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Phys. Educ. 59 (2024) 015030 (11pp)

Can physics influence

world trade?
Xiaojing Wen1,2 and Igor Korsun1,∗
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Hanshan Normal University, Chaozhou, People’s Republic of China


The aim of our study is to demonstrate the possibilities of forming students’
interdisciplinary thinking using the analysis of real events. In March 2021,
maritime traffic in the Suez Canal was blocked for six days by a container
ship. It led to delays in the delivery of goods of approximately 400 million
dollars per hour. To analyze this event we used knowledge from seven areas
of science: physics, geography, chemistry, engineering, geology, astronomy,
economics. The use of an integrated approach made it possible to formulate
the consequences of the accident, determine the possible causes of the
accident, and substantiate the expediency of the methods of rescue
operations. We analyzed only the given facts in news from a scientific point
of view. Our analysis does not draw any final conclusions. Project-based
learning is proposed as a teaching method in our case. It involves
independent work with various sources of information, analysis and
systematization of facts from various branches of science, compilation of a
list of key words for each branch of science, formulation of conclusions.
These skills are useful for the formation of interdisciplinary thinking.

Keywords: STEM education, natural sciences, engineering, economics, thinking,

interdisciplinary thinking, project-based learning

1. Introduction on STEM education is an interdisciplinary, integ-

Many branches of science are related closely. rated, and connected to the real-world approaches
Today, for successful professional implementa- that can ‘provide insight into innovation for new
tion, a theoretical knowledge only of physics, life practices for everyone’ [2].
chemistry, biology or geography is inadequate. Complex system reasoning is one of five
The skills and abilities of their practical applica- STEM reasoning modalities which are 21st cen-
tion in other scientific areas are necessary. In this tury abilities and it is connected with ‘ability to
context, we agree that ‘the goal of implementing analyze problems by recognizing complexity, pat-
STEM in schools is to prepare students for the terns, and interrelationships within a system fea-
demands of the 21st century’ [1] because focus turing a large number of interacting components’
In 2021, the Nobel Prize in Physics was

Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed. awarded ‘for groundbreaking contributions to our

1361-6552/24/015030+11$33.00 1 © 2023 IOP Publishing Ltd

X Wen and I Korsun

understanding of complex physical systems’, ‘for in line to pass through the 193 km canal on both
the physical modeling of Earth’s climate, quan- sides as of Sunday, 28 March 2021 [10].
tifying variability and reliably predicting global Suez Canal enables the transfer of an estim-
warming’ and ‘for the discovery of the interplay of ated 7%–10% of the world’s oil and 8% of lique-
disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from fied natural gas [11]. In this case, this event sent
atomic to planetary scales’ [3]. These global prob- oil prices climbing on international markets [9].
lems of humanity are related to complex system The Suez Canal represents 30% of all global
reasoning and require the development of think- container traffic [11]. Therefore, ‘companies in
ing, in particular interdisciplinary thinking. Asia will not only be impacted by the delay of
Boix Mansilla et al [4] define interdis- shipments from Europe, but also by a shortage of
ciplinary thinking as ‘the capacity to integrate empty containers returning to the region’, ‘which
knowledge and modes of thinking in two or is making container space sparser and increasing
more disciplines or established areas of expert- rates’ [11].
ise to produce a cognitive advancement—such as The blockage of the Suez Canal disrupted
explaining a phenomenon, solving a problem, or the global supply chain [12]. Suez Canal block-
creating a product—in ways that would have been age led to delays in the delivery of goods of
impossible or unlikely through single disciplinary approximately 400 million dollars per hour [13].
means’. Insurance companies predicted that blocking the
There is no single learning theory model for Suez Canal reduced annual trade growth by 0.2%–
the formation of students’ interdisciplinary think- 0.4% points [14].
ing. The Repko’s model [5] is one of the most
commonly used models. Repko claimed that ‘stu-
2.2. Possible causes of the accident
dents should start from their own discipline, and
from there explore what perspectives other dis- Adverse weather conditions were cited as one of
ciplines offer’ [6]. In this sense, we agree that the probable causes of the accident. The Suez
‘interdisciplinary thinking has always been about Canal Authority announced that ‘the ship had lost
making connections’ and ‘interdisciplinary work the ability to steer amid high winds and a dust
encourages an intellectual adaptability’ [7]. storm’ [16]. According to Reuters, the vessel ‘was
The aim of our study is to demonstrate the suspected of being hit by a sudden strong wind,
possibilities of forming students’ interdisciplinary causing the hull to deviate from (the) waterway
thinking using the analysis of real events. and accidentally hit the bottom’ [17].
Sea transportation is closely related to the
weather. The wind creates the most adverse effect
2. Method on the movement of the vessel and its ability to
maneuver. It is known that the weather was stormy
2.1. Blockage of the Suez Canal on the day of the accident, 23 March 2021 [16].
The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean and A number of ports in the Red and Mediterranean
Red Seas, providing the shortest route between seas were closed.
Europe and Asia. Approximately 12% of world To analyze the effect of wind on a container
trade passes through the Suez Canal [8]. On ship, we will derive a formula for calculating the
Tuesday, 23 March 2021, an event occurred in the instantaneous value of power of the wind flow P
Suez Canal, causing a traffic jam on one of the that passes through the area A.
world’s busiest trade routes [9]. Instantaneous value of power P at a certain
The container ship Ever Given was travel- point in time is given by formula
ing through the Suez Canal from Malaysia to

the Netherlands. The container ship ran aground, P = (KE)t , (1)
blocking the Suez Canal (figure 1). As a result

of this accident, the movement of ships along the where (KE)t is the derivative of the kinetic energy
Suez Canal was stopped. 369 ships were waiting with respect to time t.

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Can physics influence world trade?

Figure 1. Tugboats trying to free the jammed ship, as viewed from the International Space Station, 27 March 2021
(Public Domain) [15].

The change in kinetic energy ∆KE of the where A is the area affected by the wind, v is the
wind flow over time ∆t is determined by the wind speed, ∆t is the change in time.
formula: Using expressions (3) and (4) we get:

∆mv2 ∆m = ρAv∆t. (5)

∆KE = , (2)
Substituting expression (5) into the for-
where ∆m is the change in mass of air which mula (2), we get:
passes through the area A in time ∆t, v is the wind
speed. ∆KE = ∆t. (6)
The change in mass ∆m of air is calculated 2
using the formula: Using expression (6) and formula (1) we get
the final formula for calculation instantaneous
∆m = ρ∆V, (3) value of power P at a certain point in time:

where ρ is the density of air at these conditions, P= . (7)
∆V is the change in volume of air that passes 2
through the area A in time ∆t. Thus, the power of the wind flow P is directly
The change in volume ∆V of air is given by proportional to the air density ρ; the surface area
formula: A on which the wind acts, as known as ‘sail area’;
the wind speed in the cube υ 3 .
∆V = Av∆t, (4) Let us analyze the formula (7).

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X Wen and I Korsun

Figure 2. Sandstorm in Al Asad (Iraq), just before nightfall on 27 April 2005 (Public Domain) [20].

2.2.1. Air density. It is known that Ever Given Table 1. The characteristics of Ever Given.
got into the area of a dust storm when passing Length 399.94 m
through the Suez Canal [16]. According to another Beam 58.80 m
sources [18, 19], a sandstorm was observed in the Draught 14.50 m (design)
region at that time. During a dust or sand storm 16.00 m (maximum)
the wind lifts particles of dust or sand from the Depth 32.90 m
ground. In the process of friction between these Capacity 20 124 TEU
particles, static electricity is generated. This leads Speed 42.20 km h−1
to the attraction of new particles. Grains of sand
are heavier, and therefore the wind does not carry
them far. Dust particles are lighter and fly farther that the density of suspension ρ in air at dust storm
than grains of sand. As a result, a mass of dust is significantly greater than the air density.
or sand rolls on the ground with a speed of up to
80 km h−1 , resembling a wall (figure 2).
The air flow during a dust storm contains a 2.2.2. Surface area on which the wind acts.
large amount of soil particles and dust. And there- Container ships are considered to be one of the
fore we can talk about a sharp increase in dust fastest and most maneuverable vessels. At the
mass concentration. The average mass concentra- same time, the dimensions of these ships are
tion equals to 9287 µg × m−3 at the height of gigantic. The length of Ever Given is 399.94 m,
100 m [21]. Mass concentration limit for particles the beam is 58.80 m, the depth is 32.90 m. The
that are 2.5 µms or less in diameter equals to capacity of Ever Given equals to 20 124 twenty-
250 µg × m−3 . In this case, we can say about feet equivalent unit (TEU). The characteristics of
heavy pollution of air. Therefore, we can conclude Ever Given are shown in table 1.

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Can physics influence world trade?

Due to the stacking of containers in a ver- We can write drag equation for fluid as
tical position, the height of the container ship
reaches considerable dimensions. Therefore, the 1
F = ρu2 cd A, (8)
rescuers planned to use a crane with a height of 2
more than 60 m to unload the containers from the
де ρ is the mass density of the fluid, u is the flow
ship [22]. Considering all these facts, we can con-
velocity relative to the object, cd is the drag coef-
clude that the presence of deck containers signific-
ficient, A is the area of midsection.
antly increases the surface area on which the wind
The bulbs are different in different types of
acts. In our case, the surface area reached 18 000–
vessels. As a rule, the bulbs have a streamlined
20 000 m2 .
shape. This is due to the fact that the drag coef-
Windage is the property of an object to per-
ficient related to the object’s geometry. For a
ceive the kinetic energy of the air flow. It is clear
streamlined body the drag coefficient cd is equal to
that Ever Given had large windage because it had
0.04, for a sphere the drag coefficient cd is equal
large surface area on which the wind acts.
to 0.47, for a flat plate the drag coefficient cd is
approximately equal to 1.00.
2.2.3. The wind speed. The wind gusts peaked The streamlines are shown in figure 4.
at the time Ever Given sailed (23 March 2005:40 For a streamlined body, the turbulence is the
UTC) at 23.3 m s−1 [16]. According to the smallest, and therefore the energy consump-
Beaufort scale, it is a strong gale (9 points out of tion is the smallest. The vortices are practic-
12). ally not formed; the flow practically retains its
We note that the Beaufort scale considers the laminarity.
wind speed at a height of 10 m above an open
flat surface. When the height above the earth’s 2.2.6. Conclusion. We can assume that it was
surface is doubled, the speed increases by 12%. the drop-like shape of the bulb of the container
Therefore, it can be argued that the top of the con- ship Ever Given that enabled the vessel to sink
tainer ship could be affected by wind with higher deeply into the shore of the Suez Canal. And that’s
speed. A wind with a higher speed acts with a why it was the tuber that suffered the most damage
greater force. during the accident.

2.2.4. Conclusion. Thus, we assume that the 2.3. Rescue work

large power of the wind flow P could has caused
the vessel to deviate from the direct course of 2.3.1. Сleaning the bow of the vessel. If the
movement. A deviation from the course by sev- ship runs aground, additional forces begin to
eral degrees during movement in the Suez Canal act on it. The ship presses on the ground. This
can be critical for a ship of this size. According to leads to its subsidence in the soil. According
figure 1, we can assume that a strong crosswind to Newton’s third law, the ground presses on
could turn the ship to the right. The ship buried the ship. This is the reason for additional
its nose into one bank. The ship’s stern moved by resistance when removing the ship from the
inertia to the left. As a result, the container ship shoal.
Ever Given blocked the Suez Canal. In addition, the phenomenon of soil adhesion
to the ship’s hull should be taken into account. Wet
soil adheres to the outer skin and prevents the pro-
2.2.5. Taking into account the structural features truding parts of the hull from being released. The
of the container ship. The ships with a relat- suction effect is created. In this way, the force of
ively large hull width have a bulb (figure 3), which soil suction arises from the subsidence of the ship
serves to reduce water resistance during move- in soil. The suction force is greater, the greater
ment and increase the speed of the ship. the viscosity of the soil. The greatest suction is

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X Wen and I Korsun

Figure 3. The bulbous bow of the USS Lexington is visible on the left, while the vessel was under construction
in 1925 (Naval Historical Center, Public Domain) [23].

observed in viscous clay. For example, the coeffi- The force of the waves F waves leads to the destruc-
cient of suction for large sand with pebbles equals tion of the hull with prolonged action on the ship.
0.05–0.10, and for viscous clay equals 0.25. However, the force of the waves F waves can have
Suez Canal runs through soils which vary a positive effect, reducing the traction force T, as
according to the region [24]. The types of soils are this force can sway the hull. As a result, adhesion
shown in table 2. Ever Given blocked Suez Canal will decrease.
about 6 km north of the canal’s Red Sea entrance By its action, the force of friction F friction pre-
near the city of Suez [25]. Suez is the southern ter- vents any movement, in particular, the displace-
minus of the Suez Canal. ment of the ship from the shoal. The effect of the
friction depends on the nature of the soil and the
length of time the ship is in it. In case of landing
2.3.2. Use of tugboats. In general, in order to
of the vessel on soft soil, dredging works are car-
remove the ship from the ground, it is necessary
ried out to wash away the soil. Therefore, at first,
to spend the traction force T, which must exceed
the rescue work to remove the container ship Ever
the action of three forces in total:
Given from the ground was reduced to cleaning
T > Ffriction + Fwind + Fwaves . (9) the bow of the vessel from silt, clay and sand. This
was done in order to make it easier for the tugs to
The wind force F wind can increase or decrease move the container ship and turn it. But the use of
the traction force T depending on the direction. a fleet of tugboats was not successful.

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Can physics influence world trade?

Figure 4. From top to bottom: streamlined body, sphere, flat plate (left) and streamlines (right).
Table 2. The types of soils of Suez Canal.

Region Type of soils

At Port Said Soils consists of silt and clay

At Kantara, 40 km to the south Soils consists of silt and
of Port Said sand
The central region of the Canal Soils consists of fine and
between Kantara and Kabret coarse sands
The southern region of the Soils contains dispersed
Canal layers of rocks, varying in
texture from soft sand to
some calcium rocks

2.3.3. Use of tides. The Suez Canal connects Mediterranean Sea [26]. The height of tides in the
the Red and Mediterranean Seas. The level of the Red Sea is also higher than in the Mediterranean
Red Sea is about 1.2 m higher than the level of the Sea. In addition, there are no locks on the Suez

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X Wen and I Korsun

Figure 5. Phases of the Moon: new moon (1) and full moon (2).
Note: the scale is not respected (S—Sun, M—Moon, E—Earth).

Canal. Therefore, we can assume that during high these successful actions, it was possible to pull
tides, part of the water moves from the Red Sea to the bow of the container ship from the bank of the
the Mediterranean Sea. canal.
It is known that the natural satellite of our As of the evening of Monday, 29 March 2021,
planet revolves around the Earth in an elliptical traffic through the Suez Canal has resumed. The
orbit. The distance varies from 357 000 km to ship’s owner apologized for the damage caused to
406 000 km. These are the distances between the global shipping.
centers of the Earth and the Moon. During a super- Note: we analyzed only the given facts
moon, the full Moon or new moon passes perigee in news from a scientific point of view.
(the closest point of its orbit to Earth). To observ- Our analysis does not draw any final con-
ers on Earth, the Moon appears 14% larger in clusions (for example, the causes of the
diameter. accident, and the correctness of the rescue
At the point of perigee, the gravitational inter- operations).
action between the Earth and the Moon is the
greatest, and therefore the tides of the Earth’s
oceanic masses are the highest. In this way, the 3. Results
highest tides are observed during the new moon The integrated analysis of the event from a sci-
or full moon. In these phases, the actions of the entific point of view made it possible to identify
Sun and the Moon are summed up. During the full interdisciplinary links between different branches
moon, the Earth is placed between the Sun and the of science (figure 6).
Moon (figure 5). A fully illuminated disc is visible The project was written by the authors of the
in the night sky at this time. article as a sample for students. It is appropriate
The tide phenomenon is used in the prac- to offer students the opportunity to independently
tice of rescue operations to remove a ship from compose keywords for every branch of science
aground. In the process of removing the container (table 3).
ship Ever Given from the shoal, rescuers used also The proposed method was successfully
knowledge of the theory of tides. tested in Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National
The Moon was full on Sunday, 28 March Pedagogical University (Ukraine) by Bachelor
2021, and it appeared full for about three days students, future physics teachers. Later phys-
[27]. Therefore, beginning Sunday, 28 March ics teachers used the acquired knowledge and
2021, water levels were set to raise a foot-and- skills during the organization of research work
a-half higher than normal high tides [28]. The with high school students. It is suggested that
strong tide that formed helped push the back of this project be carried out during the study of
the vessel. At that moment, the tugboats were mechanics. In this way, our method has been
pulling the front of the ship. The total number designed with the future in mind—for stu-
of tugboats equals to 14 [29]. They were pulling dents’ future work as teachers of physics in
maneuvers from three directions. As a result of school.

January 2024 8 P hy s . E d u c . 5 9 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 0 1 5 0 3 0
Can physics influence world trade?

Figure 6. Interdisciplinary links.

Table 3. The key words.

Physics Kinetic energy, kinetic energy of the

wind flow, power, power of the wind
flow, density, speed, area, sail area,
windage; inertia; drag equation, drag
coefficient, laminar flow, turbulent flow;
total force, traction force, friction
Geography Suez Canal, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea,
landscape, the level of water in the sea;
weather, weather forecast; wind,
crosswind, the wind force, the wind
speed, Beaufort scale; sandstorm; dust
Chemistry The air density, mass concentration;
Engineering Container ship, the characteristics of
container ship: length, beam, draught,
depth, capacity; bulbous bow; navigation
Geology Types of soils, viscosity of soil
Astronomy Celestial bodies, Sun, Earth, Moon;
rotation of the Moon; the Moon’s orbit,
perigee and apogee, gravitational
interaction; the tide phenomenon, full
moon, new moon, supermoon, the force
of the waves
Economy Wold trade, sea transportation, delays in
the delivery of goods; oil prices climbing;
international markets

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X Wen and I Korsun

4. Conclusions ORCID iDs

In the conditions of the modern economy, Xiaojing Wen 
professions that are at the junction of sciences— 8967-5500
interdisciplinary—are competitive. Therefore, the Igor Korsun 
problem of formation of interdisciplinary think- 9893-2820
ing in the learning process becomes relevant. In
this context, we proposed to use comprehensive Received 14 July 2023, in final form 1 November 2023
Accepted for publication 20 November 2023
analysis of real events in physics education.
An integrated approach made it possible to
conduct a detailed analysis of event Blockage of
the Suez Canal. To analyze this event we used References
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January 2024 11 P hy s . E d u c . 5 9 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 0 1 5 0 3 0

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