 65.5 61.9 68.9 1,189.9
4 13.8 149.3 2.6 0.5 11.5 69.2
6.5 26.1 55.5 21 10.4 37.6 29.8 z
10 24.6 255.7 29 16.9 45 102.4

29.7 49.3 161.9 51.1 46.3 55.8 674.7

43.5 58.4 278.3 62.2 58.1 66 720.2

3.8 15.7 101.0 16 11.4 21.9 213.0

14 27.7 149.3 25.8 19.6 33 285.4

33.9 66.3 53.4 z 49.4 40.9 58.1 183.6
16.2 33.1 105.9 26.3 19.8 34 152.9
23.8 55.6 23.3 z 39.6 29.1 51.1 138.0

5.2 39.9 48.3 z 23.5 15.5 33.9 190.1

5.4 39.8 33.8 z 15.4 9.8 23.4 159.9
3.2 17.5 51.1 z 18.6 13.5 24.9 179.2
6.9 22.5 82.9 18.4 12.7 26 244.2
13.8 30.1 99.1 25.3 19.1 32.7 251.3
31.9 57 111.3 46 37.4 54.9 245.7

4.9 13.4 435.5 10.2 8 13 1,207.5

17.1 29 55,049.2 16.8 13 21.3 121,295.8

40.2 57.8 202.0 35.3 30.4 40.5 425.2
58.8 72.9 185.2 57.2 52.2 62.1 447.2
64.7 76.8 378.3 72.4 69 75.7 806.7
62.7 74 349.3 70.5 66.6 74.1 670.4
27.7 52.6 113.4 27.8 21.3 35.4 229.0
16.1 33.1 128.2 21.1 17.1 25.7 384.4
22 37.9 184.5 24.7 20.3 29.6 492.8
30.7 46.7 194.1 28.5 23.9 33.6 484.1
37.5 52.5 249.0 38.5 34 43.1 629.7
33.6 48.9 178.7 49.7 44.1 55.2 433.4
31.4 48.5 188.0 42.9 37.9 48.1 420.4
0 to 1 month 2 to 3 months 4 to 5 m
Point Estimate
Lower Limit
Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote
Point Estimate
Lower Limit
Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote
Point Estimate
56.7 50.3 62.9 778.2 43.3 37.3 49.5 1,224.7 33

75.9 72.2 79.3 1,259.0 65.3 61.5 68.9 1,159.3 45.5

17 6.6 37.2 25.1 z 5.1 1.3 18.1 54.3 0.9
4.4 0.6 25.6 24.3 z 6.4 1.6 22.2 34.6 z 0
62.2 44.2 77.4 36.6 z 39.4 22.2 59.6 60.7 17.6
45.8 32.3 59.9 80.5 42 30.4 54.5 99.2 24.2

48.2 42 54.3 499.5 22 17.9 26.8 602.3 10.2

45.7 39.6 51.9 423.4 29.8 24.7 35.4 485.1 13.2
61.5 56 66.6 460.2 36.5 30.8 42.7 499.5 17.1
46.9 36.6 57.5 80,253.0 33.5 23.8 44.8 101,282.0 17.9
61.4 43 77 34.6 z 33.8 22.2 47.8 59.2 4.2
55.4 35.6 73.6 41.9 z 24.2 14.6 37.3 64.3 24
72.7 52.5 86.5 25.6 z 35.1 23.2 49.1 54.3 15.5
79.7 63.6 89.8 41.3 z 57.2 40.1 72.7 57.4 14.8
8 3 19.8 50.0 7.1 2.7 17.5 56.0 4.2
19.6 10.8 32.8 77.7 10.2 3.9 24.4 87.9 2.4

47 244.0 31.5
46.2 251.0 32.3
62.3 53 70.7 165.4 39.4 33.7 45.5 273.2 22.3
57 51.7 62.2 540.1 44.3 40 48.6 798.1 20.3
64.2 54 73.2 129.3 52.2 43.7 60.6 146.5 23.1
84.5 78.7 88.9 264.9 71 64.6 76.7 280.7 36.3
79.8 75.6 83.4 596.9 56.8 52.2 61.4 713.7 33.6
80.3 72 86.6 172.7 61.8 52.6 70.2 230.3 31.7
84.9 80.4 88.6 341.9 66.1 60.2 71.5 322.3 40.1
83.4 79.7 86.5 629.0 65.5 61.8 69.1 873.4 45.5

14.3 y 11.7 y
46.7 y 18.7 8.3 36.8 121.3 5.4
32.4 18.2 50.6 91.6 23.5 12.3 40.3 87.8 4
43.3 24.5 64.2 70.4 z 21.5 13.4 32.7 111.4 6
19.5 y 6.4 1.6 22.4 30.1 z 7.6
28 17.5 41.6 59.5 10.7 4.8 22.2 41.8 z 1.2
49.7 32.9 66.5 54.5 z 35.5 20.9 53.3 74.6 15.2
11.9 196.0 2.4
57.5 48.4 66.1 128.7 42.6 34.9 50.6 215.7 18.2
65 60.1 69.7 441.4 43.5 38.9 48.2 554.2 21.7
51.1 44.7 57.4 278.6 38.5 33.8 43.4 424.2 15.3
61.9 54.6 68.6 285.4 46.6 41.4 51.9 552.0 23
63.4 58.4 68.1 498.3 37.6 32.9 42.5 468.1 19.6
71.5 62.9 78.7 192.2 48.5 40.8 56.2 223.7 25.5
48.6 21.5 76.5 23.1 z 62.3 39.5 80.7 53.7 43.2
51.3 208.0 33.5
48 199.0 27.3
53.2 197.0 36
54.8 42.2 66.8 86.4 40.8 32.3 50 137.2 24.9
69.5 61.6 76.4 260.8 55.9 49.7 61.9 301.6 39.5
65.8 58.1 72.7 238.0 65.6 58.9 71.7 287.7 39.7

65.6 54.9 75 143.2 61.7 52.8 69.9 151.7 43

37.5 17.4 63 67.8 z 13.9 5.4 31.3 97.4 8.1

29.9 14.8 51.1 86.0 z 12.2 3.5 34.5 83.5 z 10.6

42.1 34.2 50.3 11,327.5 28.4 20.6 37.8 8,852.0 15.9

0.8 106.0 0.7

11.4 242.0 4.1

5.2 245.0 5.8
17.6 13.2 23 330.0 21.8 16.9 27.6 389.5 15.4
6.7 3.5 12.3 145.7 7.8 4.4 13.3 216.3 2.8

41.1 35.3 47.1 394.6 25.3 21.4 29.6 564.9 12.5

70.3 63.3 76.4 628.3 64.1 58.3 69.4 584.1 44

65.5 58.5 71.9 699.2 61.7 53.7 69.1 554.0 47.1
69.8 63.8 75.1 425.1 48.1 42.9 53.4 466.1 33.3
84.2 137.0 56.3
77.7 67.1 85.6 94.0 68.9 59.8 76.8 132.0 36.4
82.3 74.6 88.1 188.2 77.8 71.2 83.2 243.3 53.4
94.1 91.1 96.2 409.9 90.6 86.8 93.3 408.1 63.2
72.6 67.4 77.3 346.4 74.5 69.4 79 371.3 56.4

16.2 11.7 22.1 231.0 11.5 7.6 17.1 295.7 5.5

74 66.2 80.5 206.3 63 56 69.4 276.7 45.6

88.1 81.1 92.7 189.6 74.8 66.4 81.7 254.8 59.6

79.9 72.1 85.9 210.4 67.1 57.6 75.4 256.7 50.9
59.7 51.7 67.2 258.8 55.1 46.9 63 284.0 36
7.3 119.0 0
13.1 158.0 4.9
36.2 29.4 43.7 227.1 21.9 15.9 29.3 271.6 8.2
37.9 29.2 47.4 165.6 23.1 17.4 30 236.3 8.2
31 25.2 37.5 306.8 21.4 17.2 26.2 431.0 9.9
44.6 35.7 53.9 147.4 32.6 26.6 39.3 272.4 15.5
50.9 44.7 57.1 324.0 37.4 31.9 43.2 380.2 30.4
2 176.0 0
34 28.7 39.6 532.7 10.8 7.9 14.5 653.4 7.7
40.9 32 50.5 381.9 20.7 16.3 25.9 441.7 7.4
62.3 55.7 68.4 411.4 26.8 21.6 32.8 429.4 7.8

54 48.9 59 767.0 44 39.3 48.8 584.0 13.1

64.5 57.9 70.6 306.9 32 26 38.6 334.8 12.3
1.9 304.0 1.6
12.8 7.8 20.4 191.5 12.3 7.3 20 188.0 6.2
0.9 0.3 2.8 188.5 2.5 0.8 8 255.3 2.4
4.6 2.8 7.3 549.3 2.9 1.7 5.2 710.0 2.3
0.1 0 0.2 470.6 0.2 0 0.6 738.9 0.1
12.9 8.8 18.4 330.5 8.5 6.1 11.8 458.5 6.3
20.5 16.8 24.8 695.0 17.4 14 21.4 836.0 11.4
21.2 16.8 26.5 447.1 14.5 11.3 18.4 526.6 9.4
11 7.1 16.8 475.6 6 3.7 9.7 447.3 4.7

15 70.0 5.5
12.6 138.0 3.9
9.1 165.0 4.8
49.8 39.5 60.1 109.9 21.1 15.6 27.9 168.4 11.5
51.1 461.0 26.1
63.2 56.5 69.4 365.0 46.5 41 52 482.8 24
51.6 44.2 59 104,388.3 36.6 30.1 43.5 105,470.7 24
0 67.0 0
11.7 6.6 19.9 103.9 12.8 7.5 20.8 143.7 7.9
21 12.2 33.7 79.8 5.3 2.2 12.3 116.7 11.1

34 25.1 44.2 209.0 21.4 15.9 28.1 279.7 10.5

55.7 44.3 66.6 207.4 33.8 26.6 41.8 336.4 17.3
57.8 40.5 73.3 88.3 28.9 15.1 48.2 91.8 5.4
43.6 27.8 60.8 6,651.1 27 13.4 47.1 12,850.6 13.4

68.2 55.7 78.4 188.1 23.6 17.6 30.9 262.7 5

83.5 73.8 90.1 237.4 51.8 34.8 68.3 295.7 9.7
93.1 82.6 97.4 111.0 z 28.7 16.1 46 199.4 7.3
81.1 63.1 91.5 81.1 z 53.9 33.7 73 166.5 7.2
3.4 226.0 2.3
4.1 61.0 3.1
11.2 7.3 16.7 334.6 8.1 5.6 11.7 397.9 6.6

7.3 4.5 11.6 256.7 3.2 1.2 8 372.5 2.9

17.8 12.6 24.6 219.9 9.1 5.9 13.8 272.6 9.3
32 26.2 38.5 289.4 22.5 17.9 27.9 344.6 16.3
45.7 38.6 53 290.2 37.1 29.4 45.6 341.2 20.8

38.6 32.2 45.3 266.9 23.1 17.9 29.1 393.5 13.3

59.6 51.4 67.3 285.8 33.2 25.4 42.2 328.3 16.7
68.1 61.8 73.8 365.7 33.2 27.7 39.2 483.0 13.5
77.6 72.5 82 499.8 53.1 47.7 58.4 701.2 21.2
77.9 68.8 85 496.6 59.5 53.3 65.3 789.5 30.2

8 146.0 3
9.5 125.0 1.9
14.1 128.0 3.1

19.9 11.2 33 55.3 13.4 6.7 24.9 81.4 0.7

20.1 14.3 27.4 282.5 7.1 4.4 11.2 383.9 3.8

18.8 12.3 27.7 213.5 5.3 3.3 8.2 294.2 1.6

12.3 5.1 26.9 79.1 7.5 3.3 16.2 110.8 1.2

8.9 5.2 14.8 494.1 2.9 1.8 4.8 613.9 2.8
29.5 21.8 38.6 282.8 5.7 3 10.5 284.0 11.9
25.6 117.0 18.3

69.1 300.0 34.8

60.2 429.0 30.6
77.4 72.2 81.8 353.5 58.5 53.8 63.1 458.4 33.2
29.6 206.0 7.9
69.7 63.5 75.3 343.6 42.4 37.1 47.9 409.4 19
78.7 73.4 83.2 299.0 57 51.7 62 404.0 28.6
70.1 64.4 75.3 396.9 43 38 48.2 531.4 13.3

67.2 54 78.2 193.9 44.9 35.5 54.7 291.7 28.6

27.3 18.2 38.8 94.5 22.6 14.7 33 102.3 14

56.6 173.0 45
53.1 239.0 25.8

37.7 28.2 48.2 100.4 22.6 15.7 31.3 124.2 8.1

51.5 37.8 64.9 63.7 36.1 26.9 46.5 89.7 16.7

60.6 50.6 69.8 94.1 36.8 27.4 47.3 88.4 33.2

86 69.3 94.3 65.8 66.6 55.3 76.2 85.8 46.6
77.4 70.1 83.4 330.7 48.8 41 56.7 382.0 38.1
66.4 59 73.2 328.4 49.4 43.3 55.5 458.3 31.6
70.2 61.4 77.7 363.2 55.3 47.9 62.4 478.7 31.7
73 65.6 79.3 388.4 62.9 52.9 71.9 378.7 35.5
73.1 62.3 81.8 176.3 68.8 58.6 77.4 159.4 39.6

61.4 45.8 75 54.9 47.3 34.5 60.4 53.9 24.2

7.3 151.0 2.1
8.1 4.1 15.5 148.7 4.1 1.5 10.7 186.4 3.7
33.5 24.8 43.5 185.9 18.2 10 30.6 166.5 7.9
37.9 25.9 51.6 112.2 29.7 20.1 41.6 127.9 10.3
61.2 53.7 68.1 219.2 43.3 37.2 49.6 308.8 21.7
54.8 48 61.5 412.3 35.5 29.8 41.6 567.7 12.2
70.2 62.4 77 238.0 53.9 46.4 61.3 356.2 21.3
82.3 75.1 87.8 227.6 57.8 49.3 66 338.7 31.5
74.8 67.8 80.7 315.0 56.7 49.7 63.5 284.4 28.2
17.9 8.4 34 46.0 z 9.9 3.8 23.5 76.6 9.7

27 15.5 42.7 77.2 26.5 16.1 40.5 81.7 7.7

1.6 125.0 2.5
6.2 130.0 3.4
31.5 121.0 22.2
62.4 51.3 72.3 92.2 64.9 54 74.5 88.1 37.8
76.9 64.8 85.8 75.1 58.7 47.9 68.7 144.3 41.6
82.8 72.2 90 81.5 59.5 49.9 68.4 116.7 49.4
70.7 61.9 78.1 256.6 48.9 39.7 58.2 229.3 24.1
78.4 69 85.5 131.0 52.6 43.8 61.2 207.2 36.2
63.7 53.3 73 236.2 51.8 43.7 59.8 304.5 16.6

44.5 328.0 37.7

37.2 189.0 27
63.7 56.5 70.4 297.5 55.4 49.8 60.8 456.9 43.5

8.7 233.0 9.2

22.9 242.0 16.7

46.7 37.4 56.2 193.7 13 9.2 18.1 272.4 8.6
51.4 42 60.6 164.1 40.1 32.6 48.2 232.5 19.9
45.6 39.7 51.6 325.3 34.7 28.4 41.6 337.4 15.8
40.3 33.6 47.3 199.3 25.1 20.3 30.5 282.5 20.4
30 22.7 38.5 180.6 13.8 9.8 19.1 241.7 5.7

82.9 76.4 87.9 249.5 50.5 43.1 57.8 317.2 26.5

76.7 69.7 82.4 258.5 62.7 55.3 69.6 218.6 36.6
18.8 9.9 32.8 52.9 13 6.1 25.7 82.0 1.6
52.3 37.3 66.9 53.2 15.3 7.3 29.3 70.1 7.3
54.5 40.6 67.7 60.3 23.6 14.5 36 57.1 21.6
38.3 25.1 53.4 61.1 20.4 12.5 31.6 105.1 15
26 14.2 42.5 68.5 31.6 20.4 45.4 78.6 27.8
2.7 121.0 0.9
45.1 31.4 59.7 139.8 21.2 13.8 31.2 193.2 9.2
59.7 50.1 68.7 162.3 41 33.5 49 209.5 23.9
67 56.7 75.9 163.1 40.4 33 48.3 229.4 23.5
64.5 56 72.1 239.0 33.7 27.1 41 243.7 15.2

42.7 35.6 50 222.7 32.8 27.3 38.9 336.2 15.2

44.7 37.8 51.8 273.5 32.3 27.5 37.6 380.3 18.6
43.8 36.5 51.4 226.5 32.2 25.9 39.2 272.2 16.1
48.7 2,291.0 31.3
49.1 2,123.0 31.3
68.9 64.9 72.7 1,267.9 50.8 47.7 53.9 1,847.5 27.6
72.3 70.6 74 5,025.2 58.3 56.8 59.9 7,673.8 41.4

75.7 74.2 77.1 7,258.4 67.1 65.6 68.5 7,558.0 48.9

47 479.0 29.8
38.1 545.0 16.9
44.7 590.0 24.2
60.5 52.7 67.8 431.2 45.3 38.7 52.2 570.5 14.5
46.9 39.6 54.4 478.7 33.7 28.2 39.7 589.8 16.2
50.6 44.5 56.7 458.0 47.5 41.7 53.4 552.3 27.1
65.9 60.3 71.2 386.2 53.7 48.6 58.7 583.4 37.3

22.5 17.3 28.7 386.6 11.4 8.2 15.7 482.6 3.6

47.5 42 53.1 480.1 23.9 19.8 28.4 599.5 7.6
35.6 31.6 39.9 1,124.9 18.4 15.3 21.9 1,371.7 6
42.6 36.5 48.9 422.6 27.9 23.4 32.9 571.7 9.8
32.1 18.9 48.9 36.6 z 14.2 6.6 28 54.6 z 3
45.8 31 61.5 58.5 17.7 9.3 31.1 57.2 5.9
38.6 246.0 11.7
11.1 169.0 4.1
54.8 44.8 64.3 143.9 26.1 19.7 33.6 171.9 3.2
39.1 31.1 47.6 268.2 20.9 15.4 27.7 406.1 10.2
38.1 27.8 49.7 206.5 25.4 19.1 32.9 320.1 9.3
42.8 35.8 50 339.8 23.3 17.5 30.3 367.6 10.9
27.8 12.8 50.2 32.8 z 2 19.6 6.9 44.4 31.4 z 2

34 46.0 z 15.6
35.2 24.3 47.9 80.4 18.1 12.5 25.6 149.2 4.6
52.6 43.8 61.2 156.8 32.6 25.5 40.7 187.4 13.7
69.7 58.2 79.2 128.9 31.4 23.5 40.5 206.0 23.5
16.3 236.0 16.4
15.6 172.0 2.7
8.1 199.0 3.6
29 19.7 40.4 253.0 10 5.7 17 257.3 2.7
29.3 22.6 37 170.7 8.7 5 14.5 232.0 1.9
51.8 42.1 61.4 159.2 34.8 26.6 43.9 173.2 13
84.1 78.1 88.7 215.3 63 55.1 70.1 302.0 42
76.9 70.1 82.6 331.9 60.6 53.3 67.5 282.0 38
72.2 56.7 83.8 41.3 z 69.5 53 82.1 35.9 z 54.8
75.3 62.7 84.7 81.3 59.9 47.7 71 67.1 56.4

51.1 33.9 68 84.0 37.4 24.8 51.9 98.7 25.3

74.5 60.9 84.6 99.3 61.1 52.2 69.3 168.3 38
57.4 45.4 68.5 98.7 46.6 37.5 56 187.9 24.8
69.7 58.4 79 108.9 42.7 31.8 54.2 141.0 28.8
27.2 20.3 35.4 160.1 17.2 12.7 22.9 228.5 13.3
40.2 31 50.2 133.1 27.8 20.5 36.5 159.1 14.1
50.2 44.5 55.9 443.3 39.4 34 45 392.0 26.5
60.8 54.3 67 363.6 46.9 40.5 53.3 384.8 26.1
31.2 21.1 43.6 75.1 20.2 9.5 37.7 48.9 12.8

19.8 12.3 30.2 91.0 20.7 14.7 28.4 135.0 4.7

41.5 145.0 15.2
66.5 56.2 75.4 96.6 59.2 50.6 67.2 175.9 34.9
81.8 69.5 89.9 79.5 76 66.2 83.6 131.1 44.1
82.5 69.3 90.8 73.8 55.7 42.2 68.4 69.5 34.9
11.2 210.0 6.7

37 26.6 48.8 142.0 32.2 23.9 41.8 164.0 16.5

74.5 65.4 81.9 172.9 59.6 49.4 69 211.3 32.6
72.6 61.1 81.8 160.5 59.3 48.8 69 200.8 36.6
60.4 187.0 28.3
49.5 261.0 22.1
61 53.5 67.9 223.3 42.3 35.5 49.4 261.4 16.3
89.6 82.1 94.2 191.0 65.6 55.2 74.7 206.4 48.6
69 62.3 75 305.0 57.6 51.3 63.6 458.9 29.5

73.9 68.9 78.4 460.3 54.2 48.3 60 504.0 23.6

78.3 72.9 82.8 429.5 61.5 55.5 67.1 410.7 23.1
78.4 72.4 83.4 348.1 50.4 45 55.8 445.4 12.2
74.2 68.5 79.2 316.0 58.5 52 64.7 415.4 26.1
83.2 78.2 87.1 788.4 61 56.4 65.3 771.6 26.3
92.1 87.9 94.9 465.2 81.2 77.1 84.7 648.7 40.1
91.4 86 94.8 458.3 85 80.6 88.6 617.7 40.3
78.2 73.3 82.3 530.7 67.2 62.4 71.8 552.5 33.3
91.5 87.8 94.1 530.4 72.9 66.8 78.2 521.7 26.5

65.7 52.8 76.5 76.9 57.7 47.9 67 163.2 22.9

75.2 59 86.5 99.8 56 41.9 69.1 91.2 56.7
5.4 143.0 2.7
7.3 375.0 1.6
21.6 533.0 18.9
55.8 48.7 62.7 413.2 30.3 25.3 35.8 520.7 18.9
37.8 34.4 41.5 1,002.0 15.9 13.3 18.9 1,012.9 6.1
52.3 46.4 58.2 451.2 31.6 27.2 36.3 678.0 15.8
61.7 55.2 67.8 354.3 35.9 29.7 42.7 350.8 24.3
60.4 53.4 67 381.6 45.6 39.5 51.9 502.8 21.9
71.3 63.8 77.8 313.5 46.3 38.3 54.5 358.0 39
59.7 50.4 68.3 280.7 49.1 40.1 58.3 273.1 35.7

12.3 y 15.7 y 33.2

14.6 168.0 9.1
24.5 19 31 291.5 6.9 4.3 10.9 315.0 2.6
41.2 35.2 47.6 341.0 25.5 19.9 32.1 314.6 14.4
60.2 52.2 67.7 240.9 39 33 45.4 350.4 29

59.1 52.4 65.5 392.1 39.7 34.1 45.6 434.3 25.2

38.1 21.1 58.7 186.8 37.2 26.9 48.9 231.3 16.4

36.6 25.7 49.1 0.3 27.4 17.7 40 0.3 16.5

63.4 54.8 71.2 153.0 57.3 50.5 63.7 262.0 27.7

71.4 61.4 79.7 91.1 65.6 57 73.2 142.5 41
86 76.3 92.1 106.2 71.6 61.9 79.6 157.8 43
67.2 59.4 74.1 187.9 50.8 43.9 57.6 235.3 24.2
78.9 56.6 91.5 45.8 z 86.8 74.7 93.6 70.5 31.8
69.6 57.8 79.3 167.2 57.1 46.6 67 216.1 29.7

20.4 y 23 9.7 45.3 27.4 z 7.6

21.3 y 12.2 4.5 29 51.9 z 11.1
31.4 14.2 55.9 29.4 z 29.4 16.3 47.1 31.1 z 2.4
38.5 231.0 18.8
62 150.0 24.5

62 54 69.4 151.0 28.5 22.1 35.9 190.0 9.9

29.4 323.0 15.7

49.2 41.7 56.7 322.9 28.3 23.2 34.1 384.6 10.7
56.3 49.6 62.9 375.4 40.6 34.5 47 403.9 16.2
56.8 50 63.3 342.0 44 38.7 49.4 395.0 22.6

16.7 12.3 22.3 423.5 13 9.4 17.8 581.9 2.9

70.7 59.8 79.6 91.4 52.7 43.8 61.3 154.8 38.2

19.1 137.0 3.4
12.6 137.0 2.3
49.8 39.8 59.8 118.3 21.7 15.5 29.4 172.5 4.7
72 62.1 80.2 127.6 52.4 44.1 60.5 184.0 26.8

76.7 253.0 62.5

86.7 79.4 91.7 161.3 72.8 66.5 78.3 211.3 54.2
88 80.9 92.7 118.0 56 46.9 64.8 156.0 31
87.7 78.7 93.2 131.2 73.7 65.4 80.7 203.3 53.3
79.2 67.2 87.6 101.1 65.5 55.8 74.1 176.2 35.1
77.2 68.8 83.8 159.1 72.2 63 79.9 159.8 40.7
82.7 74.9 88.5 199.3 63.8 54.1 72.5 195.0 38.9
69.6 60.4 77.5 165.4 62.5 53.5 70.7 160.5 40.7
19.1 284.0 8.2
46.8 38.6 55.1 160.2 33.4 26.7 40.9 217.5 12
3.1 271.0 1.7

1 320.0 0.4
4.2 1.7 10.1 142.1 0.2 0 1.2 198.7 0.2
14.1 10.4 18.9 326.1 8.3 5.4 12.6 371.1 3.2

34 28.3 40.2 414.6 24 18.3 30.9 573.9 13.3

25.2 18.1 34 116,383.2 33.1 24.1 43.5 145,090.7 9.6
27.8 20.5 36.4 150,865.4 26.1 18.7 35.1 174,555.5 11.7
37.8 27.5 49.3 709,339.0 32.1 23.2 42.4 739,280.0 10.6
44.4 34.5 54.8 898,680.0 25.9 17.2 37.1 861,216.0 9.6
2.3 268.0 0.9

26.7 17.3 38.8 182.1 17.2 11.7 24.5 229.6 6

19.3 15.3 24.1 487.9 9.6 7 13.2 666.2 7
19.7 16.6 23.2 740.6 13.6 11.4 16.2 1,011.2 6.6
23.1 19.1 27.6 874.2 14.5 11.7 17.9 892.7 6.5
25.6 21.9 29.7 776.4 18.1 15.4 21 1,029.0 9.9
31.8 26.8 37.2 782.5 26 22.5 29.8 948.5 14.1
39.8 35 44.9 602.0 25.7 21.4 30.4 502.2 10.6
38.9 35.5 42.3 1,121.5 29.1 25.9 32.6 993.5 17.9
43.1 38.2 48.1 822.2 38.5 33.6 43.6 841.4 22.9
40.4 12.6 76.2 94.9 10.8 4.5 23.5 116.2 1.5
40.9 22.3 62.5 39.3 z 22.4 10.5 41.8 27.3 z 8.6
44.8 23 68.8 37.3 z 25.1 12.9 43.2 44.6 z 12.9

34.5 269.0 22.2

54.6 47.7 61.4 281.6 35.5 30 41.5 355.0 23.1
54.7 46.6 62.5 298.5 38.7 32.1 45.8 451.5 24.1
55.9 49.1 62.6 366.8 52.1 45.5 58.6 386.9 34.8
59.8 56.9 62.6 725,780.0 50.2 47.3 53 740,195.6 34.2

36 23.5 50.9 7,998.1 21.2 11.8 35.1 15,801.2 12.6

76.7 67.1 84.2 327.1 67.3 60.3 73.6 293.5 32

11 167.0 2.6

58.3 42.9 72.2 98.1 32.3 22.1 44.5 142.1 12.1

34.3 108.0 19.8
45.6 300.0 35.8
54.7 510.0 38.6
78.2 71.7 83.5 300.4 67 61 72.5 371.4 56.2
60.5 233.0 53.6
75.5 66.2 82.9 207.4 68.7 58.1 77.6 267.8 56.6
78.2 70.4 84.4 193.2 72.1 64.5 78.6 281.9 59.1
71.1 61.7 78.9 197.7 69.9 62.3 76.5 244.4 64.7
76.9 68.2 83.8 204.3 70.1 62.4 76.7 237.7 65.1
77.3 68.2 84.5 180.0 68.9 61.2 75.7 291.2 59.2

73.3 66.5 79.1 305.3 69.1 62.3 75.1 329.2 56.9

71.7 66.1 76.6 303.3 67.6 62.5 72.3 391.5 51.7
75.4 69.9 80.2 215.9 72.6 67.4 77.2 311.4 55.4
74.6 68.4 79.8 193.8 73.2 68.3 77.5 336.9 49.5
74.2 68.2 79.4 202.8 70.4 65.4 75 289.1 58.2
79.4 73.7 84.2 147.0 72.5 67.2 77.2 247.5 57.2
77.3 71.1 82.4 179.0 69.8 63.2 75.7 262.6 62.7
76.9 70.6 82.3 126.5 72.4 66.6 77.6 184.3 55.3
75.7 68.8 81.5 116.5 71.3 65.7 76.3 209.2 60.3
31.4 289.0 16.2
40.3 270.0 20.2
52.9 45.3 60.5 159.4 36.3 30.2 42.9 242.3 16.1
47.6 39 56.3 140.7 33.6 27.4 40.5 230.6 21.8
53.5 43.9 62.9 180.0 47.3 37 57.9 218.9 27.3
46.6 29.5 64.6 46.5 z 38.8 24.8 55 55.4 7.5
66.1 47.7 80.7 36.4 z 47.5 33.2 62.2 64.4 24.6
55.8 41.6 69.1 58.5 41.6 27.7 57 49.5 16.6

91.8 202.0 74.1

95.9 92.4 97.8 214.8 84.2 79.5 88 297.5 71.2
91.7 322.0 79.7
90.2 84.3 94 192.0 89.2 84.4 92.7 245.0 74.8
93 87.8 96.1 202.2 88.9 84 92.4 237.8 80.8
95.2 90.6 97.7 51,448.2 84.4 74.8 90.8 44,621.7 73.7
86.9 82.1 90.6 237.8 88.9 83.3 92.7 265.2 68.1
3.3 y 10.3 y

71.2 59.4 80.7 80.3 58.6 46.3 69.9 81.6 27

71.2 59.8 80.5 79.3 49.3 37.9 60.8 88.1 43.5

76 62 86 53.5 38.7 25.5 53.9 62.9 41.1

95.2 84.6 98.6 37.7 z 77.4 63.4 87.1 75.3 51.6
89.7 75.3 96.1 47.7 z 73 57.4 84.4 55.8 39
3.1 131.0 1.4
5.1 235.0 2.3
9.7 316.0 4.5
51.2 43.8 58.5 316.7 35.3 29.6 41.5 468.2 13.6
62.2 55 68.9 319.2 39.8 34.4 45.3 472.7 19
57.4 49.3 65.2 180.0 39.9 33 47.3 240.4 18
58.2 47.7 68 145.5 39.4 28.5 51.4 177.4 11.9
57.1 46.5 67.1 141.5 35.9 27.4 45.3 197.9 17.9
62.6 53.4 70.9 153.9 35 26.6 44.5 218.2 14.9
63.7 57.1 69.8 361.6 37.2 31.3 43.5 337.4 24
75 65.4 82.6 195.2 38.7 29.2 49.1 170.4 19.1
60.5 53 67.5 226.3 37.1 26.7 48.8 190.3 20.2
32.9 21.5 46.8 56.4 17.3 10.7 26.7 126.3 3.5
21.6 11.7 36.5 104.6 12.9 5.1 28.8 85.4 3.6
22.9 8.7 47.8 61.3 z 7.3 2.1 22.7 110.5 12.8
57.4 28.8 81.8 43.6 z 19.4 6.5 45.5 46.7 z 1.8
0 0 0 81.7 3.5 1.1 10.4 86.5 4.6
9.8 5.5 16.6 115.4 12.2 8.1 18 185.7 4.2
22.3 15.3 31.3 162.3 9.6 6.2 14.7 244.2 3
43.1 36.6 49.9 256.6 33 27 39.7 299.5 18.8
41.1 34.6 47.9 320.1 31.8 26 38.2 445.5 24
63.8 58.7 68.5 486.8 47.5 41.7 53.3 430.8 25.3
77.4 72.1 82 332.1 53.9 47.7 60 341.2 27.7
54 48 59.8 307.3 50 45.2 54.8 535.4 50.1

15 10.1 21.8 192.6 10.6 6.5 17 245.2 2.7

6.6 189.0 1.4

44 34 54.6 110.4 28.2 18.3 40.7 110.2 23.7

59.9 53.3 66.2 273.1 49.3 43.1 55.6 315.9 23.9
10 139.0 3.5

92 87.9 94.9 274.3 86.7 81.3 90.7 212.6 63

50.4 43.9 57 258.4 29.2 24.3 34.5 339.5 11.6

49.4 41.2 57.6 177.1 41.9 36 48 251.9 25.9
51.2 43.7 58.5 225.1 50.6 42 59.2 210.3 17.3
63.2 58.1 68.1 465.1 46.1 41.2 51.1 543.9 16.9
75.4 69.2 80.8 428.4 56.5 50.5 62.4 550.6 36
11.9 6.3 21.3 65.3 3.4 1.1 10.3 93.0 0
4.4 1.1 16.3 47.0 z 1.6 0.2 10.7 67.1 0
6.2 2.8 13.3 107.2 0.6 0.1 4.3 98.4 0.8
16.5 9.9 26.1 128.4 2.5 1 6 121.2 7.6
47.2 40.8 53.7 252.0 27.9 23.5 32.8 423.0 19.3

33.3 24.1 44 99.0 10.2 5.9 17 128.0 4.8

46.7 33.4 60.4 102.3 26.7 19.5 35.5 142.8 8.2
62.1 52.3 71 105.5 28.5 21.8 36.3 174.9 17.5
55.2 46.5 63.5 195.8 37.5 29.7 46.1 195.2 14.8
3.8 109.0 5.6

11.9 7.4 18.8 109,445.9 4.8 2 11.1 174,116.8 1.7

24.6 16.7 34.8 226.1 10.3 6.1 16.8 409.7 4.9

33.5 21.2 48.5 316.2 30.7 19.8 44.2 381.4 8.9
22.1 12.9 35.2 347.7 13.7 7.9 22.6 521.1 7.1
44 28.1 61.3 257.4 23.7 12 41.2 201.6 10

69.1 62.1 75.4 264.5 54.3 47.8 60.7 321.1 35.3

63.8 55.8 71.2 238.2 52 44.8 59.2 247.2 34.9

82.3 74 88.3 264.9 75.7 69.9 80.7 388.6 45.3
14.4 104.0 8.1
9.5 252.0 2.5
33.4 25.2 42.8 111.5 14.3 8.5 23.2 130.9 5.9
39.5 30.8 48.8 165.4 30.3 21.2 41.1 162.9 13.2

71.5 63 78.7 179.9 69.9 60.9 77.5 190.0 46.2

76.1 67.6 82.9 140.9 61.9 54.7 68.7 217.7 39.4
84.9 75.9 91 153.9 67.1 58 75.1 186.0 40.2

62.9 37.7 82.6 29.0 z 39.5 22.4 59.6 42.8 z 22.9

20.0 y 2.9 0.5 15.6 35.0 z 3.1
18.6 y 17.1 8.3 32.2 41.0 z 2.4
42.8 26.3 61.1 38.4 z 12.3 4 31.8 35.1 z 4.7
14.3 147.0 13.5

17 10.2 26.8 102.3 6.5 3.1 13.3 85.6 2

22.7 14.5 33.5 84.7 11.6 6.7 19.3 106.7 8.3
8.1 132.0 5.1
23.8 14.8 35.8 76.2 7.1 2.7 17.2 90.5 2.4
82.4 71.5 89.7 95.0 59.8 49.9 69 136.7 35.8
72.4 59.1 82.6 77.9 62.2 51.5 71.8 102.2 37
16.4 y 3.5 y

16.9 y 18.2 y

5.9 141.0 2.1

64.9 232.0 37
81.8 74.4 87.4 196.4 67.7 58.4 75.9 247.5 42.9
83.9 77.8 88.6 224.3 62.5 56.3 68.4 295.0 34.5
81.6 74.5 87.1 238.4 67.1 60.2 73.3 278.6 39.6
82.4 78 86.1 512.5 68.8 63.5 73.7 480.9 42.6
14.1 5.2 33 21.8 z 5.4 2.4 11.8 107.2 4.7
17.1 y 18.4 8.6 35.2 34.8 z 2.6
33.3 15.7 57.2 49.1 z 28.7 18.3 42 162.5 5.2
25.9 270.0 12.1
27.9 231.0 7.7
25.4 123.0 15.5
42.4 304.0 13.5
79.7 72.7 85.3 244.6 49.3 42.5 56.1 299.3 22.3

84 79.4 87.7 375.3 58.6 52.3 64.7 342.5 26.2

75.2 68 81.2 6,524.0 56.9 48.3 65.2 6,524.0 41.3

28 20 37.6 93.0 10.4 6 17.5 115.0 3.8

49.8 39.2 60.4 116.4 21.3 14.4 30.3 164.5 6.7

72.8 58.7 83.4 48.2 57.8 46.1 68.8 96.4 28.9
38.4 26.4 52 77.7 23.6 15.6 34.2 93.7 15.1
53.4 36.6 69.6 35.7 z 42.5 27 59.7 70.1 26.6

8.6 85.0 1.3

38.6 23.1 56.8 61.7 23.4 13.2 38 89.1 8.9
30.8 19.3 45.3 50.5 12.1 6.1 22.7 77.8 7.8
22.9 12.9 37.5 62.5 16.9 9.3 28.7 91.0 9.7
27.2 18 38.8 95.1 21.6 12.9 33.9 119.0 3.7
32.6 22.4 44.8 70.5 31 23 40.2 146.0 11.9
63.9 51 75.1 118.4 42.3 30.8 54.6 127.3 29.4

19.9 15.7 24.9 444.6 7.4 5.2 10.4 644.8 4.1

11.8 240.0 3.7
20.2 253.0 4.7
34.6 26.8 43.4 44,328.3 20.5 15.6 26.4 67,142.7 5.5
65.2 56.3 73.2 158.6 44.4 37.4 51.6 259.0 14.6
84.2 77 89.5 200.6 63.9 56.5 70.6 205.8 34.6
92.7 89 95.2 307.0 85.1 81.1 88.4 433.7 45
90.6 86.7 93.4 366.2 76.4 70.4 81.5 308.1 42.1
8.8 113.0 3.9
13.9 133.0 0.9
60.5 48.2 71.7 110.0 22.4 15.8 30.7 138.9 11.6
40.6 32.8 48.9 134.1 17 12.3 23.1 189.0 13
48 39.9 56.3 202.1 28.5 21.8 36.3 230.0 5.3
60.6 51.5 69 167.4 30.2 24.1 37 235.8 14.4
71.7 64.4 78.1 206.2 42.9 36.6 49.4 321.2 19.5
73.8 66.2 80.1 203.5 45.2 38.1 52.5 227.6 19.5
73.5 65.9 79.9 194.0 33.2 26.5 40.6 192.2 21.9
4 to 5 months Wealth Quintile 1 We
Lower Limit
Upper Limit Sample Size FootnotePoint Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate
Q1_r Q1_ll Q1_ul Q1_weightedQ1_FootnoteQ2_r
29 37.3 1,068.4 41.1 35.4 47.1 527.4 40.3

41.5 49.6 1,027.0 63 57.4 68.3 694.4 65.4

0.1 6.3 38.5 z 4.2 1 15.8 27.2 z 11.4
0 0 37.9 z 24.3 y
8.2 33.9 54.0 z 33.2 15 58.3 38.0 z
14.7 37.1 104.0 34.1 23.4 46.7 55.7 33.5

8.2 328.0 z 9
7.1 14.3 613.0 25.7 20.4 31.8 408.6 22.1
9.6 17.8 504.1 28.4 22.5 35.2 307.7 26.8
13.2 21.9 526.4 36.7 31.1 42.7 332.3 33.2
12.6 24.8 96,664.0 29 20.4 39.4 86,303.0 28.3
1 15.8 53.6
10.4 46.4 50.7 z 19.4 y 29.8
6.5 32.6 55.9 35.7 22.3 51.9 33.5 z 38.3
8.1 25.4 73.3 44.5 29 61.2 26.9 z 57.9
1 15.4 48.0 z 9.5 3.8 21.9 42.0 z 6.4
0.3 16.8 75.3 17.7 8.1 34.3 42.5 12.4

17 28.7 241.0 43.1 34 52.7 145.6 36
17.5 23.5 963.6 35.5 30.9 40.4 521.4 35.3
17.3 30.2 207.1 45.7 33.1 58.9 98.0 35.9
29.4 43.8 264.3 56.9 46 67.1 168.7 62.2
29.4 38.1 670.1 57.7 52.6 62.7 449.2 61.9
22.5 42.7 247.6 46.1 34.1 58.6 141.1 68.8
33.5 47.1 289.3 63.3 55.3 70.7 196.3 65.1
41.8 49.2 911.5 65.9 61.3 70.2 521.0 63.3

8.7 y 7.2 y
1.6 16.2 152.2 13.8 3.5 41.7 45.5 z 2.2
1.7 9 107.3 28.6 11.3 55.8 47.5 z 16.3
2.5 13.3 95.2 6.9 2.4 18.6 55.0 z 18.8
2.5 20.9 39.1 z 6.9 1.8 23.2 27.0 z
0.2 8.3 46.8 z 23.7 11.5 42.4 28.6 z 12.9
7.1 29.7 59.8 45.3 28.7 63 37.2 z 27.6
13.5 24.1 182.6
18 26 523.7 44.2 38.4 50.2 342.6 42.6
12.3 19 451.9 29.1 23.8 34.9 228.4 30.1
18.7 27.9 474.6 39.5 32.3 47.2 241.0 41.4
15.9 23.9 420.3 42.7 37.4 48.2 302.2 41.7
18.6 33.9 186.8 36.1 25.8 47.8 115.5 50.3
20.5 69.1 38.7 z 51.8 29.3 73.5 20.0 z 50
17.2 34.5 124.2 57 45 68.1 72.7 39.9
32.5 47 347.0 67.1 59.2 74.1 255.6 60.1
32.9 47 273.4 66.2 58.6 73.1 186.5 66.3
79.9 421.0 63.2
34.8 51.6 185.1

4.2 15.3 103.9 36.4 17.4 60.8 46.5 z 16.4

2.2 38.1 66.1 z 26.0 y 28.8

10 24.3 8,693.2

43.7 39.6 47.8 37.9

11.6 20.2 395.4 16.6 11.2 23.9 249.0 18.7
1.2 6.4 169.5 9 4.7 16.5 134.9 9.7

9.6 16.2 546.0 23.9 18.6 30 301.6 21.4

38.9 49.2 819.4

41.6 52.7 676.8
27.5 39.7 357.6 56.8 47.4 65.6 294.7 55.3
28.3 45.3 132.0 59.4 47.1 70.6 69.0 65.1
46.9 59.8 285.4 61.4 49.6 71.9 141.5 69.2
58 68.1 428.9 81.7 75.7 86.4 253.0 80.1
50.9 61.7 373.0

2.7 10.6 273.3 11.5 7.6 17.1 239.8 9.6

37.9 53.6 256.5 60.6 51.8 68.8 187.7 65.5

52.6 66.3 259.7 69.6 61.2 76.8 204.8 76.5

43.2 58.5 249.4 75.5 64.3 84.1 158.2 74.3
29.7 42.9 266.2 63.2 55.9 69.9 160.3 60.3
5.3 12.4 289.5 16.1 9.6 25.8 188.3 19.4
5.1 12.9 250.9 12.6 6.3 23.8 189.2 28.4
7.4 13.3 400.5 11.5 7.8 16.5 267.3 18.8
11.4 20.7 293.9 9.5 5.3 16.6 167.1 27.5
23.2 38.6 325.9 28.4 22 36 232.0 37.8
3.7 15.5 637.8 16.7 13 21.3 422.1 13.8
4.7 11.6 392.3 18.5 13.5 25 282.5 23.7
5.5 11.1 374.2 27 21 34 263.0 33.9

10.4 16.5 571.0

7.3 19.8 305.5 29.1 21.5 38.2 232.2 41.6
3.4 11.1 234.9 13.2 7 23.5 131.3 10.1
0.9 6.5 189.1 1 0.2 4.5 99.4 2.5
1.2 4.3 623.4 2.5 0.8 6.9 344.8 2
0 0.7 594.9 0.3 0.1 1.8 380.8 0
4.2 9.2 395.7
9 14.3 817.2 14.8 11.1 19.5 505.6 19
6.6 13.1 452.8
2.4 8.7 433.4

7.1 18.2 149.2 25 16.2 36.4 102.6 28.8
19.6 28.9 481.4 40.7 35.1 46.5 338.2 43.2
17.7 31.7 122,783.7 38.1 28.4 48.9 38,710.8 33.5
4.6 13.1 226.6 11 5.8 19.7 110.5 13.6
6.3 18.7 148.3 4.9 1.7 13.4 90.0 8.5

6.7 16.2 337.3 23.9 18.5 30.3 189.5 14.6

11.1 25.9 324.1 20.9 16.4 26.2 220.2 37.4
2.2 12.8 69.9 33.4 21.2 48.4 73.6 32.4
6.4 26 12,163.9 27.1 16.1 41.8 10,269.3 36.6

2.7 9.2 334.0

5 17.9 237.5
3.7 13.9 229.7
3.7 13.4 165.1 34.7 16.9 58.2 81.4 66.7
3.7 11.6 378.2 9 5 15.7 289.9 10.6

1.4 5.8 326.2 8 3.8 16.2 226.2 4.3

5.7 14.8 239.2 10.9 6.3 18.3 170.9 10.3
11.9 22.1 346.4 26 20.1 32.9 263.6 21.2
16.6 25.8 339.9 29.8 24.5 35.7 240.3 36.3

9 19.3 346.3 30.6 22.1 40.7 185.3 20.4

12.3 22.3 312.9 33 19.4 50.2 155.4 35.3
10.2 17.7 439.7 35.5 28.9 42.6 288.3 37.3
17.1 26 733.9 47 40.5 53.7 426.4 46.3
24 37.1 712.3 50.4 44.4 56.4 504.1 50.3


0.1 4.9 65.7 13.9 7 26 46.8 11.4

1.6 8.7 288.5
5.1 86.0 3.2
0.7 3.5 351.0 9.5 6.4 13.9 239.7 9.4
7.1 73.0 9.6
0.3 4.8 93.6 9.8 4.4 20.7 64.2 8.1
1.6 4.7 633.1 7.2 3.9 12.8 448.4 5.3
6.2 21.5 246.7 13.7 8.4 21.5 195.3 13.3

50.7 32.3
28.5 38.3 379.2 63.9 58 69.4 252.6 62.3
15.5 23 468.0 44.8 39 50.7 272.6 38.9
23.6 34.1 387.1 56.9 50.3 63.3 215.4 57.7
10.4 16.8 531.8 39.4 32.9 46.2 276.3 44.6

21.2 37.3 190.0 55.7 45.2 65.7 188.7 43.8

9 21 139.9 28.1 18.5 40.2 75.7 30.7


4.2 14.9 117.5 29.4 21.1 39.4 82.6 20.8

9.8 26.9 107.0 38.7 25 54.4 58.8 33.2

23.2 45 90.7 59 42.3 73.8 45.4 z 43.2

35.4 58.3 98.4 67 54.6 77.4 62.6 71.9
31.2 45.4 354.2 57.6 47.9 66.8 194.9 61.5
25.4 38.6 355.1 34.4 26.7 43 227.7 53.8
24.9 39.4 405.8 54 45.9 61.8 284.1 49.7
28.9 42.7 417.7 55 46.6 63.1 290.6 62.6
29.3 50.8 213.9 56.9 44.3 68.7 141.1 64.4

15.1 36.3 67.3 50.4 37.1 63.5 48.5 42.4

0.8 15.4 196.1 6 3.3 10.7 114.8 2
4.4 13.7 211.0 15.8 11.5 21.3 146.0 18.2
5.4 18.6 150.4 22.7 12.1 38.7 63.7 22
17.1 27.1 324.5 39.9 32.1 48.1 190.5 40.2
8.9 16.4 487.6 32 25.3 39.6 294.7 37.6
16.6 26.9 318.6 53.6 45.7 61.3 182.5 54.5
25.4 38.3 374.0 58.4 50.6 65.8 193.4 61.8
23 34.2 297.1 66.7 61.2 71.8 198.4 48
3.4 25 62.5 19.1 y 25.4

3.6 15.9 80.1 22 11.6 37.8 38.8 z 22.1

29.6 46.9 127.3 51.9 40.2 63.3 75.8 40.3
33.2 50.5 164.0 60.8 46.4 73.6 80.5 45.6
38.6 60.3 109.2 62.9 50.9 73.6 71.8 56.8
18.4 30.9 331.9 53.7 44.9 62.4 169.3 39.7
29.5 43.5 223.2 62 52.5 70.7 137.7 45.3
12.4 21.9 289.8 54 45.6 62.2 168.7 42

71.9 283.0 59.3
37.9 49.3 422.0 75.3 69.2 80.6 318.0 61.7


5.2 14 262.0 19.3 13.5 26.8 167.1 20.3
15.2 25.6 293.8 23.2 17 31 143.9 40.9
11.7 21 249.8 33.8 27.3 41.1 253.7 30.6
15.9 25.8 257.8 23.8 17.7 31.2 164.3 26.7
3.2 10 229.0 18.8 11.8 28.7 136.3 14.9
41.6 321.0 38.3
20.7 33.2 266.1 56 49.1 62.6 201.7 45.4
29.6 44.2 229.4 59.3 49.6 68.4 150.2 64
0.5 4.4 75.8 9.1 5.1 15.7 65.0 13.7
3.5 14.4 85.9 34.3 22.9 47.7 61.6 12
12 35.8 99.5 50 32.8 67.2 56.0 23.1
9 23.8 159.4 29.4 19.5 41.7 96.8 16.8
12.8 50.3 90.8 33.7 22.7 46.8 73.6 37.4
4.9 16.6 198.4 29 18.9 41.8 126.8 25.6
17 32.4 192.8 44.2 33.6 55.4 150.5 49.7
17.8 30.3 303.1 43.9 34 54.3 144.7 38.3
10.7 21.2 177.6 33.9 25.5 43.4 151.9 41.3

11.7 19.4 334.5 44.9 38.6 51.4 231.3 35.7

14.2 23.9 362.4 51.5 45.4 57.5 243.9 36.2
11.7 21.6 255.5 51 42.6 59.5 186.9 37
25 30.4 1,965.6 53.3 49.3 57.3 1,300.3 51
39.9 42.9 8,452.5 55.9 54.2 57.5 5,210.2 56.5
60.1 59.1
47.4 50.4 7,588.0 64.7 63 66.3 5,387.8 64.7
10.3 20.1 545.6 40.4 33.8 47.3 347.0 45
12.5 20.6 595.4 36.9 31.2 42.9 350.7 37.1
22.1 32.7 582.6 42.6 36.8 48.7 352.8 40
32.8 42 572.3 59.6 53.4 65.5 328.0 57.7

2.1 6.1 509.5 16 11.5 21.9 321.5 14.7

5.4 10.7 548.6
4.5 8 1,254.0 22.6 19.3 26.2 890.9 23.3
7.3 13 515.0 29.5 24.1 35.5 318.2 21.9
0.7 11.5 46.4 z
1.8 17.4 52.6 20.6 9.2 40 24.5 z 32.8
1.3 7.6 167.2 21.5 14.6 30.5 132.5 30.8
5.6 17.9 371.7 23.6 17.1 31.5 289.0 31.5
5.1 16.4 304.2 19.6 13.8 27.1 169.6 25.7
7 16.4 351.9 26 20.5 32.4 259.9 26.1
21.5 y 2 9.2 1.5 40.1 27.6 z 2

40.0 z
2.1 9.9 152.2 12.2 6.8 21 101.5 15.7
8.9 20.4 188.2 33.8 23.4 45.9 120.0 32
13 38.6 196.4 35.2 25.8 45.8 97.8 35.8
1.2 5.9 257.2 12.3 6.9 20.8 180.6 13.1
0.6 6.3 204.4 14.5 8.6 23.6 136.9 10.7
6.1 25.7 195.1 41.7 30.2 54.1 150.8 28.8
35.3 49 276.9 55.8 49.4 62.1 212.5 57.9
30.5 46.1 273.7 53.7 46.6 60.6 171.6 54.7
37.2 71.3 30.5 z 28.6 y
45.7 66.6 97.9 81 68.6 89.2 55.1 68.6

12.8 43.9 143.1 26.1 13.9 43.7 66.8 59.9

30.2 46.4 149.5 67.3 55.3 77.3 80.8 46.3
17.8 33.5 168.0 39 27.7 51.7 78.7 39.5
19.4 40.5 132.4 40.9 29.2 53.8 85.0 45.3
7.4 22.7 180.4 24.7 16.1 36 164.2 28.5
9 21.4 158.5 30.5 21.6 41.2 135.8 29.6
21.6 32.2 346.8 45.9 38.9 53 287.1 39
21.5 31.3 380.2 52.6 45.8 59.3 315.5 50.6
4.7 30.1 64.0

2.3 9.6 148.0 23.2 14.1 35.6 82.0 16.9

27 43.6 133.8 49.5 39.1 59.9 90.6 55.4
34.4 54.2 104.8 68.8 58.3 77.6 71.0 73.4
23.2 48.7 62.3 69.1 55.8 79.8 51.5 69.8

11.6 22.9 179.7 24.6 16.7 34.8 107.3 32.7

25.2 41.1 206.0 60.5 52.3 68.1 147.5 62.1
27.5 46.7 193.5 66.5 57.1 74.8 125.6 59.2
11 23.6 203.4 47.7 40.3 55.3 206.3 35.9
39.8 57.6 213.7 60.6 48.5 71.5 156.3 59.9
24 35.7 446.0 40 34.7 45.7 345.0 45.6
39.8 279.0 41.4
19.1 28.7 463.3 39.9 34.2 45.8 330.1 49.3
18.7 28.3 420.4 51.5 45.3 57.7 305.9 51.8
9.1 16 463.7 33.8 26.7 41.7 291.4 42.1
21.3 31.4 361.0 52.8 45.5 59.9 226.0 47.7
22.1 31 792.7 50.7 44.6 56.7 551.9 54.7
35.1 45.3 541.6 65.5 59.1 71.4 361.6 66.3
34.3 46.7 703.6 66 55.5 75.2 454.6 67.1
28.2 38.7 544.2 57.3 51.1 63.2 414.7 53.2
20.9 33 510.8 63.5 57.5 69.2 432.2 64.8

16.2 31.4 160.8 45.7 33.6 58.3 64.2 52.2

44.9 67.7 89.8 59.2 47.2 70.2 53.6 58.2
14.9 23.6 523.7 37.5 31 44.6 310.0 33
4.7 7.8 951.9 17.5 14.3 21.3 644.3 17.7
12.3 19.9 603.8 29.9 24.3 36.1 357.9 31.5
19.2 30.2 381.9 45.4 38.3 52.8 242.6 45
17.2 27.4 550.8
30.4 48.4 312.4
28.4 43.7 313.3

18.9 51.5 39.2 z 42.6 24.5 62.9 17.7 z

1.3 5.1 295.8 14.6 10.1 20.7 235.3 7.9
10.7 19.2 376.9 30.5 23.3 38.8 260.0 33.7
23.2 35.6 316.6 57.5 49.5 65.2 220.1 46.1

20 31.3 423.6 46.1 38.1 54.3 312.2 53.8

10.4 24.9 228.0 33.7 25 43.7 140.0 31.3

9 28.3 0.3

21.7 34.5 242.0 59 50.4 67 156.0 48

33.1 49.3 166.4 69.4 58.4 78.6 87.2 56.7
33.5 53.1 136.1 68.4 58.7 76.8 97.9 68.9
18.7 30.6 235.0 55.4 46.5 63.9 131.5 49.9
20.9 45.1 104.2 60.7 40 78.2 38.2 z 64.6
22.4 38.4 231.4 60.8 52.1 68.9 118.2 62.1

1.9 26.4 26.4 z 17.9 y

4.3 25.7 47.8 19.7 y
0.5 10 38.4 z 20.0 y

6.2 15.3 199.2 37.3 30 45.2 125.7 36.4

7.4 15.1 358.0 36.3 29.9 43.2 305.3 25
12.3 21.1 437.4 37.5 29.5 46.2 277.8 40.9
17 29.3 419.3 32.4 25 40.8 270.2 33.9
39 55

1.6 5 541.9 9.9 6.6 14.6 432.2 8.3

24.4 355.0 22.7
29.7 47.5 152.9 52.2 40.7 63.5 103.5 38.6
2.3 9.1 184.0 23.5 15.5 33.9 118.1 25.8
20.8 33.8 175.0 57.1 47.5 66.3 113.9 50.9

47.6 60.6 275.1
21.8 42 204.1 67.5 55.9 77.3 112.8 51.7
42.9 63.4 195.3 74 62.6 82.9 121.2 72.7
25.5 46.1 177.5 43.3 33.3 53.8 85.9 70.8
31.4 50.7 124.3 71.3 61.7 79.2 102.9 60.4
30.6 47.9 190.5 60.8 51.4 69.6 134.5 63.2
33.1 48.7 200.6 64.1 53.6 73.4 98.9 58.2
8.2 17.4 162.3 43 35.8 50.5 140.6 43.5

0 1.4 265.7 0 0 0 128.5 1.4
1.6 6.4 334.9 14.1 8.3 23.1 228.9 7.9

10.1 17.2 491.3 25.2 18.7 32.9 345.5 20

4.9 18 172,896.9
7.6 17.7 195,032.0
6.8 16.3 894,923.0
5.1 17.4 1,284,869.0

3.4 10.5 247.1 10.5 5.7 18.6 149.8 4.4

4.9 10.1 578.7 9 6 13.4 347.4 11.3
5.1 8.5 1,082.8 6.8 4.5 10 673.3 7.2
4.8 8.7 892.5 10.3 7.4 14.2 656.3 10.9
7.9 12.3 1,124.6 5.1 3.5 7.5 691.3 10.8
11.8 16.7 992.0 16.2 12.6 20.6 587.9 19.8
7.7 14.4 621.2
15.6 20.5 1,103.7 23.2 20 26.8 668.0 20.6
19.5 26.6 924.8 31.1 26.8 35.7 629.8 26.5
0.4 5.9 114.4 10 4.6 20.5 123.6 8.9
2.9 22.9 47.7 z 28.0 y
4.8 30.3 36.8 z 17.4 6.9 37.4 36.6 z 28.4

18.2 28.9 318.5 37.9 30.4 46.1 216.7 43.2
19.3 29.6 401.2 34.7 27.8 42.3 258.1 40.1
28.3 41.9 385.2 57.6 49.8 65.1 245.0 51.4
31.5 37 760,986.9 48.3 45.1 51.5 503,288.0 47.2

6.8 22.1 12,687.6 38.1 29.1 48 9,108.7 13.3

25.9 38.9 282.4 61.2 49.4 71.8 176.1 61


15.3 23.7
7.8 18.2 182.8 36.2 23.3 51.6 113.5 29.8
50.4 62 352.8 81.2 76.3 85.3 302.1 70.6
47.3 65.5 251.7 82.1 72.2 89 88.7 74.5
51.9 66 327.5 84.6 77.8 89.6 200.4 79.4
57.2 71.5 260.8 82.8 76.9 87.4 179.9 74.7
57.1 72.4 280.0 86.2 80.6 90.4 169.9 77.2
51.8 66.2 268.6 83.5 77.1 88.4 186.9 74.6

49.5 64 289.5 82.2 76.6 86.7 205.2 76.2

47.2 56.2 424.3 80.7 76.1 84.5 268.3 67.8
50.3 60.3 387.3 82.5 78.4 85.9 229.3 69.4
44.6 54.6 348.8 79.6 75.4 83.2 222.4 70
53.4 62.9 326.4 80.9 76.4 84.7 224.8 71.9
52.2 62.1 311.4 80.7 76 84.6 198.4 69.9
56.2 68.7 244.1 79.4 74.4 83.7 180.0 70.5
50.4 60 322.7 79.4 75 83.1 165.6 66.8
55.6 64.7 290.3 77 72.2 81.2 180.4 70.2
11.3 22.5 199.9 46.2 38.9 53.7 161.5 40.5
16.8 27.8 197.4 43.4 36.1 50.9 160.0 39.5
20.9 34.8 271.0 52.5 43.7 61.1 166.5 39.1
2.7 18.9 60.9
14.3 38.8 56.1 52.5 30 74.1 32.8 z
9 28.5 70.5 27.3 y 32.8

64.9 76.7 262.7
69.1 79.8 280.8 85.4 79.5 89.8 149.0 83.1
75.7 85 273.6 88.4 81.3 93 158.3 85.5
62.2 82.7 40,830.0 92 83.8 96.3 23,326.8 82.3
61.3 74.3 278.4 81.7 75.2 86.8 192.1 86.6
12.6 y 2.7 y

18.1 38.3 85.9 71.9 58.9 82.1 64.8 50.5

34.8 52.5 115.4 52.1 40.2 63.8 78.4 54.1
56.5 83.0 65.1
31.4 51.6 70.6 33.1 20.8 48.4 30.2 z 55.7
39.5 63.6 65.2 67.9 49.8 81.8 34.0 z 61
28.4 50.8 75.8 66.9 49.7 80.6 43.8 z 52.1
10.3 17.7 494.0 23.4 17.7 30.2 292.7 26.3
14.8 24.1 389.4 37.6 32.1 43.3 286.7 37.8
12.5 25.2 214.0 35.3 27.6 43.9 150.2 35
6.7 20.3 243.7 27.7 20.6 36.3 132.2 34.3
12.5 24.9 250.4 32 25.4 39.4 145.6 37.3
9.7 22.2 173.2 41.7 33.6 50.3 142.7 30.7
18.7 30.2 340.1 37.5 31.4 44.1 261.2 42.1
12.9 27.4 168.1 42.7 34.7 51.1 132.8 38.5
14.1 27.9 181.2 43.5 36.1 51.3 138.3 28.1
1.2 9.9 127.4 11.7 6.2 21.1 72.8 13.2
1.4 8.7 81.2 10.9 4.8 22.9 67.3 11.9
2.9 41.8 149.3 25.8 y
0.4 7.6 58.4 z 18.2 y
1.7 11.8 94.9 6.1 1.9 17.5 53.6 5.6
2.2 7.9 209.9 12.8 7.4 21.1 119.0 10.5
1.5 6.2 235.9 7.9 3.5 16.7 174.4 11.5
14.1 24.7 292.4 25.4 18.4 33.9 197.0 41.1
19.3 29.5 444.2 30.4 23.8 38 266.5 33.9
20.6 30.5 375.4 49 43 55 305.8 51.2
22.2 34 295.4 60.1 53.4 66.4 234.4 53.6
45.2 54.9 566.9

1.2 6 242.8 17.7 11.1 27 116.7 14.2


15.3 34.8 124.7 29.8 17.5 46 69.3 47.9

19.1 29.5 277.0 50.9 41.8 60 168.1 44.7

56.1 69.4 237.8 76.9 69.1 83.2 131.2 78.9

8.6 15.5 335.7 23.1 17.6 29.9 193.8 30.7

20.6 31.9 239.1 37.2 29.7 45.3 168.7 37.2
12.2 23.9 241.8 39.3 30.4 49.1 172.5 38.5
13.4 21.2 546.7 39.9 33.6 46.6 368.8 39
31 41.4 536.9 57.3 50.3 64.1 363.7 55.4
0 0 73.4 4.4 1 17 84.0 7.3
0 0 69.0 0 0 0 51.8 0
0.1 5.5 80.5 2.4 0.9 6.4 116.1 3
2.8 19.1 142.9 9.3 4.9 16.9 122.9 7.5
15.8 23.3 488.0 35.1 28.7 42.1 247.9 28.2

2.3 9.6 147.0 13.5 7.2 23.8 74.0 18.4

4.1 15.7 148.3 22.4 11.5 39.1 91.8 23.5
11.8 25.2 159.5 28.4 18.1 41.6 82.8 45.3
10.1 21.2 196.8 43.3 32.9 54.5 106.7 43.3

0.7 4.2 169,326.5 7.3 2.9 17.4 83,517.9 5.4

2 11.8 270.6 15.8 6.9 32.2 148.8 13.4

2.9 24.1 440.3 24 13.4 39.1 170.1 17.9
4 12.3 385.8 11.4 6.7 18.8 240.0 10.6
4.6 20.5 161.3 20.8 9 40.9 134.7 44

30 40.9 387.1 57 50.1 63.7 213.2 57.8

63.7 57.1 70.3 205.0 a 4 64.8
28.4 42 242.6 58.6 48.7 67.9 132.3 50.5
40.1 50.7 445.5
2.8 11.8 119.7 17.1 9.4 29 81.1 18.2
7.7 21.9 134.6 11.5 6.4 19.6 108.7 17.7

38.2 54.3 198.9 55.4 44.3 65.9 127.0 61.8

32.3 47 208.2 55.5 47.4 63.4 140.9 50.2
30.7 50.5 153.0 57.2 43.9 69.6 100.1 68

12.4 38.5 40.6 z 45.7 31 61.1 31.3 z

0.4 20.2 32.0 z 20.0 y
0.3 15.2 42.8 z 16 6.1 35.9 24.9 z
0.6 26.8 29.5 z 21.5 9.7 41 35.5 z

0.5 8.3 107.7 15.7 8.3 27.5 51.7 9.2

4 16.6 107.5 17.6 9.8 29.5 54.7 15.1
0.5 10.2 75.2 15.4 7.6 28.5 56.7 z 10.4
26.3 46.5 111.5 58.4 43.9 71.5 66.8 z 57.5
27 48.2 93.3 58.4 42.9 72.4 61.4 60.5
11.5 y 14.6 y

17.3 y 10.8 y


35.9 50.2 261.5 62.2 53.8 70 163.9 72.7
28.8 40.6 269.5 56.6 49 64 171.0 59.4
33.5 46.1 267.2 64.7 55.7 72.8 155.7 66.1
37.3 48 449.9 70.5 64.6 75.8 333.1 69.3
1.4 14.5 89.5 4.3 0.9 19.1 41.5 0
0.4 16.4 33.4 z 10.4 y 31.9
2.6 10 146.5 20.4 9 40.1 44.1 29
17.2 28.4 292.7 55.4 46.4 64.1 157.4 53.8

20.6 32.8 280.7 58.6 51.2 65.7 265.3 63

32.8 50.3 6,592.7

1.4 9.7 106.0 19 13 27 121.0 11.5

3.6 12.4 153.8 22.4 14 33.9 84.8 31.6

19.7 40.3 92.3 47 33.4 61.1 62.4 44.5
8.8 24.7 87.5 17.3 8.4 32.3 43.5 z 38
15.1 42.5 55.5 38.7 22.2 58.3 45.2 z 52.2

3.5 21 87.6 25.2 13.7 41.6 67.2 22
2.9 19.2 65.5 11.7 4.5 26.9 39.3 z 12.8
4.8 18.5 76.9 32.5 24.2 42 50.2 2.3
1.3 10.2 113.1 28 17.1 42.4 79.1 17.3
6.8 19.8 133.8 40 29.4 51.6 72.1 20.6
19.2 42.1 111.3 42.7 30.3 56.2 68.6 49.6

2.1 7.8 553.7 10 6.4 15.3 360.2 10.7

2.9 10.4 64,874.0 18 11.4 27.3 34,060.4 13.1
10.1 20.8 209.6 30 23.4 37.5 143.8 38.1
28.2 41.7 226.0 57.1 48.6 65.2 148.8 47.9
39.2 50.9 444.2 68.7 62.1 74.6 278.5 71.8
36.3 48.1 345.3 67 60.8 72.8 265.0 71.1
6.3 20.5 93.6 27.8 17.3 41.5 60.7 30.1
7.2 22.3 189.6 19 11.7 29.5 133.4 20.5
3.2 8.7 245.1 22.7 17 29.6 190.5 19.6
10.5 19.6 275.0 25.4 18 34.5 147.2 29.9
15.4 24.4 351.3 41.1 32.9 49.9 177.5 39.4
13.8 26.9 181.0 49.2 40.9 57.4 133.9 54.7
16.3 28.7 222.3 44 35.4 53 129.7 41.9
Wealth Quintile 2 Wealth Quintile 3
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote
Q2_ll Q2_ul Q2_weightedQ2_FootnoteQ3_r Q3_ll Q3_ul Q3_weightedQ3_Footnote
34.3 46.5 662.7 45.6 40 51.3 697.3

61 69.5 751.2 67.4 62.7 71.7 699.0

3.1 34.2 22.1 z 26.9 y
19.0 y 19.2 y
27.0 y 48.8 27.4 70.6 27.2 z
21.2 48.6 48.7 41.4 26.3 58.3 63.9

265.0 z 4.1 272.0 z

16.8 28.5 381.7 28.7 21.8 36.8 287.4
20.9 33.8 320.3 28.1 21.2 36.2 263.7
28.1 38.8 332.0 43.6 37.3 50.1 338.9
18.5 40.7 51,527.0 31.1 21.6 42.6 51,244.0

11.6 57.9 36.0 z 29.7 14 52.3 33.9 z

21.7 58.3 33.9 z 53.8 29.4 76.5 18.0 z
39.7 74.2 31.9 z 51.1 33.6 68.3 32.1 z
2.1 18 47.0 z 12 4 30.7 25.0 z
4.3 30.5 69.6 10.3 2.8 31.7 43.3 z

27.6 45.3 136.2 46.8 38.1 55.7 159.1

30.6 40.2 500.3 39.6 34.5 44.9 424.3
27 45.9 119.3 36.9 26.9 48 88.6
52.7 70.8 152.9 66.4 57.5 74.3 164.0
56.4 67.1 436.1 53.6 47.4 59.7 373.0
57.2 78.5 123.2 52.5 38.4 66.2 140.8
57.3 72.2 186.4 65.6 58.3 72.2 204.1
58 68.3 426.9 59.7 54.5 64.6 445.6

5.4 y 4.9 y
0.3 14.7 54.0 z 0 0 0 66.4 z
6 37.1 47.0 11.5 3.4 32 57.1 z
8.1 37.8 50.2 z 31.4 14 56.3 58.5 z
18.7 y 14.1 y
5.7 26.7 30.5 z 22.3 11.3 39.3 36.1 z
14.9 45.4 45.8 z 21.3 9.4 41.4 40.1 z

36.3 49.1 287.8 42.6 36.9 48.4 316.2

24.2 36.6 230.6 33.8 27.9 40.2 244.6
34.7 48.4 279.2 39.3 30.9 48.3 265.3
35.4 48.4 291.8 39.9 34.3 45.7 286.5
39.3 61.3 91.2 42.8 33.3 52.9 128.3
23.7 76.2 23.1 z 17.6 y
28.5 52.6 76.6 37 25.5 50.2 69.9
51.1 68.5 165.8 56.9 48.4 65 221.8
57.4 74.1 176.0 57.2 47.6 66.4 174.4
222.0 63.6 149.0

5.1 41.4 88.1 z 8.6 3.2 21.1 49.1 z

10.6 58 71.8 z 51.6 y

29.5 46.4 54.6 43.4 65.8

13.8 24.9 244.2 15.5 10.9 21.5 296.2

4.5 19.8 108.8 3.8 1.2 11 126.0

16.6 27.1 345.1 22.9 18 28.7 329.0

47.1 63.2 252.9 53.3 46.8 59.6 236.5

51.6 76.5 63.0 59.2 46.2 71.1 76.0

60 77.1 152.4 72.3 63.8 79.5 150.8
74.4 84.9 274.3 84.6 78.9 88.9 238.9

5.6 16.1 176.1 10.1 5.5 17.7 155.0

57.4 72.7 159.1 67.9 58.1 76.3 141.1

66.9 84 144.9 85.3 76.5 91.2 110.0

64.4 82.3 138.1 66.3 56.8 74.6 151.5
52.5 67.5 190.9 41.3 32.8 50.4 168.5

13.1 27.7 166.3 24.3 17.5 32.8 172.7

20.1 38.5 147.1 21.7 13.8 32.6 107.1
13.9 24.8 265.5 21.2 16.1 27.4 241.5
19.7 37 147.1 36.7 28.5 45.6 169.0
30.9 45.1 230.1 44.1 36.7 51.7 210.5

9.7 19.1 355.6 20.1 12.2 31.4 363.5

15.7 34.2 274.5 24.6 17.6 33.4 275.2
27.6 40.9 269.2 35 29.1 41.5 265.0

34.5 49.1 224.6 41.7 33.8 50 178.7

5.1 19.1 132.4 12.2 6.1 23 122.9

0.8 7.3 168.0 3.6 0.8 14.9 124.1
0.7 5.8 375.6 4 2.3 6.8 410.3
0 0 374.8 0.2 0 1 356.0

14.8 24.1 520.2 14 10.5 18.4 491.8

21.2 37.9 101.6 31.5 22.2 42.5 90.7

37 49.6 302.5 40.7 34.1 47.7 310.1

25.5 42.5 52,378.6 28.6 21.1 37.5 54,764.2

7.6 22.9 87.3 9.6 4.8 18.3 108.2

3.5 19.2 71.5 15.5 7.8 28.4 60.1

10 20.9 187.9 25.5 16.1 37.9 168.1

26.9 49.3 188.6 24.7 16.7 34.8 153.7
13.9 58.8 63.5 z 40.2 19.1 65.6 44.6 z
20.9 55.9 5,255.2 30.9 16 51.2 7,013.0

40.5 85.4 71.3 z 14.7 6.2 31.1 55.5

6.7 16.3 237.2 4.7 2.6 8.3 245.1

2.2 8.5 206.0 3.1 1.3 7.2 203.7

5.8 17.4 152.0 8.8 5.1 14.7 162.1
15.5 28.2 231.2 20.7 15.1 27.7 204.7
26.7 47 222.3 37.8 31 45.2 210.1

14.1 28.5 205.4 20 14.2 27.4 221.4

26.3 45.4 247.9 41.2 31.8 51.3 204.9
29.8 45.4 301.7 38.2 30.5 46.7 262.1
39.2 53.6 394.4 54.3 46.1 62.4 394.9
43.4 57.1 447.4 63.8 53.4 73 374.1

5.3 23 56.0 15.4 5.7 35.3 40.5 z

54.0 3 68.0
4.7 18 189.2 5.1 2.4 10.6 187.7
85.0 9 73.0
1.8 29.6 58.1 6.6 1.9 20.3 54.2
2.8 10 437.7 2.6 1.3 5.1 352.7
6.2 26.3 163.2 13.8 7.1 25.1 175.2


56.1 68.1 242.0 57.3 50.4 63.9 236.5

32.7 45.5 251.4 43.7 36.7 50.9 283.0

50.3 64.7 224.7 52.4 45.4 59.2 252.3
37.9 51.5 258.8 37.1 31.5 43 380.7

32.2 56.1 131.7 43.1 29.8 57.5 138.8

20.4 43.3 76.9 6 1.4 21.6 36.2 z

12.1 33.3 75.7 22.8 13.4 36 73.6

21.4 47.6 52.4 35.6 22.3 51.6 49.2 z

30 57.4 59.8 49.4 36.4 62.5 55.5

57.7 82.8 55.8 56 41 69.9 49.8
52.6 69.7 213.9 58.2 49 66.9 263.7
45.2 62.2 227.8 60.1 51.2 68.4 255.6
39.6 59.9 277.9 59.3 50.6 67.5 283.6
53.8 70.7 277.3 53 41.6 64.1 217.4
51.5 75.4 122.0 72.7 56.8 84.4 101.3

27.1 59.4 47.0 z 41 24.1 60.4 29.8 z

0.7 5.7 123.6 3.5 0.7 15.9 119.3

10.1 30.5 95.6 25.1 14.8 39.2 136.9
12.1 36.8 75.1 22.9 12.9 37.3 76.0
32.5 48.4 183.2 42.6 34.5 51.1 167.3
29.7 46.1 317.8 35 27.2 43.6 302.5
45.6 63.2 201.7 43.4 35 52.1 182.9
51.8 71 196.8 40.7 31.6 50.4 200.6
39.9 56.2 199.2 59.7 50.2 68.4 178.0
11 48.5 28.4 z 7.5 2.5 20.3 38.6 z

13.1 34.8 41.6 26.2 14.8 42 54.0

29 52.7 79.9 52.2 39.7 64.4 78.3

35.6 55.9 99.8 54.1 39.4 68.1 62.9
44.5 68.2 63.1 58.1 44.4 70.6 61.3
30.6 49.7 163.4 45.1 33.6 57.1 186.3
35.4 55.6 110.3 55.2 43.3 66.5 116.9
31.4 53.4 165.8 39.7 29.5 50.9 180.6
241.0 45.3 180.0
54.9 68.1 278.7 50.2 41.6 58.8 220.3

10.4 36.1 180.9 17 11.1 25.1 132.4

31.5 50.9 158.7 26.2 18.4 35.9 141.8
23.6 38.6 199.2 38.8 30.7 47.6 177.6
20 34.6 149.6 35.6 28.6 43.2 171.1
9.4 22.7 148.5 9.9 5.7 16.5 127.6
381.0 36.9 386.0
37.9 53.2 198.9 60.3 52.2 67.9 195.6
53.4 73.3 169.2 57.5 48.9 65.8 156.3
4.5 35.1 35.7 z 0.5 0.1 3.6 48.9 z
4 31 37.9 z 27.2 14.8 44.6 41.7 z
11.7 40.7 50.9 z 27.4 14.8 45.1 46.9 z
8.8 30 78.3 19.5 10.5 33.4 67.5
19.6 59.5 30.5 z 35.7 13.1 67.2 51.9 z

16.7 37.2 97.2 20.6 8.7 41.5 148.7

38.6 60.8 114.1 39.7 29.2 51.1 123.0
30.1 47.3 150.9 44.7 35.7 54.1 133.3
32.6 50.5 166.5 47.4 35.7 59.3 158.1

29.4 42.5 173.3 24.1 17.5 32.2 182.0

29.9 43.1 214.1 23.4 17.6 30.4 198.6
29.3 45.3 156.6 17.3 10.9 26.2 138.6

46.9 55.1 1,159.3 43.2 39 47.4 1,026.6

54.7 58.3 4,830.0 54.2 52.1 56.2 4,164.4
62.9 66.4 4,957.0 65.2 63.3 67 4,405.7

37 53.4 313.4 41.3 33 50.1 327.6

29.6 45.4 321.8 34.5 26.5 43.6 344.4
33.3 47.2 311.5 43.7 35.5 52.3 306.0
50.9 64.2 320.8 40.7 34.4 47.3 323.2

10.2 20.8 322.3 15.5 10.4 22.3 270.3

19 28.3 794.2 16.5 12.6 21.4 721.6

17.3 27.4 311.7 27.7 21.9 34.4 334.2

17.1 53.7 41.3 z 15.8 7.9 28.9 48.4 z

22.7 40.2 134.8 32.7 22.2 45.2 89.1

24 40 253.2 20.1 13.8 28.3 216.4
16.8 37.2 182.9 23.7 14.8 35.7 171.8
19.2 34.4 265.6 22.9 15.6 32.3 214.7
15.2 y 2 11.0 y 2
9.5 24.7 81.7 20.6 13 31.2 81.5
22.5 43.1 120.6 30.4 20.9 41.9 107.5
24.6 48.8 107.4 45.3 31 60.4 141.6

7.7 21.4 150.8 6.4 3.3 11.9 142.3

6 18.4 127.1 10.1 5 19.5 116.9
17.8 43 99.9 23.8 14.8 36.1 92.7
48.1 67.1 160.0 53.6 44 63 150.8
46.1 63.1 168.2 58.3 49.3 66.8 175.1
17.1 y 16.7 y
54.3 80.1 48.6 61.6 43.9 76.7 42.8 z

38.5 78.1 59.2 z 42.8 24 64 49.7

35.2 57.7 74.8 56.5 45.8 66.7 81.9
28.7 51.5 106.8 46.4 34.6 58.7 93.4
31.1 60.3 98.4 41.8 29.5 55.1 70.2
18 41.9 102.0 17.3 10.9 26.5 99.0
20.3 41 112.2 22 13.4 33.9 72.9
31.9 46.7 273.0 41 34.4 48 239.2
43 58.2 227.0 45.9 38 54.1 205.2

9.8 27.5 65.0 8.6 3.9 17.8 70.0

44.6 65.7 84.6 56.9 45.7 67.4 96.7

61.6 82.6 74.8 74.8 62.2 84.3 56.6
52.5 82.8 43.4 z 53.9 34.8 72 32.1 z

22.6 44.6 122.9 31.1 22.5 41.3 90.8

53.2 70.2 128.5 57.1 45.6 67.9 131.6
48.4 69.3 118.2 65.3 53.3 75.7 102.6

28.2 44.4 152.5 43.2 34.3 52.5 157.2

42.2 75.4 122.7 72.8 59.5 83 127.8
37.4 54.1 256.0 59.3 50.8 67.3 244.1
248.0 36.4 190.0
42.6 56.1 332.2 51.6 44.1 59.1 281.2
44.7 58.8 258.6 53.9 46.8 60.9 272.8
34.9 49.6 264.5 44.5 38.2 51 270.9
40.3 55.3 262.2 47.3 39.8 54.9 236.0
48 61.2 484.2 53.3 46.4 60.2 474.5
60.4 71.6 373.9 75.2 68.1 81.1 374.1
59.7 73.8 373.9 69.6 63.3 75.2 355.2
46.9 59.5 355.4 60 53.4 66.2 314.0
57.5 71.4 349.7 66.6 58.1 74.2 262.6

41.1 63.1 84.1 40.5 29.6 52.4 75.0

46.7 68.8 60.1 67.6 54.9 78.2 57.5

26.9 39.7 303.9 38.8 29.5 48.9 295.2

14.6 21.3 656.5 18.6 15.3 22.4 628.8
25.8 37.7 380.4 31.3 26.4 36.7 375.0
37.5 52.7 240.0 50.3 42.4 58.2 213.1

7.5 y 15.3 y

4.9 12.6 189.7 13.5 8.3 21.2 172.1

26.9 41.2 237.5 19.3 12.9 27.8 176.2
38.5 53.9 227.1 41.6 33.3 50.5 166.0

46.5 60.9 304.7 45.6 38.3 53.1 221.3

21 43.9 221.4 32.3 12.9 60.5 149.9

38.1 58 125.0 47.4 37.9 57.2 137.0

44.8 67.9 82.8 42.7 31.9 54.2 75.2
56.7 79 97.0 67.8 54.3 78.9 96.6
41.8 58 152.7 41.9 32.6 51.8 132.2
46.6 79.2 46.8 z 66.5 49.6 80 47.8
49.5 73.3 113.1 41.9 29.5 55.3 150.0

11.3 y 14.8 y
19.1 y 22.9 y
16.4 y 25.2 y

28.4 45.2 126.5 32.7 22.3 45 100.0

17.8 33.9 176.9 28 21.3 35.8 237.8

33.1 49.3 248.2 31 24.4 38.4 252.8
26.9 41.6 220.6 46.1 37.3 55.1 259.0

5.4 12.5 390.3 13.5 8.4 20.8 251.0

326.0 20.1 292.0
27 51.7 79.5 52.8 39.1 66.1 67.0

17.6 36.1 91.3 22.3 15.6 30.9 119.3

41.1 60.6 116.3 43.1 33.8 52.9 101.4

41.2 62 87.9 53.7 39.7 67.2 113.0

60.7 82.1 116.6 73.8 60.6 83.8 127.4
59.3 80.2 106.3 57.5 43.1 70.8 111.0
48.6 71.1 81.2 71 59.8 80.2 102.5
51.8 73.2 138.2 67.8 56.2 77.5 126.3
48.4 67.3 117.3 60.5 49.3 70.7 106.2

34.9 52.6 122.8 23.1 15.2 33.4 87.8

0.2 9.4 96.4 0.9 0.1 6.1 152.2
4.3 14.1 223.1 7.8 3.7 15.5 177.4

14.9 26.5 296.6 22.1 13.8 33.4 297.3

2 9.4 136.5 16.7 9.7 27.4 112.5

8.1 15.5 370.6 10.2 7.2 14.1 385.6
5.3 9.7 621.7 11.8 9.1 15.2 530.2
8.5 13.9 571.3 12.4 9.4 16.2 485.0
8.2 14 693.4 15.4 12.2 19.2 547.1
16.1 24.1 638.8 23.3 17.2 30.9 550.7

17.7 23.9 781.0 27.7 23.6 32.2 649.2

22.7 30.6 595.9 32.9 27.8 38.4 480.8
2.7 25.6 68.6 z 10 2.7 30.5 56.2 z
21.2 y 31.9 16.4 52.8 22.9 z
10.9 56.3 21.9 z 14.8 5.3 34.7 27.3 z

35.7 51.1 208.3 39 30.8 47.8 191.5

31.6 49.1 225.8 44 35.5 52.9 234.2
42.6 60.2 205.3 49.2 39.9 58.6 244.8
43.7 50.8 461,560.1 50 46.2 53.8 428,757.0

5 31.2 8,621.1 11.3 3.2 32.8 6,851.0

51.6 69.7 194.6 52.1 42.4 61.6 198.7

18.6 44 90.5 28.6 16 45.7 91.0

63.6 76.7 222.3 60 51.2 68.1 182.9

63.2 83.3 169.1 72.3 60.5 81.6 176.6

72.9 84.7 190.8 66.2 56.6 74.6 168.7
66.6 81.3 156.3 62.7 52.3 72 164.2
68.9 83.8 182.1 65.7 54.2 75.6 160.6
66 81.6 194.4 60.3 50.2 69.6 146.2

69.3 82 222.7 58.8 49.4 67.7 209.0

62.3 72.8 244.6 62.3 55.7 68.5 229.0
63.7 74.6 219.3 61.3 53.3 68.8 178.9
64.6 74.9 231.3 58.3 51 65.3 161.2
65.9 77.1 187.5 61.2 54.8 67.3 167.4
64.2 75.1 167.4 63.1 55.5 70.1 123.6
63.5 76.7 155.8 69.7 62.4 76.1 161.8
60.6 72.5 153.7 60.5 52.5 67.9 119.9
64.3 75.5 141.6 56.1 48.9 63.1 123.4

33 48.5 141.7 27.8 20.1 37 136.9

31.5 48.1 132.5 26.4 18.2 36.6 98.9
30 49.1 145.6 38.5 28 50.1 141.6

27.9 y 25.1 y
19.3 49.8 48.2 z 39.4 20.7 61.9 36.4 z

76.9 88 173.5 83.9 76.1 89.5 148.4

78.3 90.6 147.9 86.7 79.5 91.6 131.8
68.6 90.8 32,496.3 92.9 86.5 96.4 33,473.0
78.9 91.8 137.2 82.5 74.8 88.2 141.9
11.3 y 6.3 y

36 64.9 45.2 z 43.9 30.5 58.2 53.8

36.2 71 46.6 z 56.1 41.5 69.6 53.0
74.0 61.6 64.0
37.6 72.4 42.7 z 50.7 32.3 68.9 45.8 z
41.1 77.9 37.8 z 73.7 57.9 85.1 47.1 z
34.5 69.2 41.9 z 85.4 67.2 94.4 33.3 z

20.7 32.7 293.6 32.5 25.4 40.6 272.2

32.6 43.3 301.4 43.8 36.9 51 213.0
26.5 44.4 142.3 36.6 26.7 47.9 117.1
24.9 45.1 106.3 34.4 22 49.2 112.6
27.7 48.1 123.4 39.8 27.5 53.5 108.2
23 39.7 124.1 42.7 33.3 52.6 94.9
36.1 48.5 241.3 41.7 34.4 49.4 213.9
28.6 49.5 124.8 42.6 31.6 54.4 118.6
20.4 37.4 136.3 38.8 28.4 50.5 125.4
6.2 26.2 66.4 11.2 5.2 22.6 76.0
4 30.4 57.3 z 26.2 7.9 59.4 27.5 z
33.0 y 8.5 1.8 32.7 77.6 z
16.9 y 22.6 y
1.8 15.8 59.7 0 0 0 53.0
6.2 17.3 126.4 3.5 1.3 8.8 116.7
6.6 19.3 136.9 11.4 6.1 20.2 131.9
32.4 50.4 182.3 35.9 28.6 43.9 183.7
26.1 42.7 249.7 40 32.2 48.4 292.1
44.8 57.6 277.5 53.2 46.6 59.8 283.2
46.7 60.4 230.4 57 48.8 64.8 189.3

7.4 25.8 146.9 8.8 5.1 14.6 155.0

34.9 61.2 72.6 31.7 21.4 44.1 76.7
37 52.7 163.3 42.8 34.6 51.5 160.8

70.8 85.1 137.3 85.8 78.8 90.7 163.4

24.9 37.1 208.0 29.1 23 36 213.0

27.2 48.5 135.9 40.6 31.6 50.3 113.3
28.5 49.5 132.7 42.6 34.1 51.5 139.2
33.6 44.8 330.7 41.2 34.8 47.8 373.0
48.6 62 349.6 51.6 43.8 59.3 331.9
2.9 17.1 50.6 5.1 1.8 13.8 51.0
0 0 38.3 z 24.1 y
0.7 11.5 38.9 z 1.3 0.2 8.8 51.0 z
2.1 23.5 98.5 1.7 0.5 5.6 81.8
22.8 34.4 248.0 29.6 24.4 35.5 280.0

10.1 31.2 87.0 12.2 6.7 21.2 74.0

12.6 39.4 71.9 32.9 21.8 46.3 95.8
35.2 55.8 99.8 26.8 17.8 38.1 98.2
31.3 56.1 93.6 29.2 20.3 40.1 133.9

2.7 10.6 100,313.4 4.6 2.2 9.3 104,370.6

7.5 22.8 191.2 12.2 6.9 20.8 238.2

8.7 33.1 270.0 24.7 13.3 41.2 239.5
4 25.3 300.4 16 8.6 27.8 239.1
23.6 66.7 113.1 20.9 9.2 40.8 123.6

49.8 65.4 204.6 48.4 40.5 56.4 199.6

58.5 71.1 218.0 a 4 67 60.9 73.1 225.0 a 4
41 60 141.4 54 45.3 62.5 156.2

10.6 29.3 80.6 19.4 10.9 32 77.0

10.8 27.6 77.1 34.9 22.8 49.2 89.9

52.4 70.4 121.0 62.6 51.8 72.2 111.9

39.3 61.1 103.1 55.8 46 65.2 104.0
56.8 77.5 130.6 61.1 48.7 72.3 88.2

19.5 y 28.7 14.3 49.3 30.1 z

24.0 y 15.0 y
17.6 y 10.8 3.5 28.9 27.9 z
19.6 y 16.7 y

3.8 20.8 57.3 1.4 0.3 5.7 53.6

7.9 27.1 54.1 9.2 4 19.8 65.6

3.4 27.7 49.1 z 5.4 1.3 19.4 49.3 z

46.8 67.6 71.3 59.4 47.3 70.4 69.6
45.1 74.1 55.9 53.9 37.7 69.3 48.2
2.5 y 5.2 y

11.9 y 7.6 y

62.9 80.8 131.8 60.1 49.3 70 171.2

51.4 66.9 179.8 63.5 55.4 70.8 157.9
57.3 73.9 167.2 63.8 53.8 72.8 157.3
63.5 74.5 317.7 66.9 60.1 73.1 278.2
0 0 40.1 8.5 3.1 21.5 40.5 z
16.1 53.4 20.5 z 19.6 y
16.1 46.6 87.3 10.7 3.7 27.3 59.9 z

44.7 62.7 215.9 51 42 59.9 196.1

54.5 70.8 205.2 58.7 50.4 66.5 178.7

5.4 22.9 52.0 12.2 5.6 24.9 49.0 z

20 45.9 88.7 22.4 14.3 33.4 85.3

28.9 61.3 44.9 z 66.5 51.3 78.9 41.9 z
26.4 51.3 68.2 23.3 14.3 35.5 61.6
31.9 71.8 40.3 z 40.7 20.8 64.2 28.8 z

11.5 38.1 52.4 11.4 3.8 29.4 36.5 z

6.3 24.1 47.7 z 23.4 10.6 43.8 31.8 z
0.7 8 36.8 z 18.7 8.9 35.4 50.7 z
7.6 34.7 60.7 z 18.4 9.6 32.2 64.9
11.9 33.2 76.1 24.1 13.7 38.7 78.7
34.6 64.7 81.9 47.2 32.6 62.4 72.6

7.3 15.4 354.6 10.4 7 15.3 357.9

7.8 21.2 35,803.7 18.5 12.3 26.9 39,089.9

30.2 46.7 135.7 39.6 31.2 48.7 142.9
39.8 56.1 147.2 61.8 52 70.8 133.8
66.2 76.8 301.9 78.2 71.5 83.7 225.9
64.7 76.8 233.0 69.4 61.3 76.4 196.1
19.4 43.4 74.7 30.9 19.3 45.5 64.2
13.7 29.7 117.3 21.2 14.4 29.9 94.5
13.8 27.1 140.1 25.2 16.9 35.8 110.5
22.7 38.3 144.1 24.5 15.6 36.2 132.0
31.9 47.4 182.7 35.6 27.7 44.4 147.6
44.8 64.3 128.2 44.8 35 55 115.4
32.6 51.9 126.3 44.6 35.5 54.1 125.5
Wealth Quintile 4 Wealth Quintile 5
Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
Q4_r Q4_ll Q4_ul Q4_weightedQ4_FootnoteQ5_r Q5_ll Q5_ul Q5_weighted
48.1 41 55.3 593.6 40.2 33.1 47.7 590.3

60.4 55.2 65.4 725.8 59.4 52.3 66.2 575.0

27.3 y 14.5
15.6 y 18.7
21.7 7.8 47.9 30.7 z 46.8 30.3 63.9 28.5
38.5 24.5 54.7 67.3 33.2 16 56.5 48.0

6.4 228.0 z 6.6 235.0

21.4 16.4 27.6 333.7 30.3 22.9 38.9 303.4
30.8 24.2 38.3 290.1 29.3 21.6 38.5 230.8
34.5 25.2 45.1 283.7 39 29.1 49.9 199.3
16.1 9.6 25.7 41,313.0 55.9 39.6 71 47,812.0

38.2 20.7 59.3 34.9 z 37.1 16.1 64.4 32.8

22.7 11.3 40.3 31.8 z 18.7
35.4 19.4 55.5 34.8 z 37.5 22.2 55.6 46.4
22.0 y 18.0
5.9 0.9 30.2 46.6 z 6.9 1.6 25.5 39.0

39.1 30.1 49 134.4 24.7 17.8 33.1 104.4

39.5 34 45.4 463.5 36.8 31.2 42.9 392.4
43.5 32.8 54.9 96.8 55.9 43.2 67.8 80.2
72.2 63.9 79.2 172.4 62.4 52.7 71.1 151.8
52.5 45.8 59.1 330.1 52.2 44.6 59.7 392.5
57.8 46.8 68.1 111.2 53.4 42.4 64.1 134.4
67.2 58.8 74.6 193.1 63.5 54.9 71.3 173.6
63.2 58.1 68.2 484.7 60.7 55 66.1 535.7

11.5 y 5.6
10.5 2.3 36.5 66.0 z 20.9 8.8 42 88.3
8.1 3.5 17.6 55.2 27.9 15.9 44.3 79.8
40.3 23.1 60.2 48.5 z 13.8 6.6 26.6 64.6
20.6 y 8.3
4.6 1.1 17.2 31.3 z 21.7
37.1 17.1 62.8 37.5 z 28.3

39.9 34.8 45.1 333.9 42 35.7 48.5 238.9

35.1 29 41.8 224.1 34.4 27 42.5 227.1
46.1 39.1 53.2 311.1 39.2 32.3 46.5 215.5
43 36.7 49.6 262.6 39.4 32.9 46.2 243.5
47.1 36.8 57.7 128.9 65 51.9 76.3 138.8
24.3 y 30.4
32.1 21.3 45.2 73.5 23.1 12.3 39 55.0
39.2 28.6 50.9 141.7 27.4 19.8 36.5 124.4
45.1 35.9 54.6 147.9 41.3 30.6 52.8 114.2
60 117.0 53.1 100.0

6.1 1.9 18.1 41.4 z 21.2 6.1 52.8 44.0

4.4 1.2 14.2 54.6 z 31.6

49.4 37 61.8 44.6 25.7 63.5

22.5 14.8 32.8 180.8 20.9 13.7 30.5 144.6

1.7 0.2 10.9 97.8 3.4 0.8 13.4 63.9

28.1 22.8 34 316.5 29.7 22.8 37.6 213.4

50.1 43 57.2 248.5 38.1 30.3 46.5 216.1

61.4 49.2 72.3 70.0 52.5 41.8 63 80.0

76.4 67.4 83.5 162.9 64.9 56 72.9 109.2
87.7 82.5 91.5 248.8 77.6 71.1 82.9 232.0

11.6 6.1 21 120.7 11.5 5.8 21.4 108.4

52.5 41.5 63.2 122.9 51.1 39.6 62.4 128.7

74.1 61.1 83.9 134.4 59.8 49.4 69.4 110.0

65.1 53.7 75 145.6 40.5 30.3 51.5 123.1
48.6 38.4 58.9 169.1 32.3 23 43.3 120.1

19.3 11.9 29.8 146.3 28.4 21.1 37.1 114.6

20.8 13.1 31.3 90.3 25.3 17 35.8 119.1
27.8 20.2 36.8 194.4 24.4 17.8 32.3 169.6
38.6 29.8 48.2 127.9 31.5 22.1 42.7 102.7
50.1 42.5 57.7 213.7 37.1 28.1 47 143.9

12.2 8.7 16.8 391.1 20.6 14.4 28.6 291.6

24.3 16.9 33.6 210.7 23.4 16.5 32 172.9
39.9 32.3 48.1 218.0 29.3 19.5 41.5 199.7

32.7 25.3 41 167.9 36.2 28.7 44.4 143.8

8.4 4.7 14.7 129.4 5.5 2.6 11.4 98.5

1.1 0.2 6.3 135.0 1.4 0.6 3.3 106.5
2.1 1.1 3.8 414.7 5.9 3.5 9.8 337.3
0 0 0 356.1 0 0 0.2 336.6

18.1 13.7 23.5 493.6 14.3 10 20 337.0

18.4 10.5 30.2 64.7 17.8 9.6 30.6 68.0

47.6 38.8 56.6 245.6 44.2 32.6 56.5 132.8

39.2 29.9 49.5 84,538.2 40 32.4 48.1 102,250.7

7.6 3.2 17 96.8 9.2 3.8 21 71.3

20.4 10.6 35.5 65.0 11 3.8 28.1 58.3

17.9 9.8 30.5 143.9 18.4 9 34 136.5

42.1 29.6 55.8 179.9 43.7 28.2 60.5 125.5
27.4 y 40.8
10.2 4.1 23.1 4,005.3 z 5,122.8

50.6 32.7 68.4 124.9 25.4 9 54.1 79.5

10.7 6.4 17.3 204.6 7.7 3.2 17.2 133.9

2.9 1 8.7 187.1 1 0.1 6.3 132.5

11.5 6.5 19.5 133.6 20 12.9 29.7 113.1
24.1 16.3 34.2 154.6 23.4 13.6 37.3 126.3
37.4 26.3 50 157.7 27.9 17.5 41.3 140.9

25.7 19.3 33.4 207.0 23.3 17.3 30.7 187.6

40.4 31.3 50.2 201.8 23.3 16.1 32.3 117.0
40.7 34.4 47.3 236.3 28.9 23.2 35.2 199.9
50.6 43.7 57.5 365.6 37.7 29.4 46.7 353.6
56.8 44.5 68.3 399.3 46.6 36.5 56.9 273.5

9 2 32.6 35.3 z 23.8

2.8 52.0 6.8 36.0

7.4 3.3 15.7 129.4 1.3 0.2 6.9 112.6
9.4 46.0 3.5 45.0
5.1 1.4 17.2 66.2 2.7 0.6 10.9 40.8
2.4 1 5.4 282.7 3.7 1.8 7.2 219.6
26.2 15.2 41.3 159.3 12.1 5.7 23.7 120.5

26.5 44.2

53.7 47.1 60.2 258.9 40.3 33.1 47.9 200.9

39.4 31.9 47.4 220.7 37 28.9 46 193.5

50.4 42.8 58 212.7 45.6 37.5 54 185.1
41.4 35.2 48 328.3 35.1 28 42.9 216.0

40.7 26.9 56.2 117.6 45.8 29.8 62.8 98.7

19.5 10.9 32.3 84.4 7.8 3.2 17.5 63.4

14 6.8 26.6 59.0 17.4 8.1 33.5 34.2

29.9 18.5 44.6 59.8 18.6 8.7 35.4 40.2

38.4 25.2 53.6 60.1 31.6 21.8 43.4 52.5

67 41 85.6 50.7 z 50.2 27.3 73 31.0
49.2 39.7 58.8 238.1 40.2 30.4 50.9 156.3
50.7 43.1 58.3 267.7 40.8 30.9 51.5 163.0
52.8 42.2 63.2 214.3 40.1 30.7 50.4 187.8
45.2 35.4 55.4 215.5 67.1 55.7 76.7 184.0
47.8 34.5 61.4 87.1 50.1 34.9 65.2 98.3

39.1 24 56.5 35.6 z 15.3

15.1 5.6 34.9 84.5 0.7 0.1 4.8 88.9

18 9 32.8 90.7 19 8.3 37.9 94.3
21.7 12.2 35.5 86.0 30.2 17.1 47.5 82.6
37.3 30.2 45 184.0 38.3 30.2 47.1 127.5
31.8 25.1 39.4 323.3 28.1 19.7 38.4 229.4
38.5 30.5 47.2 209.8 43.5 27.5 60.9 136.0
52.5 42.4 62.4 185.6 53.2 41.8 64.3 163.9
45.5 35.1 56.3 147.7 45.8 35.7 56.3 173.2
11.9 3.8 31.6 50.8 12 4 30.7 48.2

11.2 4.7 24.3 50.4 z 20.7 8.1 43.5 54.2

61 44 75.7 39.8 z 77.5 57.5 89.8 33.8

55.8 41.3 69.4 80.8 62.4 48.1 74.8 59.4
66.6 54.2 77 65.8 67.1 49.2 81.1 45.5
41.7 29.7 54.6 135.0 47.2 35.2 59.4 163.8
52.3 39.4 64.9 101.6 41.5 30 54 94.8
35.5 26.3 45.8 170.6 43.8 32.8 55.4 144.7
22.4 169.0 14.7 95.0
31.7 24.4 39.9 216.1 24.9 18 33.5 143.3

23.6 17 31.7 150.9 22 14.2 32.4 96.9

41.2 31.1 52 142.8 40.5 29.9 52 103.2
33.6 26.8 41.1 170.3 28.8 20.2 39.4 111.7
27.7 21.1 35.5 143.0 21.5 15.1 29.7 111.5
13.2 8.4 20.1 150.3 23.1 13.3 37.1 88.7
42.1 206.0 31.9 198.0
50.5 38.5 62.5 107.6 48.1 34.4 62.1 129.1
53.3 43.5 62.8 125.2 61.8 51.3 71.4 105.5
29.4 y 31.7
12.3 4 31.9 36.3 z 31.8
28.8 15 48.2 44.0 z 18.9
13.6 4.8 32.8 39.2 z 19.6 8.2 40 43.8
22.7 y 22.2 10.3 41.4 59.3

21.6 12.9 33.8 106.9 13.6 5.3 30.7 51.8

32.7 20.4 48 98.1 31.2 19.1 46.7 78.9
30.2 21.8 40.1 136.3 39.1 27.8 51.7 130.4
37.1 25.8 50.1 110.3 37.1 24.9 51.3 73.4

17.5 11.4 25.9 193.7 11.4 5.8 21.1 113.1

16.1 11 23.1 211.2 19.5 12.4 29.2 148.5
17.8 11.7 26.1 166.4 19.9 11.5 32.4 105.8

41.8 37.5 46.2 901.8 36.3 31.8 41.1 693.1

53.1 50.6 55.6 3,758.9 53.8 51.1 56.4 3,188.0
54.5 55.2
61.2 58.8 63.5 4,204.7 61.9 59.4 64.4 3,449.2

40.8 29.2 53.5 293.3 23.6 16.2 33 266.0

29.8 22.1 38.8 312.9 17.6 12.7 23.9 334.1
33.1 25.7 41.3 333.4 46 36.9 55.3 289.3
44.5 37.5 51.8 308.2 50.5 42.9 58 261.8

2.3 1.1 4.8 299.9 7.8 4.4 13.6 164.5

16.8 12.5 22.1 734.8 16.4 11.5 22.7 609.1

24.1 18.4 31 307.8 25.6 19.5 32.8 237.5

25.9 12.5 46.2 29.5 z 24.5

23.3 13.9 36.3 77.3 24.1 12.5 41.2 49.3

16.2 8.8 27.8 152.7 8.7 2.7 24.3 134.7
23.4 14.6 35.4 161.7 20.5 9.1 40.1 144.8
27.4 19.1 37.7 207.9 23.3 11.9 40.7 111.3
13.3 y 2 18.7
12.2 5.3 25.9 55.3 z 21.8 12.8 34.6 61.9
30.2 20.8 41.5 103.8 32.7 23.7 43.1 80.5
35.8 26.5 46.3 94.4 33.2 23 45.3 90.1

15.3 7.3 29.2 146.0 22 11.5 37.8 147.8

12.8 7.7 20.6 110.7 12.6 7.6 20.2 115.4
30.6 21 42.3 99.3 28.4 19.8 39 84.7
74.8 61.2 84.8 128.5 69.8 56.6 80.3 142.3
67.2 56.8 76.1 218.8 62.8 49.9 74.1 153.9
54.2 36.9 70.5 26.4 z 19.0
46.4 31.9 61.5 56.8 z 60.4 45.5 73.6 42.9

39.4 21.9 60.2 73.8 16.7 8.5 30.1 76.3

52.6 38.2 66.5 87.0 56.7 43.8 68.7 92.6
44.7 32.9 57.2 78.9 35.4 24.1 48.7 96.8
55.1 43.4 66.3 77.5 44.6 31.4 58.6 51.3
11.3 6 20.2 107.7 8.2 4.1 15.7 96.0
16.7 9 28.9 55.3 27.1 15.6 42.9 74.7
35.2 27.3 44 198.7 34.1 26.2 42.9 184.0
37.3 29.9 45.3 190.1 28.8 21.3 37.7 190.9

10.7 5.4 20.2 84.0 11 5.2 21.5 73.0

59.7 45 72.8 80.9 37.2 23.8 52.9 53.5

69.2 54.3 81 66.2 40.5 22.3 61.7 46.7
57.8 37.4 75.8 50.1 z 28.4

24.9 16.6 35.6 114.5 23.2 10.9 42.7 50.2

47.1 32.6 62.1 104.4 36.9 21.2 55.9 78.2
50.4 33.8 66.9 93.2 33.7 19.8 51.1 115.1

33.7 25.1 43.5 127.2 35.7 23.7 49.7 44.9

65.2 52.7 75.9 119.3 84.1 76.5 89.6 85.0
57.4 47.8 66.6 192.1 55.7 46 64.9 172.7
39.8 180.0 59.5 119.0
59.8 51.8 67.3 255.0 56.5 47 65.7 229.0
57.4 49.9 64.6 267.4 60.2 50.8 69 155.9
45.9 38 54.1 217.2 58 50.5 65.2 213.1
57 48.8 64.8 202.9 60.3 51.3 68.6 165.4
64.6 57.6 70.9 411.7 63 56.3 69.2 430.4
77 69.7 83 285.9 71.7 62.7 79.2 260.0
72.5 63.7 79.9 279.3 71.7 61.9 79.9 316.7
60 52.6 67 285.4 70.3 63.2 76.5 257.9
63.2 54.6 71.1 298.2 62 52.7 70.4 220.1

42.6 31.1 55 92.0 45.4 29.7 62 85.7

59.9 38 78.5 43.3 z 66.3

30.5 22.9 39.2 295.0 26.1 19 34.8 253.6

26.2 22.1 30.8 573.6 21.9 17.8 26.7 463.6
32.5 26.3 39.3 313.1 32.5 26.3 39.3 306.6
36.4 28.3 45.3 191.1 21.3 15.2 28.9 200.3

11.7 y 15.0

9.9 5.6 16.9 147.1 8.6 4.9 14.8 158.0

21.1 14.8 29.1 180.0 24.5 18.1 32.3 178.8
24.1 16.2 34.2 143.3 25.6 17.5 35.9 151.3

28.1 21.5 35.9 230.1 20.8 14.5 29 181.7

23.9 12.3 41.4 81.7 19.5 7.4 42.3 53.2

52.3 43.9 60.6 130.0 26.6 19.4 35.3 109.0

60.3 47.8 71.6 68.8 53 41.7 64 86.0
56.2 39.1 72 40.4 z 59.7 43 74.4 68.2
38.7 29.3 49.1 115.1 42.2 32.8 52.4 126.7
46.5 27.4 66.6 44.7 z 57 28.1 81.8 43.0
54.5 38.9 69.2 99.3 36.9 23.4 52.9 134.1

16.4 y 13.8
14.2 5 34.3 44.2 z 15.1
12 3.4 34.5 26.4 z 10.8

19.2 11.4 30.5 84.4 24.7 16.7 35 103.6

28.1 21.9 35.4 170.7 20.8 14.1 29.5 174.8

42.3 33.9 51.2 240.2 30.8 24 38.5 197.8
44.7 35.9 53.9 228.9 44.4 37.6 51.3 177.6
33 34

10.3 6.7 15.5 226.4 12.1 6.8 20.7 247.3

26.7 285.0 24.3 288.0
51.8 39.3 64.1 77.5 61.8 49 73.1 71.6

24.7 13.9 39.9 89.9 8.5 3.4 19.8 56.1

41.1 30 53.2 94.7 46.7 33.2 60.7 60.3

47.5 35.9 59.2 99.9 38.6 27.4 51.1 64.6

69.5 59.5 77.9 109.6 44.2 29.4 60 55.0
56 40.2 70.6 77.2 51.4 37.6 65 74.5
60.1 47.6 71.4 80.5 59.4 45.8 71.7 76.1
63.5 51.5 74 108.0 51.5 29 73.5 77.8
54.4 42.5 65.9 107.4 44.1 32.2 56.6 96.8

23.6 14.4 36.2 102.3 10.2 5.2 18.9 86.6

1.3 0.2 8.6 105.3 2.3 0.7 6.7 123.9
5.6 2.8 10.8 211.4 6.3 3.4 11.2 191.2

20.7 15.8 26.7 310.3 29.5 22.7 37.3 230.2

20.2 11.5 32.9 135.6 28.2 18 41.2 124.4

11.2 7.5 16.5 324.4 16.4 11.4 23.2 304.8
19.4 15.8 23.6 515.7 20.8 16.7 25.5 493.7
20.6 14.9 27.8 492.7 21.6 16.4 28 454.1
23.6 19.3 28.6 513.2 37.2 31.6 43.2 485.1
26.8 22.3 31.8 537.4 34.6 28.8 40.9 408.2

34.5 30.3 39 601.4 42.3 36.9 47.7 519.2

44.2 37.3 51.2 423.7 41.6 30.8 53.3 458.1
47.1 12.2 85.1 59.5 z 17.6
20.0 y 22.2
18.9 y 14.1

34.4 26.8 43 174.5 28.5 20.8 37.6 164.0

32.8 25.4 41.1 237.9 37.7 29 47.2 195.2
40.7 32.1 49.9 225.7 37.3 28.9 46.6 218.1
46.5 42.5 50.5 436,442.1 47.2 42.9 51.4 396,915.3

21.9 7.7 48.5 5,771.6 z 19.1 6.7 43.6 6,134.4

58.3 48.4 67.6 171.3 67.1 51.2 79.9 162.3

24.3 37.6
20.1 10.9 34 75.2 30.4 15.7 50.6 52.8

56.4 46.8 65.5 179.5 50.1 37.6 62.7 137.7

65.6 52.2 76.9 146.0 41.6 28.2 56.3 146.5

55.1 43.5 66.1 147.7 35.5 22.4 51.2 94.9
61.6 48.1 73.6 105.8 47.7 32.8 63.1 96.7
66.4 52.1 78.2 129.3 34.4 20.7 51.3 80.1
53.8 39.3 67.7 101.9 49.5 35.4 63.6 110.3

62.6 52.3 71.8 162.8 42.3 29.3 56.5 124.3

54.4 46.8 61.8 197.5 38.7 31.2 46.7 179.7
55.9 48 63.4 130.2 50.6 41 60.2 156.8
55.2 46.5 63.6 132.7 43.7 33.8 54.1 131.9
58.8 50.9 66.4 130.5 44.6 34.9 54.7 108.1
60.5 52.1 68.3 114.0 49.1 38.5 59.7 102.6
59.7 48.8 69.7 103.7 55.8 40.4 70.1 84.4
57 48.4 65.2 113.8 46.8 36.1 57.8 80.5
63.2 54.1 71.4 104.6 58.2 47 68.7 66.0

25.8 17.5 36.2 91.7 15.7 9 26 69.7

22.7 15.2 32.6 116.1 21.7 12.8 34.5 61.2
31.7 16.9 51.3 120.2 38.6 24.9 54.5 96.1

53 37.2 68.2 39.7 z 24 12.4 41.4 31.4

28.6 15 47.7 28.4 z 34.9 23.3 48.5 38.1

86.7 78.8 92 117.7 80.3 73.5 85.7 129.2

88.9 82 93.3 133.9 85.2 78.9 89.8 141.6
78 54.7 91.3 18,752.7 79.1 69.7 86.2 28,851.1
83.1 74.8 89 152.5 71.4 60.7 80.1 157.7
6.0 y

40.1 25.8 56.3 44.3 z 43.9 28.4 60.7 39.7

55.3 41.8 68.1 69.7 46.1 29.7 63.3 34.1
54.9 71.0 64.3 70.0
39 19.6 62.6 30.5 z 66.5 41.9 84.5 37.8
80 60.8 91.1 37.6 z 21.7
67.8 49.6 81.9 37.4 z 22.8

39.7 31.6 48.5 244.7 36 26.8 46.4 175.8

38.5 30 47.6 211.3 37.9 28.5 48.4 169.1
32.7 23 44 111.8 49.2 38.2 60.2 113.1
44.4 26.6 63.8 103.6 23 13.4 36.4 111.9
33.7 19.4 51.7 126.1 21.2 10.5 38.2 86.5
42.6 23.9 63.7 87.1 24.3 14.1 38.4 96.5
43.8 35 53 183.3 48.9 37.7 60.3 139.4
59.1 41.6 74.5 75.9 54.2 35.5 71.8 81.7
47.6 30.6 65.1 92.2 50.1 32 68.1 105.6
26.7 13.9 45.1 48.5 z 13 4.9 30.2 46.4
2.8 0.8 9.7 45.4 z 18.7 9.2 34.4 73.7
6.3 1.1 28 93.4 z 31.1 11.5 61 91.3
17.3 5.8 41.5 46.4 z 44.7
0 0 0 52.7 1.8 0.2 12.2 44.1
9.1 4.3 18.3 91.8 3.4 0.9 12.6 57.1
14.4 8.4 23.5 112.8 7.1 3.3 14.8 86.4
31.7 24 40.6 172.3 16.7 10.6 25.4 113.1
27.2 20.8 34.6 226.8 20.4 12.9 30.7 174.6
46 36.1 56.2 224.2 31.6 23.9 40.5 202.4
51.6 42.7 60.3 175.5 43.3 32.8 54.5 139.1

1.6 0.5 5.1 153.0 3.7 1.2 11.1 109.2

23.2 13.1 37.8 69.0 23.3 11.9 40.4 57.7
43.4 36.6 50.4 188.8 41.3 33.7 49.3 184.9

82.2 74.8 87.8 153.0 79.7 70.8 86.4 139.9

24.6 18.7 31.7 172.1 37.6 29.6 46.4 146.6

35.6 27.6 44.6 147.0 41.8 32.5 51.8 103.2
41.9 33.7 50.6 132.2 29.6 21 40 100.6
43.7 37 50.6 289.3 41.9 32.5 51.9 193.8
53.1 41.7 64.1 274.5 55.3 46.2 64.1 196.3
2.9 0.4 18.7 32.0 z 14.0
5.4 1.3 19.6 38.3 z 3.5 0.5 20.5 30.5
6.8 1.8 22.2 49.2 z 30.9
16 6.7 33.7 52.4 17.3 5.7 42.1 37.0
23.8 18.5 30 202.1 23.2 17.4 30.3 185.1

9.4 3.9 20.9 85.0 18.5 10.5 30.6 54.0

19.2 11.3 30.6 72.8 24.8 13.7 40.6 61.1
33.2 22.9 45.3 91.2 26.7 16.6 40 68.0
37.4 28.7 47.1 147.2 27.6 19.5 37.6 106.4

2.6 1.2 5.7 87,957.2 7.3 2.2 21.5 76,730.0

11.3 5.7 21.1 180.4 8.6 4 17.6 147.7

18.5 8.2 36.5 293.2 36.4 17.5 60.6 165.2
16.8 8.6 30.2 299.9 15.8 7.8 29.3 175.1
37.3 21.3 56.7 100.9 24.3 8.1 53.9 148.0

50.4 42.1 58.6 170.2 38.8 29.6 48.8 185.0

63.7 57.7 69.7 244.0 a 4 55 48.4 61.6 220.0
50.6 41.9 59.3 136.9 38.9 26.7 52.6 161.3

15.1 8.5 25.3 82.8 17.5 5.8 42.5 40.5

48.9 35.7 62.2 96.9 30.5 20.8 42.2 90.3

63.8 51.4 74.5 105.2 68.4 57.3 77.7 103.8

64.6 54.3 73.6 107.5 59.9 48.7 70.2 111.3
77.3 64.2 86.6 95.2 55.2 41.7 68 78.7

21.1 y 10.4
19.0 y 9.0
21.0 y 10.9
20.5 y 10.6

9.1 4.1 19 77.0 7.1 2 22.2 56.1

15.3 8.1 27 73.7 10.6 4 25.2 50.7

19.8 10.4 34.4 47.1 1.2 0.2 8.6 39.8

64.8 52.8 75.2 71.6 50.5 37.8 63.1 63.9
63.9 49.2 76.4 58.9 43.1 29.5 57.8 49.0
0.2 y 8.8

14.5 y 7.6

66.1 55 75.6 129.2 49.7 40.2 59.3 109.4

57.4 47.5 66.7 143.1 58.2 49.2 66.6 137.0
60.7 52.2 68.5 153.2 54.9 45.9 63.5 150.7
57 49.7 64 269.4 61.3 53.3 68.6 244.9
12.9 4.6 31.1 38.3 z 5 1.7 13.7 58.1
16.0 y 18.8
18.3 9.7 32 66.3 17.7 7.2 37.3 100.4

42.1 33.4 51.3 168.8 33.8 24 45.2 98.4

58.1 49.3 66.4 204.2 56 46.3 65.3 145.1

9.3 3.6 21.8 43.0 z 6.1 1.5 22.2 49.0

22.1 13.7 33.6 95.5 20.1 12.4 30.9 80.5

52.7 37.1 67.9 44.9 z 36.5 21.4 54.9 41.2
19.3 8.7 37.3 44.2 z 21.6 10.9 38.1 41.3
21.4 9.8 40.6 29.9 z 41.1 23.5 61.4 17.0

34.7 19.2 54.2 43.9 z 11.8 2.4 42.1 38.4

27 12.2 49.8 34.5 z 6.6 2 19.5 40.6
16.4 7.9 31.1 52.0 z 4.9 1.1 18.6 40.6
6.8 2.7 16.3 59.8 11.2 4.7 24.2 62.8
12 4.7 27.6 66.4 22.2 12.5 36.3 57.1
41.4 28.1 56.1 82.9 46.3 29.6 63.8 51.0

9.8 5.6 16.6 325.5 6.6 3.3 12.7 244.8

18.4 12.5 26.3 36,788.8 25.7 17.6 35.8 30,545.2

49 39.1 59 120.7 45.7 34.2 57.7 84.1
71.8 63.2 79.1 105.7 66.6 55.7 76 96.9
74.5 66.9 80.8 225.6 65.8 54.7 75.5 153.1
75.8 66 83.4 163.5 67.3 57.7 75.7 162.0
33.3 21.9 47.2 74.5 35.9 21.9 52.8 68.4
29.6 20.5 40.6 93.2 19.1 10.9 31.2 74.3
32.6 23.5 43.1 132.2 32.7 22.9 44.3 103.9
31.6 23.3 41.3 147.9 49.2 38.8 59.7 107.0
40.5 34.1 47.3 215.8 44.5 35.7 53.7 155.1
44.4 35.1 54 149.4 40.5 30.5 51.4 85.2
39.9 30.9 49.7 137.8 38 26.7 50.7 89.1
5 Maternal Education: No Education Maternal Education: Primary Education
Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit
44 41 47.1 2,473.3 43.4 30.2 57.6

62.5 59.7 65.3 2,659.1 68.3 61.1 74.7

y 2.7 0.4 17.3
z 2.3 y 38.9 25.7 53.9
z 2.1 y 35.3 26.4 45.5

23.2 17 30.9 295.3 26.5 22.4 31.2
31 23 40.3 145.1 29.4 21.8 38.3
33.8 28.5 39.6 388.6 35.7 30.7 41.1
862.0 y 27.5 18.2 39.3


45.2 37.6 53.1 200.5 36.3 30.1 43

37 32.8 41.3 679.6 39.8 34 45.8
35.6 26.2 46.3 104.4 46.4 38 55.1
56.5 46.4 66.1 138.5 62.4 54.7 69.5
58.9 52.9 64.6 355.8 53.6 48.4 58.8
56.2 44.8 67 81.5 53.7 42.7 64.3
64.1 49.9 76.2 59.5 64.2 57.7 70.2
54.8 46.6 62.9 174.1 62.7 58.1 67


y 7.2 y 15.3 8.3 26.5
y 3.9 y 34.7 22.8 49

37.8 32.6 43.4 381.5 39.7 30.6 49.6

44.1 40.6 47.6 1,108.4 38.2 32.5 44.3
32.3 29 35.8 807.7 30.6 24.4 37.6
44.1 39.8 48.5 751.3 35.2 28.7 42.3
41.1 37.7 44.6 859.5 40 33.8 46.5
44.4 37.7 51.2 352.4 47.1 34.5 60.1
y 49.9 28.6 71.2 36.0 z
z 65.9 47.9 80.2 33.5 z 43.8 34.9 53.2
64.6 50.6 76.5 80.2 60.8 55.3 66.1
63.6 44.7 79 43.5 z 64.2 58.3 69.6

71.4 50.4 86 24.8 z 72.7 61.6 81.6

z 0.8 y 18.2 8.2 35.5

y 6.2 y
24.3 18.3

18 14.7 21.7 966.9 19.6 11.9 30.8

z 6.2 3.8 9.9 444.0 6.1 1.5 22.1

23.3 20.4 26.6 1,258.0 29.6 22.6 37.6

53 48 58 815.4 50.6 43.1 58.2

62.5 54 70.3 128.0 58.8 49.3 67.8

67.9 61 74 348.9 72.5 66.2 78
85.5 81.6 88.7 539.3 81.2 77.5 84.5

12.8 9.1 17.8 257.8 11.3 7.8 16.1

53.8 44.1 63.2 167.8 61.4 56.1 66.4

70.9 62 78.4 132.3 74.7 68.9 79.8

63.8 48.9 76.4 80.8 68.7 61.4 75.1
58.6 44.6 71.3 70.9 53.7 46.5 60.7

10.6 5.9 18.1 221.9 22.6 17.5 28.7

12.6 7.6 20.3 199.2 25 18.8 32.4
7.7 5 11.7 313.7 22.7 18.5 27.4
13.1 8.7 19.2 230.3 33.8 26.6 41.8
30.9 24.4 38.4 279.8 42.8 36.9 48.9

16.3 12.4 21.2 993.4 16.6 13 21

24 17 32.8 533.2 20.9 16.9 25.5
31.4 26.4 37 508.8 33.9 29.2 39

35.1 29.1 41.6 389.6 36.8 31.6 42.4

9 5.9 13.7 338.2 5 2.1 11.5

1.7 0.7 4.3 498.9 3.7 1.1 11.8
2.8 1.8 4.2 1,327.7 3.2 1.6 6.3
0.1 0 0.6 1,113.5 0.1 0 0.8

15.1 12.9 17.6 1,484.8 14.7 11.4 18.7

11.7 y 27.1 20.6 34.6

46.1 26.3 67.1 24.1 z 39.5 32.8 46.7

40.8 28.6 54.3 29,054.6 34.7 28.3 41.7

12 7.8 18 273.9 5.1 2.2 11.6

9.9 5.5 17.2 161.4 15 6.9 29.8

26.2 16.4 39.1 61.6 18.3 13.2 24.9

21.6 12.9 33.9 58.1 25.5 18.5 34
y 0.2 y 47.8 32.6 63.5
y 28.7 y 36.4 22.7 52.6

9.2 6.4 13.1 742.8 6.8 4 11.2

6 3.4 10.3 569.2 1.7 0.5 5.7

10.4 7.5 14.4 473.6 12.8 7.9 20
22.9 19.1 27.1 638.9 25.4 18.7 33.6
33.7 28.7 39.2 542.8 31.9 24.9 39.8

22.5 16.4 30.1 268.7 21.6 16.9 27

41.9 32.9 51.5 226.0 31.2 24.6 38.7
28 22.2 34.7 323.3 41.3 36.2 46.6
53.2 46 60.2 320.6 46.9 41.8 52
49.2 41.3 57.3 366.7 55.9 49.9 61.8

y 12.2 y 11.7 6.5 20.1

9.7 3.4 24.4 32.6 10.7 7.2 15.7
3.1 26.0 z 5.1
10.9 4.2 25.6 41.6 6.5 4.3 9.7

z 8.6 y 6.4 2.5 15.6

14.3 6.5 28.5 42.5 6.3 3 12.6
24.5 y 20.8 10.2 37.9

59.9 55 64.6 456.9 57.1 49.7 64.2

42.3 36.8 48 367.0 42.3 34 51

54.9 48.9 60.8 263.0 53.3 41.9 64.3
42.7 35.1 50.6 250.8 34 25 44.3

42.6 22.8 65.1 38.5 z 54.2 44.5 63.6

26.7 15.6 41.7 45.7 z

z 23.6 14.6 35.8 61.6 20.4 13.5 29.6

z 43.3 25.5 63 32.5 z 33.2 22.7 45.8

12.2 y 55.8 43.1 67.9

z 9.1 y 68.3 55.2 79
55.9 50.7 61 870.3 50.5 40.2 60.7
50.3 45.6 55.1 891.1 48 39.6 56.5
53.6 47.3 59.9 808.6 49.1 41.5 56.7
55.7 49.3 61.9 698.1 58.6 50.7 66.1
59.8 53.3 66 279.4 59.9 47.5 71.2

z 6 1.7 18.6 27.8 z 7.9 3.2 18

z 23.9 10.3 46.3 43.2 z 19.3 10.3 33.1
22.1 16.1 29.5 306.9
36.8 32.5 41.4 547.6 42.7 32.5 53.6
34.5 30.6 38.6 994.9 23.8 15.9 34.1
45.2 39.3 51.3 479.9 49 39.7 58.4
48.7 42.9 54.6 447.2 58.4 48.3 67.9
52.3 46.6 57.9 391.8 53.4 44 62.5

z 0.7 y 17.9 6.9 39

z 52.8 43.7 61.8 136.0 49.5 36.9 62.1

z 61.3 51.3 70.4 135.2 51.2 39.8 62.6
z 68 57.1 77.3 92.8 57.3 45.7 68.1
55 45.7 63.9 233.8 43.1 32.7 54.1
52.6 43.2 61.7 156.9 45.6 35.7 55.9
46 36.8 55.6 187.3 41.7 32.1 52
71.3 62.9 78.4 195.3 61.6 56.9 66.2

20.3 15.4 26.4 549.5 17.9 11.3 27.3

31.9 26.9 37.2 495.0 44.8 32.8 57.4
33.5 29.4 38 702.4 30.5 21.6 41.2
30.1 26.5 34 604.2 18.1 11.8 26.7
13.7 10.3 18.1 453.5 18.9 13.1 26.5

47 41.9 52.2 477.3 61.1 53.2 68.4

y 5.5 y 11.9 5 26
y 29 15.4 48
y 2.5 y 41.8 27.8 57.2
z 1.8 y 19.5 9.4 36.3
z 3.2 y

z 23.6 14.6 35.7 180.1 26.8 19.2 36.1

40.2 31.3 49.8 151.4 41.6 32.9 51
40.7 30.1 52.2 99.2 38.1 32.1 44.6
46.2 33.6 59.2 92.7 34.2 27.7 41.3

42.6 31.4 54.7 61.0 30.9 27 35.1

47.7 31.5 64.3 39.7 z 35.9 32 40
17.6 y 39.6 27.9 52.7

48.1 45 51.2 2,404.5 49.1 44.3 53.9

53.8 52.2 55.5 5,478.8 53.7 51.3 56.2

62.3 60.4 64.2 4,086.3 61.4 58.8 63.9

51.9 26.7 76.2 57.4 40.2 34 46.6

23.5 9.8 46.5 43.9 34.1 28.8 40
25.1 14.8 39.4 37.1 41.6 34.7 48.8
14.9 y 52.2 45.9 58.4

14.4 10.5 19.4 378.9 13.1 9.9 17

25.4 19.9 31.7 289.1 25.6 21.9 29.6
22.7 18.8 27.1 655.1 20.5 17.8 23.4
32.5 25.7 40.1 254.7 27.1 23 31.6

z 30.7 11.5 60.2 20.5 z 16.5 7 34.1

8.8 2.5 26.2 24.0 17.4 6.5 38.8
8.2 y 15 6.6 30.5
22.2 8 48.4 21.7 z 34.4 20.9 51
12.5 6.2 23.8 142.1 14.6 10.2 20.4
13 7.4 21.7 104.0 11.6 8.2 16.3
24.6 15 37.4 69.0 36.3 29.5 43.6
54.8 46.9 62.5 88.0 59.8 53.6 65.8
48.6 41.3 55.8 87.4 60.1 52.2 67.4
y 70.1 44 87.5

23 15.5 32.9 240.3 15.8 11.6 21.3

29.7 21.3 39.7 175.4 23.6 17.3 31.2
43.8 36.9 50.9 346.3 34.6 29.5 39.9
43.9 36 52.1 210.5 46.2 40.8 51.7

12 3.9 31.7 25.0 z 14.3 10.1 19.8

z 5.7 y 54.9 47.5 62.1

z 1.8 y 72.5 64.5 79.2

z 28.5 21.2 37.1 226.5 30.5 23.8 38.1

z 59.5 51.3 67.2 240.5 54.3 44.2 64
61.1 51.3 70.1 191.4 59.7 49.2 69.4

40.4 36.1 44.9 655.7 43 25.9 61.9

58.8 47.4 69.4 174.7 67.9 61.1 74.1
41.9 36 48.1 330.8 51.8 45.8 57.7
38 316.0 40.1
42.4 35.9 49.1 317.8 52.9 47.9 57.9
53.3 46.6 59.9 272.3 51.2 45.8 56.6
43.3 37.5 49.2 356.4 41.7 38 45.6
45.2 36.5 54.2 246.5 53.6 49.2 58
56.9 49.1 64.3 513.1 55.6 51.8 59.2
65.5 57.5 72.6 245.9 71.4 67.6 75
71.1 60.2 80 210.9 67.8 63.4 71.9
60.3 52.6 67.6 209.8 56.1 52.3 59.9
57.3 46.7 67.3 136.0 62.7 58 67.1

z 34.6 18 56.1 27.5 z 50.2 39.9 60.4

y 2.0 y 61.6 44.9 76

34 30.6 37.5 1,223.0 32.2 24 41.7

19.9 18.1 21.9 2,343.1 21.1 16.6 26.4
31.4 28.3 34.7 1,332.9 30.7 23.2 39.4
44.4 40 48.8 756.3 38.9 29.9 48.7

y 1.4 y

8.4 5.1 13.4 230.9 12.1 8.7 16.7

26.9 20.2 34.8 273.5 25.7 20.7 31.4
48.4 41.2 55.7 250.6 38.5 32.4 45

43.4 37.2 49.8 464.2 42.9 37.8 48.1

z 18.4 y 41.5 27.2 57.3

12.0 y 59 41.4 74.5

21.8 y 72.7 56.8 84.4
15.3 y 68.7 49.4 83.2
57.4 40.3 72.9 31.6 z 52.7 38.1 66.8
z 4.5 y
42.3 23.1 64.1 28.9 z 46.3 26.7 67.2


34.7 29.6 40.2 308.2 27.7 20.3 36.6

30.9 25.8 36.4 470.8 27.4 23.2 32.1

35 29.3 41.2 374.6 38.6 34 43.3
36.8 30.9 43.1 389.7 41.1 36 46.3

9 6.2 13 245.2 10.3 7.7 13.8

21 129.0 23.2
43.3 31 56.4 69.9 50 41.4 58.6

z 19.2 9.6 34.8 51.6 18.1 12 26.4

33.2 19.8 50.1 27.4 z 49.5 38.8 60.3

73.6 68.7 78 458.0 56.9 46.5 66.8

53.6 46.6 60.4 240.2 66.8 53.6 77.9
75.6 65.4 83.6 229.4 73.7 63.7 81.7
61.1 49.9 71.2 162.5 52.2 38.1 65.9
69.9 56.8 80.4 103.6 65.9 55 75.4
z 67.4 58.1 75.6 141.2 62.4 52.9 71.1
59 45.6 71.2 79.9 60.7 51.9 68.9

38.1 30.5 46.4 112.3 36.4 29.9 43.3

1.1 0.4 2.9 496.4 0.7 0.1 4.7
8.6 6.5 11.3 912.2 8.9 4.4 16.9

22.5 18.9 26.5 1,285.9 28.7 20.2 39

8.3 5.1 13.1 333.5 15.1 8.6 25.2

7.5 5.6 9.9 807.6 12.2 9 16.3
6.7 5.1 8.8 1,249.6 13 10.4 16.1
7.9 6.1 10.2 1,162.2 18.5 13.7 24.5
7 5.5 8.9 1,431.0 19.6 15.7 24.1
19.3 15.5 23.7 761.5 20.6 16.5 25.4

20.6 17.8 23.6 1,473.9 24.3 20.3 28.8

27 23.9 30.3 996.1 32 26 38.7
y 8.4 1.8 31.4 49.0 z 21 6.2 51.7
y 2.9 y 28.1 14.7 46.9

37.2 32.7 41.9 617.3 37.6 28.6 47.6

39.7 34.2 45.6 595.8 38.4 28.6 49.2
56.8 51.1 62.3 523.3 44 32.5 56.1
50 47.7 52.3 ### 46 41.2 50.8

z 56.9 36.1 75.6 1,337.3 z 35.6 24.8 48

60.9 48.6 71.9 256.2 57.4 51.1 63.4

z 7.6 y 25.7 17 36.8

80.1 66.5 89.1 61.7 70 64.4 75.1

78.1 56.8 90.6 25.9 z 76.1 65.9 83.9

85.1 66.3 94.3 28.0 z 81.1 74.7 86.3
16.6 y 77.6 70.6 83.4
13.2 y 83.4 75.9 88.9
87.5 67.7 95.9 20.1 z 79.5 73 84.9

14.1 y 74.9 67.6 81

75.5 56.3 88.1 13.8 z 77.6 72.4 82.1
10.4 y 74.2 68.6 79.2
84 62.5 94.3 13.9 z 76.9 71.6 81.6
8.5 y 80.2 74 85.2
9.1 y 79.2 72.5 84.6
8.0 y 79.8 73.5 85
4.6 y 70.1 63.3 76.2
9.0 y 77.6 71 83.1

12.1 y 47.1 39.7 54.6

6.3 y 40.3 32.6 48.5
7.2 y 44.5 32.1 57.6
4.2 y

84.9 78.8 89.5 241.1 85.6 82 88.5

81.1 71.9 87.9 121.6 85.5 81.8 88.6

82 70.8 89.6 75.3 87.8 84.3 90.5
81.5 64 91.6 21,772.8 90.6 86.3 93.6
90 80.2 95.2 85.1 80.5 76.4 84
4.4 y

z 1.9 y
z 47.7 34.1 61.6 51.3 52 41.1 62.7
z 13.1 y 52.8 41.5 63.7
y 5.2 y 70.1 57 80.5
y 3.5 y 64.5 51.3 75.9

28 24 32.4 885.1 37.6 30.5 45.3

38.7 35 42.6 840.0 39.5 32 47.6
34.6 28.8 40.9 384.6 37.7 28.1 48.4
26.9 21.1 33.5 359.5 48.1 37.9 58.5
z 34.4 27.3 42.3 359.2 33.1 23.1 44.9
35.1 29.6 41 317.4 35.8 25.2 48.1
37.4 33.1 41.8 627.9 53 45 60.8
z 43.6 36.7 50.7 323.9 49.2 35.9 62.6
37.5 30.4 45.2 362.0 51.7 39.3 63.9
7.0 y 4.9 1.1 19.3
4.8 y
2.9 1.3 6.3 221.4
9.4 6.9 12.9 420.5 4.3 1.1 15.9
11.6 8.5 15.8 479.2 7.5 3.2 16.6
31 26.4 35.9 593.8 32.9 23.8 43.5
32 27.1 37.2 787.1 24.9 17.9 33.4
50.3 46.1 54.4 692.0 44.7 36.4 53.3
57.4 52.5 62.1 491.8 46.9 38.1 55.8

9.3 5.9 14.2 429.0 11.9 5.8 22.7

z 9.9 y 41.8 19.9 67.5
44.9 40.6 49.4 698.0 39.5 31.6 48

2.6 y 71.2 48.4 86.6

13.4 6 27.4 39.9 z 27.9 24 32.1

5.3 y 42.6 34.9 50.7

37.6 33.6 41.8 847.2 44.2 39 49.5

51.1 45.7 56.6 648.2 56.1 49.2 62.8
y 0 0 0 36.2 z 9.7 4.2 20.7
z 17.5 y 0 0 0
y 1.3 0.2 9 39.3 5.6 1.9 15.1
z 21.0 y 10.2 2.4 34.4
31.4 24.7 39 187.9 29.1 24.7 33.8

7.0 y
5.4 y
16.0 y 38.9 21.1 60.2
5.2 y 47.9 28.7 67.8

1.6 0.2 12.3 14,299.3 z 4 2.2 7.3

22.6 y 9.3 4.6 18

0.2 0 1.3 53.5 z 16.5 6.8 34.9
25.0 y 5.3 2.6 10.5
16.1 y 24.3 11.2 44.9

53.3 47.5 59.1 332.6 52.5 46.5 58.5

52.2 44.1 60.1 172.8 50.3 39.5 61
68.5 61.9 74.5 447.6 63.6 56.5 70.2

z 11.9 7.7 17.9 219.2 24.2 16.1 34.7

23.6 17.2 31.5 232.2 31 23.1 40.1

54.5 47.4 61.5 236.1 60.9 52.4 68.9

50.3 43.6 57 215.8 57.3 49.1 65.1
64.8 56.5 72.3 161.9 59.6 50.1 68.4

y 1.0 y

z 15.5 6.3 33.4 32.6 z 14 6.9 26.1

z 17.3 y 17 9.4 28.7

1.4 y

66.6 56.6 75.2 145.8 62.2 56.8 67.4

58.6 49.2 67.3 169.7 59.4 54.4 64.1
59.9 48.3 70.5 94.6 63.7 58.1 69.1
67.6 59.1 75 144.0 66.4 62.2 70.3

49.1 40.5 57.7 224.9 49 43.8 54.2

55.6 47.9 63.1 190.1 59.5 54.8 64.1

z 16.3 y 42.3 28.6 57.3

z 15.3 6.4 32.1 31.8 z 28.5 16.3 44.9

z 6.2 y 14.8 7.1 28.3
z 30.9 15.2 52.6 22.6 z 10.1 5.3 18.3
14.1 y 15.3 4.7 40.1
14.1 y 24.2 11.5 44
z 78 59.8 89.4 4.5 z 17.3 7.8 34

11.5 6.8 18.8 37,301.3 19.7 15.5 24.6

32.7 23.8 43 104.1 37.5 32.3 43
50.5 40.7 60.2 92.1 58.3 52.8 63.6
67.6 57.9 75.9 133.2 71.8 67.6 75.6
72.2 61.5 80.9 104.3 70.5 65.7 74.8
18.6 y 28 21.2 36
13.1 y 22.5 16.7 29.5
20.3 y 21.2 15.9 27.6
7.2 y 29.1 22.5 36.7
4.7 y 32.9 27.2 39.2
5.8 y 53.1 45 61
2.7 y 36.3 28.8 44.5
cation: Primary Education Maternal Education: Secondary Education Maternal Education: Higher Ed
Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit
275.0 38.6 29.1 49.1 266.9 23.9 10.7

341.7 68.3 60.4 75.3 353.3 46.8 28

53.0 z 8 3 19.3 55.6

98.8 26.6 12.2 48.6 21.5 z

120.7 35.8 22.7 51.5 80.3 39.1 25.1

823.1 23.9 18.5 30.3 372.6 26.5 19.3

185.1 25.9 20.4 32.3 423.2 30.3 23.9
596.2 41.4 34.6 48.7 468.2 51.8 30.5
49,529.0 30.2 23.7 37.7 165,265.0 40.9 26.8
0.6 y 30.1 22.3 39.2 120.5
1.2 y 29.6 19.6 42 122.3 40.8 21
7.4 y 37.9 24.2 53.8 59.0 30 20
10.0 y 50.3 38.1 62.4 66.0 41.7 30
22.0 y 4.3 1.8
5.9 y 9.4 5.1 16.6 204.1 16.8 5

224.7 37 30 44.7 208.0 32.7 20.1

347.6 34.3 28.6 40.6 305.4
148.5 41.9 33.7 50.7 193.4 54.7 37.3
226.4 66.1 60.3 71.4 392.0 76.3 61.7
197.2 55.4 46.4 64 283.2 57.9 45.7
266.6 65.1 59.6 70.1 459.3 66.1 58.6
597.5 63.1 59.8 66.3 1,193.9 64.2 58.8

7.7 1.5 31.4 66.0 z 10.9 5.6

4.0 y 12 3.6 32.9 54.4 z 24.5 14.2
4.9 y 33.7 y 24.7 17

81.9 24.1 14.5 37.3 68.6

100.6 32.3 18.8 49.7 42.6 z

286.6 36.1 27.9 45.1 116.2
194.7 35.9 28.2 44.3 137.6
264.1 43.5 37.2 50 242.7
62.2 57.3 47.1 67 188.1
7.7 y 59.2 32.9 81.1 52.4 z
513.7 41.4 32.7 50.6 236.5 31.3 21.4
390.2 49.7 42.5 56.9 276.2 43.4 32.6

83.1 51.2 44.1 58.2 279.7 49.6 37.4

93.1 20.1 10.4 35.3 151.4

50.5 y 12.6 5.9 25.1 148.9

104.2 27.8 14.9 45.8 34.7 z

63.0 z 24.5 y

162.5 37.7 26.4 50.5 74.9

199.3 45.4 37.5 53.4 213.8

102.0 13.0 y
317.0 59.9 45.9 72.5 46.1
530.2 77.4 69.9 83.4 167.8

426.1 4.7 1.5 13.4 114.7

436.7 64.9 54 74.4 127.8

380.1 71.5 62.2 79.3 179.8

353.4 62.8 55.7 69.3 261.4 43 22
303.2 48.9 42.7 55.2 380.4 30.2 18

323.6 28.9 23.3 35.4 238.0

458.1 25.5 20.2 31.7 321.3 37.6 24.5
227.3 36.2 29.5 43.6 229.9 37.4 18.9
301.6 43 36.9 49.2 390.1 39 24.3



139.0 9.8 4.1 21.4 70.6

110.3 0 0 0 23.0 z
464.4 0 0 0 219.0

562.5 24.6 18.3 32.3 285.0

160.9 26.2 20.4 33 216.2 11.1 3.7

279.4 43.3 39 47.8 781.6 45 37

116,571.4 37.5 31.5 43.8 170,628.0 38 22.9

110.8 10.4 5.1 19.9 77.5

78.0 12.6 6.1 24.3 76.8 7.6 1.1

235.3 21.6 16.7 27.4 496.9

5,365.1 24.1 14.1 38 19,922.4 19.8 8.9

26.6 19.3 35.3 225.1 26.4 20.8

59 37.1 77.8 154.4 46.5 36.1
27.7 13 49.6 99.0 34.1 19.6

252.0 8.8 3.9 18.4 91.3

181.7 19.6 10.5 33.7 69.5
203.4 40.6 31.2 50.6 190.3

387.2 36.8 29.5 44.9 306.0
831.1 46.2 41.4 51.1 746.4 28.9 11
651.2 55.2 46.5 63.6 286.1 53.1 27.8

454.7 11.1 6.9 17.4 313.4 5.4 2
121.0 0.6 94.0 8.2
338.0 7.2 4.3 11.8 328.6 7.3 2.9

69.8 5.5 1.9 15.4 131.5 6.2 2.3

485.1 3.5 2.2 5.4 773.6 3.6 2.2
153.5 11.9 7.5 18.5 378.6 18.8 12.5

163.2 53.8 48.9 58.7 468.0 47.6 36.4

149.5 40.5 36.2 45.1 566.3 39.1 29.9

96.1 53.1 48.5 57.6 585.3 47.6 38.9
120.3 39.5 35.7 43.5 844.9 39.2 32

225.0 41.6 30.9 53.2 196.7 44.3 33.3

3.2 y 23.8 17.4 31.8 163.0 14.1 8.4

114.0 22.7 16.6 30.2 161.3

78.0 30.7 23.2 39.3 140.4

74.2 41.3 31.7 51.5 101.6 36.8 27.4

55.9 68 54.8 78.9 109.9 57.3 42.1
138.4 38.4 21.2 59.1 54.5
205.2 24.1 11 44.8 38.6
375.8 47.7 25.2 71.2 51.2
367.5 56.3 42.5 69.1 93.4 48.6 25.9
194.2 45.8 29.1 63.5 56.9 71.8 42.3

8.6 y 46.3 36.6 56.3 100.7 41.1 29.2

134.0 4.4 2 9.6 331.6

104.4 20.4 15.1 26.9 343.4 11.9 3.3
27.0 y
152.2 33.5 27 40.8 320.5
157.8 49.7 41.3 58.1 232.7 40.2 19.4
152.7 54.5 47.3 61.5 313.5 61.4 39.7
6.6 2.9 14.1 90.3 16.9 9

23.0 z 18.3 9.9 31.5 53.6 18.6 11.2

65.0 55.5 45.8 64.9 103.9

72.6 53.5 43 63.7 143.3 43.2 24.7
75.8 59.3 50.4 67.6 130.5
176.9 39.9 30.8 49.7 307.1
110.7 54.9 46.8 62.8 262.2 49 28.8
161.1 40.8 34.5 47.5 434.1 53.3 35.6
563.4 34.7 29.1 40.7 372.1 23.5 12

91.4 22.5 13.9 34.2 78.9

102.2 38 28.6 48.5 85.7
95.6 9.2 3.4 22.3 37.0 z


53.5 27.9 19.8 37.7 147.3
46.8 z 22.4 16.7 29.4 249.2
24.9 y 30 19.8 42.8 167.1 22.6 8.6

250.1 13 6.3 24.8 99.9

263.7 39.9 30.8 49.7 143.4
329.7 39.1 31.1 47.7 232.2 47.5 27.5
256.9 43 35.9 50.4 275.8 40.1 26

648.5 16.2 10.9 23.2 168.1

592.3 20.8 16.4 26.1 332.5 22.2 9.3
78.7 21.6 15.4 29.4 185.1 9.7 3.9

727.3 43.5 40.2 46.7 1,687.8 41.7 34.8

2,753.4 55.7 54.4 57.1 10,187.5 54.8 51.7

2,512.3 64.6 63.4 65.9 11,754.2 63.7 61.6

764.2 37.5 31.9 43.5 642.1 25.4 16

595.9 32.1 27.1 37.4 861.2 18.3 11.4
436.0 40.7 36.3 45.2 914.0 43.6 33.7
366.5 50.6 46.7 54.6 918.4 49.5 42.5

637.7 6.1 3.5 10.1 349.2

852.6 24.7 20.4 29.6 481.2
4.2 y 12.7 7.5 20.9 116.1
26.2 18.1 36.3 116.5 17.5 8.6

36.8 z 27.7 22.2 33.9 297.1 26.7 19.1

49.5 23.5 18.7 29.1 665.9 19.8 14
42.5 z 26.3 19.8 34.1 475.5 17.4 11.9
57.4 23.6 18.7 29.4 546.6 26.6 21.2
12.6 y 2 23.0 y 2
25.2 y 15.9 11.5 21.4 257.0 16.7 10.1
10.9 y 30.6 24.7 37.1 338.7 34.8 27.9
39.8 26.5 54.8 155.0 36.8 30.9

392.3 13.2 8.1 20.8 94.7
323.4 15.9 9.5 25.4 98.7 50.3 29.9
456.5 70.5 60.6 78.8 175.2 57.4 38.1
273.4 59.8 53.3 66 372.1 65.1 54.1
27.6 z 65.1 53 75.5 75.1

38.9 30 48.5 246.3 25.5 14.8

4.1 y 60 52.3 67.2 223.0 51.7 44
38.3 30.4 46.8 256.0 45 36.3

240.8 14.8 8.9 23.5 83.8

179.3 26.7 16.7 39.9 93.3
459.5 41.9 35.5 48.7 295.1 43.1 30.4
440.0 43.4 37.5 49.4 357.8 41.5 31.3

245.0 14.4 8.8 22.8 104.0

227.6 52.6 43.7 61.3 158.1

137.6 64.4 55.3 72.5 153.3
62.8 51.2 73 104.1

185.1 19.6 10.6 33.3 68.9

191.1 49.5 40 59 152.2
148.7 50.2 40.5 59.9 192.2

28.7 z 3.7 y
341.3 80.2 69.5 87.8 92.9
644.6 57.2 48.9 65.1 218.7
498.0 52.3 201.0
536.3 59.3 52.9 65.4 422.6 53.4 34.5
787.4 62.4 50 73.3 112.9
722.9 60.1 49.3 70 115.2
1,532.6 62.2 54.8 69.1 304.3
1,131.4 74.1 65 81.6 256.8
1,251.1 73.4 66 79.7 290.0
1,070.0 68.7 61.4 75.2 319.2 73.1 45.4
1,092.2 71.9 65 77.8 297.6

136.2 41 33 49.5 205.2

48.7 z 61.1 51.1 70.2 164.1 70.1 51.7

158.6 28.7 17.8 42.9 72.1

137.4 26.7 19.5 35.4 177.2

8.6 y 41.5 28.8


569.9 31.5 24.5 39.4 197.9

132.5 30.4 17.3 47.6 262.8 24 16.4

39.0 z 48.6 43.1 54.1 424.0 40 31.3

32.9 z 58.2 50.8 65.3 196.1 50.1 41.4
25.1 z 64.8 55.8 72.9 182.5 63.3 52.6
37.6 z 44.1 38 50.3 286.2 46.1 39.1
5.8 y 59.2 44.7 72.3 86.0 60.9 45.7
23.5 z 43.2 31.9 55.4 140.8 50.7 41

16.3 7.8 30.9 43.1 z

23.2 y 12.8 4.8 30.1 55.7 28.4 16.5

116.8 26.8 17.7 38.5 94.9

553.4 23.1 10.3 44 38.4

611.7 44.6 36.4 53.1 147.0

743.5 11.4 7.8 16.5 439.3

160.1 52.6 43.1 61.9 125.9 64.9 48.3

132.4 25.7 20 32.4 271.3

101.8 48.8 43.1 54.6 323.1 52.1 28.1

104.3 53 41.5 64.2 76.9

102.2 45.1 32.2 58.7 114.3
111.0 61.4 51.4 70.6 153.5 53.9 35.2
74.9 58.8 46 70.5 131.9 49 36.5
85.7 59.4 50.8 67.5 172.7 70.4 59.4
173.9 57.5 49.1 65.5 224.5 67.5 45.4
179.4 52.7 45.7 59.7 244.8

221.1 23.6 16.7 32.3 160.9 12.9 5.4

48.9 4.8 0.7 27.5 11.3 z
98.6 3 0.6 14.3 20.8 z

135.2 28.8 16.6 45 52.9

150.6 28.4 18.4 41 160.0

379.7 17.9 13.6 23.2 511.7
625.1 17.8 15 21 823.3 32 23.9
522.4 20.7 17.4 24.5 974.8
516.5 28.9 25 33.1 804.2 35.1 27.7
402.5 29.9 26 34.2 760.7 39.8 30.5

474.4 38.7 35.1 42.4 992.3 43.3 36.8

369.8 38.1 32.9 43.6 943.1 51.1 40.7
45.8 z 24.6 13.5 40.6 30.6 z 16.9 6.5

143.1 37.1 27.5 47.8 140.8 33.2 19.6

221.2 33.5 26.4 41.6 234.7 34.3 24.3
197.9 39.6 31.9 47.8 249.5 34.3 25.5
267,560.6 45.4 40.1 50.9 208,727.5 45.1 40.1

6,122.5 16.2 9.1 27 19,280.9 18.2 7.9

451.4 61.2 52.1 69.5 156.0 72.2 34

128.4 31.9 18.5 49 89.6 17.8 11

395.5 69.1 62.9 74.7 398.4 47.7 38.2

222.5 66.5 57.9 74.2 324.2 50.6 40.4

207.7 67.5 61.2 73.2 385.0 52.7 42
200.4 67.4 60.2 73.9 339.9 56.4 45.5
178.5 71.5 64.9 77.3 367.8 50.7 40.6
201.8 68.1 61.1 74.4 356.3 48.2 37.5

191.1 70.3 64.2 75.7 451.6 53.4 45.1

229.2 65.4 61.1 69.4 543.6 47.5 42.3
194.9 67 62.5 71.2 444.8 57.2 50.7
156.9 64.7 60.3 68.9 427.9 55 49
148.8 69.4 65.1 73.3 376.4 54.9 49.5
126.3 70.3 65.8 74.4 334.8 55.7 49.7
107.9 70.4 65.7 74.8 338.3 61.9 54.2
109.4 68.5 63.7 72.9 298.9 55.7 49.5
94.2 66.9 62.4 71.1 296.4 61.9 56.4

167.6 32.1 26.7 38.2 274.0 21.5 15.7

154.8 30.8 25.3 36.9 276.8 27.6 20
57.5 42.6 35 50.6 371.4 36.5 29.2
11.9 y 24 10 47.4 33.6 z 32.8 22.3
2.3 y 44.7 35 54.8 119.4 42.8 24.5
34.9 22.9 49.2 60.7 37.7 28.6

465.4 59.9 47.6 71.1 66.8

521.8 79.2 68.8 86.8 69.3

509.3 86.9 79.7 91.8 104.5 84.7 66.8
82,080.5 77 57.2 89.4 23,042.2
479.2 78.7 70.5 85.1 181.3 76 56.4
21.8 y

6.0 y 52.7 44.9 60.4 168.1 47.7 33.5

135.1 57.1 47.3 66.5 93.6
108.2 54.7 38.1 70.3 64.0
93.5 72.3 58.5 82.9 73.3
72.6 63.6 50.9 74.7 96.0

291.6 36.5 25 49.8 101.9

240.9 38.8 28.3 50.4 97.9
151.3 42.9 31.5 55 79.7
126.7 34 21 49.8 75.4
133.0 30.9 19.3 45.6 90.7
112.3 34.5 18.9 54.3 102.2
193.6 45.9 36.2 56 188.7
83.4 52.1 38 65.9 111.0
121.9 47.8 34.9 61 76.8
14.2 9.3 21.2 182.0 22.8 11.2
45.0 z 15.2 8.1 26.9 128.0 14.4 7.1
22.3 y 10.6 4.4 23.8 161.2 18.1 5.4
24.5 11.5 44.9 70.2 z 30.7 10.1
16.2 y 3.7 0.5 22.6 25.5 z
50.6 2.4 0.4 15 39.9 z
78.3 6.7 2.4 17.4 77.4
120.9 30.5 22.6 39.8 133.8
199.3 35.6 28 43.9 215.3
132.8 51.9 45.1 58.6 321.5

79.0 17.6 y
28.2 z 30.2 24.1 37.2 264.4 40.7 23.3
140.0 59.5 37.4 78.3 28.0 z

20.0 z 82.8 79 86 467.7 78.1 71.8

156.5 38.1 31.3 45.3 234.8 35.2 29.3

501.1 46.8 37 56.9 199.2

581.3 61.3 52.6 69.4 193.1 55.7 41.5
53.3 3.2 1 9.5 98.8
62.7 8.7 5.3 14 277.1 7 1.2
478.0 27.7 23.3 32.6 408.0 22.5 15.1

2.0 y 13.7 10.1 18.3 364.0

12.4 y 25.8 19.7 33 358.2 30.7 12.9
32.0 z 33.2 27.8 39.1 350.8 22 11.7
26.0 z 35.9 30.7 41.5 456.7 29.6 20.4


247.9 15.6 10.6 22.4 466.4 5.4 3

229.5 28.6 19.4 40 585.2 21 11.1
251.8 16.8 10.5 25.8 595.3 15.3 9
66.4 32.5 21.1 46.6 299.1 29 14.9

249.2 47.8 41 54.6 364.9

99.0 50.5 43.9 57.1 383.1 43.7 29.4

270.9 62.6 56.1 68.7 310.1 58.1 40.9

147.9 38.8 25.4 54.2 81.6

205.3 67.5 57.6 76.1 139.1

39.8 30.5 49.9 111.7

15.0 y 0 0 0 66.0
12 6.6 20.9 82.3
6.3 y 22.4 13.8 34.2 96.7

72.7 3.9 1.8 8 126.0 7.8 3.2

59.4 14.6 9.1 22.5 140.1 9.5 4.9

1.0 y 58.2 52.3 63.8 301.4

27.1 y

6.5 y 40.1 21.9 61.6 28.6 z

473.7 60.6 47.6 72.2 78.3

479.2 59.9 50.2 68.9 116.1 50.8 32.3
488.4 62 54.6 68.8 171.5 44 26.3
898.7 63.6 57 69.8 295.4 59.8 48.5
1.2 0.3 4.8 123.0 12.1 6.6
0.9 y 12.1 4.9 26.8 37.2 z 19.6 10.3
20.7 10.7 36.1 106.2 19.3 12.5

562.4 45.8 32.2 60.1 48.2

651.3 60.2 50.5 69.2 144.2

13.4 9.8 17.9 314.0

24.1 19.2 29.8 401.1 20.1 8

2.1 y 50.3 42.3 58.3 215.7
27.2 21.5 33.7 226.9 11.9 3.9
97.1 35.4 22.5 50.9 47.9

69.4 21.4 12.3 34.6 122.1

56.7 16.3 10 25.4 119.2
88.6 17.9 12.2 25.4 119.1
57.0 17.1 11.6 24.4 181.4 14.3 7.4
44.0 z 26 19.6 33.6 216.1 15.4 8.8
24.8 z 41.2 32.2 50.8 189.0 55.9 43.2

392.6 53.7 43.8 63.3 115.7
381.0 68.4 59.5 76.2 141.0
618.9 76.2 71 80.7 388.8 52.2 33.6
506.6 70.6 64.9 75.6 371.8 48.2 31.9
140.7 32.8 25.1 41.6 179.8
194.2 21.5 17 26.8 293.8
210.2 26 21.4 31.3 407.6 49.4 30.5
221.1 31 26.1 36.5 428.5
287.2 44.5 39.7 49.3 544.4 36.4 21.3
170.3 46.3 40.6 52 406.7 26.8 13.5
163.0 43.4 37.9 49.1 405.1 48.9 34.2
Maternal Education: Higher Education Maternal Education: None and Primary Education Maternal Education: Seco
Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate
45.4 56.2 44 40.7 47.3 2,748.3 36

66.5 91.2 63.2 60.5 65.8 3,000.8 63.9

9.4 y 2.7 0.4 17.3 53.0 z 9.2
28.6 y 38.3 25.4 53.2 101.1 34.7
55.2 80.6 35.3 26.4 45.4 122.8 37.5

35.2 223.7 25.7 22.2 29.5 1,118.5 24.9

37.6 325.3 30.1 24.6 36.2 330.2 27.8
72.5 33.2 z 35 31.2 38.9 984.8 42.1
56.7 60,808.0 27.9 18.5 39.7 50,391.0 33.1
26.3 y 0.6 y 29.6
64 33.5 z 1.2 y 32
42.2 69.4 7.4 y 33.6
54.5 96.1 10.0 y 45.2
10.1 115.0 17.0 y 5.8
43.8 31.0 z 5.9 y 10.4

48.3 46.3 40.5 35.6 45.6 425.3 36.2

37.9 34.5 41.4 1,027.2 34.3
71 36.7 z 42 35.1 49.2 252.9 44
86.5 52.9 60.2 53.3 66.6 364.9 67.3
55.6 51.7 59.5 928.9 56.1
69.2 88.8 54.4 46 62.6 278.7 56
72.9 168.1 64.2 58.2 69.8 326.1 65.3
69.2 448.4 60.9 56.9 64.8 771.6 63.4

20.4 254.2 10.3
38.9 113.1 4.0 y 20.4
34.5 238.4 4.9 y 22.1
10.3 4.3 22.4 57.3 7.7
15.8 9 26.3 69.0 11.6
32.1 y 35.4 23.5 49.4 85.8 32.1

2.2 y 38.2 33.6 43.1 482.2 33.1

8.2 y 42.9 39.8 46 1,395.0 35.5
14.6 y 32 28.9 35.2 1,002.5 35.7
41.4 37.5 45.3 1,089.5 41.5
20.4 y 40.8 37.9 43.9 1,123.6 43.8
44.8 38.9 50.8 414.6 57.3
10.0 y 47.9 29.5 67 43.7 55.2
47.8 39.6 56.1 186.8 28.2
43.2 79.0 61.3 56.3 66.1 593.8 38.9
54.8 89.2 64.1 58.4 69.4 433.7 48.1

61.8 92.2 72.4 62.8 80.4 108.0 50.8

23.7 y 18 8.1 35.2 93.9 17.4

30.2 y 56.6 y 15.3

9.0 y 18.1 15 21.8 1,071.1 22.1

6.2 3.8 9.7 506.9

10.1 y 24 21.2 27.1 1,420.5 37.7

20.2 y 52.6 48.2 56.8 1,014.7 45.6

60.9 54.6 66.8 230.0

4.8 y 70.1 65.1 74.6 666.0 58.8
9.7 y 83.4 80.8 85.7 1,069.5 76

1.4 y 11.9 9.1 15.4 683.8 4.7

7.1 y 59.3 55 63.4 604.6 63.4

11.8 y 73.8 69.1 77.9 512.4 70.2

66.8 20.9 z 67.7 60.9 73.9 434.2 61.3
46.1 54.5 z 54.6 48.3 60.8 374.1 46.6

4.7 y 17.7 13.9 22.3 545.5 28.4

19.6 14.9 25.4 457.2 24.6
52.8 45.2 z 16.6 13.7 19.9 771.8 27
60.5 26.3 z 23.4 18.8 28.7 457.6 36.3
56.2 58.6 37.1 32.6 41.8 581.5 42.4

16.4 13.5 19.8 1,582.8 17.6

22.4 18.2 27.4 1,062.9 25.5
32.7 28.9 36.7 1,051.3 34.7

36 31.7 40.5 797.4 39.9

7.9 5.3 11.6 477.2 9.8

0.7 y 2.1 1 4.3 609.2 0
2.9 2 4.1 1,712.4 6.5
7.5 y 0.1 0 0.4 1,577.8 0

16.0 y 15 13.1 17.1 2,047.2 24.6

28.8 38.7 z 26.9 20.7 34.2 172.6 23.9

53.3 244.1 40 33.6 46.8 303.5 43.7

55.8 15,022.1 36 30.2 42.1 145,626.0 37.5

10 6.7 14.6 384.6 10.4

38.8 26.4 z 11.6 7.5 17.5 239.4 11.3

32.2 y 20 15 26 296.8 20.3

24.6 18.8 31.6 255.0 36.3
48 33.1 63.3 58.2 27.9
38.3 6,349.5 36.2 22.6 52.4 5,393.8 23.1

33 534.1 23.4 10.6 43.9 25.6 z 26.5

57.2 603.0 13.3 y 49.1
52.4 439.1 2.0 y 33
3.8 y 39.3

13.9 y 8.6 6.1 11.8 994.8 8.4

4.6 2.8 7.7 839.8 0.9

6.8 y 11.1 8.5 14.4 655.4 17.9
23.5 20 27.3 832.9 21.2
34.8 y 33.2 28.8 38 746.2 36.4

21.9 17.7 26.9 693.0 28.1

7.9 y 35.2 29.4 41.3 613.2 37
36.4 32 40.9 871.1 36.4
57.1 36.7 z 48.7 44.2 53.1 1,151.7 45.4
77 56.1 z 53.5 48.4 58.5 1,017.9 54.9

12.1 7.2 19.7 130.6 9.1

14.1 154.2 10.6 7.3 15.2 487.2 9.2
17.3 150.5 7 4.8 10.1 379.6 7.3

15.4 73.6 9.3 4.3 18.9 78.4 5.8

5.9 439.1 6.9 3.7 12.5 527.6 3.5
27.2 255.3 20.2 11.1 33.8 178.0 14.7

59 103.0 59.2 55.1 63.1 620.1 52.7

49.1 138.3 42.3 37.8 47 516.5 40.3

56.5 145.8 54.5 49 59.9 359.0 52
46.8 244.0 39.9 33.7 46.3 371.1 39.4

56 215.4 52.5 43.4 61.5 263.5 43

22.9 122.9 24.9 14.7 39.1 48.9 z 19.7

21.5 15.6 28.9 175.6 22.7

9.6 y 36.2 27.1 46.4 110.5 28.7

47.2 85.2 53.7 42.2 64.8 86.4 39.2

71.3 74.5 64.7 52.9 75 65.0 63.7
3.7 y 55.2 50.4 59.8 1,008.7 35.9
6.9 y 49.9 46 53.8 1,096.3 21.6
12.1 y 52.2 47.2 57.1 1,184.4 47.9
71.8 25.9 z 56.7 51.7 61.6 1,065.6 54.6
89.8 19.2 z 59.9 52.8 66.5 473.6 52.4

54.1 66.8 8.6 y 44.2

37.7 y 7.6 3.4 15.8 161.8 4

34.8 72.3 z 20.6 13 31.2 147.6 18.9
20.4 14.8 27.5 333.9 49.1
37.7 33.6 41.9 637.0 40.4
33.1 29.4 36.9 1,147.1 33.5
65.3 42.4 z 46.2 40.8 51.6 637.7 48.2
51.3 46.4 56.2 609.7 57
79.4 38.7 z 52.6 47.7 57.4 544.4 55.3
29.5 94.8 11.8

29.2 118.1 17.4 6.8 37.9 23.8 z 18.5

2.6 y 51.8 44.1 59.4 201.1 55.2

63.8 32.3 z 57.8 49.7 65.5 207.8 51.6
8.5 y 63.2 55.3 70.4 168.6 60.8
49.9 42.5 57.2 410.7 41.4
69.6 31.5 z 49.7 42.4 57 267.7 54.3
70.2 47.9 z 44 37.2 51.2 348.4 42.1
40.9 45.7 z 64.1 59.9 68.2 758.6 33.5

8.4 y 20 15.5 25.4 640.9 23.3

34 29.1 39.2 590.7 35.6
22.2 y 33.2 29.3 37.2 804.6 35.5
0.9 y 28.5 25.2 32 699.8 11.4
14.9 11.8 18.6 584.4 21.5

51.8 47.3 56.2 720.6 57.5

59.4 52.7 65.7 333.5 59.2
10.7 4.7 22.5 54.7 10.3
29 15.6 47.5 36.0 20.4
13.5 y 39.9 25.9 55.8 56.0 28.3
27.7 y 21 9.8 39.4 48.6 z 21.1
47.5 41.3 z 24.9 9.2 52 28.1 z 28.6

1.4 y 25.5 18.8 33.5 430.2 12.8

6.0 y 41.1 34.5 48 415.1 38.9
68.3 34.5 z 38.7 33.3 44.4 428.9 40.1
56.1 34.8 z 37.4 30.9 44.3 349.6 42.7

15.8 y 31.9 28.1 36 709.5 16.2

44.1 51.7 z 36.7 32.8 40.7 632.0 21
22.1 55.7 z 37.5 27.3 49 96.4 18.8

48.9 261.4 48.3 45.6 51 3,131.8 43.2

57.9 2,731.8 53.8 52.4 55.2 8,232.2 55.6

65.9 4,051.6 62 60.4 63.5 6,598.6 64.4

37.7 83.7 41 35.1 47.2 821.5 36.1

28 163.0 33.4 28.3 39 639.7 29.9
54 205.9 40.3 33.9 47.1 473.1 41.2
56.4 242.1 51.5 45.4 57.6 381.4 50.4

13.6 10.9 16.8 1,016.6 6.1

25.5 22.3 29.1 1,141.8 24.7
21.1 18.7 23.6 2,493.8 16.2
28.6 25.2 32.3 892.1 21.8
15.4 y 4.2 y 15.1
32.2 48.4 z 3.4 y 23.7

35.9 128.6 21.6 10.3 39.6 57.3 27.4

27.2 306.6 14.6 6.5 29.4 73.5 22.3
24.7 304.5 20.1 10.7 34.4 50.7 22.8
32.8 433.7 31.1 19.2 46 79.0 24.9
8.7 y 2 12.6 y 2 8
26.5 99.6 25.2 y 16.1
42.4 182.9 10.9 y 32
43.1 375.3 0.9 y 37.7

14.1 10.3 19 601.2 12.6

16.2 y 11.9 8.7 16 496.3 13.5
70.5 36.3 z 34.2 28.2 40.8 392.4 25.1
74.7 74.5 59 53.7 64.1 544.5 66.6
74.6 154.6 57.3 51.1 63.3 360.8 61.4
5.0 y 70.1 44 87.5 27.6 z 65.1
7.2 y 71.8

40.2 79.5 35.6

59.4 190.0 4.1 y 56.2
54 194.0 4.6 y 41.2
19.4 14.6 25.3 481.2 14.8
26.6 20.9 33.1 354.7 26.7
56.9 81.2 38.5 34.2 43.1 805.7 42.2
52.6 120.4 45.5 40.9 50.1 650.5 42.9

14.1 10 19.4 270.0 14.4

14.9 y 55.2 47.9 62.2 233.3 49.8

22.7 y 72.1 64.2 78.9 139.4 62.7
25.9 y 67.1 55.6 76.9 75.6 54.3

4.9 y 29.4 24.8 34.4 411.6 19

6.4 y 57.2 50.6 63.5 431.5 47.5
22.5 y 60.5 53.3 67.2 340.1 46.9

40.5 36.2 44.9 684.4

2.2 y 64.9 59 70.3 515.9 79.7
15.7 y 48.4 43.8 53.1 975.4 57.1

49.5 45.1 53.8 963.8 53.3

71.4 29.3 z 51.9 47.7 56.1 808.7 58.9
0.5 y 42.2 38.9 45.6 1,143.9 62.5
7.7 y 51.5 47.6 55.3 969.5 58.9
55.9 52.2 59.5 2,045.7 62.2
21.5 y 70.4 66.8 73.7 1,377.2 72.9
25.9 y 68.3 63.9 72.4 1,462.0 72.1
89.9 28.3 z 56.8 53.3 60.2 1,279.9 69.1
37.0 y 62.1 57.7 66.2 1,228.2 71.3

30.7 y 47.6 38 57.3 163.6 44

83.6 66.0 60.3 44.3 74.4 50.7 63.6

4.0 y 33.8 30.5 37.2 1,381.5 27.2

20.1 18.4 21.9 2,716.2 21
31.3 28.3 34.5 1,523.1 32.5
16.2 y 43.5 39.6 47.6 893.6 25.1

55.5 57.2 10.1 y 41.5

10.5 7.9 13.7 536.6 13.2

26.2 21.9 31 625.8 23.8
42.8 38 47.8 572.8 29

17.9 y 43.1 38.9 47.3 1,034.1 30.4

33.8 232.5 39.1 26.2 53.6 150.9 27.4

49.4 115.0 58.8 43.7 72.4 51.0 46.8

58.7 119.2 69.1 55.5 80 54.6 55.1
72.8 152.8 71.6 57.1 82.7 40.4 64.1
53.2 241.2 54.8 43.4 65.8 69.2 45
74.2 120.2 10.3 y 60.2
60.3 305.5 44.1 30.8 58.3 52.3 48.3

10.8 y 20.2 y 16.7

44.3 42.1 z 23.2 y 19.5
18.2 y 13.8

20.1 y 32.8 28.5 37.4 425.1 24.4

2.8 y 29 25.5 32.8 1,024.2 21.5

37.3 33.5 41.3 1,081.4 31.7
7.8 y 39.4 35.5 43.5 1,001.4 43.9

10 7.7 12.9 988.7 11.4

78.6 43.1 z 47.9 40.7 55.3 230.0 55.7

19.5 y 18.4 13 25.3 183.9 24.4

75.2 34.2 z 46.1 36.8 55.6 129.3 49.1

8.6 y 70.5 65.8 74.8 562.2 54.1

21.4 y 57.5 50.9 63.9 342.4 42.4
71.6 36.0 z 75 67.2 81.4 340.4 60
61.7 85.6 58.3 49.2 66.8 237.4 54.9
79.4 81.2 68.1 59.8 75.5 189.3 62.9
83.8 45.2 z 64.7 58.1 70.7 315.1 59.2
22.4 y 60.2 52.3 67.5 259.3 52.7

27.9 45.7 z 36.9 31.9 42.3 333.4 21.3

1.1 0.4 2.7 545.3 4.8
0.5 y 8.6 6.6 11.1 1,010.8 2.9

3.4 y 23.1 19.7 26.8 1,421.1 29.2

14.7 y 10.4 7.3 14.7 484.2 30.1

9 7.2 11.1 1,187.3 17.9
41.3 136.6 8.8 7.3 10.6 1,874.7 19.8
11.2 9.1 13.7 1,684.6 20.7
43.3 178.4 10.3 8.8 12.2 1,947.5 30
49.9 190.4 19.7 16.8 23 1,163.9 31.9

50.1 278.1 21.5 19.1 24 1,948.3 39.7

61.4 279.3 28.4 25.6 31.3 1,365.9 41.1
16.2 6 36.7 325.6
37.4 35.0 z 26.4 13.7 44.9 48.7 z 20.5

50.3 53.8 37.3 33.4 41.4 760.4 36

46 99.6 39.4 34.5 44.5 816.9 33.8
44.3 168.2 53.3 48.2 58.2 721.2 37.5
50.2 272,013.6 49.3 47.2 51.3 ### 45.2

36.5 9,746.1 39.4 28.9 51 7,459.8 16.9

92.9 39.4 z 58.7 52.7 64.4 707.6 63.4

27.6 91.6 27.8 18.3 39.8 136.0 24.8

57.4 169.0 71.3 66.2 76 457.2 62.7

60.7 154.3 76.3 67.1 83.5 248.5 61.4

63.1 181.9 81.6 75.6 86.4 235.8 62.7
66.7 146.0 77.7 71 83.2 217.0 64.1
60.8 162.4 83.7 76.6 89 191.7 65.1
59 161.6 80.3 74.2 85.2 221.9 61.9

61.5 267.1 75.9 69 81.6 205.2 64

52.9 332.5 77.5 72.5 81.8 243.0 58.6
63.5 264.5 75 69.6 79.7 205.3 63.3
60.9 280.8 77.5 72.5 81.8 170.8 60.9
60.2 284.5 80.4 74.5 85.3 157.3 63.2
61.6 235.7 79.5 73.1 84.6 135.4 64.3
69 231.5 80.3 74.2 85.2 115.9 67
61.8 220.6 71.3 64.7 77.1 114.0 63.1
67.1 216.3 77.4 71.2 82.7 103.2 64.8

28.6 147.9 47.2 40.2 54.3 179.7 28.4

36.8 130.8 41.1 33.7 49 161.1 29.7
44.5 233.7 47.1 34.7 59.9 64.7 40.2
45.4 113.1 16.2 y 30.8
63.2 35.3 z 2.3 y 44.3
47.6 116.3 0.9 y 36.7

1.7 y 85.4 82.2 88.1 706.6 59

5.1 y 84.7 81.2 87.6 643.4 76.8

93.8 24.4 z 87 83.7 89.7 584.6 86.5
6,285.2 y 88.7 83.8 92.2 103,853.3 76.5
88.6 35.8 z 81.9 78.3 85.1 564.3 78.2
4.4 y

62.2 69.9 7.9 y 51.2

50.8 41.7 59.9 186.3 57.1
1.8 y 48.7 37.8 59.7 121.3 53.2
6.2 y 70.8 58.2 80.9 98.7 72.8
7.2 y 66.1 53.2 77.1 76.0 60.8

0.3 y 30.4 26.6 34.5 1,176.7 36.4

2.5 y 38.9 35.5 42.4 1,081.0 39.7
18.9 y 35.5 31.2 40 535.9 48.2
4.9 y 32.4 26.8 38.5 486.2 32.3
6.8 y 34.1 28.4 40.2 492.2 29.7
13.3 y 35.3 30.4 40.5 429.8 40.6
28.9 y 41 37.2 45 821.5 46
15.4 y 44.7 38.3 51.4 407.4 49.2
37.1 y 41.1 35.3 47.1 483.9 39.7
41.1 45.5 z 10.4 5.4 19 82.6 15.9
27 91.1 7.3 2.2 21.6 52.0 z 14.9
46.3 132.8 27.0 y 14
63.5 58.4 z 20.1 y 27.3
2.7 1.2 5.9 237.6 3.7
8.9 6.5 12 471.1 2.4
7.5 y 11 8.2 14.7 557.6 6.1
31.3 27.2 35.6 714.6 30.5
8.1 y 30.5 26.1 35.4 986.4 35.2
49.1 45.2 53 877.7 43.1
22.6 y 55.1 50.7 59.5 624.6 51.9

9.7 6.6 14 508.0

60.7 42.9 z 30.9 14.4 54.3 38.1 z 31.7
44 40.1 48 838.0 59.5

83.4 234.5 72.2 50.5 86.9 22.6 z 81.2

26.6 23 30.6 457.0 30.7

41.5 271.6 43.2 35.7 51.1 161.7 36.5
51.7 39.4 63.8 97.8 41
40 36.7 43.5 1,348.3 46.8
68.9 91.9 53.5 48.7 58.2 1,229.5 59.5
6.8 3 14.8 121.3 2.5
11.5 y 0 0 0 70.8 2.9
4.1 1.5 11 115.6 1.9
30.8 28.3 z 10.6 3.5 27.7 83.7 8.6
32 89.0 29.7 25.9 33.9 666.0 26.8

9.0 y 13.7
56.9 17.4 z 17.8 y 26.1
37.7 41.2 37.2 24.5 51.9 48.0 z 32
40.7 99.9 54 35.3 71.5 31.2 z 34.8

3.8 2.1 6.9 192,098.1 6.5

9.4 169.5 10.7 5.8 18.9 270.5 12.9

35.9 268.5 13.4 5.4 29.6 283.0 26.2
24.7 382.5 6.2 3.3 11.3 276.8 16.2
48.8 219.0 20 9 38.6 82.5 31

26.0 y 53 48.7 57.2 581.8 47.5

59.1 73.1 51.5 44.8 58.1 271.8 49.4

73.6 70.5 66.7 61.9 71.1 718.5 61.8

16.2 12 21.6 338.3

26.5 20.9 32.9 380.1 38.8

57.6 51.7 63.3 455.5 80

6.5 y 53.7 48.3 59.1 421.2 67.2
62.2 55.6 68.4 319.6 68.1

0.6 y 39.8
16.0 y 0
9.0 y 11.0 y 12
6.3 y 22.4

17.8 64.3 14.4 7.8 25.2 105.4 5.2

17.6 82.0 15.9 9.3 25.8 76.7 12.7

7.4 y 2.4 y 58
4.3 y

17.4 y 6.5 y 42.9

7.6 y 63.2 58.2 68 619.5 56.9

69.1 23.8 z 59.2 54.9 63.3 648.9 58.4
63.4 29.5 z 63.1 58 68 583.1 59.3
70.2 105.2 66.6 62.7 70.2 1,042.6 62.6
21.3 95.5 6
34 47.2 0.9 y 16.3
28.7 251.8 19.7

1.2 y 49 44.6 53.4 787.2 44.7

12.9 y 58.7 54.8 62.5 841.4 61.1


42 32.7 z 23.8
19.2 y 2.1 y 49.7
30.8 30.2 z 1.7 y 25.4
41.2 29.4 54.1 113.5 35.4

8.6 y 24.3 15.1 36.6 101.2 21.3

11.6 y 13.3 6.4 25.6 62.9 16.6
14.3 8.7 22.6 111.3 17.9
25.9 74.7 19.7 8.8 38.4 71.1 16.3
25.6 76.2 27.7 16.2 43.2 58.0 23.3
67.8 117.6 26.5 14.3 43.8 29.3 46.8

17.5 14.1 21.5 141,062.1 22.7

14.8 y 36.5 31.9 41.3 496.7 51.9
18.2 y 56.8 51.9 61.4 473.2 69.1
70.2 39.5 z 71.1 67.2 74.7 752.1 74
64.9 37.0 z 70.8 66.2 74.9 610.8 68.5
3.4 y 29.9 22.6 38.3 159.3 33.3
11.5 y 21.3 15.8 28.1 207.3 21.9
68.5 39.2 z 21.8 16.5 28.2 230.5 28.1
21.4 y 29.7 23.1 37.2 228.3 32.1
54.7 42.5 z 33 27.4 39.2 291.9 43.9
46.2 29.3 z 52.5 44.4 60.4 176.1 45
63.8 37.6 z 36.5 29.1 44.7 165.7 43.9
Maternal Education: Secondary and Higher Education Bottom 60%
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote
Bottom_60_rBottom_60_llBottom_60_uBottom_60_w Bottom_60_F
27.2 45.9 323.1 42.5 39.2 45.9 1,887.4

56.3 70.8 444.5 65.3 62.4 68 2,144.6

4.2 19 64.9 7.8 3.5 16.8 76.1
1.1 10.1 96.8 3.7 0.9 14 62.5
23.8 47.6 50.1 39.3 25.5 55.1 92.1
27.7 48.4 160.9 36.7 28.8 45.4 168.3

20.3 30.1 596.4 25.2 21.7 29.1 1,077.7

23.4 32.7 748.5 27.7 24 31.9 891.7
35.3 49.2 501.4 37.9 34.4 41.5 1,003.1
26.6 40.3 226,073.0 29.4 23.8 35.7 189,074.0
22.3 38.2 146.8
22.6 43.1 155.8 28.6 18 42.1 89.3
25.2 43.2 128.4 40.6 29.4 52.8 85.4
36.9 53.8 162.1 51.6 41.6 61.4 90.9
2.8 11.9 137.0 8.8 4.6 15.9 114.0
6.1 17.2 235.1 13.3 7.4 22.6 155.5

29.9 43.1 254.3 42.2 37.2 47.5 440.8

28.6 40.6 305.4 36.6 33.8 39.5 1,446.0
36.8 51.4 230.0 39.3 33 46 305.9
61.9 72.3 445.0 61.8 56.1 67.1 485.6
52.1 60.1 1,051.9 58 54.7 61.1 1,258.2
48.5 63.2 372.0 55.2 45.9 64.2 405.1
61 69.5 627.5 64.7 60.2 68.9 586.7
60.6 66.1 1,642.3 63.1 60.3 65.8 1,393.6

9.3 37.1 34.7 z 17.5 y

5.5 18.4 320.2 4.5 1.3 14.3 165.8
12.3 31.9 167.5 18.3 10.2 30.8 151.6
15.2 31 272.1 19.3 10.9 31.9 163.8
1.8 27.2 30.7 z 7.7 2.8 19.3 59.8
5.6 22.5 75.1 19.7 12.7 29.2 95.2
20.6 46.3 100.7 30.9 21.5 42.3 123.1

19.9 49.5 44.8 z

27.8 44.1 124.4 43.2 39.4 47 946.5
28.5 43.6 152.3 31 27.7 34.5 703.5
33.6 49.8 222.6 40.1 35.8 44.6 785.5
37.6 50.1 263.0 41.5 38.1 45 880.5
47.1 67 188.1 42.5 36.2 49.2 335.0
32 76.3 62.3 z 58.4 40.2 74.7 60.8
21.2 36.5 154.9 44.7 37.1 52.5 219.2
31.8 46.4 315.5 61.8 56.7 66.6 643.3
41.9 54.4 365.4 63.3 58.3 68.1 536.9

44.6 56.9 371.9

8.9 31.1 175.1 19.3 10.5 33 183.7

7.9 27.5 179.1 25 12.9 42.9 149.4

11.1 39.1 43.7 16.8 13.5 20.8 789.4

24.5 y 7.4 4.6 11.7 369.7

26.8 50 85.0 22.7 19.5 26.3 975.6

38 53.4 234.0 55.3 50.1 60.3 784.2

13.0 y 61.1 53.4 68.2 208.0

45.8 70.8 50.8 67.8 61.8 73.2 444.8
68.3 82.2 177.4 82 78.7 84.9 766.1

1.5 13.3 116.1 10.5 7.6 14.4 570.9

53 72.6 134.9 64.3 59.5 68.8 487.9

61.3 77.8 191.6 75.5 70.7 79.7 459.7

54.4 67.8 282.3 72 65.8 77.5 447.8
41.1 52.1 434.9 55 50.2 59.8 519.7

22.8 34.8 242.7 19.8 15.8 24.6 527.3

18.5 32 195.7 20.1 15.1 26.1 443.4
21.8 33 366.5 17 14.2 20.2 774.3
30 43.2 256.2 24.5 19.9 29.8 483.2
36.6 48.5 448.7 36.5 32.3 40.9 672.5

12.6 23.9 232.8 16.9 13.4 21.1 1,141.3

17.1 36.1 150.2 22.3 17.3 28.2 832.2
25 46 163.6 32 27.7 36.6 797.2

30.2 50.5 100.4 37.1 31.9 42.6 635.5

4.1 21.4 70.6 11.8 7.6 18 386.6

0 0 23.7 z 2.5 1 6.1 391.5
2.9 14 170.3 2.8 1.8 4.4 1,130.7
0 0 226.5 0.2 0 0.6 1,111.5

18.4 31.9 301.0 16 13.5 18.8 1,517.6

18.7 30.1 254.9 28.3 23.2 34 294.8

40 47.6 1,025.7 41.5 37.9 45.1 950.7

31.9 43.5 185,650.1 32.9 27.9 38.2 145,853.7

5.1 19.9 77.5 11.2 7.6 16.3 306.0

5.7 21.3 103.1 8.9 5.6 13.8 221.6

15.8 25.6 529.1 21.2 17.2 25.8 545.5

29.3 43.8 612.9 27.5 22.5 33 562.5
17.1 42 191.8 34.7 23.7 47.7 181.7
14.8 34.1 26,271.8 30.5 21.6 41.1 22,537.6

21.9 31.6 759.1

39.4 58.8 757.3
20.5 48.3 538.1
21.8 60 67.6 40.3 24.5 58.3 208.2

4 17 105.2 8.1 5.6 11.6 772.2

0.1 6.3 109.7 5.2 3 9.1 635.8

9.5 31.2 76.3 10 7.1 13.8 485.0
13.3 32 147.5 22.9 19.3 26.9 699.5
27.7 46.1 225.2 34.4 29.9 39.3 672.8

22.8 34.1 307.8 23.3 18.6 28.8 612.2

29.7 45 313.8 36.7 30.6 43.2 608.2
31.2 41.9 417.3 37 32.5 41.7 852.2
40.5 50.4 783.1 49.2 44.7 53.7 1,215.7
46.3 63.1 342.1 54.1 49.2 58.9 1,325.6

3.7 20.8 71.9 13.4 8.2 21 143.3

6 13.9 467.6

4.6 11.3 479.1 8.1 5.8 11.3 616.6

2.7 11.9 205.1 8.3 4.4 15 176.5

2.5 5 1,212.7 5.2 3.5 7.7 1,238.7
10.6 19.9 633.9 13.6 9.5 19.1 533.7

47.9 57.4 571.0 61.2 57.6 64.7 731.2

36.1 44.5 704.6 42.6 38.9 46.3 806.9

47.9 56.1 731.1 55.5 51.5 59.4 692.4
36.1 42.9 1,088.9 39.9 36.2 43.7 915.7

35.3 51.1 412.1 48.5 41.5 55.5 459.3

14.8 25.6 285.9 24.9 18.9 32.1 188.8

16.6 30.2 161.3 24.5 19.1 30.9 232.0

21.9 36.7 150.0 36 27.9 44.8 160.4

32.6 46.3 186.9 49.8 41.2 58.4 160.7

53.3 73 184.4 65.4 57 72.9 168.2
20.7 54.6 58.2 59.1 53.3 64.7 672.6
10.2 40.3 45.5 49.8 44.8 54.9 711.1
28.9 67.6 63.3 54.4 48.7 59.9 845.6
42.5 66.2 119.3 57.2 51.1 63 785.4
35.9 68.3 76.1 63.8 56.1 70.9 364.3

36.2 52.6 167.5 45.2 35.8 54.9 125.2

1.8 8.7 369.4 3.8 2 7.1 357.8

14 25 415.7 19.8 14.8 26 378.4
31.1 67.3 56.7 22.5 15.3 32 214.8
32.2 49.2 143.9 40.8 36.2 45.6 541.0
27 40.8 320.5 34.9 30.5 39.6 914.9
39.5 57.1 275.2 50.6 45 56.3 567.1
48.6 65.1 330.0 53.5 48.3 58.7 590.8
48.5 61.9 352.1 58.1 53.5 62.5 575.6
7 19.3 185.1 11.7 5.8 22.3 86.2

12.4 26.7 171.8 23.7 17 32 134.3

45.5 64.5 106.5 48 40.7 55.4 233.9

42.3 60.8 175.6 52.8 44.8 60.8 243.2
51.8 69.1 138.9 59.4 52.2 66.3 196.2
33.8 49.5 407.2 46.2 40.1 52.5 519.1
46.5 61.9 293.6 54.8 49 60.4 365.0
36 48.4 482.0 45.1 39.2 51.2 515.1
28.4 38.9 417.8 63.9 59.7 67.9 817.0

15.2 34.1 87.3 19.1 13.8 25.7 480.4

23.8 49.3 99.7 30.5 25.3 36.3 444.4
27.2 44.8 107.9 34.2 29.7 39 630.5
4.8 24.9 37.9 z 28.9 24.9 33.2 485.0
11.8 35.9 55.6 14.6 10.8 19.5 412.4

42.1 71.6 112.3 53.9 49.2 58.5 596.2

52.5 65.6 288.2 60.4 54.4 66.1 475.8
5.4 18.7 154.7 7.4 4.1 12.9 149.5
14.4 28.1 166.1 26.2 19.4 34.4 141.2
20.4 37.8 160.8 34.2 25.2 44.6 153.9
15.9 27.5 277.0 22.6 16.8 29.7 242.6
19.5 39.7 208.4 35.1 24.2 47.8 156.0

6.3 24.4 101.3 24.8 16.5 35.3 372.7

30.2 48.4 149.5 44.4 38.1 50.9 387.6
32.4 48.5 266.7 42.2 36.5 48.2 428.9
36.4 49.2 310.7 40.9 35.1 47.1 476.5

11.1 22.8 183.8 35.7 31.9 39.7 586.6

16.7 26 384.2 38 34.2 41.9 656.6
13.8 25.3 240.8 36.8 32 41.8 482.0

40.3 46.2 1,949.3 49.5 47 52.1 3,486.1

54.3 56.8 12,919.3 55.6 54.5 56.6 14,204.6

63.3 65.5 15,805.8 64.8 63.8 65.8 14,750.5

30.8 41.7 725.8 42.1 37.6 46.8 988.0

25.5 34.7 1,024.2 36.2 32 40.5 1,016.9
37.1 45.4 1,119.8 42.1 38 46.4 970.2
47 53.8 1,160.5 52.7 48.8 56.5 972.0

3.5 10.1 349.2 15.4 12.4 18.9 914.1

20.4 29.6 481.2
12.8 20.2 1,254.3 21 18.6 23.6 2,406.7
18 26 617.2 26.4 23.2 29.9 964.1
9.5 23.2 131.5
17.5 31.2 164.9 23 15.7 32.4 114.3

22.9 32.5 425.7 27.8 23 33.2 356.3

18.5 26.6 972.5 25.2 20.9 30 758.6
18 28.5 780.1 23 18 29 524.3
21.3 29 980.3 25.1 21.3 29.5 740.2
1.2 38 31.7 z 2 13.2 5.9 27 53.8 2
12.4 20.7 356.6 15.9 11.9 21 264.7
27.6 36.8 521.5 32.1 26.7 38 348.1
31.8 44 530.4 39.5 31.5 48.1 346.8

6.7 22.6 166.3 10.8 7.7 14.9 473.8

8.6 20.7 110.8 11.9 8.1 17.1 381.0
17.7 34.3 135.0 33.1 26.8 40.1 343.4
57.2 74.8 249.7 55.8 50.7 60.8 523.4
55.9 66.6 526.7 55.6 50.9 60.2 514.9
53.1 75.4 80.1 70.8 56.8 81.7 62.3
58.8 82 64.7 71.2 62.5 78.6 146.5

27.3 44.9 325.7 42.2 30.7 54.7 175.6

50.7 61.6 413.0 56.9 50.4 63.3 237.5
35.3 47.3 450.0 41.7 34.3 49.5 278.9
39.2 52 382.3 42.8 34.6 51.5 253.5
8.9 23.5 83.8 23.8 17.8 31 365.2
16.7 39.9 93.3 28.3 22 35.5 320.8
36.4 48.2 376.3 42.1 37.6 46.7 799.3
37.7 48.2 478.2 50.2 45.7 54.6 747.7

8.8 22.8 104.0 16.6 11.8 22.8 217.0

41.2 58.4 173.0 54 47.8 60 271.9

52.9 71.5 176.0 72.2 65.9 77.7 202.4
43 65.1 130.0 65.5 56.7 73.3 127.1

10.2 32.6 73.8 29.6 24.3 35.4 320.9

38 57.2 158.6 59.9 53.8 65.7 407.6
37.4 56.7 214.7 63.7 56.9 70 346.5

3.7 y 42.8 37.9 48 516.0

69.3 87.3 95.1 64.2 56.4 71.4 406.7
49.3 64.6 234.5 47.3 42.6 52.1 845.1

46.9 59.6 460.5 46.7 42.7 50.7 943.5

52.7 64.8 452.0 52.4 48.3 56.4 837.3
50.2 73.4 113.3 40 36.1 44 826.9
48.8 68.3 122.9 49.2 44.6 53.7 724.1
54.8 69.1 304.3 52.8 48.9 56.6 1,510.6
64.4 80.1 278.3 69 64.9 72.8 1,109.6
64.6 78.5 315.8 67.4 62.3 72.2 1,183.6
62.3 75.2 347.5 56.7 53 60.4 1,084.1
64.8 77.1 334.6 64.7 60.4 68.8 1,044.5

36.9 51.4 235.9 46.4 39.5 53.4 223.3

54 72.3 230.1 61.7 55.2 67.8 171.2

16.8 40.9 76.1 36.4 31.9 41.1 909.1

15.7 27.5 250.6 17.9 16 20 1,929.7
25.5 40.4 210.0 30.9 27.5 34.5 1,113.3
18.4 33.3 193.4 46.8 42.3 51.3 695.7

28.8 55.5 57.2 44.8 28.2 62.6 40.5

7.5 22 129.8 12.2 9.4 15.6 597.2

17 32.2 171.8 28.7 24.2 33.7 673.7
20.4 39.3 152.9 49 44.3 53.7 613.2

23.5 38.3 215.9 48.8 44.1 53.4 838.1

19 37.8 495.3 32.3 23.7 42.2 511.3

41.9 51.7 539.0 51.9 46.2 57.6 418.0

49.1 61.1 315.3 56.9 50 63.6 245.2
57.4 70.4 335.3 68.4 61.8 74.4 291.4
40.3 49.8 527.4 49.1 44 54.2 416.4
48.6 70.7 206.2 64.1 52.1 74.6 132.8
40.4 56.4 446.3 53.8 46.5 60.8 381.3

8.9 29.4 54.0 20.5 10.9 35.4 44.0 z

11.5 31.2 97.8 12.3 5.4 25.6 61.7
6 28.9 43.5 z 20.4 11.5 33.7 61.6

16.8 34 115.1 35.7 30.8 40.8 352.2

9.6 41.5 41.2 30.8 26.4 35.5 719.9

22.4 42.7 135.4 36.5 31.7 41.5 778.7
36 52.1 154.9 37.5 33 42.3 749.7

7.8 16.5 439.3 10.1 7.9 13 1,073.5

47.6 63.6 169.0 48 40.8 55.4 249.9

19 30.8 290.8 23.7 18.8 29.4 328.7

43.4 54.9 357.3 50.7 44.9 56.5 331.6

43.1 64.7 85.5

30.7 55 135.7 58.1 50.7 65.2 313.7
51.3 68.2 189.4 73.5 65.8 80 365.2
45.8 63.8 217.5 58.2 50.4 65.5 303.2
56 69.4 253.9 68.1 61.6 74 286.6
50.6 67.3 269.7 63.8 58.2 69.1 399.0
45.9 59.5 267.2 60.7 54.5 66.6 322.4

15.5 28.5 206.6 38.2 33.4 43.2 351.2

0.7 27.5 11.3 z 0.7 0.2 2.9 377.0
0.5 14 21.3 z 10.1 7.3 13.9 629.5

17.5 44.6 56.3 22.6 17.7 28.3 939.4

20.1 42.5 174.7 10.2 7.1 14.3 398.9

13.6 23.2 511.7 10.2 8.1 12.7 1,103.5
17.1 22.9 959.9 8.4 6.9 10.1 1,825.2
17.4 24.5 974.8 11.1 9.3 13.1 1,712.6
26.4 33.9 982.6 10.1 8.4 11.9 1,931.9
28.1 36 951.1 19.7 16.9 22.8 1,777.4

36.6 42.9 1,270.5 23.6 21.5 25.9 2,098.2

36.1 46.2 1,222.4 30 27.5 32.6 1,706.5
9.7 5.4 16.8 248.5
12 32.8 65.6 26 15.8 39.8 72.1
31.9 y 19.4 10.8 32.3 85.8

28 44.9 194.6 40 35.6 44.6 616.5

27.7 40.4 334.3 39.4 34.2 44.9 718.2
31.3 44.1 417.7 52.9 47.5 58.1 695.0
41.6 49 480,741.1 48.5 46.4 50.5 ###

10.6 25.6 29,027.1 22 15.3 30.5 24,580.9

52.1 73.3 195.4 58 52.3 63.4 569.5

16.9 34.7 181.2 31.9 24.1 40.9 295.0

57.6 67.6 567.3 72.4 68.5 76 707.3

54 68.3 478.5 75.2 68.9 80.5 434.5

57.5 67.6 566.8 77.3 72.9 81.2 560.0
58.5 69.4 486.0 73.7 69 77.9 500.3
58.9 70.9 530.2 76.6 71.7 80.8 512.5
55.7 67.8 517.8 73.8 69 78.1 527.5

59.1 68.6 718.7 72.4 68 76.5 636.9

55.2 61.9 876.1 70.7 67.6 73.7 741.9
59.7 66.8 709.2 71.9 68.5 75 627.5
57.2 64.4 708.8 70.4 67.3 73.4 614.9
59.8 66.4 661.0 72.3 69.1 75.3 579.7
60.5 67.9 570.5 72.6 69.1 75.8 489.4
62.7 71 569.8 73.5 69.8 76.9 497.7
59.3 66.8 519.5 69.8 66.3 73.1 439.2
61.4 68.1 512.8 69.1 65.7 72.3 445.4

24.2 33 421.9 38.6 34.1 43.4 440.2

25.3 34.7 407.6 37.8 32.9 42.9 391.4
34.6 46.2 605.1 43.8 38.2 49.6 453.6
21.5 42 146.7
35.4 53.5 154.6 46.4 33.9 59.5 85.8
29.2 44.9 176.9 38.8 28.4 50.4 112.0

46.9 70 68.4

66.8 84.5 74.4 84.1 80.2 87.4 470.9

80.1 91.1 128.9 86.9 83 90 438.0
60.7 87.3 29,327.5 88.8 83 92.8 89,296.1
70.6 84.3 217.1 83.4 79.5 86.7 471.3
21.8 y 20.3 y

44.6 57.9 238.0 56.8 48.5 64.7 163.8

47.3 66.5 93.6 53.8 44.7 62.7 178.0
36.9 68.9 65.8 48 38.1 58.1 118.8
59.6 82.9 79.5 68 58.4 76.3 118.9
47.6 72.5 103.2 66.9 56.1 76.1 119.0

24.9 49.7 102.3 27.3 23.3 31.6 858.5

29.3 51.1 100.4 39.3 35.8 42.9 801.0
37 59.7 98.6 35.6 30.7 40.7 409.6
20.3 47.2 80.4 31.9 25.6 38.8 351.1
18.7 43.6 97.5 36 30.2 42.2 377.2
25.8 57.3 115.5 38.2 33.2 43.5 361.7
37.4 54.9 217.6 40.3 36.2 44.6 716.5
34.3 64.3 126.3 41.3 35.3 47.5 376.2
28.5 52.2 113.9 36.8 31.5 42.5 399.9
10.9 22.6 227.5 12 8.1 17.5 215.2
9.2 23.1 219.1 14.1 7.5 24.7 152.1
6.3 28.3 294.0 5.1 1.2 19.9 136.4
14 46.5 128.6 6.7 2.7 15.6 57.7 z
0.5 22.6 25.5 z 4 1.8 8.4 166.3
0.4 15 39.9 z 9 6.3 12.6 362.2
2.2 16 84.8 10 7 14.2 443.2
22.6 39.8 133.8 33.9 29.2 38.9 563.0
27.8 43.4 223.4 35 30.1 40.2 808.3
37.3 49 415.3 51.1 47.6 54.6 866.5
45.4 58.3 344.1 56.9 52.2 61.4 654.1

17.6 y 13.2 9.1 18.7 418.5

25.7 38.4 307.2 36.5 29 44.7 218.6
37.4 78.3 28.0 z 46.2 41 51.5 492.2

77.9 84.1 702.2 80.9 76.8 84.4 431.9

26.5 35.3 476.6 27.7 24.3 31.5 614.8

31.8 41.4 506.4 38.1 32.8 43.8 417.9
34 48.3 234.5 40.1 34.2 46.3 444.4
37 56.9 199.2 40.1 36.3 44 1,072.5
52.2 66.3 285.0 54.9 50.5 59.1 1,045.2
0.8 7.4 108.1 5.4 2.7 10.6 185.7
0.9 8.6 110.3 0 0 0 114.3
0.8 4.6 164.6 2.2 1 4.7 205.9
5.3 13.5 305.3 6.7 3.7 11.8 303.2
22.8 31.1 497.1 30.9 27.4 34.7 775.9

10.1 18.3 364.0 14.9 10.5 20.8 235.0

20.2 33 375.5 26.6 19.2 35.5 259.5
26.9 37.6 391.9 33.8 27.8 40.4 280.7
29.7 40.2 556.5 37.7 30.8 45 334.2

3.8 11 260,177.2 5.7 3.6 8.9 288,201.9

9.1 18 635.8 13.5 9.3 19.3 578.2

18.8 35.2 853.7 21.8 15.1 30.4 679.6
11.5 22.4 977.8 12.5 8.1 18.8 779.5
21.9 41.9 518.1 27.9 18.2 40.2 371.4

41 54.1 390.9 54.5 49.8 59.1 617.5

42.9 55.9 456.2 54.3 48.7 59.8 429.8

55.7 67.5 380.6

23.8 y 18.2 13.2 24.6 238.7

25.4 54.2 81.6 20.8 15.3 27.8 275.6

69.1 87.8 113.3 59.8 53.3 66 359.8

57.5 75.6 145.6 54 48.1 59.9 347.9
58.4 76.5 172.7 62.7 55.1 69.8 319.0

30.5 49.9 111.7 40.6 30.4 51.7 80.9

0 0 66.0 0 0 0 59.0
6.8 20.3 91.3 12.6 6.7 22.6 70.4
13.8 34.2 96.7 17.5 9.1 31.1 71.9

2.9 9.1 190.3 8.7 4.8 15.1 162.6

8.8 18.2 222.1 13.7 9.3 19.7 174.4

10.6 6 18.2 155.0

52.2 63.6 308.8 58.4 51.3 65.2 207.7
57.8 48.5 66.6 165.5
31.4 y 22.3 y

28.2 59 46.0 z 35 18.4 56.3 30.4 z

44.3 68.6 85.9 64.4 58.5 70 466.9

49.7 66.5 139.9 59.7 55 64.3 508.6
52.3 66.1 201.1 64.9 59.3 70.2 480.2
56.9 68 400.6 69 65.3 72.6 929.0
3.3 10.6 218.5 4.3 1.8 9.8 122.0
9.7 25.9 84.5 17.2 9.1 30 50.5
13.8 27.4 358.1 21.3 13.6 31.7 191.3

30.8 59.4 49.4 53.3 47.9 58.6 569.4

51.6 69.8 157.1 60 55.5 64.4 649.2

9.8 17.9 314.0 15.8 11.4 21.4 222.0

19.2 29.2 433.9 25.5 19.4 32.9 258.7

42 57.5 234.9 51.7 42.2 61.1 149.3
20.3 31.2 257.1 27.6 21.5 34.6 173.3
22.5 50.9 47.9 43.9 31.7 57 114.4

12.8 33.1 130.7 20.9 13.1 31.7 156.1

10 26.3 130.8 15.2 9.2 24.2 118.7
12.2 25.4 119.1 19.4 12.7 28.5 137.7
11.7 22.2 256.1 21.8 15.1 30.3 204.6
18 29.4 292.3 28 21.4 35.6 226.8
39.2 54.7 306.6 46.7 37.8 55.9 223.1

10.4 8.2 13.1 1,072.7

15.5 31.9 35,283.0 16.6 12.8 21.2 108,954.0

42.4 61.2 130.5 35.8 31.1 40.9 422.4
61 76.2 159.3 55.4 50.4 60.4 429.9
68.9 78.4 428.3 72.5 69.1 75.7 806.3
63.2 73.4 408.8 69.1 65 72.9 694.2
25.2 42.4 183.2 29.6 22.8 37.6 199.6
17.4 27.2 305.3 20.1 15.7 25.5 345.2
23.3 33.4 446.8 22.4 18.2 27.1 441.1
27.1 37.6 449.9 26.7 21.7 32.3 423.3
39.2 48.7 586.9 38.9 33.7 44.4 507.9
39.6 50.4 435.9 49.7 43.9 55.5 377.5
38.6 49.3 442.7 43.5 37.8 49.4 381.5
Top 40% Bottom 40%
Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
Top_40_r Top_40_ll Top_40_ul Top_40_weigTop_40_FootBottom_40_rBottom_40_llBottom_40_uBottom_40_w
44.1 38.7 49.7 1,183.9 40.6 36.3 45.1 1,190.2

60 55.8 64.1 1,300.8 64.3 60.6 67.7 1,445.6

3.4 0.5 20.1 41.8 z 7.4 2.7 18.4 49.2
2.8 0.4 16.1 34.3 z 2.4 0.3 15.8 43.3
33.8 20.7 49.9 59.1 35.3 19.2 55.6 64.9
36.3 24.6 49.8 115.3 33.8 25.2 43.7 104.5

25.7 21.2 30.7 637.1 24 19.9 28.5 790.3

30.2 25 35.8 520.9 27.6 23.1 32.6 628.0
36.3 28.6 44.9 483.1 35 31.1 39 664.3
37.4 26.2 50.2 89,125.0 28.7 22.3 36.1 137,830.0

37.6 22.5 55.6 67.7 27.9 14.7 46.5 55.4

23.2 12.9 38.1 50.5 37 25.1 50.7 67.4
36.6 24.8 50.2 81.2 51.8 39.1 64.3 58.8
0 0 0 40.0 z 7.9 3.9 15.3 89.0
6.4 2 18.6 85.6 14.4 7.5 25.8 112.1

32.8 26.9 39.3 238.8 39.7 33.9 45.7 281.7

38.3 34.1 42.7 855.9 35.4 32.1 38.8 1,021.7
49.1 40.9 57.5 177.0 40.4 32.9 48.3 217.3
67.6 61.2 73.3 324.3 59.4 52.2 66.2 321.6
52.3 47.1 57.5 722.6 59.8 56 63.5 885.2
55.4 47.3 63.2 245.5 56.7 48.2 64.8 264.3
65.4 59.3 71.1 366.8 64.2 58.5 69.5 382.7
61.9 58.1 65.6 1,020.3 64.7 61.2 68 947.9

17.1 y 12.6
16.5 8.1 30.7 154.3 7.5 2.2 22.5 99.5
19.8 11.5 31.9 135.1 22.5 11.5 39.4 94.5
25.1 15.8 37.5 113.2 12.6 6.4 23.4 105.2
12.6 4.1 32.6 28.9 z 7.7 2.4 22.1 45.7
5.6 2.1 14.3 53.0 z 18.1 10.5 29.4 59.1
37.4 22.1 55.7 65.8 35.5 23.8 49.4 83.0

40.8 36.5 45.1 572.8 43.5 38.9 48.2 630.3

34.7 30 39.8 451.2 29.6 25.8 33.6 458.9
43.3 38.3 48.4 526.6 40.5 35.6 45.6 520.2
41.3 36.8 45.9 506.2 42.3 38.2 46.4 594.0
56.4 48 64.4 267.7 42.4 34.4 50.7 206.7
47.3 24.5 71.3 54.7 z 50.8 32.3 69 43.1
28.2 20 38.1 128.5 48.2 39.8 56.8 149.4
33.7 26.5 41.7 266.1 64.3 58.5 69.8 421.5
43.4 36.4 50.8 262.2 66.2 60.4 71.7 362.5

13.9 5.1 32.6 85.4 23.3 12 40.4 134.6

6.4 2.8 14.1 86.3 z 28.1 12.9 50.8 97.8

21.8 15.9 29.2 325.4 17.6 13.6 22.5 493.2

2.3 0.7 7.2 161.7 9.3 5.6 15.1 243.7

28.7 24.5 33.4 529.9 22.6 18.9 26.7 646.7

44.5 39.1 50.1 464.6 56.1 49.3 62.7 547.6

56.7 48.4 64.6 150.0 62.1 52.8 70.6 132.0

71.8 65.8 77.1 272.1 65.4 57.8 72.3 293.9
82.8 79 86.1 480.8 80.9 76.7 84.5 527.2

11.5 7.7 16.9 229.1 10.7 7.7 14.7 415.9

51.7 44 59.4 251.6 62.8 57.1 68.2 346.7

67.7 60.1 74.4 244.3 72.4 66.5 77.7 349.7

53.8 45.5 61.9 268.7 75 67.5 81.2 296.3
41.8 34.1 49.9 289.3 61.6 56.1 66.8 351.2

23.3 17.5 30.3 260.9 17.6 13.1 23.3 354.6

23.3 17.5 30.4 209.4 19.5 13.8 26.9 336.3
26.2 21 32.1 364.0 15.1 11.9 19.1 532.8
35.4 28.8 42.7 230.6 18 13.3 23.8 314.2
44.9 38.5 51.4 357.6 33.1 28.2 38.4 462.1

15.8 12.3 20.1 682.6 15.4 12.4 18.9 777.7

23.9 18.4 30.3 383.6 21.1 16.1 27.1 557.0
34.8 28.5 41.8 417.7 30.5 25.7 35.8 532.2

34.3 28.7 40.3 311.7 35.3 29.2 41.8 456.8

7.2 4.2 11.9 227.8 11.6 7.1 18.5 263.7

1.3 0.5 3.3 241.4 1.9 0.8 4.7 267.4
3.8 2.4 5.8 752.0 2.2 1 4.6 720.4
0 0 0.1 692.8 0.2 0 0.9 755.5

16.6 13.3 20.5 830.6 17 13.9 20.5 1,025.8

18.1 12 26.3 132.7 26.9 21 33.8 204.2

46.4 39.3 53.7 378.4 41.9 37.7 46.1 640.6

39.6 33.6 46 186,788.9 35.4 29.1 42.3 91,089.5

8.3 4.5 14.9 168.1 12.1 7.7 18.5 197.8

15.9 8.6 27.7 123.3 6.5 3.4 12.1 161.5

18.2 12.1 26.3 280.4 19.3 15.3 23.9 377.4

42.8 32.8 53.4 305.3 28.5 22.7 35.2 408.8
26.7 9 57.3 68.2 z 33 20.9 47.8 137.1
12.5 4.3 31.1 9,128.1 30.3 20.5 42.3 15,524.5

40.8 26.7 56.7 204.4 49.6 29.5 69.8 152.7

9.5 6 14.9 338.4 9.7 6.4 14.5 527.1

2.1 0.7 6.2 319.6 6.2 3.2 11.8 432.2

15.4 10.7 21.6 246.7 10.6 7.2 15.3 322.9
23.8 17.3 31.8 280.9 23.7 19.5 28.6 494.8
32.9 23.8 43.5 298.6 32.9 27.2 39.1 462.6

24.6 19.9 30 394.6 25.2 19.3 32.3 390.8

34.1 27.2 41.8 318.8 34.4 27.3 42.2 403.3
35.2 30.8 40 436.2 36.4 31.3 41.8 590.0
44.3 38.5 50.2 719.1 46.7 42.2 51.2 820.8
52.6 44.3 60.8 672.8 50.3 45.3 55.3 951.5

5.4 1.2 21.1 59.1 z 12.6 7.5 20.3 102.8

4.6 2.2 9.3 242.0 9.5 6.4 13.7 428.9

4.2 1.5 11.4 107.0 9 4.4 17.6 122.3

3 1.7 5 502.4 6.3 4 9.6 886.1
20.1 12.7 30.4 279.8 13.5 8.8 20.2 358.5

47.9 42.8 53 459.9 63.1 58.9 67.1 494.7

38.3 32.7 44.3 414.2 42 37.9 46.1 524.0

48.2 42.2 54.2 397.7 57.3 52.5 62 440.1
38.9 34.3 43.8 544.3 41.9 37.2 46.8 535.1

43 31.8 55 216.3 50.8 42.8 58.7 320.4

14.5 8.8 22.9 147.8 29.4 22.4 37.5 152.6

15.3 9.1 24.5 93.2 25.3 19.1 32.6 158.4

25.4 17.6 35.2 100.0 36.1 26.3 47.2 111.2

35.2 26.6 44.9 112.6 50 38.6 61.4 105.2

60.6 40.9 77.4 81.7 69.3 59.4 77.8 118.4
45.6 38.9 52.6 394.4 59.7 52.7 66.3 408.9
47 40.9 53.1 430.7 44.1 37 51.4 455.4
46.9 39.3 54.6 402.1 51.9 45.1 58.6 562.0
55.3 47.7 62.6 399.5 58.7 52.6 64.6 567.9
49 38.6 59.4 185.4 60.4 52.1 68.1 263.1

37.2 24.6 51.8 50.9 46.5 35.4 57.8 95.5

7.7 2.9 18.9 173.4 3.9 2.2 6.9 238.4

18.5 10.9 29.6 184.9 16.8 12.4 22.3 241.6
25.8 17.5 36.4 168.6 22.4 14.6 32.7 138.8
37.7 32.2 43.6 311.5 40 34.5 45.8 373.7
30.3 24.9 36.2 552.7 34.9 29.8 40.3 612.4
40.5 31.7 49.9 345.8 54.1 47.6 60.5 384.2
52.9 44.4 61.2 349.5 60.1 53.9 66.1 390.2
45.7 38.3 53.2 320.9 57.4 52.2 62.4 397.6
11.9 5.5 23.9 99.0 15.2 6.3 32.4 47.5

16.1 8.1 29.5 104.6 22.1 14.9 31.4 80.3

68.6 56 79 73.7 45.9 37.7 54.4 155.6

58.6 48.1 68.4 140.2 52.4 43 61.6 180.3
66.8 57 75.4 111.3 60.1 51.4 68.1 135.0
44.7 35.9 53.9 298.8 46.9 40.2 53.7 332.8
47.1 37.8 56.6 196.4 54.6 47.6 61.4 248.0
39.3 32.1 47 315.3 48 40.9 55.2 334.5
29 23.7 34.8 359.4 69 64.2 73.4 596.7

22.9 17.7 29.1 247.7 19.8 13.7 27.8 348.1

40.9 32.8 49.5 246.0 32.5 26.3 39.4 302.6
31.7 26.2 37.8 282.0 32.4 27.1 38.2 452.9
25 20.2 30.5 254.6 25.2 20.6 30.5 313.9
16.9 12.4 22.6 239.0 16.8 11.8 23.3 284.8

49.2 39.7 58.7 236.7 50.7 45.5 56 400.6

57.2 49.8 64.3 230.7 61.8 54.2 68.8 319.4
17.6 7.3 36.8 61.1 z 10.7 6.1 18.2 100.7
11.5 4.9 24.6 68.1 z 25.8 17.6 36.2 99.5
24.1 13.7 38.9 62.9 37.2 26.8 48.9 107.0
16.7 8.6 30.1 82.9 23.8 16.8 32.5 175.1
16 7.8 30.2 81.9 34.8 25 46.1 104.1

19 11.7 29.4 158.7 27.5 20.4 36 224.0

32.1 22.3 43.7 177.0 46.6 38.4 54.9 264.6
34.5 27.6 42.1 266.7 41.1 34.1 48.5 295.6
37.1 28.5 46.6 183.8 37.7 31.5 44.5 318.5

15.2 10.5 21.4 306.8 40.9 36.4 45.7 404.6

17.5 13.2 22.9 359.7 44.3 39.9 48.8 458.0
18.6 13.5 25.2 272.1 44.6 39 50.4 343.5

39.4 36.2 42.7 1,594.9 52.2 49.3 55.1 2,459.5

53.4 51.6 55.2 6,946.9 56.2 54.9 57.4 10,040.2

61.5 59.8 63.2 7,653.9 64.7 63.5 65.9 10,344.8

32.6 25.1 41.2 559.3 42.6 37.3 48 660.4

23.5 18.9 28.9 647.0 37 32.3 41.9 672.5
39.1 33.3 45.1 622.7 41.4 36.8 46.2 664.2
47.3 42 52.6 569.9 58.6 54.1 63.1 648.7

4.2 2.6 6.8 464.5 15.4 12 19.5 643.8

16.6 13.3 20.5 1,343.9 22.9 20.2 25.9 1,685.1

24.8 20.6 29.4 545.3 25.7 22 29.9 629.9

25.4 14.4 41 54.0 28.3 16.9 43.4 65.9

23.6 15.9 33.5 126.6 26.2 20.7 32.5 267.2

12.7 7.4 20.7 287.4 27.2 22.3 32.9 542.2
22.1 14.5 32 306.5 22.7 16.9 29.9 352.5
26 19.2 34.3 319.2 26.1 21.4 31.3 525.5
25.5 9.5 52.8 31.9 z 2 11.3 3.8 29.1 42.8
17.3 10.9 26.3 117.1 13.8 9.5 19.6 183.2
31.3 24.7 38.7 184.3 32.8 26.2 40.3 240.5
34.5 27.3 42.6 184.5 35.5 27.4 44.5 205.1

18.7 11.2 29.4 293.7 12.6 8.6 18.2 331.5

12.7 9 17.6 226.1 12.7 8.5 18.6 264.1
29.6 23 37.2 184.0 36.5 28.3 45.7 250.6
72.1 63.2 79.6 270.9 56.7 51.1 62.1 372.6
65.4 57.7 72.4 372.7 54.2 48.8 59.5 339.8
60.3 45.7 73.3 45.4 71.5 52.9 84.9 45.6
52.4 42.2 62.4 99.7 75.2 65.4 82.9 103.7

27.9 17.3 41.6 150.1 42 29.1 56.1 125.9

54.7 45.1 64 179.6 57.2 48.6 65.3 155.6
39.6 30.8 49.1 175.6 39.3 30.3 49.1 185.5
50.9 42.3 59.4 128.7 43.3 33.7 53.3 183.4
9.8 6.2 15.3 203.7 26.2 18.7 35.3 266.3
22.7 14.7 33.3 130.0 30.1 22.7 38.7 248.0
34.6 28.9 40.9 382.7 42.6 37.1 48.2 560.2
33 27.6 38.9 381.0 51.8 46.5 56.9 542.5

10.8 6.5 17.5 157.0 20.4 14.1 28.7 147.0

50.7 40.2 61.2 134.4 52.4 44.9 59.7 175.2

57.3 44.5 69.3 113.0 71.1 63.7 77.6 145.8
48.5 33.1 64.2 78.5 69.4 59.5 77.8 94.9

24.4 17.4 33 164.7 28.9 22.2 36.7 230.1

42.7 31.4 54.8 182.5 61.2 55 67.1 276.0
41.2 29.7 53.7 208.3 63 55.2 70.2 243.9

34.2 27 42.2 172.1 42.7 37.2 48.4 358.7

73.1 63.8 80.7 204.3 60.3 49.7 70 278.9
56.6 49.5 63.5 364.8 42.4 37.7 47.2 601.0

58.3 52.1 64.2 484.1 44.6 40.1 49.2 662.3

58.4 52.5 64.1 423.4 51.6 46.8 56.4 564.5
51.9 46.2 57.6 430.3 37.7 32.9 42.8 555.9
58.5 52.6 64.1 368.2 50.1 44.4 55.7 488.1
63.8 58.6 68.6 842.1 52.5 47.5 57.6 1,036.1
74.5 68.4 79.7 545.9 65.9 61.3 70.2 735.5
72.1 65.5 77.9 596.0 66.5 59.7 72.7 828.5
64.9 59.2 70.1 543.3 55.4 50.9 59.8 770.1
62.7 56.6 68.4 518.4 64.1 59.4 68.6 781.9

43.9 34.1 54.3 177.7 49.4 41 57.7 148.3

65.2 45.9 80.5 109.5 z 58.7 50.3 66.6 113.7

28.5 22.6 35.2 548.5 35.3 30.5 40.3 613.9

24.3 21.3 27.6 1,037.1 17.6 15.3 20.2 1,300.9
32.5 27.9 37.4 619.7 30.7 26.7 35 738.4
28.6 23.2 34.8 391.4 45.2 39.6 50.9 482.6

26.7 y 40.2 22.9 60.5 25.2

9.2 6 13.8 305.0 11.6 8.6 15.5 425.0

22.8 18.1 28.2 358.8 32 26.6 38.1 497.5
24.9 19.1 31.7 294.6 51.7 46.2 57.1 447.3

24.9 20.1 30.5 411.8 49.9 44.3 55.4 616.9

22.1 12.9 35.4 134.9 32.3 24.8 40.7 361.4

40.6 34.4 47 239.0 54.1 47.5 60.6 281.0

56.2 47.9 64.3 154.7 63.2 54.8 70.9 170.0
58.4 45.9 69.9 108.6 68.7 60.9 75.5 194.9
40.6 33.4 48.1 241.8 52.4 46.4 58.4 284.2
51.6 32.9 69.9 87.7 62.8 48.6 75.1 85.0
44.4 33.1 56.3 233.3 61.5 53.9 68.5 231.4

17.5 7.8 34.8 30.2 z 20.7 9.4 39.6 29.2

21.4 10.5 38.6 59.3 z 16.9 6.9 35.6 38.8
18 8 35.7 37.2 z 26.6 14.7 43.3 36.4

22.3 16.4 29.4 188.0 36.8 31.4 42.6 252.2

24.4 19.5 30.1 345.5 32.1 27.3 37.4 482.2

37.1 31.4 43.2 438.0 39.1 33.2 45.4 525.9
44.6 38.8 50.5 406.5 33 27.6 39 490.8

11.3 7.7 16.2 473.8 9.1 6.7 12.3 822.5

56.6 48.2 64.7 149.1 46.3 37.4 55.5 183.0

18.5 11.5 28.4 146.0 24.5 18.5 31.6 209.4

43.3 34.1 52.9 155.0 54 47.1 60.8 230.2

44 36.1 52.2 164.4 60.6 52.4 68.2 200.6

61 52.2 69.2 164.6 73.4 64.8 80.5 237.8
53.7 42.9 64.2 151.7 58.5 50.7 66 192.2
59.8 50.7 68.3 156.6 66.5 58.9 73.2 184.1
58.5 45.4 70.5 185.8 62 54.8 68.7 272.7
49.5 40.5 58.6 204.1 60.9 53.9 67.5 216.2

17.5 11.9 24.9 188.9 43.3 38 48.6 263.4

1.8 0.7 4.8 229.1 0.6 0.1 4.2 224.8
5.9 3.9 8.8 402.7 11 7.4 16.1 452.1

24.4 20.2 29.2 540.5 22.8 18.1 28.3 642.1

24 16.3 33.8 260.0 7.6 4.7 11.9 286.4

13.8 10.4 17.9 629.2 10.2 7.7 13.4 718.0
20.1 17.3 23.2 1,009.4 7 5.4 9 1,295.0
21.1 17.1 25.7 946.8 10.6 8.5 13 1,227.6
30.3 26.4 34.4 998.2 8 6.3 10 1,384.7
30.2 26.4 34.2 945.7 18.1 15.3 21.2 1,226.7

38.1 34.8 41.5 1,120.6 21.8 19.5 24.3 1,449.0

42.8 36.4 49.6 881.8 28.8 26 31.9 1,225.7
36.9 8.7 78.2 77.1 9.6 5 17.7 192.2
17.9 8.1 35 42.2 z 23.3 11.4 41.6 49.2
48.8 26.3 71.7 32.9 z 21.5 11.3 37 58.5

31.5 25.8 37.8 338.5 40.5 35.1 46.1 425.0

35 29.3 41.1 433.1 37.2 31.3 43.5 484.0
39 32.6 45.9 443.8 54.8 48.7 60.8 450.3
46.8 43.9 49.7 833,357.4 47.8 45.4 50.2 964,848.1

20.4 9.9 37.4 11,906.0 26.1 17.6 36.8 17,729.8

62.6 52.6 71.7 333.5 61.1 53.8 68 370.8

24.3 15.7 35.7 128.0 33.4 24.3 43.8 204.0

53.7 46.1 61.1 317.2 76.7 72.6 80.4 524.4

53.6 42.5 64.3 292.5 77.1 69 83.6 257.8

47.4 38.1 56.9 242.6 82.1 77.5 85.9 391.2
55 45.1 64.6 202.6 79 74.2 83.1 336.1
54.2 43.1 64.9 209.5 81.6 76.7 85.6 352.0
51.5 41.4 61.5 212.3 79 73.7 83.4 381.3

53.8 45.4 62 287.0 79.1 74.6 82.9 427.9

46.9 41.4 52.5 377.2 74.5 70.9 77.8 512.9
53 46.6 59.3 287.0 76.1 72.7 79.2 448.6
49.5 42.8 56.2 264.7 74.7 71.3 77.8 453.7
52.4 46 58.7 238.6 76.8 73.2 80.1 412.3
55.1 48.3 61.7 216.5 75.7 71.9 79.2 365.8
57.9 48.5 66.8 188.0 75.3 71.1 79.1 335.9
52.8 45.4 60 194.3 73.3 69.6 76.7 319.4
61.3 54.1 68 170.6 74 70.4 77.4 322.1

21.4 15.7 28.5 161.4 43.5 38.2 49 303.3

22.4 16.2 30 177.3 41.6 35.8 47.6 292.5
34.8 23.9 47.4 216.3 46.3 39.6 53 312.0

40.2 29.4 52.1 71.1 46.8 31.4 62.8 60.7

32.2 23.2 42.8 66.5 38.6 27 51.6 75.6

83.3 78.4 87.4 246.9 84.2 79.8 87.8 322.5

87 82.7 90.3 275.5 87 82 90.8 306.2
78.7 68.5 86.3 47,603.8 86.3 77.6 92 55,823.1
77.1 70.6 82.5 310.2 83.8 79.3 87.4 329.4
6.0 y 14.0

41.9 30.5 54.2 84.0 63.1 52.5 72.6 110.0

52.3 42.4 62 103.8 52.9 42.2 63.3 125.0

54.2 38.5 69.1 68.3 46.3 34.5 58.6 72.9

79.2 63.5 89.2 59.4 64.3 50.2 76.2 71.7
55.5 37.9 71.9 60.2 59.7 46.7 71.4 85.7

38.2 31.6 45.2 420.5 24.8 20.6 29.6 586.3

38.2 32.1 44.7 380.3 37.7 33.7 41.8 588.1
41 34 48.3 224.9 35.1 29.9 40.7 292.5
33.3 22.2 46.5 215.5 30.7 24.1 38.1 238.5
28.6 18.7 41.1 212.6 34.5 28.6 40.8 268.9
33 21.2 47.3 183.5 36.6 30.7 42.8 266.8
46 39.1 53.1 322.7 39.8 35.2 44.5 502.6
56.5 41.2 70.8 157.5 40.7 34.3 47.5 257.5
48.9 38.7 59.2 197.9 35.9 30.3 41.8 274.5
20 11.6 32.3 94.9 12.5 7.7 19.5 139.2
12.7 6.7 22.6 119.1 11.4 5.8 21.2 124.6
18.5 7.5 39 184.7 0.7 0.1 4.7 58.8
34.4 17 57.3 91.0 8.1 2.7 21.8 35.1
0.8 0.1 5.8 96.8 5.8 2.6 12.3 113.3
6.9 3.6 12.9 148.8 11.6 8 16.5 245.5
11.2 7.1 17.3 199.2 9.5 5.9 14.8 311.3
25.8 20.2 32.3 285.4 32.9 27 39.4 379.3
24.2 19.2 30.1 401.5 32.1 26.7 37.9 516.2
39.2 32.3 46.4 426.5 50.1 45.8 54.3 583.3
47.9 40.9 55 314.7 56.9 51.7 61.9 464.7

2.5 1.1 5.7 262.2 15.8 10.2 23.6 263.5

23.2 15.2 33.7 126.7 39.1 29.4 49.6 141.9
42.3 37.1 47.7 373.7 47.9 41.2 54.6 331.4

81 75.5 85.5 292.9 77.9 72.5 82.5 268.4

30.6 25.5 36.3 318.8 27 23 31.4 401.9

38.2 31.9 44.8 250.2 37.2 30.8 44.1 304.6
36.6 30.1 43.7 232.7 39 31.8 46.7 305.2
43 36.9 49.2 483.1 39.5 35 44.2 699.6
54 45.7 62.1 470.8 56.4 51.3 61.4 713.2
2 0.3 13.6 46.0 z 5.5 2.3 12.6 134.7
4.6 1.5 13.3 68.8 0 0 0 90.2
4.2 1.1 14.4 80.1 2.5 1.1 5.7 154.9
16.6 8.4 30 89.4 8.5 4.5 15.3 221.4
23.5 19.3 28.3 387.1 31.7 27.3 36.4 495.9

12.9 7.9 20.5 139.0 16.1 10.5 24.1 161.0

21.8 14.9 30.7 133.9 22.9 14.7 33.8 163.7
30.4 22.9 39.1 159.2 37.6 30.5 45.4 182.6
33.3 26.5 41 253.5 43.3 34.6 52.5 200.3

4.8 2 11.1 164,687.2 6.3 3.6 10.8 183,831.3

10.1 6 16.4 328.1 14.4 8.7 22.9 340.0

24.9 14.3 39.7 458.4 20.2 12.7 30.6 440.1
16.4 10.1 25.7 475.1 11 6.2 18.7 540.3
29.6 16.2 47.8 248.9 31.4 18.9 47.4 247.8

44.3 38 50.8 355.2 57.4 51.9 62.8 417.8

44.3 35.6 53.3 298.2 54.4 47.4 61.2 273.7

15.9 9.3 25.8 123.4 17.6 12.3 24.7 161.7

40 31.3 49.4 187.2 14.1 9.7 20 185.8

66.1 58.4 73 209.0 58.5 50.9 65.7 248.0

62.2 54.2 69.6 218.8 53.3 46.4 60 244.0
67.3 57.6 75.7 173.8 63.3 54 71.7 230.7

37 18.7 59.9 31.5 z 47.6 34 61.5 50.8

7.1 2.3 19.9 28.0 z 0 0 0 44.0
9.6 3.1 26.4 31.9 z 13.8 6.3 27.5 42.5
30.6 15.3 51.8 31.1 z 18.7 8.8 35.5 55.1

8.3 4.2 15.7 133.1 12.3 6.7 21.5 109.0

13.4 8 21.6 124.4 16.4 10.6 24.4 108.8

11.3 5.9 20.4 86.9 13.1 7.4 22.1 105.7

58 48.8 66.7 135.5 57.9 48.9 66.5 138.1
54.5 43.8 64.7 107.9 59.4 48.4 69.5 117.3
9.0 y 17.1

22.1 y 22.8

58.6 50.6 66.2 238.6 66.9 60.4 72.9 295.7

57.8 51.1 64.2 280.1 58 52.4 63.4 350.8
57.8 52.1 63.3 303.9 65.5 59.1 71.3 322.9
59 53.8 64.1 514.3 69.9 65.7 73.9 650.8
8.1 3.9 16.2 96.4 2.2 0.5 10 81.6
14.5 6.1 30.9 34.8 z 21.2 10.5 38.2 30.9
17.9 9.7 30.7 166.7 26.1 16.1 39.4 131.4

39.1 32.6 45.9 267.3 54.5 48 60.9 373.3

57.2 50.4 63.8 349.3 60.5 55.2 65.7 470.5

7.6 3.4 16.1 92.0 16.8 11.8 23.3 173.0

21.2 15.2 28.7 175.9 27.1 18.9 37.2 173.5

45 33.6 56.9 86.1 46 35.1 57.2 107.3
20.4 12.3 31.8 85.5 30 21.5 40 111.6
28.5 17.6 42.7 46.9 45 30.9 60 85.6

24 12.6 40.8 82.3 23.8 14.5 36.6 119.6

16 7.7 30.1 75.0 12.3 6.9 20.9 87.0
11.4 5.6 21.6 92.6 19.7 12.8 29.2 87.0
9 4.8 16.5 122.6 23.4 14.8 34.9 139.7
16.7 10.1 26.3 123.5 30 22.4 38.9 148.1
43.3 32.6 54.6 133.9 46.5 36 57.3 150.5

8.4 5.5 12.8 570.3 10.4 7.7 13.9 714.8

21.7 16.6 27.9 67,334.0 15.5 11 21.4 69,864.1

47.7 39.3 56.1 204.8 33.9 29 39.3 279.5
69.3 62.4 75.5 202.6 52.5 46.4 58.6 296.1
71 64.8 76.4 378.7 70.3 66 74.3 580.4
71.5 65 77.3 325.5 69 64.4 73.2 498.1
34.6 25.2 45.3 142.9 29 21.5 37.9 135.4
24.9 18.4 32.8 167.4 19.7 14.6 26 250.7
32.6 25.8 40.2 236.2 21.4 17 26.5 330.6
39 32.4 46.1 254.9 27.6 22.2 33.9 291.2
42.2 36.4 48.2 370.9 40.2 34.2 46.6 360.2
43 35.9 50.4 234.5 51.9 45 58.7 262.1
39.2 31.7 47.2 226.9 43 36.5 49.8 256.0
Top 60% Bottom 20%
Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit
Bottom_40_FTop_60_r Top_60_ll Top_60_ul Top_60_weigTop_60_FootBottom_20_rBottom_20_llBottom_20_u
44.7 40.4 49.1 1,881.2 41.1 35.4 47.1

62.6 59.2 65.8 1,999.7 63 57.4 68.3

5.5 1.8 15.4 68.8 4.2 1 15.8
z 4.2 1.1 15 53.4
38.5 27.1 51.3 86.3 33.2 15 58.3
38.1 28.7 48.5 179.2 34.1 23.4 46.7

26.6 22.6 31 924.5 25.7 20.4 31.8

29.5 25 34.3 784.7 28.4 22.5 35.2
39.3 33.8 45.2 821.9 36.7 31.1 42.7
35.1 26.8 44.5 140,369.0 29 20.4 39.4

35 23.4 48.6 101.6

31.2 19.8 45.6 68.4 35.7 22.3 51.9
40.7 30.9 51.3 113.3 44.5 29 61.2
4.6 1.5 13.5 65.0 9.5 3.8 21.9
7.7 3.2 17.3 128.9 17.7 8.1 34.3

38.4 33.4 43.7 397.9 43.1 34 52.7

38.7 35.4 42.2 1,280.1 35.5 30.9 40.4
45 38.5 51.8 265.6 45.7 33.1 58.9
67.2 62.2 71.8 488.3 56.9 46 67.1
52.8 48.7 56.7 1,095.5 57.7 52.6 62.7
54.3 46.7 61.7 386.3 46.1 34.1 58.6
65.5 60.9 69.8 570.8 63.3 55.3 70.7
61.2 58.2 64.2 1,466.0 65.9 61.3 70.2

y 22.1 y
11.5 5.5 22.5 220.7 13.8 3.5 41.7
17.3 10.4 27.3 192.2 28.6 11.3 55.8
27.3 18 39.1 171.7 6.9 2.4 18.6
z 11 4.1 26.3 43.0 z 6.9 1.8 23.2
12.4 7 21 89.0 23.7 11.5 42.4
31.3 20.1 45.2 105.9 45.3 28.7 63

41.4 37.9 45 889.0 44.2 38.4 50.2

34.4 30.6 38.4 695.8 29.1 23.8 34.9
41.9 37.4 46.6 791.9 39.5 32.3 47.2
40.8 37.1 44.5 792.7 42.7 37.4 48.2
52 45.5 58.5 395.9 36.1 25.8 47.8
54.6 33.8 73.8 72.4 51.8 29.3 73.5
31.3 24.3 39.3 198.4 57 45 68.1
44.2 38.7 49.9 487.9 67.1 59.2 74.1
48.9 43.4 54.5 436.6 66.2 58.6 73.1

11.9 5.4 24.5 134.4 36.4 17.4 60.8

11.1 4.4 25.4 137.9

18.8 14.7 23.7 621.6 16.6 11.2 23.9

3 1.2 7 287.7 9 4.7 16.5

26.5 23 30.3 858.9 23.9 18.6 30

47.5 43.1 51.9 701.1 56.8 47.4 65.6

57.5 50.4 64.4 226.0 59.4 47.1 70.6

72 66.8 76.6 422.9 61.4 49.6 71.9
83.4 80.4 86 719.7 81.7 75.7 86.4

10.9 8 14.8 384.0 11.5 7.6 17.1

57.5 51.3 63.6 392.7 60.6 51.8 68.8

73.1 67.2 78.4 354.3 69.6 61.2 76.8

58.3 52.3 64.1 420.2 75.5 64.3 84.1
41.6 35.7 47.8 457.8 63.2 55.9 69.9

23.7 19.3 28.8 433.6 16.1 9.6 25.8

22.8 17.9 28.5 316.6 12.6 6.3 23.8
24.2 20.4 28.5 605.5 11.5 7.8 16.5
36 30.7 41.6 399.5 9.5 5.3 16.6
44.6 39.6 49.7 568.1 28.4 22 36

17.3 13.3 22.1 1,046.2 16.7 13 21.3

24.2 19.7 29.3 658.9 18.5 13.5 25
34.9 30.3 39.8 682.7 27 21 34

37 32.5 41.7 490.4 29.1 21.5 38.2

8.9 5.9 13.4 350.7 13.2 7 23.5

2.1 0.8 5.1 365.5 1 0.2 4.5
3.8 2.7 5.4 1,162.3 2.5 0.8 6.9
0.1 0 0.3 1,048.8 0.3 0.1 1.8

15.6 13.2 18.3 1,322.4 14.8 11.1 19.5

23.5 18 30.1 223.3 25 16.2 36.4

43.9 38.8 49 688.5 40.7 35.1 46.5

37.1 32.2 42.4 241,553.2 38.1 28.4 48.9

8.8 5.4 14 276.3 11 5.8 19.7

15.8 9.9 24.3 183.3 4.9 1.7 13.4

20.9 15.4 27.7 448.5 23.9 18.5 30.3

36.7 29.5 44.6 459.1 20.9 16.4 26.2
32 17.2 51.7 112.8 33.4 21.2 48.4
20.4 10.8 35.3 16,141.1 27.1 16.1 41.8

35.2 23.6 49 259.9 34.7 16.9 58.2

7.5 5 11.2 583.5 9 5 15.7

2.5 1.2 5 523.2 8 3.8 16.2

12.8 9.5 17 408.8 10.9 6.3 18.3
22.5 17.9 27.9 485.6 26 20.1 32.9
34.9 28.6 41.9 508.7 29.8 24.5 35.7

22.9 18.8 27.7 616.0 30.6 22.1 40.7

36.9 30.4 43.8 523.7 33 19.4 50.2
36.4 32.1 40.9 698.4 35.5 28.9 42.6
47.8 43.3 52.4 1,114.0 47 40.5 53.7
56.6 49.9 63.1 1,046.9 50.4 44.4 56.4

9.5 4.2 20.1 99.6 13.9 7 26

4.8 2.9 8 429.8 9.5 6.4 13.9

5 2.2 10.9 161.2 9.8 4.4 20.7

2.8 1.8 4.3 855.0 7.2 3.9 12.8
17.7 12 25.2 455.0 13.7 8.4 21.5

51.1 47 55.1 696.4 63.9 58 69.4

40.5 36 45.1 697.1 44.8 39 50.7

49.8 45.3 54.3 650.0 56.9 50.3 63.3
38.2 34.6 41.9 925.0 39.4 32.9 46.2

43.1 34.6 52 355.2 55.7 45.2 65.7

12.8 7.9 20 184.0 28.1 18.5 40.2

18.6 12.9 26 166.9 29.4 21.1 39.4

28.8 21.9 36.8 149.2 38.7 25 54.4

39.9 32.2 48.1 168.1 59 42.3 73.8

58.9 45.1 71.4 131.5 67 54.6 77.4
50.7 45.3 56 658.1 57.6 47.9 66.8
51.9 46.8 56.9 686.4 34.4 26.7 43
52 46.1 57.9 685.7 54 45.9 61.8
54.5 48.2 60.6 616.9 55 46.6 63.1
57.4 48.3 65.9 286.6 56.9 44.3 68.7

38.6 28.1 50.2 80.6 50.4 37.1 63.5

6 2.7 12.8 292.7 6 3.3 10.7

21.3 14.8 29.6 321.8 15.8 11.5 21.3
24.9 17.8 33.7 244.6 22.7 12.1 38.7
39.4 34.8 44.3 478.8 39.9 32.1 48.1
31.9 27.6 36.7 855.2 32 25.3 39.6
41.5 34.9 48.4 528.7 53.6 45.7 61.3
48.4 41.9 55 550.2 58.4 50.6 65.8
50.7 44.8 56.5 499.0 66.7 61.2 71.8
z 10.7 5.5 19.6 137.6

19.5 12.6 29 158.6 22 11.6 37.8

60.1 51.2 68.5 152.0 51.9 40.2 63.3

57.2 48.7 65.3 203.1 60.8 46.4 73.6
63.7 55.5 71.2 172.6 62.9 50.9 73.6
44.8 37.5 52.4 485.1 53.7 44.9 62.4
50.1 42.6 57.6 313.3 62 52.5 70.7
39.4 33.5 45.7 495.9 54 45.6 62.2
37 32.2 42.1 579.7 75.3 69.2 80.6

20.9 16.6 25.9 380.1 19.3 13.5 26.8

35.5 29.3 42.3 387.8 23.2 17 31
34.5 29.6 39.6 459.6 33.8 27.3 41.1
29.3 25.1 33.7 425.6 23.8 17.7 31.2
14.4 10.9 18.8 366.6 18.8 11.8 28.7

54.2 47.7 60.6 432.3 56 49.1 62.6

57.3 51.8 62.7 387.0 59.3 49.6 68.4
10 4.1 22.2 110.0 9.1 5.1 15.7
17.4 10 28.7 109.8 34.3 22.9 47.7
25.5 17.2 36.1 109.9 50 32.8 67.2
18 11.3 27.4 150.5 29.4 19.5 41.7
23.7 12 41.3 133.8 33.7 22.7 46.8

19.8 12.1 30.7 307.4 29 18.9 41.8

35.2 27.8 43.3 300.0 44.2 33.6 55.4
37.9 32.1 44.1 400.0 43.9 34 54.3
41.9 34.6 49.5 341.8 33.9 25.5 43.4

18.5 14.6 23.2 488.8 44.9 38.6 51.4

19.6 16.1 23.7 558.2 51.5 45.4 57.5
18.2 14 23.2 410.7 51 42.6 59.5

40.9 38.3 43.5 2,621.5 53.3 49.3 57.3

53.7 52.3 55.1 11,111.3 55.9 54.2 57.5

62.9 61.6 64.1 12,059.6 64.7 63 66.3

35.8 30.2 41.9 886.9 40.4 33.8 47.3

27.3 22.7 32.5 991.4 36.9 31.2 42.9
40.6 35.7 45.7 928.7 42.6 36.8 48.7
44.9 40.8 49 893.2 59.6 53.4 65.5

8.4 6 11.5 734.8 16 11.5 21.9

16.6 14 19.5 2,065.5 22.6 19.3 26.2

25.9 22.4 29.8 879.4 29.5 24.1 35.5

20.9 13.9 30.1 102.4 20.6 9.2 40

27.3 20.8 35 215.7 21.5 14.6 30.5

15.8 11.7 21.2 503.8 23.6 17.1 31.5
22.6 16.4 30.4 478.3 19.6 13.8 27.1
24.8 19.4 31 533.9 26 20.5 32.4
z2 24.3 11 45.6 42.9 z 2 9.2 1.5 40.1
18.7 13.4 25.4 198.6 12.2 6.8 21
30.9 25.3 37.2 291.9 33.8 23.4 45.9
39.2 31.3 47.7 326.2 35.2 25.8 45.8

14.6 9.2 22.5 436.1 12.3 6.9 20.8

11.8 8.7 15.8 343.0 14.5 8.6 23.6
27.7 21.8 34.4 276.8 41.7 30.2 54.1
65.5 59.3 71.3 421.7 55.8 49.4 62.1
63.1 57.4 68.5 547.8 53.7 46.6 60.6
z 62.6 49.9 73.8 62.1
55.2 45.5 64.4 142.5 81 68.6 89.2

31.6 21.3 44 199.8 26.1 13.9 43.7

55.3 47.7 62.6 261.5 67.3 55.3 77.3
42 34.9 49.4 269.1 39 27.7 51.7
47.7 40.2 55.3 198.9 40.9 29.2 53.8
12.3 8.8 16.9 302.7 24.7 16.1 36
22.4 16.1 30.3 202.8 30.5 21.6 41.2
37.1 32.6 41.8 621.9 45.9 38.9 53
37.5 33 42.4 586.2 52.6 45.8 59.3

10.1 6.6 15.2 227.0 23.2 14.1 35.6

53.3 45.8 60.6 231.1 49.5 39.1 59.9

63.2 53.2 72.1 169.6 68.8 58.3 77.6
50.1 37.7 62.5 110.7 69.1 55.8 79.8

26.8 21.2 33.2 255.5 24.6 16.7 34.8

48.7 40.4 57.1 314.1 60.5 52.3 68.1
49.1 40.1 58.3 311.0 66.5 57.1 74.8

38.5 32.6 44.7 329.4 47.7 40.3 55.3

73 66.3 78.7 332.1 60.6 48.5 71.5
57.7 52 63.2 608.9 40 34.7 45.7

55.8 50.9 60.6 765.3 39.9 34.2 45.8

56.7 52 61.2 696.2 51.5 45.3 57.7
49 44.9 53.2 701.2 33.8 26.7 41.7
54.1 49.4 58.7 604.3 52.8 45.5 59.9
60 56.2 63.7 1,316.6 50.7 44.6 56.7
74.8 70.1 78.9 920.0 65.5 59.1 71.4
71.2 66.5 75.4 951.1 66 55.5 75.2
63.1 58.7 67.3 857.3 57.3 51.1 63.2
64 59.1 68.6 781.0 63.5 57.5 69.2

42.9 35.3 50.9 252.7 45.7 33.6 58.3

66 52.7 77.2 167.1 59.2 47.2 70.2

32.1 27.9 36.5 843.8 37.5 31 44.6

22.2 19.9 24.6 1,666.0 17.5 14.3 21.3
32 28.7 35.6 994.7 29.9 24.3 36.1
36.3 31.3 41.5 604.4 45.4 38.3 52.8

z 44.8 27.8 63.2 42.0 z 42.6 24.5 62.9

10.8 7.8 14.7 477.2 14.6 10.1 20.7

21.6 17.7 26.1 535.0 30.5 23.3 38.8
30.9 25.8 36.5 460.6 57.5 49.5 65.2

32.1 27.9 36.7 633.1 46.1 38.1 54.3

27.5 15.2 44.5 284.8 33.7 25 43.7

43.1 37.6 48.8 376.0 59 50.4 67

51.8 44.7 58.8 230.0 69.4 58.4 78.6
62.8 53.7 71.1 205.2 68.4 58.7 76.8
41 35.2 47.2 374.0 55.4 46.5 63.9
56.9 42.6 70.1 135.5 60.7 40 78.2
43.4 35.2 52 383.3 60.8 52.1 68.9

z 18.4 9.5 32.6 45.0 z

z 16.7 8.7 29.9 82.2
z 15.4 7.8 28.2 62.4

25.9 20.5 32 288.0 37.3 30 45.2

25.9 21.8 30.4 583.3 36.3 29.9 43.2

34.8 30.5 39.5 690.8 37.5 29.5 46.2
45.2 40.4 50 665.5 32.4 25 40.8

12 9.2 15.7 724.8 9.9 6.6 14.6

55.4 48.4 62.3 216.1 52.2 40.7 63.5

20.2 15 26.6 265.3 23.5 15.5 33.9

43.2 36.6 50.1 256.3 57.1 47.5 66.3

47.9 39.6 56.3 277.5 67.5 55.9 77.3

66.6 58.8 73.6 292.0 74 62.6 82.9
55.3 46.1 64.2 262.7 43.3 33.3 53.8
64.2 56.9 70.9 259.1 71.3 61.7 79.2
62.2 53.3 70.4 312.1 60.8 51.4 69.6
53.3 46.3 60.2 310.3 64.1 53.6 73.4

19.2 14.7 24.8 276.7 43 35.8 50.5

1.4 0.6 3.5 381.3 0 0 0
6.5 4.5 9.2 580.0 14.1 8.3 23.1

23.6 19.5 28.2 837.8 25.2 18.7 32.9

21.8 15.7 29.5 372.5 10.5 5.7 18.6

12.4 10 15.3 1,014.8 9 6 13.4
17.2 15 19.7 1,539.6 6.8 4.5 10
18.2 15.2 21.6 1,431.8 10.3 7.4 14.2
25 22.2 28 1,545.4 5.1 3.5 7.5
27.7 24 31.6 1,496.3 16.2 12.6 20.6

34.3 31.6 37.1 1,769.8 23.2 20 26.8

39.3 34.8 44.1 1,362.7 31.1 26.8 35.7
25.6 6.5 63.1 133.3 10 4.6 20.5
z 22.8 13.7 35.5 65.1
33.4 18.1 53.1 60.2 17.4 6.9 37.4

34.2 29.3 39.5 530.0 37.9 30.4 46.1

38.1 33.2 43.4 667.3 34.7 27.8 42.3
42.7 37.4 48.1 688.6 57.6 49.8 65.1
47.9 45.6 50.2 ### 48.3 45.1 51.5

17.1 9.3 29.3 18,757.1 38.1 29.1 48

58.7 50.8 66.1 532.3 61.2 49.4 71.8

26.1 18.3 35.6 219.0 36.2 23.3 51.6

56 50.2 61.6 500.1 81.2 76.3 85.3

60.6 52.6 68.1 469.1 82.1 72.2 89

55.1 48.6 61.5 411.4 84.6 77.8 89.6
58.4 51.2 65.3 366.8 82.8 76.9 87.4
59.2 50.9 67 370.0 86.2 80.6 90.4
55.1 47.5 62.5 358.4 83.5 77.1 88.4

55.9 49.6 62.1 496.0 82.2 76.6 86.7

52.7 48.4 57 606.2 80.7 76.1 84.5
56.2 51.2 61 465.9 82.5 78.4 85.9
52.8 47.7 57.9 425.9 79.6 75.4 83.2
56 51.3 60.7 406.0 80.9 76.4 84.7
58 52.8 63.1 340.1 80.7 76 84.6
63.4 57.3 69.1 349.8 79.4 74.4 83.7
55.7 50.4 60.9 314.1 79.4 75 83.1
59.1 54.1 63.9 293.9 77 72.2 81.2

24.3 19.4 30 298.4 46.2 38.9 53.7

23.8 18.7 29.9 276.2 43.4 36.1 50.9
36.2 28.2 45.1 357.9 52.5 43.7 61.1

z 41.6 31.9 52 96.2 52.5 30 74.1

34.8 25.8 45 103.0

83.6 79.3 87.1 395.3 85.4 79.5 89.8

86.9 83.3 89.7 407.3 88.4 81.3 93
84.6 77.9 89.5 81,076.8 92 83.8 96.3
78.8 73.9 83 452.1 81.7 75.2 86.8
y 12.2 y

42.7 33.8 52 137.9 71.9 58.9 82.1

53.6 45.2 61.7 156.8 52.1 40.2 63.8

52.8 42.1 63.2 114.2 33.1 20.8 48.4

76.7 66.3 84.7 106.5 67.9 49.8 81.8
66.2 51.5 78.2 93.5 66.9 49.7 80.6

36 30.8 41.5 692.6 23.4 17.7 30.2

40.2 35.2 45.5 593.3 37.6 32.1 43.3
39.5 33.3 46 342.0 35.3 27.6 43.9
33.7 26.3 41.9 328.1 27.7 20.6 36.3
32.4 24.2 41.8 320.8 32 25.4 39.4
36.3 27.6 46 278.4 41.7 33.6 50.3
44.3 39.4 49.3 536.6 37.5 31.4 44.1
50.6 40.4 60.6 276.2 42.7 34.7 51.1
45 37.1 53.1 323.2 43.5 36.1 51.3
16.1 10.3 24.2 170.9 11.7 6.2 21.1
15.2 8.3 26.1 146.6 10.9 4.8 22.9
z 15.6 7 31.2 262.3
z 28.4 13.9 49.4 113.6
0.5 0.1 3.8 149.9 6.1 1.9 17.5
5.4 3.2 9.2 265.5 12.8 7.4 21.1
11.3 7.8 16 331.1 7.9 3.5 16.7
29.7 25 34.9 469.1 25.4 18.4 33.9
30.9 25.9 36.4 693.6 30.4 23.8 38
44.8 39.8 49.9 709.7 49 43 55
51.3 45.8 56.8 504.0 60.1 53.4 66.4

4.8 2.9 7.8 417.1 17.7 11.1 27

26.4 19.6 34.6 203.4 29.8 17.5 46
42.5 37.9 47.2 534.5 50.9 41.8 60

82.7 78.5 86.3 456.3 76.9 69.1 83.2

30 26 34.3 531.7 23.1 17.6 29.9

38.9 33.9 44.2 363.5 37.2 29.7 45.3
38.8 33.8 44.2 372.0 39.3 30.4 49.1
42.2 37.9 46.6 856.1 39.9 33.6 46.6
53 46.7 59.2 802.7 57.3 50.3 64.1
3.7 1.4 9.2 97.0 4.4 1 17
3.4 1.1 10.1 93.0 0 0 0
3 1 9.2 131.1 2.4 0.9 6.4
9.5 5 17.3 171.1 9.3 4.9 16.9
26.1 22.6 29.9 667.2 35.1 28.7 42.1

12.7 8.7 18.1 213.0 13.5 7.2 23.8

26.4 19.8 34.2 229.7 22.4 11.5 39.1
29 23 35.9 257.4 28.4 18.1 41.6
31.9 26.2 38.2 387.5 43.3 32.9 54.5

4.7 2.6 8.5 269,057.8 7.3 2.9 17.4

11 7.5 15.8 566.3 15.8 6.9 32.2

24.8 16.4 35.7 697.9 24 13.4 39.1
16.3 11.2 23 714.2 11.4 6.7 18.8
26.7 16.6 40 372.5 20.8 9 40.9

45.8 40.8 50.8 554.9 57 50.1 63.7

47.6 41.2 54.1 454.3 58.6 48.7 67.9

17.2 11.5 24.9 200.4 17.1 9.4 29

38.3 30.6 46.7 277.1 11.5 6.4 19.6

64.8 58.7 70.6 320.9 55.4 44.3 65.9

60.1 53.9 66 322.8 55.5 47.4 63.4
65.2 57.9 71.9 262.1 57.2 43.9 69.6

32.9 20 49.1 61.6 45.7 31 61.1

z 4.7 1.4 14 43.0 z
z 10.2 4.6 21 59.8 16 6.1 35.9
24.6 13.5 40.6 47.8 z 21.5 9.7 41

6.3 3.3 11.7 186.7 15.7 8.3 27.5

11.9 7.7 18 190.0 17.6 9.8 29.5

9.2 5.1 16 136.2 15.4 7.6 28.5

58.5 51.1 65.5 205.1 58.4 43.9 71.5
54.3 45 63.3 156.2 58.4 42.9 72.4
y 14.2 y

y 48.2 30 66.9 29.7 z

59.2 52.7 65.5 409.8 62.2 53.8 70

59.8 54.8 64.7 438.0 56.6 49 64
59.9 54.7 64.8 461.2 64.7 55.7 72.8
61.8 57.5 65.9 792.5 70.5 64.6 75.8
8.2 4.4 14.9 136.9 4.3 0.9 19.1
z 13.2 6.3 25.6 54.4
16 9.4 25.9 226.6 20.4 9 40.1

44.1 38.9 49.5 463.4 55.4 46.4 64.1

57.7 52.6 62.7 527.9 58.6 51.2 65.7

9.2 5.3 15.7 141.0 19 13 27

21.6 16.2 28.2 261.2 22.4 14 33.9

52 42.6 61.3 128.0 47 33.4 61.1
21.6 15.2 29.8 147.2 17.3 8.4 32.3
33.2 22.4 46.1 75.8 38.7 22.2 58.3

20.1 11.4 33 118.8 25.2 13.7 41.6

18.2 10.4 29.9 106.8 11.7 4.5 26.9
14 8.6 21.8 143.3 32.5 24.2 42
12.3 7.8 18.7 187.5 28 17.1 42.4
19.6 13.6 27.4 202.2 40 29.4 51.6
44.7 35.7 54 206.5 42.7 30.3 56.2

9.2 6.6 12.6 928.3 10 6.4 15.3

20.5 16.4 25.4 106,423.9 18 11.4 27.3

44.3 38.1 50.8 347.7 30 23.4 37.5
66.3 60.6 71.6 336.4 57.1 48.6 65.2
73.7 69 77.9 604.5 68.7 62.1 74.6
70.7 66.2 74.9 521.6 67 60.8 72.8
33.4 26.1 41.6 207.1 27.8 17.3 41.5
23.6 18.8 29.2 261.9 19 11.7 29.5
30.3 24.5 36.7 346.6 22.7 17 29.6
34.1 28.7 39.9 387.0 25.4 18 34.5
40.3 35.6 45.2 518.5 41.1 32.9 49.9
43.6 37.8 49.5 349.9 49.2 40.9 57.4
41.1 35.5 47 352.4 44 35.4 53
Bottom 20% Top 80% Bottom 80%
Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit
Bottom_20_wBottom_20_FTop_80_r Top_80_ll Top_80_ul Top_80_weigTop_80_FootBottom_80_rBottom_80_ll
527.4 43.5 40.1 47 2,543.9 43.8 40.7

694.4 63.3 60.6 66 2,750.9 64 61.4

27.2 z 6.9 3 15.1 90.8 7.2 3.5
24.3 y 4.5 1.5 13.1 72.5 3 0.7
38.0 z 38.5 27.6 50.7 113.3 34.9 23.5
55.7 37.1 29.4 45.6 227.9 37.2 30

408.6 25.3 22.1 28.8 1,306.2 24.3 21.3

307.7 28.7 25 32.6 1,104.9 28.5 25
332.3 37.6 33.3 42.1 1,153.9 37.1 33.5
86,303.0 33.3 26.4 41 191,896.0 27 22.1

19.4 y 33.6 23.2 45.9 137.6 31.3 22.1

33.5 z 33.6 24 44.8 102.3 35.7 26.6
26.9 z 44.5 35.8 53.6 145.2 47.1 38.5
42.0 z 5.4 2.4 11.4 112.0 7.4 3.9
42.5 9.3 4.8 17.3 198.5 11.6 6.7

145.6 37.8 33.4 42.4 534.0 41.5 37

521.4 37.7 35 40.6 1,780.5 37.3 34.7
98.0 42.2 36.9 47.7 384.9 40.4 34.8
168.7 66 61.5 70.2 641.1 64.5 59.7
449.2 55.4 52.1 58.6 1,531.6 56.8 53.9
141.1 57.8 51.3 64.1 509.5 55.8 48.2
196.3 65.4 61.4 69.1 757.2 65.3 61.4
521.0 61.7 59.1 64.3 1,892.9 63.1 60.6

7.2 y 24.9 12 44.7 27.4 z 19.1 8.3

45.5 z 9.7 4.7 18.8 274.7 6.2 2.4
47.5 z 17.1 10.9 25.8 239.2 15.6 9.2
55.0 z 25.4 17.4 35.4 221.9 24.1 15.9
27.0 z 10.3 4.7 21.3 61.7 9 4.1
28.6 z 12.5 7.7 19.6 119.5 16 10.6
37.2 z 30.2 20.9 41.5 151.7 32.4 23.2

342.6 41.7 38.6 44.8 1,176.8 42.3 39.2

228.4 33.3 30.1 36.7 926.3 32 29.1
241.0 41.8 37.9 45.7 1,071.1 41.8 37.9
302.2 41 37.9 44.3 1,084.5 41.8 38.7
115.5 51.7 46 57.3 487.2 43.8 38.2
20.0 z 53.5 36 70.1 95.5 54.6 37.7
72.7 33.7 27.4 40.7 275.0 41.5 35.1
255.6 48.3 43.2 53.3 653.7 57.7 53
186.5 53.9 49.4 58.4 612.6 59.4 55.1

46.5 z 13.7 6.9 25.4 222.5 16.9 9.5

26.0 y 17.2 8.5 31.7 209.7 19.5 10.2

249.0 18.8 15.4 22.6 865.8 17.9 14.7

134.9 4.8 2.6 8.8 396.5 6.2 3.8

301.6 25 22.1 28.3 1,204.0 24 21

294.7 49.6 45.6 53.5 954.0 54 49.7

69.0 59.2 52.7 65.4 289.0 61.2 54.4

141.5 71.2 66.6 75.5 575.3 70.1 64.5
253.0 82.5 79.9 84.8 993.9 83.4 80.7

239.8 10.5 7.9 13.8 560.2 10.7 8.2

187.7 59.8 54.7 64.7 551.8 61.9 57.3

204.8 74.1 69.2 78.5 499.2 75.2 70.2

158.2 62.3 57.2 67.1 558.3 70.3 65.2
160.3 47.1 42.4 51.9 648.7 53.4 49

188.3 22.5 18.7 26.9 600.0 19.7 16.1

189.2 24.6 20.2 29.5 463.7 20.2 15.8
267.3 22.5 19.5 26 871.0 19.2 16.4
167.1 33.7 29.1 38.6 546.6 27.5 23.1
232.0 42.6 38.4 46.9 798.1 39.8 36

422.1 16.4 13.1 20.3 1,401.7 15.7 12.8

282.5 24 19.4 29.4 933.4 22.7 18.3
263.0 34.6 30.7 38.9 951.9 33.7 29.8

232.2 38.4 34.5 42.5 715.0 36.1 31.8

131.3 9.3 6.3 13.3 483.1 11 7.6

99.4 2.2 1 4.8 533.5 2.1 0.9
344.8 3.4 2.4 4.7 1,537.9 2.6 1.8
380.8 0 0 0.2 1,423.5 0.1 0

505.6 16.6 14.4 19 1,842.6 16.5 14.3

102.6 25.2 20.5 30.4 324.9 26.5 21.9

338.2 43.7 39.7 47.7 991.0 42.8 39.4

38,710.8 36.5 32.2 41 293,931.8 35.2 30.5

110.5 10 6.8 14.4 363.6 10.4 7.2

90.0 13.8 9 20.4 254.9 11.5 7.8

189.5 19 14.9 23.9 636.4 20.5 16.6

220.2 36.9 30.2 44.2 647.6 31 26.1
73.6 32.2 20.2 47 176.3 31.8 21.9
10,269.3 24.4 15.1 37 21,396.3 27.4 19.8

81.4 42 29.8 55.3 331.2 44.2 31.8

289.9 8.4 6.1 11.4 820.7 8.7 6.3

226.2 3 1.8 4.9 729.2 4.7 2.8

170.9 12.1 9.3 15.6 560.8 10.3 7.8
263.6 22.1 18.3 26.3 716.7 23.1 19.7
240.3 35.3 29.9 41.2 731.0 35 30.6

185.3 22.3 18.6 26.5 821.5 23.9 19.7

155.4 36.4 30.6 42.5 771.6 37.6 32.1
288.3 36.6 32.8 40.7 1,000.1 37.8 33.8
426.4 47.4 43.4 51.5 1,508.4 49.5 45.8
504.1 54.7 49.6 59.8 1,494.3 54.7 50.1

46.8 10.2 5.6 17.7 155.6 12.5 7.9

239.7 6.2 4.1 9.5 619.0 8 5.9

64.2 5.8 2.8 11.9 219.2 7.4 4.2

448.4 3.7 2.5 5.4 1,292.7 4.7 3.2
195.3 16.5 11.6 22.9 618.2 16.5 12.1

252.6 54 50.6 57.3 938.4 59.3 56.1

272.6 40.1 36.4 43.8 948.5 41.9 38.6

215.4 51.8 47.9 55.7 874.7 54.3 50.8
276.3 39.6 36.4 42.9 1,183.8 40.3 37.1

188.7 43.3 36.2 50.6 486.9 46.9 40.7

75.7 18.1 13 24.5 261.0 23.2 18

82.6 19.3 14.2 25.6 242.6 22.4 17.8

58.8 29.9 23.5 37.2 201.6 34.3 27.4

45.4 z 40.8 34.3 47.6 227.9 46.7 39.8

62.6 62.8 52.5 72 187.3 65.8 56.8
194.9 53.3 48.3 58.3 872.0 56.5 51.3
227.7 52.3 48.2 56.4 914.1 50.1 45.9
284.1 51.4 45.9 56.8 963.6 54.1 48.7
290.6 57 51.5 62.3 894.2 54.6 49.2
141.1 59.5 52.4 66.1 408.6 60.7 54.2

48.5 40 30.9 49.9 127.6 43.8 35.6

114.8 4.8 2.4 9.5 416.3 6 3.5

146.0 20.6 15.1 27.4 417.4 19.4 14.9
63.7 24.2 18 31.8 319.7 22.3 15.9
190.5 39.6 35.5 43.9 662.0 39.9 35.9
294.7 33.5 29.6 37.6 1,173.0 34.1 30.4
182.5 45.1 39.5 50.8 730.4 47.4 42.6
193.4 52 46.5 57.4 746.9 53.3 48.6
198.4 49.9 45.1 54.7 698.2 55.5 51.3
19.1 y 13.2 7.9 21.3 166.0 11.8 6.4

38.8 z 20.1 14 27.9 200.2 20.3 14.6

75.8 53.3 45.8 60.7 231.9 49.9 43.3

80.5 53.4 46.6 60 302.9 53.6 46.5
71.8 61.8 55.2 68.1 235.7 61.2 55
169.3 43.5 37.4 49.8 648.5 45.3 39.6
137.7 48.8 42.9 54.8 423.6 54.2 48.9
168.7 40.1 34.7 45.7 661.8 42.7 37.5
318.0 45.1 41.2 49 858.4 57.2 53.3

167.1 20.7 15.7 26.8 561.1 20.1 15.6

143.9 37.1 31.6 42.9 546.6 33.1 28.1
253.7 33.3 29.2 37.6 658.7 34.1 30.2
164.3 28.6 25 32.4 575.2 28.6 25.1
136.3 14.6 11.4 18.3 515.1 14.2 11

201.7 51.4 46.1 56.7 631.2 53.4 48.9

150.2 59.4 54.3 64.2 556.2 58.9 53.9
65.0 10.9 5.6 20.1 145.7 8.9 4.8
61.6 16.1 9.8 25.2 147.7 23.4 17.2
56.0 24.8 17.2 34.3 160.8 33 25.2
96.8 17.6 12.4 24.4 228.8 21.3 16.1
73.6 26.2 15.7 40.4 164.3 30.7 20.9

126.8 21.2 14.2 30.4 404.6 24.1 17.1

150.5 39.2 32.7 46 414.1 42 36.3
144.7 38 33.2 43.1 550.9 39.3 34.4
151.9 41.7 36 47.5 508.4 40.2 34.8

231.3 23 19.6 26.8 662.0 31.2 27.8

243.9 24.2 21.1 27.6 772.3 32.7 29.4
186.9 23.4 19.6 27.6 567.3 31.9 28

1,300.3 44 41.7 46.3 3,780.7 48 45.7

5,210.2 54.6 53.4 55.7 15,941.2 55.1 54.1

5,387.8 63.4 62.3 64.4 17,016.6 64 63.1

347.0 38.2 33.6 43 1,200.3 41.8 37.4

350.7 29.7 25.5 34.3 1,313.3 34.6 30.6
352.8 40.5 36.4 44.6 1,240.2 39.8 36.1
328.0 48.3 44.8 51.8 1,213.9 50.7 47.3

321.5 10.3 8 13.2 1,057.1 12.2 9.8

890.9 18.4 16.1 21 2,859.7 20 17.9

318.2 24.8 21.9 28 1,191.1 25.9 23

24.5 z 24.3 17.6 32.6 143.8 23.6 17

132.5 28.7 23.5 34.5 350.5 27 22.4

289.0 21.1 17 25.7 757.0 23.7 19.8
169.6 23.5 18.2 29.8 661.2 23.1 18.5
259.9 25.2 21 29.9 799.5 25.6 21.9
27.6 z 2 21.9 11.2 38.3 58.1 2 16 7.9
101.5 17.8 13.4 23.2 280.4 15.3 11.5
120.0 31.2 26.5 36.4 412.4 31.6 26.8
97.8 38.4 31.7 45.5 433.5 38.7 32.1

180.6 14.3 9.8 20.2 586.9 11.8 8.6

136.9 11.5 8.8 14.9 470.1 12.1 8.9
150.8 28 22.6 34 376.7 32.5 26.6
212.5 63.4 58.3 68.3 581.7 59.6 55.2
171.6 61.2 56.3 65.8 716.0 59.1 54.7
28.6 y 65.4 54.1 75.2 79.1 65.8 54.7
55.1 58.6 50.3 66.4 191.1 64.3 55.8

66.8 38 27.3 50.1 259.0 41.4 31.7

80.8 53.3 46.9 59.5 336.3 55.8 49.5
78.7 41.3 35 47.8 375.9 42.4 35.8
85.0 46.9 39.5 54.4 297.3 45.7 38.7
164.2 16.4 12.4 21.3 404.7 20.9 15.9
135.8 25 19.6 31.3 315.0 26.6 21
287.1 37.7 33.7 41.9 894.9 40.7 36.7
315.5 41.2 37.1 45.4 813.2 47.5 43.6

82.0 11.6 8.4 16 292.0 15 11

90.6 53.9 47.8 59.9 315.7 55.3 49.4

71.0 66.3 58.4 73.4 244.4 71.4 65.6
51.5 55.6 45.1 65.7 154.1 63.3 54.6

107.3 28.7 23.9 34.1 378.3 28.3 23.8

147.5 52.6 45.9 59.3 442.6 57.3 51.5
125.6 51.9 44.4 59.4 429.2 60.9 54.3

206.3 37.7 32.7 42.9 481.8 41 36.5

156.3 69.4 64.2 74.2 454.8 64.4 58.5
345.0 54.1 48.8 59.3 864.9 49.2 44.6

330.1 53.9 49.8 57.9 1,097.4 49.5 45.8

305.9 55.3 51.2 59.4 954.7 53.6 49.9
291.4 47.1 43.5 50.8 965.7 41.2 37.8
226.0 52.2 48.3 56.1 866.4 50.9 47.1
551.9 58.6 55 62 1,800.9 55.3 51.8
361.6 72.3 68.6 75.7 1,294.0 70.6 67.1
454.6 70 66.1 73.7 1,325.0 68.4 64
414.7 60.2 56.6 63.7 1,212.7 57.4 54.1
432.2 64.2 59.9 68.4 1,130.7 64.4 60.5

64.2 45.2 38.8 51.8 336.8 45.3 39.4

53.6 63.9 54 72.8 227.2 61.3 54.6

310.0 32.3 28.6 36.3 1,147.6 35 31.2

644.3 20.9 19 22.9 2,322.5 19.8 18.1
357.9 31.9 28.8 35.1 1,375.1 31.3 28.2
242.6 38.7 34.6 43.1 844.5 44.5 40.4

17.7 z 43.3 27.4 60.7 49.5 z 39.3 23.6

235.3 10 7.6 13 666.9 11.7 9.2

260.0 25.3 21.8 29.3 772.5 27.1 23.2
220.1 35.9 31.5 40.6 687.7 44.3 39.9

312.2 39.2 35.3 43.2 937.8 44.3 40.2

140.0 29.1 20.4 39.8 506.3 31.1 23.4

156.0 44.3 39.3 49.5 501.0 52 47

87.2 53.1 47.1 59 312.7 57.7 51.4
97.9 64.8 57.7 71.3 302.2 66.9 60.6
131.5 43.6 38.8 48.5 526.7 46.8 42.2
38.2 z 58.8 47 69.7 182.3 59.7 49.3
118.2 47.7 40.1 55.4 496.4 53.9 47.4

17.9 y 18.3 10.3 30.4 56.3 20.4 11.9

19.7 y 18.9 11 30.4 101.3 13.1 7
20.0 y 18.1 10.4 29.7 78.9 17.9 10.7

125.7 29.1 24.6 34 414.5 32.5 28.1

305.3 25.7 22 29.7 760.2 30.3 26.4

277.8 36.5 32.3 40.8 939.0 37.8 33.7
270.2 42.3 38.3 46.5 886.1 39.2 35.1

432.2 10.7 8.4 13.5 1,115.1 10.2 8.1

103.5 50.9 44.8 57 295.6 48.9 42.8

118.1 21.6 17 27.1 356.6 23.9 19.2

113.9 45.6 40 51.3 372.6 48.6 43.3

112.8 48.8 42.2 55.5 365.3 55.5 48.5

121.2 68.3 61.4 74.5 408.6 72.6 66.5
85.9 59.8 51.9 67.2 369.0 57.7 50.5
102.9 63.3 56.9 69.3 340.3 66.3 60.3
134.5 62.5 55.7 68.9 450.3 63.8 58.6
98.9 54.6 48.5 60.6 427.6 59.2 53.3

140.6 26.7 22 32 399.4 34.9 30.4

128.5 1.4 0.6 3.2 477.7 0.8 0.3
228.9 6.9 5 9.3 803.2 9 6.7

345.5 22.7 19.2 26.5 1,134.4 22.1 18.2

149.8 17.1 12.4 23.2 509.0 12.7 9.1

347.4 12.1 10 14.5 1,385.4 10.4 8.5
673.3 14.3 12.6 16.2 2,161.3 10.8 9.3
656.3 16.1 13.8 18.7 2,003.1 13.2 11.2
691.3 20.6 18.4 23 2,238.8 12.9 11.3
587.9 25.3 22.5 28.3 2,135.1 21.3 18.7

668.0 30.1 28 32.3 2,550.8 26.1 24.1

629.8 35.4 32 38.9 1,958.6 32.8 30.3
123.6 19.9 5.7 50.7 201.9 17 6.3
28.0 y 20.7 13 31.3 86.3 21.8 13.6
36.6 z 32 19.2 48.3 82.2 27.2 16.1

216.7 36.8 32.5 41.2 738.3 38.8 34.9

258.1 38.6 34.1 43.4 893.1 37.8 33.4
245.0 44.7 40 49.4 893.8 49.9 45.3
503,288.0 47.7 45.8 49.7 ### 48 46.2

9,108.7 15.9 9.6 25.4 27,378.2 21.9 15.6

176.1 59.3 53.3 65.1 726.9 58 53.1

113.5 27.2 20.6 34.9 309.5 29.5 22.9

302.1 60.5 55.8 64.9 722.5 69.1 65.4

88.7 64.3 57.9 70.2 638.2 72.8 67.2

200.4 62.8 57.8 67.6 602.2 72.7 68.4
179.9 63.3 57.8 68.4 523.0 71.6 67
169.9 65.1 58.8 70.9 552.1 74.5 69.7
186.9 62 56 67.6 552.8 70.6 65.6

205.2 62.2 57.2 66.9 718.7 70.4 66.4

268.3 57 53.6 60.4 850.8 67.3 64.2
229.3 60.4 56.6 64.2 685.3 69.1 66
222.4 58.9 55 62.6 657.2 67.7 64.6
224.8 61 57.3 64.6 593.5 69.8 66.8
198.4 61.9 57.9 65.8 507.5 70.3 67
180.0 65.6 60.8 70 505.7 71.1 67.5
165.6 59.3 55.2 63.3 467.9 67.2 63.9
180.4 62.7 58.9 66.4 435.6 68 64.8

161.5 29.5 25.3 34.2 440.1 36.4 32.3

160.0 28.9 24.6 33.7 408.7 34.3 30.1
166.5 37.1 30.9 43.7 503.4 41.3 35.7

32.8 z 41.3 32.3 50.8 124.2 48.5 38.3

27.3 y 34.1 26.6 42.6 151.2 36.8 28

149.0 83.4 79.7 86.6 568.8 84.6 81

158.3 86.5 83.4 89.2 555.2 87.4 84
23,326.8 83.9 78 88.5 113,573.1 86.9 80.7
192.1 80.6 76.5 84.2 589.3 83.3 80
2.7 y 23.6 y 3.5 0.8

64.8 44.6 37.8 51.6 183.1 53.2 46.3

78.4 53.7 45.7 61.5 203.5 54.2 46

30.2 z 53.6 44.1 62.8 156.9 46.2 37.8

34.0 z 72.6 63.8 80 144.2 70.9 62.4
43.8 z 61.8 50.6 71.9 135.5 67.1 58.2

292.7 33.1 28.9 37.5 986.3 30 26.3

286.7 39.4 35.6 43.4 894.7 39.1 35.8
150.2 38.2 32.8 43.8 484.3 34.9 30.3
132.2 33.8 27.6 40.6 434.4 34.7 28.7
145.6 33.8 27 41.3 444.2 35.4 29.6
142.7 34.6 28 41.8 402.6 39 33.4
261.2 43.6 39.6 47.7 777.9 41 37.2
132.8 46.8 38.8 55 400.9 44.3 38.4
138.3 40 33.5 46.9 459.5 38.8 32.6
72.8 15.3 10.5 21.8 237.3 14.7 10.5
67.3 14.3 8.5 23 203.9 11.5 6.4
25.8 y 14 6.3 28.1 295.3 5.6 1.8
18.2 y 26.9 13.8 45.8 130.6 11.4 5.2
53.6 2 0.7 5.2 209.5 3 1.4
119.0 7.1 4.8 10.2 392.0 9 6.6
174.4 11.3 8.5 15.1 468.0 10.9 8.1
197.0 32.9 28.7 37.4 651.4 33.4 29.3
266.5 31.7 27.1 36.6 943.2 33.3 28.9
305.8 46.6 42.6 50.6 987.2 50 46.7
234.4 52.1 47.6 56.4 734.3 55.8 51.7

116.7 7.3 4.8 11 564.0 10.1 6.9

69.3 32.1 25.7 39.2 276.0 33.3 26.7
168.1 43 39.1 47 697.8 45.4 41.1

131.2 81.8 78.2 85 593.6 81.2 77.7

193.8 30.2 26.9 33.7 739.7 27.1 24

168.7 38.5 33.7 43.4 499.4 37.5 33
172.5 38.7 33.9 43.8 504.6 40.5 35.6
368.8 41.3 37.8 44.9 1,186.8 40.8 37.6
363.7 53.7 48.9 58.5 1,152.3 54.5 50.2
84.0 4.9 2.5 9.3 147.6 5 2.6
51.8 2.4 0.8 7.3 131.3 1.4 0.3
116.1 3 1.2 7.6 170.0 3.1 1.5
122.9 8.8 4.9 15.3 269.6 8 4.9
247.9 26.7 23.6 30 915.1 29.4 26.4

74.0 14.3 10.3 19.6 300.0 13.4 9.6

91.8 25.7 20 32.3 301.6 25 18.6
82.8 33.6 28.2 39.4 357.1 33.7 28.3
106.7 34.1 28.8 39.8 481.1 37.6 32.2

83,517.9 4.9 3 7.9 369,371.2 5 3.3

148.8 11.6 8.4 15.8 757.5 13 9.3

170.1 22.9 16 31.6 967.9 20.8 14.8
240.0 14.6 10.2 20.5 1,014.6 13.7 9.6
134.7 30.7 21.3 42.1 485.6 29.9 21.1

213.2 49 44.7 53.4 759.5 53.6 49.6

132.3 48.3 42.8 53.8 595.7 53.4 48.7

81.1 17.5 12.6 23.7 281.0 17.4 13

108.7 33.9 27.4 41 354.2 28.1 22

127.0 64 58.5 69.2 441.8 60.7 54.8

140.9 57.7 52 63.2 425.8 56.5 51.4
100.1 66.1 60 71.8 392.7 66.1 59.4

31.3 z 37.2 26.5 49.3 81.1 38.8 29.1

20.0 y 3 0.8 10.2 67.0 2.6 0.6
24.9 z 10.3 5.2 19.3 77.4 12 6.8
35.5 z 21.5 11.8 35.8 67.5 21.9 13.3

51.7 7 4.1 11.5 244.0 8.8 5.5

54.7 12.6 8.7 17.9 244.1 14.1 10.2

56.7 z 9.5 5.6 15.7 185.3 12.8 8.2

66.8 z 58.2 52.1 64.1 276.3 60 54
61.4 55.9 47.6 63.9 212.0 59.4 51.2
14.6 y 16.8 y

10.8 y 43.7 29.2 59.5 41.7 z 44 29.7

163.9 62.5 56.9 67.8 541.5 64.8 59.5

171.0 59.7 55.3 63.9 617.8 59.2 55
155.7 61.5 56.9 65.9 628.5 63.9 59.2
333.1 63.9 60.3 67.4 1,110.2 66.3 62.9
41.5 6.4 3.4 11.8 177.0 6.3 3.2
10.4 y 18.3 11 29 75.0 17.7 10.3
44.1 19.6 13.2 28.1 313.9 20.5 14.2

157.4 47.2 42.5 52 679.3 50.7 46

265.3 59.2 54.6 63.6 733.1 59.6 55.7

121.0 9.8 6.3 15 193.0 14.7 10.8

84.8 24.1 19 30.1 349.9 24.6 19.3

62.4 50.1 41.3 58.9 173.0 52 43.4
43.5 z 26.8 21 33.6 215.3 25.9 20.4
45.2 z 39.8 29.7 50.7 116.1 39.3 29

67.2 20.7 13.7 30.1 171.2 23.9 16.4

39.3 z 16.5 10.4 25.3 154.4 17.9 11.5
50.2 11.6 7.2 18 180.1 18.5 13.7
79.1 13.5 9.1 19.6 248.1 18.4 12.9
72.1 19.9 14.7 26.3 278.3 24.4 18.8
68.6 46.1 37.9 54.5 288.5 45.3 37.6

360.2 9.6 7.5 12.3 1,282.9 10.2 8.1

34,060.4 18.7 15.2 22.7 142,227.6 17 13.7

143.8 42.6 37.3 48 483.4 38.8 34.3
148.8 60.7 56.1 65.2 483.6 58.7 54.2
278.5 73.1 69.5 76.4 906.4 72.9 69.7
265.0 70.9 67.1 74.4 754.6 70.3 66.7
60.7 32.5 25.9 40 281.7 30.6 24.5
133.4 22.6 18.5 27.3 379.2 22.1 18.3
190.5 27.2 22.6 32.4 486.7 24.7 20.7
147.2 32.9 28.5 37.7 531.0 27.9 23.8
177.5 40.1 35.9 44.4 701.2 39.4 35.3
133.9 46.6 41.5 51.7 478.1 48.2 43.2
129.7 41.3 36.5 46.3 478.7 42.6 38
Bottom 80% Top 20%
Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Footnote Point Estimate
Bottom_80_uBottom_80_w Bottom_80_FTop_20_r Top_20_ll Top_20_ul Top_20_weigTop_20_FootRegion_1_r
47.1 2,481.1 40.2 33.1 47.7 590.3 60.0

66.6 2,870.3 59.4 52.3 66.2 575.0 80.0

14.2 103.5 14.5 y 7.2
11.4 78.1 18.7 y
48.4 122.8 46.8 30.3 63.9 28.5 z 35.0
45 235.6 33.2 16 56.5 48.0 z

27.6 1,411.4 30.3 22.9 38.9 303.4 27.6

32.2 1,181.9 29.3 21.6 38.5 230.8 28.6
40.9 1,286.8 39 29.1 49.9 199.3 37.8
32.5 230,387.0 55.9 39.6 71 47,812.0 35.1

42.1 124.2 37.1 16.1 64.4 32.8 z

46 117.2 18.7 y
55.9 125.7 37.5 22.2 55.6 46.4 z
13.6 136.0 18.0 y
19.1 202.0 6.9 1.6 25.5 39.0 z 0.0

46.1 575.2 24.7 17.8 33.1 104.4 44.4

40 1,909.5 36.8 31.2 42.9 392.4 29.8
46.1 402.7 55.9 43.2 67.8 80.2 27.8
69 658.0 62.4 52.7 71.1 151.8 52.1
59.7 1,588.2 52.2 44.6 59.7 392.5 64.4
63.2 516.2 53.4 42.4 64.1 134.4 35.7
68.9 779.9 63.5 54.9 71.3 173.6 61.3
65.6 1,878.3 60.7 55 66.1 535.7 63.2

38.2 29.1 z 5.6 y

15.1 231.8 20.9 8.8 42 88.3 z 0.0
25.2 206.9 27.9 15.9 44.3 79.8 10.2
34.9 212.3 13.8 6.6 26.6 64.6 17.2
18.6 80.4 8.3 y
23.4 126.5 21.7 y
43.1 160.6 28.3 y

45.5 1,280.4 42 35.7 48.5 238.9 61.3
35.1 927.6 34.4 27 42.5 227.1 43.7
45.8 1,096.6 39.2 32.3 46.5 215.5 45.1
45 1,143.1 39.4 32.9 46.2 243.5 48.4
49.6 463.9 65 51.9 76.3 138.8 43.3
70.6 85.1 30.4 y
48.2 292.7 23.1 12.3 39 55.0 z 48.1
62.3 785.0 27.4 19.8 36.5 124.4 39.6
63.5 684.9 41.3 30.6 52.8 114.2 48.4


28.3 225.1 21.2 6.1 52.8 44.0 z

34 204.0 31.6 y

21.6 970.2 20.9 13.7 30.5 144.6 27.0

10 467.5 3.4 0.8 13.4 63.9 z 0.0

27.3 1,292.2 29.7 22.8 37.6 213.4 29.8

58.3 1,032.7 38.1 30.3 46.5 216.1 76.4

67.5 278.0 52.5 41.8 63 80.0 68.9

75.1 607.6 64.9 56 72.9 109.2 57.1
85.8 1,014.9 77.6 71.1 82.9 232.0 78.7

13.9 691.6 11.5 5.8 21.4 108.4 16.7

66.3 610.8 51.1 39.6 62.4 128.7 76.2

79.6 594.0 59.8 49.4 69.4 110.0 83.6

75 593.4 40.5 30.3 51.5 123.1 66.8
57.8 688.9 32.3 23 43.3 120.1 56.2

23.9 673.6 28.4 21.1 37.1 114.6 16.8

25.4 533.7 25.3 17 35.8 119.1 19.6
22.3 968.7 24.4 17.8 32.3 169.6 31.5
32.2 611.0 31.5 22.1 42.7 102.7 36.4
43.7 886.3 37.1 28.1 47 143.9 37.7

19.1 1,532.3 20.6 14.4 28.6 291.6 7.0

27.7 1,043.0 23.4 16.5 32 172.9 23.6
37.8 1,015.2 29.3 19.5 41.5 199.7 26.6

40.8 803.4 36.2 28.7 44.4 143.8 38.0

15.7 516.0 5.5 2.6 11.4 98.5 9.4

4.8 526.5 1.4 0.6 3.3 106.5 0.7
3.8 1,545.4 5.9 3.5 9.8 337.3 4.1
0.5 1,467.7 0 0 0.2 336.6 0.0
19 2,011.2 14.3 10 20 337.0 15.2

31.7 359.5 17.8 9.6 30.6 68.0 16.1

46.2 1,196.3 44.2 32.6 56.5 132.8 26.5

40.3 230,391.9 40 32.4 48.1 102,250.7 20.0

14.8 402.8 9.2 3.8 21 71.3 2.1

16.7 286.6 11 3.8 28.1 58.3 12.4

25.1 689.4 18.4 9 34 136.5 13.8

36.4 742.4 43.7 28.2 60.5 125.5 17.5
43.7 209.1 40.8 y
36.6 26,542.8 5,122.8 y 26.5

57.3 333.1 25.4 9 54.1 79.5 z

11.8 976.8 7.7 3.2 17.2 133.9 6.3

7.8 822.9 1 0.1 6.3 132.5 4.3

13.5 618.6 20 12.9 29.7 113.1 4.0
26.9 854.0 23.4 13.6 37.3 126.3 22.2
39.6 830.5 27.9 17.5 41.3 140.9 37.8

28.8 819.2 23.3 17.3 30.7 187.6 21.1

43.4 810.0 23.3 16.1 32.3 117.0 40.3
41.8 1,088.5 28.9 23.2 35.2 199.9 28.8
53.2 1,581.3 37.7 29.4 46.7 353.6 36.2
59.3 1,724.9 46.6 36.5 56.9 273.5 74.4

19.2 178.6 23.8 y 0.0


10.9 746.1 1.3 0.2 6.9 112.6 12.1

12.7 242.6 2.7 0.6 10.9 40.8 z 10.5

6.7 1,521.4 3.7 1.8 7.2 219.6 0.8
22.1 693.0 12.1 5.7 23.7 120.5 11.3

62.4 990.2 40.3 33.1 47.9 200.9 67.2

45.3 1,027.6 37 28.9 46 193.5 47.2

57.8 905.1 45.6 37.5 54 185.1 45.3
43.6 1,244.0 35.1 28 42.9 216.0 39.5

53.2 576.9 45.8 29.8 62.8 98.7 49.3

29.4 273.2 7.8 3.2 17.5 63.4

27.8 291.0 17.4 8.1 33.5 34.2 z 12.9

42 220.2 18.6 8.7 35.4 40.2 z 39.6

53.7 220.7 31.6 21.8 43.4 52.5 47.3

73.7 218.9 50.2 27.3 73 31.0 z 68.0
61.6 910.7 40.2 30.4 50.9 156.3 16.9
54.3 978.8 40.8 30.9 51.5 163.0 26.8
59.3 1,059.9 40.1 30.7 50.4 187.8 35.7
59.9 1,000.8 67.1 55.7 76.7 184.0 56.0
66.8 451.4 50.1 34.9 65.2 98.3 57.1

52.3 160.8 15.3 y 33.5

10.1 442.2 0.7 0.1 4.8 88.9 z 3.8

24.9 469.1 19 8.3 37.9 94.3 z 22.9
30.3 300.8 30.2 17.1 47.5 82.6 17.2
44.2 725.0 38.3 30.2 47.1 127.5
38 1,238.2 28.1 19.7 38.4 229.4 37.1
52.2 776.9 43.5 27.5 60.9 136.0 45.5
57.9 776.4 53.2 41.8 64.3 163.9 59.4
59.7 723.3 45.8 35.7 56.3 173.2 48.9
20.7 136.9 12 4 30.7 48.2 z

27.4 184.8 20.7 8.1 43.5 54.2 z

56.5 273.8 77.5 57.5 89.8 33.8 z 41.4

60.5 323.9 62.4 48.1 74.8 59.4 z 47.1
67.1 262.0 67.1 49.2 81.1 45.5 z 45.1
51.1 654.1 47.2 35.2 59.4 163.8 39.0
59.5 466.5 41.5 30 54 94.8 46.3
48.1 685.8 43.8 32.8 55.4 144.7 25.0
60.9 1,033.1 24.9 18 33.5 143.3 46.2

25.5 631.3 22 14.2 32.4 96.9 23.6

38.4 587.2 40.5 29.9 52 103.2 50.2
38.2 800.7 28.8 20.2 39.4 111.7 20.2
32.3 628.1 21.5 15.1 29.7 111.5 40.4
18.3 562.6 23.1 13.3 37.1 88.7 13.4

57.8 703.8 48.1 34.4 62.1 129.1 37.9

63.7 600.9 61.8 51.3 71.4 105.5 60.6
15.8 179.0 31.7 y 9.7
30.9 177.4 31.8 y 15.4
41.9 197.9 18.9 y
27.6 281.8 19.6 8.2 40 43.8 z
42.5 178.7 22.2 10.3 41.4 59.3 z

32.7 479.6 13.6 5.3 30.7 51.8 z 31.3

48 485.8 31.2 19.1 46.7 78.9 30.5
44.5 565.2 39.1 27.8 51.7 130.4 38.7
45.9 586.8 37.1 24.9 51.3 73.4 43.0

34.8 780.3 11.4 5.8 21.1 113.1 21.4

36.1 867.8 19.5 12.4 29.2 148.5 16.4
36.1 648.4 19.9 11.5 32.4 105.8 24.9

50.2 4,387.9 36.3 31.8 41.1 693.1 62.7

56 17,963.5 53.8 51.1 56.4 3,188.0 66.8

64.9 18,955.2 61.9 59.4 64.4 3,449.2 73.3

46.4 1,281.3 23.6 16.2 33 266.0 26.4

38.9 1,329.8 17.6 12.7 23.9 334.1 11.6
43.7 1,303.7 46 36.9 55.3 289.3 49.3
54.1 1,280.1 50.5 42.9 58 261.8 49.4

15.1 1,214.1 7.8 4.4 13.6 164.5 26.8

22.3 3,141.5 16.4 11.5 22.7 609.1 8.8
29 1,271.9 25.6 19.5 32.8 237.5 20.5

31.8 143.8 24.5 y 27.1

32.1 433.7 24.1 12.5 41.2 49.3 z 23.6

28.1 911.3 8.7 2.7 24.3 134.7 22.5
28.5 686.0 20.5 9.1 40.1 144.8 22.9
29.8 948.1 23.3 11.9 40.7 111.3 33.5
29.6 67.1 2 18.7 y 2
20 320.0 21.8 12.8 34.6 61.9
36.9 451.9 32.7 23.7 43.1 80.5 23.4
45.8 441.2 33.2 23 45.3 90.1 35.8

16.1 619.8 22 11.5 37.8 147.8 9.4

16.3 491.6 12.6 7.6 20.2 115.4 3.9
39.1 442.7 28.4 19.8 39 84.7 30.8
63.8 651.9 69.8 56.6 80.3 142.3 73.2
63.3 733.6 62.8 49.9 74.1 153.9
75.4 88.7 19.0 y
71.9 203.3 60.4 45.5 73.6 42.9 z

51.8 249.4 16.7 8.5 30.1 76.3 44.9

61.9 324.5 56.7 43.8 68.7 92.6 52.9
49.2 357.8 35.4 24.1 48.7 96.8 48.0
52.9 331.0 44.6 31.4 58.6 51.3 59.4
27 473.0 8.2 4.1 15.7 96.0 19.1
33 376.1 27.1 15.6 42.9 74.7 21.9
44.8 998.1 34.1 26.2 42.9 184.0 42.5
51.5 937.8 28.8 21.3 37.7 190.9 44.0

19.9 301.0 11 5.2 21.5 73.0 14.7

61 352.8 37.2 23.8 52.9 53.5 z 57.1

76.6 268.7 40.5 22.3 61.7 46.7 z 63.1
71.2 177.2 28.4 y 54.4

33.3 435.4 23.2 10.9 42.7 50.2 z 18.5

62.9 512.0 36.9 21.2 55.9 78.2 z 65.1
67 439.7 33.7 19.8 51.1 115.1 49.8

45.7 643.2 35.7 23.7 49.7 44.9 41.5

69.9 526.0 84.1 76.5 89.6 85.0 80.1
53.7 1,037.2 55.7 46 64.9 172.7 52.7

53.2 1,198.5 56.5 47 65.7 229.0 60.1

57.3 1,104.7 60.2 50.8 69 155.9 45.2
44.7 1,044.1 58 50.5 65.2 213.1 32.8
54.7 927.0 60.3 51.3 68.6 165.4 49.5
58.8 1,922.4 63 56.3 69.2 430.4 55.9
74 1,395.5 71.7 62.7 79.2 260.0 67.4
72.5 1,462.9 71.7 61.9 79.9 316.7 72.7
60.7 1,369.5 70.3 63.2 76.5 257.9 62.9
68.1 1,342.7 62 52.7 70.4 220.1 65.9

51.3 315.3 45.4 29.7 62 85.7 z 50.0

67.7 214.5 66.3 y 59.3

38.9 1,204.1 26.1 19 34.8 253.6 25.3

21.8 2,503.2 21.9 17.8 26.7 463.6 28.1
34.5 1,426.4 32.5 26.3 39.3 306.6 27.1
48.7 886.8 21.3 15.2 28.9 200.3 12.9

57.6 52.2 15.0 y

14.7 744.3 8.6 4.9 14.8 158.0 11.3

31.4 853.7 24.5 18.1 32.3 178.8 13.5
48.7 756.5 25.6 17.5 35.9 151.3 22.2

48.5 1,068.2 20.8 14.5 29 181.7 36.8

40 593.0 19.5 7.4 42.3 53.2 z 52.5


57 548.0 26.6 19.4 35.3 109.0 47.0

63.7 314.0 53 41.7 64 86.0 52.2
72.6 331.9 59.7 43 74.4 68.2 69.1
51.6 531.5 42.2 32.8 52.4 126.7 33.0
69.2 177.5 57 28.1 81.8 43.0 z 53.2
60.3 480.6 36.9 23.4 52.9 134.1 64.7

32.6 60.4 13.8 y 26.1

23.2 105.9 15.1 y 12.6
28.4 88.1 10.8 y 19.3

37.2 436.6 24.7 16.7 35 103.6 56.9

34.4 890.6 20.8 14.1 29.5 174.8 29.9

42.1 1,018.9 30.8 24 38.5 197.8 17.5
43.5 978.6 44.4 37.6 51.3 177.6 52.0

12.7 1,299.9 12.1 6.8 20.7 247.3 9.4

55.1 327.4 61.8 49 73.1 71.6

29.4 418.6 8.5 3.4 19.8 56.1 z 39.6

53.8 426.3 46.7 33.2 60.7 60.3 44.9

62.4 413.5 38.6 27.4 51.1 64.6 47.1
78 474.8 44.2 29.4 60 55.0 60.8
64.6 380.3 51.4 37.6 65 74.5 54.3
71.9 367.1 59.4 45.8 71.7 76.1 57.7
68.6 507.0 51.5 29 73.5 77.8 z 58.4
64.8 429.8 44.1 32.2 56.6 96.8 42.6

39.7 453.4 10.2 5.2 18.9 86.6 42.0

2.6 482.3 2.3 0.7 6.7 123.9
11.9 840.9 6.3 3.4 11.2 191.2 24.6

26.6 1,249.7 29.5 22.7 37.3 230.2 24.2


17.5 534.4 28.2 18 41.2 124.4 43.7

12.7 1,428.0 16.4 11.4 23.2 304.8 2.9
12.5 2,340.9 20.8 16.7 25.5 493.7 19.9
15.5 2,205.4 21.6 16.4 28 454.1 11.9
14.7 2,445.0 37.2 31.6 43.2 485.1 20.7
24.3 2,314.8 34.6 28.8 40.9 408.2 15.9

28.1 2,699.6 42.3 36.9 47.7 519.2 21.4

35.5 2,130.2 41.6 30.8 53.3 458.1 19.4
38.4 308.0 17.6 y
33 92.1 22.2 y
42 104.7 14.1 y

42.9 791.0 28.5 20.8 37.6 164.0 35.6

42.4 956.1 37.7 29 47.2 195.2 23.1
54.4 920.8 37.3 28.9 46.6 218.1 0.0
49.8 ### 47.2 42.9 51.4 396,915.3 42.0

30 30,352.5 19.1 6.7 43.6 6,134.4 z 33.8

62.9 740.8 67.1 51.2 79.9 162.3 53.2

37.1 370.2 30.4 15.7 50.6 52.8 z

72.7 886.9 50.1 37.6 62.7 137.7 60.6

77.7 580.4 41.6 28.2 56.3 146.5

76.5 707.7 35.5 22.4 51.2 94.9 86.1
75.7 606.2 47.7 32.8 63.1 96.7 72.7
78.8 641.9 34.4 20.7 51.3 80.1 82.7
75 629.4 49.5 35.4 63.6 110.3 76.4

74.2 799.7 42.3 29.3 56.5 124.3 77.2

70.2 939.4 38.7 31.2 46.7 179.7 78.7
72.1 757.7 50.6 41 60.2 156.8 74.1
70.6 747.6 43.7 33.8 54.1 131.9 76.3
72.7 710.2 44.6 34.9 54.7 108.1 74.8
73.3 603.3 49.1 38.5 59.7 102.6 76.5
74.4 601.3 55.8 40.4 70.1 84.4 72.9
70.3 553.0 46.8 36.1 57.8 80.5 74.1
70.9 550.0 58.2 47 68.7 66.0 85.0

40.7 531.9 15.7 9 26 69.7 33.1

38.8 507.5 21.7 12.8 34.5 61.2 36.6
47.1 573.8 38.6 24.9 54.5 96.1 24.0

58.8 125.5 24 12.4 41.4 31.4 z 58.4

46.5 140.4 34.9 23.3 48.5 38.1 41.1


87.6 588.7 80.3 73.5 85.7 129.2 92.3

90.1 572.0 85.2 78.9 89.8 141.6 90.7
91.4 108,048.8 79.1 69.7 86.2 28,851.1 77.4
86.1 623.8 71.4 60.7 80.1 157.7 73.1
14.5 26.3 z

60 208.1 43.9 28.4 60.7 39.7 z 45.5

62.3 247.7 46.1 29.7 63.3 34.1 z 57.3

54.7 149.3 66.5 41.9 84.5 37.8 z 47.5

78.1 156.5 21.7 y
74.9 156.4 22.8 y

34.1 1,103.1 36 26.8 46.4 175.8 42.0

42.6 1,012.3 37.9 28.5 48.4 169.1 39.1
39.9 521.3 49.2 38.2 60.2 113.1 45.9
41.3 454.7 23 13.4 36.4 111.9 31.3
41.6 503.2 21.2 10.5 38.2 86.5 z 26.5
45 448.8 24.3 14.1 38.4 96.5 34.5
45 899.7 48.9 37.7 60.3 139.4 47.9
50.3 452.1 54.2 35.5 71.8 81.7 z
45.5 492.1 50.1 32 68.1 105.6 43.4
20.3 263.7 13 4.9 30.2 46.4 z 9.0
19.8 197.5 18.7 9.2 34.4 73.7 15.8
15.8 229.8 31.1 11.5 61 91.3 32.3
23.3 104.1 44.7 y 20.4
6.5 219.0 1.8 0.2 12.2 44.1 1.1
12.2 453.9 3.4 0.9 12.6 57.1 10.6
14.5 556.0 7.1 3.3 14.8 86.4 20.5
37.7 735.3 16.7 10.6 25.4 113.1 41.4
38 1,035.1 20.4 12.9 30.7 174.6 28.5
53.4 1,090.6 31.6 23.9 40.5 202.4 44.1
59.8 829.6 43.3 32.8 54.5 139.1 57.5

14.4 571.5 3.7 1.2 11.1 109.2 10.1

40.6 287.6 23.3 11.9 40.4 57.7 z 20.4
49.8 681.1 41.3 33.7 49.3 184.9 42.3

84.3 584.9 79.7 70.8 86.4 139.9 82.2

30.3 786.9 37.6 29.6 46.4 146.6 27.3

42.1 564.9 41.8 32.5 51.8 103.2 55.9
45.6 576.6 29.6 21 40 100.6 19.2
44.2 1,361.8 41.9 32.5 51.9 193.8 39.1
58.7 1,319.6 55.3 46.2 64.1 196.3 54.9
9.5 217.7 14.0 y
5.4 152.6 3.5 0.5 20.5 30.5 z 0.0
6.2 255.1 30.9 y 4.5
12.9 355.6 17.3 5.7 42.1 37.0 z
32.7 978.0 23.2 17.4 30.3 185.1 36.3

18.4 320.0 18.5 10.5 30.6 54.0

32.6 332.3 24.8 13.7 40.6 61.1 12.6
39.5 372.0 26.7 16.6 40 68.0 31.8
43.3 481.4 27.6 19.5 37.6 106.4 35.5

7.5 376,159.2 7.3 2.2 21.5 76,730.0 2.4

17.8 758.6 8.6 4 17.6 147.7 8.2

28.4 972.8 36.4 17.5 60.6 165.2 5.6
19.2 1,079.4 15.8 7.8 29.3 175.1 26.4
40.4 472.3 24.3 8.1 53.9 148.0

57.6 787.7 38.8 29.6 48.8 185.0 75.8

58 566.7 38.9 26.7 52.6 161.3 64.4


22.9 321.6 17.5 5.8 42.5 40.5 z 15.4

35.2 372.5 30.5 20.8 42.2 90.3 21.0

66.3 465.0 68.4 57.3 77.7 103.8 65.2

61.5 455.4 59.9 48.7 70.2 111.3 49.9
72.1 414.2 55.2 41.7 68 78.7 65.9

49.6 102.0 10.4 y

9.7 78.0 9.0 y
20.2 91.4 10.9 y
34 92.4 10.6 y 32.4

13.7 239.6 7.1 2 22.2 56.1 z 5.8

19.3 248.1 10.6 4 25.2 50.7 z 13.5

19.2 202.1 1.2 0.2 8.6 39.8 z 5.9

65.8 279.3 50.5 37.8 63.1 63.9 56.5
67.1 224.4 43.1 29.5 57.8 49.0 54.8
22.6 y 8.8 y

59.3 44.9 z 7.6 y 41.2

69.7 596.1 49.7 40.2 59.3 109.4 65.8

63.2 651.7 58.2 49.2 66.6 137.0 61.9
68.3 633.4 54.9 45.9 63.5 150.7 58.8
69.6 1,198.4 61.3 53.3 68.6 244.9 78.8
12.2 160.3 5 1.7 13.7 58.1 z
28.7 66.5 18.8 y 11.1
28.8 257.6 17.7 7.2 37.3 100.4 36.3

55.4 738.2 33.8 24 45.2 98.4 52.9

63.3 853.4 56 46.3 65.3 145.1 70.9

19.7 265.0 6.1 1.5 22.2 49.0 z 12.6

30.8 354.2 20.1 12.4 30.9 80.5 11.6

60.4 194.2 36.5 21.4 54.9 41.2 z
32.3 217.5 21.6 10.9 38.1 41.3 z
50.5 144.3 41.1 23.5 61.4 17.0 z

33.6 200.0 11.8 2.4 42.1 38.4 z 44.4

26.7 153.2 6.6 2 19.5 40.6 z
24.7 189.7 4.9 1.1 18.6 40.6 z 10.3
25.5 264.4 11.2 4.7 24.2 62.8 11.6
30.9 293.3 22.2 12.5 36.3 57.1 28.7
53.2 306.0 46.3 29.6 63.8 51.0 z 53.7

12.9 1,398.3 6.6 3.3 12.7 244.8 3.3

20.9 145,742.8 25.7 17.6 35.8 30,545.2 14.3

43.5 543.1 45.7 34.2 57.7 84.1 29.7
63 535.6 66.6 55.7 76 96.9 80.9
75.9 1,031.9 65.8 54.7 75.5 153.1 73.2
73.8 857.6 67.3 57.7 75.7 162.0 77.0
37.6 274.1 35.9 21.9 52.8 68.4 32.1
26.5 438.4 19.1 10.9 31.2 74.3 12.0
29.2 573.3 32.7 22.9 44.3 103.9 40.0
32.5 571.2 49.2 38.8 59.7 107.0 29.8
43.6 723.6 44.5 35.7 53.7 155.1 41.9
53.2 526.9 40.5 30.5 51.4 85.2 48.8
47.3 519.3 38 26.7 50.7 89.1 43.2
Region 1 Region 2
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
Region_1_ll Region_1_ulRegion_1_weRegion_1_ReRegion_1_FoRegion_2_r Region_2_ll Region_2_ulRegion_2_we
42.6 75.3 88.1 badakhshan 70.5 57.5 80.8 65.4

63.8 90.1 138.7ADAKHSHAN 63.7 47.4 77.4 64.9

2.5 19.0 32.9 Central z 9.3 3.6 22.1 54.1
22.2 Central y 25.0
18.5 56.1 82.9 central z 39.0 0.0 0.0 32.6
10.5 berat y 43.6 25.2 63.9 14.9

21.7 34.5 616.0 Nord-Centre 38.3 30.0 47.4 210.2

22.9 35.2 106.6 AU CENTRE 26.8 19.7 35.3 175.2
27.6 49.2 17.8 bengo 41.5 30.5 53.3 120.5
22.8 49.9 15,629.0 Cuyo 25.9 15.1 40.6 82,058.0
5.8 aragatsotn y 11.4
6.5 aragatsotn y 20.9
7.6 aragatsotn y 11.3
6.5 aragatsotn y 11.3
1.0 Absheron y 1.0
0.0 0.0 21.9 absheron z 9.4 3.7 21.9 64.4

28.6 61.4 44.6 barisal 55.3 46.0 64.3 158.9

22.3 38.5 142.2 Barisal 48.8 43.3 54.4 549.9
16.0 43.9 31.4 barisal 57.0 48.1 65.5 114.4
38.8 65.2 36.4 barisal 68.8 60.2 76.2 204.1
56.3 71.8 127.1 Barisal 69.1 62.5 75.0 440.3
23.9 49.5 44.1 barisal 62.5 51.9 72.1 143.7
50.4 71.2 61.3 barisal 78.4 71.4 84.1 218.7
55.7 70.1 134.7 Barishal 70.1 65.1 74.6 507.0

13.1 nd St. Philip y 10.7

0.0 0.0 48.8 Brest z 11.0 3.1 32.5 60.0
2.6 32.6 56.9 Brest region z 19.5 6.4 46.3 44.8
4.9 45.6 52.1 BREST z 33.4 14.5 59.8 36.1
20.9 Belize y 16.3
17.2y South Side) y 19.8
36.0y South Side) y 23.0

30.5 49.7 63.2 atacora 33.3 25.3 42.4 103.0

46.3 74.5 156.0 alibori 42.4 31.8 53.7 100.5
31.1 57.3 73.6 Alibori 26.9 20.2 34.8 120.8
35.5 55.1 89.7 Alibori 46.3 35.8 57.1 113.7
42.0 54.9 224.7 alibori 52.6 44.2 60.8 121.7
25.7 62.7 12.3 Bumthang z 56.1 37.6 73.1 51.0
14.0 Central y 76.6 48.7 91.9 42.0
38.9 57.5 145.1 Altiplano 13.9 6.3 27.8 73.3
22.4 59.8 39.7 beni 61.4 48.2 73.2 66.1
33.4 63.8 27.9 beni 71.3 57.2 82.2 48.8

66.8 81.4 160.8 Altiplano 39.4 31.2 48.2 205.2

0.8 DB y 21.8 12.2 35.8 190.3


15.3 43.0 83.7 de mouhoun 21.9 12.2 36.3 28.9

0.0 0.0 34.0 du Mouhoun z 11.8 5.3 24.0 78.6

21.0 40.3 177.2 de Mouhoun 41.3 28.5 55.3 65.5

45.6 61.6 160.7U MOUHOUN 59.5 42.2 74.7 46.6

38.3 69.2 243.7U MOUHOUN 60.5 51.8 68.6 54.8
63.7 85.6 121.9 du mouhoun 57.0 46.1 67.3 37.6

55.3 79.8 61.0 Centre 50.0 33.9 66.1 54.0

40.6 72.1 33.0 bujumbura 67.2 57.6 75.5 173.5
67.2 86.9 56.7 bubanza 63.0 44.7 78.2 65.3
36.2 75.3 39.6 Bubanza z 62.4 47.4 75.3 51.0

8.4 30.5 57.3 aat dambang z 8.4 2.8 22.6 43.6

47.5 91.9 29.3 y mean chey z 59.2 37.6 77.7 55.3

66.9 92.8 29.6 y mean chey z 66.5 49.5 80.1 51.4

46.8 82.1 30.4 y mean chey z 73.3 58.5 84.3 70.3
37.7 73.1 30.0 ay meanchey z 60.8 42.7 76.3 57.5

9.9 27.0 31.1 adamaoua 22.6 9.8 44.0 60.5

10.2 34.4 38.6 Adamaoua 37.5 23.6 53.9 58.1
23.2 41.1 61.3 adamaoua 20.3 11.0 34.4 87.6
24.8 50.0 36.0 Adamaoua 42.0 28.4 56.9 58.8
21.0 57.9 50.1 adamawa 32.3 23.2 42.8 101.1

4.9 10.0 426.2 RS1 21.6 12.5 34.6 318.4

11.7 41.9 15.6 ui Bangoran” 23.8 14.2 37.0 156.8
19.4 35.4 9.3 gui Bangoran 26.8 16.5 40.3 163.9

28.2 47.6 107.0 ui_Bangoran 12.7 7.3 21.2 118.0

30.9 45.6 135.7 Région 1 38.8 31.1 47.1 162.4

6.0 14.3 72.5 Autres villes 6.1 3.0 12.1 57.4

0.1 6.9 85.0 b. e. t. 5.0 1.0 21.9 23.2
1.4 11.3 15.2 BET 9.4 3.8 21.2 12.1
0.0 0.0 23.1 barh el gazal 0.0 0.0 0.0 89.3
15.0 44.3 35.1 arh El-Gazel 6.1 1.4 22.5 50.6
7.0 30.0 28.3 arh El Gazal 12.5 7.4 20.2 90.5
11.3 45.6 33.0 arh El-Gazel 14.7 8.4 24.4 68.3
3.4 31.9 14.8 rh El-Ghazel z 2.0 0.3 13.9 55.3

10.1 24.6 103.5 atlantica 39.5 24.9 56.3 55.5

21.6 32.0 322.7 atlántica 54.1 42.7 65.1 228.6

15.1 26.0 93,502.6. ATLANTICO 43.7 33.7 54.2 47,769.0

0.3 14.3 30.8 Mwali z 12.4 6.9 21.1 142.3

6.4 22.6 24.1 Mohéli 7.9 3.5 16.9 197.1

7.3 24.6 95.8 bouenza 23.4 15.6 33.4 257.8

10.3 28.2 68.9 BOUENZA 47.2 35.8 59.0 294.8
33.8 Alajuela y 15.9
13.3 46.0 6,108.3 Alajuela 3,925.8

9.2 23.0 107.5 C.Habana 18.2 12.4 25.9 181.4

17.8 44.9 132.2 Centro 45.9 27.3 65.7 106.1
9.0 40.7 166.9 Centro 51.1 22.1 79.4 103.4
30.7 Artemisa y 49.5

3.1 12.2 175.2 Abidjan 6.1 2.2 15.8 57.5

1.2 14.4 76.5 Centre 4.8 1.5 13.8 26.8

1.3 11.8 60.1 Centre 18.0 9.9 30.5 17.4
13.4 34.5 47.6 Centre 27.9 16.9 42.5 17.0
21.8 56.9 183.7 abidjan 32.2 21.4 45.3 93.2

11.8 34.8 137.6 Bandundu 13.1 5.0 30.1 70.3

28.6 53.1 176.2 bandundu 40.3 28.4 53.5 41.8
19.7 40.0 143.3 Bandundu 19.7 9.5 36.2 68.8
26.1 47.6 308.9 bandundu 27.6 17.6 40.4 66.1
63.7 82.8 39.8 Bas Uele 72.7 57.0 84.3 35.6

0.0 0.0 46.7 ibao Central z 19.2 9.2 35.7 11.9

8.1 31.3 25.1 azua z 22.5 13.9 34.3 13.4

4.5 28.6 35.3 azua z 6.7 2.4 17.2 21.7

4.0 24.7 86.8 0 z 9.5 2.6 29.6 20.2

0.1 5.6 82.5bao Nordeste 2.9 1.0 8.0 53.0
5.4 22.4 55.3 NORDESTE 17.6 9.3 30.9 29.0

61.6 72.3 328.1 Egypt - Rural 49.5 38.5 60.6 117.7

40.9 53.5 361.9 ..rural le 38.9 34.4 43.6 437.6

33.6 57.7 16.0 governorates 61.5 55.5 67.2 369.9
34.4 45.0 553.2 ..le rural 41.3 32.1 51.2 115.1

36.4 62.3 163.8Metropolitana 65.3 51.4 77.0 117.7

1.6 Annobon y 2.4 0.6 9.3 63.7

7.4 21.6 89.5 Hhohho 25.8 16.9 37.3 72.1

27.1 53.6 70.1 hhohho 33.9 22.0 48.1 54.2

35.8 59.0 75.5 Hhohho 48.1 35.3 61.1 42.9

54.6 79.0 56.9 Hhohho 70.5 55.9 81.9 53.9
8.0 32.1 20.0 addis 24.4 12.5 42.3 10.1
10.3 54.0 13.5 addis abeba z 5.8 1.7 17.6 10.6
24.6 48.6 22.3 addis ababa z 19.0 11.9 28.9 13.4
40.5 70.5 26.8 addis adaba 54.6 40.6 68.0 10.5
39.1 73.3 13.0 addis adaba z 42.3 24.9 61.9 9.6

22.6 46.5 79.7 CENTRAL 8.0

0.9 14.5 53.0 estuaire 3.9 1.1 12.3 63.3

12.8 37.7 78.1 ns libreville) 23.5 15.9 33.3 67.1
8.1 33.1 5.6 Banjul 32.5 16.3 54.4 63.3
17.1 Banjul y 38.4 27.9 50.1 129.1
24.2 52.1 27.5 Banjul 34.1 26.4 42.8 207.6
32.2 59.5 17.9 Banjul 56.1 42.8 68.6 148.9
41.7 75.0 8.2 Banjul z 55.1 44.0 65.8 134.2
33.3 64.8 7.4 banjul z 60.8 53.7 67.5 124.8
18.1 Adjara y 3.3

20.8ADJARA A.R. y 5.5

22.7 63.0 59.0 ashanti z 63.7 45.3 78.8 38.7

30.2 64.8 54.4 Ashanti z 48.7 29.0 68.7 38.5
29.7 61.6 40.1 ashanti z 26.2
26.4 53.4 172.4 Asante 69.8 55.0 81.3 82.0
32.4 60.7 88.0 ashanti 54.2 39.0 68.8 35.8
16.7 35.6 201.4 ASHANTI 67.2 53.4 78.5 77.8
36.7 55.9 109.8 central 25.0 16.6 35.8 153.4

12.1 40.9 54.5 Boké 22.9 14.4 34.5 88.9

37.9 62.6 78.1 Boké 37.1 25.9 49.9 99.7
14.1 28.1 95.7 boké 25.6 15.4 39.5 80.5
31.2 50.3 104.3 Bafatá 11.4 4.8 24.8 53.9
9.1 19.4 188.6 fata e Gabu) 14.3 9.3 21.5 260.4

26.7 50.6 88.4 Bafatá 57.4 46.7 67.5 55.5

52.2 68.3 143.9 Bafatá 66.5 56.2 75.4 60.6
3.3 24.9 10.4 Region 1 z 12.7
8.1 27.2 9.8 Region 01 z 13.0
21.0 region 1 y 11.5
8.7Barima-Waini y 13.8
9.7 RIMA-WAINI y 6.7

10.2 64.8 73.9 artibonite 13.0 3.0 42.1 82.0

19.9 43.8 174.6 / reste-quest 42.5 25.6 61.3 94.9
31.1 46.9 279.5 / reste-ouest 20.0 9.2 38.2 84.1
29.4 57.7 82.5 etropolitaine z 33.5 22.9 46.0 121.1

11.2 37.0 52.5 atlántida z 31.9 15.5 54.5 47.9

9.5 26.6 53.3 Atl?ntida 27.0 16.3 41.2 48.2
13.6 41.1 39.4 ATLANTIDA z 18.5 8.7 34.9 33.3

52.4 72.1 232.9 dhra pradesh 60.0 48.7 70.2 5.8

47.4 81.8 3.9 obar islands 70.2 64.5 75.3 787.5

52.2 87.3 3.2 obar islands z 68.0 62.1 73.4 698.9

17.0 38.4 19.2 bali 27.2 14.9 44.4 7.4

3.8 30.1 22.8 bali 28.1 11.5 53.8 5.4
36.9 61.8 37.1 aceh 36.8 22.7 53.6 21.9
39.3 59.6 44.3 aceh 22.2

18.2 37.5 79.9 Anbar 5.6 2.2 13.8 65.6

12.1 29.2 98.3 Albasrah 8.5 4.5 15.4 45.7
5.9 13.1 164.6 Al-Anbar 6.3 3.1 12.5 84.6
13.0 30.8 49.0 ANBAR 34.2 24.1 46.0 74.9

16.3 41.6 50.5 KMA z 21.4 11.8 35.8 49.2

18.2 29.9 310.4 central 34.1 25.6 43.8 123.5

17.4 28.6 645.8 central 22.7 17.6 28.9 304.6
16.6 30.8 522.3 central 22.9 16.7 30.7 228.0
24.5 43.9 26.1 aljoun 26.2 18.5 35.8 367.1
52.2 Central y2 21.1 11.4 35.6 25.6
13.8 kmola oblysy y 13.1
10.1 45.6 20.9 Akmola z 14.1 5.8 30.7 23.4
19.9 55.6 21.6 Akmola z 38.6 19.1 62.6 30.4

3.4 23.3 56.2 Eastern 6.8 2.6 16.3 70.2

1.0 13.9 63.3 central 12.5 4.8 28.8 50.7
17.4 48.6 39.6 central z 18.6 11.0 29.5 40.2
55.0 86.0 59.5 central z 70.1 60.0 78.5 103.0
11.5 baringo y 19.1
5.7 Abemama y 14.8
12.5 AL GILBERT y 68.8 49.9 83.0 17.6

23.5 68.3 32.2 Batken z 15.9 8.1 28.9 74.2

42.3 63.2 44.1 batken 60.3 44.5 74.2 67.8
36.1 60.1 40.4 Batken 39.2 24.6 56.1 65.9
48.3 69.7 36.9 Batken 51.5 34.1 68.5 54.3
10.8 31.5 186.7 Central 32.4 25.5 40.1 189.0
13.6 33.2 184.9 Centre 44.2 36.8 51.8 166.1
33.1 52.6 29.1 Attapeu 41.8 27.9 57.1 34.9
31.9 56.9 26.1 ATTAPEU 61.4 48.4 72.9 43.2
8.5 El Nabatieh y 20.9

6.5 29.8 34.0 Foothill z 12.6 8.7 18.0 214.0

40.7 72.1 49.4 berea z 67.4 47.8 82.3 22.6

47.5 76.4 45.8 berea z 75.9 54.2 89.4 23.8
27.5 78.9 25.0 Foothills z 57.3 44.8 69.0 114.0

9.6 32.9 98.0 monrovia 35.9 27.1 45.7 180.5

53.2 75.4 188.7 North Central 65.8 55.0 75.1 64.8
25.2 74.4 16.5 bomi z 69.1 47.8 84.5 64.0

34.3 49.1 191.8 Antananarivo 36.6 28.3 45.7 53.9

70.9 86.9 166.3 antananarivo 75.3 51.2 89.9 38.7
32.0 72.5 68.8 otra mangoro 54.0 39.3 68.0 124.0

44.4 74.0 61.4A MANGORO 63.2 47.6 76.5 45.4

29.7 61.7 59.8 otra mangoro 69.4 58.8 78.3 39.5
27.8 38.3 519.8 central 47.9 37.2 58.9 133.8
43.4 55.7 478.8 central 49.2 41.6 56.8 127.8
49.9 61.7 1,090.1 Central 51.6 45.0 58.2 219.8
61.4 72.9 711.7 central 74.2 66.8 80.5 204.3
58.6 83.4 31.5 Balaka 65.7
57.2 68.2 639.9 entral region 53.5 46.0 60.8 179.4
60.1 71.2 704.1 Central 56.6 42.6 69.6 167.1

39.5 60.6 42.0 central 41.3 29.4 54.3 137.6

42.7 74.0 16.2 entral region z 69.7 49.7 84.3 118.4

17.7 34.8 149.7 bamako 29.1 17.0 45.3 60.6

23.4 33.4 378.0 Bamako 10.9 6.8 16.8 105.3
20.3 35.1 160.0 Bamako 26.5 17.3 38.4 36.6
8.0 19.9 139.8 bamako 27.3 15.3 43.9 21.3
5.7 16.2 169.7 Bamako 44.6 32.4 57.5 53.7
13.0 37.4 105.8 Bamako 61.9 44.4 76.8 28.5
27.9 61.7 100.1 Bamako 31.9 15.5 54.3 32.6

4.6 25.2 16.3 Adrar z 10.3 4.8 20.7 88.3

6.1 27.4 17.0 Adrar z 17.5 9.7 29.6 134.7
10.2 41.7 3.1 Adrar z 54.5 42.3 66.2 102.5

23.9 52.0 20.2 adrar 55.4 46.6 63.8 98.6

29.0 75.0 101.2 Centro 35.4 20.4 54.0 112.6

15.7 33.7 0.3 Centro 0.1

36.8 57.4 100.0 Central 1 35.0 27.7 43.0 163.0

37.6 66.5 68.8 Central 55.6 38.2 71.8 35.9
57.6 78.6 80.0 Central 66.6 56.0 75.8 30.9
24.9 42.3 113.4 Central 56.9 45.3 67.8 43.6
33.2 72.2 34.1 Central z 7.9
55.1 73.3 98.6 Central 50.7 40.4 61.0 48.0

14.9 41.4 37.8 Central z 21.8

5.7 25.6 83.5 Centre 12.1 4.5 28.7 21.6
10.1 33.8 53.0 CENTRE z 29.4 15.7 48.2 24.3

42.8 70.0 39.8 ia-ouardigha z 16.0 6.5 34.3 42.3

18.5 44.4 92.9cabo delgado 48.4 35.7 61.3 51.4

10.6 27.6 125.6 abo Delgado 44.9 34.4 55.8 76.5
42.1 61.7 105.2 abo Delgado 59.9 48.4 70.3 55.0

5.1 16.7 257.3 Ayeyarwady 2.6 0.7 9.0 148.9

38.0 ayeyarwaddy y 28.5

16.0 69.2 20.9 caprivi z 24.6

32.7 57.7 31.4 caprivi z 23.6 12.6 39.8 27.1

63.1 78.0 227.1 central 62.9 53.1 71.7 164.4

36.1 58.4 164.2 central 44.7 36.6 53.1 109.0
50.4 70.3 174.1 hill 62.6 49.1 74.3 37.4
40.5 67.4 52.2 Central Hill z 6.2
46.4 68.2 151.3 central 55.8 42.6 68.2 98.7
35.6 78.2 33.9 PROVINCE z 68.3 53.5 80.1 44.2
29.0 57.5 82.2 ati province 63.7 47.1 77.5 35.2

31.1 53.7 atl42.1

ntico norte(raan) 29.1 17.2 44.8 43.7
3.5 Diffa y 3.9 0.9 14.9 22.5
9.8 49.7 20.9 agadez 2.6 0.6 10.6 26.9

12.3 42.1 19.3 Agadez 15.6 8.6 26.7 25.1

19.9 40.8 12,875.0 Agadez 28.5 17.8 42.2 12,682.2
14.5 48.8 13,973.6 Agadez 58.1 47.2 68.2 16,562.9
13.2 42.2 47,554.0 Agadez 34.5 15.2 60.7 30,113.0
1.6 39.3 77,551.0 Agadez 24.4 11.2 45.0 68,666.0

29.3 59.1 88.9 north central 7.4 3.6 14.6 148.6

0.4 18.3 23.6 Abia z 38.9 27.8 51.3 7.7
15.8 24.8 380.7 north central 3.9 2.7 5.7 496.1
4.4 28.7 55.1 Abia z 18.1 10.2 29.9 67.7
16.3 25.9 429.6 North Central 15.5 12.1 19.7 532.9
8.0 29.2 24.1 Abia z 34.2 22.6 48.0 68.5

13.2 32.8 41.6 abia 14.9 8.0 26.2 77.3

6.5 45.4 40.7 ABIA z 53.3 42.2 64.0 59.8
11.2 East y 35.0 18.2 56.5 17.4
6.0 East y 7.5
5.5 EAST y 21.9

26.3 46.0 44.4 balochistan 55.2 46.0 64.1 137.6

13.8 36.1 40.1 Balochistan 66.3 52.3 78.0 7.9
0.0 0.0 - ajk 56.8 47.3 65.8 61.2
36.1 48.0 47,781.2 AJK 43.5 38.9 48.3 119,877.7

19.2 52.3 2,287.8 cas del Toro 3,389.0

43.7 62.5 348.4hlands region 65.0 54.2 74.4 132.3

1.3 lto Paraguay y 18.1 6.8 39.9 66.5

46.9 72.8 21.9 amazonas 72.9 58.4 83.8 52.1

9.9 amazonas y 67.3 43.6 84.5 26.2

71.2 94.0 13.3 Amazonas z 60.2 40.1 77.4 28.4
50.0 87.7 9.1 Amazonas z 69.1 49.8 83.4 21.8
63.7 92.8 10.7 Amazonas z 77.0 62.3 87.1 42.6
58.7 88.1 12.3 Amazonas z 73.6 56.3 85.8 35.1

58.8 88.9 10.4 Amazonas z 72.4 56.0 84.4 35.9

66.7 87.2 18.6 Amazonas 59.8 47.5 70.9 35.0
60.4 84.2 16.9 Amazonas 66.9 54.4 77.4 35.7
63.5 85.6 13.2 Amazonas 79.8 66.5 88.7 26.0
59.6 85.7 14.0 Amazonas 82.7 70.9 90.4 12.8
63.7 85.7 24.0 Huanuco 45.8 32.2 60.1 17.8
61.8 81.7 22.3 Huanuco 53.9 37.0 70.0 21.1
60.5 84.3 19.6 Huanuco 46.3 31.5 61.9 15.3
73.4 92.1 17.1 Huanuco 62.0 47.5 74.6 21.1

21.0 48.0 25.9 armm z 8.7

20.9 55.7 39.3 armm 6.6
13.0 39.9 42.7 im mindanao 61.0 42.1 77.2 17.4
2.6 Al Daayen y 0.9
35.0 78.6 40.8 center z 26.6 13.2 46.4 38.4
25.8 58.3 42.3 Center z 29.0 18.0 43.2 29.6

79.5 96.5 47.4 butare 90.0 74.9 96.4 71.0

86.4 95.7 177.7 east 70.3 58.3 80.1 69.0

85.6 94.2 194.8 east 86.3 77.9 91.9 96.7
65.2 86.2 34,865.9 ern province 69.8 48.8 84.9 18,219.1
66.1 79.1 209.0 east 71.9 59.6 81.6 103.4

32.9 58.7 42.6 a Urban Area 54.5 43.9 64.8 114.4

48.9 65.3 198.9 Centro 45.0 30.7 60.3 70.5

37.0 58.1 109.2 região centro 26.8 5.2 71.0 8.6

6.3 de Principe y 70.4 60.6 78.7 128.4
28.7MÉ-ZÓCHI y 57.0 40.1 72.4 63.4

32.4 52.3 276.4 dakar 10.4 4.6 21.6 139.0

26.3 53.7 168.7 Dakar 36.2 27.0 46.4 154.1
31.6 60.8 105.4 dakar z 29.4 20.1 40.9 81.5
14.6 55.0 105.3 dakar z 35.2 22.9 49.9 49.2
12.8 47.0 126.6 dakar z 39.2 20.4 61.8 66.4
15.5 60.3 102.8 dakar z 27.1 16.3 41.5 72.8
37.0 59.0 166.7 dakar 32.7 23.3 43.8 141.0
76.5 dakar y 45.0 29.5 61.6 81.9
28.3 59.9 130.0 dakar z 41.5 23.7 61.8 78.1
2.5 27.9 37.4 Belgrade 17.2 9.4 29.4 56.0
5.6 37.1 56.2 Belgrade z 12.7 5.1 28.0 69.1
9.4 68.8 66.9 Belgrade z 0.9 0.2 4.0 85.0
7.9 43.5 43.7 BELGRADE z 24.5
0.2 7.5 76.7 East 4.6 1.8 11.3 104.0
6.3 17.5 128.9 East 12.1 8.2 17.5 201.0
14.2 28.7 136.0 eastern 9.4 5.7 15.3 307.8
35.1 48.1 286.8 East 29.7 23.6 36.6 302.5
21.6 36.6 246.4 Eastern 35.8 29.1 43.1 534.3
37.1 51.5 274.8 EAST 56.7 52.1 61.2 517.8
48.5 66.0 202.8 eastern 49.8 42.0 57.6 195.9

4.4 21.7 56.9 W/Galbeed 13.2

10.3 36.3 38.4 eastern cape z 27.7 15.0 45.4 19.1
32.8 52.5 123.8 ral Equatoria 40.9 29.7 53.2 92.9

73.6 88.5 108.3 Central 71.2 61.1 79.6 73.0

15.3 44.0 42.7 Bethlehem z 26.6 17.2 38.8 51.0

42.9 68.1 43.4 Bethlehem z 40.2 24.5 58.2 41.5
8.2 38.6 6.7 & Al Aghwar z 28.9 19.3 40.8 23.7
31.7 47.1 66.4 Blue Nile 38.5 27.2 51.2 77.4
41.3 67.9 69.6 Blue Nile 43.9 32.9 55.6 34.3
27.5 Brokopondo y 2.6
0.0 0.0 30.6 d Sipaliwini z 21.5
1.3 15.1 22.1 Brokopondo z 7.3
27.2 OKOPONDO y 2.4 0.3 15.0 22.9
29.1 44.1 251.1 Aleppo 21.4 14.3 30.9 70.0

19.0 Duchanbe y
6.7 22.6 76.6 DRD 17.0 10.0 27.3 33.0
22.6 42.6 108.8 drs 19.7 10.7 33.4 35.4
27.0 45.1 148.0 drs 39.2 24.8 55.7 29.1

1.1 5.2 146,216.2include BKK.) 10.9 3.8 27.5 59,775.3

2.6 23.1 120.8 Bangkok 7.9 4.0 14.8 215.2

2.3 13.0 132.9 Bangkok z 27.4 13.4 48.0 320.8
11.6 49.6 126.9 Bangkok z 8.0 4.6 13.5 340.6
27.8 Bangkok y 13.6 4.6 33.9 217.2

63.9 84.7 43.6 aileu 73.0 59.5 83.3 49.9

50.3 76.4 30.8 aileu 52.6 37.9 66.9 39.4

61.4 82.8 43.5 Aileu 68.4 58.6 76.8 61.2

7.4 29.3 32.3 Centrale 19.7 9.7 35.9 42.4

12.4 33.3 33.8 Centrale 37.7 25.7 51.5 48.9

51.5 76.8 58.6 Centrale 58.4 44.7 70.9 83.2

37.4 62.3 59.0 centrale 57.0 47.2 66.3 139.2
51.9 77.5 40.0 CENTRALE 61.3 46.4 74.4 59.3

6.0 'EUA y 10.6

1.0 ima Borough y 10.0
2.2 Arima y 5.8
16.6 53.6 37.0 Central z 8.4 2.2 27.3 11.8

1.4 21.3 59.4 Centre Est z 3.0 0.4 18.8 68.8

7.1 24.1 72.0CENTRE EST 20.4 11.8 33.0 47.7

0.8 32.8 27.6 Akhal z 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.3

43.4 68.7 61.0 Ahal velayat 41.3 26.5 57.8 33.9
37.7 70.8 36.9AL VELAYAT 60.2 45.2 73.5 35.4
2.5 RAND TURK y 0.1

27.0 56.9 36.9 Funafuti z 2.6

55.1 75.1 207.4 central 49.2 39.2 59.1 217.4

48.8 73.4 77.7 central 1 58.5 46.2 69.9 73.3
48.6 68.2 94.2 central 1 72.7 62.9 80.6 88.4
68.9 86.3 70.4 acholi 74.8 65.7 82.1 116.1
11.1 AR Krym y 7.4
3.5 30.3 15.2 central z 13.4
17.1 61.1 36.4 Center 21.3 10.8 37.7 120.6

30.8 73.9 33.7 Arusha z 25.5

52.4 84.3 37.3 arusha z 46.5 29.7 64.2 60.8

7.2 21.3 87.0 1 Region 15.5 9.3 24.7 103.0

5.9 21.5 83.7 Central 29.3 19.3 41.9 67.3

17.4 Andijon y 13.8
21.5JAN REGION y 14.3
8.1 Luganville y 34.9

25.4 65.2 31.5 BTB z 21.9 9.0 44.3 38.4

23.8 central coast y 6.9
3.1 29.1 9.0 al Highlands z 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.5
5.8 21.9 17.5 al Highlands 1.7 0.2 11.0 45.0
16.5 45.0 25.2 al Highlands 11.1 4.7 23.9 53.7
36.6 70.0 21.4 HIGHLANDS z 30.1 15.2 50.8 61.7

1.0 10.1 39.0 abyan 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.4

7.5 25.7 18,172.7 Central 23.9 15.8 34.4 22,115.1

19.5 42.5 46.7 central 44.3 29.3 60.4 100.3
68.5 89.2 67.5 central 67.0 55.2 76.9 98.7
64.6 80.3 128.1 central 63.1 53.1 72.2 153.2
69.3 83.2 92.6 central 77.5 65.2 86.4 124.5
18.3 50.0 17.5 bulawayo z 38.7 16.0 67.7 59.4
2.2 45.9 24.9 bulawayo z 28.3 17.2 43.0 56.6
25.0 57.2 28.3 bulawayo z 25.6 16.2 38.1 94.1
18.7 44.1 29.6 bulawayo z 44.4 31.5 58.0 106.8
28.5 56.5 53.3 Bulawayo 41.6 29.0 55.4 84.2
36.4 61.3 26.1 bulawayo z 25.7 15.0 40.4 80.9
27.5 60.4 21.4 Bulawayo z 35.8 23.0 51.0 86.0
on 2 Region 3
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate
Region_2_ReRegion_2_FoRegion_3_r Region_3_ll Region_3_ulRegion_3_weRegion_3_ReRegion_3_FoRegion_4_r
badghis 47.3 33.7 61.3 58.5 baghlan 6.3

BADGHIS 65.1 50.8 77.2 70.8 BAGHLAN 60.1

North z 0.0 0.0 0.0 31.0 South z
North y 3.3 0.4 20.2 32.6 South z
coastal z 44.3 24.9 65.5 14.5 mountain z
diber z 72.5 51.8 86.6 39.9 durres z 32.6

2 : Nord-Est 30.0 23.5 37.4 236.9 : Nord-Ouest 11.1

LATEAU EST 31.4 25.3 38.3 70.7 EAU OUEST 35.7
benguela 35.4 28.6 43.0 77.4 bié 43.8
Buenos Aires 37.1 27.4 48.1 35,490.0 NEA 22.6
ararat y 12.3 armavir y
ararat y 10.5 armavir y
ararat y 15.1 armavir y
ararat y 18.0 armavir y
Agdam y
aran z 51.2 baku y 5.8

chittagong 27.7 21.6 34.7 212.6 dhaka 29.1

Chittagong 30.3 25.8 35.3 683.2 Dhaka 38.1
chittagong 34.3 24.7 45.4 134.4 dhaka 39.4
chittagong 58.2 49.2 66.7 244.6 dhaka 67.5
Chittagong 45.7 40.3 51.3 639.3 Dhaka 49.3
chittagong 42.0 28.6 56.6 221.6 dhaka 70.8
chittagong 52.8 43.6 61.7 230.1 dhaka 51.9
Chattogram 52.4 47.3 57.5 603.0 Dhaka 60.1

St Michael y 5.8 d St. Thomas y

Gomel z 39.0 Grodno y
Gomel region z 21.0 6.7 49.6 28.5 rodno region z 20.6
GOMEL z 26.0 12.0 47.5 28.2 GRODNO z 35.6
Cayo y 11.9 Corozal y
ty South Side y 4.9 1.2 18.0 40.5 Cayo z
ty South SIde y 26.8 Cayo y 27.8

atlantique 47.3 34.6 60.3 87.9 borgou 33.8

atacora 41.8 34.5 49.4 171.7 atlantique 41.5
Atacora 33.3 26.6 40.6 146.7 Atlantique 46.2
Atacora 34.9 26.1 44.9 190.6 Atlantique 41.5
atacora 39.0 30.1 48.8 141.7 atlantic 38.5
Chukha z 37.9 23.3 55.0 21.1 Dagana z
East z 36.0 18.9 57.7 59.5 West
Llano 41.9 32.4 52.0 129.3 Valle
chuquisaca 59.9 49.6 69.3 160.1 cochabamba 68.3
chuquisaca 59.4 50.5 67.7 145.3 cochabamba 61.3

Llanos 57.9 48.1 67.1 113.9 Valles

FBiH 7.6 3.4 16.2 77.9 RS

istrikt of BiH y 1.6 Canton 10 y

cascades 15.0 7.2 28.7 23.0ouagadougou) z 22.9

Cascade 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.0 Centre z 2.0

Cascades 19.8 11.3 32.5 122.5 Centre 27.4

CASCADES 34.5 17.3 57.1 221.2 CENTRE z 67.0

CASCADES 44.0 27.4 62.0 258.6 CENTRE 63.4
cascades 29.5 21.5 39.0 222.3 centre 68.4

Est 63.9 55.4 71.6 155.0 Nord 46.7

centre-east 74.6 62.4 83.8 210.4 north 74.8
mbura mairie 86.6 75.7 93.1 82.9 umbura rural 85.7
Bujumbura 58.2 39.7 74.7 50.5 mbura Mairie z 74.8

y mean chey z 32.6 15.8 55.6 102.4 pong chaam z 1.9

krong pailin z 57.2 37.0 75.3 95.2 mpong cham z 69.4

ang & pailin z 79.4 62.8 89.8 76.3 mpong cham z 73.7
ang & pailin z 73.4 50.5 88.1 108.8 mpong cham z 89.2
battambang z 48.1 27.9 68.9 43.1 mpong cham z 39.9

centre 33.3 19.0 51.6 53.0 douala z 21.2

Centre 28.2 17.0 43.0 54.6 Douala z 30.0
centre 16.3 8.7 28.5 85.8 douala 43.9
ans Yaoundé) 21.6 11.5 36.9 58.8 Douala 41.7
out yaounde) 37.7 24.8 52.7 97.5 douala 46.4

RS2 14.7 9.8 21.4 359.2 RS3 16.4

“Bangui” 13.9 6.6 27.0 83.2 Basse Kotto” 44.7
Bangui 35.0 24.3 47.5 99.2 Basse Kotto 32.0

Bangui 49.1 40.1 58.2 112.0 Basse_Kotto 2.9

Région 2 23.9 15.6 34.8 263.0 Région 3 45.1

N'Djaména 10.7 7.1 15.9 484.5 Rural

bar azoum z 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.8 centre est 0.0
arh El Gazal 3.4 1.2 9.1 87.0 Bhata 2.1
batha 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.1 borkou/tibesti 0.0
Batha z 1.9 0.2 14.0 9.7 Borkou 2.1
Batha 24.8 15.8 36.7 8.8 Borkou 10.6
Batha 22.2 8.1 48.0 10.5 Borkou z 20.7
Batha 39.9 17.6 67.3 4.5 Borkou z 2.7

bogota 21.2 13.4 31.8 98.7 central 21.9

bogotá 39.8 33.2 46.7 294.3 central 53.4

2. ORIENTAL 43.1 33.5 53.3 9,393.6Y AMAZONIA 45.5

Ndzuwani 10.0 6.5 15.0 300.9 Ngazidja

Ndzouani 16.8 11.0 24.9 123.6 Ngazidja

brazzaville 39.9 27.0 54.3 35.0 cuvette 25.8

RAZZAVILLE 25.0 17.6 34.3 37.9 CUVETTE 28.1
Cartago y 21.5 6.6 51.5 19.6 Guanacaste z
Cartago y 29.3 11.1 57.9 2,491.9 Guanacaste z

Centro 26.7 16.7 39.8 181.3 Occidente 34.8

udad Habana 44.5 23.1 68.1 181.8 Occidente 58.7
La Habana 17.8 6.9 38.5 122.9 Occidente 46.4
Camagüey y 11.6 go de Ávila y

Centre 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.0 Centre Est 36.4

Centre Est 2.2 0.5 9.4 54.0 Centre Nord 0.0

Centre-Est 10.9 5.1 21.8 62.4 Centre-Nord 3.8
Centre-Est 26.8 15.7 41.7 68.8 Centre-Nord 18.3
as sassandra 52.7 40.8 64.2 45.0 comoe 24.1

Bas-congo 31.8 15.9 53.4 24.3 Equateur 9.3

bas-congo 42.2 28.4 57.2 115.0 equateur 23.4
Bas congo 41.1 29.8 53.5 155.1 Equateur 26.8
bas-congo 54.1 45.3 62.6 251.1 equateur 36.5
Equateur 55.3 41.1 68.8 176.0Haut Katanga 34.1

o Occidental z 11.5 3.2 33.9 17.9 ibao Oriental z 14.8

bahoruco z 6.7 1.2 29.7 18.2 barahona z

bahoruco 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.6 barahona z 16.3

i z 2.4 0.3 15.2 57.5 ii z 0.0

bao Noroeste 1.9 0.5 6.2 209.7 Cibao Norte 1.0
NOROESTE 15.3 6.8 30.9 116.8IBAO NORTE 24.0

gypt - Urban 58.0 53.2 62.7 405.4 Egypt - Rural 44.4

..rural ue 43.2 32.4 54.7 133.0 ..urban le 39.8

r egypt rural 54.0 43.3 64.3 90.0 egypt urban 52.6
..le urban 43.3 38.4 48.4 482.0 ..ue rural 32.1

Central 40.5 29.1 52.9 169.0 Occidente 35.2

Bioko Norte 4.7 Bioko Sur y 31.2

Lubombo 23.7 15.7 34.1 94.9 Manzini 26.6

lubombo 20.4 11.3 34.1 79.5 manzini 36.5

Lubombo 42.5 32.6 53.2 96.5 Manzini 38.2

Lubombo 58.2 39.6 74.7 94.4 Manzini 62.3
affar z 70.4 59.7 79.3 280.7 amhara 47.4
afar 71.1 63.8 77.4 286.7 amhara 41.3
affar 71.6 61.6 79.9 256.2 amhara 44.6
afar 61.2 50.3 71.1 215.9 amhara 67.6
afar 68.1 46.6 83.9 94.1 amhara z 77.1

EASTERN y 64.2 42.6 81.2 24.9 NORTHERN z 45.7

haut-ogooué 5.4 2.0 13.7 262.2 lle-port-gentil 10.0

haut-ogooué 17.1 9.1 29.8 230.8 libreville 25.7
Basse z 18.6 9.1 34.2 98.8 Brikama z 45.0
Basse 46.1 38.9 53.4 206.0 Brikama 45.2
Basse 39.9 33.0 47.3 468.4 Brikama 28.2
Basse 45.5 34.3 57.1 291.0 Brikama 49.2
Basse 48.6 39.5 57.8 345.9 Brikama 59.0
basse 48.4 40.2 56.7 334.5 brikama 68.3
Guria y 23.0 Imereti y

GURIA y 27.8 13.9 48.0 33.0 IMERETI z 25.0

brong ahafo z 21.7 central y

Brong Ahafo z 25.9 15.3 40.4 36.8 Central z 46.1
brong ahafo y 57.3 41.2 72.0 37.2 central z 64.0
Brong Ahafo z 39.5 29.6 50.3 73.4 Central 42.6
brong ahafo 49.8 36.1 63.5 49.7 central z 48.5
ONG AHAFO 34.8 22.7 49.3 88.7 CENTRAL 58.2
metropolitana 70.9 62.9 77.8 212.1 noroccidente 49.4

Conakry 21.7 14.6 30.9 83.7 Faranah 23.0

Conakry 24.3 16.1 34.9 55.6 Faranah 25.2
conakry 41.1 30.6 52.4 108.0 faranah 43.6
Biombo z 26.4 lama/Bijagós y 2.8
cheu e Oio) 20.5 14.4 28.3 124.1 SAB Capital 16.1

Biombo 75.4 62.0 85.2 14.1 lama/Bijagós 76.9

Biombo 68.6 51.7 81.7 7.1 ama/Bijagós z 58.4
Region 10 y 10.2 Region 2 y
Region 02 y 14.5 Region 03 y 12.9
region 10 y 9.8 region 2 y
uni-Mazaruni y 10.0 5.3 17.9 131.9 ara-Mahaica 19.7
-MAZARUNI y 24.9 10.1 49.5 97.3 A-MAHAICA z 16.7

centre 24.9 12.7 43.1 33.9 grande-anse 10.5

artibonite 55.5 41.5 68.7 91.6 centre 53.7
artibonite z 49.5 36.1 62.9 32.4 camps 56.4
artibonite 57.1 41.8 71.2 50.0 centre 40.3

choluteca z 18.3 7.3 38.9 32.3 colón z 26.5

Choluteca 35.0 24.1 47.6 49.7 Col?n 38.4
CHOLUTECA z 21.5 10.7 38.6 30.8 COLON z 40.7

achal pradesh 63.1 53.5 71.7 154.7 [as] assam 27.9

dhra pradesh 56.4 50.6 62.1 18.2 chal pradesh 63.5

dhra pradesh 63.4 58.4 68.2 17.7 chal pradesh 63.5

gka belitung z 37.8 19.5 60.3 64.7 banten 46.3

gka belitung z 24.4 13.6 39.9 89.7 banten 55.2
bali z 13.7 6.8 25.6 11.4 gka belitung 39.0
bali y 59.6 40.1 76.4 10.0 gka belitung z 31.7

Babylon 1.0 0.3 4.2 300.6 Baghdad 4.7

Almuthana 37.6 26.1 50.6 70.7 Anbar 6.9
Al-Muthanna 10.3 5.0 20.1 141.8 Al-Najaf 20.0
BABIL 18.3 12.3 26.4 265.3 BAGHDAD 16.0

Other towns 23.0 14.1 35.2 68.6 Rural

north 27.8 19.8 37.5 49.1 south

north 13.8 10.3 18.2 95.6 south
north 20.4 14.6 27.8 80.5 south
amman 16.9 9.0 29.4 31.7 aquaba 36.3
North z2 10.0 3.6 25.1 8.0 South z2
ktobe oblysy y 24.6 Almati city y 18.8
Aktubinsk z 39.4 25.2 55.6 61.3 Almaty z
Aktobe z 29.6 17.2 46.0 30.4 Almaty City z 22.2

Central 7.3 3.7 13.7 75.4 Coast 24.4

coast 13.5 6.2 27.0 95.8 eastern 17.4
coast 55.4 40.7 69.2 89.3 eastern 20.6
coast 52.4 40.7 63.9 95.4 eastern
bomet y 25.0 bungoma y 56.7
Butaritari y 5.6 Maiana y
NIX GROUP z 75.0 58.9 86.3 48.8 N GILBERT z 55.1

Bishkek c. z 14.4 2.7 50.8 36.7 Chui z 29.5

bishkek city z 30.7 14.1 54.4 58.7 chui z 40.3
Bishkek City z 47.5 32.5 62.9 79.7 Chui z 17.7
Bishkek c z 24.0 14.6 36.8 55.9 Chui 30.2
North 5.2 2.7 9.7 193.2 South
North 6.4 3.6 11.1 99.7 South
Bokeo 45.0 31.7 59.1 45.0 Borikhamxay 20.1
BOKEO 47.6 34.0 61.6 56.6 RIKHAMXAY 24.8
South y 17.4 akkar y 33.3

Lowland 16.8 10.0 27.0 113.0 Mountain

butha-bothe z 53.2 37.3 68.5 81.9 leribe 66.8

botha-bothe z 62.3 46.2 76.1 50.9 leribe z
Lowlands 67.4 56.4 76.7 45.0 Mountains 55.7

north central 25.2 14.4 40.2 46.8north western 33.8

orth Western 46.0 37.0 55.3 243.2 outh Central 41.6
bong 8.1 gbarpolu y 59.1

Antsiranana 48.9 39.0 58.9 128.0 Fianarantsoa 44.0

antsiranana 84.0 73.9 90.7 159.8 fianarantsoa 37.0
analamanga 54.2 31.1 75.6 53.1 analanjirofo z 63.7

ON'I MANIA 68.2 56.3 78.1 154.0NALAMANGA 50.8

oron i mania 55.2 34.3 74.4 105.4 analamanga z 67.0
north 52.8 48.2 57.4 603.7 south
northern 55.9 51.1 60.6 485.8 southern
Northern 58.7 54.7 62.6 1,042.8 Southern
northern 73.1 68.4 77.4 739.5 southern
Blantyre y 70.0 45.5 86.7 90.1 Blantyre city z 70.2
rthern region 58.0 53.8 62.1 808.0 uthern region
North 64.0 59.6 68.2 691.7 South

malé 54.4 35.7 71.9 55.0 north 59.3

malé z 53.1 36.4 69.2 32.5 north central z 65.4

gao 32.5 24.3 41.8 181.7 kayes 58.3

Gao 12.9 9.9 16.6 394.9 Kayes 9.0
Gao 37.9 30.4 46.0 195.8 Kayes 35.2
gao z 46.8 37.3 56.5 180.6 kayes
Gao 31.2 21.5 42.8 188.7 Kayes 41.6
Gao 39.8 30.2 50.3 168.6 Kayes 61.3
Gao 30.1 20.0 42.6 139.2 Kayes 52.8

Assaba 21.2 13.0 32.7 91.2 Brakna 5.7

Assaba 22.5 14.9 32.5 88.5 Brakna 32.5
Assaba 44.4 33.1 56.4 95.4 Brakna 47.3

assaba 51.5 38.4 64.5 116.9 brakna 51.7

-Edo México 17.3 11.3 25.6 180.0 Noreste 21.4

de México y 28.6 15.9 45.9 0.1 Norte 34.2

Central 2 53.3 35.5 70.4 60.0 Eastern 55.6

Eastern z 59.0 46.5 70.4 82.0 Khangai 58.8
Eastern 61.4 48.1 73.2 83.7 Khangai 61.7
Eastern 48.5 39.5 57.7 129.6 Khangai 44.2
Eastern y 63.0 47.5 76.3 40.2 Khangai z 56.3
Eastern 52.8 42.8 62.6 101.3 Khangai 40.2

North y 14.5 South y

North z 15.9 South y
NORTH z 21.6 SOUTH y

oukkala-abda z 39.6 22.7 59.4 35.5es-boulemane z 21.9

gaza 41.5 28.2 56.1 72.0 inhambane 49.4

Gaza 41.8 30.0 54.6 62.4 Inhambane 34.0
Gaza 30.2 18.7 45.0 52.7 Inhambane 28.8

Bago 26.8 17.8 38.2 17.2 Chin 22.8

bago y 66.3 49.8 79.7 7.1 chin 55.5

erongo y 12.4 hardap y

erongo z 65.5 45.4 81.3 18.4 hardap z 26.3

eastern 63.5 52.9 72.9 76.8 far-western 81.9

eastern 58.8 41.0 74.5 68.6 far-western 65.0
mountain 75.3 66.8 82.2 318.3 terai
ral Mountain y 65.1 46.8 79.8 110.2 Central Terai
eastern 83.7 73.2 90.6 43.5 far-western 68.3
I PROVINCE 60.6 47.5 72.3 78.1 INCE NO. 1 69.9
aki province z 73.8 60.5 83.8 33.5 nali province 52.7

atl ntico sur(raas) 34.3 13.6 63.4 17.3 boaco z

Agadez z 0.0 0.0 0.0 92.3 Dosso 3.2
diffa 0.0 0.0 0.0 139.5 dosso 1.6

Diffa 7.6 4.7 12.0 164.4 Dosso 35.6

Diffa 26.3 15.1 41.8 40,982.2 Dosso 29.6
Diffa 19.8 10.1 35.2 57,341.3 Dosso 25.7
Diffa 15.3 7.7 28.0 341,371.0 Dosso 32.3
Diffa z 11.3 7.6 16.6 321,590.0 Dosso 40.3

north east 5.9 3.0 11.2 234.3 north west 11.2

Abuja FCT 6.0 1.5 20.7 33.0 Adamawa 4.5
north east 7.4 5.0 10.9 817.8 north west 13.2
Adamawa 21.1 8.4 43.7 46.0 Akwa ibom z 9.9
North East 3.7 2.3 6.1 1,021.0 North West 21.4
Adamawa 28.3 19.1 39.7 63.0 Akwa Ibom 24.6

adamawa 33.2 20.1 49.6 51.0 akwa ibom 32.0

ADAMAWA 18.4 9.0 34.0 48.9 AKWA IBOM 23.8
North East z 2.8 0.3 20.3 49.7 Pelagoniski z 27.0
Northeast y 17.4 Pelagonia y

nwfp 32.5 27.5 38.0 531.3 punjab 36.9

lgit Baltistan 49.9 35.4 64.5 3.4amabad (ICT) 62.3
balochistan 62.0 44.0 77.1 22.0 fata 13.4
Balochistan 54.1 47.9 60.2 14,618.8 GB 57.6

Chiriquí y 1,303.0 Coclé y 14.1

slands region 61.4 48.2 73.1 234.6 mase region 65.9

Alto Paraná z 24.3 10.8 46.2 20.9 Asunción z

ancash z 93.5 81.6 97.9 21.4 apurimac 53.7

ancash z 75.1 46.7 91.2 12.4 apurimac z 62.4

Ancash z 90.8 63.9 98.2 13.3 Apurimac z
Ancash z 10.2 Apurimac y 66.7
Ancash z 92.6 75.5 98.1 15.1 Apurimac z 48.6
Ancash z 10.0 Apurimac y 55.0

Ancash z 82.8 63.7 93.0 11.6 Apurimac z 65.5

Ancash 85.8 75.5 92.2 15.4 Apurimac 65.6
Ancash 84.2 66.9 93.4 14.0 Apurimac 55.9
Ancash 80.5 69.3 88.3 14.8 Apurimac 70.2
Apurímac 55.6 39.5 70.6 28.0 Arequipa 80.7
Ica 87.0 76.3 93.3 34.1 Junin 79.4
Ica 85.3 67.7 94.1 22.9 Junin z 73.6
Ica z 72.6 61.3 81.6 25.3 Junin 60.8
Ica 76.2 61.1 86.7 22.2 Junin z 70.1

admin region y 44.8 27.2 63.8 29.5 i - ilocos z

admin region y 22.6- ilocos region y
ar - cordillera 40.8 25.0 58.7 18.7 caraga z 43.3
Al-Khor y 25.8 13.5 43.8 64.9 Al-Rayyan
chisinau z 32.2 8.9 69.7 41.1 north z 57.8
Chisinau z 27.4 16.1 42.5 63.9 North 50.2

byumba 65.8 53.2 76.4 67.2 cyangugu 83.3

kigali city 95.6 87.4 98.6 116.7 north 81.2

kigali city 95.7 89.1 98.4 93.7 north 84.7
Kigali city 95.7 87.4 98.6 18,821.8 ern province 88.4
kigali 81.2 69.4 89.1 102.5 north 87.2

h West Upolu 46.2 32.7 60.3 46.2Rest of Upolu z 56.2

Norte 6.9 Principe y

o do principe z 56.6 39.0 72.7 45.3 região norte 59.5

Centro Este 69.1 51.3 82.6 29.1 Norte Oeste z 82.2
 y 71.1

diourbel 25.8 15.1 40.5 89.0 fatick 28.0

Diourbel 28.9 20.5 39.2 80.9 Fatick 50.9
diourbel 31.1 16.8 50.2 35.9 fatick 25.6
diourbel 24.7 10.7 47.2 24.7 fatick z 25.1
diourbel 24.4 11.0 45.9 33.5 fatick z 20.8
diourbel 27.2 14.5 45.1 30.6 fatick z 39.9
diourbel 42.9 31.2 55.5 63.7 fatick 25.7
diourbel 48.2 30.4 66.4 26.2 fatick z 30.3
diourbel z 19.4 9.4 35.8 35.4 fatick z 28.8
Central 9.0 2.5 27.6 33.9 East z 23.2
stern Serbia 12.4 6.6 22.3 67.4 stern Serbia 13.3
East Serbia z 11.2 2.5 38.6 45.6 West Serbia z 11.1
RN SERBIA y 25.2 RN SERBIA y 34.6
North 2.5 0.3 16.4 38.0 South z 1.8
North 3.3 1.2 8.6 148.2 South 0.0
northern 8.6 4.4 16.0 114.7 southern 0.0
North 27.1 20.1 35.4 190.1 South 6.1
Northern 34.0 26.1 43.0 264.7 Southern 17.3
NORTH 45.6 39.5 51.9 255.5 SOUTH 32.0
north western 64.8 55.6 73.0 212.7 northern 53.5

Awdal y 13.8 Bakool y 0.0

free state z 29.4 16.1 47.3 97.1 gauteng z 33.3
rn Equatoria 40.0 26.8 54.8 113.1 Jonglei 31.5

Eastern 90.5 76.9 96.4 55.1 North-central 88.4

Dier El-Balah 31.3 23.1 40.8 117.1 Gaza 28.8

Deir El-Balah z 39.0 28.9 50.1 105.1 Gaza 44.6
Bethlehem z 42.9 27.8 59.4 35.8 Deir Al-balah z 36.3
Gadarif 45.0 34.6 55.8 221.6 Gezira 47.1
entral Darfor 60.3 48.7 71.0 65.0 East Darfor 67.3
Commewijne y 0.9 Coronie y
d Marowijne y 11.9nd Saramacca y 2.9
Commewijne y 0.7 Coronie y 2.4
Damascus 29.4 20.6 40.0 85.0 Daraa 30.3

11.0 6.4 18.3 136.0 Khatlon 13.4

Dushanbe 47.6 33.3 62.3 7.2 GBAO z 18.7
dushanbe 51.3 35.7 66.7 9.5 gbao z 34.1
dushanbe 31.0 20.7 43.6 9.0 gbao z 37.3

North 6.0 3.2 11.2 164,652.5 Northeast 5.2

Central 13.8 7.6 23.7 298.9 Northeastern 19.4

Central 36.7 22.1 54.3 205.5 North 17.5
Central 16.5 8.9 28.5 153.2 North 14.2
Central 34.6 19.2 54.1 77.8 North 44.5

ainaro 53.3 36.7 69.1 91.2 baucau 42.3

ainaro 57.6 40.7 72.9 79.3 baucau 38.7

Ainaro 70.3 58.5 79.9 123.8 Baucau 60.6

Kara z 12.9 5.2 28.5 39.5 Lomé z 10.0

Kara 43.1 30.5 56.6 87.4mé commune 32.3

Kara 69.0 55.1 80.2 46.0 Lomé z 67.8

tion de lomé 77.2 66.9 85.0 71.3 kara 53.2
LFE URBAIN 71.1 56.3 82.4 64.2 KARA 55.8

HA'APAI y 1.2 ONGO NIUA y 38.3

Caroni y 5.0 nas Borough y
Chaguanas y 17.0 uite/Talparo y
East z 24.9 North West y

District Tunis z 23.5 12.0 41.1 20.5 Kairouan z

TRE OUEST 14.0 6.5 27.5 58.9 RICT TUNIS z 12.6

shgabat City z 22.2 10.9 40.1 18.6 Balkan z 4.5

Ashgabat city z 72.5 56.8 84.1 13.6 alkan velayat z 56.9
GABAT CITY z 41.2 26.6 57.5 13.2 N VELAYAT z 52.3

Nanumaga y 3.5 Nanumea y

eastern 72.8 62.0 81.5 115.2 northern 68.5

central 2 36.5 25.8 48.7 75.8 east central 60.8
central 2 56.1 45.2 66.4 84.3 east central 62.6
ankole 53.8 41.3 65.7 85.2 bugishu 50.8
Cherkaska y 11.3 Chernigivska y
east y 16.7 north y 9.4
East 3.3 0.9 11.3 50.3 North z 11.6

r Es Salaam y 51.8 37.1 66.2 55.8 Dodoma z

ar es salaam z 15.5 kilimanjaro y

2 Region 6.0 2.4 14.3 67.0 3 Region

Central East 28.1 17.7 41.5 123.3 East 29.7

Bukhara y 27.4 Ferghana y
RA REGION y 27.4 NA REGION y 35.8
Malampa y 17.4 Penama y

DB z 21.8 9.2 43.5 62.0 DBSCL z

ral highlands y 7.0 2.2 20.1 43.5 g river delta z
river Delta z 13.3 5.7 28.2 34.5 entral Coast z
River Delta z 14.0 4.4 36.7 66.1 Coastal area 37.6
River Delta z 26.7 15.3 42.4 76.7 Coastal area 39.1
VER DELTA 48.4 29.5 67.6 78.4 L COASTAL 65.7

aden 6.5 2.9 14.1 66.9 al-baidha 6.8

Copperbelt 12.2 6.4 22.1 27,756.2 Eastern 21.1

copperbelt 29.9 17.7 45.8 79.8 eastern 50.8
copperbelt 50.4 39.4 61.4 102.6 eastern 44.1
copperbelt 70.5 61.0 78.4 154.1 eastern 66.6
copperbelt 62.2 51.9 71.5 133.0 eastern 66.4
harare z 22.7 6.8 54.1 50.4 manicaland z 7.9
harare 20.4 10.4 36.0 55.2 manicaland 18.0
harare 19.7 9.9 35.3 99.2 manicaland 14.5
harare 32.2 20.8 46.3 85.4 manicaland 25.0
Harare 34.8 23.7 47.8 108.2 Manicaland 31.5
harare 46.3 34.5 58.6 97.3 manicaland 46.0
Harare 41.1 30.3 52.8 96.9 Manicaland 55.1
Region 4 Region 5
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
Region_4_ll Region_4_ulRegion_4_weRegion_4_ReRegion_4_FoRegion_5_r Region_5_ll Region_5_ulRegion_5_we
1.5 23.2 193.9 balkh 70.1 56.6 80.8 34.1

41.6 76.1 169.9 BALKH 72.7 62.9 80.7 27.4

17.0 Tirana y
21.2 urban tirana y
18.6 50.7 39.9 elbasan z 31.5 17.0 50.8 34.9

7.5 16.3 133.0 eaux-Centre. 18.7 13.3 25.7 232.0

28.1 44.1 444.9 RD CENTRE 26.2 19.5 34.1 207.5
27.9 61.1 22.7 cabinda z 38.0 27.3 49.9 29.9
16.5 30.2 41,779.0 NOA 38.5 27.6 50.8 90,363.0
20.8 gegharkunik y 4.5
8.8 gegharkunik y 19.0
9.6 gegharkunik y 15.8
10.7 gegharkunik y 54.0 32.9 73.7 29.6
3.0 Agjabedi y 3.0
0.6 39.5 9.9 khlik shirvan z 17.4 4.0 51.7 34.1

18.9 41.9 81.4 khulna 39.1 30.8 48.1 125.3

31.5 45.2 205.0 Khulna 37.9 33.2 42.9 523.8
24.8 56.2 40.7 khulna 41.1 28.5 55.1 111.6
57.0 76.5 86.0 khulna 58.8 44.8 71.5 108.6
42.1 56.5 167.3 Khulna 50.1 41.0 59.2 192.9
59.2 80.2 47.4 khulna 56.3 43.0 68.8 59.1
41.2 62.5 93.5 khulna 52.0 42.8 61.1 82.5
54.0 66.0 230.1 Khulna 54.4 46.2 62.4 191.0

5.0 and St. John y

46.3 Minsk y 19.9 5.8 49.8 43.6
9.2 39.8 54.1 Minsk city z 8.1 3.5 17.7 44.4
16.1 61.4 48.6 MINSK z 10.5 3.9 25.5 50.4
16.8 Orange Walk y 6.7
17.7 Corozal y 15.0 5.8 33.5 27.6
14.6 46.3 32.0 Corozal z 29.8 15.1 50.3 36.9

23.5 45.8 63.8 mono 18.3 9.8 31.6 88.1

31.2 52.6 123.9 borgou 33.3 23.8 44.4 84.3
34.0 58.8 84.3 Borgou 24.7 17.7 33.5 77.2
30.4 53.6 147.0 Borgou 37.6 27.9 48.4 82.3
30.6 47.0 162.1 borgou 49.4 41.0 57.9 99.0
5.7 Gasa y 43.9 33.1 55.3 12.1
56.3 78.2 243.6 la paz 62.4 44.4 77.6 37.5
51.6 70.2 218.0 la paz 68.0 53.1 79.9 34.3

41.8 osnia Canton y 9.3

10.5 43.1 88.8 centre-est 7.6 3.5 15.8 127.8

0.3 13.3 34.6 Centre-Est z 12.2 3.4 35.4 41.2

16.0 42.6 111.7 Centre-Est 22.4 15.7 30.8 143.2

56.3 76.3 196.7 ENTRE-EST 66.9 57.3 75.3 202.6

55.5 70.7 161.4CENTRE EST 59.5 50.3 68.0 139.3
56.0 78.6 129.1 centre est 67.6 53.5 79.1 93.0

31.5 62.5 45.0 Ouest z 53.5 41.4 65.2 43.0

65.1 82.5 154.2 south 61.2 51.6 69.9 145.7
69.1 94.2 31.5 bururi z 87.8 74.4 94.7 45.1
60.7 85.1 50.8 Bururi 72.0 62.6 79.8 37.5

0.2 16.5 29.3 ong chhnang 2.0 0.2 17.5 47.0

58.6 78.4 32.4 ong chhnang z 67.0 43.1 84.4 30.5

55.1 86.5 28.1 ong chhnang z 88.5 64.3 97.1 36.9

73.6 96.1 26.6 ong chhnang z 57.2 31.0 79.8 30.3
22.4 60.3 38.8 ong chhnang z 33.3

12.6 33.4 48.4 est 15.0 7.9 26.7 161.8

18.2 45.1 34.6 Est 17.1 7.9 33.2 135.2
30.4 58.4 55.2 est 2.1 0.6 7.3 260.7
30.5 53.8 46.0 Est 12.7 7.8 20.2 172.7
35.8 57.4 79.3 east 22.3 13.5 34.4 189.9

11.7 22.5 227.5 RS4 23.6 18.1 30.1 223.8

23.1 68.5 13.7aut Mbomou” 32.0 21.2 45.2 45.5
20.9 45.5 15.2 aut Mbomou 37.5 28.3 47.7 34.2

0.7 11.4 104.0 aut_Mbomou 18.9 9.4 34.1 53.0

37.2 53.3 153.9 Région 4 48.1 39.9 56.5 34.6
0.0 0.0 106.2 hari baguirmi 2.1 0.2 17.1 149.8
0.4 11.1 86.9 ari Baguirmi 6.5 3.7 11.4 86.5
0.0 0.0 76.2 hari baguirmi 1.7 0.3 8.2 6.3
0.2 15.7 68.3 ari Baguirmi z 11.1 3.5 29.9 9.2
6.0 18.1 117.9 ari Baguirmi 27.4 14.9 44.9 4.1
9.0 40.8 60.2 ari Baguirmi 48.6 29.9 67.8 7.9
0.5 12.6 72.8 ari Baguirmi 45.1 24.8 67.2 3.8

12.5 35.3 92.1 oriental 35.7 24.9 48.2 77.7

45.8 60.9 251.2 oriental 45.8 38.9 52.9 193.3

30.7 61.2 40,331.3 4. BOGOTA 37.5 30.2 45.5 74,985.0

16.1 38.7 14.3 vette - ouest 1.3 0.2 9.2 25.4

17.7 41.6 16.3 TTE OUEST 10.0 4.1 22.4 23.1
21.2 Heredia y 29.2 15.4 48.5 31.3
3,300.2 Heredia y 23.2 13.3 37.4 3,635.5

27.3 43.1 314.5 Oriente

44.9 71.2 350.5 Oriente
22.6 72.0 147.0 Oriente
10.5 Cienfuegos y 20.7

22.7 52.7 98.9 Centre Nord 3.5 1.6 7.2 137.9

0.0 0.0 87.2 Centre Ouest 10.6 5.1 20.5 70.5

1.2 11.1 119.9Centre-Ouest 30.5 15.3 51.6 39.3
11.9 27.0 149.0Centre-Ouest 22.7 14.8 33.1 82.4
15.8 35.1 17.2 denguele 27.2 16.4 41.6 59.4

4.5 18.4 128.1 i Occidental 24.8 16.1 36.2 91.1

14.1 36.2 109.3 asaï occident 27.2 16.1 42.2 127.9
19.3 35.9 85.2 i Occidental 44.6 34.9 54.8 105.5
28.8 45.0 155.6 ai-occidental 45.2 36.9 53.8 226.8
22.8 47.6 44.1 Haut Lomami 66.4 55.9 75.4 51.9

6.1 31.8 62.6 trito Nacional z 11.6

2.9 dajabon y 13.5 3.1 43.6 98.4

5.2 40.7 6.7 dajabón z 3.5 0.6 18.4 70.7

0.0 0.0 14.7 iii z 2.5 0.5 11.0 15.9

0.2 4.4 93.4 Cibao Sur 2.3 0.9 5.6 113.4
7.1 56.5 45.3 CIBAO SUR 15.7 7.2 30.7 23.3

37.1 52.0 120.7 gypt - Urban 57.4 47.9 66.4 17.1

32.5 47.5 130.6 ..urban ue 47.2 34.5 60.3 14.6

47.5 57.6 312.0 r egypt rural 44.4 34.2 55.1 124.9
25.4 39.6 162.1 ..ue urban 42.3 29.3 56.4 14.3

26.1 45.4 144.0 Oriental 48.3 34.1 62.7 81.2

22.3 41.6 35.8 Centro Sur z 30.0 20.7 41.3 100.3

17.8 37.6 85.5 Shiselweni

22.9 52.8 56.7 shiselweni

26.7 51.3 58.3 Shiselweni

47.0 75.5 44.8 Shiselweni
33.5 61.8 14.0 ben-gumz 10.6 3.9 25.7 4.0
25.6 59.0 12.0 ben-gumz 18.4 4.8 50.3 3.9
33.9 55.8 13.4 angul-gumuz 40.0 26.2 55.7 4.0
55.4 77.8 12.7 benishangul 64.6 50.3 76.7 4.1
60.7 88.0 6.5 benishangul 43.4 31.7 55.8 3.1

31.4 60.8 63.5 WESTERN

2.8 30.0 14.8 oyen-ogooué z 2.3 0.5 9.4 37.2

14.0 42.3 17.9 oyen-ogooué z 22.8 11.7 39.5 24.4
28.0 63.2 13.5 Janjabureh z 26.6 15.7 41.3 114.0
32.8 58.1 87.6 Janjanburay 41.2 34.0 48.8 192.6
21.1 36.7 117.1 Janjanburay 25.4 17.3 35.7 276.3
39.2 59.3 80.0 Janjanbureh 41.1 31.0 51.9 161.0
48.7 68.5 69.8 Janjanbureh 57.3 46.5 67.4 175.1
59.8 75.7 66.7 janjanbureh 44.2 34.2 54.8 150.1
16.5 Kakheti y 11.2

12.2 44.5 18.6 KHAKHETI z 24.6

22.1 eastern y 89.8 59.2 98.2 27.8

30.0 63.0 40.8 Eastern z 65.1 49.6 78.0 51.2
41.1 81.9 23.4 eastern z 59.9 40.4 76.7 40.5
28.2 58.5 106.6 Eastern z 21.1 10.7 37.1 110.3
34.5 62.7 56.7 eastern 58.4 40.3 74.5 87.2
45.5 69.9 84.1 EASTERN 43.0 29.4 57.7 83.8
40.4 58.4 101.0 nororiente 75.3 62.8 84.6 146.9

14.9 33.9 150.5 Kankan 19.0 11.1 30.5 86.7

17.3 35.2 156.5 Kankan 38.1 25.3 52.7 103.6
33.2 54.7 175.5 kankan 25.9 18.2 35.5 134.0
0.9 8.4 115.6 Cacheu 52.8 42.4 63.0 87.6
8.8 27.7 78.3 a e Tombali)

62.1 87.2 71.1 Cacheu 33.4 23.8 44.6 112.8

42.7 72.6 92.9 Cacheu 40.5 30.9 51.0 115.9
25.6 Region 3 y 8.1 3.2 19.1 92.5
6.1 25.3 99.3 Region 04 7.6
30.0 region 3 y 24.9 13.2 41.9 80.6
8.0 40.9 31.6ce-Corentyne z 17.2 7.9 33.4 45.5
5.4 41.2 31.4CORENTYNE z 34.2 16.9 56.9 34.6

3.5 27.3 94.4 politain area 44.6 29.1 61.2 53.0

41.6 65.4 23.3 grand-anse 31.8 17.4 50.8 12.6
40.3 71.3 43.5 centre 51.7 35.7 67.4 29.7
25.4 57.3 30.1 grand'anse 30.1 12.4 56.7 16.5

16.6 39.5 67.9 comayagua 26.8 15.3 42.7 44.4

26.8 51.5 69.5 Comayagua 29.9 19.5 42.8 57.1
24.9 58.6 45.4COMAYAGUA z 40.4 28.3 53.7 39.8

20.3 37.2 493.9 [bh] bihar 82.0 72.9 88.5 125.7

60.0 66.9 579.4 assam 53.3 50.8 55.7 2,516.0

59.4 67.5 523.4 assam 58.9 56.1 61.5 2,685.6

25.6 68.3 8.4 bengkulu z 55.4 39.2 70.4 22.0

29.1 78.7 7.8 bengkulu z 43.5 28.4 59.9 24.2
26.6 53.0 71.9 banten 50.1 33.9 66.3 9.7
19.0 47.9 72.6 banten 10.2

1.8 11.4 118.2 Basra 7.0 2.1 20.9 45.6

2.3 18.9 59.0 Arbil 37.8 27.5 49.2 117.0
14.5 27.0 146.2 Al-Qadisiya 30.3 21.4 41.0 243.6
9.1 26.7 163.7 BASRAH 17.9 10.5 28.8 85.1

25.6 48.5 59.3 balqa 20.0 13.3 29.0 214.1

10.8 30.8 56.9 lmaty oblysy z 10.7
12.8 Almaty city y 25.2 12.5 44.3 20.2
11.4 38.8 50.6Almaty oblast z 50.6 34.0 67.2 55.8

11.3 45.1 154.3 Nairobi z 9.6

10.2 27.9 42.9 nairobi 2.3 0.2 18.3 17.0
9.4 39.4 35.2 nairobi z 5.5 1.7 16.3 19.2
63.4 nairobi y 43.1 30.2 56.9 27.4
40.5 71.5 26.5 busia z 8.9
4.8 Nikunau y 9.5
44.8 65.0 136.6 TH TARAWA 82.1 61.5 92.9 30.7

12.4 55.3 19.3 Isyk-Kul z 50.5 28.0 72.8 65.8

30.2 51.2 84.4 djalal-abad 51.3 33.7 68.6 33.6
7.6 35.7 84.2 Djalal-Abad 34.6 17.4 57.2 24.0
20.5 42.1 27.1 Issyk-kul 52.9 39.3 66.1 63.9

12.5 30.6 111.1 Champasack 74.1 63.2 82.6 62.0

15.4 37.4 110.2HAMPASACK 58.6 47.5 68.8 49.0
20.4 49.3 23.8 ek-El Hermel z 7.3

12.0 Senqu Valley y

52.3 78.6 36.9 mafeteng z 52.4 39.1 65.5 82.7

20.3 mafeteng y 60.7 40.0 78.1 68.9
38.4 71.7 21.6 river valley z

24.8 44.1 82.5 south central 5.6 2.1 14.5 39.2

28.5 56.0 52.6 th Eastern A 56.0 36.1 74.1 40.8
45.0 71.8 39.0 grand bassa z 71.9 49.2 87.1 24.1

33.3 55.3 87.3 Mahajanga 44.7 33.4 56.5 99.9

17.6 61.8 77.6 mahajanga z 65.5 52.8 76.3 97.1
48.3 76.7 40.3 roni'i mania 24.7 15.4 37.2 39.7

38.1 63.3 59.3 LANJIROFO z 23.1 13.0 37.7 82.5

53.3 78.3 77.0 analanjirofo 32.6 22.0 45.3 63.3

51.1 84.1 80.6 Chikwawa 83.6 71.5 91.2 33.3

47.6 70.1 49.4 north central 48.9 34.6 63.3 66.6

52.5 76.4 44.5 north region 59.7 49.0 69.5 33.3

38.8 75.5 7.6 kidal z 37.5 29.5 46.2 277.2

4.5 17.2 9.1 Kidal 23.0 18.8 27.7 571.9
29.2 41.6 379.0 Koulikoro 26.2 19.8 33.9 245.1
0.4 kidal y 38.1 29.0 48.1 198.3
27.8 56.8 6.2 Kidal 48.4 37.8 59.1 201.5
47.2 73.7 2.9 Kidal 39.0 27.1 52.3 162.2
27.5 76.7 4.0 Kidal z 48.2 34.7 62.1 176.8

2.4 12.8 85.0 Gorgol 2.3 0.6 8.2 51.7

21.6 45.7 25.8 tt Nouadibou 41.1 31.6 51.3 101.1
32.4 62.8 28.4 tt Nouadibou 56.2 46.0 66.0 106.1

34.1 69.0 28.3 t nouadhibou z 45.8 35.7 56.3 120.7

12.0 35.3 114.5 Noroeste 33.4 21.5 47.9 137.9

24.0 46.1 0.3 Sur

46.5 64.4 169.0 Northern 61.1 45.0 75.1 54.0

50.1 67.1 138.4 Ulaanbaatar 54.7 42.9 65.9 74.8
48.9 73.1 136.9 Ulaanbaatar 74.4 65.3 81.7 68.6
37.2 51.3 287.3 Ulaanbaatar 59.9 48.4 70.5 84.2
38.6 72.4 115.7 Ulaanbaatar z 76.5 57.7 88.6 22.5
28.9 52.7 289.1 Ulaanbaatar 65.2 55.8 73.5 77.7

7.2 50.4 30.8 da-bni hssen z 8.0 2.8 20.7 52.9

36.8 62.2 102.0 manica 16.9 9.6 28.0 50.8

26.0 43.1 66.1 Manica 32.5 24.5 41.7 56.1
19.6 40.2 90.1 Manica 43.6 32.5 55.4 29.5

14.8 33.4 54.0 Kachin 10.3 4.8 20.7 9.1

33.1 75.8 16.5 kachin z 50.7 29.7 71.5 2.4

13.2 karas y 8.7 3.5 20.1 73.6

12.0 48.4 15.8 karas z 24.8 14.5 39.0 59.2

68.2 90.6 83.1 mid-western 63.2 49.9 74.8 96.3

45.2 80.7 51.3 mid-western 64.4 46.1 79.3 85.0

21.3 Eastern Hill y 46.4 32.8 60.6 7.9

57.7 77.2 67.9 mid-western 77.9 68.8 84.9 81.8
57.7 79.8 171.9 INCE NO. 2 51.1 36.9 65.0 94.7
39.9 65.2 108.7 koshi 36.3 23.7 51.2 73.3

15.3 carazo y 25.6 12.3 46.0 44.1

1.2 8.6 144.3 Maradi 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.1
0.5 4.8 218.9 maradi 9.8 4.0 22.2 55.6

29.5 42.2 327.4 Maradi 24.3 15.2 36.4 62.9

16.0 48.1 92,232.8 Maradi 24.3 11.5 44.2 15,331.8
14.6 41.2 116,417.3 Maradi 33.9 22.2 47.9 18,114.6
18.6 49.9 553,524.0 Maradi z 16.2 3.6 50.3 66,005.0
30.8 50.6 829,890.0 Maradi 2.7 0.5 12.7 134,221.0

3.3 31.9 35.1 south east z 14.7 5.1 35.8 85.4

1.2 15.3 45.4 Akwa-Ibom z 6.5 1.6 22.8 25.8
9.6 17.9 272.2 south east 15.0 11.2 19.9 392.5
4.7 19.8 82.8 Anambra 6.0 1.7 19.4 122.5
15.7 28.4 267.3 South East 21.9 16.7 28.0 277.6
12.8 41.9 30.5 Anambra z 13.3 7.3 23.0 175.5

23.2 42.3 125.1 anambra 22.4 15.9 30.7 142.5

6.0 60.6 64.4 ANAMBRA z 26.4 18.2 36.7 135.6
4.9 72.4 113.3 Poloski z 4.5 1.4 13.7 99.7
22.8 Polog y 18.8 8.2 37.6 43.2
17.8 POLOG y 39.3

30.5 43.7 241.7 sindh

53.2 70.6 134.3Pakhtunkhwa 33.7 28.1 39.9 676.1
5.6 28.4 - gb 35.2 24.9 47.1 8.9
44.9 69.3 21,245.9 ICT 60.5 55.6 65.2 226,129.3

7.0 26.3 3,748.3 Colón 26.7 13.8 45.3 453.5

59.0 72.2 187.8 uthern region

7.2 Boquerón y 44.4 29.9 59.9 26.5

34.6 71.7 43.9 arequipa z 82.6 68.2 91.3 24.7

44.0 77.9 22.0 arequipa z 90.0 71.8 97.0 17.3

24.5 Arequipa y 77.6 60.6 88.6 25.0
45.7 82.6 28.9 Arequipa z 82.0 67.1 91.0 27.3
24.6 73.2 28.7 Arequipa z 82.6 67.2 91.6 24.7
34.4 74.0 27.5 Arequipa z 84.6 71.7 92.2 29.3

45.5 81.2 29.3 Arequipa z 92.7 71.8 98.5 16.6

52.9 76.4 41.9 Arequipa 78.5 68.5 86.0 20.4
42.0 68.9 35.2 Arequipa 84.0 72.0 91.5 14.7
55.2 81.9 32.2 Arequipa 79.2 67.9 87.3 17.4
64.6 90.6 16.4 Ayacucho 82.5 70.9 90.2 47.3
64.1 89.3 44.3 La Libertad 66.3 50.4 79.2 38.6
59.3 84.2 44.2 La Libertad 66.7 48.7 80.8 26.8
48.3 72.0 48.6 La Libertad 71.0 54.0 83.6 32.6
53.0 83.0 32.9 La Libertad z 66.4 53.8 77.0 30.9

cagayan valley y 25.1 13.9 41.2 50.2
cagayan valley y 15.2 5.1 37.1 55.7
30.6 57.0 23.8 mimaropa z 27.7 12.3 51.3 46.2
0.5 Al-Shamal y 9.1
37.5 75.8 36.6 south z
35.8 64.6 42.8 South z

64.2 93.3 47.5 gikongoro 88.0 70.2 95.8 94.7

74.2 86.7 157.5 south 76.1 68.0 82.7 197.0

77.2 90.1 169.6 south 79.8 72.6 85.5 158.6
80.0 93.6 30,570.7 ern province 93.0 86.7 96.5 34,422.4
80.6 91.7 155.6 south 88.3 82.1 92.5 211.1

40.6 70.7 44.7 Savaii z

6.6 Sul y

40.7 76.0 24.0 região sul z

55.3 94.5 14.4 ão Sul Este z
50.1 85.8 49.8 RTE OESTE z 76.7 62.7 86.5 29.4

20.0 37.7 177.3 kaolack 30.5 20.3 43.0 119.6

37.3 64.4 63.3 Kaffrine 26.5 18.5 36.3 122.5
11.8 46.8 25.8 kaffrine 18.3 8.9 33.7 63.6
13.7 41.5 39.4 kaffrine 12.2 7.2 19.9 54.5
11.8 34.1 38.4 kaffrine 22.9 9.4 46.0 38.5
28.1 53.0 30.6 kaffrine 25.5 13.4 43.2 47.3
19.5 33.1 58.1 kaffrine 46.6 32.2 61.7 74.0
17.7 46.9 43.9 kaffrine 21.5 14.2 31.1 49.2
18.4 42.1 28.3 kaffrine z 28.1 18.2 40.8 62.8
13.2 37.6 64.7 SouthEast 16.5 9.0 28.4 83.7
5.0 30.8 78.4 Vojvodina
3.8 28.4 123.6 Vojvodina z
11.4 68.5 55.3 VOJVODINA z
0.2 12.3 44.4 West
0.0 0.0 32.8 West z
0.0 0.0 83.9 western
2.6 13.7 69.0 West
10.0 28.2 164.4 Western
23.9 41.3 244.8 WEST
47.3 59.7 201.2 southern 40.6 30.1 52.1 156.2

0.0 0.0 93.2 Banadir 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.7

19.3 51.0 66.5 wazulu-natal 42.7 29.3 57.2 39.2
23.7 40.5 67.4 Lakes 37.8 27.3 49.6 76.1

78.5 94.1 77.0 orth-western 72.9 56.8 84.6 24.7

22.4 36.2 162.0 Hebron 27.6 17.7 40.3 56.5

35.7 53.9 88.0 Hebron 52.5 37.6 66.9 37.2
22.3 53.0 114.2 Gaza 55.6 46.4 64.4 119.3
35.0 59.6 82.0 Kassala 38.0 28.5 48.5 206.0
57.5 75.7 96.5 Gadarif 50.0 31.7 68.4 225.6
11.4 Marowijne y 16.1
0.7 10.8 75.3 Paramaribo 0.0 0.0 0.0 43.9
0.4 13.9 25.4 Marowijne z 15.1
4.9 22.7 23.3MAROWIJNE z 15.7
20.2 42.7 76.0 Deir Ezzor 21.9 12.9 34.6 64.0

7.4 23.1 97.0 Leninabad 18.9 12.5 27.5 122.0

11.0 30.0 169.5 Khatlon 44.5 31.4 58.4 107.0
26.4 42.8 188.1 khatlon 33.4 22.7 46.2 98.2
28.6 46.9 221.1 khatlon 33.9 24.9 44.2 180.6

2.6 10.4 82,245.0 South

11.2 31.6 138.4 Northern 12.2 6.9 20.6 133.1

10.8 27.1 300.2 Northeast 21.6 10.2 40.1 178.7
7.4 25.3 421.8 Northeast 14.1 7.7 24.4 211.9
25.4 65.4 162.8 Northeast 31.1 18.6 47.2 134.6

31.6 53.9 103.3 bobonaro 38.5 25.6 53.2 45.9

27.0 51.9 50.6 bobonaro z 41.2 26.1 58.1 34.2

47.6 72.2 81.8 Bobonaro 61.4 50.3 71.4 79.7

4.2 21.9 99.3 Maritime 32.0 20.6 46.1 85.5

21.2 46.0 149.6mé commune) 16.0 7.8 30.0 85.1

58.1 76.1 161.2 Maritime 50.8 38.3 63.1 137.3

38.4 67.4 89.9 ion de lomé) 49.6 38.4 60.8 121.9
42.5 68.3 60.4E COMMUNE 63.4 47.1 77.1 59.5

26.4 51.8 77.2TONGATAPU 17.3

10.0 Diego Martin y 4.0
7.4 Diego Martin y 1.0
24.3 South West y 4.9

11.6 Kasserine y 2.4 0.3 15.8 46.2

4.3 31.7 44.2 NORD EST z 5.0 1.2 17.8 32.9

1.1 16.5 45.2 Dashoguz z 16.2 7.8 30.4 71.2

46.4 66.8 105.6 oguz velayat 62.0 49.8 72.8 66.2
39.6 64.7 56.5 Z VELAYAT z 63.2 47.2 76.7 87.0

3.5 Niutao y 0.9

59.7 76.2 165.5 western

51.5 69.4 116.8 eastern 49.8 34.0 65.6 44.2
50.4 73.4 120.5 eastern 43.6 31.8 56.3 49.1
40.1 61.5 101.8 bukedi 82.5 70.6 90.2 101.5
6.0 Chernivecka y 15.8
2.1 32.8 18.5 south z 21.4
4.3 27.9 53.9 South 24.6 14.0 39.6 96.8

27.8 Iringa y 65.8 43.3 82.8 52.2

38.7 morogoro y 17.6

17.0 4 Region y 15.0 6.2 32.0 40.0

19.0 43.2 84.5 Southern 7.9 2.8 20.5 25.1

7.0 Jizzakh y 11.6
20.0 55.5 16.1AKH REGION z 16.2 5.5 39.0 29.0
15.2 Port Vila y 24.1

30.2 DBSH y 2.9 0.4 20.2 24.5

19.9 north central y 14.9 2.1 59.2 24.5
28.4 North East y 30.8 18.1 47.1 10.6
26.5 50.1 74.1 ountain area 15.3 7.8 28.0 83.0
27.6 52.0 61.1 ountain area 28.9 17.8 43.3 77.7
48.4 79.7 46.3 MOUNTAIN 48.7 36.0 61.7 85.7

2.7 16.3 195.5 al-hodiedah 10.4 4.5 22.4 15.0

12.1 34.1 20,154.8 Luapula 23.8 14.6 36.3 22,120.1

37.2 64.3 64.5 luapula 52.7 38.0 67.0 69.5
31.3 57.8 57.1 luapula 76.5 60.6 87.3 69.1
56.5 75.4 104.6 luapula 71.8 60.0 81.2 161.0
56.1 75.3 105.0 luapula 61.2 51.8 69.8 141.9
1.2 36.6 36.4 land central z 37.9 21.3 58.0 28.8
8.9 33.0 46.8 land central 14.2 5.0 34.2 46.7
7.7 25.7 70.3 land central 21.2 11.9 35.0 56.6
15.8 37.3 70.2 land central 24.9 13.5 41.3 53.7
21.9 43.0 45.2 land Central 30.6 21.8 41.1 117.4
32.7 59.9 56.7 land central 41.5 25.4 59.7 52.1
44.4 65.2 61.4 land Central 28.3 17.4 42.5 48.2
on 5 Region 6
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate
Region_5_ReRegion_5_FoRegion_6_r Region_6_ll Region_6_ulRegion_6_weRegion_6_ReRegion_6_FoRegion_7_r
bamyan 79.6 64.8 89.3 35.6 daykundi 36.5

BAMYAN 79.1 64.9 88.6 63.6 DAYKUNDI 76.0

fier z 3.0 gjirokaster y 32.0

Plateaux-Est 15.3 10.7 21.4 89.0ateaux-Ouest 21.1

NORD EST 24.1 17.8 31.9 235.3 ORD OUEST 20.2
ndo cubango 47.7 34.4 61.2 19.6 cuanza norte 24.1
Pampeana 36.8 26.5 48.4 12,880.0 Patagonia
kotayk y 21.5 lori y
kotayk y 14.7 lori y
kotayk y 11.7 lori y
kotayk z 12.9 lori y
Agstafa y
ganja gazakh z 8.5 ba khachmaz y 8.0

rajshahi 44.6 32.3 57.6 56.8 sylhet

Rajshahi 31.6 26.2 37.6 197.7 Sylhet
rajshahi 50.4 40.1 60.6 50.3 sylhet
rajshahi 76.1 66.5 83.7 76.0 rangpur 69.2
Rajshahi 66.5 60.0 72.5 234.9 Rangpur 52.2
rajshahi 70.1 53.2 82.9 70.1 rangpur 69.7
mymensingh 74.1 62.6 83.0 97.0 rajshahi 72.5
Mymenshing 63.7 56.3 70.6 256.4 Rajshahi 77.1

Minsk city z 47.1 Mogilev y

Minsk region 19.6 ogilev region y 28.1
MINSK CITY z 13.4 4.1 36.2 27.3 MOGILEV z 16.1
Stann Creek y 16.2 Toledo y
Orange Walk z 9.4 Stann Creek y 41.5
Orange Walk z 17.2 Stann Creek y 48.7

oueme 50.0 39.1 60.8 121.1 zou

collines 59.8 48.5 70.1 138.4 couffo 51.8
Collines 29.1 17.6 44.1 82.9 Couffo 34.5
Collines 51.6 38.8 64.3 155.9 Couffo 45.8
collines 36.1 26.1 47.4 103.1 couffo 49.0
Haa z 11.8 Lhuntse y 44.5
oruro 5.0 pando y 67.8
oruro 60.3 41.6 76.4 5.2 pando z 62.3

etva Canton y 1.6 avina Canton y 31.7

centre-nord 6.5 2.8 14.5 72.6 centre-ouest 32.0

Centre-Nord z 3.6 0.5 20.4 27.9Centre-Ouest z 4.9

Centre-Nord 10.0 4.5 20.7 131.3Centre-Ouest 14.2

NTRE-NORD 53.8 43.7 63.5 149.9 TRE-OUEST 36.5

NTRE NORD 44.0 35.8 52.5 137.8 TRE OUEST 53.1
centre nord 33.0 21.3 47.3 131.9 centre ouest 26.1

Sud z
cankuzo 90.2 78.0 96.0 60.0 cibitoke 74.1
Cankuzo 63.8 46.7 78.0 61.1 Cibitoke z 67.3

ampong speu 7.6 2.1 23.9 45.2ampong thum 0.0

ampong speu z 50.4 34.0 66.7 35.9ampong thom z 63.5

ampong speu z 76.4 60.7 87.2 38.0ampong thom z 68.9

ampong speu z 55.9 33.4 76.2 28.1ampong thom z 85.4
ampong speu y 53.5 32.6 73.3 35.0ampong thom z 54.8

extreme nord 32.4 19.3 48.9 33.0 littoral 0.0

Extreme Nord 19.3 8.6 37.9 20.0 Littoral z 3.0
extrême-nord 33.7 21.8 48.0 40.4 littoral 13.0
xtrême-Nord 30.0 14.9 51.1 21.3(sans Douala) z 11.3
far-north 55.4 38.9 70.8 39.3ithout douala) 44.6

RS5 22.1 15.6 30.2 268.7 RS6

Haute Kotto” 32.4 22.9 43.7 69.6 “Lobaye” 42.3
Haute-Kotto 43.5 36.1 51.1 49.9 Kémo 32.3

Haute_Kotto 45.8 35.6 56.5 120.0 Kemo 42.9

Région 5 46.7 35.4 58.3 119.9 Région 6 29.7
ne occidental 0.0 0.0 0.0 55.4 mayo kebbi 7.8
Guéra 4.9 1.3 16.8 84.7 Hadjer Lamis 2.6
ennedi 0.0 0.0 0.0 127.4 guéra 0.0
Ennedi Est z 15.1 8.0 26.7 8.1Ennedi Ouest 6.7
Ennedi Est 24.4 12.0 43.3 6.4Ennedi Ouest 19.3
Ennedi Est z 20.5 10.2 36.7 6.8Ennedi Ouest z 10.1
Ennedi Est z 54.4 30.7 76.2 3.5Ennedi Ouest z 4.9


pacífica 54.7 46.6 62.5 39.1ios nacionales

5. CENTRAL 47.8 37.2 58.7 66,661.1 6. PACIFICA

kouilou 22.1 11.7 38.0 18.2 lekoumou 43.3

KOUILOU 7.9 2.7 20.8 18.6 LEKOUMOU 45.0
Limón 35.7 17.9 58.6 38.0 Puntarenas z 38.8
Limón 25.8 12.4 46.1 3,460.8 Puntarenas z 26.5

Granma y 14.9Guantánamo y 34.0

Centre Ouest 7.3 1.4 30.6 80.5 Nord 7.4

Nord 3.9 0.7 18.4 65.0 Nord Est 10.9

Nord 1.3 0.4 4.2 41.5 Nord-Ouest 11.9
Nord 37.5 26.2 50.3 49.1 Nord-Est 23.4
goh-djiboua 19.3 10.7 32.5 44.5 lacs 32.0

asai Oriental 6.6 3.2 13.2 154.3 Katanga 26.2

kasaï oriental 37.4 25.0 51.6 99.3 katanga 24.7
asai Oriental 30.7 23.1 39.5 266.5 Katanga 22.7
kasai-oriental 32.9 27.4 38.8 233.6 katanga 27.3
Haut Uele 65.2 43.7 81.8 73.8 Ituri 30.1

El Valle y 8.2 Enriquillo y 11.5

trito nacional z 8.3 2.2 26.9 31.5 duarte z 3.6

trito nacional z 17.1 duarte y

iv z 5.1 0.7 29.1 36.6 v z 20.7

Del Yuma 5.6 2.5 12.0 54.6 El Valle 7.3
EL VALLE z 10.5 5.7 18.4 34.6ENRIQUILLO 9.8

Governorates 44.7 36.2 53.5 202.0Governorates

governorates 31.5 21.7 43.1 143.4 governorates

egypt urban 41.2 32.2 50.9 177.3 governorates
governorates 33.1 23.8 43.9 133.3 governorates

Para Central

Kie Ntem 6.5 2.8 14.3 83.7 Litoral 43.0

dire dawa 17.5 8.1 33.8 2.5 gambela 15.6

dire dawa z 37.6 23.5 54.2 2.7 gambela z 33.0
dire dawa 29.5 16.3 47.3 4.0 gambela 43.2
dire dawa z 53.1 39.9 66.0 2.5 gambela 41.5
dire dawa z 53.3 27.0 78.0 2.9 gambela z 63.0

ngounié 3.4 0.7 14.2 14.6 nyanga 26.3

ngounié z 26.4 16.0 40.2 11.6 nyanga z 24.8
Kanifing 20.4 11.2 34.2 63.5 Kerewan z 25.0
Kanifing 34.4 26.7 43.0 107.4 Kerewan 23.6
Kanifing 32.5 25.2 40.7 194.2 Kerewan 16.4
Kanifing 42.5 29.4 56.6 112.1 Kerewan 38.2
Kanifing 53.6 43.9 63.1 116.2 Kerewan 53.2
kanifing 60.4 52.2 68.0 122.3 kerewan 57.1
Kvemo Kartli y 5.0 ta - Mtianeti y


greater accra z 52.1 36.7 67.2 46.5 northern 44.7

reater Accra z 68.6 53.8 80.5 67.0 Northern 63.1
greater accra z 68.3 55.1 79.2 51.1 northern
reater Accra z 63.6 54.8 71.5 78.5 Northern 58.4
greater accra z 53.8 40.2 66.8 88.3 northern 69.2
TER ACCRA 56.0 43.8 67.5 89.5 NORTHERN 73.9
norte 64.5 46.2 79.3 45.4 petén z 50.0

Kindia 5.5 2.1 13.6 67.4 Labé 11.8

Kindia 26.8 14.9 43.2 62.9 Labé 39.2
kindia 28.2 18.7 40.1 108.3 labé 35.8
Gabú 50.0 42.2 57.8 151.3 Oio 0.0

Gabú 62.7 56.8 68.3 226.1 Oio 47.7

Gabú 72.1 60.0 81.6 101.0 Oio 57.6
Region 4 17.7 Region 5 y
Region 05 y 19.9 Region 06 y
region 4 z 14.3 region 5 y 27.7
st Demerara z 23.8 aica-Berbice y

north 38.4 26.2 52.1 20.6 north-east 26.5

nippes z 53.0 32.5 72.6 55.7 nord 49.5
grand'anse 29.1 14.1 50.6 20.0 nippes z 53.1
nippes z 42.5 31.1 54.7 76.6 nord 41.6

copán 16.6 9.9 26.5 166.1 cortés 31.2

Cop?n 14.5 8.0 24.8 155.7 Cort?s 39.3
COPAN z 25.7 14.8 40.8 99.5 CORTES

] chhatisgarh 34.5 24.8 45.7 54.1 [dl] delhi 47.8

bihar 12.0 chandigarh y 77.2

bihar 13.5 chandigarh y 80.3

rtal sulawesi 37.8 27.0 49.9 151.4 central java 27.8

rtal sulawesi 24.7 14.6 38.6 234.3 central java 25.6
bengkulu z 46.2 34.5 58.4 211.2 central java 33.7
bengkulu y 41.8 25.9 59.6 22.2 rtal sulawesi z 60.2

Diala 9.2 4.7 17.3 51.6 Dohouk 5.2

Babil 22.7 15.9 31.2 324.8 Baghdad 15.8
Babil 18.9 13.5 25.9 679.4 Baghdad 15.6
DIALA 18.1 11.3 27.8 53.6 DUHOK 8.7

irbid 21.7 14.1 31.8 38.9 jerash 6.6

Astana city y 49.1 30.0 68.5 11.8Atyrau oblysy z
Astana city z 23.7 14.2 36.7 20.7 Atyrau z 32.7
Astana City z 45.7 26.5 66.3 20.4 Atyrau z

orth Eastern' y 10.4 4.7 21.5 144.9 Nyanza 12.1

north eastern z 14.1 7.7 24.6 108.4 nyanza 9.9
northeastern 23.3 15.5 33.4 109.8 nyanza 35.7
north eastern 59.4 48.4 69.5 113.9 nyanza 58.2
eyo-marakwet y 8.1 embu y 22.8
North Tab y 17.3North Tarawa y 59.6

Jalalabad z 29.0 9.0 62.8 14.2 Naryn z 55.0

issyk-kul z 72.6 58.8 83.2 22.2 naryn
Issyk-Kul z 9.1 Naryn y 43.1
Jalal-Abad z 70.8 59.1 80.2 14.4 Naryn z 44.4

Huaphanh 13.4 6.2 26.7 58.3 Khammuane 71.4

HUAPHANH 14.4 7.1 26.8 55.7 KHAMMUA 64.9
beirut y 28.8 18.0 42.8 27.7 bekaa

maseru 53.0 38.4 67.2 40.4 ohale's hoek z 33.0

maseru z 54.6 33.2 74.4 25.4 ohale's hoek z 84.9

uth eastern a 26.4 19.0 35.3 38.7 uth eastern b

th Eastern B
d cape mount z 7.9 grand gedeh y 48.6

Toamasina 27.4 18.3 38.9 127.1 Toliary

toamasina 30.2 14.3 52.9 71.6 toliary
androy 32.7 23.9 43.0 42.2 anosy 14.2

ANDROY 36.7 24.9 50.2 64.4 ANOSY 27.2

androy 55.8 47.5 63.7 51.2 anosy 46.6

Chiradzulu 80.6 70.7 87.8 18.6 Chitipa 57.9

south 23.9 14.6 36.6 50.4 south central

south central 51.7 36.0 67.1 35.9 south region z

koulikoro 25.6 18.1 35.0 195.7 mopti 33.9

Koulikoro 12.7 9.2 17.2 387.9 Mopti 17.8
Mopti 36.8 29.9 44.3 274.9 Sikasso 28.3
koulikoro 49.8 39.4 60.2 134.7 mopti 43.0
Koulikoro 72.2 59.9 81.9 5.1 Menaka 28.0
Koulikoro 16.3 9.2 27.4 131.3 Mopti 78.1
Koulikoro 53.2 29.8 75.2 96.6 Mopti 98.6

Guidimagha 16.5 9.9 26.1 122.5 dh ECharghi 14.8

Gorgol 21.9 14.4 32.0 82.2 Guidimagha 59.5
Gorgol 51.9 42.0 61.6 77.9 Guidimagha 37.7

gorgol 56.6 46.4 66.3 108.4 guidimagha 50.8


Southern 45.9 35.7 56.5 111.0 Western

Western z

d-casablanca z 7.6 im-es-smara y

aputo cidade 22.9 11.8 39.7 73.4 to provincia 7.3

puto Cidade 36.2 25.1 49.1 69.9 to Província 39.5
aputo cidade 50.4 37.5 63.2 66.1 to provincia 41.6

Kayah 9.1 3.7 21.0 56.0 Kayin 8.4

kayah z 29.0 15.3 47.9 15.5 kayin z 58.8

kavango 14.1 3.6 41.9 69.7 khomas z

kavango 42.1 24.9 61.3 71.3 khomas z 48.3


ern Mountain z 56.0 33.1 76.7 58.6Eastern Terai z 59.6

INCE NO. 3 63.2 51.0 73.9 103.8 INCE NO. 5 55.0
bini province 65.0 52.9 75.5 137.0 sh province 73.8

chinandega z 9.4 chontales y

Niamey 1.1 0.2 7.4 125.0 Tahoua 0.0
niamey 10.3 6.8 15.3 227.4 tahoua 21.1

Niamey 22.8 16.6 30.5 355.0 Tahoua 31.5

Niamey z 12.4 4.0 32.4 83,840.2 Tahoua z 19.3
Niamey z 13.8 7.5 24.1 113,524.5 Tahoua 21.8
Niamey z 44.0 37.9 50.3 401,240.0 Tahoua 35.3
Niamey z 26.1 12.9 45.8 752,376.0 Tahoua 8.9

south south 34.5 19.6 53.1 66.6 south west

Anambra z 3.3 0.7 13.6 95.8 Bauchi 11.6
south south 22.0 17.3 27.4 475.3 south west
Bauchi 18.1 9.4 32.0 32.9 Bayelsa 28.2
South South 42.0 35.6 48.7 401.8 South West
Bauchi 29.4 17.9 44.3 13.4 Bayelsa z 40.9

bauchi 36.0 20.4 55.3 17.9 bayelsa 55.6

BAUCHI 5.8 1.9 16.3 27.0 BAYELSA 56.8
Skopski 9.1 South East y
Skopje z 5.6 Southeast y

Punjab 36.8 29.5 44.9 289.5 Sindh

ict 64.3 56.4 71.4 150.2 kpk 36.6
KP 55.3 45.4 64.9 34,884.8 KP-NMD 43.8

Darien 39.8 24.2 57.8 143.5 rá Wounaan z

Caaguazú z 29.4 17.9 44.3 114.6 Central 33.9

ayacucho 82.4 47.1 96.1 53.7 cajamarca z 84.4

ayacucho z 59.4 33.3 81.1 50.0 cajamarca z

Ayacucho z 77.7 64.0 87.3 59.3 Cajamarca z
Ayacucho z 77.7 62.8 87.7 54.0 Cajamarca z
Ayacucho z 20.2 Cajamarca y
Ayacucho z 64.5 42.6 81.6 40.5 Cajamarca z

Ayacucho z 30.1 Cajamarca y

Ayacucho 75.6 62.4 85.2 51.7 Cajamarca 49.8
Ayacucho 72.4 56.9 83.9 39.7 Cajamarca z 46.3
Ayacucho 67.8 54.5 78.8 38.9 Cajamarca 53.2
Cajamarca 56.6 44.0 68.4 25.2 Callao 73.9
Lambayeque 59.7 51.3 67.5 191.1 Lima 81.3
Lambayeque z 63.6 53.9 72.4 212.0 Lima 78.5
Lambayeque 57.3 49.2 65.0 185.5 Lima 80.6
Lambayeque 62.5 54.2 70.0 152.3 Lima 72.1

- central luzon z 25.2 14.8 39.4 76.2 - calabarzon 44.2

- central luzon z 18.7 10.0 32.4 74.0 - calabarzon 35.4
capital region z 30.7 11.2 61.0 42.5 gion i - ilocos z 59.0
Al-Wakra y 29.1 17.1 45.1 67.2 Doha

gisenyi 92.1 80.7 97.0 79.2 gitarama 94.5

ern province


kolda 30.9 19.5 45.2 66.8 louga 12.1

Kaolack 56.5 32.1 78.1 10.9 Kedougou z 37.4
kaolack 31.2 10.1 64.7 12.1 kedougou z 45.1
kaolack 64.5 39.4 83.5 8.0 kedougou z 61.9
kaolack z 34.9 17.3 57.8 6.0 kedougou z 55.3
kaolack 62.8 48.2 75.3 8.8 kedougou z 33.4
kaolack 67.1 48.8 81.3 16.5 kedougou 33.4
kaolack 43.2 28.4 59.2 8.7 kedougou z 54.9
kaolack 41.4 24.0 61.2 7.0 kedougou z 52.6
Vojvodina 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.4 West z


Bari 23.0 10.8 42.5 50.7 Bay z 2.9

limpopo 14.8 5.3 35.0 27.6 mpumalanga z 30.8
hr El Ghazal 49.9 35.2 64.5 60.9 Unity 47.3

Northern 76.6 63.6 86.0 75.8 baragamuwa 82.8

Jenin 4.7 Jericho y 26.1

Jenin z 9.4 nd Al Aghwar y 38.6
Hebron 35.9 21.8 53.0 36.9 Jenin z 31.5
Khartoum 70.3 62.1 77.3 106.2 North Darfur 37.2
Gezira 60.3 49.5 70.2 56.0 Kassala 54.5
Nickerie y 4.8 Para y 2.3
ca and Para z
Nickerie y 9.9 Para y 1.8
NICKERIE y 4.6 1.5 13.4 22.7 PARA z 11.9
Hama 23.2 14.7 34.6 69.0 Hassake 33.3



cova lima 35.2 25.9 45.8 171.3 dili 51.0

covalima z 43.9 29.2 59.7 174.3 dili 49.1

Covalima 42.9 31.2 55.4 239.0 Dili 78.9

Plateaux 11.7 6.7 19.4 63.1 Savanes

Plateaux 12.4 7.2 20.5 58.1 Savanes

Plateaux 67.4 57.9 75.7 82.5 Savanes

plateaux 60.9 50.8 70.1 85.4 savanes
MARITIME 61.7 45.3 75.8 122.7 PLATEAUX 71.0

ariva/Mayaro y 3.0 Port of Spain y
ro/Rio Claro y 8.4 Penal/Debe y
Tobago y

Nord Est z 2.0 0.3 12.5 25.2 Nord Ouest z 6.3

ORD OUEST z 9.9 3.2 26.7 28.4 SUD EST z 18.9

Lebap 11.3 5.0 23.5 62.0 Mary z

ebap velayat 64.4 50.6 76.2 62.9 Mary velayat z
AP VELAYAT 51.6 32.6 70.1 44.5 Y VELAYAT z
Nui y 2.6 Nukufetau y

kampala 56.8 47.8 65.3 143.8 north 53.7

kampala 80.8 61.9 91.6 19.8 karamoja 72.0
bunyoro 59.1 42.3 74.1 133.9 busoga 59.7
propetrovska y 14.7 Donecka y
west y

Kagera z 35.9 18.5 58.1 45.6 Kigoma z

pwani y 33.6 18.3 53.3 58.7 tanga z 66.3

5 Region z

Tashkent 24.1 16.3 34.1 50.7 Western

rakalpakstan y 50.0 28.7 71.3 37.5 Kashqadarya z
Sanma y 23.1 Shefa y 65.4

DHNTB z 32.4 DNB y 49.5

hern uplands z 20.8 7.7 45.3 56.2 ed river delta z
North West z 21.4 9.0 43.0 45.8 d river Delta z 20.0
River Delta 7.3 2.3 20.7 41.5 South East z
River Delta 7.4 2.8 18.2 56.1 South East
IVER DELTA 34.7 21.8 50.2 63.5 OUTH EAST

al-jawf 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.4 al-mhrah z 6.7

Lusaka 13.2 6.7 24.5 10,770.2 orth-Western 5.7

lusaka 24.7 13.3 41.2 34.2 orth-western 26.7
lusaka 42.5 31.1 54.7 95.3 northern 51.7
lusaka 63.8 52.7 73.5 68.0 muchinga 59.6
lusaka 65.1 53.9 74.9 65.2 muchinga 50.4
naland east z 43.2 27.2 60.7 37.1 naland west z 29.8
naland east z 19.5 11.1 32.2 65.6 naland west 27.9
naland east 26.7 18.1 37.6 79.3 naland west 34.2
naland east 35.1 24.4 47.5 89.7 naland west 23.2
naland East 28.6 20.7 38.0 109.5 naland West 41.8
naland east 46.7 35.7 58.0 81.4 naland west 56.0
naland East z 36.4 26.4 47.7 101.5 naland West 48.5
Region 7 Region 8
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
Region_7_ll Region_7_ulRegion_7_weRegion_7_ReRegion_7_FoRegion_8_r Region_8_ll Region_8_ulRegion_8_we
29.6 44.0 112.0 farah 18.9 7.7 39.5 213.8

69.1 81.7 85.3 FARAH 65.6 55.2 74.6 157.8

16.2 53.4 20.9 korce z 34.9 16.4 59.3 9.4

16.7 26.2 197.6 EPT 7 : Sud

13.8 28.5 172.5 SUD
14.2 37.8 104.9 cuanza sul 57.7 45.5 69.0 74.7

11.2 shirak y 6.6

6.6 shirak y 5.1
14.1 shirak y 6.2
17.5 shirak y 5.7
2.0 Ali-Bayramli y
1.9 28.0 28.2 lankaran z 13.6

58.2 78.3 54.0 sylhet

45.7 58.6 179.0 Sylhet
60.6 77.6 64.6 sylhet
62.9 80.5 96.3 rangpur 75.2 66.8 82.0 74.1
71.6 81.9 265.7 Rangpur 63.7 56.1 70.7 226.0

35.4 Vitebsk y
11.2 54.7 38.4 itebsk region z
6.3 35.1 34.5 VITEBSK z

24.8 60.4 15.9 Toledo z

26.2 71.6 16.9 Toledo z

39.8 63.7 58.9 donga 34.3 26.4 43.2 116.9

22.3 49.3 50.7 Donga 25.7 17.0 36.8 134.3
36.0 56.0 78.5 Donga 31.0 25.2 37.5 70.6
39.4 58.6 104.1 donga 25.1 15.0 39.0 46.0
28.7 61.5 34.5 Mongar z 64.2 46.8 78.6 45.1
55.6 78.0 93.7 potosi 28.8 22.7 35.9 235.2
51.2 72.3 93.4 potosí 44.6 36.8 52.7 193.3

13.6 57.8 51.4 ic of Srpska z 15.2

22.0 44.0 47.9 centre-sud 13.1 7.2 22.8 97.9

0.8 26.1 59.8 Centre-Sud z 17.4 9.5 29.7 55.9

7.4 25.7 57.5 Centre-Sud 39.6 30.6 49.3 168.1

27.3 46.7 84.4 ENTRE-SUD 71.2 64.2 77.3 210.5

42.9 63.0 81.8 ENTRE SUD 67.4 49.3 81.5 219.0
18.6 35.3 46.4 centre sud 68.0 56.6 77.6 106.1

63.5 82.5 118.8 gitega 85.4 72.4 92.9 55.9

54.8 77.8 89.3 Gitega 70.1 59.6 78.8 65.8

0.0 0.0 27.5 kampot z 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.7

39.2 82.4 31.9 & krong kep z 60.1 34.9 80.8 66.3

43.7 86.3 26.7kampot & kep z 47.7 28.0 68.2 69.5

70.5 93.5 31.9kampot & kep z 23.4 10.5 44.3 54.3
35.9 72.4 30.4 kampot z 29.4 16.7 46.4 73.5

0.0 0.0 80.6 nord 52.6 33.8 70.7 82.6

0.9 9.4 92.5 Nord 34.7 19.0 54.7 26.9
7.8 20.7 159.7 nord 43.0 33.0 53.7 88.8
6.0 20.3 103.2 Nord 58.3 40.9 73.9 43.6
35.8 53.8 159.4 north 53.1 37.2 68.4 66.6

22.8 64.6 129.1 bere Kadei” 20.0 12.6 30.3 67.2

23.7 42.3 90.4 Lobaye 39.8 28.0 52.9 113.8

30.6 56.0 84.0 Lobaye 60.5 47.8 72.0 76.0

22.1 38.5 77.6 Région 7
2.1 25.0 88.2 moyen chari 2.2 1.2 4.0 42.2
0.5 12.6 64.1 Kanem 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6
0.0 0.0 118.5 hadjer-lamis 2.0 0.3 14.0 53.1
1.9 20.9 57.4 Guéra 16.9 8.6 30.6 67.4
11.0 31.7 119.4 Guera 3.2 1.1 8.7 142.5
4.0 23.3 78.3 Guéra 8.7 3.7 19.0 72.8
1.7 13.6 108.8 Guéra 11.2 4.5 25.2 5.8

30.3 57.3 46.5 likouala 13.3 5.5 28.6 54.4

33.3 57.2 58.4 LIKOUALA 16.9 8.6 30.8 47.8
19.2 62.9 90.1 San José z
9.9 54.3 8,743.2 San José z

11.4 67.5 59.1 Holguín z 4.7

2.9 17.6 50.7 Nord Est 15.9 7.6 30.5 42.3

6.3 18.3 38.5 Nord Ouest 16.6 6.7 35.5 96.7

4.5 28.1 32.4 Nord-est 26.2 16.7 38.8 95.6
16.5 32.1 76.5 Nord-Ouest 36.1 25.2 48.7 110.4
21.3 44.9 58.9 lagunes 36.1 24.7 49.4 110.9

19.4 34.4 100.0 Kinshasa 48.4 22.6 75.1 28.3

17.0 34.5 70.7 kinshasa 56.2 46.2 65.9 33.1
16.3 30.9 109.2 Kinshasa 57.1 46.7 66.9 41.2
18.8 37.8 125.1 kinshasa 76.6 59.4 87.9 60.4
20.3 42.2 111.1 Kasai 47.6 31.8 63.9 70.2

2.7 37.8 23.8 sto Valdesia z 19.7

0.3 33.6 10.2 el seybo z 18.4 8.1 36.6 9.3

6.8 el seibo y 45.1 20.9 71.8 5.1

5.6 53.4 13.7 vi z 10.3 3.7 25.3 16.2

3.9 13.3 58.7 Enriquillo 5.2 2.6 10.0 90.9
4.5 20.0 53.9 HIGUAMO 19.1 11.5 30.2 319.8

29.5 57.7 46.9 Wele Nzas z

7.3 30.2 2.4 harari 55.0 47.0 62.9 414.2

20.1 49.1 2.8 harari 45.6 39.4 52.0 415.2
28.6 59.1 2.3 harari 46.6 38.3 55.0 578.1
30.7 53.1 2.8 harari 54.6 46.2 62.8 549.9
41.9 80.1 1.6 harari z 57.3 47.9 66.1 231.5

10.2 52.9 3.8 oué maritime z 2.6 0.7 9.3 25.0

14.2 39.7 19.1 gooué-ivindo 9.8 3.0 27.5 14.5
14.7 39.2 15.1 Kuntaur 17.9 10.5 28.8 16.8
13.9 37.3 63.2 Kuntaur 39.1 26.8 53.0 49.5
11.8 22.3 88.2 Kuntaur 42.8 33.0 53.3 88.3
26.9 50.9 51.8 Kuntaur 60.1 50.6 69.0 50.1
42.8 63.3 54.8 Kuntaur 58.9 47.0 69.8 36.1
48.2 65.5 54.0 kuntaur 61.7 50.6 71.7 36.5
0.7 emo Svaneti y 18.0

12.8 O SVANETI y 8.1

20.9 71.2 20.4 upper east z 80.2 66.7 89.1 12.4

41.8 80.3 12.4 Upper East z 91.2 72.5 97.6 12.5
17.1 upper east y 77.9 60.4 89.0 7.6
47.7 68.4 35.3 Upper East 67.0 57.1 75.6 23.3
49.4 83.8 25.4 upper east 83.3 68.0 92.2 21.6
62.8 82.6 26.0UPPER EAST 77.6 66.9 85.6 24.2
43.4 56.6 299.3 suroccidente 43.6 34.3 53.4 108.6

5.2 24.7 51.0 Mamou 24.9 12.1 44.4 145.4

27.6 52.2 47.3 Mamou 37.1 21.6 55.7 86.6
27.0 45.6 74.7 mamou 38.4 29.9 47.7 135.7
0.0 0.0 34.7 Quinará z 21.1 15.2 28.6 131.4

35.9 59.7 27.2 Quinara 49.6 37.8 61.4 175.2

44.6 69.7 30.0 Quinara 58.4 47.4 68.7 116.7
24.7 Region 6 y 5.5
7.0 Region 07 y 5.2
15.0 45.5 29.2 region 6 z 7.4
21.0 n-Supenaam y 4.7
16.1 SUPENAAM y 1.9

13.1 46.3 18.7 north-west z 30.3 14.4 52.9 46.2

34.4 64.7 21.4 nord-est 49.6 40.2 58.9 38.4
32.5 72.6 63.9 nord 56.5 45.1 67.2 25.0
27.4 57.3 26.3 nord-est 35.7 22.9 51.0 40.3

20.7 43.9 48.1 el paraiso 29.3 18.9 42.5 134.6

27.0 53.2 53.3 El Para?so 18.7 12.5 27.0 179.0
44.2TO CENTRAL y 21.7 10.2 40.3 37.6

37.9 57.8 225.4 [gj] gujarat 17.7 10.1 29.2 4.4

73.9 80.2 791.6 chhattisgarh 72.7 54.0 85.8 6.6

76.5 83.6 483.6 chhattisgarh 79.4 63.3 89.6 6.7

14.3 47.0 16.2 al kalimantan 22.8 7.4 52.2 10.8

14.3 41.5 14.1 al kalimantan z 23.0 12.1 39.3 33.7
21.2 49.0 16.4 al kalimantan z 39.5 23.1 58.5 18.8
51.5 68.3 182.6 central java 10.4

1.7 14.8 83.4 Erbil 15.6 9.2 25.4 41.5

7.6 29.8 70.6 Diala 12.8 6.1 24.7 45.5
10.2 23.1 311.7 Basrah 5.5 2.6 11.4 154.8
3.1 22.3 67.8 ERBIL z 49.2 38.6 59.9 50.5

2.7 15.1 43.3 karak 20.3 10.9 34.7 22.1

12.1 hstan oblysy y 26.9
19.0 50.2 44.5 t Kazakhstan z 20.2 9.6 37.5 33.5
24.6 t Kazakhstan y 26.4

8.0 17.8 154.1 Rift valley 17.2 9.8 28.4 103.0

5.3 18.0 156.1 rift valley 18.6 8.6 35.8 72.9
25.7 47.2 145.5 rift valley 27.2 18.3 38.4 48.6
50.7 65.3 228.0 rift valley 59.5 49.2 69.1 103.6
10.2 43.3 14.4 garissa z 18.5
46.2 71.7 50.1 outh Tarawa

38.9 70.1 73.6 Osh 9.5 1.4 44.6 9.8

9.5 osh city y 88.0 75.2 94.6 70.7
27.2 60.5 23.2 Osh City z 47.6 34.7 60.9 93.8
28.2 61.8 97.5 Osh z 53.9 40.4 66.8 17.7

60.4 80.4 25.2Luangnamtha z 45.0 31.1 59.6 55.9

49.7 77.6 33.9ANGNAMTHA 63.6 49.8 75.5 93.2
43.0 unt Lebanon y 28.6 17.0 43.8 39.3

18.0 52.4 21.8 mokhotlong z 46.4 25.5 68.7 10.1

70.2 93.0 18.4 mokhotlong z 7.2

22.9 75.1 10.2 grand kru z 77.8 57.6 90.1 46.2

7.8 24.4 88.5mo andrefana 56.9 45.0 68.0 65.1

18.5 38.1 127.0ANDREFANA 49.5 38.9 60.1 73.5

36.2 57.3 43.8 antananarivo 37.0 24.0 52.1 121.7

44.0 70.7 59.1 Dedza 89.7 75.6 96.0 60.0

26.4 42.2 234.1 segou 41.4 32.2 51.1 290.5

14.2 22.1 529.7 Sikasso 22.7 18.2 27.8 467.1
21.9 35.6 357.0 Ségou 21.8 11.6 37.1 84.6
33.6 53.0 191.0 segou 48.1 40.0 56.4 175.7
19.6 38.3 258.5 Mopti 55.6 44.8 65.8 236.4
63.4 88.0 4.0 Ménaka 75.7 61.2 86.0 190.1
90.3 99.8 21.4 Ménaka 66.3 52.6 77.7 147.3

8.2 25.3 91.7 dh ELGharbi 1.6

47.4 70.7 92.9 Hodh Gharby 26.8 15.2 42.8 121.4
28.1 48.4 103.0 Hodh Gharby 50.6 39.5 61.6 129.8

40.4 61.2 211.0 odh echargui 43.8 32.5 55.7 150.7

0.6 kia al hamra y 29.8 21.3 39.8 72.1

3.2 15.5 218.2 nampula 40.5 27.9 54.4 53.1

28.1 52.2 236.8 Nampula 53.0 41.8 64.0 57.8
31.0 53.2 173.4 Nampula 26.6 18.1 37.1 70.6

3.7 17.9 119.6 Magway 11.1 5.7 20.5 190.0

37.5 77.3 32.6 magway z 49.0 30.7 67.6 45.3

11.3 kunene y 35.5 20.0 54.7 55.0

30.9 66.1 18.8 kunene z 74.1 60.7 84.2 77.7

42.7 74.5 16.0 -Western Hill z 49.9 31.6 68.2 7.6

45.2 64.5 58.1 PROVINCE

63.0 82.3 56.6 him province

17.9 estel¡ y 9.6

0.0 0.0 93.1 Tillaberi 0.0 0.0 0.0 106.5
16.4 26.7 140.1 tillabéri 9.7 3.9 22.3 202.8

15.8 52.9 182.9 Tillaberi 15.3 10.0 22.8 342.9

8.8 37.1 70,228.9 Tillaberi 19.6 15.9 23.8 106,197.6
13.1 34.2 77,635.2 Tillaberi 15.6 11.7 20.4 106,883.5
21.1 52.6 233,986.0 Tillaberi 11.5 4.4 26.7 669,749.0
2.7 25.8 165,560.0 Tillaberi z 19.6 10.9 32.7 552,224.0

4.6 26.3 10.0 Bayelsa z 23.1 12.2 39.2 78.0

19.2 39.2 65.4 Benue 10.5 3.9 25.1 82.4

27.0 56.3 59.8 Benue 29.5 11.7 56.7 174.8

42.9 67.7 85.4 benue 4.8 1.7 12.8 80.7

41.8 70.6 71.3 BENUE 40.8 30.5 51.9 83.7
17.4 South West y 7.6
4.6 Southwest y 7.4
9.0SOUTHWEST y 6.0

30.1 43.7 597.2 punjab 58.0 51.1 64.7 299.5

41.4 46.2 ### Punjab 51.7 48.3 55.2 570,642.6

617.5 Herrera y 72.0 59.5 81.8 717.0

14.0 61.6 30.2 Itapúa z 38.3 27.6 50.2 123.7

63.7 94.4 55.1 cusco z 89.1 73.1 96.1 26.9

37.3 callao y 35.1

6.9 Callao y 83.4 61.5 94.0 31.9
15.6 Callao y 82.3 62.2 93.0 36.2
18.8 Callao y 84.9 59.6 95.5 37.2
15.3 Callao y 25.2

21.5 Callao y 91.0 78.4 96.5 51.0

39.6 60.0 42.7 Callao 74.2 59.3 85.1 34.9
32.5 60.7 28.6 Callao 79.6 68.2 87.7 40.2
43.5 62.7 33.7 Callao 76.0 62.9 85.6 37.0
58.9 84.8 23.4 Cusco z 89.9 78.1 95.7 10.8
68.6 89.7 33.9 Loreto 50.5 37.6 63.3 5.3
66.6 86.9 36.9 Loreto 71.5 54.5 84.1 4.1
67.9 89.1 32.4 Loreto 61.5 44.5 76.0 3.0
60.5 81.4 32.0 Loreto 50.7 34.2 66.9 3.8

27.0 62.9 20.6 b - mimaropa z 33.7 22.3 47.4 28.9

17.2 59.1 17.4 b - mimaropa z 24.4 9.9 48.5 30.2
42.5 73.6 20.2agayan valley z 32.0 17.5 51.0 53.3
17.6 Umm Slal y

82.7 98.4 56.2 kibungo 82.4 64.8 92.2 52.8

6.1 22.6 51.4 matam 27.7 18.5 39.2 80.3

25.2 51.4 64.7 Kolda 46.0 35.0 57.4 74.9
30.8 60.2 33.5 kolda 35.1 14.4 63.5 37.9
35.8 82.6 26.0 kolda z 36.0 25.7 47.7 31.2
38.6 70.8 31.1 kolda 58.2 36.7 76.9 39.7
15.0 58.8 25.3 kolda z 38.7 22.5 57.8 44.9
23.4 45.2 42.1 kolda 44.6 32.2 57.7 71.4
36.4 72.1 25.4 kolda z 46.4 24.7 69.6 32.8
35.1 69.6 29.4 kolda z 58.0 43.4 71.3 36.4

0.5 15.7 40.2 Galguduud z 2.8 0.4 16.3 36.4

16.5 50.2 20.4 north west z 65.3 46.5 80.3 7.3
36.5 58.5 92.1 Upper Nile 56.0 46.3 65.4 118.6

72.7 89.7 91.4 Southern 75.0 60.8 85.3 44.8

16.1 39.3 53.3 Jerusalem z 24.1 15.4 35.8 81.9

22.7 57.3 43.5 Jerusalem z 40.9 24.2 59.9 65.6
18.1 48.8 33.9 Jerusalem z 39.6 29.0 51.2 61.1
28.9 46.3 178.5 rth Kordofan 33.8 24.1 45.1 21.0
41.5 66.9 160.2 Khartoum 74.8 60.8 85.1 121.0
0.6 8.8 81.0 Paramaribo 4.3

0.2 11.9 112.6 Paramaribo 8.5

6.2 21.8 136.2ARAMARIBO 14.6
23.8 44.5 120.0 Homs 22.9 15.3 32.9 109.0

38.9 62.9 141.5 ermera 46.4 34.9 58.3 63.6

34.0 64.3 61.2 ermera z 49.4 34.3 64.5 44.2

66.9 87.4 99.4 Ermera 68.2 57.3 77.5 51.1

59.4 80.4 86.8 SAVANES

2.0ortin Borough y 2.0


1.5 22.9 10.4 Sidi Bouzid z 22.1 10.7 40.2 38.9

7.8 39.1 14.7 SUD OUEST z
2.6 Vaitupu y

41.0 66.0 94.1 southwest 83.8 69.8 92.1 45.8

60.2 81.3 61.9 north 51.9 39.9 63.8 105.2
48.9 69.6 171.1 central 1 62.7 50.1 73.8 130.4
4.1 Gytomyrska y 6.2

14.0 Kilimanjaro y 14.6

40.8 84.9 47.1 dodoma z 61.7 46.3 75.1 55.3

18.7 Khorazm y 12.5

21.2 AN REGION y 7.1
45.8 80.9 31.1 Tafea z 7.4

35.9 63.2 8.9 TB z 6.9 0.9 37.6 10.5

18.9 southeast y
7.6 43.3 18.9 entral Coast z 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.7

2.6 16.3 48.4 al-mhweit 6.1 2.1 16.3 40.6

2.3 13.7 26,161.6 Northern 37.9 25.8 51.6 19,041.4

18.3 37.2 89.7 northern 61.3 45.6 75.0 71.4
35.8 67.2 34.6 northwestern 72.2 61.7 80.7 70.3
49.5 69.0 59.0north western 70.9 60.8 79.2 121.8
39.5 61.2 44.5north western 71.5 59.8 80.8 94.6
17.9 45.4 34.7 masvingo z 19.7 5.1 52.7 16.6
17.7 41.0 80.0 masvingo 25.7 14.8 41.0 48.0
22.1 48.7 83.4 masvingo 26.0 13.5 44.2 47.3
14.3 35.6 100.6 masvingo 38.9 24.6 55.4 22.9
30.3 54.4 97.7 Masvingo 53.4 37.6 68.5 77.4
39.0 71.6 73.1 masvingo 58.2 43.2 71.8 27.3
35.8 61.4 72.4 Masvingo 63.1 50.7 73.9 29.5
on 8 Region 9
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate
Region_8_ReRegion_8_FoRegion_9_r Region_9_ll Region_9_ulRegion_9_weRegion_9_ReRegion_9_FoRegion_10_r
faryab 50.9 38.2 63.5 60.4 ghazni 7.4

FARYAB 60.6 51.3 69.1 97.1 GHAZNI 66.3

kukes z 12.8 lezhe y

cunene 49.9 38.0 61.9 128.9 huambo 50.1

syunik y 8.4 tavush y

syunik y 3.8 tavush y
syunik y 12.3 tavush y
syunik y 8.8 tavush y
4.0 Azizbeyov y
haki zaqatala y 6.6 1.4 26.3 9.2 ari karabakh z


littoral 36.4 26.6 47.3 93.9 mono 36.0

Littoral 18.0 9.6 31.3 56.8 Mono 47.7
Littoral 29.8 19.9 41.9 67.2 Mono 52.1
littoral 30.9 20.3 43.9 62.8 mono 24.4
Paro z 55.4 38.4 71.3 30.3 Pemagatshel z 28.6
santa cruz 43.0 26.3 61.5 28.4 tarija z
santa cruz 45.0 33.5 57.1 32.9 tarija

ajevo Canton y 19.2 Tuzla Canton y

est 14.2 7.6 25.0 157.7 auts bassins 29.5

Est 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.1 auts-Bassins z 0.0

Est 42.3 30.1 55.5 141.0 Hauts Basins 18.3

EST 52.7 42.8 62.4 252.3 TS BASSINS 66.5

EST 52.4 42.4 62.3 179.1 TS BASSINS 80.9
est 55.7 45.6 65.4 114.3 auts-bassins 53.0

karusi 82.0 66.7 91.2 66.1 kayanza 79.6

Karusi 76.4 64.7 85.2 70.0 Kayanza 64.3

kandaal z 8.5 4.6 15.3 11.0 kaoh kong 5.0

kandal z 75.5 59.1 86.8 22.1 kratie 35.6

kandal z 88.6 74.2 95.5 21.7 kratie z 66.7

kandal z 81.7 68.7 90.0 29.6 kratie z 68.5
kandal z 64.4 41.5 82.3 2.1 kep z 59.7

nord ouest 17.0 11.0 25.5 105.0 ouest 17.2

Nord Ouest z 19.7 10.8 33.2 81.6 Ouest 30.1
nord-ouest 26.7 18.3 37.2 139.6 ouest 15.5
Nord-Ouest z 37.9 25.1 52.6 67.0 Ouest 30.2
north-west 38.9 28.9 50.1 42.6 south

“Mbomou” 19.4 14.9 24.9 111.6na Mambere” 18.3

mbere Kadei 26.0 14.4 42.5 36.0 Mbomou 41.4

bere_Kadei 35.6 26.9 45.3 118.0 Mbomou 46.9

n'djaména 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.2 ouaddai est z
Lac 3.6 1.2 10.0 98.0 e Occidental 2.1
kanem 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.2 lac 0.0
Hadjer Lamis 9.8 4.6 19.8 48.3 Kanem 19.5
Hadjer Lamis 16.4 8.7 28.8 83.1 Kanem 16.7
Hadjer Lamis 29.7 15.3 49.6 45.7 Kanem 12.3
Hadjer Lamis 4.9 1.1 18.5 16.9 Kanem z 13.3

niari 27.7 11.3 53.5 24.5 plateaux 7.3

NIARI 16.3 8.5 29.2 44.1 PLATEAUX 30.7

e la Juventud y 33.5 11.5 66.3 67.7 La Habana z

Nord Ouest 1.1 0.2 6.5 127.7 Ouest 6.3

Ouest 0.0 0.0 0.0 197.1 e d' Abidjan) 1.0

Ouest 11.7 5.1 24.8 87.7 sans Abidjan z 1.2
Ouest 17.4 10.3 27.8 130.1 lle d'Abidjan 19.6
montagnes 16.4 10.0 25.8 105.5 ra-marahoue 44.0

Maniema z 52.2 37.6 66.4 76.9 Nord-Kivu 44.5

maniema 71.1 61.5 79.2 31.1 nord-kivu 26.9
Maniema 57.1 45.3 68.1 107.3 Nord Kivu 48.5
maniema 69.9 51.0 83.8 171.0 nord-kivu 61.7
Kasai Central 55.0 41.4 68.0 82.2 asai Oriental 34.7

Yuma y
elias pi¤a z 3.4 0.0 100.0 23.5 espaillat z 18.8

elías piña z 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.9 espaillat z

vii z 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.7 viii z

Higuamo 4.9 2.6 9.1 770.3Metropolitana 9.3
OZAMA 15.3 8.4 26.4 88.4 VALDESIA 3.1

oromiya 39.7 32.0 48.0 239.2 snnp 0.5

oromiya 43.3 34.0 53.1 283.7 snnp 14.5
oromiya 52.8 45.4 60.1 246.8 snnp 19.0
oromia 54.8 46.4 63.0 223.4 snnpr 38.2
oromia 66.7 47.9 81.4 106.6 snnpr 23.0

gooué-ivindo 1.5 0.2 9.9 21.5 ogooué-lolo 9.9

ogooué-lolo 21.2 10.4 38.4 8.0 port-gentil) 11.9
Mansakonko z
emo Svaneti y 6.1 - Javakheti y

JAVAKHETI y 36.5 22.3 53.6 18.9 IDA KARTLI z 11.9

upper west z 25.3 volta y 23.0

Upper West z 23.9 Volta y 53.8
upper west z 83.3 60.0 94.3 29.4 volta z 52.2
Upper West 49.1 33.4 65.0 63.7 Volta z 46.8
upper west 62.9 46.8 76.6 45.2 volta 27.7
PPER WEST 45.0 32.0 58.6 67.3 VOLTA 22.2

SAB 4.3 0.6 24.9 34.4 Tombali z

SAB 44.3 33.0 56.2 62.4 Tombali

SAB 71.5 53.9 84.3 38.3 Tombali
Region 7 y 3.3 Region 8 y 20.7
Region 08 y 55.6 40.0 70.1 12.7 Region 09 z
region 7 y 6.6 region 8 y
taro-Siparuni y 22.0 12.7 35.2 26.8 ara-Berbice z 48.8
-SIPARUNI y 10.2 A-BERBICE y 63.5

south 17.7 7.5 36.4 40.7 south-east 18.7

nord-quest 18.1 7.0 39.5 29.6 sud z 14.5
nord-est 26.0 13.2 44.9 23.9 nord-ouest z 24.6
nord-ouest 35.4 20.3 54.1 125.4 rest-ouest 38.2

isco morazan 44.9 33.5 56.9 32.6 intibuca 53.8

isco Moraz?n 34.3 20.5 51.5 11.1 acias a Dios z 79.2
EL PARAISO z 29.5 16.9 46.2 55.2O MORAZAN z 30.4

[go] goa 27.1 18.4 38.1 24.2 chal pradesh 16.9

nagar haveli z 52.3 29.5 74.2 2.0aman and diu z 49.6

daman & diu 61.4 41.3 78.2 16.9 goa z 65.0

di yogyakarta z 15.3 7.9 27.6 53.2 dki jakarta 33.4

di aceh 49.3 32.8 66.0 19.3 di yogyakarta z 16.4
tral sulawesi z 45.7 33.5 58.5 237.5 east java 35.4
al kalimantan y 46.1 35.0 57.5 192.5 east java 50.6

Kerbela 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.7 Maysan 3.6

Duhuk 28.3 16.3 44.3 30.0 Kakuk 60.3
Diyala 16.7 12.0 22.6 149.0 Dohuk 19.3
KARBALAH 33.1 20.4 48.8 31.6 KIRKUK z 9.0

maan 36.3 24.2 50.4 27.2 madaba 26.2

gandy oblysy y 16.9 tanai oblysy y 16.6
Karagandy z 30.8 15.3 52.5 23.8 Kostanay z 23.9
Karaganda y 22.3 9.6 43.7 19.7 Kostanai z 31.9

homa bay y 3.4 isiolo y

Talas z
osh oblast 55.1 41.9 67.6 26.0 talas
Osh Oblast 55.4 44.9 65.5 34.2 Talas
Osh c z 40.0 22.1 61.1 14.3 Talas z

uangprabang z 61.7 49.0 73.0 79.5 Oudomxay 57.7

NGPRABANG 65.6 56.1 74.1 75.2 OUDOMXAY 47.6
north z

qacha's-nek z 47.6 28.1 67.9 19.9 quthing z 42.1

qacha's-nek y 80.0 57.9 92.0 22.4 quthing z 70.6

lofa z 62.4 39.8 80.6 26.2 margibi z 84.5

o atsinanana 67.1 50.0 80.6 54.9 atsinanana z 34.4

TSINANANA 71.2 53.6 84.1 76.5 TSINANANA 46.7

mo andrefana 55.4 34.7 74.4 49.0 o atsinanana 77.6

Dowa 72.4 59.0 82.8 21.6 Karonga z 81.3

sikasso 24.3 16.4 34.3 60.5 tombouctou

Ségou 38.9 31.3 47.2 123.0 Tombouctou
sikasso 43.5 30.2 57.9 45.2 toumbouctou
Sikasso 57.3 48.5 65.7 262.1 Ségou 16.7
Sikasso 89.2 78.4 94.9 162.4 Ségou
Sikasso 37.8 26.6 50.5 122.1 Ségou

Inchiri y 12.9 6.8 23.1 29.1 Nouadhibou 7.1

odh charghy 26.4 20.3 33.5 248.9 Nouakchott 8.6
odh charghy 0.8 Inchiri y 20.9

hodh gharbi 17.4 9.6 29.4 102.1 akchott nord z 26.6

sift-al haouz 31.2 15.0 53.8 31.1 nes-tafilalet z 34.2

niassa 54.2 42.5 65.5 80.1 sofala 5.6

Niassa 43.2 35.2 51.6 155.0 Sofala 14.4
Niassa 38.1 26.8 50.8 105.4 Sofala 41.5

Mandalay 6.3 2.6 14.1 64.8 Mon 2.7

mandalay z 46.7 28.6 65.8 19.7 mon z

ohangwena 17.2 5.1 44.6 31.1 omaheke z 20.4

ohangwena 28.8 19.2 40.6 15.7 omaheke z 49.2

ern Mountain z 72.2 59.7 82.0 30.2WesternTerai z 53.6

granada y 60.0 46.8 71.9 45.8 jinotega z 25.0


Zinder 13.8 3.0 45.8 15,310.0 Zone ACF z 20.3

Benue 2.3 0.3 14.9 53.8 Borno z 13.9

Borno 18.5 10.4 30.7 49.8 Cross River 9.3

Borno z 7.8 2.3 23.2 33.9 Cross River z 25.2

borno 41.7 26.1 59.1 28.4 cross river z 20.4

Vardarski y
Vardar y


Kuna Yala 479.3 Los Santos y 53.2

Resto 11.5 4.1 28.6 32.0 San Pedro z

hauncavelica 82.5 62.6 92.9 40.6 huanuco 37.0

cusco y 87.8 65.9 96.4 16.3 huancavelica z 86.8

Cusco z 89.0 69.8 96.6 17.6Huancavelica z 74.3
Cusco z 10.1Huancavelica y 83.4
Cusco z 14.1Huancavelica y 79.5
Cusco y 89.8 71.8 96.8 18.3Huancavelica z 74.3

Cusco z 91.5 77.3 97.1 14.3Huancavelica z 65.1

Cusco 86.4 75.0 93.0 14.3Huancavelica 77.2
Cusco 94.9 81.9 98.7 9.7Huancavelica z 76.4
Cusco 78.7 65.8 87.7 12.7Huancavelica 74.7
Huancavelica 78.7 68.0 86.5 21.4 Huánuco 28.6
adre de Dios 57.7 41.3 72.6 3.3 Moquegua z 79.4
adre de Dios z 2.2 Moquegua y 78.9
adre de Dios z 63.3 44.8 78.5 2.4 Moquegua z 74.6
adre de Dios 80.1 67.6 88.6 3.2 Moquegua 72.9

ga peninsula z 23.3 14.0 36.3 79.6 capital region 42.4

ga peninsula z 19.8 10.1 35.4 69.6 capital region 55.7
central luzon z 46.7 30.3 63.8 117.0 - calabarzon z 54.7

kibuye 79.2 64.8 88.8 71.7 kigali rurale 51.6

saint-louis 14.5 8.4 23.8 80.6tambacounda 46.2

Louga 36.8 22.3 54.2 56.1 Matam 39.7
louga z 33.5 17.3 54.9 25.3 matam z 34.1
louga z 26.3 10.1 53.0 22.4 matam z 39.0
louga z 27.3 17.5 40.0 25.9 matam z 38.3
louga z 33.1 18.3 52.2 16.5 matam z 50.4
louga 36.6 23.5 52.0 42.4 matam 43.6
louga z 45.6 31.8 60.1 21.8 matam z 32.4
louga z 47.4 32.1 63.2 25.9 matam 33.9

Gedo z 18.9 Hiran y 27.4

orthern cape z 29.9 western cape y
Warap 55.7 44.9 66.1 42.1 hr El Ghazal 45.7

Uva z 81.4 73.3 87.5 174.6 Western

Khan Yunis 34.5 27.0 42.9 87.3 Nablus 29.5

Khan Yunis 39.0 23.6 57.0 37.8 Nablus z 37.1
Khan Yunis z 49.2 31.2 67.4 43.9 Nablus z 29.4
Northern 35.5 23.1 50.2 25.7 Red Sea 40.0
North Darfor 65.9 56.3 74.3 91.6 rth Kordofan 34.7
Saramacca y 6.1 1.1 27.0 45.3 Sipaliwini z 9.6

Saramacca y 2.3 0.3 14.9 44.0 Sipaliwini

SARAMACCA y 16.5 7.1 33.7 36.7 SIPALIWINI z 7.1
Idleb 43.5 28.3 60.0 46.0 Lattakia z

lautem 65.6 53.7 75.8 60.8 liquica 42.2

lautem 59.5 46.6 71.2 51.1 liquiçá 63.9

Lautem 76.5 65.7 84.7 70.9 Liquica 73.3

of St George y 5.0 an Fernando y

Port of Spain y 7.6Princes Town y

Sud Est z 16.0 6.6 34.0 14.7 Sud Ouest z

west nile 71.0 59.1 80.6 117.2 western
southwest 65.1 50.5 77.3 45.8 west-nile 68.5
central 2 57.1 41.9 71.0 51.8 kampala 80.6
Iv-Frankivska y 9.2 Kharkivska y

Lindi y 59.2 36.3 78.7 18.0 Manyara z 43.2

geita 15.5 iringa y 77.9

Namangan y 10.9 Navoiy y

Torba y

TN z

South East z

aldhalae 21.2 12.9 33.0 65.4 amran 16.4

Southern 17.7 7.6 36.1 9,996.1 Western z

southern 30.0 19.2 43.6 71.1 western
southern 51.4 38.1 64.5 37.2 western
northern 90.9 85.2 94.6 157.8 southern 78.6
northern 80.3 69.0 88.2 144.4 southern 76.9
leland north z 27.3 12.5 49.6 19.5 leland south z 46.9
leland north 20.3 8.1 42.2 24.8 leland south z 20.9
leland north 32.3 19.1 49.0 40.0 leland south 29.9
leland north z 23.5 12.9 38.9 28.8 leland south z 30.0
leland North 55.9 44.5 66.7 69.3 leland South 48.6
leland north z 65.6 50.8 77.8 28.9 leland south 54.8
leland North 51.2 35.4 66.8 32.2 leland South 34.8
Region 10 Region 11
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
3.9 13.8 85.2 ghor 6.6 1.7 22.4 48.9

50.9 78.8 69.3 GHOR 53.4 42.1 64.4 306.9

13.3 shkoder y 19.9 7.9 41.9 79.1

38.3 61.9 138.0 huíla 34.9 26.0 45.0 447.1

3.7 vayots dzor y 30.0 14.6 51.7 41.3

1.1 vayots dzor y 37.6 15.7 66.1 60.0
4.5 vayots dzor y 27.5
2.8 vayots dzor y 48.0
3.0 Babek y

24.3 49.7 87.7 plateau 34.4 27.6 41.8 205.2

38.8 56.7 142.3 Ouémé 32.8 24.1 43.0 73.2
41.3 62.7 130.5 Ouémé 18.2 10.6 29.6 80.2
15.3 36.7 108.2 ouémé 17.1 6.9 36.6 80.3
16.0 45.8 22.9 Punakha z 27.0
31.5 Sana Canton y 2.4

20.0 41.3 130.8 nord 51.7

0.0 0.0 50.0 Nord z 5.0 0.7 27.2 24.2

11.7 27.3 125.7 Nord 18.2 10.3 30.0 60.1

56.8 75.0 144.2 NORD 47.3 37.6 57.2 86.2

70.7 88.2 176.5 NORD 50.3 40.2 60.4 100.6
41.9 63.7 75.0 nord 52.9 42.6 63.1 79.9

69.6 87.0 78.3 kirundo 81.2 66.6 90.4 79.1

55.1 72.6 84.4 Kirundo 74.2 60.1 84.7 59.4

0.8 26.6 21.4 kracheh z 2.9

23.9 49.5 19.6 & kaoh kong z 47.7 38.0 57.6 15.2

49.2 80.6 16.5 rattanak kiri 74.3 56.6 86.5 8.1

51.3 81.8 16.2 rattanak kiri z 75.9 47.1 91.8 11.3
42.4 74.9 6.0 koh kong z 69.5 54.0 81.6 29.4

10.0 27.8 30.8 sud 22.4 11.7 38.5 39.2

17.1 47.4 24.4 Sud 31.9 20.4 46.2 31.9
8.0 27.9 25.7 sud 21.7 10.2 40.3 48.8
18.7 44.8 21.4 Sud z 42.5 29.6 56.5 41.4
11.5 south-west y 47.3 38.7 56.1 121.6

12.2 26.6 104.9 ella Mpoko” 27.9 20.6 36.5 96.2

32.4 51.1 29.8 Nana Grebizi 21.7 10.8 39.0 74.5

39.8 54.2 162.0 Nana_Gribizi 45.9 36.2 55.9 135.0

0.5 8.1 149.6 one Oriental 1.2 0.2 7.3 133.0
0.0 0.0 108.8 ne occidental 0.0 0.0 0.0 173.0
9.2 36.8 45.5 Lac z 8.3 3.3 19.6 78.2
9.3 28.4 107.9 Lac 4.7 2.0 10.8 184.4
6.1 23.3 78.1 Lac 16.4 7.2 33.2 114.9
6.0 27.0 64.6 Lac 14.4 3.4 44.6 88.2

3.2 15.5 179.3 pointe-noire 36.6 24.3 51.0 60.6

19.8 44.2 182.1 INTE-NOIRE 26.0 16.1 39.2 55.9

14.4 Las Tunas y 28.5

3.0 13.0 193.2 ans Abidjan) 8.2 4.0 16.2 118.0

0.2 4.1 130.6 Sud Ouest 2.4 0.4 13.1 112.4

0.1 10.3 72.4 Sud-ouest 16.4 8.4 29.6 103.0
11.1 32.3 104.3 Sud-Ouest 19.1 10.3 32.7 145.1
31.2 57.5 78.1 savanes 33.4 20.6 49.3 60.4

30.8 59.1 119.0 Orientale 21.0 13.5 31.1 76.8

11.3 51.4 81.2 orientale z 43.6 28.6 59.8 41.3
35.4 61.9 94.1 nce Orientale 38.5 29.8 48.1 112.1
52.0 70.5 158.1 orientale 65.5 56.1 73.8 178.1
20.6 52.2 179.1 Kinshasa 63.0 51.3 73.4 131.2

6.7 42.4 12.0 hato mayor z 3.8

6.0 hato mayor y 9.6 2.7 29.0 5.0

6.0 14.2 214.6 Valdesia

0.6 14.6 47.1 YUMA

0.0 5.3 12.0 somali 63.2 53.2 72.2 68.0

6.3 30.0 48.3 somali 34.6 25.3 45.3 62.4
12.9 27.1 44.9 somali 58.6 47.8 68.7 62.2
30.4 46.7 54.6 somali 72.8 61.1 82.1 81.6
11.4 40.8 34.6 somali 58.7 44.9 71.3 46.2

3.5 24.7 35.8 woleu-ntem

4.9 26.3 55.9 port-gentil 22.8 12.5 37.8 35.9

14.2 Shida Kartli y 12.8 5.0 29.1 69.0

4.4 28.2 91.7 TBILISI z

6.2 57.2 33.7 western z

39.0 68.0 45.7 Western z
31.6 72.1 34.9 western z
31.9 62.3 72.3 Western z
16.1 43.4 63.4 western
13.2 35.0 87.6 WESTERN
8.9 41.1 8.1 Region 9 z
20.4 Region 10 y
6.5 region 9 y
30.7 67.2 17.8 r Essequibo z
38.4 82.9 15.1 ESSEQUIBO z

4.2 54.4 68.0 west

4.1 40.3 22.5 sud-est z
16.3 35.4 58.1 sud 50.3 35.6 65.0 35.4
27.1 50.7 50.0 sud 48.7 35.9 61.5 41.3

41.0 66.2 27.7 la paz 50.0 34.9 65.2 41.9

65.2 88.6 28.6 Intibuc? 5.9
17.2 47.8 8.8 IAS A DIOS z 55.7 40.0 70.3 30.4

9.1 29.0 82.3 [hr] haryana 57.8 47.9 67.1 144.2

39.2 60.0 219.2 delhi 60.9 42.0 77.0 20.5

61.4 68.5 845.7 gujarat 69.5 65.9 72.9 469.9

18.2 53.0 172.9 east java z 34.3 21.2 50.4 33.4

8.4 29.4 67.2 dki jakarta 29.7 17.1 46.3 240.3
21.8 51.8 27.1 t kalimantan z 55.3 40.4 69.4 43.0
31.6 69.4 18.1 t kalimantan z 62.6 50.4 73.4 39.0

0.9 13.5 22.0 Muthanna 1.5 0.2 9.9 44.2

48.7 70.8 50.3 Karbala 20.0 13.2 29.2 61.8
11.7 30.0 180.5 Erbil 39.8 28.3 52.6 137.4
3.6 20.9 56.7 MISAN 18.8 12.8 26.8 45.1

19.2 34.7 79.5 mafraq 16.7 10.7 25.2 18.8

6.4 36.5 14.1 lorda oblysy z 3.7 0.6 18.9 12.8
14.4 36.8 25.0 Kyzylorda z 13.9 8.1 22.8 30.7
20.6 45.9 20.8 Kyzylorda z 9.5 3.9 21.6 24.6

18.4 kajiado y 54.8 32.8 75.0 43.3

43.1 71.1 38.3 Phongsaly 26.8 19.3 35.8 102.4

32.1 63.6 37.3PHONGSALY 63.9 53.2 73.4 87.8

30.8 54.3 40.5 thaba-tseka

55.1 82.5 32.2 thaba tseka z

65.7 94.0 11.1 maryland z 38.7 26.1 53.1 190.3

26.0 43.9 20.1 betsiboka 31.8 17.2 51.1 36.8

30.7 63.4 24.9 BETSIBOKA 52.3 35.7 68.4 48.7

60.2 88.8 49.6 atsinanana z 53.6 37.7 68.7 20.8

70.8 88.6 70.0 Kasungu 52.0 34.8 68.7 204.8

8.7 29.7 1.9 Taoudeni 45.2 32.3 58.7 51.5
2.5 Taoudénit y 90.2 81.7 95.0 25.5
50.0 31.9 68.1 27.0

3.7 13.3 200.5 Nouakchott 20.5 11.5 33.9 22.5

3.3 20.3 19.9 Tagant z 6.5 1.6 23.0 14.5
13.7 30.5 183.7 Nouakchott 9.7 4.5 19.9 4.8

15.6 41.5 63.4 kchott ouest 20.3 10.9 34.7 116.0

19.9 52.1 29.5 oriental z 41.0 28.1 55.3 42.8

2.3 13.1 82.9 tete 33.0 23.5 44.1 188.6

8.8 22.6 118.3 Tete 46.8 36.2 57.6 192.3
31.8 52.0 174.3 Tete 35.7 26.2 46.4 233.9

1.0 7.2 139.5 Rakhine 17.3 9.4 29.5 132.1

8.3 naypyitaw y 36.9 22.1 54.5 34.5

8.4 41.8 43.9 omusati z 34.5 19.0 54.2 34.3

29.3 69.4 43.5 omusati z 72.6 52.3 86.5 33.7

33.6 72.5 26.6 -Western Hill z 69.6 52.7 82.5 8.8

12.7 43.3 38.8 le¢n z 50.0 36.1 63.9 14.8

11.2 34.1 127,377.0 e CONCERN

6.7 26.5 39.3 Cross-Rivers z 9.7 2.3 32.5 51.0

3.0 25.5 74.6 Delta 30.0 18.5 44.9 40.7

15.6 38.0 40.4 Delta z 43.9 34.8 53.4 35.2

9.8 37.7 41.0 delta z 42.7 33.1 53.0 79.5

11.8 51.3 45.8 DELTA z 4.1 0.8 18.6 34.0

42.1 63.9 2,736.3 Ngöbe Buglé 17.2 8.2 32.4 17,522.9

18.5 60.4 21.0 ica z 64.9 44.8 80.8 44.9

67.8 95.3 31.6 huanuco z 53.4 37.3 68.9 20.1

55.2 87.2 25.7 Huanuco z 64.0 46.2 78.6 26.2
57.8 94.8 27.9 Huanuco z 43.7 26.6 62.4 20.7
56.1 92.2 24.3 Huanuco z 54.0 30.6 75.8 21.3
54.0 87.7 28.2 Huanuco z 61.3 38.1 80.3 19.0

44.5 81.2 25.8 Huanuco z 46.4 34.1 59.2 31.8

68.1 84.3 34.9 Huanuco 28.7 19.3 40.5 27.9
64.7 85.1 24.5 Huanuco 35.7 25.3 47.7 31.6
63.3 83.5 23.0 Huanuco 39.9 29.6 51.2 29.1
18.7 41.2 22.7 Ica 76.7 63.9 86.0 30.4
61.3 90.4 4.3 Pasco z 53.9 38.3 68.8 50.1
65.0 88.3 7.1 Pasco 54.1 38.3 69.1 39.8
59.4 85.5 5.6 Pasco 56.6 42.6 69.6 47.4
55.0 85.6 7.0 Pasco 48.5 37.3 59.8 54.9

29.9 55.9 38.2 v - bicol z 26.0 14.8 41.6 41.0

38.7 71.5 37.5 - bicol region z 12.9 4.7 30.7 35.9
34.0 73.8 35.4 ga peninsula z 37.3 17.4 62.5 35.2

41.3 61.8 31.7 ali ville (pvk) 81.7 73.9 87.6 124.4

36.4 56.3 157.1 thiès 52.9 38.6 66.8 41.4

29.3 51.2 77.2 Saint-Louis 47.2 34.8 59.9 42.4
20.1 51.6 53.6 saint-louis z 46.0 30.0 63.0 20.4
19.1 63.4 57.1 saint-louis z 27.7 14.1 47.2 21.0
27.1 50.9 46.4 saint-louis z 48.6 26.3 71.5 20.8
33.1 67.5 34.1 saint-louis z 50.5 22.5 78.2 16.8
33.3 54.6 80.2 saint-louis 36.8 27.0 47.9 38.9
18.5 50.3 35.6 saint-louis z 54.2 35.9 71.4 20.0
19.9 51.5 37.4 saint-louis z 50.4 31.1 69.5 19.1

18.8 38.1 50.7 Lower Juba z 1.3 0.2 9.2 86.6

36.4 55.3 79.0 rn Equatoria

20.9 39.8 101.9 North Gaza 17.0

28.5 46.7 68.4 North Gaza 13.8
15.9 47.8 72.5 North Gaza 14.0
28.8 52.5 46.6 River Nile 39.1 29.8 49.2 64.1
20.6 52.1 20.9 Northern z 54.8 37.2 71.3 17.3
4.2 20.2 37.8 Wanica z

40.6 Wanica y
1.6 26.5 91.1 WANICA
8.0 Quneitra y 26.5 16.9 39.1 49.0

31.4 53.9 43.9 manatuto 62.7 47.2 76.1 36.5

48.3 77.0 38.4 manatuto 48.8 35.3 62.5 40.0

62.5 82.0 47.2 Manatuto 66.7 55.3 76.4 41.1

6.0 rew/St David y 14.0

2.9 an Fernando y 17.2
57.1 78.0 114.9 western
65.6 90.0 46.6 karamoja 76.2 64.3 85.1 51.0
3.9 Khersonska y 3.9

31.0 56.4 35.9 Mara z 34.4 15.1 60.8 55.7

56.3 90.6 42.6 kagera z 18.3 10.0 31.2 5.8

24.1 Samarkand y 4.4

37.7 ND REGION y 21.4

10.1 25.6 155.3 dhamar 26.4 8.3 58.5 61.1

68.5 86.2 77.4 western

66.5 84.8 74.0 western
23.3 71.9 42.0 midlands z
10.9 36.3 64.0 midlands
19.1 43.6 78.8 midlands
19.1 43.8 90.5 midlands
38.3 59.0 116.6 Midlands
41.6 67.3 88.2 midlands
21.6 50.7 58.9 Midlands
n 11 Region 12
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate
helmand z 26.2 17.0 38.0 197.6 herat 41.2

HELMAND 45.2 32.0 59.0 208.3 HERAT 71.5

tirane z 5.0 vlore y

luanda 23.0 14.9 33.8 49.8 lunda norte 19.2

yerevan z
yerevan z
yerevan y
yerevan y
4.0 Berde y

quémé 34.5 27.6 42.2 182.0 zou

Plateau 22.6 16.4 30.3 112.0 Zou
Plateau 47.4 34.3 60.8 105.9 Zou
plateau 56.7 46.1 66.7 133.0 zou
up jongkhar y 46.2 25.7 68.0 66.0 Samtse z 55.3
vina Canton y 58.1Doboj Canton y

ouagadougou y 11.1 6.5 18.4 45.8 ateau central 7.9

ateau-Central z 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.6 Sahel z

ateau Central 14.8 8.1 25.5 142.7 Sahel 7.3

U CENTRAL 66.3 56.2 75.2 190.6 SAHEL 71.1

U CENTRAL 48.4 33.3 63.8 66.7 SAHEL z 75.4
ateau central 33.6 13.5 62.1 45.8 sahel z 43.8

makamba 78.0 64.2 87.5 44.2 muramvya 87.0

Makamba 77.5 58.5 89.4 28.0 Muramvya z 73.7

krong kaeb y 6.4 krong pailin y

rattanak kiri 46.3 29.7 63.7 10.6ar mean chey z 41.8

ar mean chey z 49.1 33.1 65.4 52.5 phnom penh z 83.1

ar mean chey z 31.1 17.2 49.5 60.7 phnom penh z 68.5
kratie z 65.7 44.7 81.9 5.8 mondul kiri z 61.9

sud ouest z 13.2 6.0 26.5 62.3 yaounde

Sud Ouest z 18.4 8.9 34.5 54.5 Yaounde z
sud-ouest 26.0 14.3 42.4 84.7 yaoundé
Sud-Ouest z 35.5 17.8 58.3 43.4 Yaoundé z
west 42.1 26.4 59.6 71.3 yaounde

“Ouaka” 11.9 5.8 22.9 167.2uham Pende” 12.4

na Mambéré 39.0 29.4 49.7 124.8 bella Mpoko 49.5

na_Mambere 30.7 20.8 42.6 75.0 ella_MPoko 60.3

Mandoul 0.3 0.0 2.4 135.0 yo Kebbi Est 7.2
gone oriental 0.0 0.0 0.0 140.5 mandoul 0.0
e Occidental 3.3 0.8 12.7 73.2 one Oriental 6.9
e Occidental 12.1 6.7 20.9 218.3 one Oriental 8.3
e Occidental 5.7 2.1 14.8 111.5 one Oriental 1.5
e Occidental 4.9 1.2 17.8 284.4 one Oriental 0.0

pool 11.1 4.7 24.3 14.0 sangha

POOL 19.8 9.3 37.3 19.8 SANGHA

Matanzas y 16.2 Mayabeque y 53.5

Sud Ouest

Ville Abidjan
ille d'Abidjan
ille d'Abidjan
e du bandama 23.4 13.0 38.3 50.1 woroba 32.8

Sud Kivu
ongo Central 43.4 33.8 53.5 78.6 Kwango 32.7

ndependencia y 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.2 la altagracia z 2.7

ndependencia z 3.4 0.3 29.8 26.4 la altagracia z 0.0



Tbilisi z

lempira 56.3 41.2 70.4 18.7 ocotepeque 35.7

s de la Bah?a y 62.0 48.2 74.1 28.9 La Paz 73.0

[jh] jharkhand 42.3 29.5 56.2 34.8 and kashmir 58.6

goa z 55.8 50.2 61.2 918.5 gujarat 50.1

haryana 69.7 61.9 76.5 79.2 chal pradesh 61.7

t kalimantan 40.4 26.5 56.1 37.2 usa tenggara 38.3

east java 36.6 24.8 50.4 30.0 t kalimantan 44.9
usa tenggara 25.1 11.2 47.1 6.4 gorontalo z 33.0
usa tenggara 5.4 gorontalo y 44.1

Najaf 34.5 24.1 46.6 183.8 Nenava 3.0

Misan 38.5 28.7 49.3 196.0 Nainwa 10.7
Karbala 17.6 8.2 33.8 181.7 Kirkuk 28.9
MUTHANA 30.4 21.8 40.8 163.3 NAINAWA 34.1

tafilh 34.1 24.8 44.7 131.2 zarqua

ystau oblysy z 5.4 1.8 15.2 75.5 hstan oblysy
Mangistau 12.1h Kazakhstan y
Mangistau z 6.7h Kazakhstan y

kakamega z 55.8 33.0 76.4 24.6 kericho z

Saravane 15.3 9.8 23.2 200.6 Savannakhet 62.3

SARAVANE 16.8 9.4 28.2 145.0VANNAKHET 56.2

montserrado 59.6 43.0 74.3 84.9 nimba 56.7

boeny z 54.0 38.5 68.8 33.9 bongolava 19.2

BOENY z 51.6 38.1 64.9 42.0BONGOLAVA 24.3

betsiboka 49.0 34.0 64.2 41.6 boeny z 49.9

Lilongwe z 76.3 54.3 89.8 84.2 Lilongwe city z 78.3


Tagant z 4.5 1.2 15.0 18.8 iris Zemmour z 8.3

Tirs-ezemour z 6.0 2.5 14.0 85.5 Trarza
Tagant 16.1 6.4 34.9 4.4 Tirs-ezemour z 25.0

uakchott sud 44.1 31.4 57.7 29.0 tagant 12.4

zemmour-zaer z 33.9 19.9 51.4 48.2 -massa-draa 35.2


Sagaing 14.1 6.9 26.6 22.1 Shan (East) 21.2

rakhine z 49.1 32.9 65.5 47.5 sagaing z 55.3

oshana z 30.2 18.0 46.0 51.7 oshikoto 16.8

oshana z 51.8 35.6 67.7 35.7 oshikoto z 47.5

rn Mountain z 22.4WesternTerai y 66.6

madriz z 11.4 3.9 29.0 117.8 managua z

Delta z 9.8 3.7 23.1 24.7 Ebonyi z 11.9

Ebonyi 24.8 15.1 37.9 59.9 Edo 47.2

Ebonyi 27.1 17.4 39.8 26.7 Edo z

ebonyi 31.4 18.0 48.9 39.9 edo z 72.5

EBONYI 13.3 4.1 35.4 34.2 EDO z

Panamá z 32.3 16.3 53.9 3,088.6 Veraguas z

junin z 67.5 50.9 80.6 53.0 la libertad z 45.5

ica z 33.0 junin y 54.0

Ica z 80.4 66.0 89.6 44.9 Junin z 75.9
Ica z 91.5 66.3 98.3 26.5 Junin z 76.6
Ica z 22.4 Junin y 72.4
Ica z 81.4 61.5 92.3 31.1 Junin z 85.1

Ica z 72.1 44.5 89.3 30.7 Junin z 52.3

Ica 77.4 66.5 85.5 37.0 Junin 64.7
Ica 77.0 64.6 85.9 42.3 Junin 66.5
Ica 78.9 60.2 90.2 20.1 Junin z 67.0
Junín 64.2 49.1 76.9 61.0 La Libertad 53.0
Piura 64.0 47.7 77.6 18.4 Puno z 63.7
Piura 86.3 69.9 94.5 20.2 Puno z 72.2
Piura 79.3 61.7 90.1 20.5 Puno z 57.9
Piura 78.8 57.5 91.1 15.1 Puno z 74.8

stern visayas z 26.9 16.6 40.3 47.5entral visayas z 59.4

stern visayas z 48.0 34.4 61.9 43.8entral visayas z 44.1
gion v - bicol z 31.1 16.9 50.1 54.0 stern visayas z 37.4

ruhengeri 79.5 63.9 89.5 31.1 umutara z

Sedhiou 20.3 12.0 32.2 67.3 ambacounda 52.1
sedhiou z 26.5 11.9 49.1 25.5tambacounda z 51.6
sedhiou z 19.2 8.7 37.1 29.3tambacounda 36.2
sedhiou z 17.2 8.4 32.1 29.9tambacounda z 26.7
sedhiou z 55.7 36.2 73.6 37.2tambacounda 28.4
sedhiou 41.2 29.8 53.5 66.9tambacounda 47.7
sedhiou z 50.2 33.2 67.1 20.3tambacounda z 57.9
sedhiou z 35.2 17.3 58.6 29.4tambacounda z 53.2

wer Shabelle 53.2 35.7 69.9 36.4 Middle Juba z 6.1

Qalqiliya y 22.8 12.7 37.4 46.1 Rafah z 31.1
Qalqiliya y 12.4 3.9 32.6 31.8 Rafah z 24.8
Qalqilia y 39.7 26.1 55.0 34.6 Rafah z 36.9
Sinnar 33.7 25.7 42.7 213.5 South Darfur 32.3
Red Sea z 38.2 24.7 53.8 38.7 River Nile 43.1

Raqqa z 22.4 16.3 29.8 170.0 Rural-Dam

manufahi 59.5 49.1 69.1 76.5 oecussi 57.7

manufahi 43.1 29.2 58.2 42.2 oecussi z 57.5

Manufahi 82.4 71.9 89.6 70.0 Oecusse 72.0

St Anns y 12.0 St Patrick y

an/Laventille y 4.0 ngre Grande y
kigezi 85.7 73.1 93.0 56.4 lango 56.6
Khmelnicka y 2.2 irovogradska y

Mbeya z 30.0 Morogoro y

kazini pemba z 27.4 11.8 51.4 3.9 kazini unguja z 62.5

Sirdarya y 29.6 15.2 49.8 25.2 urkhandarya z


hadramout 10.3 4.6 21.5 105.8 hajjah 7.0

Region 13 Region 14
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
21.8 63.7 25.2 jawzjan z 41.7 28.9 55.7 393.4

60.3 80.6 83.1 JAWZJAN 67.3 55.5 77.3 343.0

13.8 26.0 36.1 lunda sul 28.5 17.5 42.9 54.6

1.0 Beylegan y 1.0

36.9 72.4 34.5 Sarpang z 65.0 47.8 79.0 100.9

3.6 16.6 96.9 sahel 44.7 36.2 53.5 61.5
27.5 Sud-Ouest y

3.4 14.8 59.2 Sud-Ouest

63.6 77.6 85.9 SUD-OUEST

68.2 81.4 110.7 SUD OUEST
30.9 57.7 45.4 sud-ouest

78.7 92.4 98.2 muyinga 80.6 67.9 89.0 41.4

58.8 84.7 117.7 Muyinga 71.9 49.0 87.2 33.4

16.4 eah sihanouk y 4.1

25.7 59.7 70.2 phnom penh z 53.9 45.3 62.3 23.9

63.7 93.2 14.6 & kaoh kong z 70.3 53.3 83.2 21.3
50.0 82.5 14.6 & kaoh kong z 68.2 46.3 84.2 22.8
43.6 77.4 11.1 ar meanchey z 55.3 32.8 75.8 3.3

6.5 22.6 91.4 “Ouham” 22.0 16.7 28.3 63.9

39.8 59.2 74.8 Ouaka 30.1 16.7 48.1 101.3

51.0 68.9 126.0 Ouaka 46.6 36.1 57.3 131.0

3.5 14.6 120.6 Kebbi Ouest 5.2 1.8 14.1 112.3
0.0 0.0 138.8 yo kebbi est 0.5 0.1 3.7 114.3
1.9 22.3 94.4 Mandoul 0.0 0.0 0.0 92.2
4.1 16.2 131.0 Mandoul 27.0 18.9 37.1 189.4
0.2 11.8 93.1 Mandoul 20.3 9.6 37.7 113.4
0.0 0.0 4.2 Mandoul z 4.0 1.2 12.5 66.4

25.6 79.3 24.5Pinar del Río z 12.7

14.6 58.2 14.7amoussoukro 61.7 50.5 71.7 49.7

22.1 45.5 120.8 Kwilu 61.2 46.9 73.9 72.0

0.2 24.8 26.7 la romana z 22.9 9.6 45.2 39.5

0.0 0.0 20.0 la romana z 8.0 1.6 31.6 46.3

22.1 52.0 58.3 olancho 27.9 17.3 41.6 46.3
57.2 84.5 43.8 Lempira 47.3 31.8 63.3 15.4
53.6 86.4 16.8 LA PAZ z 71.7 55.0 84.1 35.4

50.6 66.2 212.2ka] karnataka 56.2 44.0 67.6 73.1

46.0 54.3 530.9 haryana 67.2 60.0 73.6 91.5

56.4 66.8 169.5 u & kashmir 76.1 73.1 78.8 720.2

22.2 57.4 8.1 gorontalo 62.8 47.3 75.9 25.0

28.6 62.4 49.2 usa tenggara 15.1 4.7 39.0 8.1
22.6 45.4 60.6 jakarta 47.3 31.7 63.5 22.0
29.1 60.3 47.1 jakarta z 70.4 43.2 88.1 26.5

0.8 10.4 42.7 Qadisiya 9.3 5.1 16.4 61.4

5.8 18.8 69.1 Najaf 31.5 21.9 43.0 64.0
21.3 37.9 117.8 Missan 28.4 21.5 36.5 342.3
20.6 50.7 70.8 NAJAF 29.1 21.7 37.7 54.9
17.6 lodar oblysy y 28.6
19.2 Pavlodar y 41.0 29.8 53.2 116.1
13.3 Pavlodar y 54.1 37.9 69.3 120.0

51.5 kiambu y 22.2

49.7 73.5 26.9 Sekong 56.0 43.1 68.1 75.9

43.7 68.0 21.4 SEKONG 54.2 42.9 65.0 73.5

28.9 80.9 9.6 river cess z 51.6 32.6 70.1 5.5

7.9 39.6 30.6 diana z 76.0 56.8 88.4 78.8

14.2 38.5 49.5 DIANA z 63.8 49.6 75.9 59.3

40.7 59.1 35.9 bongolava 45.6 30.5 61.6 44.4

65.7 87.2 85.6 Machinga 62.4 48.9 74.2 119.6

2.9 21.2 82.9 Trarza

13.9 40.8 67.8 Trarza

5.5 25.6 17.9 our et inchiri 16.9 10.1 26.8 66.9

12.4 67.7 22.7 tadla-azilal z 11.6 4.1 29.1 44.1

13.3 32.0 68.0 Shan (North) 20.2 10.8 34.7 70.7

33.1 75.6 49.1 shan z 52.5 34.3 70.0 12.5

5.6 40.6 33.0 otjozondjupa z

31.0 64.6 38.1 otjozondjupa z

48.8 80.6 49.8 Western Hill z 33.5 20.3 50.0 37.0

23.6 masaya y 45.5 31.5 60.2 38.5

4.4 28.5 38.5 Edo z 10.2

30.5 64.5 30.2 Ekiti z 12.4 3.5 35.9 49.7

8.5 Ekiti y 19.0 9.8 33.7 24.1

56.3 84.3 32.2 ekiti z 22.2 13.3 34.8 51.2

18.7 EKITI y 36.6 14.1 67.1 48.8

24.3 68.4 41.9 lambayeque z 59.7 49.1 69.4 255.3

35.8 71.1 51.8 la libertad z 65.8 46.4 81.0 27.4

59.8 86.9 50.8 La Libertad z 23.7
55.8 89.5 41.4 La Libertad z 23.1
52.8 86.0 39.8 La Libertad z 24.4
64.3 94.8 48.3 La Libertad z 64.5 45.9 79.5 31.0

40.4 63.9 61.3 La Libertad z 69.0 47.5 84.5 30.2

53.4 74.5 68.3 La Libertad 53.3 43.0 63.3 42.8
53.3 77.6 60.5 La Libertad 62.0 50.6 72.3 37.2
54.6 77.3 56.6 La Libertad 64.4 53.5 74.0 41.1
38.2 67.2 30.0 Lambayeque 60.3 53.3 67.0 250.9
49.5 75.9 25.7 San Martin 61.1 44.6 75.4 6.8
56.2 84.0 18.7 San Martin z 73.0 52.8 86.7 4.4
42.0 72.2 16.7 San Martin z 52.5 35.2 69.2 5.5
62.6 84.0 19.5 San Martin 52.7 40.4 64.7 7.8

47.0 70.8 35.9astern visayas z 41.9 24.4 61.7 24.1

28.1 61.4 27.2astern visayas z 65.5 38.6 85.1 26.0
20.0 58.7 41.2entral visayas z 45.0 23.7 68.3 19.0

43.1 60.9 155.3 Thiès 46.1 32.7 60.1 43.1

37.4 65.4 94.8 thiès 19.1
23.0 51.9 85.1 thiès z 13.2
14.3 44.4 71.2 thiès z 15.4
18.6 40.9 66.0 thiès z 11.4
33.4 62.4 135.5 thiés 49.2 36.2 62.3 41.7
37.0 76.3 78.9 thi?s 12.4
27.4 77.4 61.7 thi?s z 30.7 16.2 50.4 16.7

1.7 20.0 37.5 dle Shabelle z 1.1 0.2 7.4 35.0

19.9 45.0 61.3 h & Al-Bireh 15.8
14.2 39.8 49.9 h & Al-Bireh 11.3
25.7 49.8 44.8 h & Al bireh 5.8
25.3 40.2 82.9 uth Kordofan 47.0 35.0 59.3 84.4
31.2 55.9 57.9 Sinnar 48.7 40.2 57.2 155.0

16.0 Sweida y 23.3 12.6 39.0 30.0

40.5 73.3 44.7 viqueque z

41.9 71.7 42.3 viqueque z

64.0 78.8 90.4 Viqueque

4.0 Tacarigua y 2.0

6.6 Siparia y 5.4
44.8 67.7 132.4 teso 60.4 49.4 70.5 100.3
15.7 Kyiv y 8.8

21.6 Mtwara y 69.1 58.3 78.1 84.8

44.2 77.9 15.3 katavi 71.2 46.5 87.6 40.6

17.0 Tashkent city y 9.4

10.6 HKENT CITY y 16.7

3.5 13.5 182.7 ibb 9.9 3.7 24.2 55.7

n 14 Region 15
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate
kabul 54.2 44.6 63.5 266.9 kandahar 57.3

KABUL 43.9 34.8 53.3 189.5 KANDAHAR 61.0

malanje 22.6 13.2 35.7 31.1 moxico 56.9

Bilasuvar y 3.0 Binagadi y

Thimphu z 45.2 24.5 67.7 38.4 Trashigang z 30.0


mwaro 84.4 73.6 91.3 104.2 ngozi 77.4

Mwaro z 54.2 42.3 65.7 87.1 Ngozi 33.3

mondol kiri y 7.5ar mean chey y 0.0

steung treng 70.5 53.8 83.1 50.4 prey veng z 73.7

steung treng 89.0 77.2 95.1 72.6 prey veng z 62.1

steung treng 86.3 68.3 94.9 41.8 prey veng z 84.5
pailin z 30.2 12.4 56.8 76.9 phnom penh z 43.7

gha Mbaere”
Ouham 24.0 13.3 39.4 156.1 uham Pende 27.1

Ouham 36.8 26.7 48.2 155.0 uham_Pende 22.3

Moyen Chari 7.4 3.7 14.4 198.0 Ndjaména 1.0
kebbi ouest 0.0 0.0 0.0 92.5 moyen chari 0.0
ayo Kebi Est 6.1 1.8 18.5 51.6 Kebi Ouest z 10.9
yo Kebbi Est 17.5 13.1 23.1 154.9 Kebbi Ouest 15.5
ayo Kebi Est 11.4 4.2 27.1 54.6 Kebi Ouest z 3.6
ayo Kebi Est 1.5 0.3 6.6 130.5 Kebi Ouest 15.5

Sancti Spíritus y 22.4 iago de Cuba y


Lomami 46.4 26.9 67.0 77.9 Lualaba 44.6

la vega z 7.7 1.3 35.0 13.9 a. t. sanchez z

la vega z 11.9nidad sánchez y 4.2

anta bárbara 18.5 9.7 32.4 20.8 valle z 24.9
Ocotepeque z 31.3 21.2 43.6 64.6 Olancho 39.0
LEMPIRA z 54.0 32.9 73.8 15.5COTEPEQUE z 37.2

[ke] kerala 26.3 16.5 39.1 19.7g] meghalaya 53.0

chal pradesh 65.3 60.3 70.0 169.5 and kashmir 64.8

jharkhand 60.7 56.0 65.2 884.9 karnataka 55.5

jambi 53.0 41.9 63.9 53.8 lampung 48.2

gorontalo z 31.6 19.0 47.7 18.8 jambi z 13.0
jambi z 38.3 25.3 53.3 48.9 lampung z 37.6
jambi z 62.9 44.9 77.9 40.7 lampung z 34.3

Salaheldeen 19.7 11.1 32.7 62.4 Suleimaniya z 12.6

Qadisya 14.9 7.5 27.6 102.6 Salahaladin 15.4
Ninewa 12.3 8.9 16.8 223.9 Salahaddin 22.4
QADISYAH 24.1 16.2 34.3 44.9 ALAHADDIN 48.9
hstan oblysy y 12.6 hstan oblysy y 27.4
Kazakhstan 22.8 11.3 40.7 22.7 Kazakhstan z 34.7
Kasakhstan 37.4 13.9 68.9 25.6 Kazakhstan z 32.1

kilifi y 11.2 kirinyaga y 32.5

Vientiane 30.5 19.7 43.9 118.6 tiane Capital 60.0

VIENTIANE 21.0 11.7 34.7 107.3 NE CAPITAL 63.4

river gee z 23.4 9.4 47.3 11.3 sinoe z

ute matsiatra 45.7 29.4 63.0 28.6 ihorombe 57.8

MATSIATRA 48.9 34.1 63.9 21.1 IHOROMBE 39.3

diana 62.9 45.3 77.7 38.6 ute matsiatra z 55.5

Mangochi 79.2 66.9 87.8 60.6 Mchinji 85.5


anger-tetouan z 50.7 28.5 72.7 40.1 ima-taounate z

Shan (South) 2.3 0.5 9.1 39.3 Tanintharyi 10.6

taninthayi z 41.7 yangon y

stern Terai z 0.1 rn Mountain y

matagalpa z 47.7 34.0 61.8 29.1 ueva segovia z 24.3

Ekiti y 0.0 0.0 0.0 31.8 Enugu z 6.3

Enugu z 10.0 3.5 25.5 21.1 FCT (Abuja) 15.2

Enugu z 50.3 35.4 65.2 21.4 FCT Abuja 22.2

enugu 41.9 27.2 58.2 19.7 fct abuja 26.8

ENUGU 38.9 23.8 56.5 48.0 FCT 30.7

lima 79.4 65.1 88.8 48.3 loreto 72.9

lambayeque z 58.5 38.4 76.1 149.6 lima z 72.0

Lambayeque y 57.8 45.7 68.9 207.1 Lima 79.2
Lambayeque y 58.2 44.7 70.7 168.7 Lima 63.0
Lambayeque y 61.7 45.2 76.0 182.0 Lima 72.9
Lambayeque z 47.8 34.1 61.7 167.2 Lima 76.7

Lambayeque z 57.7 46.7 67.9 270.4 Lima 78.4

Lambayeque 56.5 49.5 63.2 345.0 Lima 76.9
Lambayeque 59.2 50.6 67.3 242.8 Lima 81.8
Lambayeque 56.1 47.9 63.9 252.4 Lima 72.4
Lima 89.4 80.9 94.4 47.8 Loreto 63.9
Tacna 41.9 30.0 54.9 7.1 Tumbes 76.2
Tacna z 43.2 30.0 57.4 7.2 Tumbes 75.7
Tacna z 48.2 34.4 62.2 4.7 Tumbes z 69.7
Tacna 55.0 43.5 66.1 7.5 Tumbes 72.5

ern mindanao z 44.0 24.6 65.5 24.9 xi - davao z 45.0

ern mindanao z 52.6 33.0 71.4 31.0vao peninsula z 52.2
astern visayas z 47.5 31.6 63.9 31.0ern mindanao 48.7

ziguinchor y
ziguinchor y
ziguinchor y
ziguinchor y
ziguinchor y
ziguinchor z

Mudug 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.2 Nugal z

Salfit y 12.0 Tubas y
Salfit y 5.3 Tubas y
Salfit y 7.1 rthen Valley y 20.3
West Darfur 32.4 21.7 45.5 79.4 Wite Nile
South Darfor 50.8 34.8 66.7 56.5 uth Kordofan 55.7

Tartous z

Tobago y 7.0 Victoria y

Tobago y 15.8 apuna/Piarco y
tooro 72.3 61.1 81.3 94.5 west nile
Kyivska y 9.5 Luganska y

Mwanza z 6.5 1.6 22.8 4.4 Pemba North z 0.0

kigoma z 25.7 11.5 48.0 3.8 kusini pemba z

hkent oblast y

lahj 8.3 2.6 23.7 12.1 mareb 7.8

Region 16 Region 17
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
43.5 70.0 18.7 kapisa 71.4 58.6 81.5 96.1

49.4 71.6 44.0 KAPISA 35.1 25.5 46.1 93.7

46.4 66.9 22.9 namibe 18.6 11.3 29.1 82.1

1.0 Dashkesen y 2.0

17.3 46.7 17.0 rashiyangtse z 24.2 13.0 40.7 14.6

67.9 84.6 85.0 rumonge 87.8 77.3 93.8 55.5
22.9 45.5 49.6 Rumonge 83.6 71.5 91.2 52.4

0.0 0.0 44.4 phnom penh z 13.2 6.7 24.4 27.7

48.6 89.3 23.7 pursat z 55.0 39.5 69.6 60.6

42.1 78.6 31.2 pursat z 80.9 64.5 90.9 43.8

66.1 93.8 22.6 pursat z 80.7 62.9 91.1 49.4
24.5 64.9 12.9 eah sihanouk z 77.0 58.2 88.9 20.3

17.1 40.1 33.7 ngha Mbaere 8.0

14.0 33.8 94.0 gha_Mbaere 44.7 34.2 55.8 152.0

0.1 6.9 153.0 Ouaddai 0.5 0.1 3.5 44.3
0.0 0.0 141.9 n'djaména 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
4.3 24.9 60.8 Moyen Chari z 12.9 3.8 35.4 89.0
8.8 25.8 109.2 Moyen Chari 27.7 16.2 43.2 108.5
1.2 10.3 93.8 Moyen Chari 6.4 2.3 16.8 155.0
5.9 34.7 61.8 Moyen Chari z 2.1 0.4 9.6 97.1

24.6 Villa Clara y

23.2 68.1 43.1 Maindombe 62.6 52.2 72.1 27.1

13.5 nse¤ol nouel y 12.0 2.5 42.4 12.9

0.3 38.9 24.0 nseñol nouel z 7.6

13.0 42.4 53.2 yoro z
23.6 57.1 68.4 anta B?rbara 13.7 6.6 26.3 22.3
17.5 62.3 53.1 OLANCHO z 9.2 3.2 23.4 57.1

44.5 61.2 409.0 maharashtra 61.7 53.6 69.2 10.8

61.6 67.9 673.8 jharkhand 54.2 49.1 59.2 849.0

48.3 62.5 382.7 kerala 70.9 58.4 80.9 3.3

31.0 65.8 15.2 orth sulawesi z 28.4 18.8 40.3 123.2

5.4 28.2 8.0 gka belitung z 24.4 9.8 48.9 47.7
25.6 51.2 12.0 maluku 46.2 29.1 64.2 6.8
25.0 45.1 13.6 maluku 54.0 31.2 75.3 5.0

4.4 31.4 35.2 Ta'amem 20.4 11.9 32.8 66.2

7.8 28.1 66.9 Sulimania z 28.1 19.0 39.3 88.6
16.4 29.7 136.7 Suleimaniya 19.5 13.5 27.3 225.6
34.3 63.7 86.6ULAIMANIYA 42.3 30.8 54.6 84.8
16.4 42.0 33.9 ambyl oblysy z
20.7 51.9 45.6 Zhambul z
19.0 48.7 40.4 Zhambyl z

18.3 50.8 28.8 kisii z 13.6

43.5 74.4 59.3 Xayabury 72.0 60.6 81.2 59.0

49.7 75.3 39.8 XAYABURY z 62.9 51.3 73.1 22.1

37.7 75.7 46.9 itasy 46.3 32.2 61.1 16.2

30.6 48.7 48.1 ITASY 31.1 19.7 45.3 18.0

37.4 72.2 18.2 ihorombe z 58.1 43.0 71.8 41.1

75.0 92.0 72.3 Mulanje 62.1 44.9 76.7 12.6

4.6 22.5 158.9 Yangon

9.6 49.2 19.9 rivas z 34.9 19.8 53.7 12.4

1.6 22.0 35.8 Gombe z 14.3 6.3 29.1 27.3

7.9 27.1 37.5 Gombe 4.1 1.3 12.4 53.1

14.1 33.2 62.3 Gombe 17.7 9.2 31.5 43.1

20.2 34.6 75.7 gombe 20.0 10.1 35.6 61.7

22.8 40.0 56.2 GOMBE 12.6 3.9 34.0 57.8

54.2 86.0 3.0 adre de dios z 53.1 39.5 66.3 5.3

57.6 82.9 38.0 loreto z 51.9 36.2 67.1 3.5

61.6 90.1 31.4 Loreto z 58.5 42.1 73.2 4.9
47.9 75.9 26.8 Loreto z 58.0 42.3 72.3 4.3
60.0 82.8 38.0 Loreto 63.8 50.4 75.3 5.1
62.5 86.6 37.6 Loreto 76.5 58.4 88.3 5.4

60.3 89.6 48.4 Loreto 52.5 32.6 71.6 4.7

65.9 85.2 76.4 Loreto 45.2 33.6 57.4 6.5
72.7 88.3 62.4 Loreto 40.8 29.2 53.5 5.3
62.1 80.7 59.1 Loreto 34.3 25.1 44.8 5.4
50.3 75.5 4.6 adre de Dios 64.9 49.0 78.2 3.3
67.2 83.4 17.4 Ucayali 80.8 67.6 89.5 14.1
61.4 86.0 16.2 Ucayali 71.2 55.6 82.9 11.0
56.4 80.4 13.8 Ucayali 69.2 58.8 77.9 12.7
60.8 81.7 18.8 Ucayali 76.8 65.7 85.1 11.9

30.9 59.9 34.3soccsksargen z 35.2 21.1 52.5 17.1

28.4 75.0 24.1soccsksargen z 19.0 4.9 51.6 14.0
18.8 79.6 37.5 on xi - davao z 56.2 35.3 75.1 34.6

29.5 Sanaag y 13.5

23.0 Tulkarm y
16.0 Tulkarm y
8.3 41.7 22.7 Tulkarm z

45.8 65.2 49.5 West Darfor 42.9 31.5 55.1 125.9

9.8 Lvivska y 9.3

0.0 0.0 3.7Pemba South z 18.4 7.1 40.0 23.3

2.2 kusini unguja y 15.1

3.5 16.3 38.0 reimah 9.0 4.1 18.5 46.9

n 17 Region 18
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate
khost 67.4 55.8 77.1 96.5 kunarha 64.7

KHOST 63.9 55.8 71.3 59.8 KUNARHA 68.7

uíge 49.0 36.9 61.1 28.1 zaire

Devechi y

Trongsa z 41.3 25.5 59.0 20.0 Tsirang z

rutana 96.6 87.5 99.1 78.6 ruyigi
Rutana 83.5 70.2 91.6 63.1 Ruyigi

pousaat 11.6 preah vihear y 2.1

siem reap z 89.6 64.5 97.6 24.7 svay rieng z 64.0

siem reap z 81.5 60.9 92.5 25.6 svay rieng z 74.4

siem reap z 47.8 31.2 64.8 28.9 svay rieng z 57.3
preah vihear 55.0 40.5 68.7 67.4 prey veng z

Vakaga y

Salamat 2.9 0.9 9.1 25.8 Sila 0.8
ouaddaï 0.0 0.0 0.0 42.1 salamat 0.6
N'Djaména z 4.8 1.1 18.3 55.7 Ouaddai z 21.7
Ndjamena 13.4 6.8 24.8 108.2 Ouadda? 24.5
N'Djaména 57.1 38.2 74.2 58.3 Ouaddai z 28.6
Ndjamena 22.7 10.7 41.9 77.0 Ouaddaï 12.9

Maniema 54.7 41.4 67.3 15.7 Mongala 83.7

monte cristi z 12.5 4.4 30.8 29.9 monte plata z 20.6

monte cristi y 12.6 5.9 24.9 18.6 monte plata z 7.4

Valle 29.3 18.7 42.7 61.3 Yoro
EDRO SULA z 24.4 12.1 43.2 34.8 A BARBARA z 15.0

[mn] manipur 21.6 15.8 28.9 311.1 hya pradesh 47.7

karnataka 53.2 45.6 60.8 405.3 kerala 54.8

ladakh 67.0 50.8 80.0 1.3 lakshadweep z 73.9

orth sumatra 25.7 12.4 45.9 44.2 riau 51.0

lampung z 54.9 42.1 67.0 16.8 maluku 31.5
north maluku z 22.3 12.1 37.5 10.6 orth sulawesi z 21.5
th kalimantan z 50.2 33.0 67.3 7.8 north maluku z

Thi-Qar 15.0 7.6 27.5 40.5 Wasit

Thiqar 30.1 20.7 41.5 67.2 Wasit
Thi-Qar 19.7 13.6 27.6 129.3 Wasit
THIQAR 34.0 23.6 46.3 60.7 WASIT
kisumu y 13.2 kitui y

SOMBOUNE 57.6 45.3 69.0 51.5ENGKHUANG

melaky 43.5 26.2 62.6 26.7 menabe z 40.4

MELAKY z 25.4 13.7 42.2 32.3 MENABE z 60.6

itasy 54.0 41.9 65.6 17.4 melaky 43.4

Mwanza 41.9 24.6 61.5 97.9 Mzimba

r¡o san juan z
Imo z 2.9 0.9 8.4 77.7 Jigawa 13.6

Imo z 6.4 2.2 17.1 110.5 Jigawa 8.4

Imo 15.5 8.3 27.2 139.0 Jigawa 18.8

imo 8.5 4.2 16.5 128.1 jigawa 19.5

IMO z 29.8 21.8 39.3 108.7 JIGAWA 41.1

moquegua z 71.8 53.3 85.0 9.3 pasco z 51.0

adre de dios z 2.4 moquegua y 76.7

adre de Dios 4.6 Moquegua y 77.8
adre de Dios z 2.9 Moquegua y 78.5
adre de Dios z 2.2 Moquegua y
adre de Dios z 2.4 Moquegua y 84.3

adre de Dios z 3.3 Moquegua y 86.1

adre de Dios 62.4 47.6 75.2 5.2 Moquegua 80.5
adre de Dios 58.4 44.9 70.7 5.0 Moquegua 90.5
adre de Dios 51.1 38.1 64.0 3.6 Moquegua z 68.5
Moquegua z 61.5 45.5 75.4 6.2 Pasco 65.8
Amazonas 82.3 69.0 90.6 27.9 Ancash 86.8
Amazonas 88.8 74.4 95.6 28.3 Ancash 87.4
Amazonas 72.3 57.7 83.4 22.2 Ancash z 85.3
Amazonas 74.0 60.3 84.3 23.4 Ancash 81.2

xiii - caraga z
xiii - caraga z
soccsksargen z

Sool y 24.3 Togdhere y

est Kordofan 58.0 46.7 68.5 74.4 White Nile
Mykolaivska y 8.4 Odeska y

Pwani z 39.4 21.5 60.6 33.8 Rukwa z

lindi y 60.9 44.9 74.8 36.5 manyara z 53.3

sadah 6.5 3.0 13.7 94.0 sanaa 9.9

Region 19 Region 20
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
50.8 76.5 105.3 kunduz 30.1 22.1 39.6 81.9

56.2 79.0 132.4 KUNDUZ 66.7 55.9 76.0 75.7

1.0 Gabala y 1.0

17.5 Wangdi y 39.2 23.2 57.9 20.0

0.2 16.8 70.2 prey veaeng z 50.9 31.9 69.7 8.4
43.3 80.6 41.6 takeo z

47.3 90.4 39.6 takeo z

34.2 77.6 38.1 takeo z
21.0 pursat y 52.4 35.8 68.4 9.6
0.2 3.2 159.8 Tandjilé 1.4 0.3 5.6 59.1
0.1 4.7 32.4 sila 0.0 0.0 0.0 116.1
10.2 40.3 26.0 Salamat 16.1 8.4 28.8 47.5
17.0 34.1 67.7 Salamat 19.0 9.2 35.3 61.1
14.0 49.5 33.1 Salamat z 15.9 6.5 34.1 33.7
5.2 28.3 8.7 Salamat 16.8 5.8 39.9 51.6

72.0 91.1 173.1 Nord Kivu 66.7 49.8 80.2 18.5

8.1 43.3 3.0 pedernales z 16.7 3.8 50.0 19.0

2.6 19.0 3.6 pedernales z 18.2 7.8 37.0 18.4

6.5 30.8 19.0 VALLE z 29.9 15.4 50.0 51.6

36.2 59.4 3.9[mz] mizoram 29.5 21.2 39.4 7.8

35.5 72.7 1.4 lakshadweep z 58.2 55.7 60.6 1,426.4

71.5 76.2 1,430.8 hya pradesh 71.0 65.5 76.0 1,524.7

35.4 66.4 32.6 h kalimantan 61.9 39.0 80.6 65.7

19.5 46.7 10.3 maluku utara 28.8 12.4 53.6 12.9
12.2 35.0 90.7 rth sumatera 16.4 8.9 28.3 31.9
6.6 orth sulawesi y 38.6 29.0 49.1 106.7
17.2 kwale y 6.2

20.9 63.5 46.8 sava z 35.1 23.4 48.9 63.8

42.7 76.1 41.1 SAVA z 52.6 36.3 68.3 95.0

29.0 59.0 40.1 menabe 64.3 44.1 80.4 53.6

11.9 Mzuzu city y 61.3 45.0 75.4 15.6

7.0 24.6 145.0 Kaduna 2.4 0.6 8.5 212.1

4.2 16.1 157.5 Kaduna 4.2 1.8 9.2 220.8

10.7 31.1 124.4 Kaduna 17.3 12.1 24.2 246.4

11.0 32.3 270.3 kaduna 11.7 7.5 17.7 243.1

28.2 55.3 125.3 KADUNA 10.1 5.0 19.3 194.9

38.7 63.1 82.9 piura 75.9 59.7 87.0 54.4

61.7 87.1 9.7 pasco z 69.7 51.2 83.4 46.9

60.6 88.9 9.2 Pasco z 63.0 46.1 77.2 59.5
57.3 90.8 9.5 Pasco z 43.4 28.0 60.2 50.7
4.6 Pasco y 51.0 36.9 65.0 56.5
62.3 94.6 7.8 Pasco z 71.6 54.4 84.2 59.8

69.4 94.4 7.6 Pasco z 71.9 57.7 82.7 73.0

71.1 87.4 10.3 Pasco 49.6 38.5 60.8 80.2
77.7 96.3 6.7 Pasco z 64.8 54.2 74.2 63.7
54.5 79.8 8.0 Pasco 60.2 47.3 71.9 60.0
53.7 76.1 59.4 Piura 69.7 52.5 82.7 20.6
73.0 94.1 10.1 Apurimac z 57.8 42.8 71.5 26.8
73.0 94.7 8.9 Apurimac z 61.5 44.7 75.9 27.6
65.7 94.6 4.5 Apurimac z 74.7 58.6 86.0 25.7
69.4 89.2 10.9 Apurimac 64.5 47.7 78.3 21.6
6.9 Poltavska y 10.3

23.5 Ruvuma y 54.5 40.0 68.2 107.5

33.2 72.4 46.3 mara z 49.6

4.4 20.7 126.7 sanaa city 5.6 2.0 14.6 28.7

n 20 Region 21
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate
laghman 11.3 5.3 22.6 60.3 logar 49.1

LAGHMAN 61.5 53.2 69.1 43.4 LOGAR 67.4

Gakh y 1.0 Garadagh y

Zhemgang z
rotanak kiri z 20.3 13.5 29.3 56.4 siem reab

ratanak kiri z 72.7 54.7 85.4 66.8 siemreap z 77.5

Wad Fira
tandjilé 0.0 0.0 0.0 35.6 wadi fira
Sila 5.0 1.2 18.8 62.7 Tandjilé z 17.6
Sila 22.2 15.6 30.5 205.9 Tandjile 28.2
Sila z 7.9 1.7 29.3 64.5 Tandjilé z 30.0
Sila 1.5 0.2 10.5 128.0 Tandjilé 31.6

Nord Ubangi 72.7 62.4 81.0 22.2 Sankuru 50.7

peravia z 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.8 puerto plata z

peravia z 5.4 1.0 24.4 34.5 puerto plata z


[na] nagaland 50.5 41.1 59.9 183.3 [or] orissa 35.7

hya pradesh 56.6 51.3 61.8 1,626.3 maharashtra 73.6

maharashtra 70.7 63.8 76.8 34.0 manipur 42.9

uth sulawesi 37.2 21.1 56.6 46.8 outh sumatra 58.0

orth sulawesi z 22.8 12.9 37.3 121.2 orth sumatra 22.7
papua 23.9 13.6 38.5 48.3 riau 28.4
rth sumatera 57.9 36.6 76.6 30.3 papua z 44.4
laikipia y 37.6 16.1 65.4 4.6 lamu z

sofia z 79.1 62.6 89.6 128.5 kinankaratra 44.4

SOFIA 67.1 57.1 75.7 139.0ANKARATRA 52.9

sava z 38.5 26.4 52.1 85.9 sofia 73.4

Neno 62.0 48.3 74.1 17.2 Nkhatabay 80.7

Kano 4.3 1.0 16.5 37.2 Katsina z 4.7

Kano 6.3 2.9 13.3 156.1 Katsina 6.6

Kano 6.7 3.2 13.4 203.4 Katsina 9.5

kano 22.7 16.0 31.0 244.1 katsina 14.6

KANO 21.3 14.2 30.8 147.1 KATSINA 66.0

puno 61.9 43.1 77.7 29.7 san martin z 53.8

piura z 76.8 57.9 88.8 41.1 puno z 75.3

Piura z 70.8 50.9 85.1 35.7 Puno z 73.9
Piura z 97.3 80.2 99.7 33.4 Puno z 76.7
Piura z 82.1 66.0 91.5 38.3 Puno z 80.5
Piura z 68.1 48.3 83.0 31.1 Puno z 79.5

Piura 77.2 59.3 88.7 40.1 Puno z 60.0

Piura 66.3 50.0 79.5 29.1 Puno z 66.6
Piura 85.4 70.2 93.6 23.4 Puno z 66.4
Piura 87.8 73.7 94.9 22.2 Puno z 57.5
Puno z 62.1 48.5 74.1 26.6 San Martín 75.9
Arequipa 73.5 59.4 84.0 13.9 Ayacucho 75.0
Arequipa z 74.5 61.7 84.1 15.9 Ayacucho 85.0
Arequipa z 73.7 59.8 84.1 12.2 Ayacucho 72.1
Arequipa z 88.4 76.0 94.8 10.8 Ayacucho 67.0
Rivnenska y 4.2 Sumska y

Shinyanga 73.4 50.0 88.3 27.3 Singida z 49.9

mbeya y 22.8 10.8 41.9 7.8 ini magharibi z

shabwah 9.5 4.1 20.2 209.5 taiz

Region 22 Region 23
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
39.8 58.5 97.6 nangarhar 55.2 35.9 73.0 23.4

52.6 79.3 52.6AN WARDAK 75.2 65.4 82.9 266.2

7.1 stung traeng y 12.8 4.7 30.6 35.4

53.8 91.1 9.0 stung treng z 68.7 54.5 80.1 30.9

6.0 42.0 2.3 Tibesti z 9.2 3.5 22.4 51.7
16.9 43.3 100.8 Wadi Fira
17.5 46.4 3.1 Tibesti z 40.5 21.6 62.8 35.7
15.1 54.5 1.1 Tibesti z 28.5 12.9 51.8 6.5

35.8 65.5 139.4 Sud Kivu 75.4 68.0 81.5 48.6

9.2 salcedo y 6.7

6.6 salcedo y 6.4 1.1 30.4 12.9

27.9 44.4 112.7 [pj] punjab 33.2 26.3 41.0 369.0
69.1 77.7 44.3 manipur 35.8 29.5 42.6 60.6

37.2 48.7 81.0 meghalaya 66.3 56.7 74.7 15.6

47.0 68.4 23.6 ast sulawesi 40.8 30.2 52.3 413.8

9.3 45.5 13.4 papua z 26.1 11.8 48.2 5.7
16.9 43.6 13.8 riau islands z 25.8 10.7 50.2 24.0
31.2 58.5 47.0 riau z 37.8 15.7 66.5 9.1
24.7 machakos y 14.1

36.5 52.5 75.8 vy fitovinany

41.3 64.1 64.5 ITOVINANY

56.3 85.5 96.2 kinankaratra 73.1 58.1 84.3 66.7

69.2 88.6 35.7 Nkhotakota 74.4 62.7 83.4 35.7

1.4 14.1 32.1 Kebbi 43.2 26.2 62.1 25.0

2.7 15.2 76.6 Kebbi 20.4 9.2 39.3 39.7

5.1 17.1 92.0 Kebbi 32.0 19.8 47.3 31.4

8.1 25.0 97.0 kebbi 19.8 10.1 35.1 41.8

55.4 75.2 85.9 KEBBI 29.5 17.9 44.5 37.8

30.0 76.1 9.0 tacna z 66.7 41.5 84.9 6.0

55.4 88.2 16.2 san martin z 7.5

49.2 89.3 20.2 San Martin z 9.5
60.4 87.6 30.1 San Martin z 4.7
60.8 91.6 25.0 San Martin z 4.4
61.0 90.6 23.6 San Martin z 5.3

42.4 75.3 33.4 San Martin z 62.2 38.6 81.2 11.9

54.2 77.1 33.3 San Martin 58.2 46.5 69.0 11.0
54.5 76.5 34.4 San Martin 53.8 41.2 66.0 8.7
47.2 67.1 30.0 San Martin 66.0 53.0 76.9 8.8
60.3 86.8 6.4 Tacna z 45.0 34.0 56.5 7.5
61.5 84.9 33.8 Cajamarca 61.8 46.4 75.2 22.2
67.5 93.9 30.8 Cajamarca z 47.4 34.8 60.4 26.0
58.8 82.4 32.5 Cajamarca 46.7 32.8 61.1 17.7
54.2 77.6 39.3 Cajamarca 49.8 33.5 66.2 15.6
6.3 Ternopilska y 8.4

37.4 62.5 58.7 Tabora 27.3

19.6 mtwara y 53.1 42.3 63.7 81.6

n 23 Region 24
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate
nimroz 87.8 82.4 91.7 40.6 nooristan 75.0

NANGARHAR 53.6 43.5 63.4 36.0 NIMROZ 64.2

3.0 Geychay y
svaay rieng z 4.3 0.9 18.1 53.2 taakaev z

svay rieng z 25.8 14.7 41.2 58.0 takeo z 64.3

Wadi Fira

Wadi Fira z
Wadi fira

Sud Ubangi 55.3 38.1 71.3 54.1 Tanganyika 49.4

samana y 15.3 8.4 26.2 73.9 san cristobal 19.2

samaná z 9.5 2.9 27.1 55.6 san cristóbal z

[rj] rajasthan 39.1 26.6 53.3 2.5 [sk] sikkim 33.3
meghalaya 61.0 51.4 69.8 15.3 mizoram 44.2

mizoram 43.3 36.2 50.7 18.5 nagaland 64.3

west java 30.3 19.3 44.1 22.4 t kalimantan z 61.0

papua barat z 34.1 21.0 50.2 32.6 riau 34.8
h kalimantan z 58.1 46.8 68.7 62.8 uth sulawesi 19.0
riau islands z 20.6 h kalimantan y 65.9
makueni y 17.9 10.1 29.7 11.5 mandera z 57.7

vy fitovinany

Nsanje 65.7 48.9 79.3 70.2 Ntcheu 77.2

Kogi z 14.3 4.6 36.6 20.4 Kwara z 16.0

Kogi z 28.2 15.1 46.3 39.5 Kwara 28.1

Kogi z 35.7 21.6 52.8 27.9 Kwara z 51.0

kogi 54.3 37.8 69.9 41.5 kwara 50.6

KOGI 57.6 40.8 72.8 36.7 KWARA 57.4

tumbes z 68.5 54.8 79.7 20.0 ucayali

tacna y 51.0 38.4 63.5 6.2 tumbes z 87.0

Tacna y 45.2 30.3 61.0 7.8 Tumbes z 84.5
Tacna y 4.3 Tumbes y 87.2
Tacna y 62.8 42.2 79.6 7.6 Tumbes z 77.0
Tacna y 48.1 26.9 70.0 8.6 Tumbes z 75.3

Tacna z 37.9 18.6 62.0 9.4 Tumbes z 82.7

Tacna 41.6 30.2 53.9 9.0 Tumbes 76.5
Tacna 27.3 16.3 42.1 7.7 Tumbes 71.8
Tacna 37.8 27.5 49.3 9.3 Tumbes 70.3
Tumbes 77.9 66.4 86.3 19.0 Ucayali 71.9
Callao 65.5 47.6 79.9 25.9 Cusco z 81.1
Callao 75.7 55.5 88.6 21.4 Cusco z 79.3
Callao z 72.5 57.0 83.9 18.6 Cusco z 80.9
Callao z 78.8 61.4 89.7 27.7 Cusco 75.9
Vinnycka y 3.9 Volynska y

Tanga y 12.8 3.8 35.2 6.9 Town West z 16.9

mwanza z 11.2 njombe y 63.7

Region 25 Region 26
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
69.5 79.9 141.6 paktika 51.1 29.6 72.2 40.8

52.8 74.2 17.7 NOORISTAN 57.3 48.3 65.8 58.9

3.0 Gobustan y 6.0

46.6 78.9 36.8boung khmum z
36.7 62.1 97.0 Tshopo 43.2 32.8 54.2 15.4

6.1 46.6 7.0 jose de ocoa z 19.4 8.5 38.7 30.1

4.6 josé de ocoa y 19.7 9.2 37.2 28.4

24.8 43.1 180.9tn] tamil nadu 36.1 24.1 50.3 17.3
38.8 49.8 29.5 nagaland 65.6 61.9 69.1 709.3

57.3 70.7 261.6 nct of delhi 72.9 69.4 76.2 716.1

44.3 75.5 26.3 usa tenggara z 27.6 19.8 36.9 49.9

15.8 60.2 19.9 h kalimantan z 56.8 46.0 66.9 63.2
8.9 35.8 51.1 uth sumatera z 52.7 35.0 69.7 13.5
53.6 76.4 56.7 uth sulawesi 42.0 25.5 60.5 53.4
44.6 69.9 8.3 marsabit z 17.1

64.8 86.1 38.4 Ntchisi 65.1 47.5 79.3 39.8

6.2 35.3 98.2 Lagos z 42.6 25.8 61.2 26.2

17.2 42.3 122.6 Lagos 34.4 25.4 44.8 36.3

37.0 64.9 87.0 Lagos 20.7 12.2 32.9 59.4

35.8 65.2 125.8 lagos 45.5 34.7 56.8 44.7

39.4 73.6 177.0 LAGOS 42.2 30.6 54.9 42.5

75.3 93.6 15.6 ucayali

69.0 93.1 21.0 Ucayali
73.2 94.5 14.6 Ucayali z
60.6 87.9 13.9 Ucayali z
60.5 85.8 20.0 Ucayali

67.3 91.7 21.0 Ucayali z

67.7 83.4 27.3 Ucayali
61.6 80.2 23.9 Ucayali
60.4 78.6 25.4 Ucayali
60.6 80.9 22.6 Áncash
65.8 90.6 9.3Huancavelica
64.5 89.0 9.9Huancavelica z
66.3 90.1 8.4Huancavelica
64.2 84.7 8.7Huancavelica
7.2 Zakarpatska y 14.1

7.3 34.7 3.4 nzibar North z 15.3 4.1 43.2 1.9

46.4 78.1 29.6 rukwa z 43.6 14.4 78.1 32.2

n 26 Region 27
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate
paktya 32.7 20.2 48.3 1.9 panjsher z 58.7

PAKTIKA 53.2 42.6 63.5 74.0 PAKTYA 62.4

Goranboy y 3.0 Guba y


san juan z 9.7 2.2 33.6 32.7 o de macoris z 7.7

san juan z 5.2 0.4 42.5 25.6 o de macorís z

[tr] tripura 31.2 22.7 41.3 41.1c] uttaranchal 51.3
odisha 45.5 27.9 64.3 16.0 puducherry 52.9

odisha 64.8 42.2 82.3 10.8 puducherry 55.3

west sumatra
uth sulawesi 45.5 28.9 63.1 48.9 outh sumatra 36.9
ast sulawesi z 47.0 34.2 60.1 244.5 west java 20.7
uth sumatera z 55.3 43.1 66.9 25.7 ast sulawesi 55.8
meru y 73.0 56.5 85.0 29.1 migori z 61.6

Phalombe 73.7 58.1 85.0 14.2 Rumphi z 73.9

Nasarawa z 7.9 2.6 21.7 24.0 Niger z 23.1

Nasarawa 13.4 7.9 21.6 89.7 Niger 13.6

Nasarawa 6.2 2.2 16.1 125.1 Niger 20.9

nasarawa 12.1 7.8 18.2 131.8 niger 71.1

NASARAWA 15.7 7.7 29.3 81.2 NIGER 33.2
Zaporizka y

nzibar South z

ruvuma z 76.0 65.2 84.3 53.1 shinyanga 52.9

Region 28 Region 29
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
45.4 70.8 73.4 parwan 70.0 51.7 83.6 38.6

49.1 74.0 7.4 PANJSHER 76.9 67.3 84.3 72.4

4.0 Gusar y 2.0

0.3 68.5 14.1 chez ramirez z 4.9 1.0 19.9 89.9

11.3 chéz ramírez y 10.1 2.8 30.4 73.1

46.6 55.9 1,152.9 uttar pradesh 58.6 50.7 66.1 391.2
46.6 59.2 357.5 punjab 58.2 55.4 61.0 1,354.0

49.9 60.6 411.0 punjab 70.3 67.6 72.9 1,769.4

24.8 50.8 17.7 ast sulawesi 62.5 47.5 75.4 9.2

12.1 33.1 32.2 t kalimantan 62.0 49.0 73.5 41.3
46.3 64.9 284.5 west java 26.8 13.0 47.1 35.6
43.1 77.4 32.1 mombasa z 23.2

61.0 83.6 52.4 Salima 76.2 64.3 85.0 77.6

12.5 38.7 32.0 Ogun z 14.3 5.9 30.6 29.6

6.1 27.5 78.4 Ogun 7.7 2.2 23.7 50.6

10.7 36.7 28.2 Ogun z 23.5 12.0 40.8 40.6

55.9 82.7 43.4 ogun z 70.3 57.1 80.8 41.1

19.9 49.8 93.0 OGUN 51.5 30.2 72.3 59.6
43.0 62.6 47.4 simiyu 72.4 55.0 84.9 34.8
n 29 Region 30
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate
samangan 48.9 34.3 63.8 72.2 sar-e-pul 14.4

PARWAN 65.7 55.4 74.8 37.0 SAMANGAN 63.3

Hajigabul y 2.0 Imishli y

santiago z 7.8 2.4 23.0 206.4anto domingo

santiago z 5.4ago rodríguez y 4.6

west bengal
rajasthan 54.6 43.2 65.6 6.1 sikkim 47.8

rajasthan 28.3 15.0 46.8 3.5 sikkim 55.1

ulawesi barat 32.2 20.5 46.7 265.1 west java 31.5

usa tenggara 43.8 28.1 60.9 7.4 west papua 43.7
t kalimantan z 82.8 67.7 91.7 33.6 usa tenggara z
murang'a y 86.3 nairobi y

Thyolo 76.3 65.6 84.5 92.8 Zomba

Ondo z 39.7 Osun y 14.3

Ondo z 40.7 23.3 60.9 60.6 Osun 30.4

Ondo z 55.3 36.8 72.4 31.5 Osun z 48.3

ondo 61.9 45.9 75.7 47.2 osun z 47.4

ONDO 61.1 42.5 77.0 51.7 OSUN 58.7
singida z 79.3 67.2 87.7 73.0 tabora
Region 31 Region 32
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
9.6 21.1 136.1 takhar 64.9 48.7 78.4 30.2

50.2 74.7 70.5 SAR-E-PUL 75.6 64.7 84.0 117.7

3.0 Ismayilli y 6.0

5.7 tgo rodriguez y 14.5

0.7 23.7 184.0anto domingo z 19.8

43.3 52.4 1,043.0 tamil nadu 67.0 59.3 73.9 528.3

49.0 61.0 1,051.2 tamil nadu 68.2 62.8 73.2 493.5

17.7 49.5 29.4 t kalimantan z 41.7 28.0 56.8 40.7

30.6 57.7 9.5 est sulawesi z 44.4 31.6 58.0 33.1
5.7 west papua y 74.9 60.8 85.1 7.8
33.8 nakuru y 14.6

10.1 Zomba city y

6.6 28.3 83.7 Oyo z 57.4 39.9 73.3 33.6

15.9 50.3 118.5 Oyo 33.5 23.6 45.1 49.0

34.9 62.0 75.3 Oyo 29.4 21.8 38.3 116.2

34.0 61.1 107.8 oyo 40.9 25.6 58.1 51.5

42.5 73.2 82.8 OYO 38.6 27.8 50.7 63.1
n 32 Region 33
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate
urozgan 78.1 61.5 88.8 34.6 wardak

TAKHAR 76.8 67.7 84.0 58.4 UROZGAN 69.4

Jalilabad y 3.0 Julfa y

valverde y

valverde y
telangana 70.7 62.4 77.8 53.7 tripura 41.6

telangana 62.1 54.4 69.3 52.6 tripura 59.6

usa tenggara 44.0 28.6 60.6 36.8 west sumatra

est sumatera 57.8 42.1 72.0 15.6 yogyakarta z
est sulawesi 49.6 33.1 66.3 35.7 est sumatera z
nandi y 56.0 38.0 72.5 43.2 narok z
Plataeu z 21.2 11.4 35.9 42.0 Rivers z 16.7

Plateau 7.5 2.5 20.3 47.2 Rivers z 1.2

Plateau 49.1 28.4 70.2 29.4 Rivers z 45.0

plateau 26.6 17.7 37.9 77.3 rivers 17.7

PLATEAU 26.0 11.4 49.0 50.1 RIVERS z 30.7
Region 34 Region 35
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
2.5 zabul y

57.3 79.3 52.1 ZABUL

2.0 Kepez y 3.0

39.8 43.5 3,815.9 uttar pradesh 51.2 45.7 56.6 183.4

57.8 61.4 4,877.2 uttar pradesh 52.5 46.4 58.6 185.3

12.8 yogyakarta y
8.5 nyamira y 9.3
8.6 29.8 41.7 Sokoto 8.7 3.4 20.4 34.3

0.4 3.8 75.4 Sokoto 30.0 11.8 58.0 38.5

33.0 57.6 90.7 Sokoto 28.7 18.1 42.3 40.6

11.0 27.3 98.4 sokoto 29.7 21.3 39.7 79.1

21.2 42.3 79.9 SOKOTO 33.7 19.4 51.7 45.4
n 35 Region 36
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate

Khachmaz y
uttarakhand 52.3 47.1 57.4 1,284.9 west bengal

uttarakhand 53.2 48.3 58.0 1,461.1 west bengal

nyandarua y 13.9 nyeri y
Taraba z 1.3 0.2 8.1 40.8 Yobe 2.7

Taraba 11.3 6.3 19.4 53.5 Yobe 4.5

Taraba 4.9 1.9 12.1 97.6 Yobe 25.7

taraba 38.2 28.0 49.6 115.0 yobe 39.3

TARABA 23.6 14.3 36.4 46.8 YOBE 35.0
Region 37 Region 38
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size
5.9 samburu y 7.4
0.6 10.6 25.7 Zamfara

2.0 10.0 66.8 Zamfara

17.6 35.9 131.8 Zamfara

30.7 48.6 139.1 zamfara

24.9 46.6 68.8 ZAMFARA
n 38 Region 39
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate

10.0 Lankaran y
siaya y 4.3 taita taveta y 37.0
Region 40 Region 41
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size

2.0 Lerik y 7.0

16.5 63.6 7.2 tana river z 6.7
n 41 Region 42
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate

Masally y
tharaka-nithi y 12.4 trans nzoia y 46.7
Region 43 Region 44
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size

1.0 Nakhchivan y 2.0

27.2 67.2 17.7 turkana z 26.8
n 44 Region 45
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate

Narimanov y 6.0 Nasimi y

uasin gishu y 8.6 vihiga y 41.9
Region 46 Region 47
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size

2.0 Neftchala y 1.0

20.4 67.1 7.9 wajir z 58.2 40.6 74.0 22.6
n 47 Region 48
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate

Nizami y 1.0 Oguz y

west pokot z
Region 49 Region 50
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size

3.0 Ordubad y 1.0

n 50 Region 51
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate

Saatly y 1.0 Sabail y

Region 52 Region 53
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size

3.0 Sabirabad y 2.0

n 53 Region 54
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate

Sabunchu y 3.0 Salyan y

Region 55 Region 56
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size

3.0 Samakhy y 2.0

n 56 Region 57
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate

Shamkir y 2.0 Sharur y

Region 58 Region 59
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size

1 Sheki y
n 59 Region 60
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate

7 Sumgait y
Region 61 Region 62
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size

3 Surakhany y 2
n 62 Region 63
Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate

Terter y
Region 64 Region 65
Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size Region Name Footnote Point Estimate Lower Limit Upper Limit Sample Size

2 Ujar y 2
n 65
Region Name Footnote

Yardymly y
Global 2016-2022 48
UNICEF regional aggregates
East Asia and the Pacific EAP 2016-2022 41
Eastern Europe and Central Asia EECA 2016-2022 36
Eastern and Southern Africa ESA 2016-2022 58
Latin America & the Caribbean LAC 2016-2022 43
Middle East and North Africa MENA 2016-2022 35
North America NA 2016-2022 26
South Asia SA 2016-2022 60
West and Central Africa WCA 2016-2022 40
Western Europe WE 2016-2022 -
SDG regional aggregates
Australia and New Zealand 2016-2022 -
Central Asia and Southern Asia 2016-2022 59
Eastern Asia and South-eastern Asia 2016-2022 41
Latin America and the Caribbean 2016-2022 43
Northern America and Europe 2016-2022 -
Oceania excluding Australia and New Zealand 2016-2022 58
Sub-Saharan Africa 2016-2022 48
Western Asia and Northern Africa 2016-2022 34
World Bank income grouping aggregates
Low Income 2016-2022 53
Lower Middle Income 2016-2022 52
Upper Middle Income 2016-2022 39
High Income 2016-2022 -
United Nations regional aggregates
Africa 2016-2022 47
Eastern Africa 2016-2022 60
Middle Africa 2016-2022 45
Northern Africa 2016-2022 36
Southern Africa 2016-2022 33
Western Africa 2016-2022 38
Asia 2016-2022 51
Central Asia 2016-2022 33
Eastern Asia 2016-2022 36
Southern Asia 2016-2022 60
South-eastern Asia 2016-2022 46
Western Asia 2016-2022 31
Latin America and the Caribbean 2016-2022 43
Caribbean 2016-2022 31
Central America 2016-2022 39
South America 2016-2022 47
Oceania 2016-2022 -
Australia and New Zealand 2016-2022 -
Melanesia 2016-2022 59
Micronesia 2016-2022 60
Polynesia 2016-2022 48
Europe 2016-2022 -
Northern America 2016-2022 26
WHO regional aggregates
AFRO 2016-2022 48
AMRO 2016-2022 37
EMRO 2016-2022 43
EURO 2016-2022 -
SEARO 2016-2022 60
WPRO 2016-2022 38
Numbered footnotes
Additional analysis by NYHQ
Jordan settled population
Reanalysis conducted by Pelotas
non-standard definition, pending reanalysis

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