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UNIT 1:Earth
Earth basic information

The earth is the third planet of the solar system, the earth is 150 million
km away from sun, 510 million square km is the surface of the earth
30% of the earth is land 70% of the earth is water (rivers, oceans, seas
and lakes), we call earth the blue planet because the erath looks blue.

The earth is a not perfect sphere, the name of the real shape of the
earht is Geoid.

The earth is usually represented with as an sphere with an imaginary

axis, going throught it from pole to pole.

Equinox (Spring and otum)

Equinox : Is the time or date wich
sun crosses the celestial equator.

Solstice (Summer and Winter)

Solstice : Is the time or date wich the
sun reaches the maximum or
minimum declination.

Eclipse: Is when the moon is placed

in the way that the sun is goingand don't let the light pass.
Lines and geographic coordinates

We draw imaginary lines called parallels and meridians.

Parallels: Are lines that are parallel to the

Are lines east to west parallel to the equator
the most imporatant are Tropic of Cancer
and Tropic of capricorn and Antartic cicles.

Meridians: Are lines from pole to pole these

are numered from 0º to 180º.
Prime Meridian, is Meridian of Greenwich.

Tropic of capricorn : 23º 26" N

Tropic of Cancer : 23º 26" S
Antartic circle : 66º 34" N
Artic circle : 66º 34" S

We could draw as many lines as many we want, but if we draw a lot we

couldn't see the map.


Coordinates and Latitud and Longitud
Coordinates are represented like this :
xº x' x"
Latitud : Is the distance from any point of the earth to the
equator. It can be North and South.
It can be from 0º to 90º
Longitud : Is the distance from any point of the earth to the
Greenwich meridian. It can be West and East.

Lairs of the earth

Atmosphere : Is a
gas lair, that
protects us of the
Crust : Is the outer
lair of the earth.
Mantle : Is the lair
magma that
shurounds the earth
under the crust.
Biosphere : Is the
lair of the earth
were live exist.
Core : Is the iner
part of the earth

Time zones
Earth takes 24h. to revolves 1
Because this, it exist night and
Time zones : 24 equal sections
of 15º (24º x 15º = 360º)

We use the Greenwich meridian

as a reference.

To calcule the exact hour of a determinated point of the earth, it sould be

taked into account the count that is to the east we have to over take (+)
the hour of the clock and to the west we have to discount the hours (-)
Representation of the Earth
To represent the espherical Earth on a flat map we use

Different types of Projections

Cylindral Projection : This representation is almoust perfect,
Cylindre around earth at the Equator and the resulting
projection is rectangular.
This representation is all world.
Planar Projection : It is used to represent the pole and this
Conical Projection : The earth surface is project into a cone and
the resulting projection is fanshaped. It is used to represent
areas in the middle latitudes.
SPACE MAPS : Aerial projection


POLITICAL MAPS : The border of countries and provincies in

the map of only that country.
PHYSICAL : The relive of rivers, mountains ... All different types
of relives.
THEMATICAL MAPS : Tematics, elections, climate.

Is the ratio or propotion beetwen an area represented on a
map and the real size of an area

On a small scale maps (worl maps, maps of continents, etc) ,

very large area of the earth are represented with very little
detail. On large
scale maps
regions, etc),
smaller ares
more detail.
Key word
Time zones
Earth axis
Unit 2
The Earth Crust

The Crust : Is the outer layer consisting of the continents and

the Ocean floor.
The Mantle : Is the middle layer consisting mainly of solid rock
but with some viscous rock in a solid state.
The Core : Is the inner layer divided into two parts : the outer
core the rock is liquid and the iner core, wich is probably solid .
Never any one were there, we now it because the cientist send
radiowaves and when they come back they now the density.
The Earth Surface : Continents and Oceans

We can also describe the earth's composition in the terms

of the liosphere.

This layer composed of the crust and the upper mantle and is
divided into large bloks called plates.

Million of Years, the plates have moved, slowly, collied,

separated and passed over each other

All this movements has formed relif

A small part of this relif is energed land (continents) but most of

it is sumerged land because water covered three-quarters of
Eath's surface.

Most of the emerged land is in the northen hemispheres.

The continents, from biggest to smallest are : Asia, America,
Africa, Antartica, Europa and Oceania.

Realist the continents "Europe and Asia" arr the same continents called
Euroasia. Politicaly Europe and Asia are different continents. Europe
and Asia are the same continents because plates.

Continents : are surrounded by oceans and seas.

The seas and oceans contain saltwater, while the lakes normally contain freshwater.

In polar regions the water is in form of ice

The level of the oceans and seas varies as a result of the tides, the melting of polar
ice and evaporation
Land relif or Continental relif :
The relif features we see today are the result of processes that
begun millions of years ago.

The collision is between two plates

continental that when colliding raise the
materials that are on its margins, forming mountain ranges.

A thinner oceanic plate colliding with a continental, deeper.

In this case, the oceanic plate is inserted under the
continental, merging with the magma and raising the
sedimentary materials sedimented deposited between them at
the bottom of the sea. The result of said elevation are the
folding mountain ranges. Likewise, they give rise to volcanoes
near the coast and to earthquakes that produce a lot of

That the meeting is between two oceanic plates, in which case

the older, and there fore colder, sinks under the more recent,
producing marine seismic instability that can generate tsunamis
on the coasts and the formation of volcanic islands.

When two plates rub against each other:

Earthquakes, volcanoes and ground displacements are

When two plates move away from each other:

Magma comes out of the asthenosphere, forming the
submarine ridges or oceanic ridges
Relif was formed by 2 kins of surface :

The internal forces : Are the movent of plates, volvanic

eruptions ... .

Four Types of Internal Forces

Compression : is a
pushing force that
squeezes a
material. This force
often makes
materials shorter. ...

Tension : is a pulling
force that stretches
a material. This
force often makes
materials longer. ...

Torsion : is a twisting or turning force. ..

Bending : is a force that makes a straight material curved.

The External Forces : wind,

rain, rivers, groundwater, lakes, ice, seans, oceans and living

Wind, water, and ice erode and shape the land. Volcanic
activity and earthquakes alter the landscape in a dramatic and
often violent manner. And on a much longer timescale, the
movement of earth's plates slowly reconfigures oceans and
Water relif of Continents
These are located on the continents and can be freshwater
(rivers, glacius, grounwater and lakes) or saltwater (inland and

Rivers flow from height ground along a rivervbed into the sea, a
lake or another river . When one river flows into another we call
it a tributary

Rivers are created by accumulation of rainwater, melted snow

and ice from mountains and springs.

Rivers and their tributary form a fluvial system ; the surface they
flow across is drainage basis.

The amount of water carried by the river is called the volume .

This increases during the rainy seasons and finally during the
dry period.

A glaciar ia a large mass of ice that

forms at the top of mountains and
moves like a river.

Groundwater is clealed by the filtration

of water from rain, rivers or stream
trought permeable porus rock. When
the water is bloked by a later of
unpermeable rock, ground deposits
called aquifers are formed.
Costal relif
In the costal areas, the actions of the sea shpaes the relif to
form beaches and cliffs.

Gulfs : are deep intents of the sea.

Beaches : are formed on low cost by the accumulation of sand

and gravel.

Capes : are large areas of hight costal land that stick out into
the sea.

Cliffs : are hight steep rock faces, especially at the edge of the

Playa : Beach Itsmo : Itsmo

Cabo : Cape. Peninsula : Peninsula
Golfo : Gulfs. Bahia :
Acantilado : Cliffs. Albufera : Costal lake
Ria : Ria. Delta :
Archipielago :
Ocean floor
At the bottom of the ocea, there are also different relif features,
just like on the surface of the continents.

Continental shelf : Is a plain underwater that below to the

continent. In most cases, it extend to a deep of 200m , butin
some cases is 500 m deep.

Abyssal plain : is a large expanse of land at the bottom of the

ocean at around 5500 m deep. There are find ( long sunken
areas ) and ocean ridges ( underwater mountain ranges )

Continental slope : is the incline from the continental

platformdown to the abyssal plain. It can be up to 3600m deep
Crust : the outer layer of the earth basically the continents and oceans

Mantle : the second layer, is solid rock with some viscous rock also in
a solid state

Core : the inner layer divided in two parts the inner and the outer, the
outer is liquid rock and the inner is solid rock in very hight

Polar region : a huge mass of snow and ice that is in the south and
north poles

Tide : when the sea goes up an down because the moon

The alternate rising or fallingo of the sea usually twice in each lunar
day at a particulst place, due to the atracttion of the moon and sun

Melt : when something is a solid state transform because the heat into
liquid state

Plates ( explication ) : the crust is divided into different blocks that

moved and creates the mountains and the narural hazards for example
when the plates moves and colid they create a new mountain and that
can create a Earthquake

Continent : a huge piece of land surrounded by oceans

Oceans : a huge mass of saltwater divided in seas

Inneral forces : are the movement of plates that create the relif of the
earth crust
External forces : the natural causes that erode the work of inneral

Mountains :

A hight elevation of the earth crust

Valleys :

Areas of lowlands surrounded by uplands

Plateu :

Large area of flats or slightly hilly land and unlike, higher than land
around them

Plain : a piece of land with out hills normally near to water

Large areas of flat slightly hilly land not much higher than the level

River bed : the flow were a river goes

Tributary : when a river enters in another river, this river is smaller

that the one it goen in

Fluvial system : the river and the tributarys form this, is trought were
the water flows

Draineg basis : a piece of land were the water from rain accumulate
and the goes to another water body

Volume : the accumulation of water that a river or a sea carry

Spring : when the presure of water creates a groundwater chanell

Glaciar : an accumulation of uce in the top of a mountain

Groundwater : water that goes underground because the presure of
pther bodys and this is causes because the filtration of water trought
permeable porus rocks

Permeable : things that let the water pass trought their

Porus rock : rocks with holes

Aquifers : a vey big accumulation of grounwater that creates like a

lake underwater where the groundwater can pass

Pond : a accumulation of freshwater that don't had a flow and is

smaller that a lake

Sunken : when something goes down from his normal position

Upper couse : is where the river creates and its the most fast course of
the river

Middle couse : is the middle of the river is the most slow part because
it has a lot of obstacles

Lowers couse : is the final part of teh river it normally end in the sea

Steep : a inclination of something

River mouth : were the river ends it can be like a tributary or enter in a
lake o the sea

Gulf : a penetration of the sea of to the land

Beach : an accumulation of gravel and sand near to the sea

Cape : an extantion of the land to the sea

Cliff : a huge pice of rock that had a hight elevation infront the sea

Delta : accumulation of a river left by a river regulary were it meets

the sea

Ravine : a very deep and narrow beetwen steep

Gracial valley : formed by a graciar into a U shape. Deep costal

valleys are called fjords

Stream : flow of a river with less volume that can get dry in the dry
seasons of the year

Caynon : a deep gorge

Gorge : a very deep valley beetwen hilly mountains

Estuary : were the river meets the sea

Primads hominids :
Astrolopithecus : Only 1,5 m tall. Also had a small brain

Homo habilis : Bigger brains habilis means skilled brain. They have
this name because they start doing tools.

Homo erectus : First specie to leave Africa because they can wall
more distance . They discovered fire, bigger brains ( 900 m ), spoke
only in one lenguage

Homo antecesor : Bigger brains, oldest remains found in Burgos

Homo sapiens : Our specie, first art, start burring thie deaths, first
religions, develop a complex lenguage

Neanderthal : Our species but shorter and stronger and bigger brains
(1500 m)
Paleolithic :
1.Period : First longest period of history 5.000 mil years ago to 10.000

2.Hominids diet : They were predators. They consume nature's

products without repacing them .

3.They were nomadic : They don't have a house for a long period.
They moved looking for animals, also because the religius rituals also
looking for water

4.Climate : large periods of cold short period of mild climate

5.Living : They stayed in rock shellers and caves also made hats

• They made tools with stone, bone and wood

• An Hord : a large family
• Many hords made a Tribe
• Many Tribes make a clan

6.They discovered fire : About a half million years ago humans learn
how to use it

• Then they learn how to create it

• They use to : heat, cook, light, defense, hunt ...


The paleolithic the longest period of hominids and also very important
because they discovered fire. In this period they were a very extreme
cold weather, also have many types of hominids.

In this period of history they were many important points to talk so we

are starting from the most
important ones:
They have a nomadic lifestyle wich means that they don't have a
house for a long period, this is
because they go looking for animals, they live in rock shellers, caves
and also if they don't find any of the others they make hats, they live
in hords that are larger familis, many hords made a tribe, many tribes
made a clan .

They were also predators that mean they didn't create their own food
and they extrct it from the nature this is the reason because they have a
nomadic lifestayle because they have to go for tha animals and the
animals move with the pass of the seasons .

They also divide the work having in count the age and gender the only
exception is the witch that do rituals, they organizate in groups of 20
or more people .

They have some belifs and here is were the Religion starts, they start
burring their deaths, they worshiped the natural forces such as the sun
the moon ... , they belive that spirits can help or harm them this is the
reason because their worshiped them, ther practised rituals to ask for
help to the spirits .

Also in this period we can find the firts extracts of art, this type of art
are the cave painting, this type of painting were so realistic, they
colores with many things such as iron or blood, black with coal and
the colors from the plants in this paintings they represent some scenes
of hunting with a religion purpose they also make balons, also venus
statues that represent the fertility because they female characteristic
are exagered .

Having in count all of this we can have the conclusion that the
paleolithic is one of the importants periods in the history and
prehistory of human beings because they dicovered and starmt many
things that we now do or use like the religion or the art .
Neolithic :
This period is the second of prehistorya and also is very important
because the invent many things and improve the ones of the Palolitgic
also they create the megalithic art were the things are very big

In this part of the prehistory we are going to talk about many things
like :

They change from Hunters to gathers, they create the livestock and
they start domesticating animals this is because the change in cliamte
was that bigger that they can start to cultivate many plants, this is the
reason because they start eating less meat and more plants because
they start cultivating more plants .

This change to producing their own food make that they start making
traiding with other many clans and tribes, since they can't move
because they have to stay with the plants they start to live in a house
for a very long period of time. Also they start specialising in jobs
because they have much more time they can spezialize in jobs for
example if they are 100 people 20 % be with the animals 40 % be
agricultors the other 40 % they can do other jobs so this desencadenate
that they specialize in other jobs and expand they knowlage .

In this period of prehistory they start making necropolis, also the art
change and also they start elaborating things with ceramic also they
keep painting in rocks, the things were more abstract
Metal ages :
In this period of history we are going to talk about 3 important periods

Copper age this perios consist on how they start doing tools of the first
metals, copper is not very strong that is because they also use it to do
jewllery and other things

During the Bronze Age, people discovered that metals could be found
underground mixed with other minerals, not just as nuggets in rivers.
They extracted these metals by digging tunnels and using heat to
separate them. However, the early metals had poor consistency. The
discovery of alloys like bronze (a mixture of copper and tin) allowed
for the creation of stronger objects like weapons. The scarcity of these
metals led to their search in distant lands, and possession of them
became a sign of wealth, increasing the need for defense and the
creation of warrior groups.

The Iron Age began around 1500 BC on the Anatolian Peninsula. Iron
was discovered accidentally when iron ore fell into the fire and
hardened when cooled. Iron is difficult to work with because it
requires very high temperatures to melt due to its high melting point.
However, it is abundant and has high resistance. In parallel, the wheel
and sail were discovered, which improved land and sea transport and
activated trade. The first plows were also made, which allowed for
faster and deeper soil preparation for planting than with a hoe.
The First Civilizations
The world`s first urban civilisations emerged in the 4th millennium
BC in Mesopotamia and Egypt, in the area of the Middle East known
as the Fertile Crescent

Hydraulic civilisations
Agriculture was developed in Mesopotamia in the 7th millennium BC.

Mesopotamia means “between rivers”: Tigris and Euphrates

They created the first villages and cities of humanity close to these

They expanded this knowledge around the area and connected to the
Nile river.

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