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(Unit - 3 & 4)
CMR340 – Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnostics


1. List any four properties of Laplace transform.

2. Find the Laplace transforms of .
3. What are the basic principles of maintenance planning?
4. Define failure rate.
5. What is mean time between failures?
6. Find the cross correlation between x(n)= { 1,2,-2,1,3} and y(n)={ 1,3,5,-2,1}
7. Find the Fourier transform of the input signal .
8. What is failure analysis?
9. List any two maintenance objectives.
10. Define the term maintenance.

1. Describe the principle of acoustic emission technique with a neat sketch.
2. What do you mean by vibration? Briefly review the concept of measuring the vibration with a spring
mass system.
3. What are the objectives and principles of planned maintenance activity?
4. Write brief note on condition based maintenance activity.
5. What is equipment availability? Also describe the three basic approaches in detail.
6. What is failure mode effect analysis? Describe the steps involved in FMEA with a flow diagram. List
out the benefits and limitations of FMEA.
7 Find the Laplace transform of the signal

, b>0
8. Find the Fourier Transform of x

9. With proper instrumentation, describe the acoustic emission technique.

10. Describe the vibro-acoustical monitoring technique in detail.
11. Briefly discus the phenomenon of vibration measurement.
12. State the principles of planned maintenance activity and state the factors to be considered during the
maintenance planning.
13. Discuss the steps involved in performing FMEA.
14. Describe the basic principle behind breakdown analysis.

15. The system is described by the input output relation .

16. Find the system transfer function, and impulse response.
Analyze whether the signal is periodic or not and find the fundamental period.
(i) .

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