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An extensive international study of highway development and

management led to the release of HDM-4 Version 1 in 2000. A
major upgrade saw the release of HDM-4 Version 2 in 2005,
with continued improvements being introduced and planned for In 1996 the World Road Association (PIARC) took responsibility
the future. With this support, evolving functionality and high
reliability HDM-4 has become the internationally recognised
software tool recommended by aid-agencies worldwide, with
the World Bank assessing more than 200 projects since 2008,
for the management of the HDM project to further the
development originally started by the World Bank. In 2005 PIARC
awarded a five year concession to HDMGlobal, an international
HDM - 4
consortium of academic and consultancy companies, with the HIGHWAY DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT
with an estimated total value of more than US$54 billion. responsibility for the sales, development and management of
HDM-4. Due to its considerable sustained success the
The scope of HDM-4 has developed into a flexible tool for the
analysis of road management and investment alternatives with
concession was extended for a further five years in 2010, and
again in 2015.
Version 2
broad-based applicability in developed and developing
Software for investigating road investment choices
countries. The HDMGlobal consortium partners are the University of
Birmingham, Atkins, AECOM, TRL Ltd from the UK, ARRB
Sales of HDM-4 Version 2 exceed 2000 licences to over 110
from Australia, PFE-ENPC and EGIS from France, and ICH of
countries (see map below). Users include government
Chile. HDMGlobal also works with it’s associates, the Mexican
departments, construction agencies, research agencies,
Institute of Transport from Mexico, and IKRAM of Malaysia.
funding/development banks, individual consultants, universities
and training organisations.

Recent examples of HDM-4 application can be found in such

countries as Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, China, India, Namibia,
Malawi, Uganda, North-South Corridor through Africa, and a
strategic analysis for the UK Department for Transport.

General :

Sales :
Internationally recognised software
Or visit the web site for up to date information and prices, and ordering
information: Provides a harmonised approach to road management with
adaptable and user-friendly analysis tools.
There are four main areas of application: HDM-4 can be used to conduct a number of road sector policy
 Strategic Planning Provides a powerful system for: studies including:

 Roadwork Programming  Funding policies for competing needs, e.g. feeder versus
 road management
main roads
 Project Analysis
 programming road works  Impacts of road transport policy changes on energy
 Research and Policy Studies consumption
 estimating funding requirements
 Impact of axle load limits
STRATEGY ANALYSIS  budget allocations
 Pavement maintenance and rehabilitation standards
 predicting road network performance
Used to prepare medium to long term planning estimates of  project appraisal APPLYING HDM-4 WORLDWIDE
funding needs for road
network development and  policy impact studies By utilising the concept of data sensitivity analysis a user is
guided on the identification of key data required to perform an
Estimates of the medium to analysis.
long term budget
requirements for the entire PROJECT ANALYSIS Default data and calibration coefficients can be user defined
road network together with for any country or region. This allows HDM-4 to be configured
forecasts of pavement Project analysis can be used to estimate the economic or to suit the customers’ local conditions and data availability
performance and road user engineering viability of road investment projects by performing allowing it to be applied throughout the world.
effects can be obtained. lifecycle analysis of pavement performance, maintenance and/or
The impact of different improvement effects together with PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS
Budget Scenarios can be estimates of road user costs. The
estimated together with the main outputs include:
Asset Value of the network. By exchanging data with a Pavement Management Systems
 Annual predictions of pavement (PMS) or other databases HDM-4 can utilise existing data to
performance perform an analysis. The output reports can be adapted to
 Pavement maintenance and
road improvement effects
PROGRAMME ANALYSIS  Road user costs and benefits integrating HDM-
4 into an existing
 Estimates of environmental
Used to prepare rolling work programmes in which candidate road
road sections are identified and assigned maintenance or management
 Standard economic indicators framework.
improvement options.
such as NPV and IRR
HDM-4 calculates the economic benefits and expenditure
option. Sensitivity Analysis allows a user to investigate the impact of
variations in key parameters on the analysis results. The provision of a simplified entry to HDM-4 (HDM-Sentry)
A schedule of optimum enables decision makers and non-specialist to be guided
pavement maintenance Multi-Criteria analysis (MCA) provides a means of comparing through the steps necessary to perform an analysis with
and/or road improvement projects using criteria that cannot easily be assigned an economic reduced data entry requirements and obtain indicative results.
projects which can be cost. For example, environmental, social or political impacts.
carried out within specified HDM-Sentry will allow users to prepare and perform an
budget constraints are analysis while still utilizing the robust HDM-4 framework and
identified. easily move the analysis to the full version of HDM-4.

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