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SGOXXX10.1177/21582440211040128SAGE OpenSyed Shaharuddin et al.

Original Research


A Review on the Malaysian and Indonesian

July-September 2021: 1­–19
© The Author(s) 2021
DOI: 10.1177/21582440211040128

Batik Production, Challenges, and

Innovations in the 21st Century

Sharifah Imihezri Syed Shaharuddin1 , Maryam Samirah Shamsuddin2,

Mohd Hafiz Drahman3, Zaimah Hasan4, Nurul Anissa Mohd Asri1,
Ahmad Amri Nordin1, and Norhashimah Mohd Shaffiar1

Malaysia and Indonesia are well known as prolific producers of batik in Southeast Asia. The history of batik in both countries
is deeply intertwined for more than a century. Most available published works related to batik production, challenges, and
innovations were discussed within the local batik context of each country. This study aims to identify collectively how far
batik, as a creative industry in these countries has progressed since its establishment until the present 21st century. It was
notable that batik craftsmanships have been mostly maintained as similar tools and techniques are persistently being used
until today in both countries. Significant progress was observed in the design and stylization of the batik design with the
use of digital approaches such as fractal geometry. Similar challenging problems faced by both nations were highlighted and
clustered into internal and external issues. It was concluded that assimilations of Third Industrial Revolution technology
(IR3.0) primarily centered on the use of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing to improve existing batik
production. Emerging studies have shown the positive impact of integrating Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) technology
such as augmented reality (AR) in promoting batik knowledge and transmitting batik as an intangible cultural heritage. The
transmission of batik skills to the young generation has been a persistent problem. Thus, a brief framework was proposed to
exemplify how IR4.0 technology can innovatively be used to transmit the batik skills via education platform.

batik, production, challenges, innovation, intangible cultural heritage

Introduction synthetic dye quickens the pace of production and has led to
the boom in the Indonesian batik industry in the 1920s
The term batik was believed to have been coined from these (Sekimoto, 2003).
Javanese words; ambatik or tritik. The suffix tik in each word The Indonesian batik industry has been acknowledged by
translates to “creating little dots.” Currently, the batik indus- the Department of Trading of Indonesia as part of its 14 exist-
try in Malaysia and Indonesia is dominated by two types of ing creative industries (Budiono & Vincent, 2010). The con-
production techniques, that is, hand-drawn batik (batik tjant- tribution of batik as a creative industry in building Indonesia’s
ing) and batik stamp (batik terap/blok). The establishment of economy and socio-culture is undeniable. The Indonesian
batik in Indonesia has a unique history that had spanned 700 batik makers are mostly home-based and consist of intercon-
years since the rule of Prince Wijaya from the Majapahit nected small and medium enterprises (SMEs) (Jones, 2018;
Kingdom in 1294 to 1309 (Suciati et al., 2014). Scholars Yoshanti & Dowaki, 2009) that are geographically located
speculated that the hand-drawn batik was initially reserved
to be worn by Javanese royalty (Steelyana, 2012). The devel-
opment of the batik stamp technique in the 1840s was respon- International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
sible for revolutionizing batik making because it allows for a WRMN Sdn. Bhd., Puchong, Malaysia
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Bachok, Malaysia
greater production rate compared to the hand-drawn batik 4
Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang, Malaysia
technique (Sekimoto, 2003). In the early 20th century, the
use of traditional dyes was gradually replaced with chemical Corresponding Author:
Sharifah Imihezri Syed Shaharuddin, Department of Manufacturing and
dyes from Britain and Germany. Synthetically produced dyes Materials Engineering, Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic
penetrate better into the fabric, thus decreasing the time for University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Gombak, Malaysia.
the dyeing process. The combination of batik stamp and Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of
the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages
2 SAGE Open

over its entire archipelago. However, well-known batik cen- economic and moral rights of creative industry practitioners
ters are mainly located in central Java such as in Cirebon, are governed in Law Number 28 in CA 2014 (Mauli, 2019).
Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, and Surakarta. Data sourced from Despite the need to adopt IPR among batik artisans in
the Indonesian Ministry of Industry and Trade revealed that Indonesia and Malaysia to protect their design (Budiono &
there are approximately 50,000 batik firms all over Indonesia Vincent, 2010; Nordin & Bakar, 2012), normalizing the
(Shamasundari, 2017) which created large job opportunities copyright practice has been a challenge due to varying per-
for the local communities (Hengky, 2014). UNESCO’s affir- ceptions and levels of acceptance. Mauli (2019) performed a
mation of batik as intangible cultural heritage (ICH) has study to identify the batik craftsmen’s perception toward
heightened its popularity in the international market scene copyright in the Laweyan district, Indonesia. The study
and enabled Indonesia to capitalize on economic benefits revealed that there was a low understanding of copyright law
(Zahidi, 2017). The Indonesian batik industry grew rapidly in the local community. The concept of protecting one’s cre-
with an increase in export value from 22 million USD in 2010 ative work by law is derived from western culture. Hence,
to 340 million USD in 2014 (Triwiswara, 2019; Zahidi, synchronizing the copyright law within the batik communi-
2017). It is anticipated that by 2021, there will be a growth of ties presents a problem as it collides with the culture of the
300% or equivalently 1.5 billion dollars batik exportation local community. Rather than monopolizing copyright indi-
value (Shamasundari, 2017). vidually, the Laweyan batik craftsmen have long accepted
The batik industry in Malaysia was initially introduced by that copyright belongs to the local community. Also, the
Javanese batik makers using the wood batik stamp technique Laweyan batik community sees batik production as a com-
east coast peninsular circa 1920s. The development of the munal and mutual-based activity. Subiyantoro et al.’s (2017)
batik stamp in the 1930s was spurred by the demand for tra- study on batik wood craftsmen in Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
ditional costumes known as batik sarong (Yunus, 2011). In also revealed that cultural and communal values have a great
comparison to Indonesia, the application of the hand-drawn influence on the lack of copyright registration on their craft.
batik technique into the Malaysian local scene occurred In this paper, the discussion on the progress in the batik
much later in the 1970s. Most batik firms in Malaysia are industry for both nations within the scope of production,
still pioneered by SMEs (86%) (Akhir et al., 2015). However, challenges, and innovations, is composed as follows: Section
in comparison to Indonesia, the population of Malaysian “Batik Production” provides a review on the batik produc-
batik entrepreneurs is still very small. Recent data obtained tion, design, and materials; section “Challenges in the Batik
from Kraftangan Malaysia revealed that the total number of Industry” discusses batik’s sustainable challenges; section
registered batik stamp and hand-drawn batik entrepreneurs “Batik Innovations” highlights batik innovations; section
in 2019 was only 651 and is mainly located in Kelantan and “Batik Innovation” summarizes the role of batik as an ICH;
Terengganu. and finally, chapter “Batik as an Intangible Cultural Heritage”
Malaysian batik as part of the creative industry that con- concludes the review and further recommendations for the
tributes toward national revenue and in developing the coun- batik industry.
try’s cultural identity has long been acknowledged. The
Malaysia Creative Industry Policy has delineated the impor-
Batik Production
tance of talent development, government policies, funding,
marketing, technology, as well as research and commercial- Batik is a process that applies resist materials and dyes repet-
ization to ensure the growth of the batik industry (Eshaq, itively to build up the design on the fabric (Tucker, 1999)
2019). In 2017, the textile-based merchandise was reported using traditional tools. The hand-drawn and batik stamp
to be the largest sale contributor (49%) of the overall craft techniques differ in terms of the tools used, production time,
industry which amounts to RM243 million. In this share, ability to deliver complex design, product price, and volume
81% or close to 196.83 million worth of sales value was of output. In the hand-drawn process, tjanting is commonly
accrued from batik merchandise (Anon, 2017). It is projected used to draw wax designs on the fabric. The molten wax con-
that batik exports will increase to RM24bil in 2020 (Nair, tinuously flows onto the fabric from a small brass-made or
2014). copper-made cup and spout that is attached to a wood-based
Recently, batik motifs have been reproduced via alterna- handle. The cup also acts as a wax reservoir. A cup and spout
tive means such as ink printing for mass production and dis- made from copper thermally perform superior to brass as
tribution. As a consequence, the local batik entrepreneurs copper is better at conserving heat (Affanti & Hidayat, 2019).
suffered from economic loss, as these look-alike batik tex- This allows the batik wax to be maintained in its melt form
tiles were sold at a cheaper price. There are various intellec- for a longer period.
tual property rights (IPRs) that apply to protect batik designs. The batik stamp technique uses a metal block that is
In Malaysia, the domestic IPRs that are applicable to protect dipped into molten wax and then impressed onto the fabric to
local batik designs are the Copyright Act, 1987 (CA 1987) transfer the batik design motif. In comparison to the batik
and the Industrial Designs Act, 1996 (IDA 1996) (Nordin & stamp textile, the price of hand-drawn batik textile is more
Bakar, 2012). While Indonesia’s effort in protecting the expensive and is produced in smaller quantities (Rahman,
Syed Shaharuddin et al. 3

Figure 1. Example of (A) batik keraton with parang motif (source: Setyawan et al., 2015) and (B) batik pesisir with buketan motif (source:
Nuraryo, 2020).

2005). In this section, the approach in batik production in elaborated that the parang motif was traditionally worn by
Indonesia and Malaysia is viewed in the context of design, knights to symbolize their efforts in defending their country
techniques, and tools, batik wax, and dye used. from enemies. Hence, the locals believed that a bride who
wore such a motif during the wedding will live in dispute.
The size of the motif reflects the wearer’s social status and its
Batik Design Motif direction differ for men and women. Today, however, these
Indonesian batik motif often resonates with spiritual/philo- motifs are used by the locals with less regard for their hidden
sophical meaning, social status, religion, regional culture, philosophical meaning (Saddhono et al., 2014).
maritime trading, and colonization past (Jones, 2018; Sidhi The term “pesisir” in batik pesisir means coastal and
et al., 2020). Over the years, batik designs have become the therefore represents batik that was originally produced in the
product of culture and religious assimilation as seen in the coastal area north of Java such as Cirebon, Pekalongan,
design of batik from the Cirebon district (Sudardi, 2018). Bakaran, and Lasem. In comparison to batik keraton, batik
The richness of Indonesia’s culture is attributed to the nearly pesisir is worn by the common folks. Batik pesisir offers
630 ethnicities living in more than 3000 islands. For instance, more variety in terms of motifs and is recognized by its vivid
Yogyakarta which was announced as the City of the World color due to external influences from past maritime trading
Batik by the World Craft Council contributes to more than with merchants from China, Dutch–European, and Jambi.
400 classical and modern batik motifs (Hengky, 2014). As a For instance, Chinese influence is reflected in megamendung
result, categorizing the batik motifs can be overwhelming. (rain cloud), phoenix, lotus, and dragon motifs. Patria’s
Saddhono et al. (2014) explain that most experts categorize (2016) study on the effect of Dutch colonization in the late
the batik motifs as either originating from the royal palace 1840s mentioned the design integration of floral-based motif
referred to as batik keraton or designed by local merchants known as buketan and European fairytale motifs such as
such as batik pesisir as shown in Figure 1. mermaid and the red hood and the wolf. Japanese occupation
Batik keraton is also known as batik pedalaman (inland) in the 1940s had inspired new motifs stylized from cherry
or batik Vorstenlanden. Batik keraton is the oldest batik tra- blossoms, orchids, chrysanthemums, butterflies, and pea-
dition only worn by the royal courts that can be traced back cocks are known as batik Jawa Hokokai (Amira & Ramadhan,
to the Mataram era in Central Java (Steelyana, 2012). The 2018). Islamic influence had also influenced local designs
motif used symbolizes power and is often colored in earthy with floral motif and stylization of symbols as Islam prohib-
hues of black, brown, and dark yellow (sogan). One of the its figurative images.
most prominent batik motifs worn by the royal family is The adoption of batik stamp-based textile production in
known as parang shown in Figure 1 (A). Hengky (2014) Malaysia initially embraces similar motifs from the north
4 SAGE Open

Figure 2. (A) Triangular outline of pucuk rebung or bamboo shoot (source: Legino, 2016). (B) Pucuk rebung stylization in batik stamp
sarong (source: Samsuddin et al., 2020). (C) Modern stylization of Pucuk rebung in pastel colors.

coast batik centers of Java or batik pesisir (Yunus, 2011). In on interpretation of binary numbers (Ibrahim, 2020) and
comparison to Indonesia, batik has never been regarded as indigenous culture (Yusof, 2019) using traditional hand-
the main dressing code in the royal court of Malaysia (Yunus, drawn and batik stamp approaches are shown in Figure 3. In
2011). Malaysian batik motifs eventually progressed pre- Indonesia, digitally designed batik motifs using fractal
dominantly into floral and geometric stylization as dictated geometries and computational techniques have been experi-
by Islamic doctrine (Salleh, 2019; Yunus, 2011). A promi- mented with by Situngkir (2008). Figure 4 shows the resul-
nent batik motif that is continuously used until today is tant study of batik patterns constructed using L-System
known as pucuk rebung which was inspired by the tapered Thue–Morse algorithm for the Jambinese melati motif and
triangular feature of rebung or bamboo shoot (Arney, 1987; random tessellation process for Javanese sawat.
Legino, 2016; Samsuddin et al., 2020) as shown in Figure 2.
Legino et al.’s (2015) study on various motifs of Malaysian
Batik Techniques and Tools
batik sarong and proposed that there were two delineated
shifts in design that were brought upon by the constitutional The general batik process is shown in Figure 5. There are
and policy changes in Malaysia. The first shift toward more two main activities in the batik process which are clus-
localized Malay motifs occurred as Malaysia gained its inde- tered as (a) waxing and dye staining stage and (b) wax
pendence in 1957. The next 14 years witness the evolution of removing stage.
the batik sarong industry in line with the progression of It was observed that there is a distinct difference during
Malay aesthetics in other areas of the creative industries such the waxing process between the batik craftsmen in Indonesia
as visual arts and crafts. By 1971, the introduction of the and Malaysia. In Indonesia, it is a traditional common prac-
National Cultural Policy spurred the second phase of changes tice that designs made using batik stamp was further refined
in the motif design. The new policy encourages the use of with detailed motifs using tjanting. The process is done
motifs that would truly represent Malaysian diverse cultural while sitting down, and the cloth is partially supported by
identity. Malaysian batik motif is larger, stylistically less their palm while the rest of the cloth is draped over a bam-
complex, and rarely employs tjanting to add further detailing boo cross-bar structure or gawangan (Tucker, 1999) as
to the existing design in batik stamp fabric (Samsuddin et al., shown in Figure 6. Meanwhile, Malaysian batik craftsmen
2020). apply wax on a cloth that is stretched between wooden
The traditional batik motif in both nations has also trans- frames while standing.
formed into contemporary design in the recent decade, owing
to the competitiveness in the batik market scene. New batik
Batik Wax
motifs with a modern twist are developed based on the
designer’s interpretation, rather than on traditional philo- Batik wax consists of varying combinations of natural and
sophical guidelines. Examples of modern batik motifs based synthetic substances. The quality of batik wax has been
Syed Shaharuddin et al. 5

Figure 3. Contemporary Malaysian design influenced by (A) technology such as binary numbers (Ibrahim, 2020) (B) indigenous culture
(Yusof, 2019).

defined based on several criteria as follows; latching or

adherence power, resistance against cracking, alkaline
chemicals and colorant diffusion in the cold and warm dye
solution, pliability, ability to render designs with sharp
lines, the color wax stain, ease of removal from fabric, ease
of solidification, stickiness, ease of melting, ease of use,
and cost (Kudiya et al., 2014; Kusumawati et al., 2017).
The batik waxes used in Indonesia consist of a mixture of
shorea javanica (damar mata kucing), pine gum (gon-
dorukem), beeswax, coconut oil, animal fat, lancing wax,
and paraffin (Malik et al., 2018). In comparison, the batik
artisans in Malaysia use batik resist materials that are
mainly made from varying ratios of beeswax, paraffin,
dammar, and vegetable oil.
Beeswax is processed from empty honeycombs (Apis
mellifera L., Fam. Apidae) and primarily consists of a large
number of fatty acid esters (more than 70%) and to a lesser
extent of hydrocarbons, free acids, and long-chain alcohols
(Amin et al., 2017; Kuznesof, 2005; Ruguo et al., 2011; Yao
& Wang, 2012). Pure beeswax is pliable and adheres well to
fabric. The water-resistive or superhydrophobic nature of
beeswax is attributed to the presence of a high amount of
chain methylene [int-(CH2)] of more than 95% (Reshmi
et al., 2017). The aromatic hydrocarbon structure of bees- Figure 4. Indonesian batik ornaments and pattern using (A)
wax is said to be responsible for the hydrophobic spreading L-System Thue–Morse algorithm for Jambinese melati motif and
(B) random tessellation process for Javanese sawat motif (source:
of beeswax on fabric (Masae et al., 2014) which allows the
Situngkir, 2008).
batik artist to create smooth, intricate, and well-defined
Paraffin wax, a byproduct of petroleum distillates consists has less adherence property to the fabric. Paraffin’s brittle
of a solid crystalline mixture of hydrocarbons molecules or nature creates the batik hallmark effect known as “crackle”
alkanes (Sparks, 1954). In comparison to beeswax, paraffin or “hairline crack” as shown in Figure 7. Paraffin offers a
6 SAGE Open

Figure 5. The general sequence of the batik process.

lower melting temperature than beeswax because its struc-

ture predominantly consists of simple chain alkanes, while
beeswax is composed of complicated structures and mix
esters that contribute to its high molecular weight (Ruguo
et al., 2011). One of the undesired effects of using pure paraf-
fin is that the wax tends to entirely flake off or crack which
affects the design. Thus, the mixture of beeswax/paraffin is
often adjusted to achieve the desired crackle effect in the
batik design. Recently, soy wax has been given focus as a
biodegradable and renewal candidate to paraffin wax (Rezaei
et al., 2002). The performance of soy-based wax as batik-
resist material, however, has not been empirically studied.
Dammar is a resin produced from dipterocarpaceae tree
family which grows in abundance in Malaysia and Indonesia.
This triterpenoid-dominated resin contains fractions of vola-
tile, monomeric, and high-molecular-weight components
Figure 6. The difference in the batik artisan posture and with a very complicated chemical structure (Bonaduce et al.,
working setup while using the batik tjanting tool in Indonesia 2016; Vahur et al., 2012). Dammar is expensive thus, only a
(UNESCO, 2020). small amount of dammar is added to the wax composition to
Syed Shaharuddin et al. 7

Figure 7. The typical crackle effect obtained from using paraffin wax (A) and mixed paraffin wax (B).

improve the wax resistance against alkali treatment (Kudiya with the terminal –OH (hydroxyl) group of cellulose-based
et al., 2014) as well as increasing adhesiveness (Bomford & fibers and the terminal –NH2 (amino) group of polyamide-
Staniforth, 1981). Addition of vegetable/kerosene oil or ani- based or wool-based fibers, thereby increasing the bonding
mal fat aids in dissolving the waxes and lowers the melting strength between both dye and fabric. As a result, fabrics
point of the batik wax blend (Kudiya et al., 2018; Malik infused with reactive dyes do not discolor easily with the
et al., 2018). increasing number of wash. Reactive dyes also have a more
stable electron configuration which imparts good lightfast-
ness property against the ultraviolet (UV) degradation effect.
Batik Dyes and Chemicals
Traditionally, natural dyes were obtained by simple extrac-
Challenges in the Batik Industry
tion method from plants such as indigofera tinctoria to obtain
indigo dye, peltophorum pterocarpum backer for sogan-yel- Over the years, batik production in Malaysia and Indonesia
lowish-brown hue and from the root bark of morinda citrifo- faces various challenges due to the ever-changing land-
lia to produce mengkuda-dark red hue. Mixing these colors scape in local culture and community, social values, and
such as indigo with sogan or mengkuda would produce a global economy. An overview of the challenging issues
green or purple hue, respectively. Deeper shades of hue highlighted in various studies (Budiono & Vincent, 2010;
depend on the length of time the fabric is soaked or the num- Felaza, 2016; Iriani, 2013; Redzuan & Aref, 2011;
ber of times the fabric is immersed in the dye bath. Natural Syahputra & Soesanti, 2016) in batik industries is mapped
dyes are commonly used in Indonesia before 1856 (Felaza, in Figure 8. Several sustainable batik production issues
2016). The trading between Indonesia and Dutch in the 18th related to the environment, economy, use of natural
century introduces artificial dyes from India which adds to resources, energy utilization, and safety (Indarti et al.,
the existing repertoire of colors (Patria, 2016). With techno- 2020) are also incorporated in the framework.
logical advancement, the ensuing years mark the inclusion of In general, the raw materials used in batik are fabrics, wax,
synthetic dyes in the traditional batik. chemicals, and dyes. Unfortunately, except for beeswax and
There are several categories of synthetically produced dammar which can be sourced regionally, other batik materi-
dyes such as cold water fiber reactive dyes, acid dyes, and als had to be imported (Redzuan & Aref, 2011). For instance,
naphthol dyes. Presently, the batik industries in Indonesia both Malaysia and Indonesia mainly import cotton (locally
and Malaysia are using both natural and synthetic dyes. known as mori fabric) from China, India, and America while
Unlike other types of dyes that adhere to the fiber by adsorp- chemical dye is sourced from Germany (Akhir et al., 2015;
tion, the molecules of reactive dyes can form a covalent bond Yoshanti & Dowaki, 2009). The depreciation of local
8 SAGE Open

Figure 8. External and internal challenges in the batik industry in Malaysia and Indonesia.

currency or fluctuations of the market price of raw material the import value drastically increased up to 30 million USD in
affects the sustainability of batik products as the entrepre- 2013 due to slashed value on import duty.
neurs have little control over the cost of their products The development of skilled human capital is pertinent to
(Yoshanti & Dowaki, 2009). Another threat to local batik the batik industry (Manan & Jan) 2010 because the produc-
makers also comes from the huge inflows of printed batik tex- tion technology used for batik is still manual and very much
tile to the domestic market. These printed batik textiles are labor-intensive (Elamvazuthi & Morris, 1997; Salleh et al.,
cheaper and have caused the demand for the local batik to 2008). Unfortunately, as with any craft-based industry that
slowly decline over the years. Budiono and Vincent (2010) still uses traditional techniques, the number of batik work-
have also raised their concern that these printed batiks led to ers is also seen to have dwindled in recent years (Khalili,
confusion in recognizing genuine and traditionally produced 2018). Both nations find that it is getting harder to attract
batik. The importation of these batiks was alleged to incur youths to participate in the local batik industry (Akhir et al.,
huge losses of about RM3 million per year to almost 200 2015; Dwinugroho et al., 2019; Khalili, 2018; Vatvani,
Malaysian batik entrepreneurs (Nordin & Bakar, 2012). The 2019). The reasons for this scenario are attributed to vari-
competition for batik market share in Indonesia was further ous local economic factors as follows: low wages, decreas-
aggravated with the implementation of the ASEAN-China ing product demand, unstable income, and the boom of
Free Trade Area (ACFTA) in 2007. A comparative study on other types of industries (Redzuan & Aref, 2011; Vatvani,
the effect of ACFTA revealed that the import value was aver- 2019). Malaysia is now facing diminishing craftsmen that
aged at 10 million USD per year before the policy was intro- specialize in the fabrication of batik stamps from metals
duced (Kurniawan & Syah, 2017). After its implementation, (Lias et al., 2020).
Syed Shaharuddin et al. 9

Ergonomic studies have been conducted to assess the boiling process. However, Rashidi et al. (2013) commented
effect of manual batik production on local batik artisans in that such an approach may not be sustainable because extra
both countries. Musa et al.’s (2000) study on hand-drawn operational time is needed. Hence, local researchers have
batik workers in Kelantan, Malaysia, revealed that 60.2% of resorted to the use of activated carbons derived from local
batik workers suffered from musculoskeletal disorders agricultural waste such as pineapple (Subki, 2017) and palm
(MSDs) involving pain at the shoulder, lower back, and shell (Birgani et al., 2016) to adsorb and filter batik effluents
ankle. A separate study in the neighboring state, Terengganu as sustainable means to remediate pollution from batik waste-
by Yusof et al. (2013) elucidated a similar prevalence of waters. Rashidi et al. (2013, 2016) studies on baffle tank pre-
MSDs afflicting the shoulders of the batik makers (64.5%). treatment have shown positive results in removing wax
Their study also highlighted that aside from prolonged stand- wastes and reducing pH as well as COD.
ing, MSDs are also attributed to repetitive movement and Presently, most wastewater treatments to treat dye efflu-
poor workstation design. Siswiyanti et al. (2019) ergonomic ents are proposed based on physical and chemical methods.
study in Kalinyamat Wetan Kota Tegal, Indonesia revealed The use of the biological method is possible but requires a
that the dyeing process which involves stooping and squat- longer retention period and may not be efficient in removing
ting procedures has resulted in musculoskeletal complaints wastewater laden with heavy toxic metal (Aouni et al., 2009).
in various parts of the worker’s body. The high tendency for Batik wastewater treatment performed using an anaerobic-
MSDs found by these studies is a socio-economic burden aerobic process approach in which the long-chain organic
and has a major impact on the health and quality of perfor- substance will first be degraded (anaerobic) followed by
mance of the batik workers (Siswiyanti et al., 2019). transformation into gas and water (aerobic) has been explored
Ergonomic studies have resulted in better working posture (Kristijanto et al., 2011). A more holistic environmental
proposals and ergonomically designed batik tools to reduce approach should be advocated to manage the batik process
the tendency for MSDs (Anugraha et al., 2015; Sutari et al., and waste to allow batik to achieve the status of a sustainable
2015) which aids the sustainability of the industry. industry. A viable option is to complement the wastewater
The manufacturing of textiles typically involves both treatment activities with environmental management for
chemical and nonchemical treatments at various stages of its cleaner production (CP), a concept that assumes the use of
production. Batik, a wet textile process uses a large amount “ineffective” raw materials or products would lead to con-
of water during the soaking, boiling, and rinsing process. tamination (Susanty et al., 2013).
Direct effluent discharge into inland waterways and ground
from the wet textile process has consistently been a major
source of water pollution and soil contamination (Amutha,
Batik Innovations
2017; Budiyanto et al., 2018). As most fabrics have a low The Indonesian National Standard (0239:2014) defines batik
dye uptake, a large amount of these dyes are still retained in as a handicraft where batik wax is transferred on the fabric
the wastewater. Synthetic dyes may not degrade easily due to using canting or stamp tool to create meaningful motifs
their complicated and structurally stable nature (Holkar (Affanti & Hidayat, 2019). Complete mechanization of batik
et al., 2016). The use of chemical-based mordant to bind the production contradicts the Malaysian Handicraft
natural dye to the fibers of the fabric such as alum (aluminum Development Corp Act 1979 (Act 222) in which handicraft is
sulfate) also plays a contributing role to environmental pol- defined as any “artistic product which is graced with cultural
lution (Rinawati et al., 2017). Thus, the use of naturally or traditional appeal and is the outcome of any process which
sourced dyes only provides a better alternative if the mordant is dependent solely or partly on the manual skill, and includes
used is also from naturally sourced material. The use of these any batik product.” Thus, any product cannot be claimed as
dyes, chemicals, organic, and inorganic pollutants (waxes) batik if it is 100% made by a printing machine. In 2009,
contribute to high pH, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and UNESCO classified batik, a natural heritage into three clus-
total suspended solids (TSSs) in the wastewaters (Birgani ters which are hand-drawn batik (batik tjanting), batik stamp
et al., 2016) and poses a significant threat to both human and (batik terap/blok), and a combination of both clusters
marine aquatic life (Amutha, 2017). (Nugroho, 2013). The definition of batik has put both
Recent studies show relevant sustainable batik waste man- Malaysia and Indonesia on a dilemmatic crossroads in set-
agement systems and environmental awareness in both coun- ting future directions as these batik definitions contradict the
tries are still lacking (Budiyanto et al., 2018; Yaacob et al., necessity to replace human labor with an automated process.
2016). Most batik industries are located alongside rivers and Nevertheless, predominant sustainability issues in Indonesia
coastlines which are nondesignated industrial areas; hence, and Malaysia batik production due to the declining number
the effluents are commonly collected in vessels or directly of skilled labor, low productivity, and laborious nature of
discharged into river or drainage systems with insufficient or work have triggered various studies and development of
zero prior treatment (Triwiswara, 2019). The simplest mean automated batik process prototypes.
of batik wastewater treatments is to skim the wax that floats Technologically driven innovations can be seen in vari-
on top of the wastewater after it has cooled down from the ous phases of batik production such as tooling, processing,
10 SAGE Open

Figure 9. Electric tjanting known as (A) Swanata and (B) Ladoe (Affanti & Hidayat, 2019).

design, product, and marketing. In this article, a review of were cut to produce circular motifs, dots, and dotted lines of
batik innovations is discussed within the context of tools, various sizes.
processes, and designs. The adoption of computer-based Studies on the automation of batik production are mainly
technology such as computer numerical controlled (CNC), based on the batik tjanting and batik stamp process. In 1995,
computer-aided design (CAD), and computer-aided manu- SIRIM Berhad in Malaysia initiated a prototype design
facturing (CAM) systems to automate the batik process known as Integrated Computer-Aided Tjanting System
seen in both Malaysia and Indonesia has certainly put what (ICATS) (Hitchcock & Nuryanti, 2016). The ICATS system
used to be a traditional industry in the track of the Third uses CAD and CAM software. The CAD/CAM system con-
Industrial Revolution (IR3.0). verts any 2D motifs into sets of G-codes that control the
The batik artisan uses the tjanting to intermittently scoop movement of the extruder to create the desired batik motif on
the melted wax from a nearby heated wax pot and then draws the cloth. The differences between the waxing phase in the
the wax motifs on the fabric. To compensate for the lack of traditional batik approach (refer to Figure 5) and the auto-
continuous isothermal heating of the tjanting, electric tjant- matic batik approach (adapted from Muthi’ah, 2018) using
ing has been developed with a temperature controller. The tjanting is translated in the process flow shown in Figure 10.
electric tjanting has been one of the innovation priorities in Later in 1997, Elamvazuthi and Morris (1997) proposed an
batik SME (Rizana et al., 2018). Aditya et al. (2019) ana- automatic batik coloring machine that consists of coloring
lyzed the compatibility of a microcontroller-based system to software and controller subsystems.
regulate the temperature and the viscosity of the batik wax. Dwinugroho et al. (2019) had designed and developed an
Their study revealed that satisfactory heating response was automatic batik stamp machine with grippers, based on the
achieved using the proportional–integral–derivative (PID) integration of CNC and programmable logic control (PLC).
controller. Examples of the electric tjanting known as Their study revealed that the design can be stamped with
Swanata electric tjanting and Ladoe electric tjanting are higher consistency and accuracy compared to manual stamp-
shown in Figure 9. ing. However, it is slower by 75 seconds compared to manual
The material used for batik tools such as tjanting and stamping. Wibisono et al. (2016) had also created an auto-
batik stamp has also gone through several transformations. matic batik stamp system with options in coloring, dyeing,
The wax cup/container for the tjanting which was initially and wax removing. Recently, Mohammed et al. (2019) con-
made from copper has now been replaced with brass as a ceptually derived an automated system for batik screen print-
cost-cutting measure. The material for the batik stamp has ing. In their study, the new system was integrated with IoT
also progressed from cassava tubers to wood, copper, and technology which allows online monitoring and control of
aluminum. Aluminum batik stamp has been developed using the production process.
machining process by Suryanto et al. (2016) via CNC mill- Batik innovations in the context of production have yet to
ing machines. The hand-made batik image was directly con- be adopted at a large scale in both countries. Affanti and
verted into a 2D drawing using Vectric Aspire 4.0 followed Hidayat’s (2019) study on the acceptance of local batik crafts-
by Master Cam and Mach 3 software to create the CNC tool- men in the batik centers in Surakarta, Indonesia revealed
path. Recently, batik stamp using sustainable material such that, unless the innovative and new forms of batik tools can
as naturally sourced bamboo has been investigated by Lias provide better comfort and efficiency, the local batik artisans
et al. (2020). Various cross-sections of the bamboo trunk would still prefer the use of traditional batik equipment. The
Syed Shaharuddin et al. 11

Figure 10. A comparison of the traditional and automatic system based on the batik tjanting approach (the automatic process was
adapted from (Muthi’ah, 2018)).

batik artisans in Malaysia have also been less receptive to process, Kusuma et al. (2019) developed an image transfer
these radical developments in batik production (Ismail et al., application using a vertex marker-based augmented reality
2019). Initial rejections are anticipated because central to the (AR) approach. The artisan can use the application to dis-
batik practice, the artisans often develop an attachment to the play the motifs directly onto the fabric, resulting in a reduc-
crafting process due to personal emotions, values, and mem- tion in sketching time by 80%. The last phase in the batik
ory (Niedderer & Townsend, 2014). process is de-waxing (refer to Figure 5). At this stage, the
However, studies on prototypes have shown that tech- wax is removed manually by immersing the cloth in hot
nology indeed has eased up the time-consuming process of water for a certain length of time (10 minutes per cloth).
batik making. Muthi’ah’s (2018) assessment on the perfor- The physical burden, low productivity, and safety issues
mance of a batik printer machine based on CAM, and CNC initiated Hakim et al. (2017) to develop a semiautomatic
system known as batik Klowong machine reported that the wax removal machine using an electric motor. The new
machine was able to apply wax on the fabric with high pre- machine was reported to be capable of shortening the wax
cision and accuracy as per the original computer image. removal time by 7 minutes for every four clothes.
However, the machine could not perform isen-isen (orna- The Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) represents emerg-
mental details) and tembokan (block patterns). The tradi- ing technological breakthroughs such as cloud computing/
tional batik tjanting process involves creating sketches of manufacturing, cyber-physical systems (CPSs), internet of
motifs and copying these motifs to the fabric using a pencil things (IoT), robotics, big data, additive manufacturing (3D
(refer to Figure 5). As an alternative to this sketching printing), and augmented reality (AR) that allows people,
12 SAGE Open

industrial processes, and product to interact as a collaborative Their study pointed out that the listing of batik as ICH coin-
community (Nagy et al., 2018). The use of IR4.0 tools is cided with the shift of Indonesia’s cultural policy from edu-
mostly reflected in recent batik design innovations. Widiaty cation affiliated to tourism affiliated. This presented an
et al. (2020) constructed an Android and iOS-based apps, Jahit opportunity to redefine the scale of cultural policy and new
Batik Asyik which allows users to define their preferred batik engagements with local and international connections. In
pattern and fabric. Pixel Indonesia created jBatik, a software support of the ICH policy, President Yudhoyono declared
that can generate repetitive patterns by adjusting the variables Friday as National Batik Day where civil servants are encour-
in fractal mathematical formulas using L-System language aged to wear batik. This has had a profound impact on the
(Nurjanah et al., 2020). The application aims to create a syn- revival of the batik community in Indonesia since textile
ergy between modern elements and traditional design philoso- deregulation in the 1970s (Jones, 2018). UNESCO’s declara-
phy (Ciptandi, 2019). tion on batik has led to increased awareness of ICH practice
Technological inclusions for designing new batik patterns within the local community.
have resulted in a positive impact on the local community. Today, batik is well adapted in the modern lifestyle not
Margried (2015) evaluated the impact of exposure in using only for daily wear but also for homeware and decorative
jBatik software to digitally create batik fractal patterns purposes in Indonesia as well as Malaysia. However, preser-
among the residents of Kampung Dago Pojok in Indonesia. vation of batik as ICH has been a constant challenge as it
At the same time, traditional means of making batik design requires conscientious and aligned efforts from various par-
was also exposed to the locals. The study observed that the ties, that is, national governments, museums, cultural organi-
exposure in designing had triggered ideas and interest in zations, and local communities. The process of preserving
batik making which can potentially nurture entrepreneurial something that is in the intangible form such as batik making
activities. It is anticipated that the integration of digital has been demanding as it involves documenting craft skills
designing in batik would have a profound impact on the tech- that are mainly formed by tacit knowledge and transmitted
nologically receptive younger generation as evidenced in over generations via audible and visible medium. Unlike tan-
similar programs conducted in Pekalongan, Cirebon, and gible cultural heritage (TCH) such as the Borobudur and
Yogyakarta (Margried, 2015). Prahasiwi et al. (2019) devel- Great Wall of China that remain unchanged with time, ICH
oped web-based applications to create insitu 3D batik design constantly changes due to cultural and societal interaction
using triangular mesh for batik Semarangan motif. Their within the community (Saddhono et al., 2014; Yim, 2004).
analysis found that high learnability value was achieved Recently, there has been an escalating awareness from the
among users using multipage website approach. The use of international communities on ICH being endangered due to
digitally designed batik motifs encourages creativity, accel- globalization, industrialization, and urbanization. Though it
erates the design creation process and reproducibility. It is is technology that initially threatens ICH, harnessing the
foreseen that there will be new job scope in the batik indus- right technology systematically can also be an invaluable aid
tries for digital batik designers who are well versed in 2D for batik survival.
design and image conversion using open-sourced software. The batik motifs in Indonesia are diverse and distinctively
regional and this has led to the proliferation of local research
on developing digital techniques for batik image extraction
Batik as an ICH
and classification to safeguard batik as a cultural heritage.
Despite being in existence for several centuries, there has Various approaches have been proposed for image retrieval
been little evolution in the craftsmanship in making batik as and classification such as Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
similar tools and techniques are persistently being used until (SIFT) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier (Azhar
today. Previously, UNESCO’s scope of cultural heritage et al., 2015), fuzzy neural network (Rangkuti et al., 2015),
defined in the Convention Concerning the Protection of the and convolutional neural network (Prasetyo & Akardihas,
World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1972 was primarily 2019; Wicaksono et al., 2017). Amin et al. (2011) proposed a
limited to tangible heritage. The inclusion of traditional digital system to develop a knowledge repository model for
craftsmanship in the ICH was only adopted in the 2003 archiving ICH. Their study identified six (6) factors to be
Convention. UNESCO defines ICH as the practices, repre- integrated into the repository model development which are
sentations, expressions, knowledge, skills—as well as the related to human, information communication technology,
instruments, objects, artifacts and cultural spaces associated governance, legal/policy, religion, and geographical factors.
therewith—that communities, groups and, in some cases, Presently, research related to the use of new technologies to
individuals recognize as part of their cultural heritage. In support ICH is still lacking (Alivizatou-Barakou et al., 2017).
October 2009, UNESCO finally declared batik as the ICH of The transmission of batik skills from experienced batik
Humanity of Indonesia. Batik is a cultural heritage primarily practitioners to the young generation is still a persistent prob-
due to the art involved in producing batik (Rangkuti et al., lem (Rante et al., 2014; UNESCO, 2013). This has led to the
2015). Nearly a decade later, Jones (2018) conducted an implementation of batik education frameworks into various
assessment on the impact of ICH policy on Indonesian batik. strata of formal/non-formal education from primary school
Syed Shaharuddin et al. 13

(age 7–12 years old), secondary school (age 13–17 years old) To create a sense of belonging and appreciation of the
until tertiary institutions. Indonesia’s Act 20 on National younger generation toward their ancestral culture it is perti-
Education System in 2003 allows specific local content to be nent that batik as an ICH forms part of the education frame-
taught as part of the school curriculum (UNESCO, 2013). In work. Transmission of ICH to students in the informal
2005, the Pekalongan local educational authorities collabo- institution, school, and university should be engaging and
rated with Museum Batik Pekalongan to initiate batik pro- promotes active learning rather than simply archival with
grams for teachers and students that focused on the historical access to information. Thus, the incorporation of technology
and cultural value as well as traditional skills using tjanting such as digital gamification and AR can serve as powerful
(Wang, 2019). As a result, by 2009, the batik education net- tools to engage experiential learning, motivation, and self-
work had reached 230 schools in Pekalongan, and the pro- regulated learning of the end-user (Alivizatou-Barakou et al.,
gram was selected by UNESCO as Register of Good 2017). These technologies have been theoretically proposed
Safeguarding Practices. and assessed for batik learning at all levels of educations. For
As mentioned earlier, batik is defined based on the pro- instance, gamification of the batik activities to cater to the
cess of using stamp or tjanting with wax resist-dyeing pro- children’s age group (4–8 years old and 9–11 years old) has
cess to form meaningful design (Affanti & Hidayat, 2019; been proposed by Rante et al. (2014). Waxing activity was
Situngkir, 2008). Learning batik skills for younger chil- embedded in the software for the older age group. AR archi-
dren has been constrained due to the risk of using tjanting tecture has been developed to aid in the understanding of
with hot wax. As an alternative, Pertiwi and Sutapa (2018) local batik knowledge and philosophy for elementary (Tosida
developed a batik learning model for early childhood edu- et al., 2018), vocational (Widiaty et al., 2015), and special
cation which was packaged into a learning video (CD) and need students (Widiaty et al., 2017). Tosida et al.’s (2018)
guidebook. Their evaluation showed that the batik learning study showed that AR technology can be used to increase
tools were effective and appropriate for early childhood. student learning interest. Widiaty et al.’s (2017) assessment
The safety concern was addressed by replacing hot wax of AR for batik patterns developed for android mobile
with cold wax. resulted in an increase in spatial intelligence and enthusiasm
There have been various efforts by both Malaysian and among special needs children.
Indonesian governments to improve batik education using Except for the AR architecture developed by Kusuma
various learning media. Introduction to batik skills was occa- et al. (2019) to aid in speeding up the batik tjanting pro-
sionally attained by exposing the schoolchildren to local cess, it was noted that AR framework that focuses on batik
batik artisans’ workshops before the batik activities in the stamping has been less emphasized. Batik stamping
classroom environment (Anon, 2012; Wardani et al., 2018). requires a highly skilled artisan to repetitively impress pat-
The batik module in Malaysian art education is standardized terns at the precise location on the fabric. A study by
across all primary and secondary levels and is accessible Pratiwi et al. (2019) revealed that the task of stamping the
through visual art education classes. In comparison, the batik fabric using metal block represents the biggest error during
education framework in Indonesia may vary according to production attributed to the exhaustion from standing
each region. For instance, Amalia and Sunarya (2019) while stamping, exposure to heat radiated from the wax
reported that batik was only taught theoretically in primary stove, age, and skills. Any wax spills on the fabric are dif-
schools in Yogyakarta due to time limitations. Hence, an ficult to be corrected, consume time, and affect the quality
innovative learning approach was proposed in which batik of the fabric. Figure 11 shows a proposed theoretical
local content was delivered as a project-based learning framework that focuses on the transmission of batik stamp-
model. The outcomes of the learning model promote autono- ing skills based on prior studies (Alivizatou-Barakou et al.,
mous knowledge construction, production of tangible prod- 2017; Amin et al., 2011; Mancacaritadipura, 2009). The
ucts, and optimal management of learning and teaching body, hand, and finger posture and movement can be cap-
materials. A separate case study in Surabaya reported that tured using motion capture sensors (marker-based and
implementation of batik making for primary school children nonmarker-based) and interphase software. Motion analy-
was nonexistent (Wardani et al., 2018). Thus, a training pro- sis can then be used to allow information to be extracted
gram was proposed which include direct skill learning from from the sequence of motion capture. The information can
batik artisans. It was noted that the whole process from motif be analyzed to recognize the specific style of holding the
designing, nglowong, or outlining batik motifs with wax batik tools and how wax is applied to the fabric. Today’s
using tjanting, colek, or coloring and finally wax removal advancement of computer graphics allows the intangible
forms the backbone of the batik education module. Silah waxing skill to be narrated and presented in 3D visualiza-
et al. (2020) elucidated the differences in the batik learning tion. The possibility of manipulating technology for batik
content for these school systems in both countries. The study stamping in education is endless. For instance, a multisen-
also highlighted that both countries commonly emphasized sory virtual experience using a haptic feedback system
learning contents related to batik materials and production would make the fingertips to be sensitive to pressure as
skills/method at the secondary level. one stamps batik pattern on cloth.
14 SAGE Open

Figure 11. Technological framework for preservation and transmission of batik stamping skills via education.

Table 1. Batik Production in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Issue Indonesia Malaysia

Business category Mainly small and medium enterprises (SME) Mainly small and medium enterprises (SME)
Industrial locations Batik SMEs are geographically located across its entire Batik SMEs are prominently located in the east coast
archipelago. of Malaysia peninsular (Kelantan and Terengganu)
Design motif There is a wide diversity in motifs that include flora, fauna, The motif designs are mainly based on indigenous
and Islamic design concept distinct to each region in culture, flora, and Islamic design concepts. Initial
Indonesia. motifs were influenced by trading with Indonesian
Motifs are complex, highly diversified, and imbued with merchants—batik pesisir.
philosophical meaning, social status, religion, regional
culture, maritime trading, and colonization past.
Technique Waxing using tjanting is traditionally done whilst sitting Waxing using tjanting is traditionally done whilst
down on a stool. The cloth is supported from beneath by standing. The cloth is stretched between two
their palm. supporting frames.
Batik wax Consist of a mixture of shorea javanica (damar mata Consist of a mixture of beeswax, paraffin, dammar,
kucing), pine gum (gondorukem), beeswax, coconut oil, and vegetable oil.
animal fat, lancing wax, and paraffin
Colorant dye Uses both natural and synthetic dyes. The use of natural Uses both natural and synthetic dyes. The use of
dye is more common before the import of synthetic dyes. natural dye is more common before the import of
The color used is distinct to each region and culture. synthetic dyes.

Conclusion methods were vice versa. The philosophical meaning and

implications of wearing Indonesian batik can be quite com-
The history of batik spans over hundreds of years and plex as these motifs represent spiritual/philosophical mean-
reached its pinnacle of artistic expression in Java, Indonesia. ing, social status, and regional culture. Table 1 summarizes
The local batik industry in Indonesia started with the hand- the batik production in Indonesia and Malaysia from various
drawn batik or batik tjanting and later progressed to batik aspects. Modern batik has evolved from being rigidly con-
block. While Malaysia’s adoption and progress of batik fined by these traditional guidelines into the designer’s
Syed Shaharuddin et al. 15

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