Final Exam

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1. Use No. 2 Mongol pencil only.
2. Supply all the needed information in the answer card.
3. Read each question carefully.
4. Do not use mobile phones or any unallowable electronic gadgets while the test is going on.
5. Sign the attendance sheet before leaving the examination room.

Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only the answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES AND

1. Police Captain Rosales meets the mandatory requirements and is promoted to Police Major. What type of
promotion is being granted to him?
a. Promotion by Virtue of Position c. Special Promotion
b. Regular Promotion d. Meritorious Promotion

2. This is extended to any member of the PNP for acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk of his
life above and beyond the call of duty
a. Promotion by Virtue of Position c. Special Promotion
b. Regular Promotion d. None of the following

3. This concept of police service says that punishment is the sole instrument of crime control, throwing
more people to jail rather than keeping them out of jail.
a. Old Concept c. Modern Concept
b. Community Concept d. None of the Above

4. This concept of police service says that the yardstick of efficiency of police is the absence of crime.
a. Old Concept c. Modern Concept
b. Community Concept d. None of the Above

5. There are 4 kinds of promotion in the PNP.

a. Absolutely true c. Absolutely false
b. Partially true d. Partially false

6. The law that provides the general qualifications for appointment in the PNP.
a. RA 6975 c. RA 9708
b. RA 8551 d. RA 11131

7. The DILG provides assistance towards legislation regarding local governments, law enforcement and
public safety.
a. Absolutely true c. Absolutely false
b. Partially true d. Partially false


8. A PNP uniformed personnel who has been relieved for just cause and has not been given an assignment
within ______after such relief shall be retired or separated.
a. eighteen (18) months c. ten (10) years
b. two (2) years d. six (6) years

9. Under this theory of police service, policemen are considered servants of the community.
a. Continental Theory c. Home Rule Theory
b. Modern Rule Theory d. None of the Above

10. Any uniformed member of the PN who has exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk
of his/her life above and beyond the call of duty, shall be promoted to ____. Provided such acts should be
validated by the Commission based on established criteria.
a. next higher rank c. either a or b
b. 2 ranks higher d. neither a nor b

11. The PNP Command Group shall be in the following manner:

a. Chief of the PNP, Deputy Director General for Operations, Deputy Director General for
Administration, Chief of the Directorial Staff
b. Chief of the PNP, Chief of the Directorial Staff, Deputy Director General for Operations, Deputy
Director General for Administration
c. Chief of the PNP, Deputy Director General for Administration, Deputy Director General for
Operations, Chief of the Directorial Staff
d. Chief of the PNP, Chief of the Directorial Staff, Deputy Director General for Administration, Deputy
Director General for Operation.

12. It may be extended to any member of the PNP for acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk of
his life above and beyond the call of duty, or selected as such in a nationwide search conducted by the
PNP or any accredited civic organization.
a. Regular Promotion c. Optional Retirement
b. Special Promotion d. Compulsory

13. A primary subdivision of a bureau with a department-wide responsibility for providing specific
specialized functions.
a. Section c. Sector
b. Squad d. Detail

14. Police Corporal Sison is doing his exclusive service to the authorities and doesn’t let the people have
share or little participation with his duties.
a. Continental Theory c. Home Rule Theory
b. Modern Rule Theory d. None of the Above

15. Minimum age requirement of the PNP applicants to qualify in the PNP service.
a. Not less than 20 years old nor over 35 years of age (waiver)
b. Not less than 21 years nor more than 30 years of age
c. Not less than 20 years old not more than 30 years
d. Not less than 21 years nor more than 35 years

16. An applicant in the PNP must not be more than or less than how many kilograms from the standard
weight corresponding to his height, age and sex?
a. 6 c. 10
b. 5 d. 15


17. The requirements for initial appointment in the PNP shall be waived in what order?
a. Age, height, education, weight c. Height, age, education, weight
b. Age, height, weight, education d. Any order

18. The PNP shall be headed by a Chief who shall be assisted by two (2) Deputy Chief, one (1) for operations
and one (1) for administration, both of whom shall be appointed by the ______upon recommendation of the
Commission from among the most senior and qualified officers in the service.
a. Chief, PNP c. PNP Regional Director
b. President d. All of the above

19. Attrition in the PNP shall be in the following manner, except:

a. Attrition by attainment of maximum tenure
b. Attrition by relief
c. Attrition by demotion in position or rank
d. Attrition by non-promotion
e. Attrition by inefficiency for 5 years of service

20. Any applicant not meeting the weight requirement shall be given reasonable time but _____within which to
comply with the said requirement.
a. not exceeding six (6) months c. not exceeding one (1) year
b. exceeding six (6) months d. exceeding one (1) year

21. The following are the general qualifications for appointment of PNP applicants except:
a. Must have passed the psychiatric or psychological, drug and physical tests to be administered by the
NAPOLCOM or by any government hospital accredited by the PNP for the purpose of determining
physical and mental health.
b. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude.
c. Must have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or dismissed for cause from any
civilian position in the Government
d. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of learning.

22. PNP members who are already in the service shall be given ___ to obtain minimum educational
qualification preferably in law enforcement and related courses.
a. 1 year c. 5 years
b. 2 years d. 10 years

23. Police Sgt. Gaoiran is the supply sergeant of the municipal police station who asked Patrolman Bagazin
with the inventory. While Police Sgt. Gaoiran is making an inventory of the office supplies, Patrolman
Bagazin committed an error in the entry of numbers. Because of the error committed, PCPT Ivana Alawi
scolded Police Sgt. Gaoiran for the erroneous inventory report. Can Police Sgt. Gaoiran interpose a
defense that it was Patrolman Bagazin committed an error in the entry of numbers?
a. No, the principle of Delegation of Authority covers only division of labor and not division of
b. Yes, because Patrolman Bagazin is the cause of the error.
c. No, because Patrolman Bagazin is not his job to conduct inventory.
d. Yes, because Patrolman Bagazin is not performing his job well.

24. The age, height, and weight requirements for initial appointment in the PNP maybe waived only when the
number of applicant falls above the approved quota after the final interview at the regional/national level
of the recruiting unit.
a. Absolutely true c. Absolutely False
b. Partially true d. Partially false


25. The grant of waiver is a guarantee for appointment into the police service.
a. Absolutely true c. Absolutely false
b. Partially true d. Partially false

26. Applicants who possess least disqualifications shall take precedence over those who possess more
a. Absolutely true c. Absolutely false
b. Partially true d. Partially false

27. Any PNP member who shall be dismissed under a waiver program shall be eligible to re-apply for
appointment to the PNP through a waiver program.
a. Absolutely true c. Absolutely false
b. Partially true d. Partially false

28. The PNP is a line and staff organization because its structure is the combination of the line and staff
functional organizations. In this type of organization, the officers below have to wait a command or order
from the top. In this process, decision is hard to accomplish.
a. Absolutely true c. Absolutely false
b. Partially true d. Partially false

29. Appointment under the PNP waiver program is:

a. Temporary c. Probationary
b. Permanent d. Casual

30. It shall be composed of the four (4) regular commissioners and shall be chaired by the executive officer.
The Board shall consider appeals from decisions of the Chief of the PNP.
a. National Appellate Board c. Internal Affairs Service
b. Regional Appellate Board d. PLEB

31. Any complaint by a natural or juridical person against any member of the PNP shall be brought before the
Mayors of cities and municipalities, where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges,
restriction to specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period
of _________.
a. not exceeding fifteen (15) days
b. exceeding thirty (30) days
c. not less than sixteen (16) days but not exceeding thirty (30) days
d. not exceed sixty (60) days

32. The PLEB shall be composed of the following except:

a. Any member of the sangguniang panlungsod/bayan chosen by his respective sanggunian
b. Any barangay captain of the city or municipality concerned chosen by the association of barangay
c. Any Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman of the city or municipality concerned chosen by the association of
Sangguniang Kabataan
d. Three (3) other members who shall be chosen by the peace and order council from among the
members of the community known for their probity and integrity, one (1) of whom must be a member of
the Bar or, in the absence thereof, a college graduate, or the principal of the central elementary school in
the locality.

33. It is the central receiving entity of all citizen’s complaints.

b. IAS d. Regional Appellate Board


34. PLEB members shall be paid with regular compensation and shall be provided with life insurance
coverage as may be determined by the city or municipal council from city or municipal funds.
a. Absolutely true c. Absolutely false
b. Partially true d. Partially false

35. Police Regional Directors or equivalent supervisors shall have the power to impose upon any PNP
member the disciplinary punishment of dismissal from the service for breach of internal discipline. He
may also impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand; restrictive custody;
withholding of privileges; suspension or forfeiture of salary and etc. for a period of______.
a. not exceeding 30 days c. not exceeding 60 days
b. exceeding 30 days d. not exceeding 60 days

36. Any complaint by a natural or juridical person against any member of the PNP shall be brought before the
mayors of cities and municipalities, where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges,
restriction to specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period
a. not exceeding 15 days
b. not less than 16 days but not more than 30 days
c. exceeding 30 days
d. not exceeding 60 days

37. It shall decide cases on appeal from decisions rendered by officers other than the PNP chief, the mayor,
and the People's Law Enforcement Board (PLEB).
a. Regional Appellate Board c. Either of the above
b. National Appellate Board d. None of the above

38. The term of office of the members of the PLEB shall be for a period of ______from assumption of office.
a. one (1) year c. six (6) years
b. three (3) years d. nine (9) years

39. The appointing authority over Inspector General of IAS.

a. Secretary of DILG c. Secretary, DND
b. Chairman, Commission on Appointments d. President of the Philippines

40. It considers appeals from the decisions of the Inspector General affirming the Resolution of the regional
IAS dismissing the complaint for lack of probable cause.
a. NAPOLCOM c. Regional Appellate Board
b. Chief PNP d. National Appellate Board

41. It considers appeals from the disciplinary recommendations of the Regional IAS which were not acted
upon by the PNP Regional Director or equivalent supervisor within 30 days from submission by the
Regional IAS, where the recommended penalty is demotion or dismissal from the service.
a. NAPOLCOM c. Regional Appellate Board
b. Chief PNP d. National Appellate Board

42. Entry to the Internal Affairs Service shall be voluntary and subject to rigid screening where only PNP
personnel who have ____________ experience in law enforcement and who have no derogatory service
records shall be considered for appointment:
a. more than five (5) years c. more than three (3) years
b. at least five (5) years d at least three (3) years


43. Which among the following are the functions of the Internal Affairs Service (IAS)?
a. Pro-actively (of its own accord: motu- proprio/automatically) conduct inspection and audit of PNP
personnel and units;
b. Investigate complaints and gather evidence in support of an open investigation;
c. File appropriate criminal cases against citizens before the court as evidence warrants and assist in the
prosecution of the case.
d. Only A and B
e. Only B and C

44. The IAS shall also conduct, motu proprio, automatic investigation of the following cases, except:
a. incidents where a police personnel discharges a firearm;
b. incidents where death, serious physical injury, or any violation of human rights occurred in the conduct
of a police operation;
c. incidents where evidence was compromised, tampered with, obliterated, or lost while in the custody of
police personnel;
d. incidents where a suspect in the custody of the police was slightly injured.

45. RAB shall decide the appeal within ____from receipt of the notice of appeal.
a. ten (10) days c. thirty (30) days
b. fifteen (15) days d. sixty (60) days

46. Police Sgt. Gaoiran is the operation sergeant of the municipal police station asked Patrolman Bagazin with
the preparation of operation reports. While Police Sgt. Gaoiran is making a report for Chief of Police, PCPT
Ivana Alawi of the Police Provincial Office ordered Patrolman Bagazin to give her copies of certain
confidential reports without the knowledge of the Chief of Police. Patrolman Bagazin did not comply
despite the charms of PCPT Alawi. Patrolman Bagazin was charged with insubordination, and he
interposed a defense that he cannot obey PCPT Alawi because she was not immediate superior officer. Is
Patrolman Bagazin correct?
a. Yes, because PCPT Alawi is not the direct superior officer of Patrolman Bagazin.
b. No, because PCPT Alawi came from a superior office.
c. No, because PCPT Alawi is asking for confidential reports.
d. Yes, because PCPT Alawi is unknown to him.

47. It considers appeals from the decisions of the PNP Regional Director or equivalent supervisor, where the
penalty imposed is demotion or dismissal from the service.
a. Regional Appellate Board c. Either of the above
b. National Appellate Board d. None of the above

48. Any uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP who has not been promoted for a continuous period of
ten (10) years shall be separated or retired from the service, except for those who are occupying a third-
level position.
a. three (3) years c. seven (7) years
b. five (5) years d. ten (10) years

49. Any personnel of the BFP and the BJMP shall not be eligible for promotion to a higher rank unless he/she
has met the minimum qualification standards or the appropriate civil service eligibility set by the ________.
a. DILG c. Civil Service Commission (CSC)

50. The PNP Internal Affairs Service which is tasked to ensure the operational readiness of the different PNP
units and personnel through the conduct of scheduled and unannounced inspections and audit, and to
investigate infractions of rules and regulations, is headed by ____.
a. Director General c. Director


b. Inspector General d. Auditor General

51. The personal staff of the Chief, PNP responsible for the annual audit and inspection of the different field
units and personnel. It has also the power to investigate police anomalies.
a. Chief of Staff c.. Legal Officer
b. Command Executive Senior Officer d. Inspector General

52. Police Major Rambo has been designated to a position lower than what is established for his/her rank or
not Commensurate to his/her rank in the PNP table of Organization. It is considered as what?
a. Attrition by Position or Rank c. Attrition by Other Means
b. Demotion by Position or Rank d. Attrition by Non-promotion

53. It is the maximum number of subordinates at a given position that a superior can effectively supervise.
a. Planning c. Span of Control
b. Delegation of Authority d. Command Responsibility

54. Police Lieutenant Dela Cruz is the acting chief of police of a municipal police station. There are no
personnel in charge of consolidating crime statistics. What should he do?
a. He can delegate the authority to consolidate crime statistics with a police patrolwoman who is a
graduate of BS Statistics.
b. He can do the job himself.
c. He can ask the city statistician to help him.
d. He can leave the job undone.

55. A subordinate should only follow the command of one superior.

a. Agree c. Somewhat agree
b. Disagree d. Somewhat disagree

56. Which among the following does not belong to the group?
a. Post c. Sector
b. Bureau d. Beat

57. The following are the functional units of the police organization, except:
a. Division c. Section
b. Unit d. Area

58. The PNP is a line and staff organization because its structure is the combination of the line and staff
functional organizations. In this type of organization, the officers below must wait for a command or
order from the top. In this process, a decision is hard to accomplish.
a. True c. Maybe true
b. False d. Maybe false

59. This type of organizational structure divides authority between several specialists.
a. Line Organization c. Line and Staff Organization
b. Functional Organization d. None of among the choices

60. The maximum tenure of office of the Chief of the PNP.

a. 4 years c. 6 years
b. 9 years d. 12 years

61. The principles of the Magna Carta during the Norman Period of Policing System.
I - No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned, disposed or outlawed except by legal judgement of his peers.
II - No person shall be held for trial for the crime of murder without the proof of the body of the victim.
III - Beginning of national and local government as well as national and local legislation.


IV - Police and citizens have the broad power to arrest.
A. I and II only C. I, II and III only
B. II and IV only D. all of the above
62. The principles of the Leges Henrici during the Norman Period of Policing System
I - Offenses were classified against the king and individual.
II - Police became public officials.
III - Police and citizens have the broad power to arrest.
IV - Grand jury was created to inquire on facts of the law.
A. I and II only C. I, II and III only
B. II and IV only D. all of the above

63. The core ideas of Robert Peel with regards to the Policing System
I - The key to preventing crime is through stricter implementation of laws.
II - The goal of policing is preventing crime, not criminals.
III - The gauge of how effective police are is on the number of crimes.
IV - The police earn public support by respecting community principles.
A. II and III only C. II, III and IV only
B. I, II and III only D. all of the above

64. The basic function of Cuadrillos and Guardrilleros during the Spanish regime.
I - They act as messenger.
II - To guard dark and unsafe places.
III - To maintain peace and fire fighter.
IV - To make patrol.
A. I, II and III only C. II, III and IV only
B. I, II and IV only D. all of the above

65. Why were the State Police abolished by the National Assembly?
I - Due to the reason that it did not meet the standards of the lawmakers.
II - Because the state police were not as effective
III - Due to the incompetency of the officials.
IV - Because of corruption
A. I only C. II, III and IV only
B. I, II and III only D. all of the above

66. The Intelligence Group is one of the National Support Unit of the PNP. It is under the Administrative
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

67. One of the Operational Support Unit of the PNP is the Special Action Force (SAF). Also, the PNP
also placed under its supervision.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

68. In the time of national emergency, all elements of the BFP shall assist the AFP in meeting the national
emergency. This shall be upon direction of the Chief, BFP
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

69. To keep the standard of professionalism in the investigation of cases, thoroughness and legality. This is the
two-pillar rule of the National Bureau of Investigation.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False


B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

70. The Primary Function of Bureau of Fire Protection.

I – Prevention and Suppression of Destructive Fires.
II – Enforcement of Fire Code of the Philippines and other related Laws.
III – Assist During National Emergency.
IV – To provide security to government vital installation and public officials.
A. I, II and III only C. I and II only
B. I, II and IV only D. all of the above

71. PNP Powers and Functions.

I – Enforce the Laws and ordinances relative to the protection of lives and properties.
II – Maintain peace and order and to ensure public safety.
III – Responsible for the enforcement of PD 1186.
IV - Detain an arrested person for a period not beyond what is prescribed by law, informing the person so
detained of all his rights under the Constitution.
A. I, II only C. I, II and III only
B I, II and IV only D. all of the above

72. The Mission of Bureau of Fire Protection.

I – To prevent and suppress destructive fires, investigate its causes.
II – To Enforce Fire code and other related laws.
III – Respond to Man-Made and Natural Disaster and Other Emergencies
IV - To enhance public safety by ensuring humane safekeeping and development of Persons Deprive of
A. I, II, III only C. I, II only
B. I, II, IV only D. all of the above

73. There are four (4) Major Programs under the mandate of BJMP
I - Inmate’s custody, security and control program
II - Inmates welfare and development program
III - Decongestion program
IV - Good governance
A. I, II, III only C. I, II only
B. I, II, IV only D. all of the above

74. The NAPOLCOM is an agency attached to the DILG for policy and program coordination. Exercises
administrative control operational supervision over the Philippine National Police.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

75. The NAPOLCOM who composed of a chairperson, three (3) regular commissioners. The Chief PNP as ex-officio
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

76. The Bureau of Correction is under by the Department of Justice. Also, a Bureau of Immigration.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct


77. In the time of national emergency, all elements of the BFP shall assist the AFP in meeting the national
emergency. This shall be upon direction of the Chief, BFP in the time of national emergency, all elements of the
BFP shall assist the AFP in meeting the national emergency. This shall be upon direction of the Chief, BFP.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

78. The BOC is headed by a commissioner. Assisted by three (3) Assistants namely Assistant Commissioner for
Revenue, Assistant Commissioner for Security, and Director for Operation.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

79. The Dangerous Drug Board (DDB) remains as the policy-making body. It created the Philippine Drug
Enforcement Agency (PDEA) under the Department of Justice
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

80. The adoption of the New Constitution in 1987, heralds the creation of a single national Police Organization
which being a civilian in character. Shall be administered and controlled by the National Bureau of Investigation.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

81. RA6975 It is the backbone of the Philippine drug law enforcement system for 30 years. Until the conception of
RA 9165.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

82. The PNP Philosophy “Service, Honor and Justice”. While the PNP Mission is “Maka-Diyos (Pro-God),
Makabayan (Pro-Country), Makatao (Pro-People) and Makakalikasan (Pro-Environment)”.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

83. NAPOLCOM powers and functions is to exercise administrative control and operational supervision over the
Philippine National Police (PNP). Also exercise appellate jurisdiction through the National Appellate Boards, over
administrative cases against policemen and over decisions on claims for police benefits.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

84. The National Bureau of Investigation shall be a competent and responsive overseer of an effective police service.
Mission to provide quality investigative and forensic services to the people through advanced methods and equipment in
the pursuit of truth and justice.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

85. The National Bureau of Investigation its function.

I - Establish and maintain an up-to-date scientific crime laboratory and conduct researches in
furtherance of scientific knowledge in criminal investigation.
II - Coordinate with other national or local agencies in the maintenance of peace and order.
III - Take charge and have custody of all dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential
chemicals seized, confiscated or surrendered to any national, provincial or local law enforcement
IV - Give technical help to all prosecuting and law enforcement offices, agencies of the government, and
courts which may ask for its services.
A. I, II and IV only C. I, II, III only
B. I, II only D. All of the above


86. In line with its mission, the Jail Bureau endeavors to perform the following functions.
I - Implement strong security measures for the control of inmates.
II - Promote the general welfare and development of personnel.
III - Formulate policies and guidelines in the administration of all district, city, and municipal jails
IV - Improve jail facilities.
A. I, III and IV only C. III and IV only
B. I, II and III only D. All of the Above
87. The PNP Command Group is headed by the Chief PNP who is vested with the power to command and direct the PNP.
He is also assisted by (3) three Deputies assigned to the administration and operations side of the PNP.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

88. The Directorial Staff is composed of 16 directorates. Every Director in each unit has also his defined function in line
with his specializations.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

89. Twenty-three (23) National Support Units of the PNP. Eleven (11) of which are operations while twelve (12) are
administrative in nature.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

90. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) under the Administrative function of National Support Units of the
PNP. Also, an Intelligence Group (IG).
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

91. The Old Concept of the Police Service the yardstick of efficiency is the absent of crime. Modern Concept the yardstick
of the police is more on arrest.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

92. The Fundamental Theories of Police Service are the Old and Home Rule Theory. Police are the public servant of higher
authorities is the theories of Home Rule.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

93. The following Delegation of Responsibility and Authority except;

I - It is important also that the responsibility and the authority be clearly defined.
II - If responsibility and authority are not clearly defined, conflicts, duplication and overlaps of function
lead the confusion and inefficiency.
III - There must be a clear line of normal authority running from the top to bottom of every organization.
IV - Each officer and each organization segment of authority delegated to accomplish the job.
A. II and IV only C. II only
B. II, III and IV only D. I and II only

94. Administration of Police Organization focuses on:

I - Ensuring quality of work being provided to the public.
II - Adherence to the department rules, regulations and SOPs.
III - To do the duties and responsibilities more efficiently, effective, and productive.
IV - Tasks that directly facilitate the accomplishment of organizational goals.
A. III and IV only C. I, III and IV only
B. I, II and III only D. All of the Above


95. The NBI is a government entity that is civilian in character, and national in scope which is under the
Department of Justice. It is headed by a Director and with an Assistant Director and six (6) Deputy-Directors.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

96. There are four (4) major programs under the mandate of BJMP and they are the following:
I - Inmates custody, security and control program.
II - Promote the general welfare and development of personnel.
III - Inmates welfare and development program.
IV - Good governance.
A. I, II and III only C. II, III and IV only
B. I and III only D. I, III and IV only

97. The following law enforcement and public safety agencies are attached to the DOJ.
I - Bureau of Correction
II – National Bureau of Investigation
III – Board of Pardon and Paroles
IV – National Prosecution Service
A. I and II only C. I, II and IV only
B. I, II and III only D. All of the Above

98. The Department of Transportation (DOTr) is primary policy, planning, programming, coordinating and
administrative entity of the executive branch of the government on promotion, development and regulation of a
dependable and coordinated network of transportation system. Land Transportation Office (LTO) is the attached
agencies of DOTr.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

99. The rank of Senior Police Office 3 is equivalent to Senior Chief Master Sergeant of the new rank classification of
PNP. Likewise, Police Officer 3 to Police Master Sergeant.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

100. The rank of Police Superintendent is equivalent to Police Lieutenant Colonel of the new rank classification of
PNP. Likewise, Police Chief Inspector to Police Major.
A. Wholly True C. Wholly False
B. The first statement is correct, second is incorrect D. The first statement is incorrect, second is correct

101. Police Lieutenant Dela Cruz is the acting chief of police of a municipal police station. There are no personnel
in charge of consolidating crime statistics. What should he do?
a. He can delegate the authority to consolidate crime statistics with a police patrolwoman who is a
of BS Statistics.
b. He can do the job himself.
c. He can ask the city statistician to help him.
d. He can leave the job undone.

102. A subordinate should only follow the command of one superior.

a. Agree c. Somewhat agree
b. Disagree d. Somewhat disagree


103. It consists of the Crime Laboratory, Logistic Unit, Communications Unit, Computer Center, Finance Center,
and Civil Security Unit.
a. Administrative Units c. Operational Units
b. Support Units d. All of these

104. It shall be composed of the four (4) regular commissioners and shall be chaired by the executive officer. The
Board shall consider appeals from decisions of the Chief of the PNP.
a. National Appellate Board c. Regional Appellate Board
b. Internal Affairs Service d. PLEB

105. It is the central receiving entity of all citizen’s complaints.

b. PLEB d. Regional Appellate Board

106. It may be extended to any member of the PNP for acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk of his
life above and beyond the call of duty or selected as such in a nationwide search conducted by the PNP or any
accredited civic organization.
a. Regular Promotion c. Special Promotion
b. Optional Retirement d. Compulsory Retirement

107. It is the simplest type of organizational structure; Channels of authority and responsibility extend in a direct
line from top to bottom within the structure.
a. Line Organization c. Functional Organization
b. Line and staff Organization d. None of among the choices

108. This type of organizational structure is found in almost all police organizations today.
c. Line Organization c. Functional Organization
d. Line and staff Organization d. None of among the choices

109. A supervising officer can have as many units to supervise as he wants.

a. Agree c. Somewhat agree
b. Disagree d. Somewhat disagree

110. A supervising officer can have as many units to supervise as he wants.

a. Agree c. Somewhat agree
b. Disagree d. Somewhat disagree

111. A division is the largest organic functional unit within a large department.
a. Agree c. Somewhat agree
b. Disagree d. Somewhat disagree

112. Line organization structure divides authority between several specialists.

a. Agree c. Somewhat agree
b. Disagree d. Somewhat disagree

113. Line organization is a type of organizational structure found in almost all police organizations today.
a. Agree c. Somewhat agree
b. Disagree d. Somewhat disagree

114. Patrolman Lopez was assigned to guard the main entrance of a church. What kind of geographical unit is the
assignment of Patrolman Lopez?
a. Post c. Sector
b. Bureau d. Beat


115. Patrolman Lopez was assigned to guard the main entrance of a church. Can he leave his post to meet his cute
girlfriend waiting at the next corner street?
a. No c. Maybe
b. Yes d. Always

116. The heads of the PNP provincial offices shall be known as Provincial Director with the rank of:
a. Police Lieutenant General c. Police Colonel
b. Police Brigadier General d. Police Major General

117. Police Regional Directors or equivalent supervisors shall have the power to impose upon any PNP member
the disciplinary punishment of dismissal from the service for breach of internal discipline. He may also impose the
administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand; restrictive custody; withholding of privileges; suspension
or forfeiture of salary, etc. for a period of______.
a. not exceeding 30 days c. exceeding 30 days
b. not exceeding 60 days d. exceeding 60 days

118. Any complaint by a natural or juridical person against any member of the PNP shall be brought before the
mayors of cities and municipalities, where the offense is punishable by the withholding of privileges, restriction to
specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period of________.
a. not exceeding 15 days
b. not less than 16 days but not more than 30 days
c. exceeding 30 days
d. not exceeding 60 days

119. The following are the disciplinary authorities of the PNP against citizen’s complaints, except:
a. Chief of Police c. Mayors
b. Provincial Directors d. PLEB

120. The Chief of the PNP shall have the power to impose the disciplinary punishment of dismissal from the
service; suspension or forfeiture of salary; or any combination thereof to any erring personnel for a period
a. not exceeding 15 days c. not exceeding 30 days
b. not exceeding 60 days d. not exceeding 180 days



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